Other What Color of Mana Best Suits You? (Quizz)

1.What is... (to you)


What you make of it. It depends so wildly on the contest at hand.


For the world to do onto people fair punishment for their transgressions, and just as importantly fair reward for selfless or beneficial acts; a parent giving a child a time out for a tantrum and a video game for good grades.


Political conflict at its most primal. The actions of brave men and women speaking louder than the words of a politician.


For the Individual? Lessons learned and personal growth. For the collective of society? An increase in the well being of citizens and the environment in at least one area without a decrease in well being of citizens in the environment in another.


Being able to be 100% honest with someone. Being able to tell them or ask of them anything earnestly without fear of judgement, even if they say no or decline to help or participate. Someone who will hear you out no matter the circumstances.

2. What is your favorite animal?


3.What is the most important quality to have in battle?

Knoledge. To know yourself, what you can do, how you will react when you are injured or scared or losing.

4.What role would you rather have in a teamfight?

Ranged Support/Sniper

5.A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?

-To be an immortal meta human with a physical appearance of my choosing, super speed and agility, super strength, intelligence, perfect memory, no allergies or medical conditions, stay in perfect shape even if I don't work out, etc.
-To have a tulpa of mine become a their own person (also a meta human with similar qualities).
-For the Genie to be free of his/her curse.

6.When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...

-Attempt to leverage areas you are superior in.

7.You and your friend are prepared for a final match, finding one another to be your final opponent. You both have something extremely important on the line, and winning or losing this match will determine who manages to achieve their goal or who loses. There is no middle ground that can be achieved, no way for both of you to get what you came for. There's only the match. Your friend trusts you enough that they are willing to let you make the call, you can have one of you throw the match, or you can duke it out fairly. Which do you choose?

-We're friends, so. Either way one of us wins something we really want. Might as well have a competition.

8.You roll a six-sided die. Which are you hoping to roll? (the context is null and void for this question. You're pretty much just throwing the dice for the sake of it)
A) 6, the biggest number
B) You're content no matter what number falls
C) You really just want it to get struct in the cracks, that sounds real exciting (AKA stopping without landing on any one face)
D) Whatever number you think the side may be skewed towards
E) 1, the lowest number

9.Following a hacking to the government of your country, random people received piles of documents containing highly classified information which could come to expose nefarious secrets kept under lock and key up until that point. It also will contain a variety of other information of course, and though you suspect it is mostly mundane, there is a chance crucial information is being kept there which could provide information to even worse groups. You are one of the people who receive such documents and quickly find you can't open them to check, but only have two available options: "Share", which will expose all the documents to the public, or "Delete" which will delete those documents.

Which button do you click?

If the government has a worm or tracking program on those, they trace them to my computer and find out I spread those them? Deleting. I'm setting myself up for a shitstorm if I release them. Also the situation seems really contrived, almost suspiciously so.

10.What is your stance on freedom VS safety?

A middle ground must be struck. There are simple clever mechanisms by which can ensure a lot of safety can be provided without infringing on people's freedom much. Now safety vs privacy *takes long drag of cigarette* that's another story.

11.Society has fallen into chaos as an evil god was released from their seal and began tearing havoc. However, they offer you a special choice, a chance to make it stop: If humanity hosts an event like the hunger games every year, they will spare humanity for that year. He has yet another offer: You can personally torture and murder a young child instead of hosting that hunger games-like event, and the evil god will still spare humanity for that year. Which option do you take?

Well said god is clearly a manipulative shitbag. He's still technically torturing me, just by making me pick two evils and praying on my morality instead of just giving me any actual physical torture. They're just using me as a disciple to sow their evil.

I pretend to be nervous about torturing a small child, and take the hunger games option to bide time, and with the political importance I gain as the decision maker and head of the hunger games, and the god looking the other way, devote resources to sealing the god away again.

12. What is your stance on group needs VS individual needs?

The collective relies on individuals. Individuals make up the collective. Both need to be accounted for, with a certain degree of pragmatism.

13.After arriving at Hitler's crib having travelled back in time (and ignoring the ramifications of that and all), you are about to pull the trigger when your friend who travelled with you proposes a different solution: taking baby Hitler and moving them to a different family, so that they might be raised differently. What are your thoughts on this proposal?

I would leave him right where he was. The world needs to remember him as a symbol of how evil and corrupt people can become, even if that comes at a great cost to others. If hitler never comes to power then another tyrant would just take his place.

