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Fandom World Submersion: Characters


I am the truth. Deal with it.
Here is the CS


Universe (If the series has multiple continuities, specify which one):


Alingment: (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil)

Race (Their species)

Age (type unknown if unconfirmed)

Appearance (Post a picture)


Height (if confirmed)

Weight (if confirmed)

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)



Grail (If it is in their possession. Grails are items that will have the ability to manipulate the Gates of Realms. These would usually be very special items that are the focus of their canon universes, such as the Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Z or the Tri Force in The Legend of Zelda.

Time of Gate awakening (Specify which point of their canon story was taking place when the gates of space and time were opened.)

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):
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Name: Godzilla

Universe : Godzilla (Largely the Legendary incarnation with elements of the other incarnations sprinkled throughout.

Gender: Assumedly male

Alingment: Chaotic Neutral (In some timelines he only attacks after being provoked though perhaps you could call him Chaotic Evil)

Race (Their species) Godzilla

Age (type unknown if unconfirmed) : At least 70

Appearance https:/:/www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=638&q=godzilla&oq=godzilla&gs_l=img.3..0l10.327.1371.0.1498.

Height : 108m (355 feet)

Weight (if confirmed) Est. 90,000 tons

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)

Godzilla size alone makes him a deadly threat, as most of his opponents he can simply step on. For scale, he once caused a 36 foot tsunami by swimming.

Atomic Breath:

Godzilla can be compared to a dragon. Most dragons breathe fire. But that's too mainstream, so Godzilla has his atomic breath. He charges the radiation within his body and fires it in a focused beam-like attack. As Godzilla's strength grows, either by absorbing radiation or power, the beam goes from blue to red to the rare spiral mode. The latter has been seen only once in history, but it was able to with relative accuracy engage orbital targets.

Godzilla is a behemoth, and this shows in his endurance. All modern conventional military weapons have been shown to, unless concentrated for an extended period of time, only piss Godzilla off. Godziilla was created in the Castle Bravo nuclear tests, proving his immense durability. However it's said that over the years he's weakened and now a nuclear weapon could be considered to kill him. However if the blast failed to kill him outright he'd only feed on the radiation and get stronger (though let's be honest some if not most of these characters can hit with the force of a nuke)

Godzilla is no mere animal and he is seen to possess human-level intelligence.

Toxic blood:

Godzilla is a Kaiju. In the film Pacific Rim Kaiju are shown to have toxic blood, known as "kaiju blue" (I may be removing this)


Martial Ability:
Godzilla is a very powerful fighter. He can frequently fight and defeat monsters of his own size. He incorporates human and animal fighting styles and has perfomed some truly impressive feats.

Godzilla is a skilled strategist and tactician. He has proven to be able to incorporate his atomic breath into his hand to hand fighting styles and can think up complex battle plans.


Grail Godzilla IS the Grail.

Time of Gate awakening: Some random point after the alternate story I give below (a mix of the 2014 and 1954 films)

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):
Name: Midna

Universe: Legend of Zelda

Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Race: Twili (Imp Form)

Age: Unknown


Height: Unconfirmed but short


  • Using hair as a hand
  • Levitation
  • Turning others into twilight particles to transport them
  • Portals

Skills: Intelligence and agility

Weapons/Items: A fused shadow. With 4, she is able to turn into a large spider-like creature

Grail: Triforce

Time of Gate awakening: Right before where the transformation from imp to a regular twili


Midna is one of the Twili, a race descended from wielders of powerful and evil magic who were banished to an alternate dimension by the Golden Goddesses. Either by hereditary means or through elections, Midna was chosen as the next ruler of the Twili, a position coveted by Zant, a servant to the Twili Royal Family. Angered that his people chose Midna over him, Zant struck a deal with Ganondorf, whom he believed to be a god, and was granted with some of his magical powers. This he used to transform his own people into hideous monsters called Shadow Beasts and invade the Palace of Twilight. He cornered Midna on one of the balconies and cursed her, forcing her into a imp-like form as a way of humiliation. Horrified by her appearance, Midna left the throne to Zant and fled the palace, leaving her people to a terrible fate.
Soon after, however, Midna realized that by recovering the Fused Shadow, the form taken by the dark powers of her ancestors, she would be able to depose Zant and take back the throne. Donning the piece she already held as a mask, she then headed to Hyrule to search for the other three, where she learned that Princess Zelda surrendered to Zant to save her people from harm. Her plan gained support when she witnessed Link transform into a wolf after being pulled into the Twilight that now blankets the land. Recalling a legend among her people that a hero would appear as a 'divine beast', Midna ultimately decided to use Link as a way to retake her throne.
Midna formally introduces herself to Link after he is imprisoned in Hyrule Castle and helps him escape through the Underground Waterway, during which she strikes a deal with him - she helps him find his kidnapped friends, provided he helps her locate and retrieve the three Fused Shadows she needs. She initially believes him near incapable of prevailing against Zant, stating instead that he just barely may slip by. Although initially maliciously playful and somewhat bossy toward Link, her attitude undergoes minuscule changes during their travels through the many dungeons of Hyrule as she comes to realize the things she has brought him through, apologizing to him near the end of the Lakebed Temple. After the pair gather the third Fused Shadow, Zant confronts them, taking the three Fused Shadows and demanding to know how Midna could try and defy her "king." He prepares to stab her with a Shadow Crystal, but Link attacks him to protect her and it hits him instead, trapping him in wolf form. Zant then attempts to sway Midna by convincing her to join him in his conquest of the Light World; however, she quickly refuses, showing that, despite her words, she seemed to care some for the light world. Realizing that she will not join him and that she is a threat to his rule otherwise, Zant then decides to get rid of Midna altogether, maiming her by forcing her into the light of the spirit Lanayru. Lanayru transports the cursed Wolf Link and injured Midna back to Hyrule Field. Wolf Link takes Midna to Princess Zelda, hoping that she can remove the curse on him and heal Midna. She tells Link to find the Master Sword in the Sacred Grove to break the curse on him; less could be said for Midna. As Midna is nearing death, she asks Zelda to grant Link access to the Mirror of Twilight so he can stop Zant without her. Finally realizing who Midna truly is, Zelda decides to grant her light-filled soul to the Twili, though Midna tries to stop her and later claims, "I have taken everything you had to give...though I did not want it." With Zelda gone, Link and Midna set off to find the Master Sword. Beginning from here, Midna's attitude changes.
Midna tells Link that, in order to destroy Zant, they must find the Mirror of Twilight to access the Twilight Realm again. When the two find it in the Mirror Chamber of Gerudo Desert, they see that it has been shattered into four shards; one of which still remains on the Mirror's pedestal. The Ancient Sages of Hyrule appear and explain that it was Zant who broke the Mirror; but this happened only because the sages had previously sealed Ganondorf in the Twilight Realm, who inevitably gave Zant his power. Midna later reveals that Zant could only shatter the Mirror; since he was not the true ruler of the Twili; he could not completely destroy it. After going through the Snowpeak Ruins, the Temple of Time, and the floating City in the Sky, the pair travel back to the Mirror Chamber to restore the Mirror of Twilight. At this point, the Sages reveal to Link Midna's true nature as the Twilight Princess. Cornered by her past, Midna finally reveals her intentions to Link: she did not care about what happened to the Realm of Light so long as her own kingdom was restored to normal. However, she goes on to tell him that after seeing the selfless acts and sacrifices of both Link and Princess Zelda, she felt in the bottom of her heart that she had to save Hyrule, too. Thus, Link and Midna agree to save both Hyrule and the Twilight Realm. However, she also tells the Sages, when they ask for her forgiveness for their carelessness, that she was hardly qualified to forgive them as it was thanks to them that she was forced to flee from her people.

When Link and Midna confront Zant in the Palace of Twilight, a long battle ensues spanning tactics and arenas from past bosses and sub-bosses of the game. After the fight, Midna retrieves the Fused Shadows from Zant but does not return to her original form as she had hoped. Zant then reveals to her that only by killing Ganondorf can the curse truly be lifted and Zant truly be destroyed; that was the purpose of the barrier erected outside Hyrule Castle — it would allow a safe place for Ganondorf to hide so that Zant could stay alive. In a fit of rage, Midna uses the Fused Shadows to impale Zant with several locks of hair, killing him. After returning to the Light World and Hyrule Castle, she regains the magic of her inheritance and becomes able to use the Fused Shadows to transform herself into a gigantic, dark, arachnid-like creature and shatters the barrier surrounding Hyrule Castle. Link and Midna then confront Ganondorf and, after Link battles both a possessed Zelda and Ganon himself in beast form, Zelda's soul is returned to her. The Princess of Hyrule goes on to tell Midna that, as their souls had been united, she now fully understands Midna's suffering. Before the reunion can be completed, however, Ganondorf appears as a massive orb of dark flames resembling his own head. Midna then prepares the Fused Shadows and, against Link's wishes, warps him and Zelda out of the castle. After a smile at her disappearing friends, Midna then takes on her bestial form and attacks Ganondorf.
Link and Zelda are warped to Hyrule Field, and from there they witness the castle being destroyed by a massive explosion. However, it is soon revealed that Ganondorf was victorious; he emerges from the castle carrying Midna's mask, crushing it in his hand to symbolize her defeat. After Link, with some assistance from Zelda, defeats Ganondorf once and for all, the Light Spirits bring her back to life.
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Name: Fran Bow

Universe: Fran Bow

Gender: Female

Alingment: In her mind, she is Neutral Good but she is actually Chaotic Neutral

Race: Human

Age: 10


Height: Unknown but short

Powers: None

Skills: Clever, good at making friends, and creative.


  • Knife
  • Duotine Pills (If you take these pills, you will see another reality (A much harsher, dangerous, and scary reality))

Grail: Duotine Pills

Time of Gate awakening: After Remor suggested Fran killed her parents.

Backstory: Fran is a ten-year-old girl struggling with a mental disorder after witnessing the violent murder of her parents. After being found alone in the woods, Fran is committed to Oswald Asylum and separated from her black cat and only friend, Mr. Midnight. Under the care of psychiatrist Dr. Marcel Deern, Fran is administered a strange medication that causes vivid hallucinations of grisly parallel world full of black shadowy figures and strange creatures. Driven to escape her imprisonment, find her cat, and get back home, Fran is able to pass into this world and alter her surroundings so that she might escape.

Along her journey, she attempts to discover who is responsible for her parents' tragedy. On the way home, Fran Bow discovers a strange land named Ithersta, where vegetables and roots live in harmony. After she exits Ithersta she runs into a creature named Itward. Itward is the creature that helps Fran get back to Mr. Midnight. Fran's reality seems to break down, and she cannot tell what the difference is between what she sees on the pills or what she sees off them. Fran Bow is faced with the reality that her parents have died and the person responsible might be someone very close to her.
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"The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first."

- Orokin 'Warframe' Archives

"This is Mesa, the vagabond, the outcast.
Do you feel lucky, Tenno? Mesa's got the fastest guns in the stars."

- Lotus

: Aileen Thindrel

Universe: WARFRAME

Gender: Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Race: Orokin/Tenno

Age: 14-16, though in reality the Tenno are thousands of years old, due to cryosleep.


Her Warframe:


: As a victim of the Zariman project, Aileen has several powers bestowed upon her by the Void. When channeled through a Warframe, these powers can take several different forms, but when she's using her own body, they are as follows:

Void Blast: The user unleashes a conic blast of Void energy, capable of sending one ton robots flying and tearing down walls made of solid rock.

Void Dash: Allows the user to move through the Void, teleporting a short distance away.

Void Mode: The user becomes one with the Void, turning invisible for a short time.

Void Beam: A concentrated beam of Void energy shot from the user's hand, capable of obliterating Sentients in only seconds.

Transference: After the events of The War Within, the Tenno no longer needed the Somatic Link, and their Transference had become innate. They were able to use it on the fly, meaning they could exit their Warframes mid-mission, then go back in whenever they pleased. It's been shown that they're also capable of using this innate Transference to take control of non-sentient robots.

The Warframe: When Aileen is piloting a Warframe, she is able to perform amazing feats of strength and agility, able to "bullet jump" several meters through the air, both horizontally and vertically, and is able to run across and up walls. The Warframes are strong enough to send one ton enemy units flying with just arrows from their bow or throwing knives and punch an enemy in half- at the waist or lengthwise. Warframe armor is extremely durable, shown to be able to tank direct hits from a rocket launcher with no visible scorch marks or damage to the suit. In one trailer, a Mag Warframe was shown with a laser cutter being held to her limbs for nearly four minutes, with, again, no visible damage to the armor. They are also able to use their melee weapons to block and sometimes deflect bullets from enemy guns.

Aileen pilots the Mesa Warframe, built in the image of ancient gunslingers. She's tied a cloth around her helmet because she enjoys a challenge when shooting. The Mesa Warframe's abilities are as follows:

Ballistic Battery: When activated, Mesa stores the damage she deals with her primary and secondary weapons, and when activated again, that damage is channeled through the next gunshot.

Shooting Gallery: When activated, Shooting Gallery jams the weapons of all nearby enemies, including melee weapons (don't ask me how it works). Her allies are also given increased attack strength.

Shatter Shield: When activated, Mesa is enveloped energy, reducing all incoming bullet and projectile damage, and also reflecting the projectiles back to sender.

Peacemaker: Mesa stands her ground, holsters her current weapon, and draws her signature Regulator pistols that are hidden under her arm. With blinding speed, Mesa guns down all enemies within her line of sight, while striking several different Matrix-esque poses. She is so fast during this ability that when she changes poses, you don't even see her moving.

The Tenno are masters of a massive array of weapons. They are extremely proficient with both firearms and melee weapons, and they've created various fighting styles for each melee weapon. They are also highy skilled in hand-to-hand combat, having developed multiple fighting styles and katas.

"This Tenno crafted, lever action rifle, is equal parts elegance and executioner." - The Codex
The Syabris: A burst-fire lever-action rifle that fires two rounds in quick succession.

"Steady and reliable, the Vasto revolver combines speed and power for a classic gunslinger feel." - The Codex

The Akvasto: A dual version of the Vasto, a powerful and accurate revolver.

"Striking with massive twin blades, the Redeemer fires the killing blow with its built-in shotgun." - The Codex

The Redeemer: A hybrid gunblade that merges the functions of a shotgun with a melee weapon.

Grail: The Void; the source from which all Tenno draw their devastating power from. Described as a "hellspace where... science and reason failed," not only is it the source of their power, but the Tenno hide their ships in it and also use it to travel across the Solar System much, much faster then they would be able to do normally.

Time of Gate awakening: Soon after 'The War Within' takes place.



Weaknesses: It's been evidenced multiple times that Warframes can be destroyed. In Mirage's case, she was obliterated when she was engulfed by a massive laser beam, and Limbo accidentally exploded himself when he made a tiny miscalculation while Void-jumping. It's implied that, if the Warframe is destroyed, the person controlling it via Transference is killed. In my headcanon, if something breaches the Warframe's armor, then the Tenno controlling it experiences the pain, sort of Matrix style. The Tenno are capable of being manipulated, as seen when Lotus turned them against the Orokin (though how she actually turned them has never been made clear- yet), and under all that armor, they are still human, teenagers even. In 'The War Within', the player character is shown to become very angry when referred to as a child, showing a kind of hotheadedness among the Tenno due to their age. Which, of course, could be exploited by any would-be evil-doers. The Tenno can not spam their powers endlessly, even when in a Warframe. Each Warframe has a pool of energy that it draws from when using powers, and the Tenno has a limited supply of Void energy to use, and must wait for it to recharge when depleted. If the Warframes take enough damage, they will simply shut down. The Tenno can revive their Warframe four times from this shut down state, but after the fourth time, the Warframe will be unresponsive, and will have to be retrieved manually and repaired. It's heavily implied, pretty much confirmed, that there is Infested flesh inside the Warframes (The Infestation is essentially this game's zombie virus. Think The Flood from Halo). Thus, the Warframes still need oxygen to keep the flesh inside alive, and can also bleed.


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Name: Old Man Henderson

Universe]: Call of Cthulu

Gender: Male

Alingment: (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil) Oh god who can say. One could argue Chaotic Good because he ultimately fights for a good cause. Though, perhaps Chaotic Neutral would be better because he does only fight for that cause under the impression that Mormons stole his $40,000 worth of lawn gnomes...

Race: Human

Age: 54, though he appears a bit older, perhaps a plothole in his CS

Appearance https://1d4chan.org/images/thumb/b/b1/Old_Man_Henderson.jpg/250px-Old_Man_Henderson.jpg

Height unconfirmed

Weight unconfirmed

Powers: None, though PERHAPS his sheer luck is a power.

Fluently speaks Portugese
Memorized the Anarchist's Cookbook
Has a casual knowledge of physics
Can fly a helicopter
Master Tactician
Has a scottish accent that he only picks up when angry, drunk, or is feeling like it.
Dyslexic and minor schizophrenic

an Israeli made automatic combat shotgun (Perhaps an Auto Assault 12)
His 1992 Buick Century

Grail: Rupert, the stuffed parrot Henderson keeps on his shoulder and frequently consults for advice.

Time of Gate awakening: At the end of Henderson's story, after he wakes up in what he assumes to be Utah.

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):
Henderson is the subject of the infamous Backstory of Doom. Henderson was created by a player known as Waffle House Millionaire as an act of revenge against a rude GM who had killed off 3 of his characters for no reasons. This came with the Backstory of Doom. It was 320 pages long. It was this long so that the GM wouldnt read it all, and that subsequently WHM could edit it at will to justify some of his character's antics. What follows are some bullet points followed by a more descriptive copy-paste (For those of you who are wondering the original 320 page has never resurface, WHM claims to have burned it).
  • Henderson will make frequent references to his time in Vietnam, and blames it for most of his misfortune.
  • Henderson never went to Vietnam
  • Henderson never takes off his aviator shades
  • Henderson's involvement with the elder gods began when he, one morning, realized that his collection of antique gnomes had been stolen. He deduced the Mormons down the street must be responsible for the theft and set out after them. Arriving at the building they were in, he pulled up his car, unknown that another group had already begun a stakeout of the building to catch a group of cultists in the act. Henderson wanted none of that "waiting around" stuff. He immediately kicked down the door. This is when he yelled at the cultists "MUCKLE DAMRED CULTI 'AIR EH NAMBLIES BE KEEPIN' ME WEE MEN!?!?" The chief cultist, in response, killed one of his comrades to spawn a Shaggoth, a daemon beast, and servent of the elder god. Reacting appropriately, Henderson opened fire, killing about 10 cultists, including someone who had gone undercover to see what the cult was about. This was the beginning of the story
  • In the end, Henderson and several compatriots staged an all out last stand against a horde of daemonspawn and undead. Henderson, as the cultists closed in for the kill, summoned the Elder God Hastur. As Hastur was in a weakened, killable summon state, he was able to be killed by Henderson when he blew the entire building to hell.
  • After this, he woke up (due to a deal he had made with the god) in a desert
  • The Tanker Truck Incident[edit]
    Now, time for what will forever be known as 'The Tanker Truck Incident'. Notice 'The' is capitalized. This is because no matter what incidents in the future may involve tanker trucks, this is the definitive one.

