Experiences What's one RP trope/topic that makes you leave without discussion?

I think to shed some additional light on this, something I'm surprised nobody mentions is that we all did first person POVs early on. Also when we're early on we tend to self insert a fair bit to vent out angst and frustrations. For me, first person POV seems like a self-insert, and that can feel very icky when it's in a romance thread or somebody has a 'bad attitude' in character. Not to the point of ditching the RP, but it is a bit unusual and oftentimes odd to run into.

To be fair I don’t think everyone starts on first person actually. The people who taught me about roleplay all used third person from the jump. Which makes sense given how I came to the hobby.

My first attempt at a roleplay was a tour company for a fantasy island. It didn’t get off the planning stage but it was very much about world building not self-inserting.

I also started relatively late (I was turning eighteen) which might have something to do with it. I think first person self insert is a middle teen thing.

It’s about aspirational roleplaying (putting yourself into teen movies, or the idealized version of the world pop culture told you exists) whereas I was a bit more into escapist roleplaying. I just imagined myself in magical worlds.

But the worlds where the focus not me.
To be fair I don’t think everyone starts on first person actually. The people who taught me about roleplay all used third person from the jump. Which makes sense given how I came to the hobby.

My first attempt at a roleplay was a tour company for a fantasy island. It didn’t get off the planning stage but it was very much about world building not self-inserting.

I also started relatively late (I was turning eighteen) which might have something to do with it. I think first person self insert is a middle teen thing.

It’s about aspirational roleplaying (putting yourself into teen movies, or the idealized version of the world pop culture told you exists) whereas I was a bit more into escapist roleplaying. I just imagined myself in magical worlds.

But the worlds where the focus not me.
Fair's fair and you're completely valid. I just remember most people (at least when I started to RP) basically going self-inserts and first person POV, obviously that's not everyone. :P
Thanks for sharing your experiences too though! ^^
Fair's fair and you're completely valid. I just remember most people (at least when I started to RP) basically going self-inserts and first person POV, obviously that's not everyone. :P
Thanks for sharing your experiences too though! ^^

Lol yeah to be fair there were a lot of first person players. I think I just started kinda late to the game so I kinda skipped the self-insert phase. (Lol plus I’m old enough that we just didn’t have internet when I would have been at the age to want to self insert).
Especially when Im using my more kidnapper-type oc. He’s not really a kidnapper, but the word both gets his personality and what people expect from him across while horrifically oversimplifing everything he is about. But im not trying to get rps rn so yeah

When their character goes 0-100 in romance

like not trying to go on a whole rant but mf I said no romance. He cannot love your oc. This is a horror rp. they should not be blushing. He is actively trying to force your character to play make believe as his dead mom who didn’t even really like him and is so overidealized that it’s impossible for any human to be that perfect because she wasnt and hes just lying to himself mf he will kill you why arent you running

ight now im just getting into pet peeves but, real quick
when they say their character has flaws. And in rp. They show none of those. Or at least inconsistently. And no dont come at me with, ‘but when theyre around ur character, they dont feel angry anymoree’
then they dont have severe anger issues!
and last one Ill stop

when theyre like, ‘grr i like DARK, EDGY, and CRUEL BORDERLINE PLOTS.’
great, i have some characters that could fit into this DARK, EDGY, and CRUEL BORDERLINE setting and a few ideas that could expand the plot to make it as gut wrenching as it is scary for our beloved ocs and-

wait its a slice of life rp.. and we’re doing a coffee shop au?

Its a little exaggerated but, man I try to tough it out. Like maybe this is starting fluff. idek know what to say to them. Like I didn’t dm for this nor does it fall in line at all with your post.

Okay I’m done.
RoosterRiot RoosterRiot i HATE this. I think it’s a weird kinda of arrogance. Like my bland female character is going to magically change their male love interests entire personality. Because they’re so ~* special *~ they can “fix” them.

Like legit had someone argue with me once that a character who quiet literally murdered his adopted son in a TV show would give up his entire character motivation for some random woman that he loved.

And it’s like firstly parental love is some of the strongest bonds you can form with another person. It’s like saying your spouse loves you more then your kids. No they don’t and if they’re even halfway decent they shouldn’t expect to.

Secondly if the bond he has with his son isn’t enough to turn away from his goals some lady he wants to bang cuz she is hot or whatever doesn’t have a chance. Cuz the characters were meant to have met only a bit before the start of the roleplay (cuz god forbid we deal with the messy parts of a relationships over the overly idealized infactuation phase).

