

Flaming Ice Queen

A witch is a person who is born with the power to affect change by magical means. While many witches are the self-proclaimed "Keepers of the Balance," other witches have been known to work against the Balance and use their power for personal gain.

The Balance of Nature

The Balance of Nature is a spiritual belief system based around the observance of the Earth and reverence of Mother Nature. The goal of many witches is to honour the design of nature and to maintain balance within the natural world. The balance of nature is intimately tied to one's spiritual relationship with the Earth, and the idea that all living things (e.g. animals, humans, plants, etc.) are considered sacred, as they are all different aspects of nature. Contemporary witches would also agree that using modern ceremonies, rituals and shamanic practices is the best way to attune themselves with the natural rhythms of the universe in their efforts to obtain guidance and knowledge from wiser known witches. However, not all witches follow this belief system, and have the free will to choose how they wish to practice their power.

Witches have existed for many centuries passing down their knowledge and skills through generations of family lines. Contrary to popular belief, witches do not receive their powers from demons, nor do they worship the devil. Instead, witches consider themselves "the Servants of Nature," as they make it their duty to maintain balance within the world.

Magic is a practice of witchcraft that encompasses many different types of activities including astrology, divination, spell casting, and spirit communication. It includes the practices of many cultures, nations and religions as well as many books and writings from ancient times. Depending upon the individual, some witches practice their power by certain belief systems, such as Shamanism, Voodoo, Wicca, or any number of other magical practices from countries and cultures all around the world. Although the majority of traditional witches are commonly portrayed as being kind and selfless humans who use their powers to maintain balance within the world, it has been proven that some witches are independent thinkers who may go against the Balance of Nature by practising their powers for dark and sinister deeds.

Powers and Abilities

Basic Powers

The basic powers of every witch include:

  • Spell Casting: The power to change and control events through the use of incantations and more.
  • Channeling: The power to invoke extra forms of energy by focusing on external forces.
  • Potion Brewing: The power to brew and concoct potions, remedies and elixirs that have supernatural properties.

Other Powers

  • Telekinesis: The power to move objects and persons through mental influence.
  • Pain Infliction: The power to create excruciating migraines through supernatural means.
  • Elemental Control: The power to control and manipulate the elements of air, earth, fire, and water.
  • Divination: The power to divine future, past, and present events based off extrasensory perception.
  • Clairvoyance: The power to divine future, past or present events through instinctive knowledge.
  • Intuition: The power to divine future, past or present events through the use of instinctive knowledge.
  • Premonitions: The power to divine future, past or present events through the observation and study of dreams.
  • Psychometry: The power to divine future, past or present events through contact with or proximity to a certain object or person.

Uncommon Powers

  • Astral Projection: The power to separate from ones body and project the mind to another location.
  • Transmogrification: The unique power to alter the physical structure of objects living or dead, changing their form.
  • Telepathy: The power that allows witches to access the minds of others through spells.
  • Teleportation: The power to instantaneously travel from one point to another.
  • Possession: The power to jump ones spirit into the body of another, taking control of said host body.
  • Illusions: The power to alter the senses of others to perceive a false reality.
  • Dream Manipulation: The power to control people's dreams through spells.
  • Resurrection: The power to bring someone or something back from the dead.