    It started out innocently enough. Old Man Henderson left the stakeout in a van outside the evil cult's meeting place to go get some hooch. The only people left there were the Detective and James Fink (the professor's second character). Jimmy was gone because it was a school night (Old Man Henderson was a bad influence, but damned if he didn't have the kid's best interests at heart.)

    The cultists see me leaving --I had a very distinct appearance, after all. (VERY USEFUL in scoring TPKs.)-- and discover my friends spying on them. The detective gets a pretty GAR death, and James dies like a bitch. But not yet.

    I'm on my way back, walking along. The Detective and James had been brought inside as part of a ritual to give Hastur an avatar in our world (he had been banished, and the only way he could come here is via a loophole). He could only use as hosts people who knew he existed and had thwarted him thrice, and then he had to make them drink the life-blood of their closest friend to make the binding permanent. In case you're wondering, permanent binding = GAME OVER.

    The first part of the ritual was completed, but before Hastur could take control, the detective broke James' shackles and he tried to run. He made it as far as the street, when the detective (now Hastur) caught up with him, part demon-form.

    Now where this church (for lack of a better term) was located, was at the end of the road on a T-shaped intersection. There was a gas station about three blocks away, which is where Old Man Henderson was while this was going down.

    Old Man Henderson sees the shit hit the fan, and steals a half-full tanker truck that WAS refilling the station's holding tank.

    While I bring the truck up to ramming speed, I toss a 12 lb block of C4 in the passenger seat and rig the detonator to the airbags.

    Old Man Henderson then took a bracing shot of whiskey, jammed a knife through the gas pedal, then jumped out of the truck onto his heelies. Yes, he modified his combat boots to have heelies. I swear to god I had not planned this to happen, the heelies just sounded like something fucking ridiculous and in character.

    He watched the truck ram the detective into the church, then blow him and all the cultists to Kingdom Come. The truck also killed James by running him over.

    That's when the back-trail ignited, fire going all the way back to the gas-station and destroying it; continuing my streak of accidentally destroying anything that might lead people back to Old Man Henderson.

    I took a moment to call Jimmy.

    "Henderson here. Figured out what the nasties are weak against."

    "What's that, Mr. Henderson?"

    "Point blank annihilation."


    Dropping The Yacht[edit]
    Old Man Henderson, with his erstwhile companion Jimmy (the Jock) and his Friends William Brocklaw, a once humble bartender (The now dead Detective's player. Old Man Henderson burned down his bar on accident and blamed it on the cultists. One bluff check later and he in the Posse.), and Simon Breckenridge, British Spy (the Professor's player, now six characters in. And yes, they were more or less all killed by Old Man Henderson).
    Old Man Henderson had discovered that there was not one cult to the Elder Gods, but several. This complicated his search for his gnomes/crusade. He decided to enlist help in making the problem solve itself.
    Using his contacts, Simon discovered that a Influential Cultist of Hastur was coming to town to try and figure out how an Avatar of his god was killed. He also located the exact dock on which he would be landing his boat.
    Jimmy, meanwhile discovered the home of the head of the local Cthulhu cults was at a penthouse suite downtown. A plan was hatched.

    Old Man Henderson used all of his cunning to steal a Military Cargo Helicopter (read: Shoryuken'd the pilot and flew off), and hid it in an abandoned warehouse.
    Jimmy, and Will set up a VERY EXPENSIVE surround sound speaker system at the docks, while Simon made and planted a lot of smoke bombs.
    That night, the Yacht pulled in, and we made our move.
    Right as Simon maneuvered the Helicopter over the docks, we set off the Smoke bombs and activated the Speakers.
    On one side: A fifty piece marching band playing 'God Save the Queen' at max volume, and on the other the audio from the beach scene from Saving Private Ryan.
    Imagine, for a moment, what being on the dock would have been like.
    Utter. Fucking. CHAOS.

    I jumped down from the Helicopter onto the boat, and rigged it to lift out of there. During the course of which I ran into the cultist guy and Ninja Kicked him in the head, knocking him tail-over-teakettle and off the boat. I later learned that he broke his neck in the fall.
    Damned convenient, otherwise he might have have been able to ID me. We then lifted the boat out of there, switched to out secondary audio on all sides (My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion. I was in a vengeful mood, gnome stealing bastards.) So when the cultists finally got the smoke to clear their Yacht was gone, their leader dead. And Celine Dion was stuck in their heads. Not the best of days.
    Then we went across town, in a stolen Military Cargo chopper, carrying a 40 foot yacht, and 'parked' the helicopter above the penthouse, with the yacht about 80 feet above it. Then we cut the line, jumped out with our parachutes, and watched the yacht ruin a dinner party while placing bets on whether the military would save the chopper, blow it up, or if it would just hover there until it ran out of fuel.

    Hell on Ice[edit]
    Okie-doke. We were in the endgame, with zombies and shoggoths chasing us I managed to get Jimmy disappeared, so it was Old Man Henderson, Simon and Will going to the final strong-point we had an abandoned hockey stadium.
    On the way there, we had rammed through a small home-and-garden store in our truck. And when we arrived, we started barring the doors and windows, when I noticed something. Our trip through the store had netted us a passenger- a single lawn gnome.
    Somehow, I knew right then that this was it. No lucky turn of fate, no Deus Ex Machina... Old Man Henderson was going to die. But I'd be damned if it wouldn't be the best fucking last stand ever.

    I then revealed to the GM that Henderson was a world champion figure skater, hockey player, and golfer.
    The Backstory of Doom got one final use.
    We had got almost all of the doors barricaded, but the zombie/shoggoth army kicked in the last door and got Simon, Will was pulled off the Zamboni after he manage to throw the Crate onto the ice.
    The crate full of exploding hockey pucks.
    Lasted a couple of minutes while blasting Bust A Move (Young MC) before the situation resolved into totally fucked I switched to the next track as I yelled "HASTUR HASTUR HASTUR!" The next track came on, it was the Canadian national anthem, which Old Man Henderson began to sing proudly, at the top of his lungs.
    I then threw out the three pieces of knowledge that marked Old Man Henderson's Blaze Of Glory.
    1. Calling Hastur's name 3 times will summon him, but only if the one who is truest foe at the time calls it. (Guess who.)
    2. When an elder god is summoned from beyond, they suffer a sort of summoning sickness. They're still unbelievably strong, but can be killed FOREVER if you hit them hard enough.
    3. The building had enough explosives wired to make Michal Bay blush.
    And that my friends, is the tale of how Old Man Henderson won Call of Cthulhu.
  • Director's Cut Part 1[edit]
    Anonymous 07/29/12(Sun)02:09 No.20082449

    Just want to say, WHM actually posted a continuation to Old Man Henderson.
    Shit's whack.
    Search for Eli Burning (I believe) on foolz.
    A Self Called 'Nowhere' 07/29/12(Sun)02:52 No.20082857

    He never actually posted more than a quick summary of it actually.
    Also, for those of you curious as to whether or not Old Man Henderson was 'real'... Yes, yes it was. I was there, I was the Professor and like 15 other fucking people.
    Because Henderson had no concept of 'collateral damage' or 'inside voice'.
    The whole and complete story was fucking crazy, because crazy shit was happening in and out of game, and he only gave you guys a 'highlights reel'. I might end up story-timing the whole thing. even though I'm not as eloquent as him. Seriously, I read the backstory of doom. What he told you about it does not do it justice.

    WHM tends to get emotionally attached to a well-made character. To him they're the means of exploring a story, and a good story is something he thinks the very foundations of modern society are based on. He doesn't mind a 'bad end' so long as it's legitimate.

    Botched a roll at a bad time? Shit happens. Bad choice, in character? Meant to be. Simply screwed by circumstance? Them's the shakes. 'LOL you're dead because you actually disagreed with my self-insert fetish-fuel character with two katanas!'? I actually had to stop him from choking the fat bastard.

    Which might make him sound like a bad person, ruled by petty emotion, but the truth is he's like a bear: normally quite chill. Not that easy to piss off normally. So he doesn't move often, but when he does... Things like Henderson happen.

    It was the fifth session of the game with an 'experienced' GM, using 'Trail of Cthulhu' (a small distinction on the whole, but one worth mentioning in my eyes) and he'd already lost three characters. To the STUPIDEST shit.

    Seriously, the last one some evil force put a curse on him, and he ended up being killed by a horse.

    Falling out of an airplane.


    So the GM goes to grab the pizza, since it was his turn to pay, and I could feel the room cooling slightly. WHM's expression never changed, he never looked at me or the other two guys. "I know you're thinking about leaving, but I want you to stay. I want you to watch what I'm going to do."

    I knew this was bad, because while he can get frustrated mad (which is hilarious by the way, he makes a choking noise in the back of his throat like a murlock caught in a trash compactor), when he gets TRULY pissed, he gets calm.

    We continue for the evening, and about a week later, we come back. He's giving me a ride, and he looks like he hasn't slept in two days, and the stubble is almost, but not quite, into gangly half-beard territory.

    "I've done something. I'm not sure it's a good thing yet." he says as he hands me the little binder thing he keeps his character sheets and notes in.

    "You've done something?" I ask, as I take the folder from him.

    "I.... created? No, created is the wrong term. I feel like it was already there, waiting for me to give it life. I put a thing on paper, and I'm bringing it down on that fat fuck like the wrath of god."

    "Uh huh." I say, as I look at the sheet. "Is Henderson his first or last name?"

    "I don't even fucking know."

    So then I look at the stack of paper he called a backstory. I start reading it, and I'm immediately fascinated by what can only be called a tome of madness.

    It switched perspectives and tone wildly, at one point it's written with stage directions in the form of a script. At one point it went to GERMAN.

    I know for fact he only knows like two words in German, while I'm kinda fluent.

    The German was in his hand, and it was grammatically flawless.

    I find my voice.


    "Been asking that myself. All fucking day."

    So we get to the game, and the GM asks what we're all doing.

    Detective Guy's drinking alone at his desk, waiting for one of his contacts to get back to him.

    Jimmy, the jock type, is struggling with math homework.

    My character, Professor Filkins, is grading mid-terms.

    Then we get the introduction to Henderson. He's sitting in a lawn-chair in his house, smoking a bong, staring at a wall he painted to look like a Hawaiian beach. "You know, Rupert?" He addresses the stuffed parrot currently resting on the arm of his chair. "You're a good friend. Most people would've asked for a hit, but you know how much I love this shit. Way better than what we had back in 'Nam." he chuckles, and then begins reminiscing "You know, I still remember the first time I got high. Back of my Older brother's van. Know it musta been some good shit too, because I'm an only child. Ain't that right, Charles?" He looks over to an empty corner of the room.

    ".... Charlie?" He then gets up, mildly concerned. "Man, what the hell?" He begins to search the house in earnest, before sitting down on a chair in his kitchen. "Where the fuck are my lawn gnomes? I mean, did somebody steal them? Who the fuck would steal them? Yeah, they're worth a lot, but come on." He then pulls out a sharpie and begins to scribble on the table. "Alright, 215 gnomes, total weight about 800 pounds, total value approaching 40 k. Not a one man job. Need help to carry them, need help to sell them. I'm looking at a large and well organized group of assholes."

    He looks into the middle distance. "Like those guys down the street? They're Mormons, right? Large religious group, come around in the early morning like those damned charlies.... Rupes, I think we've got a lead." And then he poured a bottle of Jack Daniel's in a large go-cup, and went and got in his car.

    Before I get back to the rest of the party, it should be noted that Henderson looks a lot like Jeff Bridges of today. So imagine all of his lines in that voice. Because that's the voice we were treated to at the table.

    Anyway, I've had the lead on a cult meeting for a while, and I managed to get an invite. I'm sitting in the front row, listening to a passionate Arab man talking about how there's more to the world than we know. Despite myself, I'm intrigued.

    Jimmy is sitting outside, thinking about his friends and trying to decide if he should go in and talk to them or what.

    The detective's gotten his call-back, and is now watching the scene with interest.

    A battered '92 Buick Century fails to get their attention until it suddenly executes a perfect handbrake turn and parks at the curb.

    Back to Henderson's point of view, he's blasting Creedence Clearwater Revival when suddenly he sniffs the air and says 'Mormons' before whipping around and parking out front and killing the car.

    He then gets out of the car, and pops the trunk. In full view of the detective, he then shoves 'Lurid Lucy', an inflatable sex toy of exceptional quality, to one side and pulls out some sort of Israeli-made combat shotgun and starts walking towards the house.

    He then kicks open the door while our mouths are agape and shouts the words that let us know the game would never be the same.


    So at this point the GM has not yet realized what Henderson IS. In fact, I think I'm the only one who truly understood what was about to happen to existential horror, as at this point in time...

    Here's another fun fact about WHM: When he's at a game table with a character sheet, you aren't at the table with him. You're at the table with whatever character he's playing until further notice. I don't think he could've meta-gamed if he tried.

    So anyway, the GM has decided to regain control the only way he knows how: By killing Mike's latest character via bullshit, and summons a shoggoth.

    Henderson, having passed the will check to not puke up his brains, and winning the initiative, comments on how it's the UGLIEST fucking poodle EVER oh god, and then shoots it in the fucking face until it dies. Then he shoots the cultist guy who summoned it. Then he shoots me, then a random guy, then he pisses on the shoggoth's corpse since everyone else is too busy losing their shit in a panic over the Creature That Should Not Be being summoned, and casually sets the tapestry on fire with his cigar as he walks out the door.

    So then everyone still alive runs the fuck away from the burning building before the cops show up. Henderson makes it home (about three blocks away) when he realizes something horrible.

    He totally fucking forgot about the lawn gnomes.

    He RUNS back to the still burning building, only to see the fire department has already arrived. They inform him that no gnomes were in the building that they can tell.

    On the one hand, he's relieved as fuck since he didn't lose the gnomes, and killing that many little people would probably constitute a hate crime.

    Never mind that he totally just leveled a church with the speed and brutality of the fucking Spetsnaz.

    Anyway he goes to try and cook up where they could have gone at the local pub.

    The GM at this point looks up at us from his notes. He's clearly been thrown so far off the fucking tracks by what just happened that he can't just improv his way out of it. "I... I think I need a minute. Or ten."

    He amscrays, and I look over to the man I thought I knew. He has his cell-phone out, and is asking us if we're cool with Chinese food since we had pizza last week.

    "What the fuck was that?" Asks one of our fellow players.

    "Remember when I said I was getting revenge? I brought out the big guns. I don't even have the small guns anymore. I was given some once, and promptly returned them. 'Won't be needin' these' I said. Hello, (Chinese food place I forget the name of)? You still got that special on the shrimp fried rice?"

    Director's Cut Part 2[edit]
    So when I ended the last story, we had a dead shoggoth, a burning building, a bunch of MIA lawn gnomes, and we totally just ordered some bitching Chinese food.

    Anyway, at this point in the proceedings Henderson decided that if he couldn't get a proper brainstorming going at home as to the location of the gnomes, then he could always try Harry's bar.

    Good ol' Harry was scared proper shitless of Henderson after an incident with a 'commie bastard pinball machine' prior to the game's start, so he could drink in peace and nobody really bothered him about the mounting tab.

    So he's sitting there working on a new plan of action with his two best friends, Mr. Daniels and Mr. Walker, when suddenly a news report comes on. Apparently some woman was commenting on how the quiet religious group a few blocks away from the bar just had their shit wrecked. Henderson was VERY interested in knowing that they were not in fact Mormons, but rather 'Disciples of the Yellow King' which apparently were a radical sect of Buddhism that had the details promptly ignored since there was a hockey game on.

    Then Henderson had a really good idea. Since somebody at the other table had the 'Dragnet' theme as their ringtone.

    He knew fuck all about looking for people, but a Private Detective...

    So after a few minutes in the phone book, he decides to literally call the first name he saw under the PI heading.

    By sheer freakish coincidence, the phone in the Detective player's office starts to ring.


    "I need a man who's good at finding things, doesn't have any great love of religious loonies, and doesn't mind maybe shooting an ugly ass poodle or two."

    "... I'm sorry, but WHO is this?"

    "Name's Henderson. I need some help from a professional."

    "No argument here. So, you're looking to hire a PI?"

    "Yep. Had something precious stolen from me."

    "And that was?"

    "Roughly 40 thousand dollars of Lawn Gnomes."

    There was a silence both in game and at the table. "What?"

    "I'm not saying it was cultists, but I'm pretty sure it was cultists. Or aliens, but that seems unlikely given the circumstances. If you're interested we can talk down at Harry's on the south side by the river." And then he hung up.

    Since the detective was quickly getting nowhere with his missing persons case, he decided it'd be good for a laugh.

    Henderson meanwhile had discovered that Harry had acquired a Pac-Man arcade machine, and decided to fill the score board with profanity.

    So when the detective arrives, he asks for 'some guy named Henderson' and was promptly pointed to a man in... unusual attire who was teaching a girl how to shoot pool.


    "Hold on, just a second. The important part of a shot in pool is to make sure it's smooth. Take all the time you need to line up the shot, don't let them rush you." He says, and then he sinks his last three balls and the '8' in one stroke. He then turns to the detective.

    Who promptly recognizes him, and tries to leave. Too bad for him, Henderson decided to follow. "So how do you think you're gonna go about this?"

    "I'm gonna get the hell back in my car and leave the crazy ass arsonist/murderer behind."

    "No shit?" He looks over his shoulder back at the bar "Which one?" He looks at the detective poking him in the chest. "What?"

    "The church! You burned down a church!"

    "They started it."

    "Because you walked in with a shotgun?" He asked exasperated at the infuriatingly flawless logic of a complete asshole.

    "No. Because they stole my goddamned lawn gnomes."

    "Yeah, you mentioned that. How do you fucking steal 40 thousand dollars in decorative lawn fixtures? Where the hell did you even get that many gnomes?"