14.What is your stance on nature VS nurture?

As someone standing ankle deep in my family's gene pool of mental illness, allergies, diabetes and heart disease, I can say what you are born with can impact your performance and create unfair biases. But I also feel that the environment you are raised in growing up can wildly impact an individual organism. It's an incredibly complex situation and neither one can really be pointed to as being more influential than the other.

15.Someone very dear to you has just been declared a traitor and a murderer, and is currently on the run. As you come home that day, you find them hiding in your house, and they tell you they didn't do any of what they are accused of, and beg you to hide them until they can gather proof of their innocence. They don't know how long it will take or how difficult it will be, but something tells you they are telling the truth, or at least so you think. What do you do?

If they were innocent they would have turned themselves in and asked for a forensic investigation to take place, since they would be confident they were innocent. I would explain that that running and hiding would only look more guilty as they were likely panicked by the situation. If they agreed with me and let me call the police to take them in and do and investigation, then they were innocent. If they refused to let an investigator look into it then they are probably guilty of what they are accused of and I should probably be ready to defend myself.

16.Do you tend to follow your heart or follow your brain more?

I like to think I follow my brain. But I think I follow my heart more often without realizing it.

17.You and a coworker each put in the same amount of effort in your jobs this month. However, your coworker is just more naturally skilled at the job than you are, thus making them far more productive. Your boss wants to reward him for that, but he is also quite the greedy boss, and thus you have a strong suspicion he is going to take your coworker's raise right out of your paycheck. However, your boss has yet to find the truth and you happen to run into a chance to manipulate the data to make it look like YOU produced more. Do you do it?

I would probably preserve my integrity. If the boss is greedy and my pay is getting cut for reasons out of my control, I can use it as an excuse to simply find a new job elsewhere, perhaps one in where I can be in that superior position. And I don't want the risk of getting caught for that kind of cheating to infringe on my credibility when trying to apply for new jobs.

18.Which is more important, learning to appreciate what you have, or seising the opportunities that appear before you?

I personally lean more towards appreciating what you already have over new opportunities. Though I find living by either philosophy as accepable. (I can't un-bold this response for whatever reason)

19.As it happens, you were right there when the Notre Dame caught fire. You weren't in time to stop it, but on a whim you find yourself going inside in an attempt to save something. Which of the following are you more likely to save?

A)Whatever looks like it'll sell for the most
B)Nothing, I just leave back again. What a stupid idea throwing myself to the flames for some trinkets or what have you...
C)A symbol of great religious importance
D)People. The objects, the church itself are pretty much doomed anyway, I'd only be searching for people.

20.What's the absolute minimum that would make you take a life?

-100% Assurance that I won't be witnessed or found out, caught and punished.


-Self Defense. If it's me or them I'm going to make sure it's me.

21.What are the ideal vacation spot and activities for you?

-Quiet pristine tropical beach
-Lay there half asleep, watch the clouds and listen to the waves roll in.
-Appreciate how good it is to be alive.
-I'm done.

22.What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?

-I'm vindictive. I have a very hard time forgiving people, especially when they did wrongs while intentionally ignoring my feelings or trying to bully or taunt me.

23.What is your biggest quality, in your opinion?

-To be able to see and understand other perspectives and opinions, even if I don't agree with them.

BONUS QUESTION: Besides having fun, what's the number 1 thing you seek in a game?

-To learn or practice something or teach someone else something.
1.What is... (to you)


What you make of it. It depends so wildly on the contest at hand.


For the world to do onto people fair punishment for their transgressions, and just as importantly fair reward for selfless or beneficial acts; a parent giving a child a time out for a tantrum and a video game for good grades.


Political conflict at its most primal. The actions of brave men and women speaking louder than the words of a politician.


For the Individual? Lessons learned and personal growth. For the collective of society? An increase in the well being of citizens and the environment in at least one area without a decrease in well being of citizens in the environment in another.


Being able to be 100% honest with someone. Being able to tell them or ask of them anything earnestly without fear of judgement, even if they say no or decline to help or participate. Someone who will hear you out no matter the circumstances.

2. What is your favorite animal?


3.What is the most important quality to have in battle?

Knoledge. To know yourself, what you can do, how you will react when you are injured or scared or losing.

4.What role would you rather have in a teamfight?

Ranged Support/Sniper

5.A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?