  • Disbelief: The act of denying or disbelieving in one's potential could cause a witch to inadvertently suppress their magical power.
  • Distraction: Denying a witch from concentrating or giving full attention to their spells, may render them ineffective.
  • Interruption: Since most spells are spoken verbally and take time to take effect, witches are vulnerable to attack before their completion. Additionally, certain spells require items, tools, and/or special events during casting, therefore they can't be invoked on mere whim.
  • Emotions: A witch's magic is subject to the influence of their emotional state and may fluctuate according to them when untrained. Strong emotions such as worry and anger can fuel a witch's power while emotions such as fear may prevent a witch from properly accessing their powers.
  • Herbs: Ingestion of certain herbs can cause a witch to lose consciousness and prevent them from using magic for an undetermined amount of time. The Lobelia flower prevents concentration and the practice of magic and can be used to weaken a witch as one would weaken a vampire with vervain.
  • Magic: Witches are still susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical objects.
  • Mortality: Despite their mystical attributes, witches are still human and share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. age, decapitation, disease, heart-failure, suffocation, snapped neck, etc.). However, witches can temporarily get around this weakness through the use of protection spells.
  • Overexertion: The excessive use of magic could lead to disorientation, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, and if taken to the extreme, death.
  • Nature: It is said that nature will always find a balance when witchcraft is performed and spells will always have loopholes. This means, among other things, that no being can be truly immortal.
  • Bound Objects: Spells that persist beyond the moment when they are cast require that they be bound to a person or object so that they remain active, if the object is destroyed the spell will end.


  • Amulets: An object that is used to protect its wearer from harm.
  • Athames: A ceremonial dagger with a double-edged blade that is commonly used to direct energy.
  • Candles: A block of solid wax with an embedded wick that is commonly lit to to amplify a witch’s spell.
  • Cauldrons: A large metal pot that is commonly used to hold the ingredients for elixirs and potions.
  • Grimoires: A family journal is documented with magical recipes, rituals, and spells, and can also be used as a Talisman.
  • Herbs: Various flora used as ingredients to be incorporated into spells as binding agents
  • Stones: Various minerals and ores used to boost or bind a witch's spell.
  • Symbols: Seals drawn or written used as physical representations of spells.
  • Talismans: An object that is used to magnify a witch's power and or represent them supernaturally.

Different Types of Magic

Ancestral Magic

Ancestral Magic can be an extremely powerful form of witchcraft, similar to spirit magic, this form of sorcery draws its energy from the power of every ancestral witch who has been consecrated. However, this power can only be harnessed within the boundaries of that concecration, meaning that should the witch abandon the area, they will be rendered powerless. It has also been proven that the ancestral spirit(s) can deny the use of their power to any witch, including the Regent.

Connective Magic
Connective Magic is a form of sorcery that allows a witch to create a semi-permanent bond that draws strength from other supernatural beings such as another witch while augmenting said witch's power. It can also be used to draw on the strength of an immortal to achieve true immortality in conjunction with the immortality slumber spell. However, neutralising or killing said immortal being would similarly affect the witch. Unlike sacrificial magic, the target which energy is drawn from is not hurt.

Dark Magic
Dark Magic (or Black Magic) is an extremely powerful form of sorcery that draws on malevolent powers, and may be used for negative purposes (e.g. to cause destruction or misfortune, to injure or kill, or for the profit of oneself rather than for the benefit of others). In popular usage, the term "dark magic" is often used to describe any form of sorcery that is used against the Balance of Nature.

Expression is an extremely powerful form of sorcery that draws on dark energy that is so malicious, it would supposedly demolish the world if it were ever called into existence. The details and history of expression remain unknown, however, the forces of expression are considered so powerful that many witches discredit it as magic, for it expands beyond the limitations of both ancient and modern witchcraft.

Sacrificial Magic
Sacrificial Magic is a very powerful form of sorcery that is highly dependent upon the ritualistic sacrifices of supernatural creatures and sometimes, even animals. Similar to expression, this form of sorcery draws its energy from the power of every supernatural creature that is sacrificed.

Spirit Magic
Spirit Magic is a very powerful form of sorcery that drew its energy from the Spirits who resided on The Other Side. Unlike other forms of magic, spirit magic can only be used how the Spirits see fit. If a witch abuses the power that is bestowed upon them, the Spirits may break their connection to the witch, preventing them from further harnessing their power.