    "I worked briefly as a prostitute in Thailand. The antique gnome collection was my retirement plan."


    "Ended up riding some dude's junk all the way back home. Hell of an uncomfortable ride, let me tell you. not meant for the ocean blue. And I would know."

    "You... understand the logistics... of riding another man's junk... across the ocean..."

    "Well, in a general sense. I took a course on ship building back in college. This was before we had these fancy navigational Gypsy Pathfinder Space-fairies."

    "... I... alight, you said you were looking for gnomes?"

    "Actually, that was earlier. Just now I was explaining that I knew so much about catching a ride on somebody's junk because of vigorous study in my youth."

    "Let's focus on the Gnomes. You think they were stolen by a cult?"

    "Only thing that makes sense from what I know. I want you to look into this 'Disciples of the Yellow King'. See if they're doing anything suspicious."

    "Actually, I was looking into them already for another reason: looks like they've got a hand in human trafficking. Lawn Gnomes... seems like an odd direction to go in, but I won't deny that they're up to no good. I'll let you know if I find anything worth talking about."

    "Sounds good. I'm usually at Harry's unless I'm not. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go see a man about a horse." Henderson then walked across the street, stole a bicycle, and rode off into a plot-hole for a brief period of time.

    Now here's the question: do you guys give a shit about non-WHM related things? Because the rest of us were trying to play a somewhat serious game around him, and I wanted to know if you guys wanted the WHOLE story, or just shenanigans.
    (several votes for whole story later)

    Alright, so at this point, the guy playing the detective decided to give my character an easy-in with the group, since poor Jimmy was still on his lonesome for the moment.

    In rolls James Fink, one of SEVERAL characters whom Henderson killed, and the only one besides Simon who's name ever got remembered by the rest of the group.

    James is a long-time friend of the Detective, whose name I just remembered was Albert Johanson (Pronounced 'Yo-Han-Son' for some fucking reason). Back when Al was still a cop, Jim was a thug for the local mob. They worked up the ladders of their respective organizations, gained the respect of their co-workers, and eventually ended up leaving their jobs on good terms with their bosses.

    In Jim's case it was because his wife had a baby on the way then, and asked him to find safer work. Al ended up in a shoot-out where his partner got killed fighting against a bunch of crazy meth addicts. Shortly after quitting they ran into each other by coincidence and discovered that the other one was 'the bastard who kept wrecking our job/getting away!' and ended up becoming fast friends. This continued on a fairly regular basis for several years until the Henderson situation, and Al decided he wanted back-up. And there was nobody in the world he trusted more.

    "So," Jim said as he walked into the office. "Who's the client?"

    "Some crazy motherfucker named Henderson."

    "That his first or his last name?"

    "Man, I have no fucking clue."

    "Alright, so what's he want?"

    "Apparently he thinks a cult stole his antique lawn gnome collection."

    "... So drop the nutter."

    "Two good reasons not to: The cult he's accusing I honestly believe to be involved in both activity illegal and bizarre. The other is that any man who can afford to just have 40 grand in gnomes lie around can write a pay-check."

    "...Why the hell would somebody have fourty-"

    "Don't tug on this particular string Jim. Trust me, just... don't."

    "So what's our first lead?"

    "Well I was gonna go kick around in the ashes of the church my new boss burned down, and then see if there were any witnesses."

    "Wait, our BOSS caused that church fire?"

    "Yeah. So you're in?"

    "You kiddin'? I NEED to see how deep this rabbit hole goes."

    That evening they went to the site, and discovered the shoggoth's corpse. There wasn't enough left of it to force san checks, but plenty to make them start asking some pointed questions.

    The Professor ended up on the list of people to look into when this body was identified, and then they found the page of the Necronomicron. Recognizing the occult symbols on it, the Detective dropped it off at his office while he went to ask if he could borrow a notebook out of the cold-case evidence lockers.

    Henderson meanwhile discovered that during a recent bender, he had agreed to chaperone a dance at the local high-school. So he swings by the detective's office to let him know where he'll be.

    So he's at the office, and he meets Jim, asks him to pass along the info to Al, and then snags the scrap of the Necronomicron on the way out the door saying he needed paper. Jim failed his spot to notice which sheet he took. The GM fudged it, probably assuming Henderson was going to read it and he could kill him off via San-damage.

    Boy howdy, was he wrong.

    So Henderson shows up to the dance in his usual attire, slightly less scruffy than usual, and volunteers to sit outside and make sure punks from the other schools didn't try and gate-crash the party. The more 'proper' people were glad to keep him out, since that meant he wouldn't be able to corrupt the youth.

    Henderson was glad because there was no way they'd let him smoke the monster blunt he just rolled inside.

    I then realized, as he lit an 'atomica', as he called it (a blunt roughly the size of a cuban cigar), that there was currently only one piece of paper on his person.

    As soon as I found out where he was IC, I went to the school to try and prevent the inevitable.

    Meanwhile, Jimmy (the jock) was sitting outside, sad because his girlfriend didn't come because she was too busy being a crazy cultist.

    Henderson decides to introduce him to the wonderful world of substance abuse, and like a bro passes the blunt.

    To be totally honest, I'm surprised this moment didn't make the original story, since smoking the giant book of Bad Juju was the best thing to ever happen on accident.

    So Jimmy took a hit, and totally failed every check the GM sent his way.

    He saw Jesus, and then Jesus turned into a giant squid thing. In the deep distance, the Weed softened the blow by masking everything behind a cartoon-ey after-glow.

    So imagine for a moment watching Elmer Fudd scream 'Cthulhu fhtagn' and shoot Daffy in the face. Only instead of a fucked up beak and a muttering of 'this means war', he screams 'HE COMES!" and tentacles rip out of his form to molest wildlife.

    What taking the necro blunt is like
    This is the part where I had to go to the door and retrieve the precious shrimp fried rice, but I came back to "So wait, I ONLY lost 15 san?"

    "Yeah. What now?"

    "I pass it back."

    Henderson of course manages to ace the tests, and then comments on how 'this is some really GOOD shit man' and how Jimmy is 'a lightweight'.

    Jimmy then does a bit better and they get to swapping stories. Pretty soon the Cult comes up, and they agree to join forces for the sake of cute girls next door, and lawn gnomes everywhere.

    Sadly that roach burned fast and hard, so when Me and Al got there all we saw was the crazy old fuck and some ginger teenager crashed together against the wall giggling at 'those silly squid things in people's heads'.

    So we then discover the kid's connection to the madness, and promptly discover what he knows.

    This leads to the three people who DIDN'T have school tomorrow (both in and out of game) to prepare a stakeout of some church.

    So at this point, we all get into Jim's van, and park down the street from a church. The church happens to be on the end of a road, at a T-shaped intersection, and we're parked a bit up the way from it.

    "Man, stakeouts are boring."

    "No shit, Henderson. You have anything useful to contribute?"

    "Not really. I should've brought a book or something."

    "Would you be paying attention to the building if you had reading material?"

    "Not really."

    "Then I guess that would defeat the purpose of a stakeout, wouldn't it?"

    "Not if you two were watching. Hell, we could have two of us watching the third man playing bait."

    "You'd volunteer for that?"

    "Beats the fuck out of sitting in a van with two dudes who won't even let me smoke."

    "Didn't you smoke EVIDENCE last time you lit up?"

    "I regret nothing. Fuck it, you guys hungry or something? I'm gonna go grab some munchies from the gas station."

    "Bring coffee."

    "And some cheese doodles."

    "Aight. Back in... fuck it, just leave the doors unlocked."

    And he went in search of snacks. When he hopped out of the van, one of the cultists happened to see him on a lucky roll, and as he walked around the corner into the gas-station, they ran out and beat the shit out of the two of us left behind.

    About the time we got dragged into the building, Henderson had FINALLY got out of the bathroom. About the time we got tied to the altar, Henderson had stopped to try on hats. About the time the ritual reached it's height, Henderson was debating which AC/DC album was the best with the cashier.

    The end result of that argument was that while they couldn't decide if Back in Black or Dirty Deeds was the best album, Black Ice was pretty boss and heralded only good.

    So then with some tense tests of willpower and resolve, Al managed to free Jim and hold off the cultists while an evil presence steadily took chunks off his San score until he was no longer able to resist.

    Smiling in malicious glee, Hastur began to stalk his new prey. At this point in time, Henderson had JUST walked out of the store, just in time to see my character get murder-glomped by a monster wearing my friend's face. So he does the only 'logical' thing he could. He stole a fucking fuel truck.

    So then we find out he was packing C4, and was making all sorts of tests while gunning it down the road towards us. He made it, and bailed, just in time for the truck to hit him off of me, and run my ass over. Hastur rode that truck to its end, while Henderson placed a call to Jimmy.

    "Hey kid, Henderson here. Found out what the nasties are weak against."

    "What's that Mr. Henderson?"

    "Point blank annihilation." he then hangs up the phone, and proceeds to walk off. I finished bleeding to death two turns later.

    That's right, mother-fucker LEFT ME TO DIE.

    Sure it wasn't like I was screaming for help, but he could have at least CHECKED.

    Since I'm not sure how familiar /tg/ is with certain Cthulhu based rule-books, I was basically in what D&D calls 'alive, with negative hit-points'. So helpless, dying, but still there's hope.

    Until the back trail ignited, and the tiny amount of fire damage ended me.

    My one consolation was that the fire blew up the gas station and took the bar he left me for with it. Then, the detective's player, after the fastest re-roll I've ever seen, entered stage left. William Brocklaw runs in and yells about how his newly refurbished bar just got destroyed on the evening of its grand reopening.

    "Hey man, if it makes you feel any better, I can help you get back at the people who did this."

    "Who are you?"

    "Name's Henderson. This is my right hand man, Rupert."

    "... and you know who did this?"

    "I'm fairly certain I do. Ever hear of the 'Disciples of the Yellow King'?"

    "Are you saying that this was done by cultists?"

    "Look, I'm not saying it was cultists."


    "But it was probably cultists. Come on, your bar might be gone, but it's not the only watering hole in town. Ever hear of a pub called Harry's? You look like you could use a drink."

    At Harry's bar, he got filled in on what Henderson knew, while getting a couple of drinks 'on the house'.

    (I probably would've been there too, were I not slightly pissy about losing two characters in as many sessions.)

    So after a few minutes of back and forth, Will decides he'll get in on it IF Henderson can provide some proof as to the whole evil cultist thing.

    "So why'd you decide to go after them?"

    "Revenge mostly."

    "Really? What happened?"

    "Same bastard who blew up your bar killed two of my buddies. This is after they stole all my fucking lawn gnomes."

    "Damn. Tell you what, when we catch the guy, I'll hold him still while you kill him."

    "Mighty generous of you."

    This was the point where we called it for the evening, and at the start of the next session Henderson headed up a 'daring plan' to kidnap one of the heads of the cult. I'll tell that one next time, but quick spoiler: I managed to get three of MY OWN characters killed in one session.


    Director's Cut Part 3[edit]
    A Self Called 'Nowhere' 08/11/12(Sat)02:33 No.20271993

    I got enough free time to do the story of Henderson's 'Hat Trick'.
    While killing a god is cool and all, that happens a lot in Tabletop Games. Granted it was a first for a CoC inspired game, but I digress.
    Henderson has another record that I find far more irritating, for obvious reasons: Henderson is the only PC I've ever seen to manage to kill the same player's characters four times in a single session.
    Namely mine. The bastard.
    I'm gonna type this up in chunks around what I'm already doing, so don't be surprised if this takes a while.

    Technically I mistyped the end of the last thread: I REROLLED three times in one sitting, but I already had one character ready to go at the beginning.

    When we first arrived for the game that day, I was determined to not get upset at a character death. It's just a game, all pretend.

    I failed, eventually.

    I don't even remember the name of my first character. The session began with the cultists using a mob front, planning to kill the son of a rival crime family. Incidentally, the same one Jim used to work for.

    I was playing the role of the bodyguard, and I was quickly knocked out and thrown in the trunk of one car, while the kid was loaded into the back-seat of another.

    Enter stage left: Henderson and Will. They see them wacky cultists up to no good, and they decide to nick the vehicle with the visible hostage. While Will hotwired it, Henderson punched a hole in the gas-tank of their second car, and lit it off. They then sped away after unknowingly leaving my character to burn screaming in the trunk of the second car.

    Approximate elapsed time between the start of the session and first character death? Two minutes and thirty seconds.

    I promptly rolled up a second character, and agreed with the GM that I should wait until a more appropriate time to join the scene than in the middle of a drive across town.

    They then decide to pull into a local bar with the Don's kid to help him get off his problem.

    My second character of the evening's name was Ronald. Ronald was a used car salesman coming off the tail-end of a bad divorce in which his wife gained all their worldly possessions, and then promptly killed herself and left it all to the new church she had found: The Disciples of the Yellow King.

    At this point in time, he was playing darts. Unbeknownst to him, a cultist from that church just let loose a powerful entropy curse after the car that was stolen from them. A curse with a very specific target: The brake-lines of the car coming in for a hard stop just outside.

    Ronald looked at the perfect game he was playing, and felt genuine joy for the first time in weeks. Then he was ripped in half by a BMW coming through the brick wall behind him. This was less than ten minutes after the first death of the evening.

    Henderson gets out of the car, and the Bartender with the mob connections immediately puts a gun in his face.

    "What the bloody hell do ya think you're doing?"

    "Trying to escort a young man to safety. Damn cultists must've cut the brakes."

    The bartender then recognizes the Don's son, and calls him over to see if he's alright. Danny, the boy, is confused but mostly unhurt. This saved Henderson's life, but the GM soundly refused to let me just take control of such a politically powerful character just to get back into the game quicker, so I started to roll up another: a cop, looking into a lead in a weird house across town.

    A weird house connected to a cold case that his old friend Al asked about immediately before his mysterious death in the middle of a huge explosion.

    A place the mob had just told Henderson and Will should have answers for some of the questions they had, as a favor for saving their son.

    They get there after me, and open the door to creep inside. I've already investigated the upstairs, and found notes saying something about a lab in the basement. Henderson, in the meantime, had gone straight down on the logic of 'what the hell kind of evil cultist just fucks around in the living room when they have a creepy ass cellar to play with?'

    He finds an old summoning circle down there, and decides to spit in its general direction, accidentally activating it as he walks out the far door, finding nothing of 'interest' in the room. Upon discovering that this other door leads outside, he circles back around into the house, and winds up in the study with Will.

    Meanwhile, with my new lead pointing me at the basement, I run in, see the horrible thing taking shape, botch the FUCK out of my save against 'crawl into the fetal position and cry while losing 2d10 sanity'. Henderson meanwhile picks up a book off the shelf and flips it open to a random page.

    "What the hell kinda gobblydegook is this anyway? How are you supposed to pronounce this: Al'whya al Cthulhu fhatagan? K'kili'far al is ar'arkas fal dep'wa?" He turns to Will, completely oblivious to the be-tentacled beast he just conjured into existence behind him, cocked eyebrow barely visible above the rim of his sunglasses. "What does that even MEAN? What's the point of wasting paper with that sort of nonsense?"

    Will, having barely failed his SAN check, loses five points from his score and points behind him muttering something about a thing that 'should not be'. Henderson chuckles and says how he's not going to fall for that one again. Last time he did the tranny he was interrogating vis-a-vis his lawn gnomes had 'her' pimp beat the shit out of him and steal his wallet. So he leads Will to the kitchen, leaving the monster to its own devices.

    In the kitchen, Henderson continues to be disappointed with the continuing lack of clues, while the professor is overjoyed to discover that the liquor cabinet was never emptied by the previous owners, and helps himself to a bottle.

    Then the local cultists, getting a report of Henderson's location, proceed to kick in the door to come kill him.

    Three of them are eaten by the thing Henderson summoned in the study, and while they're screaming the two of them take a peek at the next room, and Henderson smashes all the alcohol and lights it off while they run out the back door.

    The abomination in the basement with me does nothing of importance, while I regain my wits and attempt to leave. I burst out the way I came, see the fire, and immediately have a SECOND breakdown caused by a pre-existing phobia of fire (randomly rolled for) and then die burning, screaming in pain and terror.

    Much like the cultists and the monsters.

    Meanwhile, Will is asking Henderson why his car only has the Creedence Clearwater Revival playing ever. It turns out that it's because the CD is jammed in there and the radio is broke. Henderson just never bothered to fix it because Creedence is awesome.

    So they ride away happily listening to 'Around the Bend' while I fucking died for the third time in the last hour. At this point I was beginning to get a little pissy and break my promise to myself to not let the game get to me.

    I roll up another character, determined to do SOMETHING of consequence in this session. I end up with a nasty street-fighting thug named Patrick.

    Somebody in a yellow robe gave Pat a pile of money and a picture of Henderson, asking him to make sure he 'disappeared'. Now normally Pat would think twice about accepting such a shady deal, since he preferred to 'rough people up' since it couldn't get you 25 to life.

    However, it was a LOT of money. And I was getting to be very bitter about the whole dying every fucking session thing. So Pat agreed to the job. I figured that this would end with me either killing Henderson or us getting into a scuffle and then Pat switching teams.

    Oh how wrong I was.

    Turns out, Henderson wasn't a particularly tough fellow to find, since there's only one crazy old fucker with a mohawk and Hawaiian shirt running around reeking of cheap whiskey and porcelain.

    When Pat caught up with him, Henderson was taking a piss in an alleyway on the cardboard 'home' of a hobo that just tried to mug him, now dead. As he finishes up, Pat taps him on the shoulder, and he turns.

    "You Henderson?"

    "Indeed I am." And then Pat's right hook hits him in the face and smashes his aviator shades into a useless mess of metal and glass shards. At which point Henderson very calmly pulls it off his face and pulls out a spare pair of shades, puts them on and comments "Well that was kinda rude."

    Then Pat caught him with a left.

    Henderson then tosses the second useless pair of sunglasses aside, dons a third set and then says "Now son, I've only got one more pair on me and I've got considerably less patience than that. What the bloody all loving fuck hell are you doin?"

    "I got good money from a man in yellow saying that you're a no good son o' bitch who needs to be put down."

    At this, Henderson puts on a very surprised and concerned face. "A man in yellow you say... Son, I'm afraid that there's been a very big mistake here."

    "... I've been lied to?"

    "Nah, you're pretty spot on." Henderson replies, before shooting out both my knees with his concealed handgun, followed by a pair to the balls. "But no man gets between me and me wee men." He then walks out of the alleyway, leaving me to bleed to death, and everyone at the table kinda looks shocked at the fact that Henderson just blatantly executed a PC right there.

