Where The Law Fails

-(Thalia Griffin/Angela Parker/Kenzie Andrews/Jeffrey Henrikson)-

It didn't take a genius to know Thalia's line of questions was not what this bald man was expecting or wanted to deal with, evident when she faced a slap to the face the second she finished talking. Nothing that hurt, but did knock her back slightly. Still, she was disobedient in that moment, perhaps by nature, and this wasn't her first slap; no, it was one of several that her rebellious, stubborn actions called for. He even gave her specific, clear instructions about his terms with the deal, and she marched to his face and deliberately broke her end while he seemed to be consumed in thought. About her trade? About the future? About the money? It wasn't something she could accurately guess, seeing his response wasn't very telling about his own thoughts. But what she could guess is that he was merely muscle in her situation. Just a powerful man who would kill for his partner - Angela - and help her achieve whatever greatness she was after. And the money, because it always falls back to financial prosperity. After all, that's all Thalia was to Lociato: a product in a line of many others, one that people never seemed to get sick of. But in general, Angelo seemed to want precious little to do with a slave like herself. He only wanted the price on her head, understandably. But soon enough they'd go their separate ways, and he granted her with answers as a sign of goodwill. And after hearing these things, Thalia wouldn't consider running away...

So it was Kenzie Brookes that wants her back. She kept her promise to protect Thalia and even came for her in the end. Maybe not in the most civil of ways, but she was willing to pay for her freedom. A college friend now paying for her freedom like this? It seemed like something much deeper than just a friendship, as she'd discover soon enough. Angelo had no knowledge of her family nor the exact price of her head, but those didn't matter. One critical question did get an answer, and in return, a more doubtful vibe had come over her: that things might get hostile. Complications might happen. And there was no such thing as reassurance that anyone in particular will surely live or die. Anything could happen. Hell, they might just kill her when they have their money. If that were the case, she was prepared to go down swinging. But obviously, she won't fight them now; too risky, and she'd earned her knowledge so far through her compliance and peaceful nature. So why throw it away now? Angela even specified that the slave was only needed alive. That could be in good health or in a coma. So best she doesn't push her luck any more than she already has. Said obedience persisted when Angelo stepped aside to take a phone call. The redhead didn't care who it was, whether it had to do with Kenzie or not, and instead, she stepped aside, wandering around the office passed the cubicles and the dull painted walls. So bland... but she did get a chance to see sunlight and just watch the world pass her by on more peaceful terms. She was in cuffs, sure, but it still counted for something. Soon enough, she'd be a free woman.

Perhaps Thalia's experience would soon become more pleasant. From behind, she heard a familiar shrill female voice. "Slave."

Instantly, the girl in cuffs spun around, as if it were instinctive to respond to that word. Behind her was Angela, who she simply looked at, no response to confirm she was listening. Her physical gesture was enough.

"No. Turn around," Angela ordered, twirling her finger in a circular gesture.

Confused at first, but again, Thalia followed her orders to the syllable and turned her back to Angela. Was this more of a punishment? Didn't she already receive her due punishment for making an advancement on her partner? She shut her eyes and waited for the incoming slap to the neck... but instead, she felt the cuffs being released from her wrists? Her eyes cracked open and her head slowly turned over her shoulder. "What is this? What do you want?" She whimpered, a bit worried about what this could mean. Was it over? Was Kenzie not coming for her?

"For you to be... more comfortable," Angela uttered. It gave her a horrible gut feeling to have to say those words. Giving Thalia comfort? She was a headache alone as is, and now her safety was a major concern? She was surprised in all honesty that this sudden feeling of sympathy had come over her. Then again, it wouldn't be long until Thalia is out of their hair for good. She gripped Thalia's forearm and spun her around, muttering, "Turn around." Once the two women were facing each other, she took Thalia's right wrist and bound it with the same handcuffs, but in front of her. She did the same with the left one. Not much of a difference, but it was a sign of good faith.

"Like that made it all better."

Groaning, Angela responded, "Don't push it. We're making contact with your buyer. And so you don't complain about being tired or hungry for the duration of our time together...." Now a safe distance from Thalia, she reached for her suit pocket and removed a bill in Mexican pesos. Decent enough with very few wrinkles, enough for a vending machine to accept, anyway. She extended the currency to the slave's hands and slipped it into her cuffed hands. "I figured it'd be easier to use a vending machine with your hands in front of you." She jolted her head to her right, cuing Thalia to look behind her to her left at the food dispensing device. "Go. Get something to eat. It's not a trap and there's no catch, so long as you stay quiet and don't do anything stupid while we negotiate terms for your head."

A kind gesture? Even Thalia was at a lost for words now, taking the bill in her fingertips. It'd been so long since she'd held money herself, at least like this. It was beyond the scope of her memories. "Um... Thanks?" How else would she answer. She was grateful for the motion. Maybe for once, she could eat something more tasteful than the food she'd been force-fed in the ring. She only had to get to the point of force-feeding due to her own hunger strikes in rebellion against the system. With the amount of times Thalia had landed herself in trouble, so many were surprised why she wasn't dead. Why she was preserved to the degree that she was with nothing more than a burn on her arm and weary, sleep-deprived eyes. A mystery to many up until now: she had use beyond Lociato. With this portion of money, it would be enough to get her something from the designated vending machine, so she helped herself to it, turning her back on Angela and just staring down the glass.

In the ex-Fed's mind, that should be enough to silence their pawn for the time being up until the trade, then they'd be done with her. Their future would be ensured, and she and Angelo could live up to their dreams and fantasies of being together. At long last. It all seemed so realistic. A life beyond Lociato and their old selves within reach. And all it took was getting rid of some pathetic redhead with no memories of her past and giving her back to some sorry doctor from Seattle who probably has a criminal record given the events that have unfolded over the past day. So why not let the two college lovers reunite, induct Kain into the organization that turned his life into a downward spiral, all so she could live her own happily ever after? After all, what did Kain still have? Dave was dead. Given her own analysis, Angela could guess that Kenzie would picked Thalia over him in a heartbeat. And he had no hope of a job anywhere in the world with his record. At this point, since he couldn't beat them, why not join them?

Once she returned to the desk, things were all set. She reached for a certain tool from the desk: a headset that fit one ear muff into one ear that looped around the back of her head with a microphone attached to the muffed end. She fixed it snugly over her her head and stared in front of her at the lines of code and command prompt listings. This was it. she was ready to move forward, and all she needed was Angelo by her side. A quick peek to Thalia revealed her struggling to get the machine to accept the bill she'd been given. Stubborn machines, and Angela wasn't to blame for that. She could've sworn she'd heard the redhead grumble curses under her breath as she saw her bald lover return to her side with news from the boss. She nodded in acceptance.

"Perfect... Demetri may not be satisfied at the moment with your choice of candidate, but he will in time. Kain's wild, unstable, but he can be tamed under the right circumstances. I'm sure you can persuade him to accept our guy as a replacement eventually. But we can focus on that later. We need Kain to agree first before he can sell his soul. But for now, our line to Kenzie is ready. All I need is a single click of a button, and we're ready to go..."

For once, after a grueling night of an epic failure from the Lociato industry, Angela had succeeded in her contingency. It all seemed so real. Unbelievable. But it was happening, all starting with her clicking the enter button and awaiting her half-sister's response.


Never before did Kenzie expect such a change of heart from Henrikson. From being an obsessive show-off who used his cocky words and threats to show his superiority, to a man who would eventually use those same words to set her and Luca free at long last? It still pestered her that he was deliberately excluding Kain from the deal, but surely, she could convince him otherwise. But what mattered most? He was on their side and would now cooperate. His stories couldn't be more believable in her eyes. Their theory about Thalia, the desire to do the right thing after all this time? It was something that directly connected to the doctor and only made her want to preserve Jeff in the end of all of this. At first, she intended to simply leave him behind and leave his life in the hands of fate, or if he could get his hand on a phone. But with the blood loss and weakness he'd begun to display, that seemed highly unlikely. So now, she made sure that she could restrict the bleeding as best as possible. No way in hell could she stitch his hand back as is, but she could sure as hell prevent an infection or complication in his condition. That was her job, after all: to help people, even the most sinister like the federal agent-gone-rogue by her side. She didn't remain distracted forever. And there was still plenty to discuss in terms of the pardon.

But what shocked Kenzie more than anything else: Luca refused to accept it. It instantly caught her ears and caused her deep brown eyes to turn to the Italian and ask the question that anyone would ask after hearing someone deprive himself of unconditional freedom: "You're not serious, Luca. This is your freedom you're talking about here, your chance to start over and put your past behind you..." His reasoning to decline was well in place, but she couldn't help but find it a tad too paranoid to be realistic. In his position, she couldn't blame him, either, but what man turns down a chance to put his criminal past to bed once and for all? Maybe it had to do with Kain's exclusion from the deal. "We can work something out for Kain, even if he doesn't want to help, if that's what you're so worried about. I still have my swing in the government, and I can get him some of the lawyers on speed dial right now if we so wanted to. This deal for us sets your future in stone. I'm sure you don't want to live in constant pursuit and fear of looking over your shoulder... do you think that's the life Sarah would want?"

Then again, saying that no girl would want a criminal for a lover would make her a hypocrite. She couldn't forget how she was in love with a prominent member of a criminal organization in Boston. And perhaps by now, Luca has picked up that Thalia was no saint. "Thalia turned her back on her criminal past so we could live in peace.... but she did it too late for it to matter," she admitted, in an attempt to convince her friend to take the deal. He compared her and Kain to family, and that appreciation hit right at home in her heart, and she was prepare to play on that and appeal to its weight to sway his decision. "Back when she was with those criminals she was with, The Clan? She'd come back every day severely injured, and I was treating her. And I kept asking, where did these wounds come from? She come up with excuses - climbing accident, tripped on the stairs... until I found out the truth: turned out she was robbing people with her buddies, and I only found out when she begged me to pay her bail when she got caught. From that moment on... we became distant, that is until she took the decision to leave it behind. It wasn't easy, though..." she gulped for a moment before continuing, formulating her words properly to explain the whole story. "She took a bullet for it. Almost died to it, too. All so that she could put me at ease that I wouldn't lose her. This was before we were even dating. Because she knew that being affiliated to something wicked your entire life isn't what your significant other would want from you. But it didn't end there." She felt a lump in her throat admitting all of this so desperately, but had the strength to carry on. "Three years after quitting, the FBI caught on to her, linked her to one of their more significant crimes - borderline terrorism or something - and arrested her on campus just a week before graduation. But because she cared about us too much than to let her past linger around, she struck a deal just like our own. Immunity for everything she knows about The Clan... and you know what she told me?"

It didn't take a genius to guess, but Kenzie said it anyway, "She told me that it was going to set us free, and no matter the backlash, she'd do it so we can be together happily and not let whatever was haunting us before interfere with our futures. Because she'd never put me in a position where I'd have to be worried about her going to prison. A position where she'd ever have to be found guilty of some crime. Or on the run from police. She couldn't do that to me, so she took the deal... You know what happens next? A week later, her parents get killed... the day after, she runs away. For so long, I thought it was remaining members of The Clan avenging her for testifying. That theory may be wrong now, but the meaning to her actions? It meant the world to me. I would never ask her to pick between me and her family; how could she expect that they'd come after her? Some things, we can't predict, Luca. And whether or not you get pardoned, you're still going to Mexico, whether Lociato likes it or not, whether you're an FBI target or not, and be it alone or with an army. It's going to happen, and you might as well go with a backup plan for when this is over: so you can come home, with Sarah in your arms, and live a normal life for once."

She'd rambled quite a bit, but maybe he'd lost the point. To sum it all up, she let go of Jeff's arm for the moment and looked Luca dead in the eye before telling him exactly what she had in mind: "If you think for one second, me and Kain won't be worried about you if you end up on the run, think again. I'm taking my deal, and I'm going to fight so Kain can be free as well. Just like I'd do for you. You have it easier. You can bury Sesler for good and never have that shadow haunt you again. I don't know Sarah, but I don't think she'd like that dark cloud over your heads. Thalia had it over hers for her four years in college: the cloud from The Clan, and from Lociato. She didn't get an escape until it was too late. Luca, this might be your only chance to ensure a normal life when this is over. I can't advise you any more than this to come with us and sign the deal. Please. I promise you, it'll all work out, and if it's not, you just have to get in contact with me, or Kain, and we'll help. Because... you said we're the closest you've had to family?" A thought that made Kenzie's, and even Jeff's, heart skip a beat. They'd become close after all this time, that close? It meant a lot that Luca even expressed himself in such a way, after giving the vibe of being such a stone-featured character for so long... he had a heart all along. "You can be free with your family, with your wife. Don't make me beg you to do this. Please."

It's not like his word would mean anything, but the barely-hanging-on director did lift his eyes to the man before them and speak his mind. "I'm not saying this because it's my job, Varundar. I say this because you'd be an idiot not to take this offer. I will even provide my statement without duress clearly specifying that you're pardoned of any offenses on your record, and I'll even make sure that there's no evidence pinning you to Sesler. The world can still think it's Aaron Stilinski, after all. All I need is your signature at the Governor's office... and boom. You're free to do whatever you and your wife please."

If only the conversation could progress further than it had already. But the vibration of Kenzie's phone cut the conversation short. She didn't think too much of it from the get-go, assuming it might be Kain, or someone asking about her in regards to the hospital incident. Because in all fairness, with Herman dead, they'd want to contact his closest of family and friends, and Kenzie was among them. To her disappointment, and even fear, it was a blocked ID. It couldn't be her father or Dave, with both of them dead.... that left two options: either Kain not wanting to come back inside and face them... or Nathan Wells trying to contact her again. He'd gone completely radio silent after Jose dropped her and Aaron off in the street. Did he already flee the country? Or did he have something else in mind, starting with yet another ominous phone call? Her heart sank just imagining who it was on the other side of this phone call.

"Kenzie...." Jeff noticed her concerned face, and tried to mutter something through his pain, feeling the weakness start to make him zone out. "Who is that?"

The brunette didn't answer the older man by her side... Instead, all she did was accept the call, ready to face the fear that this could potentially be Nathan coming back for her. She placed it against her ear, her expression a mixture of anger and woe as her voice sternly asked, "What do you want?"

That could've been Governor Hale for all she'd know... but she still answered in such a bitter manner with no sort of respect in her voice at all. Fortunately, it was nobody important. Well, not in the way she'd expect. A different voice answered, one she didn't recognize. Angela's. She'd finally made contact with her target, a smile coming across her face, nodding to Angelo in satisfaction. First part of their mission accomplished. Now for the next phase: reeling the doctor in. “Hello, Kenzie.”

Instantly addressing her by her name, and a voice she’d never heard before? It caused an eyebrow to arch on the woman, but it was certainly better than hearing Nathan Wells goad her on the phone again. Considering she’d need the counsel of either Kain or Luca for future conversations, she dropped the device from her ear and played it on speakerphone. She didn't care much for Henrikson in the room. He looked too weak to focus at this rate. “Who am I speaking with?”

“My name is not important. What I can tell you is that we have… a lot to discuss.”

“Explain. Because I’ve never met you. What business could we have? And how did you get a hold of this line?” Calling out the anomalies in this form of contact. This woman was clearly tech-savvy, possibly a hacker or backed by one. There’s no way a civilian or an innocent life had access to find her. Not to mention they were looking for Kenzie in particular. The red flags being raise were great in numbers.

Worse... Jeff was awake enough to recognize the voice. Angela. While he did keep an eye on the woman by his side, he remained silent.

Angela underestimated Kenzie. She knew more about her father’s police technology than she’d anticipated, but her questions would go upon deaf ears. “I think you need to stop asking me questions and let me do the talking. Let me start by giving my condolences for your son… it’s a shame that he’ll never be brought into your life. Not like his conception was… proper, in any way, shape, or form.” Angela’s background check into Kenzie’s past brought up the paternity test she’d done on her child. The only reason she’d do that? If the child wasn’t hers. She smirked in the cockiest of manners and continued speaking, “You know, does it even matter if the child was Dave’s or Phil’s? You weren’t going to tell them either way. What supposedly faithful wife does that anyway? Just… plays her husband for her foster brother.”

“Shut up,” she snarled. The personal attacks threw all sorts of hints in her direction as to who this mystery woman was. It had to be someone close, and someone connected. Herman would’ve never given away her test results like that. But Aaron Stilinski did get a hold of them and could’ve sold them to the highest bidder. Or multiple times, but it was too late to ask him now. “Did you just call me to insult my love life?”

“Oh no,” Angela made a ‘tsk’ noise over the line, gently biting at the nail of her left pinky finger, overly confident in her dominance over her half-sister. A strong woman with a plan, indeed she was. “On the contrary, I’d like to give your love life another chance.”

“Why should I believe you, a woman I barely just met?” she scoffed. “And how would you know a damn thing about who I care about?”

“I’ll give you a hint: Thalia Griffin.”

Instantly, Kenzie’s heart sank, and her pupils shot forward with a slight drop of her jaw. That name, the one that was supposedly erased from public record. And she knew who it was. Though she knew of her beloved’s fate not being death, she played dumb. “Thalia’s dead. What are you talking about?”

“Oh, no, ‘Kenz’… you don’t mind me call you that, right?”

“Stop changing the subject. Where did you heard that name?”

“She was a registered student at Yale after all, and she was paying half your rent through a good part of your time, right?”

Silence came from Kenzie’s end. That alone was all it took?

“She’s quite a keeper, Kenzie. It’s been less than an hour, and I already see what you saw in her.” As she spoke, her eyes lingered to Thalia in the corner of the room by the vending machine. She'd pulled out a packaged chocolate bar from the machine and was eating it as if she'd never seen food before. Well, not food this tasteful at least. So this is what Kenzie fell in love with. Well, probably less 'primitive'.

Her language sounded very provocative, almost as if, if she weren’t bluffing and Thalia was with her, she’d do harm. And Kenzie would never stand for that. “I swear, if you’re lying to me, if you touch a hair on her head…”

“Trust me, I have no reason to scratch a pretty face. BUT, don’t expect that I’ll just give her back to you.”

“Excuse me?” she gulped, starting to feel a cold sensation at her neck and the feeling of her heart taking a freefall down her body.

Angela’s technique of manipulating the topic of the conversation truly came to her advantage, and she planned to continue: “Ahhh, Kenzie, I feel like the last name ‘Brookes’ never fit you well enough. Just look at your father. You look nothing alike.”

Mention of Edward was only getting under her skin further, her eyes looking back to the bathroom door where her father’s body lay, as she firmly instructed, “Don’t talk about my father. He was a good man, and don’t try to defame his legacy.”

“Legacy? Kenzie, he was a co-conspirator in a human trafficking ring in Seattle and beyond. And you call him a hero? Pssh. Not a chance.”

The director with a missing hand knew that Angela was talking from her ass. Because she was no better. Little did Kenzie did know about this. “He didn’t want to do what he did. He did those things to protect me.”

“Well… clearly you think more like him than I thought, or at least you want to make yourself believe you do. But deep down, you would’ve never accepted to serve a man like Demetri Lociato. That sort of attitude of doing the 'right thing'... It sounds... familiar. I think that the last name ‘Sinclair’ would’ve suited you better. You have the looks, and you think a lot like Maria, too.”

Nobody had used that last name around her in a long, long time. As her grip intensified on the mobile phone, her eyes widened further as she glanced down at the device. “H-How do you know – ”

“…Your mother’s maiden name? Because you and I are much closer than you think, Kenzie. I told you that you don’t resemble your father in the slightest, right?”

“That doesn’t dissociate myself from him. It doesn't mean I'm not his daughter.”

“Well, I do look like your father… and not only that, but we think alike. Not like you.”

A strange itch of curiosity and fear traversed Kenzie’s body from the questions surrounding her words. She looks like him whereas Kenzie doesn’t; she knew her mother’s maiden name, her affair with Dave, and odds are, she knew so much more. “Where are you getting with all of this?”

“You’re smart, Kenzie. Use that free-ride-to-Yale brain of yours to take a guess… but I’ll throw you a hint. Does the name Stephanie Parker ring a bell to you?”

She shook her head, despite how it wouldn’t be visible for Angela. “No, not really…”

“Well, she was with your father for the first year of his service in the US military, and let’s just say… they were close. Withdrew a month later.”

“So? I don’t think my father knew my mom yet at the time, so you can't call him out for cheating on her.”

Angela sighed. Was revealing her name a good idea? Kenzie hadn’t put two and two together yet. No more stalling. “Keep thinking. Again, try to draw a conclusion.”

But it wouldn’t be Kenzie piecing the story together. Of all people… it was Jeff, who recognized the voice the second it came from her mobile. He couldn’t even believe it as it kept threatening the woman by his side. He shook his head in slight strokes in hope of getting someone’s attention. When that failed, he spoke out in whispers in his weakened state so Angela wouldn’t hear him from her end of the call. Not like he could do much more with his arm in a tourniquet and his pulse growing weaker. “Kenzie… that’s my agent that was working for Lociato.” He paused as his eyelids felt like they were on the brink of falling over his face. “Her name is Angela Parker… and Stephanie Parker is her mother. But her father is unknown… At least, not until now.” It seemed as if the crooked direction had already picked up on the pattern, keeping his head afloat for as much as possible. Kenzie, in a bit of starstruck shock, turned to him, trying to process this whole situation before her. “But Eddy? Her father? Huh… it makes sense. They look a lot alike. She looks more like her father than you do, I must say.”

That’s why Angela mentioned the last name Sinclair and associated it with Kenzie. The resemblance to her late mother more than her father. The woman on the call was the exact opposite: less of a Parker, more of a Brookes. It all made sense now, her once centered gaze now dropping to her lap. She had a sister? One that also worked for Lociato? Quite a shocker; it was literally only Kenzie who didn’t succumb to what could now be called a family business. And it all made sense. As much as she refused to believe this twist of events, it was all too convincing. Scarily convincing. She inhaled deeply and brought herself back to reality, now focused on the ball once again. She needed to show that she understood, her other hand running over her forehead and through her hair, her eyes closing in an attempt to try to relax herself. Shocked she was, indeed.

“Oh, my god…”

“Not exactly the way to greet your sister, hm?”

Her eyes shot open again, still looking to the ceiling. “You’re holding Thalia like a hostage. What kind of sister does that make you?”

“One who wants what she deserves. I know for a fact Lociato paid Dad, which I hope you don’t mind me calling him, a large sum of money to keep his mouth shut and not pull a stunt like he did last night. And I want that money. The money that you are supposed to inherit.”

“So this is about money.”

“For me. For you, isn’t it about love?”

Kenzie sighed and looked to the ceiling, resting her hand holding the phone in her lap. “You may know about me on paper, but you don’t get to talk about my personal life off the bullshit on a meaningless paper. So shut up before I hang up the phone.”

“Oh, but I do. Especially because I’m looking at the woman who could’ve been your wife right now, and I must say… she’s alright at the moment. And the more you pay me from the inheritance, the better condition I’ll return her to you. Of course, hanging up means I'll have to kill her.”

“Now you’re threatening to cut her to pieces if I don’t hand over every penny my father has.”

“That’s the ticket, Sis.”

Kenzie might’ve been a stranger to dangerous situations, but she wasn’t naïve. “I want to speak to Thalia. Prove that you have her, or I swear, I’ll hang up and you’ll get nothing.”

This woman proved to be no pushover, and Angela was ready to live up to her demands. She wanted proof of Thalia's life before proceeding with any sort of exchange. A good sign, but still, she expected her half sister to be an easier catch. A rather quiet groan came from her as she peeked over to the slave, who was just finishing her chocolate bar and throwing the wrapper away in a trash bin. Thalia hardly paid attention to herself as she quietly minded her own business, but then she heard the calling of a master, "Slave, here, now."

What had she done wrong? She didn't know at this point. Instead, she looked both ways across the office at the skeleton crew around her and approached Angelo and Angela at the desk. "What?" she asked, evident fear in her voice. Was she going to be beaten again? "I did what you asked. Stayed quiet, not interfered in business that's not mine. What do you still want?"

Now that Thalia was in reach, Angela reached from behind her head and removed the simple headset from around her head and held it in the redhead's direction. How long had it been since she'd had contact with technology? Did she know how to use that thing? "It's Kenzie Brookes. She wants proof that you're alive."

Just the name of the caller alone caused Thalia to instantly swipe the headset from Angela's fingertips and scramble to put it over her head. Eventually, she managed to fix it properly with one ear covered and the mic in front of her mouth. A strange feeling to someone who'd been distant from technology for so long. And surely, her fumbles were heard as cracking sounds to Kenzie, Luca, and Jeff on the other side. But eventually, it became a voice. Thalia's. "Kenzie?"

That voice of a damaged girl that Kenzie had heard six months ago... now blessing her ears once again, and even creating a semi-smile on her face. Six months ago, she was only assuming this was her Thalia by the circumstances, with a great possibility of a match. Now she knew for sure that it was. She couldn't say all of the feelings going through her mind and heart at the moment, because she knew that the amnesiac on the other side of the line wouldn't understand anything. But her reply did confirm for Luca that this young woman's voice was her once-girlfriend's voice. "Thalia.... are you okay?"

She shook her head, holding the muffed end of the headset to hear Kenzie's voice properly and clearly. Boy, did Thalia have a lot to say before the headset was taken back and she was deprived of her rights to speak with this girl she knew to be a close friend. So many truths to express. "No, Kenzie, I'm not. After I got taken, that woman I told you about? She burned my arm after she took me from that hospital." Angela already didn't like what Thalia was saying on the line. It already incriminated her a good deal as is. With that, she stood up to grab the headset from the slave, who instantly jolted away from her. She couldn't let her take it away just yet. "Kenzie, I remember things... I remember you! We went to Yale together, lived together! I don't know why I'm remember this but I..."

As if by brute force, Angela grabbed the back loop of the headset and yanked it straight out of Thalia's ear, causing her to yelp in response. The damage was done: Kenzie knows that Thalia is getting her memories back, and that she'd tortured the girl with fire. Not looking good for her case now. "That's enough, you little bitch! Go back to your corner!" she scowled, shoving Thalia away from her face and fixing the headset back on over her head. At this point, Angela would've happily ended this little rebel. But she had a far greater purpose than to deliver dead, so she resisted the temptation. But the way she pushed Thalia away and growled at her, as well as the truth about her burn wound... revealed in front of Angelo. It's not like he didn't know she had a wicked side, but it wasn't flattering for two people trying to start over to bring these sorts of facts up. It was Thalia's fault anyway.

"Thalia?..... Thalia, are you there?" Kenzie tried to call for her friend after hearing the scream from her friend and the distant voice of Angela barking orders at her. Those words.... Angela was torturing Thalia, and she now had a burn wound from six months ago. She could only imagine what kind of shape her beloved was in now. But she was alive, and even stranger: she was regaining her memories. She remembers that they went to Yale together and shared a flat, but does she remember that they were lovers? Was it at all possible? All such shocking words in just ten seconds of a conversation... but they meant so much in Kenzie's heart, her head leaning in and her eyes becoming slightly watered. This was Thalia. And she was being offered up for her father's inheritance. That money she was going to use to preserve herself, Kain, Luca, and Sarah someday. Now, was she ready to throw it away so that Thalia could be free? It seemed like that was where her priorities lied. She would've happily given up every last penny of her riches so that the girl she loved so dearly in college could have her life back. If she was getting immunity, odds are, she wouldn't lose her medical license. She probably won't have a job to go back due to the negative publicity, but she could find another very easily. So money would never be a problem. There was always assistance from whatever Phil had in his name to keep her financially above water for a short time. Not to mention: she could always sell some of Edward's non-liquid assets. After all, all Angela demanded was the inheritance money. The chief had much more than just that after all.

As Kenzie was consumed in thought, Angela continued speaking, still a bit furious at the renegade's words of warning, "You have proof that your bitch is alive. Now.... what's it gonna be? Deal or no deal?"

Before the doctor could even start speaking, Jeff whispered to her once again, overhearing everything on the line and analyzing from his point of view. And he cared to share his opinion. Angela was his underling after all. "Kenzie, don't trust Angela. She's a snake. She might just be leading you into a trap. You can't trust that it was really Thalia that was on the line, or about being half-sisters..."

Even with the warnings, Kenzie's mind was made up, and a single word showed the decision. "Deal. Thalia for Dad's inheritance.... 'Sis'. You're the eldest. It's yours after all. But it's not going to be that simple." Of course, she wasn't going to let the deal go that easily. She had her own plans. "You can't put a price on the head of the woman I love. You can't put it on anyone's loved ones. But you are lucky. You're going to put a price on two. The Brookes inheritance... for not just Thalia..." Her eyes peeked upward directly to face Luca's. A decision that would benefit them both. "You're also going to find and deliver Sarah Kenmore. Two lives, for more money than you'll be able to dream of. That's my counter offer."

Would Luca approve of putting Sarah's name on the table? How could he say no to THAT? She only gave Luca a nod of approval, one that told on its own that she was pursuing this deal with his wife in on it whether he accepted or not. Luca kept an eye on Kain and kept him alive, even saved him from Nathan Wells with a nasty bullet wound. It's the least she could do to thank him. While Jeff remained a stranger to the bond and a bit disappointed in Kenzie blindly trusting Angela, it seemed like the doctor and boxer were both in this together and would get their loved ones back to this deal one way or another.

But Angela might have to pass on the counter. Getting Thalia was a pain in the ass on its own. Acquiring another one of Lociato's assets in such a short time? That would be near impossible. He'd soon find out about the raid in one of his Mexico-based holding chambers, and tighten security. Sarah was gone with the wind, but it wouldn't hurt to ask Angelo. The ex-Fed removed the headset from its position around her head and covered the microphone with her palm so the men on the other side of the line wouldn't hear her negotiating with her partner. With a groan and a roll of her green eyes, she explained, "Kenzie wants Sarah Kenmore... I take it that's your cousin's lovely lady?" Whether or not it'd been mentioned before, Angela could take a lucky guess, especially judging how tight Luca had been with the Saunders/Brookes family lately. Their roads had to have crossed at some point. "I assume she's a no-go, right?" She then removed the headset from around her neck and held it to her bald lover. He may not be the most negotiable of men in the world, but he could certainly knock some sense into Kenzie. It's that sort of cruel side that Angela admired. They both had it, and both knew how to use it to full capacity. "If you want to have a word with her? I bet your cousin is there as well.... I bet that it's a worthwhile conversation."