Traditional Magic
Traditional magic is one of the oldest and purest forms of sorcery inherent to the Earth and the forces of Nature. Traditional magic is undoubtedly the most popular form of witchcraft known-to-man, however it is also the most exhausting. This is mainly due to the fact whenever a witch uses this power they must exert their own energy, causing them to experience symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, and minor nosebleeds.It could be likened to; if she/he pushed too hard, it would push back.

Known Magical Practices

Blood Magic
Blood Magic is a magical practice that refers to the mystical properties found in non-human blood. Blood from different supernatural species possess different uses with those most notably from a Doppelgänger and can be seen used by witches to interconnect them with their rituals and spells to draw on their unique properties.

Elemental Magic
Elemental Magic is a magical practice that involves the utilisation of the four alchemic elements Fire, Water, Earth and Air. A witch with enough magical power can interconnect Elemental Magic with their rituals and spells to draw on their unique properties. Witches typically utilise fire, in the form of candles or torches, to aid them in their spells.

Hoodoo is a magical practice that mixes occult elements of African, European and Native American witchcraft along with some Christian mythology. Contrary to Voodoo, Hoodoo is not a religion, but rather an eclectic practice of witchcraft that is strongly based in herbal knowledge and can be used negatively or positively.

Kemiya is a magical practice that was founded in Arabia that allows a witch to affect an object in a number of ways such as physically changing its foundation or magically imbuing them with supernatural properties, thus creating a dark object. Requiring two witches to perform, the potency of its spells are determine by the chemistry between the two practitioners. Kemiya is said to cross the boundary between magic and science, utilising aspects of both.

Necromancy is a magical practice that allows a witch to contact, control and even revive the dead. While most witches who practice Necromancy are known to channel Dark Magic, it is known that a witch can use any Magic of their choosing to practice Necromancy.

Representational Magic
Representational Magic is a magical practice which using representative objects to manipulate reality. Usually, such spells use much more power than one realises. Its also a very delicate magic that requires considerable concentration by the witch who practices it.

Shamanism is a magical practice used by indigenous witches known as shamans. Shamanism is described as a way of life, focusing on connecting with nature and creation where interaction with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness is used to achieve divination and healing. This practice has slowly faded from the world and is rarely seen, though legends and lore has kept this all but gone.

Voodoo is a very old and powerful magical practice, that is also a religion, used by a number of witches. Voodoo is described as a set of spiritual folkways which originated from the traditions of the African diaspora. It is a cultural form of the Afro-American religions which developed within the French, Spanish, and Creole population of the U.S. state of Louisiana.

Spell Casting

One of the main components of witchcraft is the ability of witches to cast spells. Spell Casting is a power of Witches and witch-related species such as Witch-Vampire Hybrids and Werewolf-Witch Hybrids to work magic through the recitation of incantations. This allows users to magically alter reality to a wide number of effects or to evoke forces to change their surroundings. Though this is an ability possessed by all witches, it can also be achieved through thoughts, gestures and rituals, although generally spoken.
Spells are capable of producing a wide variety of effects, both harmful and helpful. They can produce physical changes in a person or object. They can also have profound mental effects such as altering memory, manipulating emotions, or causing magical compulsion (such as forcing someone to speak truthfully).

Spells can manipulate other kinds of magic, such as binding (preventing the use of) a witch's powers, transferring powers between individuals or objects, breaking magical barriers, lifting curses, protection from harm and range from healing to resurrecting the dead. Some spells require more than one witch to make them work in order to increase the amount of magic and therefore potential power available for the spell.
The capabilities of spell casting are nearly limitless, though it depends on the type of magic being invoked, the proficiency of the witch and the spell being cast. All spells contain a spoken component, or incantation. An incantation is written and recited as a verse and can vary widely in length from a single word, to a short phrase, to a long verse repeated to completion. Some spells consist of only an incantation where others have additional and/or specific components as well. A spell may require the use of certain tools, ingredients or the use of additional power such as a talisman, astronomical event or a specific kind of magic.

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