    I will admit to flipping my shit a bit. While the GM went to consult his 'notes', I confronted him.

    "Why the fuck did you just kill me?"


    "You just fucking shot me dead!"

    "I shot a random guy who threatened my life and started trying to beat the shit out of me in the middle of a crime scene where I totally just murdered a hobo? Yes, yes I did. What possible reason could I have to NOT shoot you?"

    "It's ME you cock! I've already died like three times TODAY."

    "That's metagaming."

    I went to make the call for takeout, knowing that I would've hit him if I stayed.

    A Self Called 'Nowhere' 08/12/12(Sun)01:16 No.20284013

    Before anybody says anything, I know getting violently angry over a game is stupid, that's why I walked away before it got the better of me.
    Nobody in the group (except maybe the GM) was a 'that guy', but we all had a tendency or two that could have put us into that category.
    WHM has a thing about the 'rules' and about characters that I'm pretty sure are signs of his OCD coming to the fore. It's a really mild case, so you wouldn't even know he had it if you didn't notice little things: like the fact that he never has the volume set for an 'odd' number.
    If there are rules in place for a game, he expects them to be followed as written. If someone modifies the rules for some reason, that's fine as long as he knows in advance there's a change. The dice land as the dice land, and he tends to be very chill on the whole as long as you don't manage to piss him off.
    Me, I like being a team player. I honestly hate playing a multiplayer game if it means going against my friends. I think this quirk may have eventually rubbed off on WHM as far as Vidya are concerned, but I digress.
    So one of my sore spots is basically infighting. If two people start to have a fight, IC or OOC it ruins the fun for me. I don't give a shit if the random kobolds we're beating up are having a bad day. I give no shits about some random guy in a server I keep sniping. but that guy I'm shooting isn't Dave, my friend who let me move in after I had a bad breakup. That Kobold isn't Mike's new PC.
    Personally, I think this is where the line between That Guy and the rest of us is drawn: We're all geeks and nerds. Given what gets posted on /tg/ and 4chan at large on a daily basis I think it's fair to say that we're all assholes to some degree as well.
    We all have in us some quality or two that might be detestable. The difference between us and 'That Guy' is that we're TRYING to at least be 'acceptable' if not good.
    But now I've gotten off topic a bit.
    I opted to go for a quick drive to get the pizza since it was a bit cheaper, and we were taking a break anyway. WHM decides to go with me, defeating the purpose of me trying to get away and clear my head.
    On the way was probably the time where we actually became friends. You see, up until this point we'd just been kinda hanging out in the same group, playing games and shit. But on this day... I don't know what prompted it, but I got angry, and I kinda yelled at him. He took it in stride, came back with a reasoned argument and let the matter drop.
    On the way back we bickered over stupid shit, but I think out of all the crazy shit I've seen and done with him: near death experiences, epic games, lan parties, late nights having to go help a friend, that time he talked down a jumper... this was the one that stuck with me the most. Partly because I'd never before seen anybody just let their guard down and be honest like that.
    I won't share what we talked about, except this: He actually bought St Anger.
    Waffle House Millionaire 08/12/12(Sun)01:31 No.20284195

    For fucks sake, are you ever going to let me live that down?
    A Self Called 'Nowhere' 08/12/12(Sun)01:32 No.20284203

    That CD was fucking garbage and you know it.
    Waffle House Millionaire 08/12/12(Sun)01:34 No.20284228

    I didn't at the time!
    Fuck, Metallica's pretty consistently awesome, how the hell was I supposed to know THAT was the album they were going to fuck up?
    It was two fucking years before we even met, and I already apologized for it.
    A Self Called 'Nowhere' 08/12/12(Sun)01:36 No.20284252

    Make all the fucking excuses you want man, the truth's out there now.
    Now all the internets know you done goofed.


    We get back to the table, and the GM has got some new stuff lined up. I decide to opt out of re-rolling and rejoining even though we were only like halfway through the session because I wasn't ready to have another character killed off just yet.

    Will and Henderson bounce around trying to find a lead to work with for the whole 'revenge' plot they were kinda working on. They ended up meeting up with Jimmy to try and talk his girlfriend out of being a cultist.

    Which ended up fantastic.

    Jimmy basically agrees to go to one of the meetings if she promised to seriously have a chat with him afterwards about the whole 'joining a cult' thing. She agreed, basically telling him that he'd totally change his mind once he saw what it was all about.

    Jimmy was a smart boy, and he called Henderson's cellphone for backup in case things went south.

    So, pretty soon, Henderson and Will are sitting outside the church on the curb.


    Henderson breaks the silence. "Man, I fucking hate stakeouts."

    "They aren't that bad."

    "Last time I was on a stakeout, two of my friends got killed and your bar burnt down."

    "... does this shit happen on a regular basis with you?"

    "Not causing it. Well, not usually. I remember I got arrested about a year ago for scaring a cook shitless."

    "What? Why?"

    "I told the motherfucker that I was allergic to olives. I get olives on my everything. I coulda fucking died if I didn't check it out."

    There's a silence.

    Then "Fuck it, there's a Best Buy and a video rental place around the corner. I vote we get one of those portable DVD things and a movie."

    "Fuck yes. Shit, we're just here in case Jimmy calls us, let's get baked and watch something funny."

    So they went and got a copy of Grandma's Boy, got high, and laughed their asses off.

    In public, outside a church they're supposed to be watching for cultists that already know what Henderson looks like.

    Surprisingly, nothing comes of this until Jimmy calls them from inside the church. Apparently they just called up some kinda demon, and told it to eat his girlfriend and him as a sacrifice to their god.

    His girlfriend, shocked at the sudden change in tone from the companionable welcoming air that was there before, suddenly realizes that cults aren't as awesome as she thought.

    And that's when Henderson and Will run inside, guns drawn. Jimmy, wise man he is, grabs his girlfriend and ducks, while full auto-shotgun spray kills every motherfucker in the room.

    They go outside and into the car, Henderson starts it up while Will keeps the arson streak alive and sets the building on fire. As they pull away, Kary (Jimmy's girlfriend) goes all 'my hero' on them, and soon the two freaked teenagers are 'getting busy' in the back seat. Will looks shocked, while Henderson lights the bong up and starts hot-boxing while cranking up the stereo.

    Which is when they passed a cop going in the opposite direction.

    To this day, I giggle to myself thinking about what that cop must've been thinking when he saw that.

    There's Henderson 'driving' the car, taking a hit off a bong the size of god, next to him is a dude who looks like a slightly less fat Kevin Smith looking bored out the window, there's so much smoke inside that you'd think the car's on fire, and there's a couple of people obviously fucking in the back seat.

    I'd like to think that he was thinking about his family, or going to watch a hockey game at the bar with his friends. Or maybe finally asking the cute waitress out.

    I just... Some part of me desperately wants to know why it took him two blocks to process what he just saw.

    Henderson just keeps going, not a care in the world.

    Cop turns around and starts to follow him.

    Henderson keeps going.

    Cop turns on his lights.

    Henderson keeps going.

    "Sir, pull over the vehicle." The cops says into his loudspeaker.

    Henderson pulls into a drive-through.

    The cops walks up halfway through an order for tacos and politely asks what the fuck he's doing. Henderson responds with a 'hold on a sec' gesture and finishes his order. Then he asks if the cop wants anything.

    The cop asks him to please step out of the car, sir. Offers of a chalupa are denied.

    Henderson gets out of the car, a plume of smoke accompanying his exit, Jimmy and Kary are kinda blushing and avoiding eye-contact, mostly having recuperated.

    Will, having seen three cosmic horrors in the last day, killed a bunch of people, and still coping with the loss of his bar... apparently has no fucks to give. He just sits there, high off his ass listening to 'Fortunate Son'.

    The cop interrogates him as to why he didn't pull over, and Henderson responds that was because he was color-blind, and that he didn't realize there was a cop behind him.

    The cop asks him why he smelled like weed, and Henderson replied that it was because he just smoked a huge fucking bowl, but it's cool because he has one of those medical licenses.

    When asked about the kids in the backseat, he stated confusion, and asked what kids, before looking back and seeing Jimmy.

    "Hey Jimmy, when'd you get here?"

    "You... you came to pick us up."

    "No shit?" He turned to the cop. "Tell you what, memories the first thing to go, followed right by the memory. So how can I help you officer?"

    After replaying the conversation a few more times, the cop made Will drive and they left relatively unmolested with their tacos.

    Director's Cut Part 4[edit]
    I think when I left off on the last story our intrepid 'heroes' had just gotten their hands on tacos and narrowly avoided getting arrested.

    Henderson is formally introduced to Kary at this point, and I decline the offer to take over her character to get back in the game. I already had a character in mind, and the session was almost over at this point anyway.

    Henderson, being the responsible adult that he is, takes the kids to Harry's. "If you're old enough to kill cultists, you're good to drink." He told them, and grabbed everyone a beer. We got most of the way into an elaborate 'The Big Lebowski' reference when Mike finally asks a question, in a tone of voice that suggested irritation.

    "What the hell are you guys talking about?"

    "... What?"

    "I mean, you guys are clearly having a laugh at my expense. I don't mind that, but I'm not getting the joke and it's pissing me off."

    "Dude, Henderson is practically the 'Dude' from The Big Lebowski. That can't be accidental."

    "It was. I've never seen the movie."


    "...I've never seen The Big Lebowski?"

    "What the fuck do you MEAN you've never seen it?"

    "Not sure how that can be misinterpreted. I think my Uncle mentioned liking it in passing once."

    The GM agreed to call the evening right there so he could work on the next part of the game, while we dragged our 'fearless leader' to watch what WE thought was a fantastic movie.

    So at Harry's, they bump into my second to last character: Malcolm Reeves. Mal was a soldier who just got discharged from the military after a tour of duty sent him into a nest of monsters.

    He was diagnosed with Schizophrenic hallucinations caused by PTSD, and sent home. He overhears Henderson talking about cultists and deformed hell-poodles, and asks if he can get involved.

    We move out of the bar as evening begins to set in, in various degrees of drunk. We start with the building Henderson exploded.


    We go back to the remains of the Church Henderson burned down.


    Same story with the old mansion and the Cult meeting we saved Kary from.

    "Fookin' cultists!" Henderson yelled dismayed. "Not one clue anywhere!"

    "Maybe if you didn't burn everything down we'd have more to work with?" Mal suggests.

    "We wage a scorched Earth sorta war here, kid." Henderson says darkly. "But that can wait until we get a lead. Anyone have any ideas?"

    Jimmy, buzz well on it's way to wearing off, raises a hand. "Uh... the Internet?"

    "What the hell's an Internet?" And then Henderson learned something new about the world.

    Seeing as how Kary and Jimmy's parents wouldn't want a trio of random dudes showing up to use their computers, they do the next most logical thing: break into the library and use the public access lines.

    Sadly, Google had zero useful results under 'Gorram poodle fookin cultists'.

    'Disciples of the Yellow King', as Jimmy pointed out, and then corrected Henderson's spelling, had a list of locations and possible meeting times for various groups across the city.

    There were ten unmolested locations, and several of them were having meetings this very night. Clearly the GM was wanting us to get back to investigating.

    Henderson instead bought enough gasoline to make about fifty Molotovs, and we burned every one of those motherfuckers down that evening, before dropping off the kids at home for a good night's sleep.

    Mal buys the first round as we watch the news, seeing our exploits all over T.V.

    We all got a good laugh when the Cops apparently failed their assorted checks, tests, and investigations. Since we players decided as a group, that 'going to confront possible suspects' meant 'have no fucking clue what's up' and 'we're gonna go arrest Jeff Bridges, Kevin Smith, and Marshall Mathers'.

    Triumphantly, we return home for the evening, and we all catch the news the next morning. Apparently people are appalled by the hate-crimes against this one religious group in the community, and they send their prayers with them.

    The head of the local cultists thanked the community for their concern, and said that he had the permission of the local government to gather together and pray for the souls of their departed in a local High-School Gym.

    In retrospect, the GM telling us that every living cultist of Hastur would be gathering into one convenient location should've been a hint that it was a trap.

    Like one big enough to be visible from space.

    This is when Henderson had a 'cunning plan'. He was gonna go there and talk to the head cultist guy. I tell him that it's a fantastic plan, since Will already shared the summoning of the demon thing Henderson accidentally accomplished with him.

    So the new plan, of which Henderson was only vaguely aware, was that Jimmy was going to help the 'deacon' set up a slide show thing for all of the words of the prayer that he was going to lead.

    Henderson asked what significance Lawn Gnomes had in their worship. The Deacon, after deducing that he wasn't in fact being mocked, explained that the church was rather neutral on the topic of Lawn Gnomes. Henderson then kept chasing the line as hard as he could, asking about things like Human-Gnome relations. Whether the Gnomes had souls. Whether said souled-Gnomes could theoretically be used as sacrifices to Satan.

    The Deacon then, and I'm quoting the GM here (in the only good line he had the entire game), gave Henderson a Look. A look that can only be summed up as 'Dude, I fucked a Shoggoth and you're creeping me out'.

    Jimmy then lead Henderson away from the fracas, after he completed his secret mission of changing one of the slides about a third of the way into the show.

    That evening, the cultists prayed to Hastur. They asked for guidance and protection. They asked that their dead be avenged. They asked that they be allowed to continue serving.

    Or at least, that was the intent.

    One of the slides had been changed to say something more like ' Al'whya al Cthulhu fhatagan, K'kili'far al is ar'arkas fal dep'wa'.

    One horrible, tentacled monstrosity per member saying the prayers out loud. The GM assumed that we would crash the show, we chose instead to barricade the doors and leave. After the horrors had ripped apart the cultists, they turned on each other. Soon the hall was left with only the dead and dieing, while some stone-cold motherfuckers shot pool across town.

    However, we didn't account for one thing. Hastur wasn't the only game in town, and a High Priest of Cthulhu felt a hundred monsters being called into the world in his Master's name. He investigates and finds the scene of the crime, and then looks into the earlier summoning performed by Henderson.

    Gravely insulted by the turn of affairs, He uses a sympathetic binding using what little remained of the corpse to sick a pair of hell-hounds on Henderson, before returning to his meditations.

    When they catch up to him, Will's already gone home, the Kids are sleeping, and Henderson's going for a walk with Malcolm. We're in the park not far from his house, about to part ways when we hear a horrible snarling noise.

    Pistols drawn, we get a lucky shot off and kill one of them while the second leaps onto Henderson's face. He throws it off, and dodges its second coming.

    Guess who get's a crit to the fucking throat? Fucking Guess.

    Yes, I'm still bitter that no character other than Simon survived across multiple sessions.

    So as the monster kills me, Henderson manages a few solid kicks into it. The summoner, having detected a kill from his beasts dismissed the survivor, assuming that he got the kill he desired.

    Henderson called the cops, and Mal was given a small but tasteful funeral at the military's expense. The official police reports read it off as a mauling by some dogs that apparently escaped, heavily wounded.

    The surviving party members raised a glass in his name, while you and I are going to diverge from the sad scene.

    That night, on the way home, I had a terrible premonition. I now wonder, looking back, if this was the same fey mood that took Mike the evening he created Henderson.

    I lurked forums. I googled strategies. I shared small snippets of my sob story online, while I accumulated knowledge.

    Henderson was born of Madness, and a man's hatred towards blind antagonism. I on the other hand, turned my eyes towards a magic more... solid. Practiced. Dependable.


    I delved into deliberate munchkinism for one express purpose: The Creation of Simon Breckenridge, British Spy.

    I knew setting out that I would never curb Henderson's madness. I could never hope to match it either. I therefore built Henderson's exact opposite: Competent, sane, cunning.

    His karmic balance.

    The Yin to his Yang.

    His fucking soul mate in plot annihilation.

    The perfect support character. When utilized properly, a well made/played support character is a fucking force multiplier for team effectiveness.

    Since Henderson was already wrecking the campaign harder than anything I could possible design, I chose to co-opt Mike's efforts, and make the Henderson situation EXPONENTIALLY WORSE.

    Since I've been absent for longer than intended from the whole 'Director's cut' thing I've been doing.... I'm gonna power through the rest of the story tonight. So excuse me while I go slip into something a bit more comfortable and grab a snack.

    Waffle House Millionaire 11/20/12(Tue)02:09 No.21665956

    Simon was intentional?
    That explains SO MUCH.

    A Self Called 'Nowhere' 11/20/12(Tue)02:15 No.21666030

    Man, I can't make shit up off the cuff like you can.
    Simon was like a week's effort. I skipped a couple classes to perfect my technique.

    Switching away from the antics of Henderson for a little while, we take the action to London.

    Most spies who try James Bond level bullshit get killed. They get lost, or abandoned by their own country.

    Most spies are not Simon Breckenridge. Due to careful manipulation of events behind the scenes, he managed to close multiple gaps in security, sleep with most of the attractive ladies in town, and pass all the blame to other people. He had a distinguished career behind him, and retired at Age 45 with enough embezzled government funds to have him tried for treason.

    Less than a week later, without his spy network in place, his country house is destroyed and he goes back to work trying to figure out who killed his wife.

    His one lead skips town on a boat, so he goes to America with only one goal in mind: Revenge. He knows that he'll have to use local conditions to his advantage, since he going in blind and without a penny to his name. After all, the crown could hardly be caught funding a covert operation Stateside.

    I track the Yacht, and find out where it intends to make landfall. I send a wire back home, and discover that it's an influential member of a group known as the 'Disciples of the Yellow King'. Looking around, it's not exactly hard to figure out why he might be interested in this town. Someone apparently declared war on his fucking religion.

    I decide that finding the group responsible for this would be a wise move, since the enemy of my enemy would make an excellent disposable asset for the given value of 'friend'. Deciding to get up bright and early the next day to search it out, I retire to a pub near my quaint hotel room intending to sample the local fare.

    As I walk into Harry's pub, I'm greeted by a pair of people in the midst of a heated argument.

    “I'm telling you Will. This sort of degenerate activity is what's wrong with this country today.”

    “You're fucking crazy Henderson. Each Generation has it's thing. You guys had Woodstock. This is just the new thing.”

    “Come on, we all know those punks on the T.V. Are talentless hacks. The REAL masters of the craft are dead and gone.”

    “I guess that's true enough, assuming you give proper credit to the proper men.”

    “Will, there's no FUCKING WAY, in ANY universe, that Tupac was better than Biggie.”

    “Let's get a second opinion.” Will responds, before pointing at Simon. “You there, new guy.”