Thalia, though.... after being pushed away, couldn't help but feel a sting to her head. Yet another flashback to a moment of her past had spurred from just one word from Kenzie, her name. How was that slight interaction enough to trigger yet another spark of her memories kept in a shell? Maybe there was more to her and this doctor than meets the eye. Once again, this was between the two roommates at that same time in college, but it was back to the sort of on-edge terms, like the beginning of the previous flashback. Kenzie was mad. Thalia apologetic.

"Kenzie... are you mad at me?.... Look, you didn't speak to me the entire bus ride home. Just tell me, are you mad?"
"What do you think?"
"Look, I didn't want you to find that out about me. I never thought I'd get caught."
"You rob people, Thalia. With some gang of thugs who don't give a care in the world for others. You ruin their lives, scare them... do you even take into consideration whose lives you're harassing?"
"Of course that matters to me..."
"Bullshit. Don't give me that. Don't you DARE give me that. If that's really how you felt, you would never be up to this sort of thing.... Why?"
"Why do you do this?"
"I... I guess it was the thrill so many years ago. And it just never left me?..... I'm serious, Kenz, the people I work for, they won't let me just up and leave."
"You can always leave, T. There's no such thing as 'they won't let me.' You can always come clean and get away from this."
"You just don't get it do you? You see this tattoo?"
"Oh, so that's what it is? It's clan ink?"
"Yeah. So is the cross on my neck."
"You told me it was because of your Christian background."
"It is, but it's deeper than that."
"Have you ever been honest with me?"
"Oh come on, don't be like that. Just give me a chance to explain, please!"
"You better thank FUCK I paid bail for you! I'm making this go away to give you a chance to make amends! Next time you get caught, I'm going to deny I know you!"
"Kenzie, please, just listen to me! If I could leave, I would!"
"Shush. You're full of shit. I don't want to hear your excuses. I gave you a shot to fix things. Don't talk to me until you make your decision."
"I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to be your friend! That day we were drinking and such on the floor? I wasn't lying about that... I meant it."
"Did you?"
"You... you don't believe me, do you?"
"Huhh.... Good night, Thalia."
"W-Wait, Kenzie... Please!"

The sound of a door slamming shut concluded this flashback. This time, there was no happy ending for these two girls. So Thalia was a thief in her past life. Was this the deal with this other organization she was a part of? Whatever it was, she clearly had her regrets in this flashback, and Kenzie didn't appreciate her ways. It killed the redhead's heart to know this. As she squinted to try and forget that argument, she looked around at the dull office around her, at the desks and braindead people, trying to distract herself and await for the deal to go down.

Maybe she could tell Kenzie she was sorry...
|:|Luca/Angelo Varundar|:|

Luca knew himself. He knew he was stubborn at times and forever turned cynical by the hands of fate. His run at the table was marked with bad luck and treachery. There was no exaggeration in his words when Luca spoke of Kenzie and Kain as family, for what remained of his relatives were crooks and cons. Other than Angelo, Luca knew no more members of the family, at least in the United States. As much as he wanted a life where he could freely live as he wanted, abandoning Kain made it seemed unreasonable and selfish. Seeing Kenzie care for him chipped a bit at the stone walls around his heart, and made Luca listen. She was right, he saw. Luca simply didn't understand how the U.S. Justice System worked, but lawyers did. And Kenzie knew some. It wouldn't be the first time he had seen confirmed criminals walk unscathed or with a glorified timeout. But Kain wasn't a criminal, not entirely. Hell, neither was Luca, or Kenzie. Brookes and Henrikson could be called that, but Brookes tried to change that, didn't he? Something with the fear of dying made these two feel guilty in some way. Kain deserved that same feeling and that same chance, something Kenzie would work to make happen, even if they weren't on any kind of good terms at the moment.

A tactic Luca expected but was still unprepared for was Kenzie bringing up Sarah's wishes. At Kenzie's question, the ex-champion shook his head, staying silent. Sarah would make Luca take the pardon regardless of how it fell back on her. In a way, it made him think of how it would. Was he simply afraid of the seeming omnipotence of Lociato? Enough to make him refuse freedom? Luca supposed he was. Still, Kenzie was hardly done trying to convince him. She brought up old emotional wounds, drawing a comparison between him and Thalia. It was an identical love story to him and Sarah, bringing forth his attention. Luca imagined being home with Sarah once more, with the FBI once again upon him. Ending up shot or imprisoned would devastate both of them. Still, English wasn't his first language. Italy could become a new home. But after Lociato? The power vacuum in Mexico, combined with a good deal of lost slaves, would likely anger a criminal ring larger than the kingpin's. In both lives, he would be running. The pardon made sure this never happened. Never hurt Sarah like Thalia did Kenzie just because he was too paranoid or stubborn to refuse freedom. It would make Lociato once again aware that he had opposition that wasn't bounded by country. But Kenzie mentioned them as an army, no longer a lone warrior. It wasn't a battle in the dark, undermining the Seattle operations with small moves. It was even more than a rescue mission. It was war.

Luca realized now that he had hurt Kenzie by his initial refusal. She didn't need to beg him. The boxer wouldn't be able to take it. But he will take the pardon. Being away from any criminal record as well as disassociated from Sesler means he could get a job after all of this. Sure as hell not boxing once more, however. He had enough of fighting for one lifetime. "I'll...sign the pardon, Kenzie. I'm sorry." Breaking his gaze from her powerful eyes, Luca focused his own on Henrikson's. "But I need Kain if I'm taking down Lociato. I can't fight alone. You don't need to pardon him, not yet at least, but give me enough time to make him disappear with us into Mexico, and I can promise that you'll never deal with Lociato again." His head snapped away from the pale director as Kenzie's phone hummed. A call, one unexpected. He shared her fear of it being Wells once more, with perhaps another ploy of extortion. The doctor certainly answered it with enough force to make him believe so. Moments into the conversation, however, Kenzie grew surprised or even confused. It certainly couldn't be Nathan, then. With the phone now on speaker, Luca crossed his arms and shut his mouth, scarcely breathing through his nose to drink in every word. It was a female voice on the other end, one Luca didn't recognize. Nor did Kenzie, inquiring quickly for the caller's identity. Nothing but a cryptic response replied; it was going to be a tough negotiation. Whoever called her had the power to break through the phone's encryption, and even as naive as Luca was to the technology, he knew that no normal person simply cracked encrypted devices on the daily.

The caller knew Kenzie beyond the name. Even her son and the shady creation. The caller didn't aggravate Kenzie like Wells. Instead of the demands presented immediately and with force, it fell to enforcing the idea that this unnamed contact was in control. It did less to intimidate Kenzie and more to piss her off. As Luca guessed, there was a higher purpose to the call than wordplay. It was Thalia Griffin that would be the focal point. Kenzie attempted to circumnavigate this, playing the hand of the unknowing. It might've worked, if only the caller didn't know that Griffin was well alive. Even knew that Kenzie was more than roommate at one time. Of course, the call was a proposition. A trade. There was no charity with criminals. Things like hidden loves and scandals were catnip for them. Even a dead father was a platform for further verbal abuse. And the negotiator knew the full name of Lociato. Luca felt as though a puzzle's solution was just presented to him by the mention of the name. It was a Lociato plan. Already his palms grew cold as though agreeing to sign the pardon already jeopardized him. But that was an irrational feeling, caused by a fleeting moment of shock. Even further was this caller's knowledge of Kenzie's mother, a person Luca scarce knew of. This caller was deep in their knowledge and intimately close to the family. Enough to think that they resemble Edward in appearance and thought. Kenzie asked the question Luca himself was thinking; where WAS she going with it? The hints led to a story of Edward's affair in the military, Stephanie Parker forging into Luca's memories. A name neither he nor Kenzie knew.

But Jeff did. Luca hardly picked up the slow movements in his peripherals, all attention on the phone as though it was going to jump out of Kenzie's hands. It was Angela, confirming Luca's suspicions of Lociato involvement, though he could not be more wrong in their true motives. He saw it as another way to Lociato to squeeze money from someone. But Angela, a plant for Lociato in the FBI AND a half-sister to Kenzie? The doctor wasn't wrong in saying that both Luca's and her family were full of bad seeds, even if she didn't know of Angela at the time. The name was eerily close to Angelo, making him mentally shudder for a moment. But she wanted something more than just money. She wanted Edward's inheritance, now in Kenzie's hands. Angela was a damn good negotiator, taking the focus away from her goals to focus on Kenzie's. And she was right; it was about love. Thalia may be amnesiac, but to Kenzie she was still Thalia. What could Luca expect other than a death threat if Kenzie did hang up, though? All leverage was on the other side of the phone. Kenzie needed proof as badly as anyone else in the room, though, and caused a lull in the back-and-forth conversation. Luca picked up a title throughout the momentary recess in the negotiations for Thalia, though. Slave. A name his wife would have in the ring. The idea made him form fists, then release them, repeating the process two or three times before stopping. A bit of motion was heard on the other side soon, making him grow wary for a moment before a new feminine voice broke through. Judging by Kenzie's expression, it was genuine. Still, it wasn't exactly great news. Thalia knew her situation was bad and was even burned a few months ago. Thalia's voice picked up soon as though excited, as she rightly might be. Remembering Kenzie, the beginnings of rebuilding their relationship. Luca didn't have the slightest clue on how an amnesiac's mind worked, but the idea was still inspiring.

Thalia was soon cut off with a sharp yelp, then distant sounds far away from the mic before Angela returned to the receiver. Jeff voiced his own concerns after Angela presented the deal, mimicking Luca's own thoughts. It could be no more than a sting, or a soundboard, or...

Too late. The deal was made, and could have been the best or worse move any of them had made. Kenzie presented her own terms, though, though Luca wasn't sure of what until she presented them. The immediate paranoia he had earlier felt came back. If Lociato was behind this, he'd have to know that Sarah Kenmore wasn't connected to Kenzie. If the kingpin knew that Luca was involved with Kenzie and Kain as he likely did, Luca could become the next target for extortion. It was luck on his side that Demetri didn't have a hand in the Brookes' inheritance pot. It wasn't as though he could object, however. Any damage was already done, so having the possibility of Sarah brought back to him would have to carry him into more optimistic thoughts. All he could do was wait.

In Mexico
Angelo admired most of Angela's negotiating tactics. He was no wordsmith like her, but the man knew when he heard a good argument. Knowing that Angela had delivered the burn scar on Thalia made him wonder, though, about what drove her. She was much more emotionally involved in her work than he was. Perhaps that was a bonus in the field of deceit and undercover operations, but not in handling hostages. Torture was seen as ineffective in his mind for answers. People will say anything for relief. Perhaps it wasn't an interrogation but rather a punishment. It was a universal language for the slaves and delivered strongly. He'd have to talk to Angela about it at some point.

It was relieving to know that Kenzie would take the deal and give him the much needed funds, but Kenmore as well? The name was unfamiliar but likely connected to someone other than Kenzie or Kain. It had to be Luca, the silent listener to the negotiation. Nodding to Angela, Angelo expressed his thoughts on the matter. "It'll be impossible, they'll have to see that." Off of the sentence, the hitman bundled the headset around his head for a moment, recognizing the design. In the few coordinated team hits on a particular target, Angelo had his share of coordinating other members and talking with such devices. He messed with the mic for a few moments, pushing it away from his mouth a bit so that his words were not quite as loud. Make them really listen.

Angelo opted for a professional tone, keeping his voice level and talking of hard facts rather than personal stabs. He was there to reaffirm their position on not attempting to retrieve Kenmore, not scare her further. "Miss Brookes, your counter offer will result in the deaths of nearly everyone involved. Thalia Griffin was the singular slave taken. Once this is brought to light by my employer, there will be a direct connection drawn between her and you. It is also known that Varundar is with you and Kain, so it is likely that Lociato will assume he and you are down in Mexico. By now there is probably already a thorough head count beginning in most of Mexico's storehouses, taking names and trying to find connections. According to my knowledge, Lociato had never taken into account that Sarah Kenmore was engaged to Luca Varundar, but as soon as her location is threatened again, it will be known. He'll likely think that she was the primary target in the first hit and that his unknown attacker simply missed, at least until Thalia is found. Security is much more rigorous once you move towards the southern end of Mexico, which is where the slaves are being moved before dispersal across the globe. Even if I could get through the heightened measures, it could jeopardize Kenmore's life and my own."

Luca was mentally bickering with himself, the mere voice of his cousin striking key nerves. Still, Angelo was right from what he was hearing. But Luca wasn't going to believe a word of it yet. The hitman might just be trying to save time. "Bullshit. Sarah's no different than the other slaves in Lociato's book, she wouldn't be any different."

Angelo paused for a moment, his own mind equally running. Luca had no reason to trust him. "Do you want your wife back or do you want her alive, cugino?"

The boxer gripped air tightly, forming the fists once more. Angelo knew his limits. He knew that another raid on Lociato's warehouses would be futile. There would be no bargaining on that decision. Luca burned with questions, however. "You mentioned a hit? If Lociato wanted Brookes' inheritance, why steal Thalia? Could he have not simply delivered her for the trade?"

Angelo wavered between whether or not to tell Luca that Lociato wasn't behind the operation. It might make the man listen with his head and not his fists. The bald criminal could hear the rising anger in his cousin's voice. "Lociato doesn't need Brookes' inheritance."

"Then why go through all of this?"

An audible sigh hit the microphone, Angelo closing his eyes for a few moments. "None of this is important, Luca. There's nothing more to talk about."

Luca fired back, a bit of aggression showing. "You left your family, your parents, and me! There's a whole lot to talk about!"

Angelo stood from his chair, wrapping his finger around the cord of the headset subconsciously, as though to make a jury-rigged garrote before dropping it. "I left no one. They failed me. You know how my father died, and I haven't spoke to my mother since I was a boy. I didn't need that family, Luca, and I certainly didn't need you."

The red-hot coals of betrayal still lit a burning fire in Luca's chest, bringing up thoughts about Angelo he didn't know he had. "You left me when I needed you the most. I remember the Angelo who'd bring me comic books for weeks after my father died! I remember him as a friend! You can leave the life you have and start a new one, and none would be the wiser!"

"That's what I'm trying to start, Luca. Why do you think I want the money?"

"There's better ways to remake yourself than this, Angelo! You're exploiting a girl who had just lost her father and a sex slave!"

Luca had stronger morals than Angelo, and so these statements fell flat. However, it did make Angelo rethink how Luca viewed the situation. "I have to, Luca. Goodbye." The retiring hitman pulled the headset from himself, placing it back down. He needed a soda, and badly. Questioning his moral alignment always made him parched.
-(Kenzie Andrews/Jeffrey Henrikson/Angela Parker)-

As he was, indeed, quite a silent non-revealing figure, Kenzie thought it would be an impossible task to divert the course of a headstrong Luca. His mind seemed to have been made, set in stone, to not accept the pardon for Kain's sake. Jeff's decision of who he'd pardon and who not wasn't fair; why give Luca and Kenzie a free pass, but continue to pursue his personal disagreement with Kain? They all felt like a package deal in this. Most of the reason Kenzie was even a part of this criminal activity is because of her foster brother and his newfound friend, when they showed up at her doorstep and let them stay in her spacious home for a night. Everything from after was perfectly legal, with the exception of fleeing a federal convoy, though one set up due to her wrongful arrest. Either way, she was the victim in the end of that ordeal, taken a hostage by Nathan Wells, a figure who'd seemed to have faded to black. Was Dave's death game over for him? Did he seriously have no plans to continue to haunt her or Kain for the rest of their lives? A strange possibility that she could only hope was true. After this, who else did Kenzie have? Her father, husband, son, and one brother were all dead. And after Kain's stunt with the director, she didn't know if she could settle down with him anymore. Was he the same man she'd loved from childhood? She wanted to believe that more than anyone, even convincing Dave not to take his brother up to the chief when he put two and two together. But he cut a man's hand off... she didn't fear that he'd do the same to her. But she feared that he'd never get over the bloodlust he'd developed after his first murder. It wasn't like this with Thalia in college, who did her best to put her criminal past behind her. Even took a bullet to the abdomen to ensure that nobody would ever hurt her. Would Kain be willing to put his alter-ego behind him as well? She gave her college roommate that chance, after all. A debate for another time.

But to the doctor's surprise, a new side of Luca had been revealed to her: one where his emotions ever so slightly shined through the cracks of the wall he'd created over himself. Much like how he felt as if she were family, she felt the same way. And there's no way she'd let a family member go down with the ship. Especially one that understood her pain. Their love stories were quite literally no different from one another. Perhaps Thalia, unlike Sarah, wasn't a random grab, but it was still an unbearable pain to deal with. Even to the degree that, much like how Luca had proposed to Sarah, Thalia had proposed to her. Some might've considered Kenzie making the connection a low blow, but in her own mind, this was the best way she could relate to a man who'd spent so long alone with no one to understand his pain. Living on the run was a tragedy that neither couple should have to live. Which is what pushed her to implore Luca to take the deal. After all, where would Kenzie and Thalia go when this was over? Maybe not to Seattle, or even Philadelphia - her friend's hometown - just to avoid the places where each of their parents had died. Thalia's French descent might've prompted her to return to her mother's place of origin, but for an amnesiac, even one regaining her memories, it was a hit-or-miss. But this would all be easier if they were both free. Likewise, it would be easier for Luca and Sarah to be free from the bounds of the FBI and Lociato. All they needed was Jeff's statement.

Kenzie gave Luca a nod when she heard that he'd accept the deal. But then, his words directed to the handless director on the ground. His weakness was getting the better of him. Would he still be able to testify if he could barely keep himself conscious? Kenzie did whatever she could for him, as professionally as she could, but she wasn't a miracle worker. Science could only go so far, and the blood loss he'd sustained and the shock he'd endured all worked against him. He could comprehend the boxer's wishes to let Kain go with him to Mexico. It wasn't a desire for an extended pardon, but he knew that at this rate, Kain would be lawyered up eventually and might even get a reduced sentence. Just a jolt of his head signified his approval of their wishes. A deal that everyone could agree on, at least right now.

Neither Kenzie nor Luca were taking this phone call easily. It didn't seem like the Italian knew the first female voice on the line. No, only Henrikson did as an FBI agent. No way either of them could know. But the threats, the knowledge of such intimate details about Kenzie's life, down to her love story with Thalia... that took commitment to piece that together. Then again, if Thalia was a Lociato plant, much like Angela, it would make sense that the corrupt federal agent would figure out about her affair with her roommate. Knowing about a relationship from college was one thing, but finding the girl herself after being enslaved for many years was something else. And being in love with this girl, she could tell the real deal from some sort of ventriloquist or a soundbox. No, that girl on the other end of the line was the same Thalia she'd loved so long ago. And hearing her get snatched away and taken away from the mic took a chip out of Kenzie's heart, tightening her grip on the phone in her hand. She kept her breathing under control, aware that the excess stress was not good for her in her healing phase. Even being placed into action like this, crawling over Jeff to take care of his wound, was pushing it. Fortunately, she didn't feel any discomfort yet. It was a miracle she was walking, all thanks to Herman. But Kenzie remained poised and focused on the call, awaiting a return of fire. Her demands for Sarah added into the deal were certainly not ones that Luca had expected, but she knew how to negotiate. Angela wanted this money seemingly desperately, and if that meant snatching another slave to do so, she figured it would be possible. If not, they'd make it possible

But a softer male voice replied instead of Angela's addressing Kenzie by her maiden name and laying out the reality as it is. A voice she needed to listen closely to due to the lower nature of his tone. She clearly wasn't as thrown off as Luca, but instead... not surprised. Pulling one of Lociato's slaves from the pack couldn't have been a one-man job. Angelo was the second party that assisted her in acquiring Kenzie's beloved. She didn't have a face or a name, but Luca's reaction to the caller gave it away. They must know each other from somewhere. At first, she didn't expect it to be family, more like a friend or old associate turned rogue. But that was a question for later. She rather paid attention to his reasoning for Sarah not being a possibility. A grim disappointment in her heart and mind. She truly wanted Luca to rescue his wife, and was willing to pay hundreds of millions from an inheritance she was destined to have in her name to see that happen. All that money that Edward was getting off of being a Lociato rat... Kenzie didn't need it. She was willing to not continue her dreams in medicine to elope with Thalia after all. She lead a simpler life than her husband and father. The money from her own work was mainly spent by Phil, truthfully. Whatever her father had in the bank, which she didn't even have an exact quantity of, she would give it all away for a happily ever after. Judging by the callers, it seemed like Angelo and Angela wanted their own peaceful end, too.

Understandably, Sarah was off the table due to security reasons and head counts imminent, but boy, much like how Angela knew so much about Kenzie, this second figure knew a lot about Sarah and Luca. Then again, the news about Kain Saunders associated with the infamous Sesler was all over the news, and no doubt reached the ears of Lociato quickly. It became more apparent that the bond between Angelo and Luca was deep, but Kenzie simply kept listening... then Luca interrupted in an attempt to call his bluff and push for Sarah's rescue. It ended in a fury of back and forth comments, personal attacks even. It went to show that these two were closer than meets the eye. Maybe this was in the family after all. The slip of Italian in the mix even went to show it. It definitely didn't sound like 'brother'... maybe 'cousin'? A lucky guess; Kenzie only knew a bit of French from her once-girlfriend from college as well as high school Spanish. So it was the closest thing she could guess. It was bothering Luca, who was only growing more tense with every word Angelo brought back up, almost tempting the doctor to lean forward to tell him to calm down, but there was a slim chance of that happening. These were personal attacks going back and forth. But other secrets were spilled: it wasn't Lociato who wanted her father's riches. No, this was personal, going against the organization. Otherwise, why raid a warehouse of slaves and snatch Thalia like that? A truth that finally lined up in Kenzie's overloaded mind. It was revealed that the money was for their own personal reasons which they didn't want to disclose. An escape from Lociato, to start over? Could be. But clearly, Luca's morals wanted the duo on the other side of the line to reconsider. But convincing a criminal as far gone as them to turn back? Not a chance. Kenzie knew from now that his words would go upon deaf ears, but what she didn't expect were the emotionally-powered words of the boxer recalling his past with the man. Rather personal memories of grieving over loss and bonding. Luca rarely showed emotion. First, claiming that she and Kain were like family... now these personal barks? This was his wife they were talking about, after all. This was a new side of Luca that she was listening to. Interesting enough, and one that was worth a conversation later.

The feud between Luca and Angelo ended in the latter dropping the mic and walking away, the thud of the device hitting a surface audible to the group in Seattle. Angela, however, was a bystander, unable to hear the conversation or Luca's voice, but she didn't have to to know that the two cousins had squared off verbally on the line. The ex-FBI agent had this sort of craving for chaos and dispute, and watching one side of it from her loved one's end was a treat. Angelo wasn't one to play around, straight to the point. Only she was able to really break that pattern and cause his emotions to break free for once. That kiss on the ride to the warehouse. That was unforgettable. Perhaps when they had their money, more memories like that could be fostered between them. Once the families of Lociato, Saunders, Brookes, and Varundar were nothing but irrelevant to them. Everyone could go their separate ways, all only if Kenzie hands over the money for Thalia back, and Kain accepts to become Angelo's successor. Luca won't be happy to know that his loved one would be out of the loop, but surely, Angelo could deal with that. Everyone could move on in a different, better life. All she needed now was the approval of her half-sister. Angelo needed to step away for the moment, clearly from what his cousin had told him. Quite a dilemma, but one to discuss later. She retrieved the headset, fixed it over her head, and resumed in Angelo's place.

"So, sis, I suppose you now understand the terms of our agreement: you can't have both Griffin and Kenmore. Either you take your sidepiece back and fork the cash.... or we'll just kill her. Or we'll permanently sell her off to the highest bidder, maybe someone who will pay more than what Dad has. How would you like that?"

A deep sigh of disappointment came from Kenzie's throat, almost as a choke at her failure. She shook her head in Luca's direction, as if to apologize for not being able to fight for his wife. But she couldn't stay silent for long, if Angela was serious about killing Thalia. She swiped her left hand over her face in an attempt to clear her mind and answered, "Fine. I want photographic proof that it's Thalia. If you know her well enough, you should know what I want to see."

It wasn't too common for a girl with a bizarre hand tattoo and one of a concaved cross on her neck to be simply walking the streets. This pattern was unique to only one girl, a former clanswoman. Angela understood this and replied with a hum and a sarcastic nod. "And if I fail to deliver this?"

"Well," she sighed, gaining a bit of confidence in her words. She figured she could use Angelo's argument against him. This was more than just payment for product: Angela and Angelo needed this money to start over. "Then you're shit out of luck. You probably won't find someone who will pay as much as I will for Thalia, not enough for you to get your brand new start. I won't even get near Mexico if I don't have proof that she's alive and in good health."

"Eeeeeeeh." Kenzie was getting wise and bold, which is what Angela didn't want, nor expect. "You're a feisty bitch, sis. I don't like your tone. Isn't there a nicer way to address your big sister? Maybe with a please?"

At least Kenzie knew, for a matter of fact, Angela was more like her father than she ever was. She was cocky and in over her head for power, much like her father was when he took a high position and money in exchange for killing two boys' parents. Some soldier he was. But with a cross of her brows, she struck back, "Please?" she scoffed. "How about a solid, 'go fuck yourself'?"

Then came probably the biggest risk Kenzie had ever taken... she extended her thumb over the screen of the phone and dropped the call. That could've been interpreted in many ways. Not interested, so kill Thalia anyway? Or we have our terms, and if you don't follow through, you get nothing? Either way, Kenzie wasn't one to drop heavier curses like that, only when she was truly furious. And gambling with Thalia's life was setting her off. Now, all she wanted to do was assert herself in front of this taskgiver and take some control over this trade-off. With a sigh, she glanced back up to Luca. Half of her felt she needed to explain herself, but the boxer would probably understand why she acted as she did.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get Sarah in on this, Luca," she sighed, disappointed and laying her phone down on her lap for the moment, her hands slightly shaking from the fear of the unknown. "I tried. But I don't want to risk that they're right and she might just get killed in the crossfires. But I give you my word: we WILL get her back. One way or another."

Kenzie exhibited a new spark of determination and courage after negotiating with Angela. Maybe she had a bit more Brookes blood in her than she'd ever thought. But that bravery was about to be put to the test with the wounded man by her side.

"K-Kenzie...." Jeff mumbled, his head tilting to her side and eyes fluttering shut, his voice crippling from weakness, and his weight crashing down on his emergency medic. What had gone wrong?

"Director?" her voice cracked in shock as she felt his body collapse by her side, scooting slightly as to not hurt herself, watching him lay down to the basement floors. The first thing Kenzie checked was the patched area of his stub remainder of a hand. The bleeding had recurred and bled through the tourniquet, creating a mess around them. Even with her disability and lack of a left ring finger, Kenzie was going to give it her all to ensure that he would survive. Could he possibly be dying from the loss of a limb? No way, but he could be going into a shock-induced state of unconsciousness. The body's mechanism of dealing with this new stress upon him. That, combined with the recent events of his change of heart and the beating he'd endured with Luca's boxing rhythm, seemed rather likely in her mind. She kept pressure on the wound, her right hand becoming filled with his blood while the left extended to his neck checking for a pulse. Weaker than ever. "Director Henrikson? Jeff? If you can hear me, answer me. Tell me something, anything. Give a sign you're still with me." But no response came from him. He was out cold, and the bleeding wasn't stopping in his hand. "God damn it, Jeff, say something! Stay with me!" Her lead leaned closer to his face, particularly near his nose. No breaths came from his nostrils. This wasn't looking good. Especially explaining this to people so that it doesn't look like torture or murder. Governor Hale would never pardon them for chopping off the FBI director's hand and nearly killing him. And all they had was a coerced confession and no living testimony to confirm that it wasn't under duress. Was this a success now slipping from their fingertips. As she tried to keep pressure on his wound and make sure his vitals didn't spike lower than they were already, she lifted her head up to her companion and started giving orders for what happens next. And the only idea she could see as rational was one that the Italian wouldn't like. "Luca, call 911. I can't do much for him, if anything at all. I'm injured, not to mention he actually needs a hospital now. I know, it's a risk, and you, me, and Kain will probably be arrested the second the authorities arrive, but I don't see any other way. He's the only way we're getting pardoned. If he dies, we're as good as dead, too. And make sure Kain is actually here, too. If he's already run off, it makes him look guilty. If he turns himself in, it looks better for him. I'll try to preserve him. But go, now!"

She might've been bitter with her foster brother, but she didn't wish harm upon him. The last thing she wanted was for him to be hammered with the death penalty after all of this. Another loss? Kenzie's heart would never accept that.

-(Kain Saunders)-

Kain didn't go far to clear his mind; simply sitting right across from the door to the basement hideaway dueling with the unpleasant thoughts in his mind. Where else would he go? He knew that after what he'd done, any chance of being pardoned was forever lost. And odds are, he can only run away for so long. And the reaction of his childhood lover only made it worse. It seemed as though a road to positivity and a brighter future, especially after his reunion with Kenzie, was all gone after he let his rage take over once more. Maybe his bloodlust wasn't cured after all. Maybe he didn't have the desire to kill, but he definitely wanted to see blood spilling. Much like he did with Jeff inside. Something about cutting off the hand of the man who was making his life hell was... satisfying. Completing. And now the bastard was bleeding out on the floor in critical condition, barely hanging on. Luca didn't even approve. Who would? A deal that would've been delivered on a silver platter was swiped from right under his eyes. In his time alone, he realized that things might be over for him. Once a crook, always a crook. The actions of Kasper were now catching up to him and manifesting in front of people he cares about. Would Kenzie ever forgive him? She may not want him to get arrested and executed... but would she ever love him again? Especially with an opportunity for her and Thalia to be together again. Nothing was certain for Kain anymore. So all he could do was stare with empty eyes at the red door, just wondering what his fate would be. Death? He was ready. What else was he living for?

