Opinion When you lose motivation, what helps you get it back?


A Broken Crayon still colors, so why give up?
For the last month I was and have been (and still am) dealing with family issues, unemployment, stress, and personal self doubts and issues. Writing used to be the way I released my stress and helped myself calm down, but it seems as if that has become a new stressors in my life. Having to respond to everyone and every post and stay caught up with a group roleplay or else you get so lost you cant continue. Feeling that you cant take a break because you will lose the few role plays you do have. I have lost any and all motivation to write and saying that and coming to terms with it hurts. So I am reaching out and ask all of you a few questions.
  • What is the longest amount of time you have lost motivation?
  • Why do you normally lose motivation?
  • Do you get it back randomly or force yourself to get it back?
  • What tips do you have for those of us who have lost or are losing motivation?
You can, of course, not answer these questions and just tell me about your experiences or chit-chat with me and that is fine too! Always good to have more friends. Can't wait to hear from you precious people <3
Start with small tasks. The sense of achievement from completing something is a huge reward to our brains. It can be exhilarating at times. Pick a hobby or craft that requires you to create something and find a small project- and I mean small, that interests you. Do it at your own pace. Give yourself praise and love. Don't forget to eat well and get a healthy amount of sleep.
This is quite possibly the best advice I have heard all month. I rarely eat because I'm so stressed, and my sleep schedule...... non-existent. I will definitely head this advice. Starting today.

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