    “Tupac or Biggie?”

    “For what, President? I'd rather vote for someone with a sense of pizazz. What's Liberace doing these days?”

    Henderson smiles. “I think I like this guy. Sup, Limey? What brings you across the pond?”

    “I'm a secret agent for the crown. I came here to re-enact a James Bond movie, and get throw out under an assumed name. Given your hilariously liberal gun laws, that should take most of my holiday.”

    “Which Bond?”

    “Connery. The only proper one.” Simon notes, a hint of distaste in his voice.

    “Nice.” Henderson looks at the T.V. “Hey, they're talking about us again.”

    “Your church?” Simon asks, taking mental notes.

    “Victims of Jihad.” Will responds, taking a sip of beer. “Demon summoning cultist bastards.”

    “Stole my Gnomes too.”

    “Why do you reckon they did that anyway?” Will asks, turning to his compatriot.

    “Nearest I can guess, some sort of ritual sacrifice.” Henderson responds. “By the way, that taxidermist ever finish stuffing that poodle? I figure I can use him to keep away the kids on Halloween.”

    Simon finishes his mental assessment: These morons will make for EXCELLENT cannon fodder. “Gentlemen? A proposition.”

    He then explains the Yacht situation to the two of them, while Henderson takes a call from Jimmy. He then laughs. “Can you boys handle getting some parachutes and some speakers for a rock concert? I just had the best plan ever.”

    “... What sort of plan is this?” Will asks, watching Henderson intently.

    “The best one ever. Come on, when have I ever lied to you?” Refusing to explain further he goes and leaves in his Buick to unknown destinations.

    Will lets out a sigh. “I know where we can grab some speakers. You think you can get some parachutes?”

    “I think I can manage. We meet back up here tomorrow?”

    So while we went off to do some very mundane things, Henderson went to the local Airforce base. He told the man at the gate that he was a veteran needing to see a Doctor, and then drove off to where the vehicles are kept. Since the GM had no idea how base security was supposed to work, he pretty much just walked up to a cargo chopper going through pre-flight checks and punched out the pilot. After hooking up the Buick, he flew across town to an abandoned warehouse and parked the chopper before going home.

    There really isn't anything more to that story. Apparently these were the worst MPs in the history of our armed forces.

    We all come back to the bar, and Simon informs the group that the Yacht will arrive in two days time. Henderson and Jimmy rig up a thing that would let them control the various light charges and speakers from a cheap laptop, while Simon reacquainted himself with the controls of a helicopter.

    The theft and dropping of the Yacht clearly happen at this point, so I'm not going to bother reposting that part of the tale here. My version wouldn't be nearly as funny as the way Mike wrote it anyway.

    Waffle House Millionaire 11/20/12(Tue)03:30 No.21666866

    I totally expected more resistance. I planned that shit out like a Shadowrun style attack, and then... nothing happened. I just kinda walked in and jacked the chopper.
    Hilariously, I had no 'fly a chopper' related skills. Even in the backstory.
    GM just assumed it was there and I went. I fully expected to crash that thing in a field running from like, the entire military.

    At this point in the game, having dropped the Yacht, we are under no illusions as to what was going to happen next.

    The GM gave up the investigative undertones, we gave up on the disguising our war. I don't know why, but the GM refused to give us a cop-out. He didn't want to just rage-quit and go 'rocks fall, everyone dies'. The session ended with us dropping a Yacht, and we all walked out of there fully expecting open warfare when we returned to the table.

    A week later, we met for the last time as a group after MONTHS of weekly games. It took Henderson about three weeks to completely destroy any semblance to a plot or a long term goal. All that mattered at this point was that our deaths were long, glorious and brutal.

    Ironically, it was the first time we all arrived at the table with the same expectations and enthusiasm. Mike wanted to see Henderson die and the GM wanted to kill him.

    I wanted Simon to draw it out as long as possible, John wanted to see Will continue to give Zero fucks.

    In a way, we all succeed in our respective goals.

    The game picks up about three days after the dropping of the Yacht. The remaining cultists begin to kill each other in open warfare and the police and federal investigators are all flipping their shit over the blatant WIZARDRY happening.

    In the midst of it all, we're hitting high priority targets and wreaking as much havoc as possible.

    The Buick is sacrificed as a Car-Bomb to wipe out a police station filled with Shoggoths.

    We manage to briefly steal a tank from the National Guard and drive right through a bunch of Zombies in a Shopping mall.

    Henderson updates his outfit, swapping the Hawaiian shirt for a Leather Jacket, the back of which is emblazoned with a Gnome wearing Aviators and throwing up the horns. He also dons a regular pair of Gray Cargo pants, since he would have more pockets then.

    Simon put on a Tuxedo and refused to take it off, while Will donned a Flogging Molly T-shirt and a Utilikilt.

    Jimmy and Kary, sadly, couldn't update their costumes. Their players were pulled out of the game at this point by Jim's parents in the real world, since they insisted on dragging them to some movie.

    We decided that meant that Henderson made Jimmy get the hell out of dodge, commanding him to continue the good fight if it came to that. We went back to the abandoned Hockey Stadium we were using as a base and loaded him up so he'd get out safe, and then dropped him near a military evac zone where he met his family. We raided an Applebees to get some food supplies, and then hit up a hardware store along the way. On the way back, we find out the the badguys have realized WE'RE the cause of all their problems, and were about to launch a coordinated strike against us.

    They breach the military line between us and them, and start to pour after us like a black sea of unthinkable horrors. Along the way, they started to reanimate the dead and dieing of both sides to join their charge.

    We managed to stay a half a step ahead all the way back home, occasionally taking a detour through a place like an abandoned shopping mall or the home and garden center at Lowes.

    We get back, and then Henderson lifts up a Gnome from the back of the Truck. He smiles, and then sets it back down, before turning to us. "Gentlemen. It's been a pleasure." And with that, he made his way to the Rink.

    We all knew then that it was a last-stand scenario, and we started barricading the doors. We managed to get three of the four entrances almost unbeatable, but the fourth one was being broken open when Will and I got to it. Simon told him to go and make sure he took as many with him as he could, before walking into the mass to rejoin his wife.

    Will Stole a Zamboni out of storage and set a new high score while running over zombies and throwing Ammo and such to Henderson. When he died they were forced to go over the machine he left to get onto the ice, where Henderson was waiting for them. He managed to kill a shitload of them, but then he saw they managed to get rid of Will's impromptu barricade. As if on cue, all three of the still locked entrances explode open, and a horde seemingly without number comes in.

    Henderson smiled, and called Hastur forward into the world, and set the timers.

    As Hastur stepped forward, he got a rather... unusual greeting.

    "O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free!~"

    The King in Yellow pauses, while Mike apparently hits the limit of the internal clock he's been ticking off in his head.

    "Alright, we win."


    "The charges go off. I set them for fifteen seconds. I needed to make sure he had enough time to arrive, but not enough time to actually ARRIVE."


    He then broke it down and explained little pieces of information gleamed from investigative portions of the game. Meticulous notes from MONTHS prior. Together, they painted a very obscure bit of information regarding the nature of the gods in this setting.

    "But that's... That's..... You BASTARD!" The Gm accused dramatically, standing up and pointing.

    "You only just now noticed?" Mike returned, politely baffled.

    The Gm then performed the first and ONLY table-flip I've ever seen in my years of gaming, before leaving in a huff.

    After a few moments of awkward silence, I realized that for all the bullshit, it wasn't really a satisfying ending. I'm not sure what drove me to do it, but I stood up. I picked up the table, and I moved to the now vacant GM's seat.

    Henderson came to a few moments later, most of his body crushed in rubble. A few feet away, he notices another figure.

    "Sup?" He wheezes, while reaching into his coat with his one good arm, pulling out a joint he stashed away for future use.

    "I'm dieing." The form replies, his voice weak. "I must commend you Human. I did not think you capable of such a task."

    "Yeah, you seem the type to know a lot. Something I learned early in life is that no-one expects a sucker-punch from someone they underestimate." He then lights his slip with a smile.

    "True." The form responds. "You know, I've been following you. You know I never took your Gnomes?"

    "Fuck, really? Well now I feel like I might've over-reacted a bit." He says with a cough. He then passes the blunt to Hastur, who after only a moment's hesitation, accepts.

    "You apparently gave them up for a charity auction." He informs him. "... You know, I've figured out everything but one little detail. Mind if I ask you a question?"


    "Is Henderson your first or last name?"

    ".... Man, I've got no fucking idea."

    Laughing, the man and the Mad god died together moments later. Henderson's body was dragged from the rubble two days afterwards, and only Jimmy and Kary and some old preacher man cared enough to attend his funeral.
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I'll be re-posting my CS-sheet. Please inform me of any discrepancies regarding my character or if he is accepted or not accepted. Thank you!

(G.I. Joe Universe)(Updated because it's easy to skip.)(Updated Grail.)

Real Name: {Classified ~ Government access only.}

Alias: Snake-Eyes, Silent Master, Mr.Hebime. (Primarily goes by Snake-eyes, mainly by other affiliates that he’s associated with.)

Age: {Unknown, presumably in late 20’s to early 30’s.}

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Universe: G.I. Joe.

Moral Standing/Alignment: Lawful Neutral {Mainly due to circumstances involving neutralizing enemies, technically he’d be considered to be ‘good’. But has Punisher-esque standards when it comes to taking down criminal organizations.}{Meaning he kills people.}

Height: Variable, 5’8 - 6’0ft.

Weight: Variable, 180 - 205lbs.

Powers/Skills: (Below.)

Enhanced speed: He is able to continuously speedblitz his contenders at a blink of an eye! Even landing a devastating blow to them before they have enough time to react and pull their index finger around the trigger even with a temporary leg injury. Example of Feats: (1. Dodging indiscriminate gunfire from multiple foes at different angles. 2. Keeping up to a motorcyclist on foot and apprehending him.)

Superhuman strength/endurance: Self-explanatory really, Snake eye’s rigorous training and duty on the field has made him prone to obtaining strength that is above the average-Joe. Example of Feats: (1. Has been able to head-butt a soldier at such a velocity that it was enough to shatter their fully-reinforced helmet as well as being able to drive his fist through stone-statues. 2. One of his more impressive performances was leaping from one of the higher up floors on a skyscraper and nearly avoiding death by seizing his firm grasp around conveniently placed iron lamp post, all while grabbing onto his adversary’s leather sash to prevent his demise as well.)

Combative prowess: Snake-eyes is an accomplished martial artist who has been vigorously instructed in numerous combative arts including Krav Maga, Jujitsu, Taekwondo, Karate, and much more that has been taught to him over a collected amount of years. A majority of which comes from MACV Recondo installation in Nha Trang, Vietnam. Example of Feats: (1. Impeccably eliminating 6-8 cybernetic soldiers while undergoing debilitating process without having a bullet or tempered blade connect with his body. 2. Being able to completely wipe out a group of Arashikage ninjas while effortlessly dodging arrows.)

Limited Qigong/Senses Manipulation: Capable of sensing the Ki of others as well as his own and being able to manipulate/tune his senses and heartbeat to the point where he can be interpreted as ‘dead’. Example of Feats: (1. Has been able to balance himself on-top of the seat of a motorcycle at around intense speeds of over 80mph. 2. Has fought several individuals while blind-folded without being severely injured.)

Extraordinary slyness/Ninjutsu: Over the years Ninjutsu has been a significant and very crucial part of his training! There have been rumors stating that he is similar to that of an apparition as he can vanish at any moment and leave no trace or evidence that proved he was there. Snake-eyes has been able to sneak his way into restricted areas of heavily-manned military bases without being detected by infrared cameras. Armed guards, etc. Example of Feats: (1. Sneaking into Cobra Commander’s chambers without any detection. 2. Disappeared in mid-conversation with a handful of people without them even realizing it.)

{Essentially Snake-eyes is at or a few steps above Peak Human conditioning (Kind of like Bruce Wayne/Batman), he’s been able to pull off feats that are inconceivable by humans at a flawless speed.}

- Dual Mikimoto katanas. (*This item cannot be damaged due to their nature.*)
- Uzi submachine gun.
- Multi-purpose pouches/pockets.
- Black tactical military harness.
- M67 Hand grenades.
- 1911 Colt 45 Cal. Handgun.
- Shuriken/Kunai.
- 1937 Wehrmacht compass.
- Lock-picking set.
- Pen-sized laser. (Glass-cutting utility.)
- Small suction-cups. (Climbing 90 degree surfaces.)

Personality: Due to the fact that Snake Eyes cannot speak, not much is known of his personality other than he is completely mysterious, only communicating in hand-gestures and other bodily gestures to get his point across. Only thing really known about his personality is that he’s straight to the point and very disciplined when it comes to anything remotely serious, Snake-eyes is always willing to throw himself into harms way if it meant for the greater good.

Biography: Snake Eyes, the code name for one of the most proficient Military special forces agents and a member of the advanced Counter-terrorist organization known as “G.I. Joe.” Not much is known of this individual aside that most evidence regarding his physical existence has been scrubbed out, including his date of birth, full name, and even documents involving his childhood have been shredded. Only his martial grade (Sergeant first class/E-7) and a few minor descriptions involving his expertise. Trained at the MACV Recondo school in Nha trang, Vietnam, he eventually served in the LRRPS (Long-range reconnaissance patrol.) in South-East Asia. During his one specific mission of his many tours in Vietnam his patrol came under fire by a Vietcong ambush squad which eventually resulted in the reconnaissance patrol making a desperate escape after signaling a friendly helicopter to come and retrieve them.

As it was under heavy-fire, Snake eyes was eventually hit by a stray bullet which led to him being rescued by Storm-shadow and leading up to the events of the Arashikage Clan where his exhaustive martial arts training had begun. Once they dissolved and in due course he met up with the “G.I. Joe” team where he was recruited and swore an oath to his brothers and sister, becoming a ‘family.’ But all was not prosperous in these times for Snake Eyes as one hostage-rescue mission left him horribly disfigured and unable to verbally communicate after two helicopters collided, causing aviation fuel to spark and ignite which led to searing vapor being projected through a window and into his face and throat.

Grail: (His Mikimoto Katanas you could as possess a form of 'supernatural' capabilities because of the nature of them and the forging process.)(Example of it being 'otherworldly' would be shown during one his fight-scenes in the comic strip, upon swinging his tempered blade it was able to catch fire in mid-swing.)

Time of Gate-Awakening: During infiltration of Silent Castle, he found himself facing off against Storm-Shadow, his mortal nemesis! Until a darkness consumed his own vision. Waking in an unfamiliar place, confused and begging for questions of his to be answered.

- Received his nickname from a quote his father before his passing. “And the next thing you know… Snake-eyes, end of the line.”
- Iconic for dual-wielding two unbreakable Mikimoto swords and carrying a various amount of equipment around for each mission.
- Oh and he has a pet Gray wolf named Timber.

Theme Music:

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Zora_(Breath_of_the_Wild).png Name:


Legend of Zelda




Neutral Good





(At top)


-Breathing underwater
-Enhanced swimming


Dedicated, intelligent, and a good pilot.





Time of Gate awakening:

After the defeat of Ganon

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):
Mipha was a childhood friend of Link and daughter of King Dorephan, possessing the unique ability to heal others. She had been chosen by King Rhoam and Zelda to become the Zora Champion and the pilot of the Divine Beast Vah Ruta as a protector of Hyrule. Having died long ago during the Great Calamity, the spirit of Mipha was trapped within the Divine Beast Vah Ruta as it was corrupted by Waterblight Ganon. It was only when Link slew the demon that Mipha, aiding the Hylian Champion in spirit, was freed and gave Link use of Mipha's Grace. As Vah Ruta fires a laser towards Hyrule Castle to weaken Ganon, Mipha muses this may be the only help they can provide Link while expressing regret over being unable to see her father again.

Fran Bow


Chaotic Evil



images (2).jpg

Unconfirmed but large

-Fear inducing
-Darkness manipulation

Strength and charisma



Time of Gate awakening:
After he suggested Fran killed her parents

Remor is a creature created to drive Fran Bow insane. He was first seen outside of her window the night his parents died and he was thought to be the killer of her parents. She was forever terrified of his. Remor always followed Fran wherever she went. Showing her terrifying things at every turn.​
Name: Terry Hints

Universe: LISA: The Painful

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good

Race: Human

Age: Mid-Late twenties

Personality: Terry is just an all-around nice guy. He likes to brag about the fact that he is the lord of the Hintz and supposedly has a bunch of "fans", He developed this behavior when he was young child stricken with cancer. With no support he became his own biggest and only cheerleader, thanks to this he eventually overcame the dreadful disease, Terry enjoys writing hints and hates being alone.


Height: Unknown

Weight Unknown

Powers: Terry has the ability to heal and strengthen friends by cheering them on, he's also capable of causing enemies to become enraged, afraid or cry, by tossing hurtful jabs at them. And terry is also capable of conjuring fire through the power of the hottest dance

Skills: Terry is a practitioner of Di Tang Quan ("ground tumbling boxing") though due to his pulled hamstring, he is unable to perform the more extravagant moves that the martial art has to offer. But fear not, for as mentioned before Terry isn't the lord of the hintz for nothing. Terry is capable giving cheers that heal his friends, and cheers that will cause enemies to cry or become utterly enraged. Terry also possesses the power of Hottest Dance; an unknown power that allows Terry to conjure fire.

Weapons/Items: Journal, Sweatbands, Leopard-Print jersey

Grail: None

Time of Gate awakening: After his battle with Brad

Backstory: Very little is known about Terry's past, though what is known is that he had cancer as a child and possibly was an orphan. Before The Flash Terry was a freeloader, But Terry like many other guys after The Flash have gone out of their way to forge new identity's for themselves
Here is the CS

Penny Polendina

Universe (If the series has multiple continuities, specify which one):
RWBY:Volumes 1-3


Alingment: (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil)
Neutral Good

Race (Their species)

Age (type unknown if unconfirmed)

Appearance (Post a picture)

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)
Strength-Strong enough to pull a freaking helecarrier with only a very durable string attached to a sword(AKA, her weapon)
Aura-Kinda like an HP bar. Get depleted of this stuff, you're vulnerable to death.

Pretty Agile(Mobility)
String/Marionette Swords Mastery

Penny was able to control numerous swords, kept in what appears to be a small mechanical backpack, with simple movements from her hands. She was able to manipulate every sword simultaneously without any difficulty at all, and could fire energy blasts when she brought them together, with the swords going into a special rotating configuration. This blast of energy was powerful enough to simultaneously slice multiple Bullheads in half, shooting them down. She could also put her swords into a smaller rings in order to fire multiple weaker beams.