-(Angela Parker/Thalia Griffin)-

So Kenzie had a pair of balls after all, new knowledge for Angela. She'd never expect her half sister to pull a stunt as bold as that. Devious, too. Both had things at stake here. Kenzie would lose a loved one; Angela would lose her chance of escaping Lociato. The difference is that Kenzie went six years thinking Thalia was dead, and won't be too devastated to lose her again. Angela won't last another six weeks once the smoke clears from their ambush, given the multitude of slave witnesses who will put her and Angelo at the scene of the invasion. So it seems like Angela had more to lose after all, and the younger sister had picked up on this fact. The inheritance was on the line, and though getting a picture of Thalia with her notable features for proof wasn't a problem at all, she figured she might as well test Kenzie. See how much of a Brookes she truly was, and she certainly was her father's daughter in some ways. Strong, and had guts to do what was necessary. Mission accomplished in a way. All she needed to do was get the shot of Thalia and deliver it to her buyer. She removed the wired microphone and headset from her head after giving the idea some thought and stood up, her personal burner phone at hand. It was nothing more than a ten-year-old flip phone, but it would get the job of a quick clear picture done, no doubt. Her advance was made to Thalia, leaning against one of the walls, now comfortably with her hands cuffed in front of her instead of behind, just tilting her head back to aimlessly look to the ceiling....

But Thalia wasn't braindead. She couldn't hear what was going on from the other end of the conversation, but she could hear mention of a woman named Sarah Kenmore. Is that the same Sarah, B-492, from the enclosure that she spoke to? At first, it could've gone either way.... But how many Sarahs love a man named Luca? That Sarah that she'd spoken to, taken the cigarette from, and opened up with... her love was connected to Kenzie? Small world, indeed. If only Sarah had stuck around for a few minutes longer. Maybe she could've argued for her to come along. All a big maybe, though. How much could a weakened, empty-minded slave do to defend herself from men with guns anyway?

Well... not so empty-minded anymore, as the redhead revived yet another memory shortly after the call reached a sudden conclusion. One, once again, with her roommate, but this one seemed to be a result of the last one. A consequence.

"Thalia... what happened?"
"Argh... Since when did you give a damn? You've been avoiding me all week, and now you care?"
"When you come home dripping in blood behind you, of course I'm gonna care. What did you get yourself into this time?"
"Again, why do you care? You won't believe me or hear me out."
"You know, if you're going to be pissy about this, I'll just let you drop dead, because you don't look good at all."
"I quit, Kenzie, okay?! I quit The Clan, and I got shot for it!"
"Yeah. I get it. You're worried about me, and I couldn't keep doing this to you, or risk getting arrested again. I hung the towel, and they shot me as a parting shot... the leader wasn't happy about his bride-to-be dropping out... Are you happy?"
"What, you don't believe that?"
"No, it's just... You... you quit for me?"
"Ugh... yeah, is that wrong? ... Fuck, this hurts."
"You just got shot. Of course it hurts. And if you're gonna just stuff toilet paper in there, you're not helping anyone."
"Thank god you didn't hear me getting the bullet out from inside me."
"You know, you really need to go to the hospital. I'll call 911."
"Yeah, so they can ask where I got shot from? No thank you. I left The Clan, but I'm not ratting them out. There are good people in there against their will, and I won't let them get arrested."
"If you don't get actual help, you're going to bleed out. Let me call an ambulance, and I'll get the record erased."
"Weren't you done going above the law to cover my ass?"
"....How can I just let my best friend die, T?"
"B-Best friend?"
"Yes. Best friend... We are, aren't we?"
Silence came from Thalia's end, but then... "Get in here... Ack, I think I have some strength in me to hug you."
"Mmm... you are tough, seeing you haven't passed out yet."
"I told you I was a fighter."
"Well stand down, soldier. You need professional help. I'm getting you that ambulance."
"Right... T-Thank you, Kenzie."

So things worked out in the end in one way or another between her and Kenzie. Best friends. So that's why she's willing to pay for the head of F-783. No man could price their best friend, but it seemed like this one was willing to try her best to get her back. It felt so... warming. But that wasn't even the whole story between the two college students. This flashback also brought up the fact that Thalia had left one of her previous organizations in favor of Kenzie's happiness. They truly were close. As she thought over the flash of words that invaded her mind, she slowly lifted the rags for clothing in front of her abdomen to look back at a scar she knew to be there but wasn't entirely sure of its origin. A circular marking on the opposite side of her skull-and-crossbones tattoo that looked like a match to a bullet wound. So that's where it'd come from: her betrayal to The Clan. It mattered not, apparently, as some other powerful individuals had control over her fate now. Or was it now Kenzie Brookes that had that key? Did she accept the deal? It might be the case, considering how Angela had approached her.

"Perfect, slave... hold that position, so I can see the wound and the tattoo..." Angela instructed, flipping the mobile open and pointing the camera to face all of Thalia and catch her in the shot. "Oh, and if you could turn so I can see your neck ink as well?"

Scoffing, she had to ask, "What, is this a photo shoot?"

A groan came from Angela. "Kenzie Brookes accepted to trade you in for a large sum of money."

Maybe not entirely true, but with the picture, it would be. A relieving, soothing feeling had overcome Thalia, but she refused to exhibit any form of happiness or pleasure in front of her captor. All she did was obey and slightly tilt her head to reveal the cross on her neck. Enough time and exposure, while keeping her stomach exposed, for Angela to get a sufficient shot of the younger girl for Kenzie. Sending it would be no problem, either. She already had the encryption broken and could contact the doctor whenever she so felt like it. But after she felt the flash shine across her eyes to signify the picture taken, her pupils shifted in the direction of the suited woman and asked another burning question on her mind, which she probably was pushing in terms of asking: "Sarah Kenmore.... is she a blondie? Kinda older? Also a slave in the ring? B-492?"

Angela's heart sank instantly. Thalia was finding out information too fast for her own good. What was going on in her mysterious, cryptic mind? Had this girl come into contact with Kenmore before she'd lost her memories? Or worse: had they met in the ring? That's the only way she'd be able to figure out her number. But Angela wasn't obliged to answer Thalia, simply turning away without a single word to their trading pawn. In response, Thalia could only interpret the silence as confirmation. Yes, that Sarah she'd conversed with shortly before being taken was someone else's love one. Now she could only wish that she weren't called away. She was gone, to god knows where, right after giving her that motivation to keep pressing forward. It was partially thanks to Sarah that her memories were slowly coming back. that motivation pushed her to start remembering things. A thank you was in order, if their roads were to ever cross again.

Before Angela moved back to the desktop to work on sending the image of their product for Kenzie, she had speak to her bald lover, stepping behind him and leaning closer to his ear for a whisper of something that Thalia nor the crew around them should hear, "It seems Griffin and Kenmore might know each other. I hope that's not going to be a problem. But apart from that, it seems like our lucky doctor is on board and in agreement. I just need to send an image of proof, and then we can move out of here, or stay... whichever you want." Her glance returned to Thalia, pacing a bit in her general vicinity, but not getting too close to anyone in particular. It'd been a while since she'd had such human contact, or since she'd been treated like a human being at all, on the same level as others. So the girl was a bit socially awkward, but being reunited with an old friend who she's slowly beginning to remember would help her recover. Beyond that was none of Angela or Angelo's business. "While I clean up... feel free to take our 'special guest' somewhere that she won't be a problem, or enforce whatever discipline you must. For now, we just have to wait for Kenzie to arrive to Mexico, then we'll call again to agree on terms. Maybe you could be of help?"
|:|Luca Varundar|:|

It wasn't common for Luca to vent like he did. A cooled temper was necessary to survive his childhood and carried with him to maturity. Still, simply talking to Angelo broke the passivity. There was far too much tension in the room for Luca to think clearly, so when Angelo stopped the conversation, he retreated a few steps closer to the door. To call him family hurt Luca deeply, but it also stung to say that Luca still didn't love him. You don't leave family regardless of what they have done. If things turned out the way Luca wanted to, Arlo would still be alive.

After Kenzie cut off the call, Luca had to allow himself a few moments to recover. It was a shocking move and displayed a more aggressive style of play from Kenzie he had yet to see. Logically, however, it did make sense. This wasn't a normal operation for the band of criminals on the other end; it was necessity. In a way, Kenzie overtook the role of making demands, even if Thalia's life was threatened. Both parties knew that it wouldn't happen. All it took was time for the photo to come in. "I know, Kenzie. I'm afraid they're right, too." Luca would have perhaps continued on to discuss their plans down the road for exchanging the money for Thalia, but was interrupted by Henrikson's nose dive into critical health. If he died, all of their freedoms would disappear into the wind, and Kain would be responsible for another death, a burden Luca felt Kain had enough of for several lifetimes. There was a great deal of blood flowing through Luca's shirt-tourniquet, creating an enlarging pool around him like a wicked aura. Kenzie was right; he needed a hospital. But to bring the authorities right to them after going through woes to flee? It was an oxymoron and stung bitterly for Luca. Kain would hate it and could possibly set him off on a run. Luca's face took on the stone once more, though his heart was one of a man without any options. "Kenzie, you need to hide that tanto. Regardless of what they might think about the pistol, Henrikson was cut with a sharp blade and one look at the tanto will remove any doubt of accidental wounds. Should be some loosened floorboards on the right of the fridge." There were several hovels of hidden items in the room, mostly sentimental. It was always in the case that Luca brought Sarah back, things like photos or - in a particular case - a necklace with a large, steel rose hanging off of the chain. All of the stuff out of his old apartment was in there, somewhere.

A sigh that never truly left his body seemed to find an escape as Luca pushed opened the red door once more, a mix of apprehension and relief that Kain was still around. Regardless of what the authorities will do, running away will jeopardize all of them. It boggled his mind how they could further discuss the trade deal after this, especially if the photograph is sent when the phone is still in Kenzie's possession. As soon as he caught sight of the distraught man, Luca held a hand out, placing it swiftly on his shoulder. With the free left hand, Luca held up a singular finger, calling for a moment of silence. "Kain, if we're all to be pardoned, Henrikson must survive. We need emergency services, and we'll be arrested. There isn't any more options, and I can't have you running. It'll make things worse; Kenzie thinks we can get out of this intact." Still holding Kain's shoulder, Luca thumbed through the phone's screen with ineptitude until he found the keypad, typing out the three familiar digits before pressing the green call button. A female voice quickly answered the ring in his ear: "911, what is your emergency?" The encrypted device was far ahead public service technology. No emergency operator would pinpoint his location unless he handed it to them. "I have a wounded male at 120 Bridgeton Boulevard, in Little Italy. He is in shock and is missing a right hand." The operator swiftly replied back, the faint tone of keys being hit in the background. "OK, sir, we need you to stay on the li-" The voice was cut short as Luca slid his finger across the phone once more, cancelling the conversation. Soon, it rang again as the operator followed protocol, attempting to reestablish connection with the caller. As before, Luca silenced it. There was little to do other than wait.

|:|Angelo Varundar|:|

Angelo had entered a hibernation-like state after the short conversation with his cousin, sitting in an office chair with his chin on his chest, his shoulders lax and slouched. It took him seconds to break into a deep sleep, a talent taught for those who worked days on end without rest. His mind instinctively yearned for the dark insides of the temporary apartment back in Seattle. The home Lociato believed he was in. It was easiest to sleep in an area he knew and even booby trapped on occasions. A shotgun mounted on a shelf with the trigger tied with a light string to the handle made the best security money could buy. But, even a few minutes of rest could completely revitalize Angelo's awareness and strength. The kind of rest he wanted back at the hotel, until Berns made an appearance. Luca couldn't penetrate Angelo's moral barriers with his words of mercy and loss, but it did make the killer think. Was this fate, working for Lociato, and only just now breaking out of the drone of the brainwashed? Was he a rebel, fighting against an established system? Or was Angelo simply a criminal who saw a better opportunity? Regardless of the truth, Angelo knew that he made a choice, one he was damn proud of. The foxy profile of Angela was his one inspiration for his otherwise cold soul. He could see why Luca didn't give up long after Sarah disappeared. Much as he had to kill him and work against him to the end, Angelo could respect the familiar drive. Soon, however, he was snapped awake by the click of the flip-phone's camera.

He listened to the two women's brief dialogue, though found nothing of real interest. It was something to know that Thalia had some kind of meeting with Sarah before she was taken, but since he didn't plan on retrieving her, it wouldn't come up again. Standing up, Angelo snapped his gaze away from her arching path before she approached from behind, her words reaching tenderly into his ear. To think that his idea of 'tender' was talk about a kidnapped sex slave and money. "It shouldn't be a problem, seeing as how we aren't going to be dealing with Kenmore. We'll move up closer to the border, see if we can get near an airfield. No way in hell a couple of Fed suspects are driving over the border. I'm betting Brookes' jet is making a flight over here once they get our terms." He stopped talking for a moment, reaching a hand behind him to place against her thigh before swiftly running down to the knee, becoming aware that he wasn't alone. Taking the swift, intimate contact away, Angelo continued to answer her. "I can take Thalia to the barracks here. Figure her asleep will be easier to deal with. I can bar the door and keep her locked in case she does try to run. I'll come back, and work with you on the negotiations. We're close, Ang."

Stepping away from his partner in both crime and heart, Angelo approached the million-dollar ticket that was Thalia. Several million, even. She was like him; a stranger, an outsider, and a criminal, though she forgot most of that life. He didn't feel the need to escort her with a tight grip on the arm or anything physical. Far as he knew, she understood the situation. "Come with me. You are going to rest in preparation for the coming hours. As I understand you were already provided a meal, information, and now rest." Turning away from her, Angelo's left hand found a place on the holster inside his clothing, his hand over top the layer. Having his back to her sucked, but he dealt with it. The server farm's ambient sounds of tech clicking back and forth was soon drowned out as he shut the door behind him, entering the long hallway they had earlier been in upon entering the building. Angelo was familiar with the layout, at least in a rough sense. There had been times before where he was here on Lociato business to find a target's phone. Turning a brass knob entirely different than the doorknob on the server room door, Angelo revealed a rectangular room lined with beds on the sides, the center clear for easy travel from bed to exit. "Any bed is yours to claim, and if any of the staff mess with you, tell them that they answer to me. Several of the men here haven't seen a woman in weeks or months, though I doubt they'd risk their life for it. I will be back once there is more news on your future. As for now, relax and think." Angelo's hand, which had never left the knob, soon pulled the door open once more so that he could stand in the hall again, the door clicking quietly behind him. A straight beam of iron made a rail from the barracks to the bathroom, Angelo faintly wondering as to the reason. Who needed a rail on a flat surface? The faint smell of alcohol in the crew barracks answered his question as his mind worked at the enigma. Regardless of how much of a drunken wreck one of them might be, Angelo needed the rail. With a hearty yank, the screws pulled from the plaster and wood that made up the building's infrastructure. The several feet of beam was soon loose and in his hands, propped against the door under the knob. The only way to open the door was to fight the solid foundation and the beam's integrity. The hitman soon came back to the room once more, entering the personal space that they had earlier conversed in, now behind Angela. "What are these terms you had in mind?"
-(Kain Saunders/Kenzie Andrews)-

It was relieving enough to know that Luca had some remorse for an enemy like Henrikson, that he wasn't going to let the man die here on the floors of his basement hideaway. His testimony was vital to their freedom, anyway. They needed to preserve him, and in her condition and with the few materials at hand, Kenzie knew she couldn't do much for him at this point. He needed actual medical care from someone who wasn't 10 to 12 hours out of surgery, short a limb, and otherwise was ill-equipped to handle this situation. And likewise, she wasn't going to leave Jeff for dead. It went beyond clearing her and her brother's names. It was her duty as a doctor to preserve his life, even if he'd hurt her in more ways than one, and even had half a mind to have her killed just to shake up Kain and force a reaction out of him. He was still a human being, one who felt guilt, much like her father, and therefore, didn't deserve to die in her eyes. No, Kenzie wasn't the type to ever take a man's life. Never intentionally. Still, the burning hatred for her now-discovered half sister was deep in the core of her heart. It was just by hearing Thalia's frantic, scared voice that made her know what sort of horrors the Brookes bloodline was truly capable of. It was so weird that it didn't show on her. It must've been why Angela kept saying she tended to her mother's side of the family. Maria Sinclair-Brookes. A woman Kenzie wished she'd known in person if the clutches of death hadn't taken her away prematurely. It made Kenzie wonder further: Angela knew so much about her father's side of the family and the story about the Saunders. But did she knew about her mother's side? Kenzie never met any of her mother's relatives, so it was forever a mystery to her. A few simple questions wouldn't hurt. Hopefully, this demanding mistress wouldn't take it as an option: either Thalia or information about her mother. If that were the case, surely Luca and Kain wouldn't be far to send the meeting to hell and back.

As Luca charged outside to find Kain, Kenzie had her own mission: get rid of Kain's weapon of choice, the fold-out tanto. She'd never seen that weapon on him, in all honesty, not until he held it to Dave's neck, and her own, when the three of them were grouped together the other early morning. It wasn't with him at her home, so it must've been something new after they escaped from the bunker. Or hidden well enough that she didn't catch it. But Kenzie had an eye for detail, so missing it was highly unlikely. The blade was huge, and quite sharp, and she didn't even have to touch it or get close to know. Just seeing it coated in blood and seeing the aftermath of slicing through someone's wrist was, to her, half incredible, but half scary. She knew damn well that Kain had a history of becoming violent when he feels threatened. Would Jeff's hand have been Dave's throat or Kenzie's stomach if he weren't stopped? It made her, once again, reconsider her life choices in a hurry. Was Kain really the best fit for her? Or did all of this tragedy destroy any good person he could've been?

Getting up was a bit of a struggle for Kenzie, but she managed all the same, using the nearby wall as her support to pull her aching body off the ground and onto her feet. She had to be extremely careful; Herman was a great doctor, but not entirely a miracle worker. He got her back on her feet quickly, but that didn't mean she could up and blow it that quickly. Caution was a must as she, once on her feet, inched her way passed Henrikson's body and in the direction of the discarded weapon. Bending was also a bit problematic, but so long as she did it with her knees, she was able to retrieve it with no incident. Treating people with conditions like herself was one thing, but acting upon the words of caution she'd give to patients was something different. Before today, Kenzie lead a very healthy life with no disease or dysfunction. It was only when tragedy reached her front door did things begin to go south. Or was it when her father took up the role as Lociato's inter-department rat? It could've been either way. It still burdened her that she would've never met Thalia if she weren't a hired spy. But still... she only disappeared to save her life. That was a calming thought. Once the bloodied knife was in her hand, she continued, step by step and very slowly, approached the refrigerator in question. Loose floorboards. It would be a temporary fix, but what if the Feds tear the place apart when they arrive? Seattle PD was dismantled, so some other agency probably had authority, one that would be much more thorough. As she bent her knees before the ride side of the fridge, her heart often felt like it was skipping a beat as she felt around for a loose spot in the floorboards to hide the knife. Just the thought of potentially getting caught and sent to prison was scary. Just after receiving a healthy dosage of hope... would it all get taken away? She could only bite her tongue and hope not as she finally felt a loose spot, also pretty clear underneath and one that wouldn't show with the knife hidden beneath. Quickly looking back to the red door in case Luca or Kain came back, she stored the knife away, placed the board back into place, then fell onto her rear, leaning against the door of the fridge, and staring at Jeff's unconscious body and the pool of blood from his hand. They say a bit of fear is good? Not to Kenzie. She'd spent enough time afraid for one lifetime. All she wanted was for it to be over as she tried to relax her breathing, shutting her eyes, and waiting for the authorities to arrive. Time for her to calm down, even if it was every so slightly.

Just outside the red metal door, however, for Kain, calming down was going to be the last of his priorities. His partner, also functioning as a friend, approached him, and, as usual, was straight to the point with what was to come. Henrikson was in critical condition, and they had to call for emergency services. He knew Kenzie couldn't maintain his stable condition forever, and eventually, the weakened director would succumb to his injuries, and thus wasting their last chance at freedom. But now was a true roll of the dice: risk saving their testimony to freedom while landing all three of them in cuffs? Or bolt now and remain on the run forever. One thing was for sure for the ex-cop: his beloved would never accept that. It was evident in how she spoke to Luca about a life on the road, and her own experience with a past lover. And it didn't seem like there was a halfway, to the point that Luca already took the initiative of calling 911 and reporting the incident, complete with an address and all. The only issue, hanging up on the line, giving the two the privacy of speaking together. And Kain's fiery eyes told of his discontent well enough. "You're insane," he growled. "The Feds are loyal to Henrikson, and when they find out it's HIM we cut the hand off of? They'll hang us all out to dry. Don't tell me you're ACTUALLY on board with this. Do you think Sarah would appreciate this, like some heroic sacrifice?" He scoffed, shaking Luca's grip off from his shoulder and getting up from his crouched position against the wall. "The FBI won't spare me. Not with my name. Neither will they spare Sesler. And Kenzie? If Henrikson is still in control, he'll order for her to be killed. And you think it's a good idea to bring the Feds over here and hand them our asses directly?" Kain's aggression towards the situation was the result of one thing: that he was still unaware that Jeff was prepared to testify under no duress and get them out of this mess. A twist in the tale, one he stormed out of the room for. But Kain's rash decision making was taking over as he took a few gradual steps towards the door.

"We can do the right thing by saving a dying man. But we're not staying to get this pinned on us. At least me and Kenz aren't."

-(Angela Parker/Thalia Griffin)-

To Thalia, most of whatever her slave drivers would discuss or converse between one another was completely foreign to her. In fact, she'd hardly pay attention. Not unless she heard the name Kenzie Brookes, a name that seemed to have a great amount of significance to her past life, a woman who recognized her and was willing to pay her way to freedom. You can't price a human life, but this doctor from Seattle six months ago was willing to put it all on the table for her freedom. But who was she other than a college roommate? Because it takes much, much more than a college roommate to pay up a lumpsum that large. Because to Thalia's best knowledge, she was quite valuable in the ring. Valuable enough to be untouchable. Or was her untouchabilty just for this? Did it matter anymore? All that mattered is that Kenzie Brookes comes through with her end of the deal. For now, her job was to not getting in the way and mind her own business. The occasional zombie in a suit would walk by from his desk to a server, just staring at the tatted redhead in handcuffs and dressed-in-dirt just standing in the middle of the way and staring at everything like she'd been divorced from reality for years. Though that was partially true in itself... but still. She was quite the anomaly.

Then came the bald man making threats from earlier. The one that kept her in line and slapped her earlier. The demanding, colder gentleman that seemed to know more about the mysterious Sarah Kenmore that she'd met in the enclosure. The one that seemed to trigger the first memory of Kenzie. There was still something strangely related between Kenmore and Brookes... but what was it? Why would that name even come up? More mysteries in the mind of a girl who seemed to be chock full of them. But this time, the man she found rather aggressive and forceful... actually lead a more peaceful way of guiding her to where she'd spend her next few moments. His next words were also more tamed. As if there's been a trust between slave and captor. Or that they were in agreement that Thalia had a better life in store, and all she had to was not try anything stupid, which was exactly what she was doing. Apart from the excess blank stares at people and an elbow nudge with one grouchy older gentleman, she really was behaving herself. A change for a girl who was known for acting out. No, something about the idea of Kenzie significantly calmed her nerves and prevented her from trying anything, and it came to her advantage. She was given food, some answers, a collection of memories, and now, a room to relax in. A few beds to choose from, but no doubt they'd be better than her alternatives from the past six years. Her wandering eyes examined every corner of the barracks to ensure that everything was safe and that this wasn't some sort of trap to catch her in the act. No cameras, no suspicious activity, and no sleazy buyer just waiting to attack her, so it seemed. And in case some staff member felt he wanted some action, she was told to mention this very bald man. Was he that intimidating? Maybe. But Thalia wasn't one to be intimidated easily. But she did appreciate the sympathy.

"T-Thank you..." she rotated her head in his direction and nodded as she stepped further away from Angelo, who would soon leave. She felt no need to communicate with him further. He'd given her enough of a purpose in this room, seemingly alone. Think. Relax. And as she fell rear first into the bed an curled into an almost-fetal position in the bed, she slowly let her eyes closed in the form of rest. Rarely in the ring did she ever get to sleep well, the black lining beneath her blue eyes showing that. Maybe a quick moment to shut her eyes peacefully would help. A moment to shut her eyes and recall a quick dialogue between herself and this strangely connected doctor she'd met six months ago.

"You look distracted today."
"Hm--what? Me?"
"Yes, you, silly. What's up, T?"
"N-Nothing... just nothing. Been studying is all. I had a rough beginning of the semester, and I don't think I can afford to fail finals."
"Noooo, that doesn't look like it's your studying face."
"Huh. How do you know what my study face looks like?"
"I've lived with you for four months. And in the first, you did nothing but smoke and eat junk food."
"Shut up, will ya?"
"There... that's the laugh I'm looking for. No, your look right now looks like...." Young Kenzie's gasp cut off her words. "Oooooh, who is it?"
"Who's what?"
"Ohh, c'mon. Thalia's got a cruuuuush."
"Hey, it's not a crush. It's just.... A thought. A nice thought."
"Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Who is he?"
"Y'know, because you're excited, I'm gonna leave with the suspense. Oh, and I never said it was a he."
"Well, that certainly... expands my choices from all the guys, to all the guys AND GIRLS. You're not good at this hint giving thing."
"Maybe you're just a terrible guesser, Kenz."
"Oh, you clam it this time."

The playful rings of a dialogue between Kenzie and Thalia at the age of 17 or 18 rang again in the amnesiac's ears. So much fun they had, laughing and talking about crushes together. But one thing hinted her further about her past: a crush on someone, not necessarily a guy, besides her 'fiance'? So she was bisexual in another life. That was not entirely new news, as she'd seen herself with some of the other women in the ring in a romantic way, but was far too introverted to make a move. Especially not in such grievous conditions. It was a secret kept to herself. So nothing new came from this flashback that she couldn't have guessed before. Just the entertaining voice of this girl who'd be trading her out. Good enough.

Sweet, sweet serenity, and a brief moment of shut-eye. Thalia could get used to this.

While outside, once Angelo escorted their trading pawn into her sleeping quarters, Angela returned to the computer she was at before and put her skills behind a computer to work, preparing to encrypt a message containing the proof of life needed to start this exchange. But this ordeal went a step further than just showing up and trading Thalia with the account with Edward's inheritance. Kain had a hand in the deal as well, a part that would be better explained by Angelo. As a potential successor, he should know what the job entitles and what he's ensuring by doing so. While Angela would deal with Kenzie on the brains side of things, Angelo and Kain would discuss the brawn. But that also brought up another problem as she awaited the upload and encryption to complete: what if Luca, Sesler, shows up? Would it be an issue? For her lover, at the very least. Angela needed to make sure that nothing would go amiss, and that meant even watching out for Angelo's back as well, even if he didn't ask for it. And then he returned, unfazed by the matter. It must mean that Thalia behaved herself. Strange. She'd been told by Mikael numerous times that whenever a guard tried to move F-783, she'd lash out and strike at them. Was that not the case any longer? It was a personality change to adapt to for whatever short-lived time they still had around the amnesiac.

Time to discuss the terms of the trade. In a low voice, she spoke:

"I will leave the location of the exchange up to you, as you're much more familiar with Mexican turf. Somewhere that no third party will interfere, and no chance for them to get the drop on us. All strategy, which I can participate in. At this point, the image is being sent to my sister's phone, along with a message: Does this suffice? It should. But once we receive confirmation, we will supply a time and place. Something within reason to give her ample time to get her affairs in order for the money transfer. Leave the financials and specifics of that to me and her. It's a... sister thing." It didn't disgust Angela to call Kenzie her sister. If there's anything they've both inherited from Edward, it's the ability to improvise strategies and be ready for anything thrown at them. Some members of this twisted family used it for better reasons than others. At least Angela could admire that skill from the younger doctor. "We still have two wild cards to worry about, though. Kain and Sesler. I was considering you having the discussion with Kain about becoming the next hand at the same time, in parallel, just so we get the entire Saunders-Brookes family off our backs once and for all. The Varundar family, though... I'm not sure what you'd like to do with your cousin. Seeing him and Kain are such good buddies, I'd imagine you two are bound to butt heads in that case. I just... want to make sure that you know what you're up against and are prepared for it. Prepared what to offer Kain..." As she spoke and turned away from her computer to face her partner, Angela's hand found itself sneaking into Angelo's, ever so discreetly and softly, hardly even noticeable. Her facial expression remained as neutral as ever, but her heart was racing in excitement. It'd been so long since she'd felt any sort of intimacy, that even something as minimal as hand holding really got her worked up. But she distracted the hand movement with more words. "It's just those few steps. The inheritance, talk Kain into replacing you. Deal with Sesler... then we can be something different, V. It's what we've been after this whole time. So close."
|:|Luca Varundar|:|

The man had put optimistic hope into the possibility that Kain thought out what he was saying. The realist in him told Luca otherwise; there was far too much of a feud between Henrikson and Kain for him to believe that the director would have a new leaf moment and grant all of them their freedom. Hell, Luca hardly believed it himself, but something deep told him that Kenzie knew what she was doing. If she could trust the amputee, so could he. Kain's look burned through Luca's mind like a hot stake, lit by annoyance at the fact that Henrikson still lived, and now driven by the wheels of Hell that was the arriving emergency services. His partner did make a good point, however; the Feds are still unaware of what Henrikson had done. Cooper would be his real ace in the hole if the ordeal went south. No way the near-comatose henchman of Jeff would vouch for his boss. The Fed saw firsthand the depravity of his puppet master's mind. Luca began to ponder the idea that perhaps this fact is what made Henrikson shift his stance on who lives and dies, knowing that Cooper wasn't held back like the trio. As Kain stepped towards the door, Luca followed suit, quickening his pace to put his body in front of the entrance, crossing his arms before speaking, opening with a sigh, one formed from the coming truths he would place on Kain.

