Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

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This might be a bit weird, but I don't like it when people base their writing skills on their post length.

As much as I like to write a big post, the real reason I would write a big post is if I'm enjoying myself enough and I have enough opportunity to make a big post. Like, I'm fairly certain I'm not that good at RPing because there's plenty of other people whose skills I can compare mine to, but people will call me good because I can make a wall or two. Like, no, it's not just the post length! It's the information! Every paragraph should be something new or distinct in someway, and not just a rehash of the paragraph before it. That's how foreshadowing gets done! You take the lack of information and you fill it in yourself and whatnot. It's like free exposition, and people seem to prioritize just making it...The same exposition.

It gets somewhat irritating because people also lose the encouragement to write because there's people around them who have these big posts and potentially good roleplayers get intimidated because they can't write that much. It can't be all big posts, right? Post length should be just as much as a tool as punctuation is, and one shouldn't be trying to make their post longer; they should be trying to make it more exciting. Like, a post can last for three sentences if it's just a dialogue scene; that's just how the passage of time goes so you only really have a dozen or so seconds in the timeframe. I try to encourage shorter posts because less information can make better delivery, and if my posts turn out long; I don't mind if my partner goes with a shorter post if I can make something out of it. Short posts are often how I make long replies, but it seems like people just give up entirely on it. Or maybe I'm crazy, I don't know.
ShredKnives ShredKnives I think the problem isn't so much "more words = better" it's "are your a minimalist writer or a descriptive writer?" What I mean by that is some people just naturally produce long posts. It isn't a struggle or hardship for them because they enjoy fleshing out scenes, writing inner thoughts, adding NPC interaction, etc. So when they write they want someone who is equally descriptive to help them expand the world. (otherwise it does start to feel like one person doing all the work which can get frustrating)

And that writing imbalance where one person is doing all the world building is precisely why post lengths exist. It isn't so much "write more words so your a better writer" it's "write more words so I am not the only one doing all the heavy lifting."

The problem being that if you are not naturally a descriptive writer who knows how to expand the world through your posts. Then you basically end up with someone hitting an arbitrary post length but still not actually contributing to the world building at all.

It's why I think a lot of people have moved away from post requirements and just give out writing samples. That will give you a much better look at the style of writing. As personally I don't care how much you write, I just care that your capable of expanding the world with me.
I hate, with every fiber of my being, roleplays that limit the number of powers a character can have while not also limiting what those power can do.

It just leads to situations where people cram as many different abilities as they can into a singular power with increasingly half-assed justifications, while those that actually follows the spirit of the rules gets punished because their characters are now insanely underpowered compared to those that don't.

Also, it leads to such insane scenarios where things like having a character capable of both flying and shooting bolts of heat get rejected while someone else can make a character that can literally manipulate everything natural and get accepted because the latter used the term "nature manipulation" to describe their powers.

I just don't get why people bother keeping a rule that ultimately does nothing. Whenever I ask I just tend to get a vauge "It's for balance reasons" as an anwser but nobody can explain how it balances shit.

And it really sucks because I really like roleplays that does limit the powers a character can have, but every time I join one I have to play a fucking russian roulette to see whether or not it actually enforces it rules.
I hate, with every fiber of my being, roleplays that limit the number of powers a character can have while not also limiting what those power can do.

It just leads to situations where people cram as many different abilities as they can into a singular power with increasingly half-assed justifications, while those that actually follows the spirit of the rules gets punished because their characters are now insanely underpowered compared to those that don't.

Also, it leads to such insane scenarios where things like having a character capable of both flying and shooting bolts of heat get rejected while someone else can make a character that can literally manipulate everything natural and get accepted because the latter used the term "nature manipulation" to describe their powers.

I just don't get why people bother keeping a rule that ultimately does nothing. Whenever I ask I just tend to get a vauge "It's for balance reasons" as an anwser but nobody can explain how it balances shit.

And it really sucks because I really like roleplays that does limit the powers a character can have, but every time I join one I have to play a fucking russian roulette to see whether or not it actually enforces it rules.
This is why whenever I create RPs, I do this sub human trope. For instance, my RP that's ongoing right now, I have subhumans.

Beserkers, Angels, Fae, Mer, etc.