And I ended up just quitting. Cuz I was so disgusted with this girls obsession with teenage boys infatuation.
Whew! Reading this thread sure is something
the emmy awards it was a really wild ride GIF by CBS

Many of my topic or trope I avoid had already been said. But more often I tend to gauge rp partner based on the "vibe" they and their post ad (in one x one) or in group what the GM allow and how they deal with people not respecting the rules or manage things in general.

- The "School" setting
You know the one where it's either real life or has a fantasy/supernatural gimmick and you just know that no matter if adult are allowed it's gonna be rife with highschool cliches tropes and vibes. I HATE them, I dunno if I consumed too many highschool anime or the fact that the moment I was out of the educational system I knew I never wanted to come back in it. But rarely will I participate in any school setting (even University or Academy) except if I really like the setting or plot. And even then I'm hella picky. As I prefer to play an adult or an older teen 16-18 and can't stand the "love drama" tropes and such that you can find in droves in those. I'm an adult dammit I don't wanna play an angsty teenager again XD

- Realistic, 20-21 century historical setting and any kind of SciFi
This just because I find IRL life and setting boring. I'm totally a fantasy fan that like to escape. As for historical I've never been a fan of World War 1&2 period (let's admit it's mostly those that are played) and common tropes. I also find having to describe the weapons in those setting tedious. Finally SciFi do not interest me at all, except if it's mixed with fantasy but I just don't vibe with most of it tropes.

- A/O/B werewolf and furry in general
For the first it's just that many of the ads post for them trigger my red flags. Like I just often get this "fetish" vibe and what make it worse is that it often fetishes gay men. A thing that irritate me to no end. I spent enough time on wattpad to kinda get when the author (often women ngl) is that "heterosexual that don't understand how gay relationship work and base everything they know on yaoi" and I don't want anything to do with that. For some furries ads I get the same "fetish" and all. So I only see myself roleplaying Warrior Cats from time to time. I don't even look at those posts when I see them, I'm not taking any risks.

- Korean rp
If it's just the setting like kpop industry or k-drama world no problem. But same as the above otherwise I found that many tend to fetishes Koreans and Asian in general. Also I'm just less interested in common tropes found in this genre

- Fandoms (except if AU or inspired) Canon × OC ect
I suck at roleplaying this. 😭 No seriously I can't write a character that I haven't made they always end up being OOC or stereotypical. I also only play OCs for this same reasons. I don't wanna butcher characters I loved in fiction. Plus I don't like how often it's just an excuse to ship chara. I never even look at one x one ads that say they want X chara or that fandom. The thing is I enjoy the many way tropes are depicted in stories I love BUT only as a spectators. I often don't like acting out a Canon character for I don't like writing the tropes they have. I prefer to make OC so the tropes are just the one I like in the right amount.

- My OC have weakness that arent really weakness type of person in rp group + they're kinda op
That kind of person that you can feel tried really hard to bypass the rules about no op/God modding/meta gaming by giving their OC flaws like too confident BUT not too much, cold and blunt BUT super charming and their power is lowkey more powerful than everyone BUT it has limitations and their OC only avoid the term Mary sue because by their word "they can't be because they have flaws and it's not too trusting or clumsy plus they have an angsty BUT not too much backstory. So they are just a "balanced" character" + point for me wanting to leave if the GM allow them to stay without really changing their OP CS

- That one person that you can feel if Rpn wasn't sfw would go way beyond but are still annoying because all they think of is fricking Shipping
I don't mind shipping but I prefer for it to be discussed before the beginning of the rp or when the chara show chemistry just before so we agreed that now they will start showing romantic gestures and thoughts toward one another. But most of the time I prefer to concentrate on the story. Mind you I'm not talking about stories that are meant to be romantic of have shipping but all the others. The one where you don't come specifically for the romance but all the other stuff. In this case those kind of people annoy me to no end. They often derail the thread and push the characters arcs and development aside just for shipping sake. + bonus point for me wanting to drop out if they monopolize the OOC chat with shipping stuff and every conversations about worldbuilding or character is promptly ignored by them (and everyone if in a group BECAUSE of them bringing it back to shipping)

- Romance tropes that are toxic or abusive or I can't stand
- minor x adult or immortal/long lived x mortal/far mentally younger. Just anything were the power imbalance is shown as romantic
- The typical overbearing, jealous bad boy that is really just a romanticized abuser
- The cold jerk that only warm up to his love interest x the sweet goody goody chara (in general, if it's explicit that it's an indulgent thing that both party love then no problem. I just can't really stand jerk/mean love interest most of the time)
- Enemies to lover/bully romance.
This is just a question of taste that I got because in fiction I tend to emphasize with the MC if they are likeable and end up hating the love interest no matter what they do later. I much prefer stranger to lover or friend to lover.
- Siblings in law falling in love or anything that fall under the "technically it's not incest". I hate it because it often send the message that "only blood family is real" and that people can't see others as family or that adopted children don't count.