The swords were connected to her (and possibly operated by) the use of thin strings attached to the hilts. Penny's 'strings' seemed to be quite strong and durable, as they were able to pull down a Bullhead and cut through Penny herself easily. The swords were able to fold in half lengthwise for easier storage.

Grail: None.

Time of Gate awakening: RWBY Vol.3 Chapter 8-9

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):
Penny was an android created by an unnamed scientist with the aid of the Atlesian Military and General James Ironwood. Designed to be the first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura. Her abilities were to be presented on an international stage at the 40th Vytal Festival in Vale.
Name: Goro Akechi

Universe (If the series has multiple continuities, specify which one):
Persona 5

Gender: Male

Alingment: True Neutral/Lawful Neutral

Race (Their species)

Age (type unknown if unconfirmed)

Appearance (Post a picture) This baby has 3 forms.

Black Mask

Height (if confirmed)
178 cm

Weight (if confirmed)
64 kg

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)
Persona-The Manifestation of the soul. The user summons a Persona by means of ripping of their masks which donned their outfits. Since the outfit is a reflection of their 'True Selves', one's Persona can be called one's true self which has strength and abilities far powerful than normal humans, which can relate to 'summons'. Albeit it lasts temporarily, Personas are great for combat and would do whatever their user commanded them without question.

Goro has 2 separate Personas, making him a Wild Card of a single Arcana; Justice.

Robin Hood and Loki

Logic and Reasoning- He is a detective after all.
Gun handling-Can fire a gun if he has to.
Saber mastery-Self explanatory

Laser Sabre-A Sword he found in the Shadow world while he was still working with the Phantom Thieves of Heart. Pretty damn useful.
Pistol-Standard model issued to a policeman. He's a detective, after all.

Grail (If it is in their possession. Grails are items that will have the ability to manipulate the Gates of Realms. These would usually be very special items that are the focus of their canon universes, such as the Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Z or the Tri Force in The Legend of Zelda.

Time of Gate awakening: Near Endgame, around the time Cognitive Goro appears(Spoilers?)

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):
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Name: Solaire Of Astora

Universe: Dark Souls

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good

Race: Undead

Age: Unknown. Could possibly be hundreds of years old or only in his early thirties, Time in Lordran is almost impossible to keep track off and being undead doesn't help the matter.

Personality: He is a cheerful and powerful knight who did not let the crumbling world that was Lordran to affect his jolly outlook. He speaks of willingly becoming an Undead so that he could search for his own sun, however through his journey in search of his sun, he seems to realize how impossible his quest is, though while this revelation did lead to him to become slightly less jolly, It didn't affect him for very long, possibly thanks to his wide-eyed outlook on life and not being the brightest bulb in the box, does help to some extent I suppose.



Height: Presumed to be around 5'6

Weight (if confirmed)

Powers: Capable of hurling javelins made of lightning, is also technically immortal (In the sense that he's revived each time he is killed, but it's not much of a blessing. seeing as how each revival makes it more likely for him to become hollow)

Skills: Solaire is a capable warrior, having traveled through Lordran in his non-enchanted armor which are described as thus Solaire's incredible prowess must have come from rigorous training alone, for his equipment exhibits no special traits. He is also able to throw javelins of lightning

Weapons/Items: Sunlight Straight Sword, Sunlight Shield, Sunlight Talisman,

Grail: Dark Sign

Time of Gate awakening: Unknown possibly while being summoned

Backstory: Unknown


Name: Douglas Jay Falcon, but he is definitely better known as Captain Falcon.

Gender: He is about as much man as Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, if not more.

Race: Human, but I would say he is more like a super human. He has advanced way beyond the capabilities of a normal man.

Age: 37.

Height (if confirmed): 185cm.

Weight (if confirmed): Not confirmed (as far as I know) but due to BMI calculations, I’d says he is around 82kg.

Universe: F-Zero, however his powers set is more specifically from Smash Bros.

Alignment: Hmm…I would say he is Lawful Good, but could also be Chaotic Good. Probably on the Chaotic side.

Powers: Of course, Falcon Punch. He also has the abilities from Smash Bros, so he can also Falcon Kick, Lightning Kick etcetera. He can also spend a few seconds to channel his energy into his knee to deliver the infamous Knee of Justice. THE KNEEEEEE!!! He can also break out of telekinetic/magic binds, as proven by one of the F-Zero GX game cutscenes. He is also capable enough to punch and kick fast enough to strike arrows and even weak magic out of the air. However, it takes time to charge his attacks and if he uses them too often he can do serious damage to himself.

Skills: Driving, mainly, but he is also great at street fighting and martial arts. Fight dirty and he’ll just throw it back at your face. Along with your body, since he can easily grab and throw heavier foes due to his force redirection training from his martial arts.

Weapons/Items: He does have a pistol on his belt, which he rarely uses and honestly isn’t that proficient with, and of course, the Blue Falcon. The Blue Falcon is an amazing racing machine capable of 450MPH (ish) and can corner well at those speeds. He can also summon the Blue Falcon to his aid via remote on his wristband.

Grail: The Creator, a god like being.

Time of Gate awakening: See backstory.


Black Shadow flees Lightning in the Black Bull, whilst being pursued by Deathborn piloting the Dark Schneider. Deathborn manages to catch up to Shadow, and forces him to wreck. An injured Black Shadow crawls out of his disabled machine and is grabbed by the neck. Pleading for mercy, Shadow is informed by Deathborn that he will have one final chance to win the F-Zero Grand Prix, and is warned of the price of failure. Deathborn promptly departs, leaving Black Shadow alone on the road.

Sometime later, Captain Falcon is roaming the streets of Port Town when he notices a group of racers watching a news broadcast of Black Shadow wreaking havoc. He continues to his hideout, where he hones his driving skills in the Blue Falcon’s simulation mode. After completing his training, Falcon tunes into a news broadcast and witnesses Black Shadow declare his intent to win the upcoming Grand Prix.

On his way through Red Canyon in search of a bounty, Falcon encounters Samurai Goroh and his gang. Angered by Falcon's victory in the previous Grand Prix, Goroh challenges Falcon to a race, which the Captain obliges. The two race around the canyon until Goroh eventually wipes out. As Falcon departs, a belligerent Goroh vows revenge before being blown back by the exploding Fire Stingray.

Falcon arrives at a pub in Mute City, a popular watering hole for F-Zero racers. Upon entering the establishment, he is recognized by fellow pilot, Silver Neelson, who convinces Falcon to disguise himself and participate in a BET race. Posing as a pilot named "Famicom", Falcon is victorious and is awarded half of the winnings by Neelson. Suddenly, a news bulletin in the pub reports that Black Shadow is attacking the Lightning area, and the Captain abruptly departs.

On his way to Lightning, Falcon is waylaid by the Bloody Chain and is challenged by their leader, Michael. Not wanting to waste time with the gang, Falcon outraces them and causes several members to wipe out. Michael orders his remaining men to go after the Captain, but they instead fall back and flee, much to Michael's chagrin.

Falcon arrives at Lightning to find the city in peril. He encounters John Tanaka who informs him that Jody Summer was inside the power plant and may be trapped. Falcon drives to the plant, finds Jody, and escorts her out just before the core reactor overloads. After reuniting Jody and John, Falcon spots Black Shadow and moves to confront him. Shadow threatens Falcon, but the Captain refuses to fight, resolving to settle their dispute at the Grand Prix. The devious Shadow uses his dark powers to bind Falcon; Blood Falcon arrives and forces the Captain into the Blue Falcon, on which he has placed an explosive set to detonate if the machine slowed past a certain speed. Falcon manages to break free of his restraints, and is able to maneuver the Blue Falcon off an unfinished track where the bomb is knocked off by a construction crane. Falcon retreats to prepare for the Grand Prix.

At the Grand Prix finale, Black Shadow is surprised to discover that the Captain is still alive. The two exchange “pleasantries” before the race begins. After three intense laps, Shadow wipes out and Falcon is again triumphant. Before the F-Zero Committee can present the Captain with the Champions’ Belt, Deathborn appears from a dimensional portal and attacks Black Shadow for his failure. Introducing himself as “The Grand Prix Champion of the Underworld”, Deathborn challenges Falcon to a 1-on-1 race for both the F-Zero and Underworld belts.

Upon arriving at the Underworld track, Deathborn explains to Falcon that each of their championship belts are condensed forms of Dark and Light, the great forces that make up the universe. With the combined powers of both belts, Deathborn intends to destroy the galaxy. Not willing to surrender such great power to Deathborn’s evil whims, Falcon outraces him. Distracted by his utter disbelief, Deathborn loses control of Dark Schneider and runs off the track into a river of lava, and perishes in an explosion. Falcon is awarded an extravagant gold belt (formed from the combining of the F-Zero and Underworld belts), and vows to continue winning and protect the galaxy.

Sometime later, back at his hideout, Captain Falcon witnesses three disembodied entities speaking through the belt. Calling themselves "The Creator", the voices explain that they had created the World, and that Deathborn was of their own design as well, their “best creation”. The beings further reveal that the universal forces of Dark and Light do not exist, and that they had been manipulating events via Deathborn towards their ultimate goal of bending the universe to their will. Now that the Captain had defeated their puppet, The Creator intended to seize Falcon’s soul, and forge him into their new creation so their plan could come to fruition.

The Creator teleports Falcon to an inter-dimensional race track where they challenge him for his soul. After an arduous race, Falcon is once again victorious and, the three entities are expelled from the universe. The Captain finds himself back in his hideout, and with his ordeal finally over, he removes his helmet and rests before his next bounty.

I have changed the ending slightly. In short, instead of beating The Creator in the final boss race of F-Zero GX he lost, but used his wit and cunning to make a rematch with an interesting twist. Simple, Captain Falcon willingly allows the Creator to take his soul, in exchange for a rematch where if he wins, the Creator banishes himself. Of course, with the Blue Falcon out of commission he would need time to prepare again…to which the Creator accepted. Instead, Captain Falcon when to Tibet to unlock his powers, and then faces the Creator again. When he lost again, this time on purpose, Captain Falcon punched the Creator into his own portal, banishing him from the universe forever. With that, he returned to his world and planned his next bounty hunt.

Theme Song:


Name: Fi, Spirit of the Sword.

Gender: Erm…female…robot ghost thing.

Race: Spirit.

Age: Indeterminate.

Height (if confirmed): Not confirmed, but is human height.

Weight (if confirmed): She can fly, so she doesn’t have a weight. Her mass, however, is indeterminate. I can wager it isn’t much.

Universe: Legend of Zelda, specifically from Skyward Sword.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Powers: When Link powered the Master Sword, and therefore Fi herself, up using the Sacred Flames she gained powers that she did not need to use to help Link (non canon, BTW). Besides, she didn’t even know she had them until she was told to sleep. Apart from her Hyrule Warrior power of her cape acting like the Master Sword itself, causing cutting damage, she gained three sacred fire powers. Sacred fire does not spread or require fuel to burn, burns hotter than normal fire and destroys undead and ghosts and stuff like that.

Din’s Power – she summons a sacred fireball to attack the target. Should the material targeted be flammable, it will ignite and constantly burn until it is snuffed out. It is explosive, and quite devastating.

Nayru’s Wisdom – The most tactical of her powers, she can summon a pillar of flame from the ground anywhere she pleases. It originates from just above the ground, so it isn’t affected by wet ground or anything like that.

Farore’s Courage – Fi effectively ignites herself in flame, damaging anything that touches her.

She also has flight. I will say this now, since I have seen evidence for and against her arms, she has arms hidden in her cloak. She is a spirit, so if she chooses she can become ethereal (temporarily). This means that non-magical physical items such as mundane swords or bullets, phase through her doing no damage. She has a vague mind control-esque ability over robots, the ability to dowse for things she has attuned with and telepathy.

Skills: Super intelligence and analyse. She is also incredibly agile and quick.

Weapons/Items: None.

Grail: The Triforce.

Time of Gate awakening: Pretty much as soon as it is assembled.


According to legend, three ancient Goddesses bestowed a great power capable of granting any wish: the Triforce. The Demon King Demise sought the Triforce, and laid waste to much of the land in his quest for it. The Goddess Hylia gathered the remaining people on a giant outcrop of rock and sent it into the sky beyond the clouds, allowing her to launch a full-scale offensive against Demise allied with the land's remaining benevolent races. She was victorious, but the land was severely damaged. Uncounted years later, the outcrop is known under the name of Skyloft, and its people believe the "Surface" below the clouds is a myth. In the present, knight-in-training Link passes his final exam despite the attempted interference of his class rival Groose, who considers himself a romantic rival for Link's childhood friend Zelda. After passing the exam and on a celebratory flight together, Zelda is whisked away below the clouds by a dark tornado. After recovering back on Skyloft, Link is led to the island's statue of Hylia by Fi, the spirit of the Goddess Sword residing within the statue. Link draws the sword, showing himself to be the prophesied hero who will finally destroy Demise. Opening a way to the Surface, Link is guided by Fi to the Sealed Temple, where he meets an old woman who tells him to track Zelda: this leads Link across the regions of Faron Woods, Eldin Volcano, and the Lanayru Desert. While he catches up with Zelda, he is prevented from returning her to Skyloft by Impa, a young woman guarding and guiding Zelda. Link is also confronted by Ghirahim, a self-proclaimed Demon Lord working towards freeing Demise. At the Temple of Time in the Lanayru Desert, Link defends Zelda and Impa from Ghirahim, giving the two time to depart through a Time Gate into the past which Impa destroys as they pass through. Returning to the Temple of Hylia, Link is followed by Groose and the two end up on the Surface together. Link then has to defeat the Imprisoned, a monstrous form of Demise attempting to reach the Sealed Temple, after the old woman shows him a second dormant Time Gate. With the Imprisoned defeated, Link sets out to strengthen the Goddess Sword by passing trials set by the ancient Goddesses and using their gifts to find Sacred Flames to purify and strengthen the blade so the Time Gate can be awakened. Returning to find the Imprisoned attempting to break free, Link reseals it with help from Groose. Activating the Time Gate and traveling to the past, he finds Zelda and learns that she is the mortal reincarnation of Hylia: Hylia could not kill Demise and was too weakened from their battle to fend him off again, so she created the Goddess Sword and reincarnated as a mortal to find someone who would fulfill her duty by using the Triforce to wish Demise's destruction, as only mortals can use the artifact. Zelda then seals herself inside a crystal to strengthen the seal on Demise, after granting her power to the Goddess Sword, evolving it into the true Master Sword. Link locates the Triforce on Skyloft and uses it to destroy Demise. With Demise dead, Zelda is freed, but Ghirahim arrives and kidnaps Zelda: though Demise is dead in the present, Ghirahim intends to use Zelda as a sacrifice to resurrect him in the past. Link pursues Ghirahim into the past and fights through his army. He then defeats Ghirahim, who turns out to be the spirit of Demise's sword, but is unable to prevent Zelda's soul from being used to reincarnate Demise' humanoid form. Groose guards Zelda's body while Link challenges Demise to single combat: Link triumphs, absorbing Demise's essence into the sword, but not before Demise curses Link and Zelda's bloodlines to be haunted by his reincarnated rage. To complete the sword's seal, Link drives it into a pedestal in the Sealed Temple, with Fi accepting eternal slumber as a result. Groose, Link and the revived Zelda return to their time while Impa remains behind as she is a person of that time period and must watch over the Time Gate and Master Sword. In the present, the old woman greets them one last time before she dies and vanishes, revealing that she was Impa. The game ends with Zelda deciding to remain on the Surface to watch over the Triforce: she and Link together establish the kingdom of Hyrule.

Theme Song:

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Name: Mr Dark (and Dark Rayman, or Darkray).

Gender: It isn’t confirmed, but suspected male.

Race: Erm…I have no idea. Floaty limb humanoid wizard…thing. I suspect the same race as Rayman himself.

Age: Indeterminate.

Height (if confirmed): Not confirmed, but is roughly human height.

Weight (if confirmed): Indeterminate.

Universe: Rayman.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil.

Powers: Advanced fire and electric magic, topped off with dark magic, and the ability to shapeshift himself or just simply change his appearance. He can also summon Darkray at will (who is Rayman in every sense (except his moral compass) who can fly temporarily, charge a punch, fire energy balls from his fist etcetera. He only responds to Mr Dark’s orders, but is intelligent enough to think on his own to how he does it). He can also create a temporary dark clone of anyone he sees, who has the same powers but is weaker in every way. The clone cannot also take special, high tier moves.

Skills: Intelligence and strategy.

Weapons/Items: Other than powerful binoculars, he doesn’t carry much.

Grail: The Protoon.

Time of Gate Awakening: Just before Rayman delivers the final blow. Mr Dark uses the Protoon to open a Gate and escape through it.


The entire game takes place in the valley, a diverse and surreal location somewhere in the Glade of Dreams. Prior to the beginning of the game, all is harmonious; a mystical pink orb known as the Great Protoon provides peace and balance to the world. However, this cannot last – one day, the evil Mr Dark steals the Great Protoon and defeats its guardian, Betilla the Fairy. The natural balance of the world is disrupted; freaks and hostile characters begin to appear. The Electoons, small friendly creatures which gravitated around the Great Protoon, are scattered across the valley and imprisoned in cages by Mr Dark's minions. A benevolent character known as the Magician turns to the heroic Rayman for help. The Magician gives Rayman these tasks: free the Electoons from their cages, and recover the Great Protoon from Mr Dark. Only then will the balance of the world be restored. The valley contains six distinct worlds, and Rayman must pass through each of them in order to fulfil his objectives and reach his ultimate goal.