Each sub type has a set of abilties and a couple blessing for op moments. Just try to find RPs that give the powers to the OCs, you know? (Sorry I'm typing on my phone.)
Owlbear Owlbear I think that is ultimately why I would run my own powered group roleplays. I will never forget the time I joined the second saga of a roleplay with my previous character only to be told by my friend running the roleplay that the character wasn’t accepted.

It was literally a reboot of the previous roleplay two years or whatever into the future. That person’s character had been best friends with the character I was pitching.

I realized then the only difference was my previous account had been hacked. So either they thought I was stealing my own character or it was more about forming a inner clique.

I find the best way to do circumvent wasting your time when it comes to “open roleplay or mean girls clique” is just send an elevator pitch.

If they can’t accept the two paragraph explanation of the character/powers then meh not worth the effort.

If it makes you feel better having done extensive powered roleplays (groups and 1x1s) the clique-y BS makes for short lived drama riddles roleplays anyway.
I find the best way to do circumvent wasting your time when it comes to “open roleplay or mean girls clique” is just send an elevator pitch.
I don't see how this solves my issue though. Even if they accept my elevator pitch, I still won't know whether they are actually going to enforce the rule in question or if they going to do it in name only.
I don't see how this solves my issue though. Even if they accept my elevator pitch, I still won't know whether they are actually going to enforce the rule in question or if they going to do it in name only.

You can if you submit a test power. I mean why not submit a pitch with “natural manipulation?” It isn’t like you have to stick to the power. You can always come back later and be like “I have thought about it and I would like to narrow my focus a bit.”

But at least that way you know off the bat, hey they are either enforcing the rule or not.
Oh god, this is what I need. A good rant. I’m just going to jump right in…

There’s this specific type of roleplay group that I really hate and it’s almost impossible to tell if you’re joining one. It’s the “everyone in here knows each other already.” Don’t get me wrong, people can have friends. I just find that in groups like these, especially as someone who knows no one, that you can get left out almost always. I’ve been on two like this and it’s so exhausting.

No matter how hard you try to connect it just isn’t happening. You get ignored, wether intentionally or unintentionally. They have inside jokes and other rp’s they talk about that you know nothing about. Then they don’t bother waiting for you. At. All.

I was in a group where I joined, everyone was friends with each other except me, and they did character relationships without even thinking to @ me or let me know. It made making relationships awkward and so difficult because everyone already had their characters “best friend” or “lover”. Yada yada.

Being in groups like these just make you feel left out and invisible. It’s so frustrating. I want to connect with people but it’s hard when they already have their friends and aren’t looking for more.

Secondly, there’s a specific role player/character combo I hate. It’s the asshole character who doesn’t like anyone or has an unnecessary response of violence to everything.

Then, when you want to maybe make a relationship with said asshole, the player themselves is an asshole. They make no attempt to make some semblance of relationship or interaction with you or your character. Except… someone else’s character is the except to their hatred for everyone and is their best friend.

It’s especially infuriating when you have two character like this and all they do is just be complete d u c k s (yes Ik how I spelt that) about everything.

You’ve never met real frustration until you’ve had to deal with trying to plan out interactions and you’re met with. “No, he wouldn’t tolerate them.” “No, they wouldn’t let that happen.” Like, at least COMPROMISE. Also, I don’t care what your character will or won’t like. Interactions like those are what create character development and tense situations.

I’m so tired of these asshole character and their players who are clearly only in the rp to roleplay with a select few other people, THEIR FRIENDS.

it’s like, great, have your character be a complete douche but could you at least work with me here??? I feel like I’m going to have to avoid you and your character for the whole rp and at that point it’s not even worth it.

I get it, wanting to rp with your friends but if that’s what you want to do, go do that separately and spare me the stress. I’m trying to have a good time not doubt myself because I feel ignored and unwanted.

if anyone can relate to this, lmk cause uGH it’s so frustrating!!
Oh god, this is what I need. A good rant. I’m just going to jump right in…

There’s this specific type of roleplay group that I really hate and it’s almost impossible to tell if you’re joining one. It’s the “everyone in here knows each other already.” Don’t get me wrong, people can have friends. I just find that in groups like these, especially as someone who knows no one, that you can get left out almost always. I’ve been on two like this and it’s so exhausting.