"I truly don't like the idea, Kain. I hate the idea of putting our trust in Henrikson. But you didn't see what me and Kenzie saw in him. He was a broken man before you took his hand off. Cooper is alive and will jump the gun to put Henrikson behind bars with or without the tape. The director thought he was doing justice, twisted as it was, and I really think he wants to stop Lociato. He...didn't say about pardoning you, but he told us that me and Kenzie will be released, being the only ones capable of stopping the ring. But Henrikson is thinking far beyond the pardon, Kain; he wants to testify without any duress, do this properly. Long as the Feds follow him, they'll leave us untouched. Kenzie's hiding the tanto somewhere to buy us some time before they add up what really happened, long after we're pardoned. Henrikson's a changed man, Kain. And I'm sure as hell not letting you take Kenzie anywhere without her consent. This is her plan, after all." Luca held his breath, his ears attuned to a new sound reaching him. Sirens. "It's too late to run now, Kain. Trust her if you can't trust me or Henrikson. Kenzie knows some super-lawyers out there if we need them. There's more, though. There was a double agent in the FBI, named Angela. She's Kenzie's half sister, if you can believe it. She a-...and my cousin, have Thalia and want the Brookes inheritance for her. Kenzie took the deal, and that means we need to be down in Mexico. All of us. No way we're making it there while being pursued by the police. I don't want to fight you on this; we don't have time."

|:|Angelo Varundar|:|

Being so close to Angela once more made Angelo a mix between elated and nervous. Somehow, he was afraid of saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong action around her more than he was afraid of the gunfight back at the slavehouse. It would be funny to anyone with a sense of humor, but not to the deadpan killer, now tested with emotions he scarce felt before. Thoughts of what was to come disappeared at the sound of his partner's words, comprehending them like fine-written text. Planning out the meeting location would be Angelo's easiest task by far. A detailed map of Mexico was stored in his complex maze of a brain. Angela proved herself time and time again to be an invaluable ally, an invaluability Demetri never saw. Her capabilities on the computer and handling the deal details on her own was more than enough. Having her on his side made making long-term plans much easier. "I'll find us a place, somewhere close to Durango. Up north is Couahulia, another state of Mexico. On the U.S. border, so it'll be easier for Kenzie to make it to us in a short amount of time. The land is flat and arid, a bit like here, so there isn't any environmental advantage for either side. We'll have miles of open land to see, so they won't be able to simply sneak up on us. Long as I can find a spot for us to keep Thalia and ourselves comfortable, we can get ready long before they arrive. I'll drive us there in a few hours. We never got our rest back at the hotel, after all. For our two others, though..."

Angelo broke off for a moment, contemplating his own plans. Like Angela suggested, he too planned on talking about Kain's appointment as his replacement Hand at the trade meet. Angelo didn't fear Luca; far as he knew, the man was just a boxer. But with Kain and Kenzie both present, Angelo doubted he could simply kill Luca and walk away without a bullet in the back. Even with Angela, they were still outnumbered. Before he replied, though, Angela faced him, placing her own hand in his. The silken touch of Angela's hand graced his, the man's calloused fingers interlocking as though by machine. Pure instinct drove his actions, a feeling he never used on the field. His own heart rate was accelerating. Focus, think again. "I can handle Luca. I doubt I'll be able to satisfy Lociato and kill him just yet, but I'm ready to talk to Kain. Let him know what rewards he can take from this. Don't fret over my cousin, Ang." The nickname rolled from his tongue easily and unexpectedly, though he didn't make no move to take his words back. "I love you far more than him. Stopping him will be our last steps into a new life. Together." On the final word, Angelo leaned in, the very idea of being together propelling him to make it a reality. As his own face neared her's, the room's entrance smacked against the stone wall with force, jolting him from his emotional phase and pulling away from Angela, the 1911 in his left palm once more. The barrel faced down another pistol, more modern than Angelo's nostalgic firearm. The wielder was the doorman who had earlier let him in, the thin face now bearing aggression, a color Angelo didn't expect from the skeleton crewman. Venomous words spat from the aggressor's tongue at him, asking questions even without waiting for answers. "Who the hell did you bring in here?! A goddamn warehouse gets hit and your ass is towing some broad in here in cuffs! What are you and this hooch doing in our server farm in the first place?!"

The doorman had a shaky grip, but with less than twelve meters between him and Angelo, it didn't matter all too much. Angelo stepped away from his lover, watching as his enemy inched closer, the gun now held in one hand. "I already told you, Brutus, it's none of your concern. She's one of Lociato's agents from Seattle that need to be taken out, and I locked her in the barracks until I figure out what Lociato wants with her." Angelo's voice held a calm tone, his M1911 staying up and still in comparison to the handgun having a near seizure in Brutus's hand.

"Give the man a call, otherwise I will!" Brutus tilted the gun upwards and sideways, aiming it almost-gangster like as he closed the gap, almost ready to press it against Angelo's skull. The doorman reached for his own mobile phone, the momentary motion acting like a trigger for Angelo's tightly coiled muscles, slamming a hand around the right wrist before lowering to a crouch, rolling his shoulders to twist the joint a half-circle around. Cartilage bent and bones released from their sockets as the gunman let out a yelp of pain, breaking the silence that had overtaken the room. The three other desk boys watched, but didn't interfere. They weren't combatants and sure as hell wouldn't risk their life for another criminal. No love in the business. Well, almost no love. As soon as the hand lost its grip on the gun, Angelo stood back up, releasing the right hand and driving his own into Brutus's face, wrapping his left arm around the doorman's skull and twisting his torso, shit-whipping the underweight man several feet away from him. The moment where his attacker was on his stomach and facing away marked the end of the fight, Angelo raising his own gun and cocking the hammer back audibly. "I won't kill you, Brutie, long as you don't interfere with what I'm doing. Lociato assigned me to this, and I can't have you mucking it up. Now, get, and put some ice on whatever hurts." At the end of the sentence, Angelo placed his gun back in the shoulder holster under his jacket, picking up Brutus's handgun afterwards. Unlike Luca, Angelo didn't simply disassemble whatever firearm he got in contact with like he was in some kind of Olympics. Instead, he meticulously pulled off pieces, looking at the gun's inner mechanisms. Better to learn of new firearms when he could. For some reason, the gun was new to him, and didn't match any brand he was used to. A custom, probably to be easily concealed and low-power, perfect for close-quarters like these and easy to control in the hands of an unskilled gunman. Tossing it aside, Angelo turned to his partner once more, speaking. "We're fine, for now. Far too close for my taste, though, so I'm hoping your sister responds soon."
-(Kain Saunders)-

From the get-go, hearing that there was a possibility that Henrikson had a change of heart sounded too absurd to be true for Kain, and the fact Kenzie might actually believe that as well was just as confusing. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have an arrest warrant on her head, nor would she have to worry about possibly being killed once arrested. Not to mention, dating back further, that it was the director's twisted idea to arrest him, Dave, and Kenzie without hearing their stories or tightening security, to the point Kain broke the convoy while in handcuffs in the comfort of his vehicle, allowing his foster sister to be vulnerable and kidnapped easily. And it didn't take any sort of educated individual to see the horrors Wells did to Kenzie. Luca knew this, and he believed in this twist of fate, too. But Kain didn't. The whole plot from the beginning, as Jeff admitted, was a revenge scheme for what the previous police chief did for him to keep him out of jail. A phony confession, a signed deal, all for six months on a tracking bracelet. That's what Jeff Henrikson was killing for, breaking protocol to make happen. For so long, Kain even doubted this director was giving an effort to pursue Lociato. To hear he might have the best of intentions still stung him. Inconceivable. And hearing his companion try to convince him of such only left Kain with a scoff and a shake of his head. He wouldn't get physical with Luca just yet, nor could he grab Kenzie and force her to run away with him. The two of them were guaranteed a pardon. Though Kain wasn't, he figured he was left in a position where he'd have no choice but to at least let the two of them stay behind. But nothing was stopping him from bolting.

"I thought you knew better than to trust law enforcement, Luca. After what they did? The head of the police when Sarah went missing was the same man who pulled the trigger on my parents and left the Seattle PD corrupt for fifteen years. Think of it: Chief Brookes, Kenzie's father, god damn it... he made sure you could never find her and that her case gets scrapped. And if you couldn't even depend on local PD, what makes you think we can trust the federal government? And even if we lawyer up with the best in business, if Henrikson, or anyone else, manipulates the evidence like what happened with my parents, those same lawyers will avoid our case like the plague. Just think about that before you stand there with your hands folded when the Feds show up. Seattle PD's dismantled, so this is going straight to the FBI."

As in in the nick of time as Kain flailed his finger in Luca's face, giving his warning calls, the sounds of a siren close by cut them both off, and prompted Kain to look to the end of the alley. That ambulance Luca called for? It was here, fast. The lights of the siren bounced off the walls of the alleyway, the sound stinging in their ears from the vehicle's proximity. Then came a team of four paramedics carrying gear and a gurney, ready to tend to the victim. And from the looks of it, it wasn't one of two men getting up in each other's faces and arguing.

One who seemed to stand in front of the pack made the first statement, rather urgently, too, "We've got a call about a man with a dismembered hand and in critical condition, so if you wouldn't mind, you shouldn't get in our way."

A look of dismay came over Kain. If he bolted now, it would surely look suspicious. It was already shady enough that a man quite literally lost his right hand. He tried to hid his own distaste for how things played out to not seem guilty right off the bat and nudged his head in the direction of the red door. "In there. The woman in there taking care of him? That's my adoptive sister. She's a doctor, and she doesn't think she can help him further..."

Before Kain could continue to play on the charade, the team of medics charged their way passed him, the leading one barking orders to his team and brushing shoulders with Kain as well. Strange, and it didn't seem like a shove as if he weren't paying attention. Like the head of them all.... knew who he was. Kain wasn't exactly a celebrity in Seattle, but his name and face had gone around a fair bit ever since the tragedy with his parents. Not to mention recently when this all began. Kain's face was everywhere on the news these past two days. Law enforcement and hospitals were also probably informed and given his profile. Even that arms dealer from Chinatown that Luca knew was able to recognize him. With a level of infamy like that, it was no surprise that someone finally put two and two together. But it only spelled bad news for Kain from this point forward.

"Did you see how he looked at me?" he asked Luca, almost frantically. "Then nudged me like that... He recognizes me, and he will ID me when the time comes. Not good for my case. You and Kenz may get your get out of jail free cards, but if Henrikson didn't promise anything for me..."

Kain's stance told of him potentially making a run for it right after finishing that sentence. But he wouldn't get an opportunity as the clicking noise of guns in men's hands sounded in his ears and froze him in his place. He didn't dare change his position and turn around. Not a good idea at all. Running away from Kenzie was one thing. Getting arrested? It's already happened once. But getting killed? He couldn't take away another family member from her life. Her last one, actually. All he did was listen to the orders barked by a man of law enforcement.

"Kain Saunders! Hands where we can see them!"

No surprise the FBI made him almost instantly. Either that, or they made Luca, who they now knew was Sesler, and put two and two together. Whichever it was didn't matter. Now, any sudden movements from Kain might just be fatal. He had a long-lasting beef with law enforcement, which could easily make them more trigger-happy than usual, and all the more tempted to put a bullet in him. They were just itching for a reason to pull it off. Kain wouldn't give them the satisfaction any longer. Instead, he obeyed, slowly lifting his arms in a traditional surrendering manner. Eventually, his hands made their way behind his head and his fingers interlocking. But not a word out of his mouth. Again, the last thing he wanted was to give these incoming suits any ideas or excuses.

"On the ground... You know the drill, con."

He did, and he obeyed as he slowly let his knees bend each to the ground and his head lowered. He was unarmed and could only guess outnumbered. The latter suspicion was confirmed when the suited men approached, one of them gripping Kain's hands and binding him in handcuffs, another hand giving him a firm grip over his neck. There were four: one of them binding Kain, a leader, and two more following on both sides of this leading man. Though the leader has his attention turned to Luca now, pistol pointed in his direction.

"You too, Mr. Varundar. You and your buddy better start explaining what's going on here. And where Dr. Andrews is. Don't try to tell me she's not in on this."

Bringing Kenzie into this was crossing the line in Kain's books, which caused him to make the rash decision of calling them out, his eyes focused in front of him and not even glancing back to the leader, "Up yours. She's not a part of this. And if you even touch her..."

It gave the leader reason enough to lift his foot from the ground and plant the heel of his expensive footwear into the side of Kain's forehead and send him falling to his side. He repositioned his stance and returned his focus on Luca. "Someone go inside. Check if she's in there... and you, Varundar? Start talking. Now. What are you up to? Who did you torture in there? And most importantly... why in God's name turn yourselves in on a 911 call?"

-(Angela Parker)-

Preplanning was a process that Angela was very well familiar with, no matter what side of the law it was for. She'd assisted Jeff on tactical takedowns on numerous occasion while working for the FBI, and likewise coordinated safe passage for slaves in and out of the west coast, as well as disarming law enforcement for Lociato whenever she could. That accompanied by her computer skills all brought into question: why would he excommunicate her? She proved her loyalty beyond reasonable doubt a long time ago. She practically sold her soul to the cause. Though... not entirely. Even that slight part of Angela that craved something more passionate and meaningful, longer lasting, still lingered inside her. That feeling every little girl has of falling in love. Something more. And that heart-to-heart correspondence was hooked to Angelo, of all people. As heartless and desensitized as a human being can become, there was one emotion Angela could never entirely detach from herself... love. And love under the grueling circumstances they were under was even more thrilling. Perhaps it was the aspiration for something new and calmer. The two were in their mid-late thirties at this point, and while that wasn't dangerously old, it was still concerning enough for Angela to want to settle down. And perhaps Angelo wanted to as well. And his own approach to her after the planning was settled and agreed upon was more reassuring. That rush in her heart returned, very similar to the feeling in the ride to the warehouse when she came clean and received a kiss as a result. And she matched his gesture, her eyes slowly dropping to a slightly shut position. Unable to control herself in the moment, she uttered as well:

"V... that's all I ever ask. A new life..."

Then came that brute who apparently saw the fault in their actions, weapon at hand. His entrance itself was loud, and even caused Angela to stand her ground more firmly. Something wasn't right, and it was confirmed when he began asking questions about Thalia. It wasn't quite reassuring to know they had the girl dressed in rags, quite literally, and locked up in the barracks. There was very little explaining that, and getting this far into her exchange plans, the duo weren't going to simply scrap it all now. They were too deep to do that. Angelo tried to catch the fumble in what was a pseudo-truth. Yes, Thalia did work for Lociato at some point as a spy, but not in Seattle. But it wouldn't pass par with the kingpin if they were going to be pressured into a phone call to explain themselves. Angela shouldn't even be alive to his knowledge. The moment of silence in which Brutus took up his mobile prepared to dial a phone number was nerve-wracking for the double agent, about to bite down on her tongue from the stress. If he wasn't bluffing Angelo hesitated further, maybe Angela would've been the one to neutralize him. But instead, her bald companion did the honors for him. The brute force he displayed, as much as it would make any normal woman be afraid of being alone with him, didn't even faze Angela. Why would it? She'd never double-cross him, not for all the money in the world. No love in the business? Well, Angela wasn't in the business any longer. And soon enough, neither would Angelo. But all in all.... it was impressive. Angela was a competent combatant, but Angelo surely ruled supreme. She admired his skill. If they were still working in the criminal underworld together, she might've considered learning a thing or two form him. But alas, their lives from this point onward would be much calmer, probably with no fighting. Perhaps with a more-than-healthy dosage of paranoia, but still a much quieter life than the one the two had lead before.

Now that Brutus would no longer be a problem, Angela took her eyes off of the downed man and back to Angelo's. In whispers, she explained, "It's no issue. We just need to ensure that nobody gets wise and calls the big guy without us knowing. I don't need to tell you... A girl with black lining under her eyes from sleep deprivation, a burn mark on her arm, and practically dressed in dirt doesn't exactly cover anything up. Proceed with caution.. but I assume you know that." Angela slowly stepped closer to her partner and continued with a nudge of her head in the direction of the barracks. "She didn't cause you any problems, right?"

Angelo asking about the response from Kenzie came at an all-too perfect moment as Angela's mobile emitted a small vibration. Before she could attempt to kiss him or any sort of sign of intimacy, she took a moment to glance down at the screen. A quick flip of the screen, and there was her message:

"Where and when?"

"Perfect...." Angela then exhibited a grin from ear to ear as she showed the screen to Angelo. "It seems we have a deal. Would you like to do the honors of answering her?"
The rattlesnake of anger and annoyance began to coil in Luca once more, staying under the skin but ever so hot. It stemmed from being riddled without control, without options. He told Kain the truth; Luca hated the plan, if it could be called that. But Kenzie saw the bigger picture, much more than he ever would have. It was either place hope in an enemy, or stay on the run the rest of their lives. An ultimatum Angelo was also encountering, though Luca didn't know it. Kain's skepticism was growing on him as time grew short, his contained fury wanting to burst at being caught in such a ridiculous scheme. Perhaps this is what Henrikson wanted. Years of work to find Sarah, leading to this. He couldn't blame Kain for saving his life mere days ago, but he could sure as hell blame Jeff. Trusting the law enforcement powers to be was not on Luca's agenda, and being accused of doing so made it seem all the more right to him. That's what Kenzie was doing, right? Bringing up Sarah struck like an open hand, old wounds reopening in a dynamic fashion. As Kain drew his finger close to Luca's eyes, his fists curled, almost on an impulse to strike, before releasing their tension at the sound of emergency response. The uniformed medical team were prepared, clean, professional. All things Henrikson needed. It was no longer a real concern of whether or not the man would live. Stepping away from the door he once blocked, Luca began to realize the true consequences of what he was prepared to do. Kain was his sole partner in the entire operation, and Kenzie was in there, alone.

"I saw, Kain. Breathe, calm down. Kenzie has to know this was gonna happen, alright? I don't trust the cops, or the suits, but I trust her. I know you do, too. I talked to Henrikson about your case, and the man won't pardon you, yet. You'll have time to talk to him about that. For all Jeff knows, he's getting arrested. Man's out cold in there, has no idea help is here yet. Fingers crossed they put him at Eve Memorial, maybe get Cooper to wake up." At the mention of Cooper, an inaudible gasp played out in his mind as Luca realized where the recorded confession was. Regardless of its use in court, Luca planned on using it to get Cooper on their side. When the Feds confiscate it, its gone. Any doubt Luca had in Kenzie's plan went to waste as his own eyes focused on the Federal agents and their brandished firearms, now in a position he hadn't been in since his childhood. As Kain lowered to the ground, Luca raised his own hands to shoulder level, keeping the muscles lax and lowered. Constant reminders in his brain told him that Kenzie knew this was to happen, playing the memory as though on repeat the whole way through. No fancy hand-to-hand skills of his would work when there were four guns rather than one near him. Angry as he was, compliance was necessary to survive. His own knees met dirt as the tall man lowered his stature by half, looking up to his interrogator. Though a grin never met his face, Luca could do little but at least enjoy the rare situation he was in.

"Mr. Varundar? That's sweet. Dr. Andrews is inside, trying to keep your director alive. He got caught in a bad situation, and the woman's trying to keep him alive. Hell, I am, too. Only thing I've been up to as of late is reducing the crime rate in Seattle in a day better than the police have done in a month, and I sure as shit didn't torture anyone. Henrikson needs help, and I called for it. I'd hardly call that turning myself in. I figure I'm due a few charges, and now would be a good time to get them through so I can kill off an expanding sex slave industry at the source without having to deal with a couple badge-bearers waving their registered firearms like toys. Saunders is as innocent as I am, and I'll testify for it." The lies and truths interbred in the bit of time he let his mouth run, maybe more than necessary. Truthfully, Luca feared what was to come. Showing it would give the Feds a window to exploit if they needed to. The boxer wondered the exact details of what he was charged with. Kain had the federal convoy, and all of the nasty details that came with fleeing custody. Something that'd be considered a capital offense to a judge. But what did Sesler have? There were some things, sure, but Luca couldn't quite name what. "I'm not gonna hurt you, agent. You can put the guns down if you're gonna cuff me."

|:| Angelo Varundar|:|

Lociato's Hand was perplexed as to how he was supposed to feel about how he acted in front of Angela. She wasn't fragile, and had the will and capability of doing crime as he did, but he nonetheless felt a sense of wrongness as he subdued Brutus. A conscience, after all these years? Hardly likely. Much as he experienced new emotions, guilt wasn't one he was ready to pick up. She had the sense not to shoot Brutus immediately upon appearing, something Angelo juggled with those moments he aimed his gun to the man. Lociato would notice the dead guards at the slavehouse and register the fact that he had been raided. It'll become more complex when he realizes that Thalia was taken, which was gonna be soon. If he learned that someone at a server farm was taken out, the man would start looking into any activities that ran through the network at the time of death, and would stumble upon the connection to Kenzie Brookes. The entire plan would fall apart at the seams from there. Luckily, this was avoided. Having his partner whisper details into his ear brought him close once more, the familiar rush still dispersing like a chemical through his body as he attempted to listen to her words. Regardless of how safe he and Angela were, the remaining few at the building would have seen all of the action. Silent as they appeared, they presented a threat. The bald killer responded in the same tone as his lover, answering her question. "We'll need to destroy everything here when we leave. Lociato will track the activities at some point if any of them talk. I'll handle the last workers here when we leave, which will have to be soon. I want to be set up long before Kenzie arrives, and Couahulia is a couple of hours from here. Thalia wasn't problematic, no. Very calm for what I've heard of her from you." Though he didn't directly answer Angela's next question, the Italian assassin took the phone from her, opening the thin messaging box.

You have two days to land in the Venustiano Carranza Airport. Drive immediately south afterwards. Take the first left turn you see and continue straight on that road until you encounter a small lake alongside the road. Drive to the other side of the pond and wait for us to meet you. Bring Kain with. Leave Luca out of this, or I'll have to kill him. Any wasted time will end up as pain inflicted to Thalia.

The bald man lowered the phone, sending the message with a direct thumb strike before handing the phone back to Angela. "There's nothing around the area I told her to go for miles. We'll probably end up staying a night in the car. If Kenzie takes the word to heart, we won't have to deal with Luca. I doubt that'll happen, though. Man's stubborn as hell when it comes to something he wants."

-(Angela Parker)-
-(Kain Saunders/Kenzie Andrews)-

The only reason Kain wasn't very fond of how Luca was defending himself was because he was well-aware that law enforcement wouldn't even care for the statements of two known criminals. He'd learned that the hard way a year ago, and he also assumed his partner knew it all the same. What would explaining the situation even matter? The second they see the dismembered hand, it will immediately point to foul play - a hand doesn't get cut off a man by accident, especially not with the amount of blood that resulted. And the knife, did Kenzie and Luca account for that? Or was it still sitting around where it was before for anyone to see, covered in Henrikson's blood? It was covered, fortunately, right on time, too. No matter how angry Kenzie was at him, she wasn't going to leave him for the wolves. The knife was out of sight, and the medics and feds would be none the wiser, not until they tear the place apart. That is, if they'd get a chance. Kenzie had a plan for this, one to potentially seal the deal for the pardon. Hell, she wouldn't have strongly advised calling 911 if she didn't. As inept in combat as she was, she wasn't an idiot. Time to use her pull with the acting governor to her advantage.

But outside, that leading federal agent wasn't buying a word Luca was saying. "You and Saunders? Innocent my ass. So gouging a man's eye and breaking his leg in the comfort of his house and kidnapping his wife, leaving her in the street, that's innocent to you? Not to mention everything you've got on your belt, Sesler. We know the freighter massacre was your doing two days ago, and your female accomplice was arrested just the next day. It wouldn't be long before we had you and Kain, too. So I suggest you both cut the bullshit and prepare to fill out confessions, because I don't think any lawyer in all of Seattle will represent you two..."


The voice came out as the red metal door swung open and the two federal agents that had gone inside returned, one of them escorting Kenzie, now also in handcuffs, and the other, who'd called out to his leading agent, approaching the ear of the man interrogating the duo. The second agent with the doctor, unaware of her health condition, wasn't exactly careful guiding her out the door. Having some serious work done on her body hours ago, being forcefully dragged wasn't something pleasant.

"Take it easy, bucko," she barked at them, exhibiting a new form of fire in her voice, mixed with the pain in her abdomen from mishandling. She was lucky to be walking, quite frankly, now being dragged. "I'm giving you the men responsible for my brother's death, and opening your eyes to something bigger, so if I so much as have a scratch on my back before walking away from this? It's your ass that'll pay."

"Shut up, Dr. Andrews, and go with your pack of crooks. Believe me, nobody expected THIS from you. Stooping as low as Saunders and Varundar. You had a career on your hands, a future, and a good family. All ruined for these scumbags?"

Kenzie didn't respond, but it did ring a certain bell in her mind: was she really one to cling to criminals? Or was her life just so naturally surrounded by them that she couldn't help herself? Then again, most of these criminals did want their peace in the end. Her father killed himself for it; Dave turned himself in for it; Thalia turned on her friends for it; Luca just wanted Sarah back for that peace... but Kain? What was Kain going for in the end of this? His chase for Lociato was for blood, the man who ordered the hit on his parents. He could go blame the chief all he wants, but it was the kingpin himself who wanted it done, and paid top dollar to have it done by the finest. Perhaps everything could change later? She'd change, that's for sure. But would Kain? Or would he still be the violent monster she'd witnessed just moments ago? That's what she feared the most. Until then... the now handcuffed trio regrouped, Kain scrambling to his feet. Apparently, there were updates.

"I talked to the feds," Kenzie began, almost in a whisper as to keep their conversation between the three. As it went down, the medics were making their way out of the basement door, Henrikson on a stretcher and a gas mask over his face to keep him stable; at least he'd be getting proper help. Though it did take the doctor's attention for a brief second, she returned to focus on her friends. "Remember when I said I had a particular pull in the government, Luca? I think it's time you know... Kain and Dave had an aunt that was presumed dead several years ago, who is now the acting governor after Evans was found. Her being alive... it's a secret I uncovered when I was in Yale by a very sheer coincidence, but one I held over her head."

Kain's ears shot out into action as he heard the mention of that god-forsaken aunt he'd conversed with not long ago. Was she actually looking into his case? "So what, she's springing us?"

Kenzie shrugged. "Not a clue, but the second I mentioned Governor Hale, it looked like they shit themselves. One of them made a quick call, then they just dragged me out. Needed to talk to their superiors. You do realize if they realized that if the secret that the governor's sister was Samantha Saunders, a junkie who died on a high 15 years ago, they'd either start a conspiracy wave, or they'd work to impeach her. Which I'm sure she doesn't want. She rose in the ranks, and now she wants to stay there. That's why she detached herself from the Saunders. And now?" Her eyes met Kain in particular this time, though not in love; dead serious. "Now with all the developments? That your father was getting into the slave trade business? Your family AND mine has ties to Lociato AND a dirty federal agent? Not to mention every crime you and Dave have committed these past two days? They're going to tear the ass out of her if that connection is made. She won't last a day as governor. She probably won't be able to practice law again if it leads to her getting disbarred. Not to mention she'll lose her tenure from working at Yale. It's career suicide if she lets this get loose. That's how I made her a slave to MY will since university."

"Did you ever have to use the leverage?" Kain asked.

"Once," she nodded. "Me and Thalia took an ethics course with her in our final year. An elective, so we figured why not. She wouldn't dare fail me, but she had no problems misgrading papers and tests for T. I held brought it up; she gave her a B in the end. I saved her ass there, but only because the high and mighty 'Professor Hale' was going to fail her. But I'm sure that I still have it over her head for something more serious than a dumb elective grade."

"So what... how do we know she won't risk it?"

Sighing, she went on, "An esteemed woman like Amelia Hale won't risk her life's work over her family, Kain. This is probably her crowning moment. But we just have to cross our fingers." She then turned away from Kain... and now to Luca. The feds seemed to be rather pre-occupied in their conversation, leaving more time to discuss the future. Mexico. "Luca... I got a text back from Angela and your cousin. I confirmed that they do have Thalia and not an impostor or a soundbox. I'm sorry I can't get Sarah on the bill, but they're not going to risk another ambush for one more life. I promise you, we'll get her back. But for now, they've organized a meet: Venustiano Carranza Airport, not far from there at some lake. I have no idea how much of Mexico you know about, but the pilot of my father's jet can surely get us to the airport. But after... it'd help to have some eyes, if you can provide. But it's gonna get complicated at the exchange. They want Kain with me... but they're ordering me not to bring you along." Her heart sank as she spoke those words, denying Luca a chance to confront his cousin. After hearing their heated conversation, it would be quite unfair to deny them their facetime. "You know I'm not going to just not bring you along. If you want, you can remain as lookout. But what's important is we have a meet. And if we execute this properly, we'll have more hints as to where to look in Mexico. How does that sound?"
Luca had opened up the deepest parts of his soul in a silent prayer, hoping for a benevolent being to guide the trio to better pastures. As much as he threw on a face to try to halt Kain's retreat, Luca shared the very same fears under a very cold figure. His thick skin, so unaccustomed to the cuffs, nevertheless took both the slices of the metal and the venomous words of his captor with stone silence. When did Luca kidnap Anderson's wife? Among some other shady details from that incident, Luca became more and more paranoid of the things he heard. A bad experience with some law enforcement didn't make Luca resent the entire agency, but the idea became enticing the more he was subject to accusations he had little part in. For the freighter, Luca held a mix of guilt and relief from that night. Between his uncle's death and the release of the slaves on-board, Luca had forgotten the gung-ho accomplice he briefly partnered with. The one seemingly so worried about his wound, now little more than a scab on his hip thanks to Kenzie. Truly, the only thing Luca gained from the exchange was the man's name.

