"Why were you up last night?!"


Apple Bottom Jeans
Explanation: Why did you catch the avatar above you awake last night and what were they doing?

Have fun!!!
(Sudden death from laughter has been enabled) I was brainwashed, but why were you eating MY waffles last night?!
(Oof. That hurt.) I left the waffles out because I was going to eat them. Talk to Thanos about that last one.
.....I mean.....He left the waffles......Then didn't come and get them..... So I ate them....
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Damn. You woke me up with your demon summoning ritual. Keep the human sacrificing to a volume suitable for the household.
No! I will summon a sardine at full volume! Just watch me! But only after you tell me why you were polishing your machete! The Purge was in March, you missed it bud!
I was yknow, swinging around spidey style. Why were you dancing, and why was Pikachu there???

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