Write the person above's obituary


Screaming Ibuki
Write the person above you's obituary (report of how they died) with the funniest reason you can think of. I'll start.

The person above died from being shot out of airplane after trying to open a window to let some air in.
The person above died of swallowing a fly after opening their mouth to scream
The person above died whilst choking to death on a spongebob ice cream pop. Those things are dangerous.
The person above died of being gutted
The person above died by bleeding out from the eyes. Nobody knows what happened
(Funny thing when I was a kid, I almost ate one of the Silica gel packets)

The person above died after getting hair-dye in their mouths. We don't know it got there, but it was clearly there
The person above died when they mistook shaving cream for whipped cream and ate a whole bunch of it.
The person above sadly died when they incorrectly sat on a tree branch.
The creep died of natural causes, they were pushed off a roof, and gravity handled the rest.
The person above died after dunking their head in a tub full of hot chocolate.

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