Watching his very savior being pulled without grace from the basement called for a quick tightening of his hands into fists under the cuffs, the raised muscles pushing against the metal with force, enough to bruise. Luca was tough, but shattering a pair of handcuffs like a superhero was outside his physical capabilities. The response was more instinct than thought, he came to realize. The pain Kenzie must be succumbed to, being pulled about with her recent injuries. But for her to call them Dave's killers? It had to be an act, and yet the contagious paranoia of Kain made Luca wonder if Kenzie was willing to trade both of them in for a pardon, and perhaps Thalia's return. It was a fleeting thought, brushed away as Luca reminded himself that the Feds won't touch any cartel in Mexico. Besides, Kenzie went this far with them, she had to go further. And that she did, hushing herself as Kain stood, Luca instead maintaining his kneeling position. His eyes met the closed lids of Henrikson's as he passed by, looking rather comfortable on what Luca perceived as a death bed. Still, the man was in better hands then him, Kain, and Kenzie. His focus soon returned at the mention of his name, holding the silence he was so used to for so many years. The boxer had gone several months at a time without speaking a word, silently moving through Seattle in the search for the information that would prove so valuable in the end. Many weeks of watching boats come and go, memorizing which ports were clean and which ones were in Lociato's belt. He soon discovered that all were, and simply rotated. Crashing the freighter was part of confirming such a thing. Distant and recent memories of his cold silence, now fading as he began to talk like a human being once more. But for now, staying quiet was his best option.

Learning of Kain and Kenzie's family connection to the new governor was a pure miracle for Luca. Though such a thing would always have its complications, knowing that there was some rope to hold onto before falling was a major relief for Luca. The hidden weight of fear was losing its grip on his shoulders, and yet lingered. To believe your own aunt was dead for so long, only to find her by mere fate? Luca's prayer felt answered at that very moment. Kain asked the question Luca needed answered, only to be met with the unknown once more. Still, if Kenzie's words flew true, they have a foothold on the Feds. Something to keep them afloat for now. Kenzie answered his unstated question as to why the governor disconnected herself from her own family. Shame. The aggressive - and hidden - side of Kenzie went farther back, blackmailing her aunt for some academic assistance for Thalia. His eyes refocused as his mind became alert once more as Kenzie addressed him directly, turning his body to face her. Having Thalia's position confirmed in Angelo's hands was a convoluted mess for him to decipher, since it both meant that Thalia truly was capable of being retrieved, but also capable of being a tool of extortion. Once again, Luca felt that Kenzie was of no fault in that Sarah could not be returned to him as well. Only Lociato was to blame. And, according to the sensitive points of his soul, he was to blame as well. A simple nod carried his message of understanding. The Mexican airport's name would become another engraved message in his mind, a beacon of hope that Luca was approaching Mexico, and then Lociato. But he was supposed to not come? Either Angelo feared a conflict - which he doubted, the man was a trained killer -, or there was some other part Luca was unaware of. Perhaps Sarah was there, and Angelo did not want Luca to intervene knowing that his wife was there? A optimistic and rather irrational thought, but the only satisfying answer he could think of. Kenzie did provide him an option to come, something he would take with heart. "Damn right I'm coming along. My wife's in that country somewhere, and I feel as though Angelo might know. I'll keep quiet during the exchange, don't worry. Why Kain, though? I understand if they want me to not come, so that there's less people to manage, but they're alright with Kain? Far as they know, he's just as dangerous if not more. But, I suppose it sounds like a deal. First, though, we need your aunt to get us out of the Federal frying pan and into Lociato's fire."
The conversation between the federal agents who'd bound the three in cuffs seemed rather prolonged for what it was worth, especially because they were leaving three so-called criminals almost unattended. In handcuffs, sure, but that wasn't going to stop, say, Kain scrambling for a weapon or making a run for it. Maybe Luca, too. Kenzie would probably not, only due to her injuries, but with a mind like that, hanging onto the acting governor by the balls and accusing two high-rise FBI agents of murdering her brother? It was more than an accusation; it was the truth. Henrikson and Cooper had this planned out all along, and even planned on adding Kenzie to the morgue. She was a threat in one way or another. So why leave them aside to discuss something... else? Kenzie could tell it was related to the governor, but what needed THIS much discussion? She made her demands clear as day inside: get a meeting with the governor to discuss the matter. So... why not get them to where they need to be, even if it's in handcuffs? Perhaps there was something deeper to the dilemma. Something she wasn't made aware of. Or Governor Hale fighting back, not standing to be blackmailed again. What kind of reputation would she have if the public had known she was being pushed around by the daughter of the corrupt police chief? Clearly, Kenzie's reputation no longer mattered in that regard - if she were going to be remembered as an image of her father's mistakes, so be it. She wasn't going to throw herself into any sort of high-rise lifestyle beyond today, especially after giving up her riches. She might as well use whatever influence she had left to get herself and friends out of one last mess.

Kenzie kept an eye on the agents nearby, but her ears remained focused in her circle of companions, hearing what Luca had to say about the terms of Angela and Angelo's agreement. She'd never force Luca to stay behind, that was for sure. But what about the reason why HE'S not allowed near the exchange, but Kain is? She gave a shrug, returning her vision to the boxer. "They didn't give any reasons on the phone. Just Kain yes, you no. My guess is that they know I'd never come to Mexico alone, unguarded, and injured. So they're allowing for a bodyguard. I would guess that your cousin doesn't want to face off with you, but... why Kain?"

The questions around his name aroused Kain's attention and prompted him to contribute. Likewise, he was asking all the same questions, only remaining quiet himself until he found the time right. "Still makes little sense. Why would Luca's cousin turn down a fight?"

"Again, I don't know," the stress in Kenzie's voice began to pick up, growing anxious about the idea of the exchange, as well as the discussion between the agents not far away. "It could be an assassination attempt on you, for all I know. They didn't specify." She huffed and looked up the sky for a moment, focusing back on the objective: why she was even giving up her father's inheritance from the beginning. "But we're going to play it out as they say. Anything they don't like, and they might kill Thalia. And you know I'll never let that happen."

Finally, those two federal agents concluded their private conversation, and the one only titled as Patterson returned to them, two members of his four-man squad marching around Kenzie and Luca, Patterson gripping the back of Kain's cuffed hands. They were being taken away. But where? Kain was naturally frantic, this not being his first time in handcuffs. Kenzie? This was a sort of deja vu from her late husband's workplace when the FBI had them surrounded and captured. It still irked her how Aaron Stilinski was so quick to sell them all out. But now he'd paid for his crimes. In death. What she was more concerned about was where their point B was...

Kain did the honors of asking ever so shamelessly. "What's going on?"

Patterson didn't answer, just continued to tug the crooked cop along for the walk out of the alleyway, Kenzie and Luca not very far away, and towards what looked like a series of FBI SUV's with a long motorcade parked not far from the sidewalk. What was a motorcade doing in a federal convoy? Unless it wasn't with the FBI directly. Immediately, being around political figures this frequently, Kenzie had a returned sense of hope in her heart. Whatever was conspiring between the feds, it must've been to set up a meet. At long last. Kain didn't take too lightly to the silence, but Kenzie, though excited on the inside, maintained her facial neutrality and composure. Kain only maintained the stressful look on his face, the suspicions of the worst. He had no idea what awaited in that motorcade, and could only imagine it was his own impending doom.

They reached the back door of the tinted vehicle, opened by leading agent Patterson, who then stepped behind Kain, unlocked the metal cuffs around his wrists, and released him for a brief moment. What was this? Was Kain free to go already? Would they all be? It was all too tempting in the moment to perform yet another violent outburst, much like he did before the last time he was placed under FBI custody, but seeing how poorly it went down last time, he wasn't going to let Kenzie out of his sights. So he remained still for those brief moments of not being guided or told what to do. But those seconds were brief, as quickly after the cuffs were removed, Patterson gripped Kain's neck to bend downward and get inside the vehicle before him. "What the hell is this?" he barked, more worried than ever, especially since he was being forced into action against his own will.

"Shut up, Saunders. You better thank your sister for this later," the agent finally answered, as if very reluctant to tell him that. He probably assumed Kain knew. But even Kenzie herself had a degree of uncertainty for a while. But unlike her foster brother, she willfully entered upon the release from her handcuffs. Luca's cuffs were also taken from his wrists, and instructed all the same to enter the door the two other renegades had entered.

What was inside, sitting right across from the trio on the inverted seats before them? Exactly what Kenzie had anticipated. The sights of an aging woman bearing a slight resemblance to her foster brothers in regards to facial features, shorter, curly brown hair, and dressed in a slim blazer and suit pants. Kain didn't have to take two guesses before knowing who was before him. All all he could do as a response is stare, perhaps rather mindlessly, but in his mind, there was plenty to explore: why? How? And more importantly, how could you?

"So that really is you," Kain muttered rather softly, keeping his hands over his lap, avoiding the urge to reach forward, grip her by her jacket, and jolt her about in anger. Kenzie saw that primitive urge within him, and placed her hand over Kain's. She didn't fear for Luca; he had no reason to attack the acting governor, after all.

The woman nodded. "I never expected to have to meet you ever again, Kain. Not after everything that your family has been through for 15 years."

"Bullshit," he snarled, noticeably tensing up in his place, "You ran from your problems, and only cared about yourself. You abandoned us all, left me and Dave as orphans because YOU didn't want to tarnish your career!"

"Kain," Kenzie had to act as the peacemaker, gripping Kain's arm before he could act out of impulse and do something he'd later regret. Laying a hand on the acting governor would not look good for him at all. So her words would have to smooth out the immediate wrinkles. "You know what you did was wrong, Amelia..." At this rate, the doctor had no reason to respect this woman to give her any sort of title. Not professor, nor governor. Just Amelia. "You left your nephews because you wanted to propel your career. That's not up for debate. What IS up for debate is that you can hear us out and stop some bad people from continuing to hurt others, in exchange for a true pardon. Not one with strings attached like Kain had before. That was our deal, and that is what you're going to honor."

Amelia couldn't help but scoff at the little show she'd seen in front of her. Kain about to turn to violence, and Kenzie trying to mend it. "So this is what I would've been connected to had I resurfaced... a pathetic man who can't control his temper, and a woman who literally extorted me for her pathetic roommate's grades in college..." her gaze focused more on Kenzie on that last remark. "Well, this is not a classroom anymore, young lady. This is reality. And don't think you can leverage me for immunity with a low blow to my career. You will have to stand the test of politics, which I know you're not ready for. Maybe your father. But never you."

"Don't talk about my father," she winced at the mere mention of the former police chief.

"Then don't pick a fight you can't win..." Amelia's attention wanted nothing further to do with the corrupted likes of the Saunders and Brookes famlies. But what about this third man they've brought along. "Luca Varundar. You have quite a record on your hands. Though I do know that you hide behind a mask you call Sesler, I don't know what your goal in all of this is. Sure, there is a slave ring out there that needs to be stopped, and that there is a level of corruption within the FBI deterring you from getting that done, when it clearly isn't your job to do so in the first place. But tell me right now: after everything you've done, and everything your two accomplices have done... give me a reason that what you've been doing is right, and that you all deserve such a new start. That whatever you did to Jeffrey Henrikson was justified, that he was leading you all into a trap to end up dead or on death row. Tell me that your cause to go after Demetri Lociato is completely worth it, that you HAVE made progress... give me proof of that. Anything that would lead me to believe that you three are heroes of some sort and are even slightly worthy of forgiveness."

"You can just ask me," Kain barked, his neck lunging forward like an angered dog.

Amelia quickly gave him a nasty look in squinted eyes, giving him the nonverbal cue that his word was worthless. And she'd already discredited Kenzie. All that was left was Luca. "I'm waiting, Mr. Varundar."
Far too long of a delay of action drew the cartilage in Luca's knees taut, causing the bone to ache. His posture moved to a sitting position, rolling his shoulders to keep the blood moving between his arms and body. If there was ever a need to be on alert, now was the time. The federal agents had to be talking something serious to be taking this much time away from the trio. Or, perhaps, they waited for an opportunity to nail one of them for a solid crime on the spot. Reluctant as he may be, Luca steeled himself to stay put. Hopefully, Kain did as well. "No...Angelo would want to see me. If only to put a bullet in me. I stopped him from killing Anderson awhile back, so I doubt he forgot easily. Something tells me Angelo takes his work critically. Or...you could be right. Angelo is supposed to kill me, and he can't do it with both you and Kain right next to me. He is only one man, after all. A lethal, intelligent man. But with Thalia's life up for grabs, I can't pussyfoot around with him."

Luca soon grew silent once more as his own cuffs were pulled up, taking him with. His slack knees were put into action once more as he regained his footing, placing each step carefully in front of the other. Like Kain, he also wondered about their destination. With no answer to reply to, Luca began to ponder the possibility of being towed away in a federal vehicle. He doubted there was a chance of escape after the last convoy involving Kain. The multiple federal vehicles soon gave way to a more civilian-class automobile, further confusing Luca. Did this explain the long discussion the agents shared? It was obviously not in front of the alley before, and the ambulance was already long gone with Henrikson's comatose body. Suddenly, Kain was uncuffed, and then Kenzie. Luca carried a fleeting moment of fear at the idea of being split from his two partners, until he heard Patterson's words. Kenzie pulled this together. She truly did have them covered. The moment his metal bindings left his wrists, Luca pushed his large frame into the back door and sat himself into the seating. The seats were cushioned and comfortable, a welcome change of pace for Luca. His back found a nice nook inside the fabric, leaning into the car as he looked across the space. If this is who Kenzie wanted to meet, Luca could have a moment to relax. Fatigued, the boxer threw his head back, passively listening even as Kain grew hot under the collar. Couldn't blame the man, having met the woman who walked out on him after his parents' deaths. Amelia. That's her name. Kenzie could calm Kain better than Luca ever could. This was a Saunders talk, and he but a Varundar. Beyond that, it was a diplomatic discussion, one he could scarce take part in. Speaking of a pardon, a slip of paper guaranteeing his future freedom, propelled Luca's spirits high as the man stayed outwardly cold. No point in counting chickens early. Still, the governor was a politician to the core, and played with words like a puzzle, intricately stating what she meant while also lashing out at both Kain and Kenzie.

But now, him being addressed? With eyes still closed, Luca's ears perked up to what Amelia had to say. A hand in convincing a governor was not something Luca ever pictured doing. Then again, so was stomping out a slave ring. From what he already heard between Kain and Kenzie's interactions with her, Luca doubted a story from the heart would do work. Facts were his friend now, meant to be applied like an ointment to a burn. At the end of her request, Luca raised his head, blinking a few times as though to wash away the exhaustion. "Quite a record...ought to be a good pull if I ever get to see it...though I don't hide behind anything now, Governor. That mask is locked away with the Feds now. Where to begin...the beginning, I suppose. I'll spare you the story I already told Kain and Kenzie, since you're concerned with Lociato specifically. Eight years ago, my fiancée was kidnapped and put into Lociato's ring. At the time, I was just retiring from boxing. Didn't break a law in my life. I didn't know that it was Lociato that took her. All I knew was that she was gone. I cannot be blamed for not trying the lawful way first. Looked into the Seattle PD and, indirectly, the Feds. Sarah Kenmore no longer existed except on a certificate in the name of marriage. So, who did I live with for so long after I fled New York? Who did I spend every waking hour with before and after my mother and brother were killed? According to a computer system, no one. I was never a man to sit idly while the world turned, and decided to find answers any way I could. I retook the name Sesler off of my dad. He was the original wearer of that old mask. Back in Italy, and then New York, he did what he could to make the world a better place. Course, he worked WITH the police back then instead of against them. Nothing official, but it was a partnership. He, uh...died in my preteens."

"Let me clarify; I'm not a wordsmith nor an educated man. Never made it passed middle school before I dropped out. But I can tell right from wrong. And I know that what I did to figure out what happened to my wife was the correct thing to do. I'm a scarred and hardened person because of these past eight years, but every inch I gain in the chase is well worth it. Now, after the tanker and everything I've gathered these last few years, I can guarantee that my wife is still in Mexico, being moved around by these freighters. Thousands of slaves are smuggled in and out of Seattle every week, though Edward's black book put an end to that. Lociato is an international threat, so this is but a dent. The FBI won't touch the man, so who will? Who's job is it to stop Lociato and everything he does? The Mexican government is a basket of kittens to a kingpin with the amount of resources he has, but a couple of people from the receiving end of his evil are worth so much more to him. I can't make you believe that what I've done is proper and perfect, but I can sure as hell give you as many facts as I can; there's no decent way to stop someone who kills his obstacles and buys his way out of retribution. And I can't do it alone. Kenzie saved my life, and Kain did as well. I need both of them to make it into Mexico, and I need them to help stop Lociato. Henrikson almost sent all of us down the river over a revenge plan. The amount of taxpayer money alone is worthy of some high crime. Your predecessor was killed in a plot to frame Kain by Henrikson himself, and he sent a henchman to kill Kenzie simply because of association and value to Kain. They wanted to spark conflict with him. And now, a good doctor is dead and Cooper is in a goddamn coma because he lacked the vision to see what a sick fuck his boss was. All the progress I made on Demetri is, " - Luca paused, tapping his temple - "up here. I memorized the routine of the tankers to and from Seattle, though that's useless information with the destabilized government. We have the whereabouts of a list that details the location of all the people that were moved out of Seattle and where they're placed. Lociato is meticulous with his details, but didn't have the time to destroy his evidence before leaving the city. Probably planned on paying for silence. Kenzie's roommate is a victim in all of this, but we made a kind of trade deal to get her back in Mexico. I plan on beating some more information out of a couple criminals to confirm my wife's location, then making it to Lociato. I know his name, his land, his methods, and pissed him off during the process. All I need to do is close the case. My cause, Amelia, is more than just a rescue mission for my to-be wife; it's a fight for freedom. If you can't emphasize with those women, then think about the future with Lociato in action. I've seen how he gets his way into cities like this. Someday, a man representing his organization will offer a lot of money for your cooperation or silence, just like Brookes. Or, if you prove to be better than a criminal that takes bribes, he'll kill you. I never labelled myself a hero, governor. I doubt Kenzie and Kain did as well. But I'm desperate to stop this, and I want to see some good in a hell of a city. If that isn't hero enough, I don't know what is. Kain might be...rough on the edges, but I was as well starting into this. Remember, Lociato's the one who snuffed his parents. I know where that rage comes from." Luca hesitated for a moment, reconsidering his next planned words. "If we don't come back with Lociato dead, you can cancel the pardon on me and put every crime we've accumulated on my shoulders. That's the political way of doing things, no? I'll gladly be the scapegoat if this goes south." The boxer breathed for a moment, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his legs. "Please, governor, let us prove that we're worthy of retribution. No one else can stop Lociato but us, and now, you. I promise you that I want him dealt with, that I want my wife back, and that I want to see all of those victims free. All I need is your word and your signature. And a ride to the Brookes' jet. Plus...some FBI assistance on the U.S. border to get these victims back to their families. They've been there for years, assumed dead by the rest of the world. It's what I'd want. You can get a nice merit for being the public hero, and we can fade into the shadows. I'm no glory hound. I'm just some boxer who got separated from his wife."
Luca's story was one that Kain and Kenzie had known well enough by now, even as far as to firmly believe in the cause he was chasing. In reality, Kenzie was chasing a similar cause. The only difference was that her partner was being waved in front of her with a price tag for her safe return. Sarah was still out there, whereabouts unknown. But if Angela and Angelo are ex-Lociato henchmen, they must know roughly where she'd be. Or could find out at the very least. While greater problems awaited passed the border, even deeper problems awaited them right here in the motorcade. Neither Kain nor Kenzie appreciated being shut out like that, but they had faith that Luca could reason with the governor and explain their case as it is. He covered his bases from as far back as was relevant, from the Lociato case down to the FBI conspiracy to spit in Kain's face. Every detail along the way, as well. All leading up to a request for a pardon... would it even slightly faze the governor? Her face showed no signs of being moved or affect, not even with the mention of human slaves or loved ones be whisked away. No sympathy whatsoever; that firm half of her that was a politician at heart was kicking in. Whatever decision she would make on behalf of these three was not going to be out of the goodness of her heart, that was for sure. But Luca had that covered as well, something a cold, hardened, and seasoned politician could fancy: vanity, success. She'd be hailed as the woman who facilitated the takedown upon a slave ring. Couple that with a few empty words before a camera, and she might've just been sold on the deal. But letting these three walk free in exchange? That was the question, what made her think twice before giving them an answer. Because there's no way she'd give them that unconditional yes. There had to be strings attached; and everyone in that motorcade knew so.

"It's a shame you lost your wife, Mr. Varundar," she huffed, maintaining her physical expressions of neutrality. "You can blame not finding her on record on the father of this young lady here..." Her gaze temporarily fixed upon the girl to his right, displeased at the low blow about her family, but remaining cool about it. "...I always found Edward Brookes' success story too good to be true. I always knew he had a skeleton or two in the closet. Rising to police chief out of nowhere, then coming out as a good samaritan by adopting two now-orphaned boys who'd lost their parents so quickly. It was all so unbelievable, and nobody bothered question it as he was smuggling slaves in and out of the city. Don't you agree that's wrong, Miss Brookes? Or have you learned nothing from my class all those years ago? Maybe Daddy rubbed off on you?"

Using her past title and maiden name as if she were still in college as a student unnerved Kenzie, fueling the fires as she took jabs at her father and brothers. Holding back her anger and sadness, she knew if she were going to stand a chance against this beast of a woman, she'd have to stand her ground and be stronger than her. No words seemed more appropriate for the moment, just a stare back at her. She couldn't argue that. Though she never was a fan of policework, as it was that abandonment from the start that left her alone and vulnerable for her first 12 years of life. Then again, not all of her horrors were her father's fault. How could her father know about her abusive babysitters? About Nathan Wells and Aaron Stilinski? He was probably oblivious to it all while he was under lockdown this whole time. Not to mention the conspiracy that killed Dave; Edward would've never stood for that. The things that her father could've been tied to? Few, really. The hit on Sierra, on Phil, and her own home invasion. Even then, there's no way he wanted his own fiance or his son-in-law to die like that.

"I thought so. Silence. You're learning, fruitcake," she snickered, as if she'd succeeded in burying Kenzie in thought. Her focus returned to Luca. "On point, however... Lociato is outside of our jurisdiction, as you've probably been told. We have no leads on him, and apparently, you three claim to have an ocean's worth of progress... all in your head you say? You know you're going to have to surrender that information over, useless or not. Otherwise, you'd be hindering a federal investigation, and that's a crime on its own. As a man who claims what he does is right, I assume you know this. Doesn't take a middle schooler to know it, quite frankly...." Though it seemed like a hopeless case, things took a quick turn. "However, I cannot deny that you three have made progress. Perhaps Miss Brookes here did indeed save your life, as did Mr. Saunders, though I find the latter hard to believe...."

Kain almost impulsively wanted to lunge forward and choke-hold this woman, but his advance was halted by a tightened grip from his foster sister. She saw this coming, and she was holding him back, though it was still evident in his eyes that he wanted to get his hands on her. There was a lot of room for anger in his heart with this woman, after all.

"...To me, all you three have proven yourselves to be is a group of vigilantes. Perhaps you aren't looking for fame and glory. You just want your loved ones back. But that doesn't change the fact you three have gone outside the law to get your way. Even if you were to be held victim to an FBI conspiracy."

At long last, Kain spoke out, cutting the governor off. "It wouldn't be the first time in my case. I was only arrested a year ago because of another conspiracy. Because I was getting too close to some higher truth!"

A finger raised up in Kain's direction as he was still being held back by the woman to his side. "Watch the tone, and lower your voice, young man. I allowed you in here without handcuffs as a sign of good faith, and upon your sister's request. But now, I see the kind of animal I would've been linked to had I taken custody of you and your brother. Even if your brother didn't cause the uprising that he did, and if you didn't partner yourself with vigilantes, you'd still be a violent child at heart. And that, I could not afford. You see, Kain, I can understand why Miss Brookes or Mr. Varundar are doing what they're doing. They've both lost someone to Lociato, someone they have hope of getting back. But you have no one you can get back. Your parents were killed, and Lociato gave the order. I think, for you, this is purely vengeance. You, of all people, are the self-serving one here. Aren't you all?"

Kenzie, now in the heat of the situation, then came to Kain's rescue, as well as challenging everything that Amelia had said to this point. "So were you, Governor. Don't tell me you didn't cut yourself off from your sister because you were doing what was right." She scoffed, shaking her head, confidence blazing from the damaged woman. "No, YOU are the only one who's guilty of doing the wrong thing and making it look right for self-serving purposes. Kain wants to see the man who killed his parents be punished for what he's done. I want to find my roommate and best friend from college. Luca wants to reunite with the woman he loves... You? You wanted to propel your career and diversify yourself, so, you faked your death, made your nephews think you were dead all of this time, when all you were doing was lurking in the shadows for your own gain. I bet when the Saunders parents were killed, you must've been thrilled. Ecstatic. Nobody would ever think of them again. Especially because it was suicide. It opened the road for you to succeed. Teaching, law, politics... I've seen your credentials. It'd be a shame if everything you did was discredited all because of a rumor. I don't even need to get proof. The bad press would be enough to cause your downfall."

Raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms, Amelia shook her head in dismay. "I hope you're not threatening the governor of Washington, Miss Brookes."

A grin shined on Kenzie's face. "What else do I have to lose? I lost a father, a husband, a son, a brother, might just lose the other now. All in the course of a day or two. All I need to do is make my words public."

"Not on my watch you won't."

"You don't have to," Kenzie leaned forward. "Because I already have."

Amelia's eyes shot out. This woman had yet to display fear in this conversation. Now was the first hint. "Excuse me?"

Kenzie nodded. "Yeah. Before we called 911 to turn ourselves in and get Henrikson an ambulance, I made a recording addressing your connection to Kain and Dave Saunders, the fact you faked your death all those years back, and how it was all so that you could get an edge in your own career. Just so you wouldn't have to say your sister was a junkie who married a slave trader with two children you deemed unfit to be your own. And I think the Saunder Double Suicide has been a great enough buzz after all of these years. I'm sure having you a part of the mix will make for yet another great twist in the tale, am I right?"

Kain was in shock at this. He never knew of such a video. Was it a bluff? Or was it something she and Luca did while he was kicking the dirt outside? Amelia continued, trying to restore her own confidence. "The video will be found in your precious den, or in your home, and it will be destroyed."

The doctor shook her head, further challenging this play. "I already sent it to an independent journalist. She used to work for the Times, but her stories were too bold for their liking. This? This is a gold mine for her. I told her that if I don't speak to her in 24 hours, then it's a green light for her to run the story." Now more than ever did Kan wonder where all of this was coming from. What friend? Kenzie had connections, sure, but in what time could she have done all of this? "Yeah. Word will get out, in the paper, on the web.... wherever it might be. And I'm sure that you don't want to get caught muzzling the press, right?"

Amelia's heart sank, now questioning her next move in a situation like this. "That's... it'll be found as nothing more than a slanderous jab at my career."

"It might be. But does it matter? Bad press is bad press. People won't forget. And I'll be damned if you ever work another day in politics again."

Unlike her nephew, the governor wasn't going to burst into anger. She had to maintain her cool and not give Kenzie more ground to send her career into turmoil. Part of her wanted to call her bluff, but the other couldn't help but assume it was true. This was more than blackmail or slander... this was... actually clever? "I underestimated you, Miss Brookes."

The grin on Kenzie's face spread ear to ear as she leaned back in her chair. "What were you saying about me not being fit for politics?"

Air left Amelia's lungs in a resounding exhale of defeat, but it never truly showed on her expression in no more than a mean death glare. She still couldn't believe that she'd been played like this. And by a student of hers. It seemed as if she had no choice but to bend over to their demands. She wouldn't admit defeat, but rather combat their claims of justice. "Let me get this out of the way first: by no means does this mean I condone a single thing you've done outside of the law. To me, you're all criminals. Always were, always will be. So don't try to give me any sort of bullshit claim that you did this for all the right reasons. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. For that reason, pardoning the three of you isn't going to be a walk in the park. I can't just let you all go unpunished."

"Understood." No point in trying to argue any of Amelia's claims, at least not in Kenzie's opinion. Kain? He wanted to break out into a full-fledged feud. He was as tense as he could be scrunched in his place and resisting the urge to leap at her. It was clear he was making an effort to restrain himself.

"But as I said before, we have no jurisdiction over Lociato from here. And you even mentioned it, Mr. Varundar. Though, you three were stepping out of line as you pursued your leads like this. And that cannot continue. I can't believe I'm about to greenlight this... but you three will be backed up highly conditionally. You are to transport yourselves to Mexico on your own terms, but it seems that's covered by Chief Brookes' jet. But you will not be covered with any backup on Mexican soil. We can intercept the women at the border, and that's it. This will be a black op sanctioned by myself in an attempt to bring down Demetri Lociato. But two things will be required of you before we set the terms in stone. First, a written statement from all three of you of your involvement in everything, ever since the incident at the docks leading up till now. In addition to that, everything you two know about Lociato. No more secrets, and no 'only in my head' nonsense. That will be taken care of at my office. But what I need now... immediate proof of the quality of your information. Something here, in Seattle, so I can confirm that your information is valid. Something besides the slave boat and the black book, that is. Any other Seattle-based leads? You hand them over now. Those are our jurisdiction."

It seemed odd at first how she was asking of this so suddenly, but, if they were going to, Kenzie knew exactly what they had to hand over. She leaned over to Luca's ear and gave him a few whispers, inaudible to Kain or Amelia. "The factory... if we can give that away. But we're sure as hell not letting the Feds take it and tamper with the evidence. We can try to negotiate terms with them to let you and Kain tag along while I stay behind and handle things with the governor. Tidy up our deal, and such."

The whispering was something out of place to the governor. More secrets? She'd already made it clear moments ago that there would be nothing hidden from this point on. Clearing her throat, she announced, "Is there something I should be made aware of?"
The Italian put a lot of thought into his verbal essay, and the effort alone mentally drained him. Relaxing into the seat once more, the position was more of exhaustion than comfort. With eyes closed, the man interacted with the world around him in grunted snippets of words. He couldn't intervene in the governor's lashing out against Kenzie, for she wasn't entirely wrong. Edward did pull together parts of Sarah's disappearance and likely hundreds like her, but he wasn't alone in the act. Luca could find forgiveness in his heart for the chief. After all, he destabilized Lociato's setup in Washington and gave them the first foothold in a long while towards cornering the kingpin. The slap consisting of words had to sting, Luca involuntary remembering the laugh of the witch that sat across from him. A witch who balanced their futures in her hands. Keeping his eyes closed, Luca replied where he could. "Yeah, on point. I plan on handing the information over, governor. Don't need to chastise me like another one of your students." The man couldn't stand the details of political exchanges, and was thankful Kenzie was here to sort the mess. Luca forced himself to keep his opinions from the discussion and work with the facts he had. Mind games were not something he planned on playing with a seasoned politician.