No matter how hard you try to connect it just isn’t happening. You get ignored, wether intentionally or unintentionally. They have inside jokes and other rp’s they talk about that you know nothing about. Then they don’t bother waiting for you. At. All.

I was in a group where I joined, everyone was friends with each other except me, and they did character relationships without even thinking to @ me or let me know. It made making relationships awkward and so difficult because everyone already had their characters “best friend” or “lover”. Yada yada.

Being in groups like these just make you feel left out and invisible. It’s so frustrating. I want to connect with people but it’s hard when they already have their friends and aren’t looking for more.

Secondly, there’s a specific role player/character combo I hate. It’s the asshole character who doesn’t like anyone or has an unnecessary response of violence to everything.

Then, when you want to maybe make a relationship with said asshole, the player themselves is an asshole. They make no attempt to make some semblance of relationship or interaction with you or your character. Except… someone else’s character is the except to their hatred for everyone and is their best friend.

It’s especially infuriating when you have two character like this and all they do is just be complete d u c k s (yes Ik how I spelt that) about everything.

You’ve never met real frustration until you’ve had to deal with trying to plan out interactions and you’re met with. “No, he wouldn’t tolerate them.” “No, they wouldn’t let that happen.” Like, at least COMPROMISE. Also, I don’t care what your character will or won’t like. Interactions like those are what create character development and tense situations.

I’m so tired of these asshole character and their players who are clearly only in the rp to roleplay with a select few other people, THEIR FRIENDS.

it’s like, great, have your character be a complete douche but could you at least work with me here??? I feel like I’m going to have to avoid you and your character for the whole rp and at that point it’s not even worth it.

I get it, wanting to rp with your friends but if that’s what you want to do, go do that separately and spare me the stress. I’m trying to have a good time not doubt myself because I feel ignored and unwanted.

if anyone can relate to this, lmk cause uGH it’s so frustrating!!

I have been on the receiving end and "giving" end (I guess you could call it that).

On the receiving end, I've had players get all eDgY with me and be all like "my character is a badass but they don't make much sense" and then I usually make a character who can one up them in every single way and I just watch them flounder or try to one up me even more or even auto my character. That's fun and against the rules, so yea. XD They are also the players who are so arrogant they are up their own buttholes with it, and are also super eDgY like that and think no one can understand them or their character (mainly because their character's have superficial and shallow personalities and backstories that make it obvious they made the characters for the "cool" and "edgy" and for use as a medium to act out their own actions they'd like to do in irl or in that situation in the RP). I have also been on the receiving end of being in an RP group that was letting people join, yet the older members get special treatment due to more exposure. The less exposure you have, the less likely anyone would want to do anything with you except for the really nice members. It felt very alienating from the get-go but I have a knack for ignoring stuff like that, I guess as I chugged on through until I realized the group was led by one toxic person who enabled toxic behavior in their moderators. XD

On the giving end partially, I've had a player who made an RP and wanted my friends and I to join, only for them to realize that my friends and I had interesting dynamics and our characters all knew each other except her own character. Problem was, my friends and I tried to talk to them and be friends with their character and understand them as a player, but they got salty. Instead of taking the interactions with grace and being included, they instead had their character ignore our characters, even though they wanted interactions and then deleted the RP thread and discussion. I talked with them about it and they were like "you all were friends and I felt left out". I told them that we tried including them with our characters and that we could have made it work out instead of acting salty and deleting the RP thread for no reason. And then they were like "well, it's too late". Because they couldn't get their emotions straight, I decided to just leave them be and not talk with them anymore. Plus, they accused me of outing them in front of a bunch of people on the same thread and didn't ask me to clarify before embarrassing themselves and me by blaming me for something I didn't do (or at least mistaken themselves for me doing it). In addition to all of that, I have made some very edgy characters who contradicted bits of the story if it didn't fit the direction I wanted to take my character or the narrative I had in my head for them. That was four years ago and I feel awful for doing that. XD That's not fun to deal with.

Sorry for the two blocks of text. XD

TL; DR: I gone through everything you have gone through and I have done everything that those people did to you (whether that was intentional or not).
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When people "read" your recruitment post that says "3-4+ paragraphs" or advanced or semi literate and still end up giving you a paragraph or less with the spelling/grammar and story creation on their side equal or less than the skills of a 3rd grader.