- Mental illness in general. I'm not comfortable with it most of the time + often people that play these characters do a very bad job at it. Often they will play it like it's a quirk or will just make the character annoying to deal with. Note I'm not saying that mentally ill chara have to have the trait common in their illness be smooth down because they are annoying for others to deal with. But that it must be discussed OOC for how to deal with that respectfully and in a way both party agree to before even starting. Like the type of person I'm talking about is for ex someone play a chara with ADHD (without telling you or speaking about it with you and you only become aware of it after you started the rp) and spent all their time IC changing the topic and push the plot away and you have to cut them off IC all the time and bring them back to the plot you agreed to. Or someone play a bipolar character and all they do is suddenly switching character without warning or foreshadowing. Or a schizophrenic chara that is violent and hallucinate all the time about you insulting them so you end up having to calm them down IC all the time.
I've had to deal with those people and this had made me wary of roleplaying that subject. Mental illness are not cute or easy to deal with, it can be a heavy subject that people may not want to deal with at all. And it's something I think should be respected. Now I'm all for including more mentally ill characters, they desperately need more positive representations. But it must be done with care and agreed to by everyone involve. Personally I think that rn it's not a subject I want to deal with except if the person know the illness really well or have it. Been burn too many time

- Teen pregnancy or any kind of explicit nsfw or implied sexual abuse. It make me highly uncomfortable. I can barely stand it in dark rp because, well the world is so f*cked that I knew what I was in for. But otherwise I don't like it still, I can't imagine myself roleplaying that. The first feel fetishistic and the latter is too close to s*xting for me as for the last it make me sad and I can't stand it.

- Roleplaying a romance with a minor (even if it's completely sfw and both characters are minors) It just make me uncomfortable. The limit I have for rp partner is no younger than 16-17 and even then I had never roleplay with one on this site.

- Playing real peoples. I will admit I find that a little creepy and disrespectful toward them. It feel like a lack of respect for their privacy and life. The only time I accept it is if they are historical figures that are long dead.

- Yaoi/Yuri/M x F
Even if they aren't fetishistic I grew too suspicious of anyone to dare even look at ads with it for the first two. I prefer to have any kind of romantic relationship developed as a side plot not necessary to the story, I'm not really into it being the main thing. Except if I really love the setting.

- Racism/LGBTQA discrimination/awfully depressing topics in general
I need to be in the right head space to stand those or they will make me depressed and have a negative effect on my mental health. What I'm looking for in rp is too escape and live adventure. I'm not against angst at all but when it touches those topic I'm quite sensible and prefer to avoid them for my wellbeing.
It's really simple for me. Not really a trope but more so a pattern. I will dip out, ghost, run away screaming if I have a group that's micromanaging me or shipping characters before even starting a story. There is only so much I can handle and if people get to clingy I tend to peel myself away from that unhealthy and toxic situation. I just can't stand someone/anyone expecting they have possession over my time and creativity lmao goodness folks I'm a human being. Not a robot!

I've noticed a pattern or intense role play chatter and unreliable people. I mean again, I don't know if its a trope but more so a pattern but the more chatter doesn't always mean productive plotting or people that will stick around. I find the trope of a person writing only one kind of character is a red flag too. I literally can't handle Mary of Gary Sues...Give me horribly broken and flawed characters. I can't work with perfection.. Anything where they are perfectly fine with something that is just not a normal social interaction for a story yeah that's weirdly red flag too.
I haven’t rp’d in a hot minute, but what used to be a massive red flag was
1. Any pregnancy that was a ‘surprise’
2. The only motive is shipping
3. People who can’t tolerate a character (imaginary) that doesn’t align with their beliefs (as a real person.)
BaskingRock BaskingRock never had someone do a surprise pregnancy in the roleplay. Although I did do a fun “two ex-spouses reconnect cuz daughter has magical powers” once. And I suppose the original pregnancy was a surprise but the kid was elementary aged by the time the roleplay starts.

I am mostly trying to workout how you would even manage the logistics of a surprise pregnancy in roleplay. I mean I can see the characters getting a shock but not the writers.

