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Kaitlyn Williams

She itched her head and then looked back upwards. Her admiring was done, for now... As the birds continued singing, Kaitlyn somehow fell asleep. Her chest slowly rising and falling as so, never looking so peaceful. It was starting to get cold for Winter, but the sun beamed on her, but this time it was different.

Her blue-green like pelt began turning... what seemed like, white..? From her feet, slowly crawling up to the tips of her ears. Her fur then grew longer and even fluffier than ever. Was it because of the season change? Well technically, yes.​
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((Out of curiosity, is this change visibly happening to an onlooker in a short amount of time or is this a process that would last weeks to grow in? If the first one, awesome! If the latter, still pretty sweet of a description.))
((Poof! Fluffy fox! At least, I think she is a fox. Wolf? *checks source image*. Maybe? She is at least part canid. Thank you!))

As Timo looked up into the wide expanse of the sky he felt relaxed, then over time admittedly a little bit bored. He had to marvel at Kaitlyn's resilience of mind as she seemed quite fine with remaining in one place and . . . wait, was she . . . asleep? She was so quiet and still, and her eyes closed in peaceful rest. He had thought her as just enjoying the scene. Perhaps she really enjoyed it so much that she passed out from relaxation? That brought a chuckle out of him, which he quickly attempted to stifle. He did not want to wake her. But then, what will he do now?

Things rapidly changed, however. As he perused her a bit more, he realised that her fur was slightly different than what he recalled. Were her feet always that fluffy? Perhaps his mind had been playing tricks on him and that the fur there always was that shade of white, but why did it seem so long all of a sudden? Wait, it was not only her feet. The rest of her was shifting and sporting a thicker pelt as well. Was this magic? He heard whispers of magic that can change the shape of beasts and people, and he worried the following: what if she really was under a spell?

"Kaitlyn? Kaitlyn, wake up! Please?"

No dice. He wondered if he should try waking her by shaking her awake, but it seemed like the process was fast. Whatever magicks lay claim to her, it was beyond his control, and her fur had completely changed within a couple of minutes. He bit down on his thumb as he wondered what he should do. Was the best thing really to wait? What if she was bitten by a venomous snake and this happened? He did not know a thing about poisons or their effects, but her chest rose and fell at the same pace. What on earth was this?

Finally, he dared to bend down over her and squeeze her hand, then try to shake it around a bit to jostle her awake.

"Kaitlyn?" he asked worriedly, hoping this was enough.
Kaitlyn Williams

She was dreaming peacefully, she was in a very deep slumber. As if nothing could awaken her. She was running through a meadow in a white sun dress, a gold flower behind her ear. And of course, Timoteo was with her.

But she then felt something and heard his voice echoing in her dream, except it was getting louder and louder within seconds. She woke up with a devastated gasp. “Huh? What’s wrong?” She was madly amazed as he was indeed, squeezing her hand. She shook the thought away, trying to stop blushing, but couldn’t prevent it.

(She is a wolf lol)​
Timoteo heaved a sigh of relief as Kaitlyn finally woke from her strange slumber, his head slumping forward while he did so.

"I am so relieved," he brought to voice. "Something strange was happening to you and I could not help but worry. You were quite asleep, as if enchanted by a witch or something, and your ski- . . . fur changed while you did so extremely quickly. You aren't hurt or anything, are you?"

Looking down, he realised that he was still holding and squeezing her hand. So that was why she--yes, he had to let go now. To couple the embarrassment all together beyond the perhaps awkward handholding -- it seemed logical at the time -- his worries did not exactly sound the most sane. What was she going to think of him? Then again, what even happened?
Kaitlyn Williams

Her ears pointed upwards and she leaned up. She studied over her pelt with silence. “Oh no, I’m fine.” She then ran her fingers of her free hand through her, now white, hair. “My fur changes during the change of seasons. To adapt to the environment...” her cheeks still carried a light shade of pink.

Staring at his hand holding hers, she shook her head slightly as he let go. “And no... I’m not hurt,” she chuckled a little at him thinking she was injured. Though her dream was so vivid and nice, she couldn’t help but be slightly disappointed at the fact of waking up from it. Though, Timoteo did need to know about it. Besides, things could’ve been much worse!​
Timo looked down at her with relief in his eyes. It was just a winter coat, nothing more, though it happened quicker than he had ever seen before with the animals of his village; even the fluffiest coat of a dog there filled in in weeks. One more amazing trait to remember for Kaitlyn, he assumed, would be nothing in the long term.