Nah....I think my writing skills were still pretty good as a 3rd grader.

Then they ghost you when you mirror the same amount as them. (But I still have loads of detail and stuff) .____.;,,
Secondly, there’s a specific role player/character combo I hate. It’s the asshole character who doesn’t like anyone or has an unnecessary response of violence to everything.
I've had these people try to RP with me in a 1x1. Yeah. A 1x1 with some who wants to focus on their jerk character. And despite them usually trying to make out like people who don't like RPing with them being big babies they tend to be pretty whiny when they don't get their way.

I find these type you just be blunt. "Yeah, I don't find it fun to spend the RP making it about your characters difficult personality. Those RPs tend to be one sided with only the jerk having fun. If both people aren't having fun then the RP is a waste of time."
It's not really something that will get me angry, more annoyed than anything, but if I'm planning a roleplay with another person they have little to no ideas to contribute or it feels like walking on eggshells to try to get an idea out of them. I mean, are we not planning out a story together? Why am I the only one putting out story and character ideas, at least a starting point?
This might be a really unpopular opinion but I really hate when people recycle characters. I get it you like the character but isn't half the fun making the character in the first place? What's the point if you're just going to PR the same thing over and over again? I get maybe doing it from your own pool once or twice if you have a personal story you aren't sharing, but I've known some people to just have a rotating stable of three to five characters.
This might be a really unpopular opinion but I really hate when people recycle characters. I get it you like the character but isn't half the fun making the character in the first place? What's the point if you're just going to PR the same thing over and over again? I get maybe doing it from your own pool once or twice if you have a personal story you aren't sharing, but I've known some people to just have a rotating stable of three to five characters.
Is that unpopular? I almost never recycle characters, but I wouldn't be against it totally. Many RP's fail and you don't get anywhere close to fulfilling their story, or even playing them so ur not really playing them over and over again. (I don't do 1x1s so maybe you get more chances there.) But I'd never have a rotating door. LOL, but I can say I've made characters that have only had 1-2 posts, 0 posts (I probably have like 4-5 char in this category), or been in RP's that didn't even make it past the 2nd page. Out of all the characters I've ever made, (mind you I have never recycled a char once) I've only had 1 char that I feel I played enough to fulfill their story. So if it's a char you really like and you never get to finish whatever char arcs you might have had in mind (or get close) i can understand someone being stubborn and being like...no I will finish it this time. That said, some people refuse to realize that your favorite char wont fit in every universe and it can feel very forced. Where i'm going with this.
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This might be a really unpopular opinion but I really hate when people recycle characters. I get it you like the character but isn't half the fun making the character in the first place? What's the point if you're just going to PR the same thing over and over again? I get maybe doing it from your own pool once or twice if you have a personal story you aren't sharing, but I've known some people to just have a rotating stable of three to five characters.
Is that unpopular? I almost never recycle characters, but I wouldn't be against it totally. Many RP's fail and you don't get anywhere close to fulfilling their story, or even playing them so ur not really playing them over and over again. (I don't do 1x1s so maybe you get more chances there.) But I'd never have a rotating door. LOL, but I can say I've made characters that have only had 1-2 posts, 0 posts, or been in RP's that didn't even make it past the 2nd page. Out of all the characters I've ever made, I've only had 1 char that I feel I played enough to fulfill their story. So if it's a char you really like and you never get to finish whatever char arcs you might have had in mind (or get close) i can understand someone being stubborn and being like...no I will finish it this time. That said, some people refuse to realize that your favorite char wont fit in every universe and it can feel very forced. Idk where i'm going with this.