(I mean I agree it would be off putting Im just trying to imagine how your partner justified it.)
BaskingRock BaskingRock never had someone do a surprise pregnancy in the roleplay. Although I did do a fun “two ex-spouses reconnect cuz daughter has magical powers” once. And I suppose the original pregnancy was a surprise but the kid was elementary aged by the time the roleplay starts.

I am mostly trying to workout how you would even manage the logistics of a surprise pregnancy in roleplay. I mean I can see the characters getting a shock but not the writers.

(I mean I agree it would be off putting Im just trying to imagine how your partner justified it.)
Ahahaha so in my experience the individual had the character come back into the rp later on after they left with a ‘hey surprise I’m back and ALSO you’re the father to be.’ Surprised me and the character because I didn’t anticipate a return much less that. And I’m also not a fan of pregnancy for a variety of private reasons so it was sort of a stab at me from the other party. but I figured I’d leave personal context out unless asked!
Ahahaha so in my experience the individual had the character come back into the rp later on after they left with a ‘hey surprise I’m back and ALSO you’re the father to be.’ Surprised me and the character because I didn’t anticipate a return much less that. And I’m also not a fan of pregnancy for a variety of private reasons so it was sort of a stab at me from the other party. but I figured I’d leave personal context out unless asked!

See that seems kinda funny if it wasn’t a direct jab at you, cuz my characters immediate response would be “err, I don’t know much about birthing babies but I am pretty sure that I am not the father.”

Cuz like I only do safe for work roleplays so there would be no “baby making” so to speak going on.
Romance being a MUST. Not an option, but a must. Am I missing something? How do you know my character would even fall for your bratty princess? It's ridiculous to be so forced.
Another thing, the whole dominant submissive thing. Seriously, get out of here with that.
My hard no is pregnancy in a romance roleplay. People can love each other without having to procreate. (Not to mention I'm a child-free person IRL) so NO THANK YOU. NOO. (Also my female characters tend to be barren anyways just because.)

Um, my only other one is being passed over because I don't like to double in a OC X CANON Fandom OR Doubling as a requirement. Like, just because I love a show/anime doesn't mean I'm a walking dictionary of X character(s). Hell, I can barely write with one character let alone 2! Besides when I look for OC X CANON it's more of a short term roleplay rather than a long term. A one shot y'know?
My hard no is pregnancy in a romance roleplay. People can love each other without having to procreate. (Not to mention I'm a child-free person IRL) so NO THANK YOU. NOO. (Also my female characters tend to be barren anyways just because.)

Um, my only other one is being passed over because I don't like to double in a OC X CANON Fandom OR Doubling as a requirement. Like, just because I love a show/anime doesn't mean I'm a walking dictionary of X character(s). Hell, I can barely write with one character let alone 2! Besides when I look for OC X CANON it's more of a short term roleplay rather than a long term. A one shot y'know?
I think I've only done a pregnancy plot like once. Definitely isn't my thing either. However, I have played characters who are already parents. I just have no interest in playing out the actual pregnancy stuff so I feel you.
Romance being a MUST. Not an option, but a must. Am I missing something? How do you know my character would even fall for your bratty princess? It's ridiculous to be so forced.
Another thing, the whole dominant submissive thing. Seriously, get out of here with that.
Not to mention platonic pairings can be just as fun. Very under-rated.
Romance being a MUST. Not an option, but a must. Am I missing something? How do you know my character would even fall for your bratty princess? It's ridiculous to be so forced.
Another thing, the whole dominant submissive thing. Seriously, get out of here with that.

I think it’s how it’s presented. Like “I’m a hopeless romantic and really like shipping characters”. Okay fine. I don’t personally care one way or another. Plus these are usually people who are cool with slow burn or building on chemistry. I think they just enjoy happy kinda fluffy stories and that shit is my jam.

If it’s like “romance is a must or I get bored”. Then I just back right out and find someone else. Cuz those are the kind of people who want some stupid overwrought teenage girl BS that they call romance. And they tend to make their characters one personality trait (needs significant other to be a full human being). Like man people like that need therapy not a relationship. (Not the writers but the kinda people who truly think they’re half a person unless properly paired up).
I think it’s how it’s presented. Like “I’m a hopeless romantic and really like shipping characters”. Okay fine. I don’t personally care one way or another. Plus these are usually people who are cool with slow burn or building on chemistry. I think they just enjoy happy kinda fluffy stories and that shit is my jam.