Vigilante. The word stuck to Luca like flies in hardened amber. He could taste every drip of sweat ever endured in his wayward fight against Lociato and crime itself as the word ran across his mind. Once, he pictured the word as a description of the insane, the people who took a gun into their hands and proclaimed themselves paladins. Now, it met much more. There will always be people to justify the negative use of the word. Luca couldn't be the only one working outside of the law to help another, could he? The back-breaking trials, pain, and labor were never for self-gain. Somehow, being labeled a vigilante made all of that seem as though the man was selfish. In every sense both metaphorical and literal, he wanted his wife brought back safely. No more, no less. This, in his mind, was yet another trial on the way to victory. One where his fists proved obsolete.

To hear Amelia accuse Kain of hunting Lociato for vengeance brought back vivid - and a bit scary - memories of Bruno being blown across his office in a mesmerizing display of gore and blood. It prompted Luca to realize that Kain was a mold of Luca from years past, when all that ran through his mind was performing the killing of his mother and brother's murderer. Kain had several names to cross out if he truly was on a path of vengeance. Henrikson would be permanently disfigured if he didn't die. Cooper was in a near-coma. But Lociato, just as he baited Luca with the idea of Sarah, beckoned Kain's bloodlust with the age-old order that wiped his parents from the Earth. Luca still had that hot blood in him for the kingpin, just had years to learn how to hide it. For Kain, all of this was new, and his coping was different than Luca's. The boxer found solace in Sarah and in silence, whereas Kain still has a lot of anger to release. Kain also had Kenzie, who pulled an aggressive card from her sleeve on the governor. Personal jabs that came from experience with the governor flew from Kenzie in a brutal fashion. To Luca, it was like a boxing match of words. An entirely new sport he had no business dealing with, yet found himself in Kenzie's corner. Being the victim of extortion made one a bit more lenient to use it, and Kenzie showed her own hand by hitting Amelia where it hurt: her career. To learn of Kenzie's hidden play, however? It was enough to open Luca's sleeping eyes, looking to the motorcade's ceiling. As for when she got the time to plan it, Luca couldn't tell. She had to have done it when he was outside talking to Kain. Unless...the move was a fake. If so, it had sincerity in her words and felt truly real.

Word of an independent journalist sent Luca's mind back to Li Juan. A friend that he scarce discussed with his newfound accomplices. The man was just as family as they were, but had years to solidify the bond. Kain and Kenzie shared hardships with Luca, and to a simple man like him, that was enough. Perhaps the journalist was someone from Kenzie's past, long before they met. Regardless, they were a godsend. Kenzie was right; politics and her coexisted. Still, it sat well with Amelia, enough to polish a career. Luca sat through Amelia's speech, perking his ears up at the sound of potential punishment. Still, it couldn't be helped, and Luca didn't bother to argue her opinions on the trio, waving his hand idly as though to brush the words away as he slumped his skull back. There was a lot for him to reply to, but the man could settle on a few simple statements, keeping his resting pose. "About damn time. Been looking for some official involvement for the past eight years. I didn't plan on receiving back up when I started this little chase, so we'll be careful. As for a statement...if you got a pen and some paper, I'll do it now." The word carried light sarcasm, but Luca felt he was serious as can be. To think of a solid, feasible object to present as progress, however, stumped him. Luckily, Kenzie was not. Her light words carried big meaning to him, nodding in agreement as he sat up properly once more. "The boat had to deliver its human cargo somewhere, no? We learned of a factory in the derelict part of Seattle that served as a storehouse for the slaves being imported and exported, and functioned as a hub for moving them in and out of the city. Lociato works with two data methods: his own network, and paper. Both have their advantages, obviously. Last time a contact of mine tried to break that network, the guy's girlfriend found him on the couch the next week with his throat cut like a slaughtered lamb. But, he was one man. The Feds have a network. Even if they make it past one of the wealthiest criminal's internet security, there isn't anything solid there. Lociato tracks names that no longer exist in the federal database on paper. Easier to protect, really. Their target locations are marked as well as the numbers assigned to them. Think Holocaust-style tagging. You're looking for documents listing these very things in this factory. I know Seattle enough to know that there isn't that many abandoned factories, so I doubt it'll be hard looking. But, I'm coming with. Kain as well. You can cuff us again if you're afraid, but I need to see the data. None of you know Lociato code, and it'll take at least a week for the codecrackers in the FBI to get through it. Terms like 'Little Moon' and 'Gentle Lake' are listed instead of actual locations. I know most of them from conversations with Lociato members. Under duress, of course, though I doubt they'd testify in a court of law against me. All of that in the factory is your jurisdiction and my leads, so we can both use it and gain from it. It's undefended now that Lociato left, and he probably would have destroyed it if they didn't have to flee so quickly. When we go there, and I give you everything I know about Lociato, from what toothpaste he uses to what the papers mean, we'll be ready to go to Mexico. Pardoned, as well." Luca stretched his arms out, pulling at muscles he felt grow tense the more he sat idly. With an exhale of pent up breath, the man let a bit of his own view come out. "Truly, governor, I have no love for these kind of political games and terms. I'm trying to make this just as helpful for you and your career as well as help out my wife and thousands more. Kain'll keep his cool, I'll keep myself quiet, and Kenzie will work with you on these kind of terms, find something that you can do to benefit everyone. And, for the love of Christ, you're family. Much as you may hate each other, you're blood. You don't know you miss them 'till they're gone. If you can't learn to love each other, at least learn to tolerate each other. Bitching back and forth about who's responsible for what isn't getting any closer to Lociato. Frankly, we're running out of time before those slaves start moving around the globe and this all goes for nothing."
Up until this past night, the name Demetri Lociato was nearly unheard of within the bounds of the government and the law. Just a tale, probably told of once then soon forgotten. It wasn't until now that this illusion of a man was actually seen as a genuine threat with proof, and even witnesses, to his actions. That was partially brought to light with the first announcement by Henrikson, later confirmed by Brookes on his live stream. After all, a man doesn't kill himself for no reason. Whether Edward's actions were out of valiance in the name of self-sacrifice, or cowardice to avoid confronting the kingpin himself, the one truth to both stories was that the reason, at its core, was Lociato. Amelia recognized this now and was prepared to end this slave ring running through her state. True, it's only a dent, but a start. But as she mentioned before, Lociato is not under US jurisdiction. So her chance to offer up three vigilantes, in one way or another, a deal for their freedom in exchange for doing what the feds can't was slowly becoming more like a fair idea in her mind. Perhaps it was the motivation of salvaging her reputation. She saw a fire in Kenzie's eyes, one that told her that this was no joke and she'd happily slander a politician with the media as a means to do so. What other options were there? Obviously, she could transport Kenzie off of US soil for enhanced interrogation, under the pretense that it's due to a possible connection with her and her father, in order to acquire the name and location of the incriminating tape she'd supposedly made, but once again, it would result in an uncontrollable media frenzy. The craze over the Saunders/Brookes family would never end. Not this easily. Odds are, pardoning Kenzie and Kain would only fuel the flames, as well. Put Amelia's career in jeopardy. Then again, whatever Kenzie might've said on recording was probably far, far worse.

It usually wasn't quite Kain's forte to take the sidelines. Even on the force, he was usually getting himself into some sort of mishap to jump into the limelight. Even after those days in a uniform, he did the same, but under an alias. Did he appreciate having Kenzie as a sort of bodyguard coming to his rescue? Definitely, but he wished he could've reasoned alone. Unfortunately, his aunt wasn't open to that, even if Luca even attempted to create a first step to a truce. Kain wanted no such thing. She'd betrayed the family years ago - left him and his brother orphaned with no other family to turn to. Giving him his freedom wasn't going to take back the misery he and Dave endured all of those years, living under the roof of the man who'd murdered their parents - though living with the Brookes did come with advantages. But Kain was forever damaged by that experience and would continue to crave a sort of vengeance for the fallen and a constant sense of bloodlust. That bloodlust he felt when he murdered those three cops. Only time would tell if ending Lociato would even slightly cure that.

This fight, for freedom from the law? Oddly enough, it wouldn't be neither Luca nor Kain, but the woman who, in many ways, saved them both from certain death that would win this battle. A political discussion, even to the degree of extortion, that would eventually set the three of them free. Whether or not they settle in Seattle in the longrun or not was up int he air, but at least they could roam freely and have their names cleared at the governor's expense. Kenzie was aware that if she were in Amelia's shoes, she'd rather pardon three controversial criminals than have a slew of slanderous claims heading her way every time she stands behind a microphone or to a crowd. Not only would this be their ticket to freedom, but a ticket to their loved ones, too. They had two days to get to Mexico for the sake of the trade, and at this rate, they'd make it by the next morning, no doubt. Thalia could be safe, and Luca would be one step closer to Sarah. Everyone would win... in a way. Kenzie had no idea how Kain would react to a former lover of hers coming back from the dead. But this was a discussion for later.

After hearing Luca out, Amelia let out a sigh of defeat. "Very well. This factory? You will head up a team of federal agents to check out its contents. You will share them with me and any other related parties, and you will return to my office for the signed agreement, which I will settle with Ms. Brookes..." Her eyes wandered to the left over to the woman in the center. She'd been quite seriously injured in her time with Kain and Luca. She had her right hand clenching over the burn wound to her abdomen, the clear scars of cuts on her arms and face, the patch over her neck from the continuous injections, the slight redness remaining in her weary eyes, and the obvious synthetic ring finger on her left hand. All done to her from being a hostage and senselessly tortured in the process. All to make her brothers suffer. Amelia didn't feel any sympathy for this girl; she feared her. Kenzie had a dangerous side, and she wasn't shy to unleash it. The stone-cold politician secretly wondered if Kenzie would release the footage she spoke of anyway, if it even existed. There were too many unknowns to be certain. But... maybe these three had the best of intentions: going after loved ones. "So... Miss Griffin was never dead?"

Kenzie shook her head. "Believe me, it came as a shock for me as well."

"Hmph... When I saw her name on the graduate's list, I almost couldn't believe it. If I had any authority over the decision, I wouldn't allow for it."

"You obviously don't believe people can change. Believe me when I say: Thalia was a different girl walking out of Yale than when she walked in. Take it from the person who lived with her for four years through the good, bad, amazing, and horrible. I saw the kind of person she was in the beginning, but you also saw what kind of person she was in that course at the end of her college life. How different she was from the criminals she used to work for."

"I heard the story, how she testified against the leader of The Clan. I still can't believe her testimony got him the death penalty."

"Neither can I. But she did what was right, put her wrongdoings behind her, and came out a much better person. Who's to say Kain and Luca can't do the same?" With her next words, each of Kenzie's hands took a turn to each side, her right hand taking Kain's hand, the left taking Luca's. "If the law was generous to give someone like Thalia a second chance... why can't these two gentleman get one as well?"

A pretty damning argument that even Amelia couldn't refute. Sure, she could say 'this isn't Boston', but that wouldn't turn out all that convincing. Her poker face maintained its integrity, but also saw the flattering gesture from the doctor to her friends. They were a unit in this. No one gets left out. "Again, all three of you will write out your debriefs after the factory is taken care of. And as you do so, the agreement will be drafted. You can review it and make whatever changes you desire. You will get your freedom, but keep in mind... we might be giving you second chances... but odds are, a third one will never happen. You do not fuck this up, you complete your duties, and we never cross paths again. I already have to create a cunning explanation for the press. It might end up in career suicide for Henrikson and Cooper, that is if they survive their injuries. I'd ask what happened to the director in that basement to have his entire hand chopped off and lose that much blood, but I assume it'll be included in your debriefs. Again, part of your deal. But don't think you can get around cheating the law again. So long as I'm around, that won't fly by me. I hope that's clear." The governor's head tilted behind her over to the driver's side of the vehicle. She called out, "Let's get back to the office. We'll split from there for the next destination." Her gaze then returned to the trio to clarify, "You'll be riding with me to my office. Mr. Varundar, you will split off with the FBI there to engage on this factory. Ms. Brookes, Mr. Saunders, you will come inside and begin your statements. I have feeling they'll be a while."

"Of course," Kenzie nodded.

Kain refrained from speaking immediately. Just an endless stare at this woman. Why did he have a fear of some ulterior motive? That she might call upon their services in the near future? That she might just arrest him anyway? Henrikson had no intention of pardoning him, anyway. A prolonged silence would be too suspicious, so he finally let something out, "The law failed me before, Aunt Amelia. Too many times. How do I know you're not failing me now?"

The older woman shook her head, a now clever smile over face, "You don't, boy. But I guess, like your buddy said... we need to form some sort of tolerance for each other, right?"

Spot on... Kain couldn't trust her. But he wasn't going to leap from this vehicle. Not to leave his two friends behind. So this was his last resort... trust the law once again. "Right... let's go."
Riddled with painful insults and an overall tension of malice and anger for one another in the motorcade made the peaceful resolution all the better for Luca, grinning on the inside. Kenzie had to go rough, extorting the governor to get the pardon they all needed. Now, as part of his deal, Luca was going to be able to see the factory himself. The boxer had no qualms over handing it over, knowing that he'd have a hand in overseeing the operations. Pray he could read the right words and tell where the slave caravans moved. Kenzie had the admittedly more painful task of working on the agreement terms. The man still felt a touch of guilt for losing Kenzie back at Wells's building and being unable to stop the injuries inflicted on her. It drilled deep into his skin. Outward, Kenzie seemed unperturbed by the events. Somehow, Luca feared that she was hurting internally. Seeing her father dead not long ago, coupled with the newly placed stress of organizing a pardon, was going to do a number on her. Kain would be there with her, though. Someone to talk to besides the governor, at least. And talk they did, primarily over Thalia. The once-ghost reappearing so strongly and suddenly. It further drove a wedge between Kain and Kenzie, and yet Luca could scarce pick a side. Once again, the organization known as The Clan appeared with Thalia in between. The former criminal truly did have a redefining moment, one he strove for. Kenzie's hand in his stunned him for a moment, his calluses a heavy contrast to her own smooth skin. A familial bond was already formed, one that Luca felt was true. For how short they knew each other, they were family. Forged in the fires of battle.

Luca could do little but nod to Amelia's words. Killing Henrikson and Cooper's careers was hardly a concern for him now. It was concerning, however, to know that there would be no safety net, in or out of Mexico. A last chance was all they asked for, but now that it was a precious resource, it had to be rationed. Or, in their case, used so swiftly they hardly knew it was there in the first place. Debriefing on Henrikson's missing hand was going to be a rather awkward scenario, even if he wasn't responsible. The boxer was still there, after all. He could easily agree to the next course of action; leaving Kenzie and Kain for the time being would spook him a fair bit, but it was a necessary evil. Kenzie saw the next few steps in their plan with glee, and yet Kain stayed silent. Mistrusting, understandably, Luca shared the impulse. A bit of instinct told him, however, that Amelia was on their side, even if reluctantly. Just as always, he won't know if Amelia was against him. Only time would tell if so. Long as there was no more impasses, Luca could expect a smooth sail to Mexico in the coming hours. The day was growing old and the night was soon upon them, and Luca found himself once again tired. Of everything.

|:|Southern Seattle|:|

True to its outward form, the factory looked as abandoned as it was now. Windows were either blacked out or broken, and the double doors leading in squeaked and groaned like an old beast with a temper. Several suited agents surrounded Luca, though this time without him in cuffs. An odd feeling, working hand-in-hand with the very people who wanted him in a cell or dead a few hours ago. Quiet as he was, Luca placed his shoes in the building first, his eyes scanning the ground floor made from concrete. Bare, with a lack of conventional production appliances such as conveyor lines. A square depot with no real detail. To his left was the sole stairwell, accessing the catwalks and administrative offices above. For the first time since he arrived, Luca spoke. "Send a couple downstairs. Should be an access hatch around here. I'm betting you'll find trace DNA of the slaves that were here. Way too much to be accurate, but it'll help shut this place down publicly. After all, any criminal can come by and repossess this place. It's perfect for any kind of trafficking, really." He spoke to no one in particular. After all, he wasn't their boss. Still, as an active participant and informant, Luca could spare a few to check the rest of the building out. Moving ahead from the tightly knit group, the boxer ascended the black-iron stairs with deliberate slowness, focusing on the layout of the building below him. A truly remarkable - and evil - operation. One that could be the downfall of Lociato.

The office was dark, blocked from the rest of the building's lights and windows. Opening the door, Luca scrounged against the wall for a switch, his thumb finally finding one to lift. Immediately after the bulbs lit up, the man regretted doing so. The tissue and matter from Florence's skull was strewn across the table he lay upon, archiving into Luca's brain. The gruesome scene was washed away as a heavy smack to the skull drove a needle of pain into his head. Rather than succumbing to the alluring darkness, he turned his head to face the direction of the impact. His eyes met a sole barrel, rifled and cocked to place some lead into his skull. A handgun, held by someone who had to be a Lociato goon. At this point, Luca could smell the cartel on a criminal like a dog. If he was any farther away, Luca would have to hope for a federal retribution, but was given great room at this distance. A quick coil of his arm around the gunman's and a crouch placed him out of the way of any bullets, while also grappling the attacker. He quickly pulled in, pulling the dark-skinned cartel member to him while driving a fist into his stomach. With both forces working as one, his aggressor stalemated, the punch not only rupturing his stomach but also bruising a kidney by slamming the back into the rest of the body. A swift knee to the groin followed, dispatching his attacker with a less-than-honorable blow. The gun fell to the ground, and was pushed away with a foot from Luca. He didn't dare touch it with the Feds sprinting to investigate. Already one dead man, best not to make it two.

As soon as the first sunglasses-wearing Suit came in, Luca held his hands up defensively, speaking. "Lociato thug, probably here to clear the evidence. If we came here an hour later, this'll all probably be gone. Confirms that there's something here worth destroying." Their eyes, however, were not on the incapacitated and subdued man, but instead on Florence's corpse. Luca turned to face it, placing a hand on the man's back. "Cold. Our shooter didn't do this. Way too fresh otherwise. Obviously, Lociato needed this guy to die. Someone important." Luca trailed off, thinking of several reasons to execute a member. Specifically, one who looked like the administrator to the place. No footman would be so heavy. Luca spotted the white complexion of paper under the man's face, and yanked it from beneath, moving the loose skull to the side. A quick scolding to not tamper with scene evidence was dismissed with a grunt from Luca. Didn't need to touch someone to put a bullet in them. Nothing useful to gain from the dead. The paper, however, was much more interesting. As Luca earlier told Amelia, the slaves were numerically ordered. C's and D's strewn by, but nothing less. B-492 would not be on the list. The paper purposely lacked a date, making it hard to tell if it was from the boat, or another transport before. The only clue was the dead guy's face; writing down on it dated it to recent events. But, many of the slaves had a common pattern of sites to arrive at in Mexico. Bad Sky. The same set appeared several times throughout, matching to dozens, and then past a hundred, names. Now with gears turning, Luca held the paper up so the few agents not underground could see. "Find anything written like this; table style, lettered numerals alongside last names, and location titles. Don't bother trying to figure out the locations. They're bullshit." There had to be a map somewhere, something labelled for easy reference. He's seen one before, on the boat Arlo manned. Lowering himself, Luca pulled open drawers at random, listening to the click of cuffs in his ear around his attacker's wrists. An instinctive touch to his hip reminded Luca that his batons were gone. How he would love to have those for men like the gunman. Finally, a folded wad of topographical land found its way to Luca's hands, spread open on the desk like a butterfly's wings. Many marked locations were on the map, though not fitting the list. In fact, it was Spanish. Close to Italian, it was nonetheless foreign and alien to him. An almost overlooked word did pop out, however. Cielo. In both Spanish and Italian, it stood for sky. No other location on the list used the code 'Sky'. Lociato likely did not enjoy having his staff write down the names of places, but the code was a headache to learn, and criminals tend to be lazy. Thank God for that. The location was in Durango, and Luca scribbled down the latitude and longitude onto the corner of the paper, ripping the piece off and stuffing it into his pocket before placing the list back down. While his federal companions did find other documents, Luca shunned the papers away. "I have what I need. One location is good enough; I can work from there. All of this is evidence for you to keep. Let the governor know that we'll be heading back soo-."

Luca's words were stifled as the office door reopened, an exasperated agent speaking quickly. "There's a woman in the basement. Very distraught." The boxer pushed past the agent; discussion was for them, not him. Descending the stairs, Luca made his way to the very guts of the system, the place he once planned to explode and bring down upon Lociato's men in an effort to provoke the kingpin, an idea outdated by recent events. Barely pass the hatch, Luca could hear sobs of both terror and sorrow. A slave. Working his way through the maze of boilers and pipes, the vigilante soon found the source of the noise coiled on a ragged mattress. She was likely used to seeing her aggressors in suits, something the Feds sparked mentally. Luca squinted at her for a moment, her eyes no longer focusing on him. Kneeling, he killed his height and removed his menacing presence, feeling as though the brunette was familiar. "You're from the ship, aren't you." More a statement than a question, Luca continued. "They're federals. Same guys who were supposed to help at the hospital. How did you end up here?"

The woman looked up from her hands, soaked with salted tears. A bit more lucid knowing that Luca was with federal agents and not Lociato, she shook her head as though trying to forget an event. A quiver of a voice reached Luca's ears. "There was a man in a suit, like the agents. One or two at a time, he took us back. He had a gun. I...I thought I was over with that." Luca lowered his head, speaking. "You are now. I'm trying to get everyone from that ship back." The woman looked at him as he looked at her, with an inquiring glint in the eye. "You're no agent. And you're sure as hell not Lociato - the womanizing pricks -, but your voice sounds familiar. Were you..."

"It wasn't just me. Had a few friends get me out of there." And suddenly, Luca was seized once again, though this time not with a head blow. Instead, it was a hug. One that wiped all concern of doing the right thing away.


The foreshadowed night time pulled over as Luca left the derelict building. A grimy structure, the fighter's hands were darkened by the dirt and dust he come in contact with. Beyond that, there was stained blood from when he pulled Kain to the hospital for his knee, and most from Henrikson's stumped arm. To wash his hands would be a blessing. He'd have to ask for a moment at the office to do it properly. Red flecks were even under his nails. The coordinates to Mal Cielo was in his pocket, and the Feds had the rest of the documents - plus a Lociato footman - in their grasp. Finding the gunman made Luca realize that Lociato's influence never truly ended in a city; his eyes and ears were cut out, but the kingpin still had his hands working to rebuild that infrastructure. Sighing, perhaps morosely, Luca turned to one of the Feds, whom he would never learn the name of, and made a singular request. "Let the governor know I'm en route to the office again, and that the FBI have something solid here. Maybe not enough for national intervention, but enough to prove my case." Quickly as he said it, Luca opened the federal convoy and took a seat inside, watching the Feds do what they always do. Talk. Eventually, they'd get moving. Another step to his partners. Another step in the tightening noose around Lociato.

A mirror said a lot to a person. It spoke to their mind, either positive or negative given the person. To Luca, the office's bathroom mirror was a realist; Luca was looking rough. The stubble on his face was condensing, and made his already tanned complexion seem darker. The knotted, looping scar above his eye spoke of a hard kind of treatment long ago. Too big to fade like the rest. No, Luca knew he'd carry the painful reminder the rest of his life. Lines under his eyes formed, a combination of long-time stress and current fatigue. His hair was a mess, once cut short but recently down to the base of his skull, the natural part to the left side of his head becoming apparent. His eyes, however, found focus on the crook in his nose. It was the one injury he carried from before Sarah's disappearance. A boxing match alone did something just as permanent as the scar. His left ear was enveloped in forever-swollen veins, an effect of constant battering to the skin. Sarah was right in telling him that boxing made him one ugly motherfucker. Thank God it also made him look tougher than the newer fighters. Rather than fiddling with the water temperature, Luca used the ice cold water to wash his hands, scrubbing with force into the folds of his palms, under the nails, in between the fingers, and up the forearms. The water was laced with red and grey, a mix of blood, sweat, and grime. With a quick flick of his hands to throw off water droplets, Luca wiped his hands with a towel nearly too soft to register before exiting the bathroom. "Alright, I'm ready to talk to the governor again." A new wash never hurt when talking with someone who hung his freedom in front of him.

"This way, if you'll follow me."
-(FBI Seattle Division HQ | Kenzie Andrews)-

Nobody ever told Kenzie that the road to freedom for herself and her two friends was ever going to be easy. And in terms of politics, it was her that was doing the heavy-lifting. Finally, a use of hers that went beyond her medical expertise. But it was far more demanding than the strength she'd spent years studying. Dealing with political loopholes and going about the law properly in such a way that would permanently ensure the freedom of the three with no way for the FBI to sneak around the agreement was not something she had done regularly. Not even her father. This was a very foreign concept to her, and Amelia wasn't doing much in the way of assistance. In her eyes, it was the young doctor calling the shots, so it would be her drafting the agreement from the ground up. And that's what she would spend the next few hours doing, just after she'd completed her own statement of the past events. She'd take Kain's as well in order to get a feel for his actions, and draft out Luca's as best as she could without him around. Not like she needed formal writings to know what her friends had been up to in the course of two days. She was present for a good most of it, anyway. The ease of information was there, but what wouldn't be so easy was the mental focus. She was only half a woman after the physical and mental damage done to a woman who might've just had an ideal life, aside from a potential divorce and a child that wasn't her husband's. Now, with so many loved ones lost to the hands of death and enough scars on her body to last a lifetime, how could she be tasked to draft the most important and life-changing document in, not just her life, but the lives of Kain and Luca? It was a challenge she knew she'd have to endure, mouth shut, no complaining. She knew Amelia well enough; if she even lets out something remotely sounding like a complaint about the difficulty of the task, she'd be tempted to give up and just allow herself and her partners to go to prison. But she knew Kain would die in prison within the week from how hostile he's proned to be. And as for herself, the corrupt police chief's daughter? Kenzie would be an easy target in any penitentiary. This was a must.

Most of the heavy-lifting was done in the time Luca was commandeering the long-awaited factory raid. The hours of racking her brain over the proper wording to avoid a twist in the tale would, hopefully, be worthwhile in the end. It was all accompanied by moments of sickness, to the point where she had to excuse herself to the ladies' room (with an escort to make it more uncomfortable for her) to wash her face and compose herself without vomiting in the process. She, quite honestly, looked exhausted and unwell after all that time cooped up in an office and forced to put whatever brain power she had left into work instead of her own recovery. Or the vomiting was a side effect of her sensitive surgery just that early morning. Whatever the source of the nausea was from, she certainly was breaching the usual doctor's orders. Soon, the strenuous activity would be over; they had a flight to Mexico to catch, after all. That would give her a perfect opportunity to catch up on some rest and recuperate in time for the exchange.

As Kenzie revisited the past in the process of drafting the pardon, events soon to come in the future also floated to the top in her mind. Reuniting with her college sweetheart... after all of these years thinking Thalia was dead, only for her to be alive, though not well. In a moment where Kenzie only felt like she was losing loved ones at each fleeting second, one was about to be hers, once again. The money didn't matter to her. She never needed her father's blood money from the start. She'd always craved a simpler life, after all. Maybe she and Thalia could finally have their fantasy of running away together? Or would they? Kain was still in the question. She'd fear for Luca, but she could only assume that he and Sarah would want to go their separate ways after all of this. A question for later, but what bugged her: what would she and Kain do with a past lover of hers in the picture again? She already knew Kain had feelings of jealousy in his heart, simply because Thalia had her at some point, and he didn't until just recently. Would that get in the way? Or would this be an obstacle they'd get over?

It wasn't the only thought on her mind. There was still other events of the future: burials. So many loved ones had died in the past two days, more than one graveyard should fit: Dave, Edward, Phil, Sierra, Herman... all people she cared about in one way or another, all were gone as a result of this hunt. Whether the deaths were murders or self-sacrifice, these people were gone, but would never be forgotten. One day, Kenzie would have to return to visit their graves, as she probably would not make the funerals with this even in store. She had two days to make the exchange. Dave's body would be part of a federal investigation - Phil's probably still held up in Dubai - Herman's probably sent to his next of kin in Orlando - her father's saved for a larger funeral later...

But Sierra's body brought another longterm thought to Kenzie's mind: Trish, her daughter. One of Kenzie's requests to Amelia was reassurance that she was okay and safe. Lociato targeted her so easily. Who's to say he won't eliminate her daughter, too? But to her relief, Trish was safe in a safehouse in Vancouver and would never taste any of the horrors they did. Her mother's burial would fall back on her, as she was now 18 and legal to make such decisions. But Kenzie, who felt like an older sister to this fellow daughter of a law-enforcer, wanted a few last words with her friend. Just a chance to tell this 18 year old girl that things would get better, and that someday, she'd be back home and would be there by her side whenever she needs the assistance.

What mattered more than the past and future right now? The present. Keeping her head in the game, and getting this done with no error. She looked terrible as is: her hair a complete mess, her eyes evidently weary and drooping, sweat dripping down her forehead and across her neck, the wet spots appearing on her shirt as well, an occasional, involuntary jitter from her left hand, which would be accompanied by a spike of nausea and a sharp pain in her head, the combination slowing her down from her progress, and getting her a nasty look from Amelia, who offered nothing more than an occasional bathroom break for her. Ruthless as ever, is what Kenzie would think. Just like in the classroom. Only a few more hours, then she gets their signatures and they could leave. The call for a ride to the airport was already placed, so all it would be is just a matter of leaving as soon as possible. And it was getting close. With her hands through her hair and gripping her skull, Kenzie took one last read at the sample of the final draft on the bright laptop screen before her. No faults... everything seemed in order. The agreement encompassed ever detail of their endeavors together and ensured that no charges would be held against any of the three. No room for a loophole or trick. They might just be safe for once.