Note that, for the sake of simplicity, the following description assumes that the player chooses to pass through each world one after the other in the correct order. Rayman's path is a branching one; at several points in the game, the player is offered a choice between two new levels, though it will be necessary to backtrack in order to free Electoons and gain certain powers if the player chooses to skip ahead.
The first world is of the game the Dream Forest, a lush jungle. Rayman's journey begins in a region known as Pink Plant Woods. On his way through these woods, he encounters Betilla for the first time in the game; she grants him the telescopic fist ability, which takes advantage of his detached hands and allows him to throw them, defeating enemies or smashing cages. Rayman passes into Anguish Lagoon, where he encounters a mosquito who is later identified in Rayman Revolution as Bzzit. The two fight briefly, and Bzzit begins to cry when Rayman defeats him. Rayman takes pity on Bzzit and cheers him up; they become friends. Bzzit allows Rayman to ride on his back as he flies over the otherwise impassable waters of the lagoon. Betilla appears again and gives Rayman another power: the ability to hang onto ledges, which helps him to avoid falls and lets him climb onto certain platforms. Rayman then moves on to the Swamps of Forgetfulness, where he meets Tarayzan (a pastiche of Tarzan). Tarayzan has lost his loincloth and is hiding behind a shrub. Rayman returns it to him, and Tarayzan rewards him by giving him a magic seed. Suddenly the rain begins to flood the area, and Rayman must use the magic seed to grow nenuphars which he can climb to escape the flood. Next Rayman passes into Moskito's Nest, where he is chased by a mosquito called Moskito. As the main boss of the Dream Forest, Moskito is essentially a more powerful and unpleasant version of Bzzit. Eventually Rayman and Moskito have a climactic battle in the deepest part of the forest. After Rayman defeats him, Betilla appears to give him another power: the grappling fist ability, which enables him to swing from flying rings and cover large distances without touching the ground. The second world of the game is Band Land, a landscape composed of music and musical instruments. The first region Rayman passes through is Bongo Hills, an area relatively close to the ground, and with many drum platforms. Next he reaches Allegro Presto, an airy location composed mainly of slippery sheet music. Here Betilla the Fairy grants him the helicopter power, which allows him to hover and glide by using his hair as a helicopter. He also encounters Mr Sax, a giant evil saxophone who is the boss of Band Land. Next Rayman makes his way through Gong Heights, a cloudy level in the sky inhabited by meditating monks. Finally he comes to Mr Sax's Hullaballoo, the lair of the boss he met earlier. This level plays like a combination of the previous three, with the characteristic elements of each. Rayman is chased by Mr Sax, and finally does battle with him in his lair, and defeats him. Mr Sax comes to his senses and begins to dance. The third world of the game is the Blue Mountains, a cold mountain range. The first level is Twilight Gulch, where Rayman finds himself chased by Mr Stone, the gigantic rock creature who is the boss of the Blue Mountains. The next area is The Hard Rocks, where no notable events occur. The final region in the Blue Mountains is Mr Stone's Peaks, where Mr Stone lives. When Rayman arrives, he meets a character known as the Musician, who lives in a hut in the mountains with his wife and child. The Musician's guitar has been crushed by a falling rock. Rayman uses his telescopic fist to carve a new guitar out of the rock, and the Musician rewards him by giving him a Super Helicopter potion; this temporary upgrade to Rayman's helicopter ability allows him to fly freely, which comes in useful in the next couple of areas. Finally Rayman reaches Mr Stone's lair and makes use of a nearby totem pole to defeat his enemy. With the totem pole's head lodged on his own, the jumbled Mr Stone reforms and begins to dance. Betilla appears in the next phase and gives Rayman his final power: the ability to run. This replaces the ability to grimace (whose only purpose was scaring the Tall Livingstones). The fourth world of the game is Picture City, a landscape composed of artwork and art supplies. The first level is Eraser Plains, where Rayman encounters Space Mama, the boss of Picture City. She battles him while wearing a Viking costume, on a stage made to look like the sea. Next Rayman passes through Pencil Pentathlon, where nothing notable occurs. The final level of Picture City is Space Mama's Crater, where Rayman and Space Mama have their final showdown. This time she wears a science-fiction costume while using sci-fi props as weapons, and the background is made to look like the surface of the moon. After the battle, Space Mama reforms and begins to dance (though this only happens in some versions of the game). Rayman then sees Mr Dark kidnap Betilla the Fairy. The fifth world of the game is the Caves of Skops, a series of dark but colourful underground caverns. The first level here is Crystal Palace, where nothing noteworthy occurs. The next level is Eat at Joe's, where Rayman encounters Joe the Extra-Terrestrial, a friendly green alien who owns a seaside restaurant near the caves. Joe is depressed because he is not getting any business, as the neon sign above his restaurant is not functioning. Rayman decides to do what it takes to turn Joe's lights on again. With a firefly given to him by Joe to light his way, Rayman heads into the pitch-dark caves. After making his way through the darkest caverns, he eventually finds a plug which is falling out of its socket. Rayman punches it back into place, and Joe's entire electrical system is reactivated – including a network of wired flying saucers which Rayman rides back to the surface. When he has returned to Joe's restaurant, Rayman finds that the neon sign is lit, much to Joe's delight. The alien allows Rayman to use his buoys as platforms. When Rayman crosses the water, he finds himself in Mr Skops's Stalactites. Here he encounters Mr Skops, a gigantic, malevolent pink scorpion with one giant claw. Skops is not pleased when Rayman wakes him, and attacks while periodically retreating. Rayman chases Skops to his temple lair, where the two battle until Skops is defeated. Rayman sees Betilla the Fairy, now trapped by Mr Dark in a tiny glass sphere; she urges him to hurry. However, Rayman cannot move on to the next and final world until he has broken each of the one hundred and two Electooncages scattered throughout the five previous worlds. The sixth and final world of the game is Candy Château, a landscape composed of sweets and crockery. It contains only one level: Mr Dark's Dare. First Rayman slides across hills of icing on a frying pan. Next he is chased by Bad Rayman, an evil clone created by Mr Dark to shadow Rayman's every move; Rayman dies instantly if he touches him. Next Rayman makes his way through an area populated by various types of clowns. Here Mr Dark casts various spells on him to make his passage even more challenging; first he reverses the player's left–right controls, then he forces Rayman to run uncontrollably, and then he takes away Rayman's telescopic fist power, rendering him helpless. Finally Rayman confronts Mr Dark in the central room of his château, whose walls contain stained glass windows depicting the five previous bosses. First Mr Dark toys with Rayman by hanging his telescopic fist on a rope, and snatching it away whenever Rayman attempts to retrieve it. Then Mr Dark throws fireballs at Rayman, traps him between two pillars of fire and throws more fireballs at him in ways that make them increasingly difficult to avoid. Mr Dark tells Rayman that he is doomed and causes the pillars of fire to slowly move in on him, but a pair of Electoons suddenly fly into the room, take Rayman's telescopic fist from the rope and return it to him. Mr Dark seemingly vanishes, and a strange creature composed of body parts from Mr Stone and Mr Skops appears; their corresponding windows glow. It is not clear if this is an actual mixture of the two bosses, or a transformation of Mr Dark. When this enemy is defeated, two creatures composed of body parts from Bzzit and Space Mama appear. When these are defeated, a final creature composed of body parts from Bzzit, Mr Sax and Space Mama appears, and Rayman is temporarily shrunk to make the battle even more challenging. Once Rayman defeats this creature, the game is complete. In the Sega Saturn version, the stained glass windows shatter, revealing the night sky and the two moons characteristic of Rayman's world. The Magician congratulates Rayman on saving the world. The credits sequence shows the good characters going on holiday with the enemies and bosses, who are now reformed; it seems that none of them were truly evil except Mr Dark, who in most versions is nowhere to be seen. At the end of the credits, a final message appears: ‘See you soon – Rayman’, hinting at the sequel, Rayman 2: The Great Escape. However, in the Atari Jaguar version, the credits end with Mr Dark flying across the screen, confirming his escape, and the ‘See you soon’ message takes on a sinister quality, promising that Mr Dark will return – though the villain has yet to resurface in the main series. After the credits, if the player attempts to replay Mr Dark's Dare, a final epilogue image appears instead, showing Rayman together with all his friends; the Electoons have been freed, Mr Dark has been defeated (for now), Betilla the Fairy has been rescued and the Great Protoon has been recovered and returned to its rightful place. The balance of the Glade of Dreams has been restored.

Instead of the ending where Mr Dark flees without the Protoon, he uses it's mysterious power to escape through a portal created by it. Rayman, of course, is unable to follow since he doesn't have the Protoon. Mr Dark is unsure what happens to the world with the Protoon gone, but he feels like he has won.

Theme Song:

Name: Novao

Title: The Hero of Tython, Jedi Battlemaster, Jedi Master, The Outlander

Universe (If the series has multiple continuities, specify which one): Star Wars (The Old Republic), around 3630 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin, Star Wars Episode 4)

Gender: Female

Alingment: Neutral Good, but leaning to Lawful Good

Race: Mirialan

Age: 32


Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them):

While her main expertise laid in the use of a lightsaber, she was also proficient in the use of the Force in combat. Novao made frequent use of Force techniques to augment her physical abilities, such as leaping great distances and moving with Force-enhanced speed. Telekinesis was another power that came naturally to the Knight, as well as the ability to guide a thrown lightsaber to the intended target across a battlefield. She was also skilled with Force stun and Force Stasis (Force stun does not work on droids, Force stasis has some effect on droids but is less effective than normal). Novao is also skilled in Tutaminis as well as Force Sense.


Even for a Jedi Knight of the time, Novao was remarkably skilled in lightsaber combat. As a Jedi Initiate, she was acknowledged as exceptional in battle, and the amount of praise given by the Knight's early teachers convinced Master Derrin Weller to send the Padawan into combat against the Flesh Raiders immediately upon arrival, despite her status as a mere apprentice. Weller's trust was proved valid when Novao was able to defeat the lightsaber-wielding and more experienced Dark Jedi Callef armed with only a vibrosword. During Novao's time as Orgus Din's apprentice, Din came to trust his Padawan deeply and was able to send her on missions against great numbers of Flesh Raiders with little or no backup and be confident of success. Din considered his Padawan's bravest moments on Tython to be during the conflict with the Flesh Raiders, when she and Teeseven fought their way through an area controlled by an army of Flesh Raiders, and when the Padawan successfully defeated the far more experienced Bengel Morr with only a training lightsaber.

Novao’s last action as a Jedi Padawan was to construct a lightsaber, the crystal of which was blue in color which she kept through her journey. After being promoted to Jedi Knight, she traveled to Carrick Station, where the young Jedi chose the path of a Jedi Guardian.

Novao knows Form I to Form VI, but mainly uses Form IV, Ataru and Form V Shien/Djem So.

She was well-versed in many galactic languages beyond Basic. Having communicated with individuals from a wide array of species, the Knight was fluent in Durese, Rodese, Houkese, Binary, Huttese, Jawaese, Nautila, and Twi'leki, as well the languages of the Selkath and many others. Novao underwent technical training as a Jedi beyond that of an average individual.


Novao has two single bladed lightsabers, one with a blue crystal in it while the other has a yellow crystal. She also has a wrist-comm on her left wrist as well as a datapad and a few credits.

Grail: the Eternal Throne

Time of Gate awakening: several months after the defeat of the Zakuul Empire.

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):

Novao was a powerful Jedi Knight and later Jedi Master who battled the resurgent Sith Empire during the Cold War and subsequent Galactic War, serving as the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order. Born before the end of the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, she trained under several Masters across the galaxy during the following Cold War until 3643 BBY, when the Jedi was sent to the Jedi Order's homeworld of Tython. There, Novao was taken on as a Padawan by Orgus Din during the conflict with the native Flesh Raiders and worked to foil the Dark Jedi Bengel Morr's plans to destroy the Jedi Order, during which the apprentice gained a loyal companion in the astromech droid T7-O1, or Teeseven. As a newly elevated Jedi Knight, Din's former apprentice foiled a plot by the Sith Lord Tarnis to use the Planet Prison superweapon against the Republic capital planet of Coruscant. As Novao took on the young Jedi Kira Carsen as a Padawan, the Jedi was also recruited into the Republic Navy's elite Coruscant Aegis squadron, in which the Knight piloted a Defender-class light corvette under the call sign "Shield."

Tarnis's death at the hands of the young Knight caused the Sith Lord's father, Darth Angral, to declare war against the Jedi Order and the Republic, which forced her and her crew to travel the galaxy in order to stop the Sith's apprentices from unleashing stolen Republic superweapons. The trio halted the efforts of Imperial Intelligence to capture the Republic scientist Doctor Nasan Godera on the planet Taris, and worked with the Republic Strategic Information Service, the Republic's own intelligence agency, to destroy the Power Guard Project and defeat Angral's apprentice Lord Sadic on the moon Nar Shaddaa. The Knight and crew also hunted down and destroyed the Shock Drum weapon on the planet Tatooine, where they also convinced Angral's apprentice Praven to become a Jedi and rescued Carsen's former Master Bela Kiwiiks. The Knight's mission to Alderaan saw the destruction of the Death Mark laser and the death of Angral's apprentice Nefarid, but Angral killed Master Din and tested his new Desolator weapon on the agriworld Uphrades with horrific results. However, Novao foiled Angral's attempts to use the Desolator against Tython and defeated the Sith Lord in battle, and as a result, Grand Master Satele Shan granted her the ceremonial title of "Hero of Tython."

Novao soon joined a strike team led by Jedi Master Tol Braga whose purpose was to capture the Sith Emperor himself. While the Jedi recovered a prototype cloaking device on the war-torn planet Balmorra, Novao gained a new ally in the combat medic known as Doc, and rescued Braga's Padawan Sajar from Imperials and the threat of the dark side on Quesh. The final preparation for the capture of the Emperor was a mission to the ice planet of Hoth, where she worked with Sergeant Fideltin Rusk of the 301st Infantry to recover the plans for the Emperor's Fortress, after which Rusk joined the Jedi's crew. However, when she joined the rest of the strike team in a confrontation the Emperor, the Sith ruler easily defeated the Jedi and turned the entire strike team to the dark side. After months of training as a Sith under Overseer Chaskar, Novao was freed by the ghost of Master Din and escaped from the space station with the unlikely help of the Emperor's Wrath Scourge, the Emperor's personal executioner.

Scourge revealed to the Jedi High Council that the Emperor intended to consume all life in the galaxy with a dark ritual, and the Sith Lord joined the Novao's crew as the group traveled to Belsavis in order to prevent the Imperial officer Krannus from destroying the planet and starting the Emperor's ritual. The Knight then fought and redeemed fellow strike team member Leeha Narezz before traveling to the planet Voss, where Novao worked to stop the Sith Lord Fulminiss from unleashing a plague of madness. After defeating yet another fallen strike team member, Warren Sedoru, the Hero of Tython assumed command of all Jedi on the embattled planet of Corellia, and led the Jedi forces against a corrupted Tol Braga's attempts to start the Emperor's ritual. In the Emperor's moment of weakness, Novao and T7-O1 confronted their enemy in the Dark Temple on the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas while a Republic invasion fleet assaulted the world. Despite the Emperor's immense power, the Knight apparently struck down the Sith ruler, for which she was awarded the Cross of Glory and the rank of Jedi Master. Later in the war, Novao played a role in attempting to prevent the Emperor's return at the hands of the mad Jedi Revan, and was elevated to the rank of Battlemaster as a result.

During the search of the Sith Emperor, Novao went to Ziost, but failed to prevent the Sith Emperor's plans. Ending with the annihilation of all life on Ziost. Novao later grouped up with Darth Marr to search for Vitiate. They found his presence in Wild Space, but in stead found the Eternal Empire, also known as the Zakuul Empire. Their forces were almost completely destroyed and Novao and Marr were both captured by Zakuulan forces. They were brought to Zakuul were they met the Emperor of Zakuul, Valkorion. However, both sensed that Valkorion was in fact Vitiate. When Valkorion offered his power in exchange for submission, Marr rejected his offer and attacked Zakuul Knights inside the throne room. However, Valkorion kills Marr. When he offered the same to Novao, she rejected as well. Valkorion ordered his son to execute her. But he freed her in defiance of his father and attacked him. Before Valkorion could kill his son, Arcann, Novao stabbed Valkorion through his heart. Killing him almost instantly. However, Valkorion was not dead. He managed to get his presence into Novao's mind as his body exploded with a wave of Force energy. Knocking Novao unconcious. Arcann used this to blame Novao for Valkorion's death and freezes her in carbonite.

She was rescued five years later by the former Minister of Intelligence, Lana Beniko, but suffered heavily from carbonite poisoning due to being frozen improperly. Being kept alive by Valkorion the entire time while she was in carbonite. The escaped with help of T7, Koth and HK-55. However, they were shot down and crashed into a swamp. There they found an old ship, the Gravestone. They escaped with help from a former Knight of Zakuul, Senya Tirall. They fled to Asylum, a refuge for those who flee from Zakuul. Unfortunately, Arcann found the refuge and attacked it. Forcing Novao to flee with the Gravestone. However, before she could reach the Gravestone after deactivating the docking, she was attacked by Arcann. During the fight, Valkorion offered his powers if he could take a brief moment of control. Novao refused, as she made a second of doubt. Arcann took his chance and stabbed Novao. However, thanks to Valkorion, she survived. Before Arcann could finish her, Koth ran into the room and blasted Arcann away with an explosion caused by a chain reaction. HK-55, who was with Novao during the fight against Arcann, sacrificed himself to save Novao's life.

Novao managed to escape with Koth to the Gravestone, where she lost conciousness. When she woke up, they were on their way to Odessen where she supervised the construction of the base of operation for the Alliance against Zakuul. She later helped the Alliance to destroy the space stations Zakuul made to suppress the worlds in the Known Galaxy. As well as recruiting several people into the Alliance. Such as the anti-Zakuul anarchist known as Firebrand, the deserting Republic Special Forces Squad known as Havoc Squad and the 'Lady of Sorrows', known as SCORPIO.

The Alliance later plotted an attack on Zakuul's planetary transmitter with Havoc Squad to plant a wiretap. The Alliance provided a diversion for the Outlander and Jorgan to reach the transmitter. Unfortunately, squads of skytrooper reinforcements arrived and cornered them. Thankfully, the exiles, led by Veyaad, rescued them, having been inspired to fight for themselves.

Upon returning to Odessen, SCORPIO discovered the existence of the "GEMINI frequency", which linked the Eternal Throne to every ship in the Eternal Fleet. Recognizing a major weakness in Arcann's armor, Novao ordered the Alliance to plan an attack.

The Alliance later discovered the existence of a hyperwave relay station ten kilometers beneath the Spire, linking the throne to the Fleet, but were divided on what to do when they reach it; Lana desired to slice the GEMINI frequency to learn Arcann's plans; Kaliyo wanted to take control of it; and Jorgan wanted to destroy it to sever Arcann's control of the Fleet. Novao decided that Jorgan and his squad went into the spire to destroy the hyperwave relay station.

