Xavier dux Verdier


B l u e
Name - A. Jester

Alright, its Xavier dux Verdier, I bet I didn't fool you eh? The name was in the title. e.e

Age - 69! Hahahah!

Alright. Enough with *those* jokes, he's really 17.

Height - Sky's the limit!

5'9. I know, a little bit... short on such a tall order.

Weight - Weightless abomination!

123 Lbs. No, I did not press the first three keys of my number-pad just because I am lazy. I came up with an original number and--- alright. I lied.

Race - Are you trying to let me, an outsider, assume a person's race? *TRIGGERED*

Illusionist (Basically another *unique* sub-race of Elves / Dark Elves Idek) \_("/)_/ 

Appearance - He looks like a living being. That's it.


Welp, I guess you learned what he looks like.









Personality - Personality? Peronsal-ity...? Personal... It seems you want to learn some *personal* stuff about him. Isn't that a bit pushy?

People must have prying eyes these days, eh? Xavier, while seeming to be one of those generic playful jesters, is in reality, a very complex person. While on the surface, he seems to be a crowd pleaser, always sticking with those who would pay attention to his antics. However, what lies deep within is a calculating, intelligent, quick-witted teenager who plays favorites, while rooting for both sides of a conflict and then just siding with a winner. He is manipulative, deceiving, but he also holds virtues and can be philosophical, but he would word his philosophies in a joking manner.






Bio - Gary I mean, Xavier, comes from a good middle class family. He works hard, and is aspiring for a degree!

Must be gaining a yandere type fangirl following now. We have some peepers who want the full scoop eh? Growing up from half-decent home, he learned from day 1 that he needed to be a crowd-pleaser in such a divided and cruel world. From birth, he had horrible and abusive parents because of their alcoholic tendencies. However, while being alone, he learned to be scheme, to plan, and plotted his escape and how he would survive. He ran away to a distant land which he has yet to reveal, (Very vague information eh...? I <3  roleplaying character development and backstory rather than just plop it in. Much more fun. :)  )  where he learned his trade of the art of shadow, light, and illusions from an unknown master. (Totally another point of character development! 2Sp00ky4me)  He then came to Altissa to quench his thirst for knowledge. While yes, he is knowledgeable already thanks through his teachings from an *unknown master*, he just wants to learn.


Racial Attributes - Wait. What? Is this some sort of racial profiling of sorts? Stuff like this is not a joking manner.

You are really persistant on knowing who I am. I like that... Not. Basically, an Illusionst is basically an elf that focuses on Shadow and Light magic, and illusions. In trading out of their natural-born elven abilities, they get in exchange a... persausive voice of sorts. They also heal faster than normal. I mean sure, this guy could have some traits of elves, but it doesn't really show. I mean, he could. *could* (Could.) (...Probaly will.)


Magic tricks? Ooooo! That sounds like fun.

Alright, I should scold you for continually peeking. But, I'll give you this one. Light & Shadow plus some Illusions! (Because who doesn't like those?)


Gear/Weapons/Equipment - FUS RO DAH!

Once more, we seek more about this fellow. Alright, let me straight up, illusions are just illusions. So I guess the ability that he can use those magical hoo-dickeys is a weapon enough. However, if he must dish out some damage, he has a Rapier + Main Gauche sitting around there somewhere, just a *normal* blade that in roleplay will totally *break and wear out* eventually. (Not.) Since elven magic baloney, it's a special set of blades that just don't break. 


Skills - Skills? S-Kills? Special Kills? That's a bit... Gory I guess. Uhm... Not Applicable?

Alright. You are really getting on my nerves. I feel bad for this guy, who's information is being distributed like hotcakes. Xavier, since he's a jester, he has a knack for music. I mean, he can also manipulate sounds and senses through... Sensory Manipulation *Which is an original name* but what do I know? Heheh. He can also force himself to act in a certain way in times of trouble. As if he was wearing a mask. Stoic Mask is the name of this ability! *Yet another orginial name* Lastly, he has a unique ability called Illusion Shifting where he can shift conciousness and being to one of the clones he can create. While he cannot execute his illusions as well as he could in his real body, but its a way of keeping himself alive in times of trouble. However, he must come back to his real body eventually, no matter what shape it is in. He also can travel with light and shadow... Oooowwweeeewhoooo! Alright. That basically means he can fly, teleport, and run super-duper fast.



Likes & Dislikes - Wait. You're asking what he likes and doesn't like? Isn't there this thing called meeting the person, and like, I don't know, getting to know them?

Our stalker here demanding as ever... Eh? Gotta learn about everything about this fellow. Jeez, alright I'll spill the beans .Xavier loves music with a passion and also loves to be around people. It's not like he's insecure or anything, *like a run-away would be anyway* but he does enjoy good company. However, he really detests olives. Don't ask me why. He grew up in a broken home and didn't get enough veggies.


Strengths & Weaknesses - None! He's perfectly normal as it is!

Alright, I'm assuming you read every spoiler I've listed. This is the part I speil about some virtious stuff, but I must say. Good job. I totally didn't do this to make you read my biography and actually have INTEREST in it. I, a good being, would never do that! (I did.) Anyway, thanks for reading all of this text instead of skimming through it. Really helps. I mean, you must be a fool if you did eh? Should'nt have spend those 5-10 minutes reading such a simple character sheet! Xavier's stregths are his relatability and his releveance when it comes to communications with other students. He fights with words and a pen besides a sword. He also has a knack for intelectual and physical stregnth. He may not trump the rest in the latter, but he is fairly more than competent when it comes to debate, rhetoric, and just making people look like fools. However, he has some key weaknesses. He is very insecure about himself, why not? He comes from low beginnings. He makes up with this with his skills. Secondly, he puts himself infront of others. Making sacarfises of his own happiness for the beenfits of others. A price one must pay to become a crowd pleaser. However, let's just say he isn't... happy about that.

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@Mitchs98 Hey! Just a friendly reminder to check this CS. Not that I think that you won't of course. ...Not? Alright, I don't know how to insert some sort of joke or gag in this post so uhm. this is awkward. \_("/)_/ (Totally should read the spoilers and not pay attention to those gags above.)

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