"Well then, do I feel sheepish," he responded, leaning back and landing on his bum from his crouched position in the grass. "I'm glad you are okay, though."

Then came the question to him: now what? He had awakened her from a nap and she grew fluffy fur within that timespan. Was the best option to wait, to allow her to sleep again in the grass? His brain could not come up with suggestions as to what to do next, and in response he laid onto his back, looking through the half-chopped towers of grass and into the open sky.
Kaitlyn Williams

She sighed and also lied onto her back. Staring at the sky with her fingers running through the grass, “I hope I didn’t worry you too much...” From his reaction and tone previously, he seemed terrified and worried for her.

She rolled onto her stomach with her hands supporting her cheeks, facing him. “Are there any other places you’d like to show me, before night comes?” Her feet were dangling up behind her in the air, moving back and forth. She was in an awfully cute position, and of course, curious.​
Hearing the shuffling, he dared a look and found the cute girl just somehow keep getting cuter, her legs flailing and her hands cupping her face. Unable to keep himself from laughing a few notes, he sat up and plopped his hands onto his lap.

"Well, I guess it wasn't bad enough to keep me from the tour. The second spot is not so far from here. Come on. We'll make it there in another half hour's time if we set off now, and have just enough time to visit the third place to see the sunset."

Once he got upright, he offered his hand to her in order to help her up and, whether she took it or not, would proceed to the next spot. All the while he pondered over the situation a bit more than his navigation, and he had to catch himself every now and again before he went too far astray (thankfully it was never very far from his original path). He had to admit that he was infatuated with this girl he just met, and he partially wished that he was not. The other ladies he tried to court ended up leaving him with a broken heart, and he wondered what he left them with. It was safer not to get closer, and not to get romantically involved in the slightest, for both their sakes. After all, they were friends. No need to complicate things, right?

A squirrel rummaging through the forest floor stopped him with its loud bounces through leaves, provoking a response from Timo regarding a potential threat. Seeing that there was not one, his shoulders and arms relaxed. A question nagged at him, and he dared to ask it rather than think on about his prior thoughts?

"Hey, Kaitlyn, if it's not too much to ask, are you able to speak to all animals or only the ones you train? For instance, that squirrel over there. Would you be able to speak with it?"
Kaitlyn Williams

She held a smile as he sat up in front of her. “Sounds good then!” She then smirked as he offered his hand she took hold of his hand and stood up besides him. Dusting her skirt and top off. She parted a strain of her hair behind her hair and followed him.

She then decided to walk in sink with him, right by his side. There was a small breeze that blew her hair and skirt, that simply soothed her senses. She would glance at him every thirty seconds or so, just to read him. Her ears perked at some rustling sounds and turned her beautiful blue orbs to his voice. “Yes, I can speak to any creature. Whether I trained them or not.

She turned her attention to the said squirrel and began walking over to it. She squatted down and her voice and tone had completely shifted. It seemed as if she were speaking to it.​
Timo looked on in surprise as she just began a lively conversation with the squirrel. The woodland creature ceased its romp through the leaves, speaking quietly and perhaps timidly at first, then excitedly. Doubt faded when he realised that she was right, and that she was definitely a marvel. Maybe he had it wrong earlier. Maybe it was not that she was cursed by a witch's foul magic, but that she was blessed with the ability to use magic herself.

"What is it saying?" he asked curiously, wondering if he could speak to things in a similar manner to what Kaitlyn did. He leaned on his shillelagh with interest.

((Feel free to make anything up for what the squirrel says.))
Kaitlyn Williams

She nodded and rose her eyebrows at the squirrel, then turning her attention to Timoteo. “She says there’s someone nearby causing some ruckus. That’s why she was scurrying in such a rush.” She paused, flicking up her ears, almost immediately, hearing some leaves crunching. “Someone is definitely near...” she spoke her thoughts.

She stood straight, holding the little squirrel in her hands. She scarcely hid behind Timoteo and flattened her ears.​
"Someone causing a ruckus?" he asked, a little taken aback.

Was there a person out there, someone who would delve this far into the east? He had never seen anyone while he was travelling around in what would otherwise be considered wilderness. Was it a hunter? If so, perhaps the best idea was to hide. If the hunter was who he thought he was, it was probably best not to get in his way.

"We should hide," he whispered, looking around and finding a fallen tree just large enough to hide behind ten paces away. "Over there, quickly but quietly."