Deciding to converse with Valkorion in the Odessen wilderness, she packed up survival gear and headed out. Upon finding a secluded spot to talk to Valkorion, to her annoyance, Valkorion refused to part with any of his secrets. Then without warning, Valkorion rendered the Mirialan unconscious. Upon waking up, Novao attempted to contact Lana only to learn that all communication was cut. Valkorion revealed that he lured the Outlander into the wilderness so they could experience what it meant to face death alone. After fighting past hostile shade stalkers, the Outlander came face-to-face with Valkorion, who said that he was disappointed by the Outlander's lack of progress in becoming "something greater". He told Novao that they had two destinies: in one, the Alliance Commander defeated Arcann and claims the Eternal Throne to remake the galaxy; in the other, Novao died alone and forgotten. They fought for a time before Valkorion overpowered his host. Valkorion then left Novao's mind to attend to his other plans, infusing his host with a portion of his power, which knocked her out cold again.

Novao later woke up in an unknown starship, which she soon discovered belonged to Grand Master Satele Shan, who had been on Odessen for some time. Satele was revealed to be working with the Force ghost of Darth Marr, who offered insight on Arcann and his Knights, who possessed a different view of the Force than Jedi and Sith. At their instruction, Novao collected items around the valley before venturing into a dark cave, where they encountered Vaylin. After defeating her in battle, "Vaylin" was revealed to be nothing more than an illusion. Marr and Satele explain that the illusion was a warning that Arcann and Vaylin had an army at their command. Marr then stated that the Outlander's current weapon was insufficient, a relic of a different war. Novao then realized that all the collected items were to construct a new weapon and proceeded to create it at a nearby altar, infused with pure Force energy. Marr stated that the new weapon would overpower Arcann and unite the galaxy, but cautioned that leading the Alliance was far different than their previous role. At Satele's instruction, Novao left the cave to find an oasis for her final trial. Before entering the tunnel, the Outlander killed two young jurgorans, which angered their mother when they arrived in the oasis. After resolving the confrontation, Marr and Satele left Odessen, feeling a calling from the Force.

The Outlander then returned to base by scaling the cliffs and found the Alliance already in the middle of the intended operation. But it quickly went south as the infiltration team went dark and the diversion team went ahead with their intended plan.

While awaiting status on the away team, Hylo Visz introduced Novao to an associate of hers, Gault Rennow, who had a plan to aid the underfunded Alliance. The Devaronian explained that Zakuul had stored most of its galactic plunder on a stealth carrier called the Gilded Star on Vandin and Gault had a plan to steal it out from under Arcann's nose to fund the deeply indebted Alliance. Taking the Alliance's inner circle to Vandin, Novao accompanied Gault to recruit the final person necessary for his plan, an Anomid identity forger named Dretcher. But Dretcher held a grudge against Gault and activated a squad of droids to kill him, though the Mirialan and Gault managed to destroy the droids and convinced Dretcher to assist in the heist.

Lastly, they met with a crew of Niktos, whom Gault intended to purchase a missile from, but the Devaronian attempted to stiff his dealers when he said he was only willing to buy a part of the weapon, forcing him to arm the missile. As the Niktos scattered, Gault tried to disarm the missile, but its feminine computer refused to comply. When it seemed like the missile would explode, out popped a Twi'lek, Gault's partner-in-crime, Vette, who was pulling a prank on him before producing the warhead necessary for the heist.

Once they arrived at Gault and Vette's safehouse, they learn that Senya was once stationed at the Gilded Star. With the carrier due to dock with the skyhook next day, Gault then explained his plan to have Dretcher disguise Senya as Vaylin, given their close genetic match, so she could get SCORPIO to the bridge to take control of the ship's functions. They would then place the warhead inside the carrier's vault, which was designed to withstand the ship's destruction, and detonate it, vaporizing its valuable contents, at which Lana and Theron would pulled up with a tanker ship and siphon the vaporized loots into their cargo hold.

The next day, after the infiltration team put the ship in lockdown and isolated the crew, the Outlander, along with Gault and Vette, brought up the rear. Vette then split off to make it to the vault door mechanism in the vents. After planting the warhead in the vault, Gault gave the Outlander the pleasure of detonating it. Unfortunately, as Senya and SCORPIO were forced to vacate the bridge, their escape route to the tanker was cut off and the real Vaylin was coming up the skyhook. With no other recourse, the trio were forced to run along the outside of the ship, where they were rescued by Hylo.

Upon to their return to Odessen and deciding on how to use their loot, Jorgan and Kaliyo were revealed to be alive, who were forced to flee the Spire and abandon the mission, having only stolen a database on the GEMINI droids.

SCORPIO's analysis of the drive revealed that all GEMINI captains are based on SCORPIO, hence why she joined the Alliance in an attempt to uncover who created these imitations, and the existence of a template for all GEMINI droids, GEMINI Prime, on Darvannis. The Eternal Empire had conquered and established a factory on Darvannis, too fortified for a single strike team, so Theron had called in Mandalorian allies to besiege the place.

Traveling to Darvannis, the Outlander was surprised to discover that the new Mandalore was none other than Shae Vizla. Subsequently, Novao was paired up with Torian Cadera to seize control of the factory turrets and later take out a comm tower to send skytrooper snipers into disarray. Afterwards, Beniko transmitted schematics of the factory to the Outlander provided by Theron, before cautioning against a long-term alliance with the Mandalorians, whom she compared to predators craving endless violence.

With Torian, Novao fought to heart of the factory to GEMINI Prime. Before splitting off to deal with skytroopers reinforcements, Torian revealed that he overheard her conversation with Beniko, and stated that his people are warriors, not animals. He hadn't said anything to Mandalore or to the Outlander because he didn't feel like it was his place and words aren't deeds.

Upon finding the Prime, Novao established a link with SCORPIO, which piqued the Prime's curiosity, insinuating that GEMINI Prime is not a mere copy of SCORPIO. After removing the droid from her alcove, the Mirialan transported her back to Odessen, where SCORPIO determined that the Prime could track the GEMINI units and plugging her into the captain's chair of one of the Eternal Fleet ships would enable them to take over the entire Fleet. She had managed to find one such warship in a nearby sector recharging its hyperdrive and stated they must seize on this opportunity before it becomes lost.

While the Prime remained onboard the Gravestone, Novao took a boarding party composed of Beniko, Theron, Senya and SCORPIO to commandeer the Eternal Fleet ship. SCORPIO generator false blips so the warship's turrets would fire on non-existent targets. Upon landing in the shuttle bay, Senya noted the absence of skytroopers, having previously briefed that squads of droids would rush the breach point. Upon disembarking, the group was addressed by the GEMINI captain, who mentioned she had cargo to transport, before being distracted by SCORPIO, noting physical similarities. GEMINI then activated a set of blast doors, separating the Outlander and SCORPIO from the others. After fighting past several death traps, SCORPIO found a console through which she attempted to deactivate the GEMINI captain, but the enemy droid managed to counter her cyber attack, causing SCORPIO to self-destruct. The Mirialan then received a transmission from the Gravestone, which had mysteriously shut down, including its communications jammer. GEMINI then informed the Outlander that she managed to send out a distress call to the Arcann and suggested the intruder leave, but was refused. Subsequently, Beniko managed contact via hologram, revealing that she and her group found the ship's "cargo" and was sending Senya to assist. In turn, Novao revealed SCORPIO's apparent demise, which relieved the Sith, who felt that the droid would be a problem in the future.

After joining up with Senya, the pair fought their way back to Beniko and Theron, who revealed that the ship's "cargo" were actually prisoners; Imperial Admiral Zasha Ranken, Senator Tai Cordan of Balmorra, and exiled Zakuulan holo-performer Malita Tal. The trio were inspired by the Alliance Commander and had found each other in their search for the Alliance and formed an alliance of their own. Arcann had captured them and was going to "interview" them on Novao's whereabouts. After freeing the prisoners, the Outlander and Senya fought their way to the bridge and defeated the GEMINI captain. Acknowledging her defeat, GEMINI revealed that her clash with SCORPIO granted her free will, before initiating the self-destruct. This prevented the prisoners from launching their escape pods. With Theron only able to remotely launch one at a time, the Outlander chose to save two, but the third was killed by an explosion before they could be launched. With the whole plan in shambled, Novao retreated back to the shuttle and fled before the Eternal Fleet ship was destroyed. They quickly got back aboard the Gravestone before Arcann's flagship and the Eternal Fleet appeared. In no condition to fight, the Gravestone fled into hyperspace.

Subsequently, the crew learned that GEMINI Prime was nonfunctional after the Gravestone detected a transmission from the Eternal Fleet ship. They then received a transmission from Zakuul, the caller revealed to be SCORPIO, who had faked her death and gave the GEMINI captain free will to keep the Outlander distracted while she took over the Empire of Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet, which was her objective all along.

Upon returning to Odessen base, SCORPIO's betrayal barely sunk in before the droid called in, revealing that she revealed Odessen's location to Arcann, to test whether he would retake his throne or deal with the Outlander and Valkorion immediately. Theron confirmed her words as he detected the Eternal Flagship and its Eternal Fleet support ships arrive in system. The Alliance responded by quickly mobilizing the Gravestone. The Outlander led a boarding team, including Beniko and Senya, to finish Arcann and destroy his ship. After clearing the hanger and separating from the sabotage team, Vaylin addressed the Outlander, Beniko, and Senya over the intercom, revealing Arcann's location on the bridge and declaring her intent to deal with her mother once and for all. Senya volunteered to keep her daughter distracted while the Outlander faced Arcann.

The Outlander and Beniko fight their way through the ship. They subsequently received a transmission from Theron, warning that with the flagship's shields and weapons offline, SCORPIO had taken control of Arcann's Eternal Fleet ships to fire on the flagship; Beniko realized SCORPIO's real plan was to get both the Outlander and Arcann in one place so she could eliminate them both. Eventually reaching the bridge, Beniko was forced to split off to deal with a group of Knights.

Face-to-face with the Emperor of Zakuul once more, Arcann declared that he only cared about destroying his father and demanded Valkorion speak to him, unaware that the ghostly Emperor was absent. A frustrated Arcann telekinetically forced Novao to her knees and tried to strike the Mirialan down, but she unconsciously used Tutaminis to block his attacks; Arcann remarked that Valkorion's bond with the Outlander was stronger than he imagined. Armed with the new weapon constructed with the help of Marr and Satele, Novao battled Arcann. Eventually, she won.

With the ship falling apart, Novao escaped in a Zakuul starfighter while Beniko's group took a Zakuul shuttle. Senya escaped on Arcann's personal shuttle, revealing that she pulled her barely alive son from the wreckage and because he saved her life, believed he could be redeemed, and escaped into hyperspace.

With the Eternal Fleet linking up to charge a powerful energy attack, the Gravestone fired on the Eternal Flagship, causing a massive explosion that wiped out all of Arcann's fleet.

Despite the fact that Arcann and Senya remain at large, and that Vaylin and SCORPIO had formed an alliance, the Battle of Odessen became a rallying cry for all the forces opposing the Eternal Empire. As Republic and Imperials begin to swell the Alliance ranks, Novao uncomfortably received the return of Valkorion.

Novao later led the Alliance fleet in defense of Voss, which was under attack by the Eternal Fleet, now under the command of Vaylin, who had seized the Eternal Throne for herself. As the Alliance fleet engaged the Eternal Fleet, the Alliance Commander, Beniko, Torian and a squad of Mandalorians bypassed the blockade in a stolen Zakuul shuttle and landed in Voss-Ka. Fighting through hordes of skytroopers, the Outlander rendezvoused with Theron and Sana-Rae in the Tower of Prophecy, where they are contacted by Senya, who revealed she had brought Arcann to Voss in the hopes of healing him, and now in desperation, asks for the Alliance's aid.

She fought towards the Shrine of Healing in a walker called Storm Rider provided by Torian. Eventually, after fighting to the heart of the shrine, Arcann escaped and fled the planet. Moments after, the Eternal Fleet was prepared to burn half the planet, only for a fleet of Imperial ships to arrive and drive them off. Novao was then contacted by Empress Acina, who asked they come to Dromund Kaas to discuss an alliance against the Eternal Empire.

Novao traveled to Dromund Kaas with Beniko and Theron. Upon landing in Kaas City, they were greeted by Minister of Logistics, Gelmid Lorman, who escorted them to meet with Empress Acina, who desired to speak privately with the Alliance Commander aboard her personal shuttle. Once outside Kaas City, Acina stated that traditionalist Sith would not approve of the alliance she was offering, but she recognized Vaylin as the true threat. She offered to help Novao seize the Eternal Throne, stating that she only cared for the survival of her people.

Suddenly, the shuttle's engine exploded, forcing the two leaders to abandon ship. Left stranded in the jungle with their comms mysteriously jammed, Acina suspected someone sabotaged her shuttle. They traverse the terrain to the crashed shuttle in hopes of recovering the emergency beacon, only to find another group there. The strangers identify themselves as the GenoHaradan, who were sent after the both of them. Forced to dispatch the assassins, Novao and Acina decide to go after the GenoHaradan encampment. After clearing the camp, they find a holorecording of former Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh, who was revealed as the one who ordered the hit. Subsequently, a gunship appeared, and opened fire, forcing the pair to take shelter in a nearby Sith tomb. With the entrance collapsed by the barrage, the Outlander and Acina forage through the tomb to find another exit. Upon nearing the exit, they find Lorman standing beside the GenoHaradan; the Minister was working with Saresh. After dispatching the remaining GenoHaradan, Lorman claimed to have Beniko and Theron hostage, and attempted to call his men, only to discover that his so-called hostages had dispatched them. Theron then revealed Saresh's intent to take control of the Alliance and was on Odessen at that very moment. After dealing with Lorman, the Outlander returned to Odessen and put an end to Saresh's coup.

The Alliance later answered a distress call from Captain Koth Vortena aboard the Gravestone, which had been boarded by Vaylin and SCORPIO. The Alliance fleet engaged the Eternal Fleet once more while Novao and her inner circle attempted to retake the Gravestone. Unfortunately, after she disabled the quantum bomb aboard the Gravestone, SCORPIO seized control and took it and the Eternal Fleet to their homeworld of Iokath. To the Alliance's relief, the Commander managed to survive Iokath and returned to Odessen with the Gravestone. The Alliance soon began upgrading the Gravestone with the aid of datafiles recovered from Iokath.

With Vaylin having retaken control of the Eternal Fleet from SCORPIO, the Alliance resolved to put an end to her rule by collaborating with local Zakuulan rebels led by Indo Zal. Novao, along with Theron Shan and Lana Beniko, infiltrated the Grand Festival of Empress Vaylin in an attempt to get close to assassinate Vaylin. The operation became complicated when Arcann independently led an assault on the Palace of the Eternal Dragonwith a group of loyalists and ultimately, Vaylin fled Zakuul in disgrace. In the end, Arcann pledged his loyalty to the Alliance.

Novao later pursued Vaylin to Nathema, where the Empress managed to break her mental conditioning before launching an all-out assault on Odessen. The Alliance once again held their own against the Eternal Empire's onslaught before the Commander managed to kill Vaylin, sending the Eternal Fleet into retreat and her ground forces into surrendering.

Unfortunately, without a master, the Eternal Fleet began to rampage across known space with the intent of wiping out all life. With no other recourse, the Alliance fleet, with the Gravestone at its head, traveled to Zakuul, where the Fleet was bombarding the planet and protecting the Eternal Throne. While the Alliance kept the Fleet preoccupied, the Commander attempted to access the Throne from the surface. Once Novao assumed control of the Throne, the Fleet became pacified. However, this was a trap set by Valkorion. Once Novao sat upon the throne of the Eternal Empire, Valkorion sucessfully took control over her body, but he didn't kill her mentally. Eventually, after a long struggle, Novao managed with help of Senya, Arcann and Vaylin to get rid of Valkorion. Presumably ending his life forever. After, Novao took over control of Zakuul and disbanded the Empire. Turning it into the Eternal Alliance.
Name: Meceliss

Universe (If the series has multiple continuities, specify which one): Star Wars (The Old Republic, the same time as Novao)

Gender: Female

Alingment: (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil): Neutral Good, but leaning a bit towards Chaotic Good.

Race (Their species): Mirialan

Age: 23

Appearance (Post a picture):
But with brown robes
Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them):

Meceliss has trained a lot with using the Force in combat. Having a very good experience with Telekinesis, Force Sense and Augmentation. She has some skills with precognition and very little experience in the usage of the Force ability known as 'Mind-Walking' (an ability that allows the user to enter the realm known as 'Beyond Shadows'. Normal rules of physics don't apply in this realm and it is dangerous to stay for a long period of time since time does not exist there. Meaning you could be there for months or even years while it look like you have been there for a few days or even minutes).


Meceliss is quite skilled in lightsaber combat, having focussed mostly on Form V Djem So.

She also has some skills in scavaging and ranged combat with blaster weapons.


Meceliss has two single bladed lightsabers, one with a green crystal which she made herself as well as one with a blue crystal which she was given during the invasion by Zakuul.

Meceliss also has a few credits, a holocomm and a datapad with her. She also has a holocron with her from the Female Faleen Jedi Knight Izchau Zu'ket.

Grail: None

Time of Gate awakening (Specify which point of their canon story was taking place when the gates of space and time were opened.): Same as Novao

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):

Meceliss was born 4 years before the Sacking of Coruscant. She witnessed during the Sacking of Coruscant the death of both her parents right in front of her by a direct hit of turbo laser fire. She managed to escape self and was found by a group of survivors she stayed with for 13 years. There she learned how to survive, scavenge and to fight. After thirteen years the group was attacked by the Black Sun and she escaped and was found and brought to an orphanage where she stayed for a year until she was found by a Jedi and brought to Tython. There was sent to the Lost Praxeum to be trained as a Jedi. Meceliss went on several missions as Initiate with the praxeum on several planets, including: Hoth, Tatooine, Illum and Balmorra. One mission on Tatooine went bad as the group she was with was attacked by a Krayt Dragon. Meceliss managed to flank it and stab it in the back with a weapon of the Sandpeople, however it did not kill the Krayt, but it did flee.

She was later taken by Jedi Knight Primus Vera as Padawan during the invasion by Zakuul. As his Padawan, she learned Soresu and Djem So as well as how to use the Force and how to survive on planets like Tatooine.

After five years, the Lost Praxeum regrouped at a forest planet. The Deliverance a wreck and in need of repairs in order to be spaceoworthy again, which is not easy without the backing of the Republic. Now with the goal to preserve the Jedi, the Lost Praxeum is not actively fighting either Zakuul or the Sith.

Meceliss mostly stayed at the Lost Praxeum to study. After, she went away with the holocron she was given years ago to find her master, now missing for months.

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