-To be an immortal meta human with a physical appearance of my choosing, super speed and agility, super strength, intelligence, perfect memory, no allergies or medical conditions, stay in perfect shape even if I don't work out, etc.
-To have a tulpa of mine become a their own person (also a meta human with similar qualities).
-For the Genie to be free of his/her curse.

6.When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...

-Attempt to leverage areas you are superior in.

7.You and your friend are prepared for a final match, finding one another to be your final opponent. You both have something extremely important on the line, and winning or losing this match will determine who manages to achieve their goal or who loses. There is no middle ground that can be achieved, no way for both of you to get what you came for. There's only the match. Your friend trusts you enough that they are willing to let you make the call, you can have one of you throw the match, or you can duke it out fairly. Which do you choose?

-We're friends, so. Either way one of us wins something we really want. Might as well have a competition.

8.You roll a six-sided die. Which are you hoping to roll? (the context is null and void for this question. You're pretty much just throwing the dice for the sake of it)
A) 6, the biggest number
B) You're content no matter what number falls
C) You really just want it to get struct in the cracks, that sounds real exciting (AKA stopping without landing on any one face)
D) Whatever number you think the side may be skewed towards
E) 1, the lowest number

9.Following a hacking to the government of your country, random people received piles of documents containing highly classified information which could come to expose nefarious secrets kept under lock and key up until that point. It also will contain a variety of other information of course, and though you suspect it is mostly mundane, there is a chance crucial information is being kept there which could provide information to even worse groups. You are one of the people who receive such documents and quickly find you can't open them to check, but only have two available options: "Share", which will expose all the documents to the public, or "Delete" which will delete those documents.

Which button do you click?

If the government has a worm or tracking program on those, they trace them to my computer and find out I spread those them? Deleting. I'm setting myself up for a shitstorm if I release them. Also the situation seems really contrived, almost suspiciously so.

10.What is your stance on freedom VS safety?

A middle ground must be struck. There are simple clever mechanisms by which can ensure a lot of safety can be provided without infringing on people's freedom much. Now safety vs privacy *takes long drag of cigarette* that's another story.

11.Society has fallen into chaos as an evil god was released from their seal and began tearing havoc. However, they offer you a special choice, a chance to make it stop: If humanity hosts an event like the hunger games every year, they will spare humanity for that year. He has yet another offer: You can personally torture and murder a young child instead of hosting that hunger games-like event, and the evil god will still spare humanity for that year. Which option do you take?

Well said god is clearly a manipulative shitbag. He's still technically torturing me, just by making me pick two evils and praying on my morality instead of just giving me any actual physical torture. They're just using me as a disciple to sow their evil.

I pretend to be nervous about torturing a small child, and take the hunger games option to bide time, and with the political importance I gain as the decision maker and head of the hunger games, and the god looking the other way, devote resources to sealing the god away again.

12. What is your stance on group needs VS individual needs?

The collective relies on individuals. Individuals make up the collective. Both need to be accounted for, with a certain degree of pragmatism.

13.After arriving at Hitler's crib having travelled back in time (and ignoring the ramifications of that and all), you are about to pull the trigger when your friend who travelled with you proposes a different solution: taking baby Hitler and moving them to a different family, so that they might be raised differently. What are your thoughts on this proposal?

I would leave him right where he was. The world needs to remember him as a symbol of how evil and corrupt people can become, even if that comes at a great cost to others. If hitler never comes to power then another tyrant would just take his place.

14.What is your stance on nature VS nurture?

As someone standing ankle deep in my family's gene pool of mental illness, allergies, diabetes and heart disease, I can say what you are born with can impact your performance and create unfair biases. But I also feel that the environment you are raised in growing up can wildly impact an individual organism. It's an incredibly complex situation and neither one can really be pointed to as being more influential than the other.

15.Someone very dear to you has just been declared a traitor and a murderer, and is currently on the run. As you come home that day, you find them hiding in your house, and they tell you they didn't do any of what they are accused of, and beg you to hide them until they can gather proof of their innocence. They don't know how long it will take or how difficult it will be, but something tells you they are telling the truth, or at least so you think. What do you do?

If they were innocent they would have turned themselves in and asked for a forensic investigation to take place, since they would be confident they were innocent. I would explain that that running and hiding would only look more guilty as they were likely panicked by the situation. If they agreed with me and let me call the police to take them in and do and investigation, then they were innocent. If they refused to let an investigator look into it then they are probably guilty of what they are accused of and I should probably be ready to defend myself.