If she was willing, he would go over to the fallen tree almost in tiptoe fashion, the boots he was wearing making it a little awkward but still possible due to pliable leathers. A crouching duck was enough to hide both of them as long as they did not peer too much overhead.
Kaitlyn Williams

She was terrified and had let the squirrel go off. A small whine erupted from her throat, to only he could hear her. She didn’t want anything bad to happen. Since she had made friends with this guy, who she didn’t want to lose.

She then nodded about him saying to hide. She couldn’t say no. Kaitlyn squeezed behind the tree and crouched there. Her tail was slowly swishing and would barely brush against him. To did feel comforted by his presence with her, she glanced at him with scarce eyes...​
((Would you like me to write the scenario with the interloping creature? Also, would you like to choose whether it will be a magical, supernatural, slice-of-life, or other kind of encounter? A number of ideas come to mind with this for a side plot if you are up to flavour this a bit more than a romance. Let me know! I am comfortable with any option and would love your input, plus I do not want to overstep in terms of making content. Let me know regarding that as well, please.))
(I see... hmm.. You can. I honestly was brainstorming a little too much about this. I was stressing myself out, not gonna lie. But I would love to see what you come up with! The creature... yeah you can write a scenario about it.)
((I'm sorry to hear that you were stressing yourself out. Please feel free to bounce ideas back and forth if you want. I am game for a lot of things and do not want to make work for you out of something intended to be fun.

As for the creature, would you say that this is a more magical, fantasy-style world or like Earth where sciences dictates much and magic is not exactly abundant? I'll see what I can do in the meantime.))
(Yeah, that sounds good. Also I had just gotten off a 9 hour shift again, so I’m stressed. But I just think too much into things.)
((Well, please do not stress yourself too much over this if you can help it. Let's keep it low in terms of planning and try to go with the flow wherever that takes us with the exception of bringing things on track. I will attempt a post soon once I have time.))
With a thought somewhere between the spectrum of dread and worry, Timo balanced himself with his hand on the coarse wood of the fallen tree, his head craned slightly to the left to make his head less obvious. He was trying to observe the newcomer as he or she came into view, and when he did he could not help himself from breathing in sharply. His fears were justified in that the ace hunter from his village was on the prowl, his footfalls lighter now than his usual bluster. He must have heard something from this direction from how alert he seemed, his bow at the ready but not quite drawn. His beard, usually a salt and pepper ragged mess, was tied into a somehow slightly more unkempt braid, and his beady eyes and large nose seemed on the prowl checking for signs. The young man behind the tree signed to Kaitlyn with a finger to his mouth.

"Timoteo tried his best to think well and fast. The forest floor thankfully was quite covered in vegetable matter. If not for that, they would probably be found for certain, but when the squirrel bounced off and behind a tree the hunter looked up and Timo ducked down in what he thought was just in the nick of time, as there came a grumble from the man before the sounds of his crunching footfalls and bouncing quiver withdrew further into the forest.

A minute had passed, then two, of heart-pounding wonder of whether or not he really did leave before Timo dared to peer over the forest barrier between them and the hunter. They truly were alone.

"We are clear," he voiced finally. "That was someone from my village, an avid and dangerous hunter, even to me. If stories are to be believed, he roughed people up in my village to the brink of death, but hasn't killed anyone yet. Jaga's his name. He always says that he hunts only in the west. I wonder why he chose the east this time."
Kaitlyn Williams

Her pupils shrank to the size of pebbles when the man stepped in. Now Kaitlyn was not the most beautiful when she looked scared, which was at that very moment. She shrank more as she saw more and more of the man. She was completely terrified at this point. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and she was shaking, uncontrollably.

Then a sound was made from the squirrel they had met from before, she had caught his attention. Making him go in that direction, some time passed. Afterward, Timoteo’s voice spoke that he was gone. She was silent though, still scared. Not being able to calm down, she placed her forehead on his shoulder. He could pretty much feel from just that little bit of her that she was shaking badly.​
Timo did not realise it at the time, but his eyes shot open when he considered the possibility that he was scaring the unfirtunate girl witless with mentioning the hunter to such depth so quickly. My, she was shaking like a leaf! She did not need to know much about the man, just that he was bad news. He tried to arc his arm around to pat her back and comfort her. He wondered, though, if she would benefit more from a hug, but he was worried about what that may imply.

"I'm sorry, Kaitlyn; that was too much. I did not mean to scare you. This place is a ways away from where you live, and this is far from where he usually hunts. I will try to find out why. After today, though, try to stay far from this place."

He tried to make a winning smile through his sad eyes toward her.

"We are almost there, by the way. We should happen across the location in three minutes opposite to where he was coming from and where he headed. He would not even know of it, I am certain of it."

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