As a person who recycles my characters, reason why I do this is because I already have a lot of characters. If I make too many, they risk being one or two-dimensional beings. Plus, none of the RPs I have been in ever finish except for two and they didn't have my more important characters. Half the fun for me is character development and character dynamics between other OCs, not making characters. In actuality, making more characters is even more painful for me due to me getting tired of filling out character sheets. Plus, some people have this one character they want to finish their life or put it in more detail, so they RP as that character solely. Of course, these are characters who join RPs set in the same universe, so I'm not going to have my Pokemon Trainer OC Sean appear anywhere else in another universe that isn't about Pokemon, including crossover RPs.
Pet Peeves: Well this would be geared to my own posts. But whenever I reread my own post and something doesn't feel or read right, but I can't figure it out.
As a person who recycles my characters, reason why I do this is because I already have a lot of characters. If I make too many, they risk being one or two-dimensional beings. Plus, none of the RPs I have been in ever finish except for two and they didn't have my more important characters. Half the fun for me is character development and character dynamics between other OCs, not making characters. In actuality, making more characters is even more painful for me due to me getting tired of filling out character sheets. Plus, some people have this one character they want to finish their life or put it in more detail, so they RP as that character solely. Of course, these are characters who join RPs set in the same universe, so I'm not going to have my Pokemon Trainer OC Sean appear anywhere else in another universe that isn't about Pokemon, including crossover RPs.
Yeah that's pretty much an example of what I meant. I think im reaching the point where I have to start recycling char since I have so many who actually didn't do much of anything lol, and at what point are they reaaallllllly different. Like some of my characters are starting to look very similar. xD
As a person who recycles my characters, reason why I do this is because I already have a lot of characters. If I make too many, they risk being one or two-dimensional beings. Plus, none of the RPs I have been in ever finish except for two and they didn't have my more important characters. Half the fun for me is character development and character dynamics between other OCs, not making characters. In actuality, making more characters is even more painful for me due to me getting tired of filling out character sheets. Plus, some people have this one character they want to finish their life or put it in more detail, so they RP as that character solely. Of course, these are characters who join RPs set in the same universe, so I'm not going to have my Pokemon Trainer OC Sean appear anywhere else in another universe that isn't about Pokemon, including crossover RPs.
I think that's fine, there's definitely a kind of person though who tries to jam their 3-4 characters into anything and everything and that's mostly who I'm talking about. So their characters end up being two-dimensional because they're basically all mary-sues that need to fit into any world the character could possibly inhabit.
Is that unpopular? I almost never recycle characters, but I wouldn't be against it totally. Many RP's fail and you don't get anywhere close to fulfilling their story, or even playing them so ur not really playing them over and over again. (I don't do 1x1s so maybe you get more chances there.) But I'd never have a rotating door. LOL, but I can say I've made characters that have only had 1-2 posts, 0 posts (I probably have like 4-5 char in this category), or been in RP's that didn't even make it past the 2nd page. Out of all the characters I've ever made, (mind you I have never recycled a char once) I've only had 1 char that I feel I played enough to fulfill their story. So if it's a char you really like and you never get to finish whatever char arcs you might have had in mind (or get close) i can understand someone being stubborn and being like...no I will finish it this time. That said, some people refuse to realize that your favorite char wont fit in every universe and it can feel very forced. Where i'm going with this.
I thought it was unpopular because I see it around a lot, maybe it's just my friends haha.
I think that's fine, there's definitely a kind of person though who tries to jam their 3-4 characters into anything and everything and that's mostly who I'm talking about. So their characters end up being two-dimensional because they're basically all mary-sues that need to fit into any world the character could possibly inhabit.

I usually call that premade characters, as I think the problem is more that your putting a character into a story they don’t fit rather than reusing an idea.

I have that happen a lot in romantic roleplays and it drives me up a wall. Because it basically forces my character into a narrow box to accommodate this premade story the person has in mind for their character.
I'd say communication barriers are way up there. That and overtly reactive people. You know those people that seriously believe to the core of their being your every move is maneuvered to disgruntle them. What is that called, Main Character Syndrome? Yeah. That aha Other than that not much bothers me because communication barriers cover A LOT of past and current frustrations lol.
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I usually call that premade characters, as I think the problem is more that your putting a character into a story they don’t fit rather than reusing an idea.

I have that happen a lot in romantic roleplays and it drives me up a wall. Because it basically forces my character into a narrow box to accommodate this premade story the person has in mind for their character.
Yeah! I think somehow you articulated my feelings better than me haha. It's definitely the not-fitting part that bugs me more than the reuse of characters.
I hate when people refuse to call me Da-Pizza-Boi

But seriously, I dislike working on extremely lengthy character sheets.
I can also agree with that. Especially because some fields are pretty useless. You're going to naturally learn about the character over the RP so I don't like certain fields like, Like/Dislike, Appearance when you already requested a picture, a long-winded personality section, etc. It's the epitome of tell don't show.
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