Other What would you tell your 14 year old self?

I haven't been 14 yet but I would say to my 14 year old self.. "Hi, me from the future. How ya doin', good lookin'?"
More than one Waifu, will destroy your laifu

Haku is a boy

Bleach fucking sucks

Psychology is worthless

Hilary Clinton is evil

Consoles are for peasants

Brush your damn teeth idiot

One day you're gonna be addicted to surfing the web. Careful

Diablo 3 is gonna fucking blow

Don't eat chips. Eat stuff like chicken and steak if you must eat greasy food but junk food makes you fat and cranky

2d > 3D

stop being a pussy and talk to Erica Larson

Wear deodarent

Don't be a fucking pleb. Talk in front of your class.

Roleplaying is going to destroy your life in your first year of college. Don't do it

Target fucking sucks dick. Don't work there

Mobile phones are evil. This was written on one but it wouldn't be necessary if you weren't addicted to the internet at the your beck and call

Google is evil

Political correctness would become a cancer that would be a threat to your gaming habits.

America is alright.

Get in the fucking robot, shinji.

Stop being a snowflake

The world is a giant butthole. Your job is to not get swept away by its shit.

Pikachu is best

Ezekiel from the Old Testament is awesome.

Live in a world of facts, not belief.

Discussing religion on the internet is about as fun as digging a ditch.
That girl you like talking to during breaks? Gonna destroy you some time down the line. Avoid her like the plague...

Oh yeah, and cool it with the soft drinks. Caffeine is gonna mess you up later. There will be many sleepless nights and coffee'll be your life.
26 now I would tell my 14 year old self to finish school on time and not be an idiot... not only that to never go to Job Corp.......
Don't choose Technology, your social life doesn't get better so don't get your hopes up, learn to deal with grief sooner rather than later. Enjoy rollercoasters.
I would tell my 14 year old self to keep working out, because holy shit am i a fat boi. I look so much better in my high school pictures. I had to actually try and get a double chin, now that shit is permanent.
"You may think you're smart but you're the greatest idiot I know. Please listen to your intuitions."
I would say: Just relax. No one knows what they are doing either, you’re all hormonal teens that don’t know how to do life properly. Actually people will find you cooler if you accept yourself.

Also, today’s lottery numbers will be…
Id uppercut my 14 year old self so he gets over that whole "im undefeated" kick...
still undefeated, perhaps i should worry about my future self?
Never write notes to people.
Or about the girl who sits next to you.
Figure out what you really want to do.
Get out of your head, or you'll trap yourself in there.
Talk to your parents, they actually want to understand.
Write down your ideas, people like them more than you'd think.

And above all else, don't imagine your life as a storybook.

You'll lose your direction in the pages.
i’d tell them to put down the fucking nonsense book and do your homework at a normal time.
probably tell them to go to bed before 4 am thinking its okay when i woke up at 6:30 AM
Don't change anything about you. Life will suck, it will rock, and it will meh. Also, suck it up and the next time he says something and you want to tell it to him, do it, and if that thought crosses your mind, be smart... And know that people need you.
1. Stop with the racoon eyes.
2. Teased hair and coon stripe dye is not okay.
3. Nobody believes those fake piercings are real.
4. The 10000 bracelets on your arm are not cute.
1: you have a herniated disk, it isint growing pains, walk and exercise more before it fucks you up permanently

2: you have pcos, dont use the nuvaring, get on birth control, your boobs hurt because your not a dcup

3: get your sister to the hospital right the fuck now!

4: yoyr mother is a c-word, dont trust her and go live with your grandmother soon

5: ask for money and set it aside, you'll need it later

6: try and get your great uncle out of the house more often, before you turn 17 he will pass so dont go to nakakon that year

7: if you dont manage to get out of the house before your 17, there will be a dog posting on craigslist, and you will adore that dog, get her checked out for cancer when she starts tripping and take her out for more playtime, buy stock in frisbees too
8: steampunk is awesome, throw out your clothes and get with the program

9: if you meet someone from minecraft with the name chris don't fake date him, the 3 years of misery arent worth it
10: dont let your friends manipulate you and if dad ever starts dating, try and spend as much time with him as you can.
I would tell my 14 year old self to stop caring about other people's opinions who won't matter in the long run. I'd tell him to start living life one day at a time rather than constantly being caught up in the past. To keep following his dreams and not get caught up in the BS that is high school, and just enjoy himself while working hard. Then I would tell him to run cross country because it will turn out to be his favorite high school sport and will give him loads of confidence and a sense of accomplishment he's never had before.
Don't put the d in the v. It's graphic maybe gross but that's what I would tell myself. Or seek the Lord Jesus!

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