If it’s like “romance is a must or I get bored”. Then I just back right out and find someone else. Cuz those are the kind of people who want some stupid overwrought teenage girl BS that they call romance. And they tend to make their characters one personality trait (needs significant other to be a full human being). Like man people like that need therapy not a relationship. (Not the writers but the kinda people who truly think they’re half a person unless properly paired up).
It is actually funny because people think I don't like romance simply because I don't like the second one.

I enjoy both genuine platonic and romantic relationships. Two characters having a deep connection with one another and it growing through hardships and obstacles throughout the RP as they work together? Love it. Just my jam whether romantic or platonic. One of my favorite parts of a story are character relationships and connections.

But the second one? Oh good lord the second one I just can't do. I don't judge them for liking it, but it is usually too melodramatic and teen angsty for me to find a way to feel anything other than the need to roll my eyes. They always want this horribly toxic co-dependant relationship at best, or a borderline abusive (or all the actually abusive) relationship at worst.
I think it’s how it’s presented. Like “I’m a hopeless romantic and really like shipping characters”. Okay fine. I don’t personally care one way or another. Plus these are usually people who are cool with slow burn or building on chemistry. I think they just enjoy happy kinda fluffy stories and that shit is my jam.

If it’s like “romance is a must or I get bored”. Then I just back right out and find someone else. Cuz those are the kind of people who want some stupid overwrought teenage girl BS that they call romance. And they tend to make their characters one personality trait (needs significant other to be a full human being). Like man people like that need therapy not a relationship. (Not the writers but the kinda people who truly think they’re half a person unless properly paired up).
lol, I like that "romance is a must or I get bored". Yeah, it has been those type of situations. I've also experienced situations where slow burn romance means characters, virtual strangers, fall in love by the fifth post. I just don't like it as being one of the major things to fuel a plot, that without it there is no plot. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy romance if it happens but I just don't like it when, as you mentioned, romance a must or I get bored or I am made to feel like my character and the other person's character are going to fall in love. I mean, what if my character doesn't like the other character? I have make them go beyond those irredeemable qualities just to appease some need?

Edit: I could have summed this up better. Basically romance that is not expected is my jam. You have characters interacting with one another and as Melpomene Melpomene mentioned developing a connection which grows gradually whatever it turns out to be. It's so much better when it's not expected if this makes sense.
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I mean, what if my character doesn't like the other character? I have make them go beyond those irredeemable qualities just to appease some need?

I usually give real world examples of the behavior in question and ask my partner how they would react IRL. Because I get that a lot of the time it’s just a escape from real life. But sometimes it pays to look at things from a different perspective.

“Like the reason my character doesn’t like yours is because their being a real toolbag right now. And it’s not fun to have someone always act like the center of the universe and expect you to go along with it. Haven’t you ever dealt with that IRL?”
I usually give real world examples of the behavior in question and ask my partner how they would react IRL. Because I get that a lot of the time it’s just a escape from real life. But sometimes it pays to look at things from a different perspective.

“Like the reason my character doesn’t like yours is because their being a real toolbag right now. And it’s not fun to have someone always act like the center of the universe and expect you to go along with it. Haven’t you ever dealt with that IRL?”
This actually usually works pretty well with people, from when I used it. Until you have my experience and your partner yells at you over DMs for even suggesting that their OC is anything less than perfect and doesn't deserve to be the center of the universe 💀
This actually usually works pretty well with people, from when I used it. Until you have my experience and your partner yells at you over DMs for even suggesting that their OC is anything less than perfect and doesn't deserve to be the center of the universe 💀

Man I just block and move on. Like okay she’s perfect but I’m leaving. Have fun don’t contact me again.
People who ship without asking, doesn't even have to be romantic.

I was in a group roleplay where someone submitted a character and said they my character's sister! literally never mentioned it to me. I only saw it because I went on that channel to look at someone's bio so I knew how to respond to them.

To be honest, I think they wanted to be my character (was a fandom) , they were exactly alike. all they did was change their name basically.
People who ship without asking, doesn't even have to be romantic.

I was in a group roleplay where someone submitted a character and said they my character's sister! literally never mentioned it to me. I only saw it because I went on that channel to look at someone's bio so I knew how to respond to them.

To be honest, I think they wanted to be my character (was a fandom) , they were exactly alike. all they did was change their name basically.
One reason among many why I won't do fandom RPs where canon characters are involved. It's the only place where I have ever seen this type of thing come up.
The whole pairing of a serial killer x victim, cherry on top, romance is involved. O.o I mean why? What's the deal? No...

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