Other why are people mean for no reason


where am i

a few months ago, i vowed to be nice to everyone i came across, no matter what
i've been treating people the way i would want to be treated
so why is everyone so mean?

just like today, i went to get a cheeseburger
said thank you to the lady at the mic, was so kind and polite at the window
and this girl ROLLS HER EYES when i ask for ranch
honey, that's your job. to get customers the things they ask for
i work in retail, so i totally understand,
but when someone is being super nice about it, saying please and thank you,
BE NICE BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's so annoying! we're all going to die someday! what's the point of being mean!

petition to end mean people
There's always a reason for everything. This is one of the first things life taught me. You might not see it, notice it, or acknowledge it, but it's there. Bad day, hang-ups, their dog died... there is always a reason.
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Sure, being kind may be something that comes easily to you... But the simple answer to your question is that you're not them. Chances are that you don't know how the last five minutes of their day went. In that short span of time, something might have just happened to tick them off. YOU may have even ticked them off involuntarily, without even noticing or batting an eye. And even if something hasn't happened within the last five minutes, can you say you know how the past five hours went for them? Five days? Months? Years?

Some people are just crude and mean because that's the way they were taught. Maybe that's how they were raised. Maybe that's how their friends or parents told them to act. Maybe they're having a bad day.

People are different, and they find all sorts of different things incredibly difficult. Some people get angry over school subjects. Some people can't socially interact. Some people are compulsive liars. Some people just have a REALLY hard time being nice to others. You don't know their personal struggles.

Does that excuse their actions? No... But it certainly provides some sort of explanation. People like this are always going to exist. It's just a fact of life. The best you can do is be the bigger person and move on. After all, you can't say you're a perfect human being, either. I can guarantee that you've snapped at someone before, too.
Thank you for making this thread, omg.

Like kevintheradioguy kevintheradioguy said, there's a reason. They might be having a bad day or their dog died, and we definitely would do well to be patient and empathetic but at the same time, an employee has to leave their problems at home. Everyone has bad days and we are all struggling in life together and need to be kind to one another; but that fight you had with your roommate this morning or the break up you're going through is no excuse to treat other people like shit. You don't get to roll your eyes and get salty at someone just because your life is tough because everyone is dealing with something, including that customer asking for extra ranch or a straw or whatever.
The concept of treating others how you want to be treated is one people discuss often, sure, but it's also not how society works on the whole. It's one of those many concepts our parents raise us on and we are raised to believe is normal, when really it's... unfortunately not. I think what's most important to address here though, is that you treating someone in a way you think is kind, not only might not be perceived as kind from the other person's perspective, but even if it is, there is no obligation for them to do anything for you in return. It's actually more wrong to demand that they should than them not doing it, because that leads into manipulative patterns of trying to force the behaviours of others.

Ultimately they can have a million and one reasons to be mean, and of those million and one, none of them even need to be recognised as valid to excuse their behaviour. If people want to be mean then they can be, and more importantly, they can be mean and actually be a better person than you at the exact same time - an important thing to remember.

But as Eye said, be kind because you wish to be. If you have any other motive, you're doing it wrong.
Why are people mean for no reason? I don't know, maybe because it's fun? Fuck off with you're judgmental ass. Let me be bitter and slowly ruin every relationship I have so I can die alone in a shallow grave.
r/eyebleach is on a crusade against meanies.

That'll teach em.
One of life's many questions. To which there are numerous answers, I'm sure. Why do people do anything? Err, nevermind, I'm too tired for philosophical conversation. XD
I work long hours in retail every week to help finance college, and it's a mixed bag. The vast majority of people are completely rude and don't even see the people who are serving them as human beings. Most of the time they're complete jerks, but you get used to it. For me, whenever a customer goes out of their way to be polite it makes my day, and I make sure they get the best service possible.
There's a lot of reasons that people can be rude, sometimes they're just having a bad day or having some serious things go on in their life. A lot of the time its just who they are since they were raised believing they're entitled to things which results in stuck up attitudes.
There's a chance that they've had a bad day, OR it could be that overly nice people could be seen as fake and they don't bother trying to be nice back. It's just personal experiences in the end, I wouldn't like random strangers just giving me a huge grin with their arms waving, a small smile or thumbs up is enough for me.
In today's society, it's impossible to stay kind to those who treat you badly,
honestly, i could be mean, it's because of the ass i dealt with, so it's a matter of times if i come back to my calm self.
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I want to say because they're going through some things at the moment which can be the case most of the time, however everyone is different. I have seen first hand people go through some crap, myself included, but still manage to not let what we go through effect how we treat other people. There is really no excuse for that behavior honestly. Everyone has a tough time, there are no exceptions that anyone is above another person.

I also think some people enjoy being nasty. There's no reason behind it, they just can. Yeah it would be nice to have a person treat you how you would want to be treated back but that's wishful thinking. I know it sucks, but I would try not to let it get you down.
I want to say because they're going through some things at the moment which can be the case most of the time, however everyone is different. I have seen first hand people go through some crap, myself included, but still manage to not let what we go through effect how we treat other people. There is really no excuse for that behavior honestly. Everyone has a tough time, there are no exceptions that anyone is above another person.

I also think some people enjoy being nasty. There's no reason behind it, they just can. Yeah it would be nice to have a person treat you how you would want to be treated back but that's wishful thinking. I know it sucks, but I would try not to let it get you down.
That's really true. Going through some crappy stuff right now, myself. Doesn't stop me from trying my best to treat others with kindness.
working in retail and food service, i typically brush off workers' rude actions unless they're derogatory or they're going out of their way to insult me. maybe you weren't her customer, and someone dropped you on her in the rush of things. i never know the circumstance of what's happening behind that drive thru window unless i'm working behind it, and people have misunderstood my actions and words to the extreme. got a bad yelp review with my name on it because i explained store policy! lmao. i would give her a pass on this one.

a few months ago, i vowed to be nice to everyone i came across, no matter what
i've been treating people the way i would want to be treated
so why is everyone so mean?

just like today, i went to get a cheeseburger
said thank you to the lady at the mic, was so kind and polite at the window
and this girl ROLLS HER EYES when i ask for ranch
honey, that's your job. to get customers the things they ask for
i work in retail, so i totally understand,
but when someone is being super nice about it, saying please and thank you,
BE NICE BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's so annoying! we're all going to die someday! what's the point of being mean!

petition to end mean people
Shes not being rude for no good reason... Shes being judgemental on your Ranch Dressing Lifestyle...(•ω•)
Usually people have a reason for being mean that you just don't know about. It does not excuse their actions, they should still not be mean. But there is almost always not no reason for being mean. The person being rude or mean probably had a bad day, dealt with many assholes that day or is just straight up fed up with life and has become a miserable person because of it. But as I mentioned before, they still have no excuse for being mean.
There's always a reason for everything. This is one of the first things life taught me. You might not see it, notice it, or acknowledge it, but it's there. Bad day, hang-ups, their dog diesd... there is always a reason.
^What I came to say but Kevin beat me to the punch
There's no reason that people are mean for no reason, obviously. However, the majority of the time that people are mean there is a reason for it. Much of the time that people are mean for no reason that you can perceive it is because it is unintentional or because they were in a foul mood earlier due to something that you were not present for which carried over to their interaction with you.

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