Examining the Brookes girl's face as she reached a conclusion, Amelia arched an eyebrow in shock. She survived this long and didn't choose to give up? Surely, she'd expect someone so weak to adversity to cave sooner or later. But... no? She completed it? Her hands folded over the rectangular table, seated across from Kenzie in this conference room reserved for the governor and this deal in particular. She spoke, "My, you took longer than I'd ever expected."

Sighing in relief and swiping her hands over her face, elbows on the table to hold her hanging head up, she uttered, "It's finished. Feel free to proof read it yourself. Check to see if it's good. But I'm telling you... it's perfect."

Obviously, Kenzie didn't even have the energy to even drag the laptop back in the governor's direction, so, she reached forward and did the honors herself, examining the document. She released a light hum.... surprised? "You always were the best at professional writing in my class, Miss Brookes."

"This isn't the classroom, Amelia. Stop treating me like a student. I don't think any of your average students couldn't written a comprehensive, near-flawless deal to get themselves out of trouble."

Amelia shook her head, beginning her reading into the text. "Not at all. Not everyone can pick up the slack in such a scenario. But will it stand the test of a professional?"

Huffing a few breaths of exhaustion, Kenzie kept the conversation going. "Believe me, that deal makes me, Kain, and Luca untouchable. So don't even bother."

"Mmm... we shall see about that."

"Keep in mind that I still want to speak with Trish Humphreys, and my brother and father get RESPECTABLE burials once you stop holding their bodies in storage lockers."

"It won't be met with much pleasure."

Her hands cleared from her face, and instead folded in front of her on the table, her head still hanging low. "They're family. I'll be damned if you let them be dishonored. Because before today? They were both good men, RESPECTED men. You may disagree, but it's part of the agreement."

"Hmph... Fine. It can be arranged. Now, a moment of silence to read this?"

Kenzie nodded, her eyes slowly drooping shut in their place, finally able to relax. She spoke of Dave and Edward as 'family'. Blood or not, it was true no matter what they'd done in recent years. And likewise, so were Kain and Luca, a family of sorts. Which is why she gave her all to keep them from a life behind bars that neither entirely deserved.

-(Just outside this conference room | Kain Saunders)-

Not long ago, Kain, who'd been pacing back and forth in the conference room and occasionally attempting to show Kenzie a degree of affection in the form of a quick shoulder massage or a stroke of her cheek, was eventually asked to leave, as he had no purpose to be inside with his statement complete. But it wasn't Amelia that gave him the boot, oddly enough... it was Kenzie herself. It left Kain's thoughts at a loss. Didn't she just recently confess her love to him? Why would she ever mind him trying to offer her a caring hand? Was it just the stress of the situation? Or just the incident with Henrikson's hand? Back at the hospital, Kenzie admitted she had hope Kain was a changed man. But what changed man still attempts something this brutal? His promise to abandon the bloodlust was broken then and there by an instant of rage and a mistake that might cost him his romance. She suddenly began to act bitter around him and decline any sort of romantic gesture offered up. All for cutting a man's hand off. Maybe she was just afraid of what Kain was capable of. That one day, he might just hurt HER without even realizing until it's too late. But he wouldn't impose. He'd lived long enough in love with her from a distance to keep it up further. Only time would tell if her behavior would eventually change. Because Kain would never hurt her. No matter how far his violent outbursts might go.

As he leaned back against the wall just by the door to the conference room, he noticed the return of an old friend: Luca, back from the factory, where he'd been earlier in an attempt to salvage whatever evidence on Lociato there still might be in the factory. He wasn't made aware of any evidence yet, so he'd have to ask. Seeing the three of them in the FBI HQ, now negotiating a pardon deal... it felt like a dream come true. They all survived this far and would eventually earn their freedom. Kain still felt the burden in the back of his mind, wondering... what if Dave could've received the same sort of treatment? Kenzie could've easily negotiated that. But after Cooper had taken the life of his brother, there was no going back, no pardon for him. But the blow could be lessened if Amelia follows through with a respectable funeral.

It might've been faint, but a smile came over Kain's face when he saw Luca, swinging his head back. Like his sister, Kain had grown tired, as well as hot from being stuck in a room for so long. The shrapnel wound and the bandaged gunshot to his leg began to emit a light sting, but nothing he couldn't handle. He just worried for Kenzie, whose injuries were far more grave. Maybe he'd ask later. For now, it was just his partner-in-crime, quite literally, here to speak with him.

"Kenzie is finalizing the pardon, but she... sort of kicked me out. Didn't want me there to disturb her. I'm not sure if she'd react any differently around you, but eh. She's not looking so hot in there. The mental strain is taking its toll, maybe." He let out a sigh, this time, of regret. "Half of me wishes we never came to her for help, Luca. That we found another doctor to get you help. Maybe not one as skilled, but one that wouldn't hurt so much to see in trouble. I remember you asked me if we could trust her in the beginning. She's fought for us this far, and whenever she was offered to back down, she didn't. She wants to see this through. Maybe like how Sarah keeps you going, Thalia keeps her going? I don't know. But now I'm starting to wonder if all of the pain and suffering on her part was worth it. She's always hated police affairs, since the beginning. She hated that Dave settled for being a cop after failing his senior year of high school, and that I followed in his footsteps after she left for Yale. Now, we dragged her into a huge conspiracy with her father as the centerpiece. She lost her husband, her father, the father of her child.... the little one myself, my nephew. I know, the Wells situation was out of our hand and irrelevant to Lociato, but it still bothers me that I couldn't save her when I tried. Maybe if she'd stayed home and safely away from it all, nothing would've happened to her. Not to her, at least.... But I think I've gone on too much about myself. How are you holding up? How was the factory?"
Luca couldn't quite shake the feel that he was in the belly of the beast, meandering around the federal HQ with the expectation of freedom at any moment. An ironic piece for Luca, one that he could hardly comprehend. Spending several years outside the law made him wary, but Kenzie sated those worries a touch. The boxer left his entourage of federal suits behind, following the directions to where Kenzie, Kain, and Amelia were. Nearing the bend, however, Luca noticed that Kain was outside the room. Was he ordered? Free will? It made Luca suspicious, questioning the idea of Kenzie separated from their sight. One mistake was plenty to learn from such a blow. His partner was drained, but found the courage to play a facade of a smile for him. There was a heavy toll on all of them, and Luca felt Kenzie was bearing the brunt of it. The man looked like he wanted to talk, so Luca found himself a nook on the wall to lean into, rubbing his hands together to feel the clean smoothness he had earlier achieved. If anything, Sarah loved his listening skills. He'd hate to tell her that those kind of perks were a given in New York; words carried weight in the shadier parts of Little Italy. The boxer visibly expressed silent surprise at the newfound knowledge that Kain was given the boot. From Kenzie, of all people. He couldn't help but wonder if Kenzie found a permanent fault in Kain over the bloodshed back at their hideout. Luca couldn't, placing himself in Kain's shoes.

The thought crossed Luca's mind before that Kenzie never deserved the things afflicted on her. A shared sense of regret permeated the two of them, and just as his worries behaved, Luca couldn't shake the feeling. Kain had a heavy heart, from long before he and Luca met. The boxer's caught snippets of the man's woes, but having them lay out was revealing and rather dismal. Luca heard Kain ask about himself, but resorted to answering the question afterwards. "I didn't want to pull Kenzie into this either, Kain. She's...still here, with us. Kenzie's been fighting with us long before she knew about Thalia being alive. I trust her to the fullest extent, hell, it's the reason why I tried to convince you to stay even as the Feds arrived. But I don't think putting her through those trials with Wells were worth it, either. You both lost a lot, part of it my fault, part of it David's. I...I know how that can be. Saw it back in the hideout with Henrikson. Kenzie's gonna be a bit shaken up after that. But I can't find room in my heart to blame you; I killed two people on a hunch. Sarah knew, and over time she stayed with. She only stayed because she saw change. Kenzie'll find that within you, I'm sure of it. That feeling you had, when Henrikson's hand got chopped? I know it. It's a drug, and it is enjoyable. A rush to be in, and a remover of anger. How am I holding up? I have that same feeling, Kain, watching Lociato get backed into a corner. I had over a decade to learn how to subdue that feeling. You will, too. Kenzie will see that at some point. I don't think she'd ever be happy staying at home while we got cut down by the FBI. Things might not be the same between you, but it'll mend. I'm fine, though, thanks for asking. Just had a lot to say with a small vocabulary."

Luca looked over his shoulder instinctively, feeling a shift in the flow of energy in and out of the headquarters. Though he wasn't harboring any secrets, he hated being listened to by people he was still wary of. "The factory was a goldmine. There was a map that helped crack Lociato's code on slave storehouses. Always bet on a criminal's shortcuts to aid you in finding them. I have a set of coordinates to a common safehouse used in Seattle during the washout from Brookes. If Sarah didn't pass through there, we'll find another clue at that safehouse as to where she crossed. The FBI have most of the evidence now, which'll provide Amelia with the conviction of our claims she needs. But there was someone else there; a Lociato goon. I handled him, and the Feds probably have him locked up somewhere. He's not a Seattle worker; Mexican tats and gun. Bit of a uniform-type policy in between the two areas. There was also a slave locked in the basement, from the barge. She recognized me, and got pulled out of there. The rest of the women we saved got put back into the business by a Lociato man at the hospital awhile back. I don't know how she wasn't moved as well, hid or something. But, we now have an eyewitness that can confirm whatever Amelia might find doubtful. Hopefully, she won't have to be bothered. Been through enough as is. Thank Christ Lociato left Seattle in too big of a hurry to destroy that evidence. I think the henchman was supposed to, but we arrived in time."

Stepping past Kain, Luca placed his hand on the room's door handle, looking to Kain for a moment. "I'll check on her." Placing himself in the room, Luca closed the door with a twirl of his foot, listening to the faint click before stepping over to Kenzie. She, like Kain, was drained, but much more severely. Saunders was right; the mental strain was a laden task. Amelia had the laptop now, so Kenzie had to be done, right? Standing to the right of Kenzie's seat like a bodyguard, the boxer turned his head and spoke to the governor. "The factory's cleared; you'll find plenty evidence pointing towards the slave ring operating in and out of Seattle. Well, WAS. Also an eyewitness; an ex-slave that was retaken from the hospital days ago. I have the coordinates to a Lociato safehouse under the alias of 'Bad Sky', or Mal Cielo. If Lociato's MO is anything to gauge off of, you won't find this slave on the database. If you don't have to, try not to bother her. She's been manhandled as is." Rotating his skull to face Kenzie, Luca's tone grew softer and more concerned. "You alright? I just spoke with Kain."
Luca's words, coming from the wide span of his own experiences, made him seem like a mentor to Kain. Hell, they both traveled different roads that lead to the same endgame: Lociato. The difference? Luca wanted reclamation; Kain wanted vengeance. But both would come in the downfall of the kingpin, which, with Kenzie's clever negotiations, would be their path alone, without any sort of American law enforcement on their tails. After this evening, thanks to Kenzie, NOBODY would be on their tails except Lociato. Perhaps having her on their side and helping them at this final stretch was a worthwhile decision after all. It came at the loss of many of their loved ones on the way, sure, but what if it all escalated to this very climax and they didn't have someone even as slightly politically savvy as Kenzie on their side... Amelia would've turned the tables on them again, much like Henrikson did in the initial pardon that went without a single negotiation. Maybe they'd land themselves another deal like that with a scandalous politician like Kain's aunt, who faked her death to dissociate herself from her sister. As horrible as Kenzie's fate was... perhaps it was for a reason. Kain could only nod in response to Luca's words about his family. "If I'd just... killed Wells when I had a chance at the news station, I think I'd have had better luck finding her. M-Maybe. I don't know anymore. I'm just thankful she's here..." His head tilted in the direction of the door. "Here with me for good, hopefully. She's shaken... but alright."

There was a part of Luca's speech about his own understanding of Kain's desire for bloodlust - for revenge. It was good to hear someone actually sympathize rather than immediately judge him and claim he was a monster. He'd had enough of that after being kicked off the force, after all. And the media was doing a fair job at illustrating this imagery to Seattle. It would surely start an uprising if the public were to hear of him being given a free pass once again, but it's not like the governor had a choice in all of this, thanks to Kenzie. But what was bothering Kain most... was Luca right? Would Kenzie see passed his rough patch in time and restore that closeness they'd shared ten years ago? Part of him doubted that. If the girl who was almost her life partner really was alive, and Kenzie was going to give it her all to get her to safety... who's to say they won't pick up from where they'd left off? Who's to say his foster sister wouldn't manipulate the amnesiac to fall for her all over again? Perhaps that was a worst case scenario. Would Kenzie really cut Kain out of her life after that gruesome moment with slicing a man's hand clean off? Would she leave the man who she'd known and loved all her life?

It wasn't of any importance for now. Kain then shut up and heard Luca out, both times. Once to himself in private one on one with the boxer, the second time for the governor and doctor to hear. The factory lead to quite a success, and a lead to go on in Mexico clearly. Kain was impressed as he listened in, but all his eyes could do is focus on the more haggard, weary looks upon the woman he cared about, her head bobbing forward and fingers through her hair to support it. She really needed rest more than ever, probably medication, too. Before she left the hospital, her mentor had given her meds to help her manipulate her new limb in time. Physiotherapy would have to wait, but after all, Kenzie designed the limb herself, so she'd know the process better than anyone in the room. But for now, Kenzie needed a solid nap just to rest her head. It would all come to an end soon enough. All she needed to last for now was a single signature, and they'd be clear. All three of them... freedom. And time to rest on the flight.

In response to Luca passing on information, Amelia, whose face was still buried in her computer screen, only nodded in acceptance. It mostly wasn't something she'd be directly getting her hands dirty with anyway, but just the sound of the information was solid enough for her to greenlight. "Fair enough, Mr. Varundar. I will have a few agents take the case for your findings and look further, while you three handle affairs across the border... Now, if you excuse me..." Amelia's hands flattened on the table and her chair pulled back by the force of her legs to stand up from the table, taking the laptop in hand. "I am going to examine this, and get copies of the final draft ready for signatures... so you three..." She marched passed Kain, still on his feet, almost aggressively for the door, left open for them by a fellow agent, "Behave. Don't try to escape. That is... unless you want to lose what your precious doctor as worked so hard to compile for you." She only received a brief nasty glare from Kenzie as she made her way out the door at a moderate pace, the noise of her heels against the ground growing more and more distant. The three had some alone time, and they were sure as hell not escaping.

Though, Kain's first instinct was to comfort his beloved - as Luca took a seat by Kenzie's right, Kain took the left. He tried to place his right hand over her damaged left one in an attempt to show her his affection through a colder physical appearance. "Kenz... it's almost over. You can..."

Before he could even finish the sentence, Kenzie's hand retracted almost like a reflex. As if in fear of him, and not even looking him in the eye. Was the bitterness going to continue? For how long? She wasn't even giving him a quick glance of acknowledgement. His words went upon deaf ears, and it left him shocked. Perhaps she was still damaged by the sight of him cutting Henrikson's hand off. But she still argued for his freedom. Maybe she cared... but was afraid of him. Too afraid to get close. Kain would have to accept this for now, unfortunately.

Kenzie did offer words for Luca, taking her hands from her face and holding her heavy head upright for the time being. Her arms rested on the table, as before, and she spoke, "I'm just exhausted, Luca. I can't wait until we just... get on the flight to Mexico so we can all get some rest. Lord only knows you need it, too..." It unnerved Kain that she only said 'you', not specifying it as plural. She could've meant it that way, but considering her focus was only on the man on the opposite side of the table, he didn't have much hope of that. "So you raided the factory? From the sounds of it, you... gathered quite a bit. And it seems like Amelia letting us head to Mexico, our separate ways. Which is perfect. Most of the Seattle intel will be managed here, but everything else? Probably that 'Bad Sky' thing you've picked up? It might be our next destination after the exchange for Thalia." She sighed an exhale of relief. Things were finally coming together. "Luca... I may not look the part, but I will still be your field medic for when you find those slaves to get them emergency treatment. But I am curious... what's the plan for them? Amelia wants any and all slaves, including Thalia and Sarah, reported and accounted for on the border. Any sort of escape route or way to accommodate? My dad might've been familiar with Mexico, but I'm not."
Luca's back placed a crevice into his chair as he sat alongside Kenzie, glad to have the governor's seal of approval on his findings and to have the final draft ready. Escape was a thought that didn't touch Luca's mind, finding no alternative than where he was right then. There was still tension between all of them, and Luca felt it like sun upon his back. Kenzie and Kain had a block between the two of them, one he couldn't mend. Luca listened and yet stayed stagnant, stone-faced with his eyes facing the blank wall in front of him. Kenzie spoke to him as a separate entity from Kain, and Luca saw it. His eyes darted to Kain's, then to Kenzie's, as he drunk in her words. "I'm tired, too. The factory turned out some good things, yeah. Bad Sky's where I plan to be soon, seeing as it acts like a redistribution center for international slave traffic." Luca still remembered Kenzie mentioning her medical role in Mexico from the past day. Some of those slaves ought to be hurt in the panic out of Seattle and neighboring states, and Kenzie's skills would be needed. "I...I know, Kenzie. Some of the slaves are gonna be in rough shape, so I'm glad you're coming with."

Luca's mind had been working on a way out for the slaves in Mexico while the trio moved inward towards Lociato. He briefly considered using the ocean, like the kingpin did, but dismissed the idea. Luca could control some small naval craft, but no large frigates. If he got access to a phone, Luca might be able to get Li Juan to help move the slaves out to the border. If not, he still had a request to make to the dealer. A way for them to move around Mexico after landing at the airport. "The slaves are in a tough spot at the moment. We can't leave them to their own devices in the middle of Mexico, they'll die out in the desert parts. Really, we'll have to leave them in the storehouses until Lociato is dealt with, or find the ones who can drive to move some slaves to better places. Lociato had a way of moving them in, he has a way to move them out. Mexico is pretty rural where these slavehouses are, and there'll only be one or two roads connected to them, or none at all if it's just a path. Lociato doesn't let the slavehouses go past Durango state, since his compound and network facilities are housed in the south." Luca placed his chin on his palm, his mind working with a detached look in his eyes. Uneducated as he may be, Luca had some kind of mind to work with. "If your pilot is up to it, that jet can probably land, refuel, and take off several times in the middle of Mexico, with some slaves in tow, then drop them off at Venustiano Carranza Airport. Angelo picked it because he knew we could make it there in quick time, and is the furthest from Lociato influence. Less eyes to report our appearance. Angelo is doing this for personal gain, not for Lociato, which is making me suspicious. Man's never strayed from the kingpin before, and I'm wondering if he was offered work with a bigger threat. If so, I'm putting him in cuffs or in the dirt, quel piccolo bastardo. Luca muttered the Italian curse, a mix of anger and regret at his turned-sour cousin. "We're gonna need a phone call at some point, get some things in order. Either on the plane or elsewhere."

Shorter than normal, but I don't want to overextend for the upcoming timeskip, and I'm still a bit tired from the meds I've been on for my surgery.
Kenzie might've been their primary supplier of resources in the shortrun, but it was Luca leading the way down south. It brought back the memories of the frequent visits her father would take to Mexico on board the very private jet they were going to use in the near future. He claim that these trips were personal, to visit a second cousin's wife or some other relative Kenzie would never meet in her life. Edward would always go alone, never bringing his daughter or the Saunders brothers along. In her teens, the Brookes daughter didn't think much of these travel plans, and even into adulthood and college life, it was the least of her problems. When she returned to Seattle after her successful and accelerated completion of her education, he wasn't traveling as much. Probably business-related? Or he pissed Lociato off and had to make amends in Seattle? It's not like she could consult him about the issue any longer. Perhaps Luca and Kain had the answer, but she preferred not to hear it and further tarnish the image of her father. Now, his resources were her own, and, for as long as they lasted, she planned on using them to their full capacity for the sake of friends' heroic venture. It's not like she'd be going back to work anytime soon with her workplace still a crime scene, multiple family members recently deceased, and grievous injuries on her own body that needed time to recover.

Rest would come to the team soon enough, and with Luca planning out their next moves in Mexico, that required less mental strain on Kenzie. All she'd really be needed for is lead the way at the upcoming deal and perform any immediate medical assistance when needed. Hopefully she wouldn't be called upon for anything too strenuous. Kain's role was purely muscle whenever needed. And he needed this opportunity to finally get justice where it was needed all along. His parents' killer, right there on a silver platter. All waiting for him in Mexico. Indeed, all three of them had motive to head down south, all as free men, and return for a new life. Or at least hope so.

"I can contact the officials in here, sort it out with Amelia for preparations to be made at a rendezvous point for quick transaction," Kenzie added on to the planning. "It won't be much of an issue. Not like we don't have the government in my little finger. Amelia won't dare double-cross us. She thinks I'm prepared to butcher her entire career. Best she keeps thinking that. It seems to be working out for us."

Kain remained silent throughout the planning, only a few occasional glances at his foster sister. She had been giving him the cold shoulder since the incident in the basement with Henrikson's hand. The closest he'd come to affection is during her convincing act to make the governor bend over to their demands. All of their promises... did they vanish after that? Completely null and void? That dream he once found plausible, gone forever because he broke his personal vow to never become that person again? It was a heavy price.... one he had to bite his tongue and pay.

For now... the wait for Kain's aunt to double-check Kenzie's work.

-(Two Hours Pass)-

The long wait alone in the conference room with no updates or check-ups for a solid two hours was one that Kenzie desperately needed and Kain found slightly intolerable. The doctor took the opportunity to use her arms as a pillow and nap on the conference room table. Finally, a chance to rest off what were the most grueling two days of her life. To think falling under the effects of anesthesia would've cut it for rest. Not at all. Kenzie was more stressed than any other point of her life, and if there's any time a nap would've done her good after years of all nighters, it was now, the day after she'd been brutally tortured, physically and mentally. Fortunately, her nap went undisturbed up until roughly two hours after Amelia had left them. Kain, on the other hand, was a bit more jumpy, returning to his previous habit of pacing about the conference room, beating his head against the walls, and staring out the window at the city beneath them. His fighting instinct still told him that trouble could return from those doors if his aunt isn't pleased with Kenzie's work, or if she calls her bluff. In that case, a part of him wanted to respond in an aggressive manner. Maybe not kill the governor, for real this time, but with his temper, he'd definitely get his hands on her. But with Kenzie in the room? Would he dare? It was already difficult for her to forgive him for such a gory sight as back in Little Italy. But if he got himself locked up for something he actually DID commit? That would be beyond forgiveness.

But Amelia came back in time, three laminated mini-booklets pieced together by a black binding on the left side. The sound of the door thrashing open was enough to wake the doctor from her makeshift slumber, immediately facing the direction of the conference room door. Likewise, Kain stood to his feet properly rather than a leaning stance and approached his seat again. Those papers the governor had brought in. They weren't thick, but Kenzie knew immediately that things seemed to be looking up for the trio. Without even seeing the cover page, she knew things were in place.

"Job well done, Miss Brookes," Amelia muttered taking her seat on the opposite side of the table. She was clearly reluctant to say such words being the condescending person she was, but there wasn't much she could do in that regard now. Again, she wasn't in a position to make demands. "Your work is quite... surprising. Exceptionally.... passable."

Kenzie scoffed. "Passable? Like you'd actually put an equal amount of effort into a pardon for us?"

Amelia didn't answer. It seemed as though everyone in the room knew the answer. She laid the three booklets onto the table, spreading each one over to the man whose name was inscribed on the cover page. "This provides immunity from everything as you've stated before, Kenzie. No chickshitting around that. You were quite specific, and demanding, and this probably ensures that you can't be touched for anything you three have done these past few days..."

Tugging her booklet closer, Kenzie muttered. "As should be."

The governor ignored the remark and, instead, retrieved three black ballpoint pens from her suit jacket pocket, then placed them out for the three to take and use. "Sign on the dotted line at the end, and hope I don't have to see any of you again. Once you do, Miss Brookes, your ride to the private airliner is here, and while en route, you will get a chance to speak to Trish Humphreys, as per your request. Do remember to keep contact in regards to keeping any and all slaves accounted for."

It was only received with a simple nod from the doctor, opening the booklet at the several pages that she'd compiled together, quickly flipping over to the final one. The dotted line, as specified. It didn't take more than a heartbeat for Kenzie to supply her signature. Kain, on the other hand, remained skeptic. What if Amelia finds a loophole and comes back for him? It wouldn't be the first time the law bites him back like this.

"So I sign this..." he huffed, "And you don't touch me? Not for anything I've done lately?"

Amelia shook her head. "Your sister is a talented negotiator. Perhaps when this is all over, she could probably take up some position in politics. We could use a mind like her own."

In a shocking turn for Kain, he leaned forward on the table and glared at his aunt. "What if I want to go down for what's right? So everyone can know what I did was for the right reason? Is this going to make a fool out of me like the one Chief Brookes got me a year ago? Huh?"

Slapping the booklet down on the table and dropping the pen rather aggressively, Kenzie groaned and, out of a sharp impulse of anger, barked at Kain, "Just sign the deal, and be done with all of this, damn it. This isn't some bullshit agreement my father coughed up like last time. And don't think I'm going to hold your hand and baby you through it like the first time. So man up, take your pen, and sign it!"

The reaction was enough to shock everyone in the room, including Kenzie herself. She'd become furious, particularly at Kain. The man she once found a fragile personality and an innocent little brother wasn't quite that same kid anymore. All she could ever see is a monster in waiting. And it scared her. She felt overly defensive in her words, and even feared Kain might get physical with her, even with her injuries. But if he did that, surely, his agreement would evaporate in thin air. And the ex-cop knew better than to do something so rash. With a final death glare in Kenzie's general direction, Kain harshly flipped to the final page of the booklet, swiped a pen from the table, and, likewise, gave his signature. That was it? All was forgiven from a criminal standpoint? He was free at last? He could only hope so. With that done, he dropped the pen to the table, released his grip on the booklet, and stepped out of his seat to pace back in the direction of the window. Kenzie, receiving Kain's look in full view, shook her head in dismay and rested her head back into her arms on the table. For them, this was over. All clear.

A victory. For once, the law didn't fail them. But it was all bittersweet for this couple.
The time of peace found a way to provide a narcotic-like relief to Luca. Having a guaranteed trip to Mexico and a future afterwards allowed his mind to be crystalline clear as he mulled on Kenzie's words. Kenzie was a significant piece in the forward operation. Luca found himself wishing for his father's guidance on decisions he was about to make, finding more and more often that his old man was wise for his age. It had been too long since he thought of his parents, and yet found strong memories of who they were. Some were before he knew a lick of English, and back when his father was in the Italian military. Oh, how he remembered the Cosa Nostra's hands around the throat of Italy, and how his dad found a way to avoid them like a disease. Luca didn't have anyone to talk about his father with now that Sarah wasn't with him. Kain and Kenzie understood his story, and they were like family, but he felt a distance between them and the sensitive topic, if only to preserve himself from harm. No need to burden them with his emotions. It was reassuring to know that Kenzie would handle the actual transaction and not him. Money and deals were not his trade, evident by the past few days.

The few moments of planning and banter between the trio led only to silence. Amelia was taking her good time with the document, and likely for self-preserving reasons. Kenzie truly had a noose around her neck. Whether it was rope or fickle string did not matter, for the governor did not know and wasn't gutsy enough to take the chance. Besides, Kenzie was resting, and Luca was not going to disturb her. Much as he wanted sleep, the boxer craved an energy bar more. Something solid to sit in his stomach. By God, if there isn't refreshments on Edward's private jet, Luca is robbing a gas station for a bag of candy. He wished that he made some kind of request for something, but only lightly. Luca learned quick never to wish hard, or face disappointment. Kain was beyond rest, however. He was erratic, and Luca watched his movements around the room for a moment before crossing his arms over his chest and sitting back in the chair. The man watched boats for months at a time; he can go a few hours bored. The nerves were threatening to make him lose focus. Was Amelia finding a way to loophole through Kenzie's document? Was the intimidation tactic losing its punch? All was lost if so, for there was no escaping the fire in the middle of the FBI's headquarters.

Luca's eyes reopened from their accidental stupor into drowsiness as Amelia reentered his field of view, looking at the separate booklets in her hands. Enough for all of them, even Kain. Luca's fears were washed like a campfire in a flood. It was humorous to hear praise from Amelia rather than pure toxicity, even if it was more professional than personal. Luca knew what the pardon contained, but having it lay out for him was a nice touch. He let the women talk, pulling the booklet to him before thumbing the cover over. Luca saw but did not read, the technical language far too specific and advanced for him. Like signing a check, Luca found the line and very slowly traced the cursive letters in a legible way, leaning close every few letters to make sure he could read it himself. Building the wall between him and Sesler, legally. The pardon did mention the past few days, but he had years to cover. Luckily, with everything set as it should, he was not to be associated with the mask again. Leave Stilinski to carry the false title.

Kain's fear of the booklet was understandable. Luca rushed to sign it only because he had no other option and found it even preferable. Kain had been skeptic the whole time. The heavy-handed turn got Luca leaning forward in his seat, poised at the joints to move if he had to. An attack on the governor would drive their freedom into the ground. But the man only had words to throw, not fists, and Luca released his hands from their tense positions. Having Kain's Hancock on paper after Kenzie's derailing was a backhanded compliment, for Luca felt the pain of both Kenzie and Kain in the signing. The deal was over. It was time to leave the nest.

|:|South of Venustiano Carranza Airport|:|

A solid beam of wood was raised over Angelo's shoulders as he removed the barricade from the shack's door. Once a fisherman's outpost, the building was left to fall apart after the lake grew stagnant and with minimal life. There were more beds than he needed for Angela, himself, and Thalia, but it was without many of the comforts of home. It lacked plumbing, but instead had an outhouse several dozen yards from the square squat and a water pump to sustain the dwellers of the residence. It was no permanent place to stay, which is what he wanted. It incited activity rather than laziness, and Angelo needed to prepare. The land around the lake was a plateau, as the road rose from the airport and away from the city. Angelo had miles of clear view on anyone coming, even in the shack. If he was making a deal with anyone else, Angelo would have rigged a rifle to a narrow slit above the door and shot down their dealers after the exchange. But, they needed Kain alive and therefore Kenzie. The M1911 never left his right side, however. Pushing the unlocked door aside, Angelo stepped into the sweltering Mexican heat and looked out one last time. He gave them plenty time to arrive, and they still had a day and then some to make it. The night was cooling on his sweat-slicked skin, burnt from a long day of making the shack livable, finding material to patch holes and pumping water for cooking and drinking. It was a long enough drive, and he was due for a rest. But for now, he'd enjoy the outside for a bit, sitting against the shack wall as he thought deeply of his past actions and his uncertain future with Angela. Only a few steps until freedom...

|:|Venustiano Airfield|:|

Another step towards his own freedom; the jet provided Luca with the true rest he wanted, the luxuries a welcome change in his routine. Edward sure made the thing comfortable. Now, as it descended to the ground, Luca found himself ready to take on the challenges he faced once more. Stepping off with vigor, Luca looked about the narrow strip of an airfield, finding what he expected to see. An aged Oriental man twirled a set of bronze keys between his fingers, lacking any fancy distinction or complexity. Luca grasped the man by the forearm with one hand in a personal handshake, speaking. "Where is it, Li?" The words were carried with a grin, though a bit of forlorn mood touched his heart. The Japanese gun-dealer jerked his head sideways, to an open hanger bare of any large aircraft. Luca leaned forward, pulling the shorter man into a hug before muttering. "Reserved parking, eh?"

They broke their grasp, giving Li Juan the time to speak. "Fairly decent condition, seeing it was impounded for past two decades. I did you a favor and filled the gas tank and changed the oil. Would be running on water otherwise." A thin chuckle escaped his chest, sliding the keys into Luca's hand. Both of the men looked at each other for a moment, truly communicating without words. After these events, it was unlikely they would see each other again. Li Juan wanted to retire, and Luca could see that. Both of them would make themselves scarce after all of this, even if Li was never registered as a criminal. Man makes enemies. Luca spoke first, breaking the silence. "Goodbye, Li. My father isn't here now, but you are, and that's something."

Li shook his head for a moment, looking to his feet for a moment before replying. "Go on, get out of here. I have a flight to Barcelona to catch. Oh, and one more thing..." Li Juan rummaged into his jean pockets for a moment, before pulling out a set of loosely-welded iron bands. "These go on your forearms. It'll help against things like knives and that. Not quite the piece of tech like the coat you got earlier, but it's something, and not as restrictive on your movement." Luca nodded his thanks, fitting the wraps on his arms by unraveling the rings, then rewrapping over his skin. Li turned, taking a few steps away from the man. "Tell your wife I said hi when you find her, champ." Luca let a bit of mirth leave him, before approaching the hanger. Upon closer inspection, he saw the blue chassis of an Impala, dated in the late 80s. Placing his hands on the hood, Luca muttered Italian words of remembrance to himself.

"Che piacere vederti"

It is good to see you again.

"Kenzie, let them know we're here. I'll start the car."
-(Kain Saunders/Kenzie Andrews)-

The comfort of a private jet equipped with seats that could move and even warm to one's desires, tasty refreshments, and even a few television screens attached to some walls and seats sure beat the inconvenience of napping in the FBI conference room. Although for Kenzie, the only bits of these luxuries she really took advantage of were a single reclining seat for herself and a blanket. A proper night's sleep onboard the plane was exactly what she needed after the mentally and physically taxing few days she'd been presented with. As she made her way to the jet, she could feel the pain in her abdomen returning to her, both from the burn and the emergency abortion of her child. Her other scratches were rather mild, not counting the replaced finger. She still felt a hint of phantom pain lingering around, but still could not manipulate the new limb like a normal one. Herman said it would need time and physiotherapy, but the latter wasn't an option. She wasn't totally useless without her left ring finger anyway. It wasn't going to hinder her from leading this deal or providing medical services to the girls they encounter on the way. Even if Luca or Kain try to stop her from coming along, or tell her to simply take Thalia back to Seattle and salvage their lives together, she was going to stay till the end. Even if it was in a safe house or watching from the sidelines. Now more than ever was she invested in this fight, seeing her father and half-sister were involved in the business, and it was all related to Kain and Dave's parents' demise - killed to eliminate Lociato's competition, and her father was the designated hitman, all for that fancy promotion to chief? She had equal motive to push forward, even if her relationship with Kain would never be the same again. On board that jet, though, all she could do was dream of a better life in the end, one that was ever so close. She'd struck a deal with Amelia to ensure her immunity, as well as her friends'. She could live a normal life at some point, hopefully soon.

Kain's jumpy, erratic behavior did die down on the plane, especially now that he had what could be called a third chance on his sleeve. Not many people get that privilege, and it would come with great media backlash, but it's not like Kain planned to go back to Seattle after all of this. Perhaps he'd stay in Mexico? No, that'd be too risky. He didn't plan on leaving Lociato alive after knowing the truth about his parents. Killing off a notable kingpin will leave him a target to a potential successor. He'd have to get out of there, and fast. Unfortunately, Amelia offered no sort of witness protection for the trio, and only handed them a free pass from their events of the past few days. So they were on their own after the events with Lociato. If they were going to be pursued by a successor or ally, they would get no sympathy or assistance from the US government. So, where would Kain go? Maybe he'd take Kenzie somewhere of her choosing, if she really wanted to be with him in the end. That was a mystery. But what he did wonder: what would Luca do after all of this? Go it alone? Hopefully when he finds Sarah, he at least won't be a stranger. Seeing he's a loner, it's something Kain expected. But in a world with no brother, and probably without the love of his life, Kain would be more alone than he ever wanted to be. He wanted to at least keep in contact with someone. Because beyond Lociato, what would his life be?

Finally, the landing on that airstrip that Kenzie was told to land on. Kenzie had woken up not along ago, freshening herself up. Edward's jet did offer them a change of clothes if needed. Kenzie had scrapped the t-shirt she'd been given in favor of a white tank top and a jeans-styled button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled to her elbows and the middle buttoned halfway. A little bit more presentable, but still comfortable. Kain remained in his clothing from before. Now rested, fed, and prepared for a new day, it was time to dismount, but the suited, well-groomed pilot halted the doctor before she could get down.

"Kenz..." He stood before her with a hand in a halting position to stop her before she could climb out of the stairway to the landing strip. His other hand was behind his back.

"Yes, Jonas?" she looked up to him, much more full of life than before. Was it the hype to see her college sweetheart again?

"I almost forgot, you asked me to deliver this when you gave me a call?" His opposite hand returned from behind his back to expose a necklace, one with a concaved cross, one made of metal and painted black, and a simple brown rope holding the loop together. A very simple and not quite fashionable choice of neckwear, but it was one that bared a great significance to Kenzie, enough to make her eyes nearly bulge from their sockets, her hands slowly extending forward to take the dangling ornament into her hands.

"You remembered to bring this along...."

The pilot, called Jonas by Kenzie, nodded. "I still remember when... she, wanted you to visit your mother while you were in Yale. She made the trip here with you, and you both asked me not to tell your father. She was special to you, wasn't she?"

"You have no idea..." She gripped the cross into her hands, taking the thread in her other hand, and lifted the neckpiece over her head to hang over her own neck. "And now, I might have a chance to give this back."

"She's very lucky to have a friend like you. I hope you find her, Kenz."

Trying her hardest to resist the urge to leak a tear, Kenzie nodded, and instead, stepped forward for a quick hug with her father's pilot. "We might need your help again later, Jonas, okay? I'll be in touch."

The pilot gave in to the hug and nodded with a grin over his aging face. "Whatever you need. You just say the word."

Now, Kenzie could leave the jet with a mission... the necklace that looked so quickly assembled was once Thalia's. And it only motivated her further to go through with this deal. Give it all up for one girl to get her freedom back. She parted from the hug and stepped out of the jet, right after Kain, still neither of them giving much of a look in each others' direction, to notice Luca's reunion with a member of his past. Kain knew the older Asian man from before, the man who handed him his personal weapon of choice. What ever happened to the tanto? Did the Feds find it down there in Little Italy? Did they tear the place apart to look for clues related to Lociato or Edward's death, and came across the weapon under the floorboards? It was gone. Kain was now unarmed, out of the frying pan and into the fire, now trusted to protect Kenzie from two unpredictable deal-makers. If he at least had that fancy switchblade of his, an impressive weapon which proved its power in slicing a man's hand off, he might feel a bit more comfortable with this stand-off. But no. It would be a challenge, but one the ex-cop would accept. Worst case, even if he wasn't allowed at the exchange, he had his boxer of a friend to provide assistance. But... why no Luca, but Kain? Why was he so important?

Li Juan had some sort of deeper meaning to Luca's past that neither Kain nor Kenzie really understood. Nonetheless, a reunion was a reunion, and both stayed away as they merely observed the communion. The Asian arms dealer acted like a fatherly figure to the troubled man, telling from the wording, the looks that spoke louder than words, and the gifted iron bands... It was a sign of a figure that Kain thought he had for so long, only to realize he was a fraud. But now he had no fatherly figure left. No family left. Amelia hardly counted, considering her attitude to this whole thing. He only wished that this meeting between Li and Luca wouldn't be their last.

They had a vehicle, and it seemed like Luca was going to be playing the role of the chauffeur now, after Kain had done for so long in the very beginning. A meeting based off of him being a getaway driver. Kain could use the break, though. Kenzie didn't know how to drive in the first place. She never learned in high school, and in college, she'd either take the bus, mainly while she was still with Thalia, or use Phil as her means of transportation, particularly when they started seeing each other. So Luca would serve as the driver for now. Now, Kenzie was to contact Angela. Fortunately, her customized phone would be able to communicate down in Mexico, so, as she and Kain boarded Luca's allocated mode of transportation, she got word about their presence, just so the duo extorting them would be ready.

"Kain and I are in Mexico, just landed. We will be there soon. Have Thalia ready, or I walk."

-(Thalia Griffin/Angela Parker)-

The majority of Thalia's time in the custody of two ex-Lociato operatives, ever since being given her alone time, was in slumber. A deep sleep that resurrected several of her past memories. She'd left off before her deep sleep of one reflecting her past love interests... hinting at the fact a particular crush she had might not've necessarily been on a man. It brought revelations about her own feelings, about her own interests and how she'd look at other women in the ring. The amnesia was beginning to clear, all thanks to a few kind words from a blonde veteran back in the dark room, and elements of her past were coming together. The good and bad moments with herself and Kenzie Brookes, her studies in Yale, her family - memories of her parents killed in a terrible accident when she was away during college, a few scraps about a little brother... one who would've been 12 years old at the time of her memory block. Memories of two organizations she was once a part of, dealt in parallel by a European man named Vincent Mikael, who would handle her dealings under some organization called The Clan, and another under a man named Demetri Lociato, a name that kept recurring to this day, within the ring, and around Angela and Angelo. But one other huge fact became clear... the meaning behind her very first flashback, with the 'your room or mine' phrase uttered in the beginning. Why was that? The slave knew there was something drawing herself to Kenzie Brookes back at that hospital. But what she didn't expect was that at one point, they were lovers. It almost brought a tear to her eyes knowing that Kenzie probably recognized her and she had no clue. Not to mention the girl mentioned a husband six months ago. She was married... was there no hope for them? Her final flashback of voices with this woman only made the feeling more agonizing.

"Hey... T, you shouldn't be upset."
"Innocent people are part of The Clan, Kenz. Good people that just got lost on the way. They don't deserve to be arrested."
"True... but also horrible men are going to go away thanks to your testimony. You won't have that bastard of a leader hunting you down anymore."
"I'm just worried he'll find a way to get back at me."
"You have full protection from the FBI. My father negotiated it for you. I know it's hard to accept that the burden is gone... but this calls for a celebration. I mean, we graduate in a few weeks."
"Well... hehe, yeah that's very true."
"Huhhh... what are we gonna do without college. I mean, it was a blast. I just... dunno what I'm going to do."
"I have a proposal...."
"Actually... a literal proposal......"
"Oh my god, T...."
"Yeah, I don't have any stupid ring. I was once a thief, but that doesn't mean I'm drowning in money. But I know that the only treasure I want is you, Kenzie."
"Thalia... are you asking me to..."
"...Yes. I want you to marry me."
"I don't ever want to lose you, Kenz. Being in a box surrounded by suits made me realize I can't lose you. I just want to know... would you go to the ends of the earth with me... just get away from our families, start over by ourselves with me as a free woman. We take our degrees..."
"Stop. You stop right there you crazy bitch." It came off more sarcastic than mean. "Yes. Yes. Yes. And yes. Now get off of one knee and kiss me already, damn it."

What ever happened? Did they get married? Or did the accident stop them from ever getting their way?

She would never find out, hearing the loud boom of a metal chair slamming into the ground not far from her face, startling her enough to spark a light yelp and her head thrown upward, now alert and ready for whatever was going to hit her. And the first thing she saw before her? Angela, the other taskmaster besides Mikael that would guide her in her state of amnesia. Her eyes still squinted and twitched under the strain of the incoming sunlight after she'd just been fast asleep.

"The hell do you want?" she groaned.

Angela only reached forward to grab Thalia's arm and yank the seemingly docile slave out of her bed, explaining, "Kenzie Brookes is here to pay for your freedom. So we need you here for the exchange. You're... finally going home. As painful as it is to say."

Thalia didn't say a word in response. Once she heard the name Kenzie Brookes, she'd shut up and didn't say another word. Finally... someone who could give her proper answers. She'd learned her lesson asking for answers from her or the bald man also calling the shots. Besides... she'd be with a friend very soon. Perhaps immoral for her freedom to be priced, but she would deal with it and bite her tongue. Clearly, this doctor has the money to pay for her release, so she remained quiet. At least the two criminals had given her a quick change of clothing, out of the rags she was once in and into a simple burgundy t-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. Something so Kenzie would find her presentable.. She hadn't been given a shower yet, and her wounds of her slavery weren't masked. This was enough for handing her over. She was passable in appearances, uncuffed, and ready to be traded.

Now prepared for what was to come, Angela approached Angelo, giving him a quick tap on the arm, and spoke, "V, Kenzie is en route. She should arrive soon. Once they arrive, you greet them outside, pat them for weapons, make sure your cousin or any other backup isn't tagging along, and I will prepare the computer for the transfer of her funds. You isolate Kain to the location of your choosing and negotiate his new position as your replacement. We're so close. Final stretch. Then...." Her eyes took one last peek over to Thalia, mindlessly looking around the derelict shack. "...we can all be free."
|:|Luca Varundar|:|

Luca found himself behind a driver's wheel once more. Yet, somehow, this felt natural. Right. As Kenzie and Kain boarded his blast from the past, he found it upon himself to root through the glovebox and above compartments for oddities. A particularly enjoyable find was a box of cassette tapes from the eighties. Though he didn't listen to much music, Luca found solace in the bit of recreation he had in his possession. The car lacked many luxuries today's vehicles had, but he did recognize a newer piece of tech in the console; an air-conditioning unit. Li put it in, he just had to. It would help cope with Mexico's arid heat. Starting the car's engine with a decade-old roar, Luca could almost hear the dust rattling as new life breathed into the auto-relic. Leaning over the wheel, Luca reached forth to a piece of paper that caught his eye, hidden unless the driver leaned forward as he did. Pinching the stamp-size parchment between his two fingers, Luca flipped it over, nearly dropping it in nostalgic shock. Muttering, Luca called out his find in a low voice. "Heh, first time I went fishing with my dad. Must've been twenty-some years ago."

Boyhood Luca seemed like a different person to him now. If they passed on the street, he wouldn't be able to tell it was himself. No scars, signs of worry, no real muscle mass built. A different person altogether. The boy was clad in a fishing jacket, a rather small salmon on the end of his rod. But when he was that age, the fish was huge. Funny how his perception of the world changed. Luca's focus drifted from himself, looking to his father. It had been a long time since he saw a photo of his dad, and with his young self to scale, realized how large his dad was. Not in pure weight, but in height. If Luca could be considered tall, Vito Varundar was something beyond. The guy had to be halfway to seven feet and physically strong looking. Even as a lad, Luca wanted to be his old man in every way. It drove him to work out heavily in his spare time, even after taking shifts at the lumber yard. Vito was unshaven in the photo, with a thick lumberjack beard covering his chops. There was a likeness between him and Luca, and the boxer could even see a bit of Arlo in him. The brothers didn't look exactly alike, but they were brothers. Placing the photo back onto the car's dashboard, Luca shifted the car into drive, placing his foot on the accelerator.

Reading the instructions Kenzie was given, Luca estimated himself close to the destination as he spoke to Kain once more. "Right, Kain, since I technically can't be there, I'm gonna park a little away's from where Angelo is. I don't want him to recognize me. I'll be watching, but I won't be able to hear anything." Luca took the last turn left, seeing the minuscule lake ahead, as well as a derelict structure on the other end. It had to be the place. "Don't stay too close to Angelo if you can help it. He's a very good hand-to-hand fighter. If we had time, I would've taught you something..." Luca trailed off, thinking ahead of himself. "No, never mind. The Seattle PD should have taught you some Sambo, whether or not they called it that. It should be enough to buy yourself time if you need it. However, I doubt you'll have to. If you need help, put out a signal. Something I can recognize. Like a quick peace sign or hand gesture. I'll be in the car until Kenzie and you are done."

|:|Angelo Varundar|:|

The night was a proper shroud for Angelo, his left eye covered with his hand for the past hour to adjust prematurely. Now, his right eye was catching up to match the standard of vision. The darkness was easier to perceive for him, years of working operations after hours giving him the physical gift. For the hot desert heat in the day, Angelo looked out of place with his thin jacket pulled over the nondescript undershirt. It concealed the bulge of his handgun quite well, hence why he never parted with it. If he had his way, Angelo would have a plated vest under his clothing as well, but separated from Lociato's assets and supposedly still in Seattle, he had no way of obtaining such a thing. The bald killer's ears perked at Thalia's instructions, their carefully choreographed plan coming together. It was time for execution with Kenzie and Kain so close. Angelo was no fool to believe that Luca did stay behind. Sarah might be in Mexico, and the possibility was enough to bring the boxer to him. Long as he doesn't mess with the exchange, Angelo couldn't give less of a damn. Turning to face Angela directly, Angelo shared the sentiment. "Yeah, last stretch. I'll keep Kain outside while Kenzie's in here."

Perhaps half an hour passed before Angelo saw the Impala speeding through the rugged terrain. Angelo almost felt a touch of recognition at the sight, but couldn't quite place why. Regardless, it parked half a soccer field away by his rough estimate. Placing a hand on the door, Angelo waited to see the two heads he was waiting for to appear. Pushing the shack entrance aside, Angelo placed himself directly in front of the door and crossed his arms, waiting for his cousin to appear. In a bit of surprise, he didn't. Luca was smart enough to stay out of conflict, for once. Anderson was still alive because of him, and it irked Angelo. Rather than approaching the two, Angelo stayed put and waited for them to draw near before speaking, first looking to Kenzie as he stepped aside from the door. "Angela is waiting inside with the proper equipment to move the inheritance. Both of you, stand still while I check you for weapons." There was a conscious effort to press forth his professional attitude and appearance, in both voice and movement. They needed to see that Angelo was not emotionally invested. It was weakness they could exploit otherwise. Evaluating Kain as the more physically threatening entity, Angelo first placed his hands on him, starting with two fingers in his hair before patting the shoulders, extending out to the arms before going under, running heavy pressure on the surface of the skin to find any bumps or breaks in the smooth fibers to indicate a weapon. Satisfied, Angelo ran his hands into Kain's pockets swiftly before frisking the seams of the pants. If they had something in their shoes, it'd be too far to be useful or too small to be effective, so Angelo didn't bother.

Stepping over to Kenzie, Angelo loosened some of the pressure he earlier used on Kain. Kenzie was smaller physically, so there was less room for concealed items. Plus, he could see the wounds. Undue pain would weaken the thread of honesty in the trade. Kenzie was in very rough shape, and while Angelo wasn't an empathetic person, he avoided the sites of the larger injuries. She had more hair, so the assassin ran a full hand through the locks before going through the identical procedure he earlier performed on Kain. Nodding to himself, Angelo then spoke once more. "Alright, Kenzie, you go in and work with Angela on moving the money. Kain, you're staying out here. We need to talk."
-(Kain Saunders/Kenzie Andrews/Angela Parker/Thalia Griffin)-

Surprisingly, the vehicle that the Asian man had prepared for the trio came with more nostalgic appeal to Luca than Kain and Kenzie had anticipated. What was expected to be nothing more than a simple ride to get them to the exchange point, and possibly to a motel later, seemed to be a time capsule on wheels. The car itself must've had some significance to his lost parents, the tapes as well, everything down to a keepsake of a fishing memory. Kain, unfortunately, couldn't remember any memories of his father. Seeing his old man dead alongside his mother in the bedroom must've erased such thoughts from his head. The trauma was one he couldn't bear. Dave used to tell him he was a good man, to his knowledge. Neither of the brothers were aware that William Saunders was working to establish a human trafficking ring through Seattle with his past, struggling firm as a cover up. Any sort of good memory put in his head by his brother had vanished. But at least his father's deeds weren't shown in his face and to the world on live television. Kenzie had that cross to bear, her father broadcasting his personal confession, and subsequently, his suicide, for all to see. Much like Kain, the doctor had very few happy memories with Edward. He was almost never home to raise his daughter alone. It was all put under the nannies and babysitters that Kenzie had dreaded so greatly. Then came the Saunders brothers, a refreshing pair of faces, and good company. Brothers, but possibly more. She had always had some sort of spark with Kain, and, for a time, was carrying Dave's son instead of her husband's, keeping that secret hidden up until Nathan Wells exposed it for the three of them, almost ending in a brutal conflict. A connection to their parents really wasn't there for Kain nor Kenzie, and for the former, he didn't even have any sort of tangible souvenirs. Kenzie, on the other hand, before being swept away by FBI agents, scrambled to pick up her father's rosary that he'd dropped as he choked on the noose on camera. She, herself, wasn't necessarily a practicing Christian, but evidently, religion seemed to impact the chief greatly in his final hours, enough so to pray before he aired his grim fate. She at least wanted to keep that while Seattle buries him and Dave in their absence.

Luca's moment of silence came to an end, and he lead the way to drive the two off to the trade. Kain was going in there expecting to act as a body guard to Kenzie, not allowing neither Angela nor Angelo to get close, and even prepared to act violently if need be, whether Kenzie approves or not. The killing gene might not've faded from his body after all, but, maybe it didn't have to. He still had a fair amount of rage in his veins, one that wanted revenge on the men who tore his life apart. Chief Brookes was one of those men, but he would never hurt the father of the woman he loves so dearly. Wells was in the wind, leaving him out of the equation for now. Stilinski, dead or alive, was being framed for Luca's acts under the facade of Sesler, and therefore, would face judgment one way or another. That left Lociato. It didn't matter if it was he or his boxing companion that got the killing shot on the kingpin. He just wanted to see him suffer, and the world to know he was gone. He gave the order to kill his parents and start a slippery slope of life changing events. A series of events that he, mostly, despised.

However, if there was anything he could thank Lociato for, it was bringing him together with Kenzie. A bittersweet consequence to line himself up with a woman he saw as perfect in every way... but his life had already been through enough strange twists that this very concept seemed more normal.

As expected, Luca couldn't get too close for his own protection. Angelo specified not to bring him along, and they weren't going to risk their lives or Thalia's just for an extra pair of hands. Kain was a competent fighter on his own. Maybe nothing in comparison to Angelo, but he could defend himself well enough with his training in the academy. He would keep his distance all the same, though. No need to start a fight out of nothing, or put anyone at risk. Little did he know that he would be more than a bodyguard on this venture, but also a part of a trade. Neither Kain nor Kenzie had encountered Angelo previously. All Kain knew about the man was that he was a 'bald Italian', and after dismounting from the old vehicle, Kain could spot that rough description from the drop-off. He and his foster sister walked side by side. As they stepped forward, Kain murmured to his beloved:

"If something goes wrong, or you don't like what's happening, you scream, alright?"
Kenzie kept her gaze in front of her and whispered back, "Shut up, Kain. I can handle myself."
"You're injured, Kenz. Don't try to be a hero when you don't have to be."
"I said shut up. We'll be fine."

Kenzie's voice came out bitter, shrill, two things it never seemed to with Kain before. Even when the ex-cop came close to killing her husband at a dinner party, she didn't act this way. It might've been the shock from after her experience with Wells finally kicking in, but it might also be her distaste in the fact Kain promised to change, only to go back to old habits. That irked him in the deeper parts of his conscience, that he maimed Henrikson that severely. He wasn't thinking straight, out of anger. But that was a crime in the past, forever to be put behind him, even pardoned for. The FBI director would even face charges for what he put the trio through, as well as an accessory to the murder of David Saunders. At least some closure would be delivered.

The deal awaited inside the shack, but without a quick frisk from Angelo. The voice alone confirmed for Kenzie that this was the man on the other side of the line when the deal was first struck. For Kain, being exposed to this assassin was a pure first. He allowed himself to be searched, raising his arms when needed, and allowing for the touching. It didn't bother him, seeing that he'd been touched more by cops in the Seattle PD before. Then came the time to search Kenzie. Just the thought of another man touching her provoked a death glare, his eyes never losing sight of Angelo's burly hands traveling about her, even if he was acting mercifully on an obviously weak and wounded woman who didn't come to fight.

"You be careful with her," he tried to make a demand, only to be shut down by the woman herself.
"Hush up. You're only here for muscle. I could've come alone."

It wasn't going to stop Kain from following her inside the shack. But as she entered, he was stopped by Angelo. Something wasn't right, and Kain instantly arched an eyebrow in confusion. Stepping closer and turning his torso to face Angelo, he prepared to almost force entry. "Need to talk?" he scoffed. "You think I'm going to just let Kenzie go in there alone and unsupervised while you babysit me outside? Fat chance, baldy. What the hell do you even want from me? I came here to protect the woman I love. What brought you here to the Brookes family inheritance?"


Inside the run-down shack would make for a much different mood. A wooden table was set up with a series of network devices and a laptop, all set up to prepare for the transfer of funds. All it needed was Kenzie's credentials and processing. A secure transfer, and when dealing with a large sum of money, caution was a must. That's what the brunette came to expect and even prepared for while en route to the private jet. She found the rat in the FBI seated at one of three seats at that table, one of them a bit more distant, the other two closer to the laptop. It was clear which seats were for who. It was hard to picture the Thalia she'd once known as a slave, especially with her rebellious and deviant personality. How was she still alive? How did they not kill her for disobeying an order? Amnesia might've wiped her memories, but it couldn't have damaged her personality too terribly. That night in the hospital six months ago did show that some of her old traits were still there. Angela turned her head upward to get a good look at her half-sister, right there in the flesh. Kenzie did the same. It was clear to both Brookes girls that Kenzie took looks from her mother, whereas Angela inherited more of her appearance from Edward. Had the younger sister seen this FBI agent randomly, she might've guessed that it was more than a coincidence. But one thing was missing in this meeting. And it was the first thing that Kenzie asked about.

"Where's Thalia? I said I'd walk if she's not here."
A mild snicker came from Angela, crossing her arms over her chest and grinning. "Ahh, why couldn't we greet in a manner more like, 'oh! It's you, sis! After all this time!'" Her tone of voice in her quoted words was overly exaggerated to match that of a teenage girl. "Calm your tits, little sis. I held up my end the bargain just fine. Behind you."

And behind Kenzie, there stood the redheaded amnesiac, who'd been wandering about the shack in her usual antsy manner, uncuffed, unrestrained, and out in the open to approach her old friend as she pleased. This time, seeing Kenzie was more than just a hunch of vague familiarity like it was six months ago. Through her flashbacks, though not a complete timeline, Thalia had picked up the important events of her life with Kenzie in Yale all those years back. It was in that moment that the struggle would become worth it. Once more, just a look at her friend... the tattoos, the slightly scarred eye, the vibrant blue eyes.... this was her college sweetheart. And all the two could do is stare down each others' eyes endlessly. They'd both taken quite a collection of scars since that day Thalia proposed to Kenzie six years ago. Both of them noticed the damaged state of their partner, and the former slave took a few steps out of the shadows to directly stand before her partner. The way she approached was almost unreal to Kenzie. Why do that to a total stranger? Then she remembered: Thalia mentioned on that call that she was regaining memories. Did she remember who they were?A certain energy within her believed so. Almost without thinking, Kenzie's hands reached for Thalia's wrists, slowly climbing up her arms, taking her time over the nasty burn marks left behind from Angela's wrath. It felt poorly treated, but it was something this doctor planned to help with. Her eyes looked like she'd been without sleep for so long. Her arms felt very skinny, and her body reflected it, too, as if she'd either been on a hunger strike recently or had been intentionally starved. It could've been worse, though. Her hands stopped at Thalia's shoulders, and she took a slight step forward.

Thalia spoke first, her hands beneath Kenzie's elbows. "You came back for me."
Kenzie nodded, a tear forming in her right eye. "I wasn't going to let you be hurt again.... but it seems like I came too late."
"No. You don't have to blame yourself for that. You came to get me out, to let me be free. That's more than anyone has ever done for me."
Did she know what they were? An inquiry the slightly shorter girl had to figure out. "You said your memories were coming together. D-Do you..."

She didn't even have to finish the sentence for Thalia's arms to engulf her in a sudden, tight, but meaningful embrace. Kenzie did similarly around her companion's neck. Angela sat back and observed this reunion, allowing for the hug to continue for as long as they needed to get their emotions out of the way and for the deal to move forward. This was a sign enough for Kenzie to know that Thalia's amnesia was fading, a sign to Angela, too, but even if it wasn't, her next words gave it away...

"I remember.... everything."

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