16.Do you tend to follow your heart or follow your brain more?

I like to think I follow my brain. But I think I follow my heart more often without realizing it.

17.You and a coworker each put in the same amount of effort in your jobs this month. However, your coworker is just more naturally skilled at the job than you are, thus making them far more productive. Your boss wants to reward him for that, but he is also quite the greedy boss, and thus you have a strong suspicion he is going to take your coworker's raise right out of your paycheck. However, your boss has yet to find the truth and you happen to run into a chance to manipulate the data to make it look like YOU produced more. Do you do it?

I would probably preserve my integrity. If the boss is greedy and my pay is getting cut for reasons out of my control, I can use it as an excuse to simply find a new job elsewhere, perhaps one in where I can be in that superior position. And I don't want the risk of getting caught for that kind of cheating to infringe on my credibility when trying to apply for new jobs.

18.Which is more important, learning to appreciate what you have, or seising the opportunities that appear before you?

I personally lean more towards appreciating what you already have over new opportunities. Though I find living by either philosophy as accepable. (I can't un-bold this response for whatever reason)

19.As it happens, you were right there when the Notre Dame caught fire. You weren't in time to stop it, but on a whim you find yourself going inside in an attempt to save something. Which of the following are you more likely to save?

A)Whatever looks like it'll sell for the most
B)Nothing, I just leave back again. What a stupid idea throwing myself to the flames for some trinkets or what have you...
C)A symbol of great religious importance
D)People. The objects, the church itself are pretty much doomed anyway, I'd only be searching for people.

20.What's the absolute minimum that would make you take a life?

-100% Assurance that I won't be witnessed or found out, caught and punished.


-Self Defense. If it's me or them I'm going to make sure it's me.

21.What are the ideal vacation spot and activities for you?

-Quiet pristine tropical beach
-Lay there half asleep, watch the clouds and listen to the waves roll in.
-Appreciate how good it is to be alive.
-I'm done.

22.What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?

-I'm vindictive. I have a very hard time forgiving people, especially when they did wrongs while intentionally ignoring my feelings or trying to bully or taunt me.

23.What is your biggest quality, in your opinion?

-To be able to see and understand other perspectives and opinions, even if I don't agree with them.

BONUS QUESTION: Besides having fun, what's the number 1 thing you seek in a game?

-To learn or practice something or teach someone else something.

Your result was blue and green, also known as Simic.

Blue is a color that wants to perfect things. Green is the color that says "things are fine, they've always been, the system works". You put those two together and you get a combination that wants to see things get better, but can't make up its mind on whether it wants to keep or change the system. Thus it compromises by helping the system as it is run more smoothly. It's an indecisive combination, but also one which continually making slow but steady progress. It's a color combination that prizes its capacity to adapt and to be original even in comformity.

Blue/green concepts: Adaptability, observation, stimulus, analysis, evolution

Green and Blue Simic.jpg

BONUS ANSWER: You appear to be a non-traditional Spike. Spikes are players who play to win. Proving their capabilities, the taking on of the challenge and their personal improvement as players is what drives a spike. That last point is where you fit- in the chase of victory one can learn most, for it puts one's skills to the test the most and forces them to adapt.

Further Reading (if you're interested): Improving Upon Nature
The Edgelord here.

1.What is... (to you)

1.1Victory? A gain without sacrificing what is important to you.

1.2Justice? An equality. To punish those who wrong and to protect those who are innocent.

1.3War? Something that blinds others to the lives they have taken, for sake of a country that view them as just a number.

1.4Progress? A natural part of life.

1.5Love? A emotion that keeps positive bonds together, with many different types of it.

2. What is your favorite animal? Orcas, powerful and clever.

3.What is the most important quality to have in battle? Experience still trumps all.

4.What role would you rather have in a team fight Damage Dealer. I prefer offense over defense and Iike knowing that I’m doing something to the opposition.

5.A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes? I don’t need wishes. I don’t have a desire that I can’t achieve without it and it wouldn’t be any fun if I achieved my dreams by wishing for it.

6.When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you... Learn and improve in that area and if that’s impossible, then I would confront it in a different area.

7.You and your friend are prepared for a final match, finding one another to be your final opponent. You both have something extremely important on the line, and winning or losing this match will determine who manages to achieve their goal or who loses. There is no middle ground that can be achieved, no way for both of you to get what you came for. There's only the match. Your friend trusts you enough that they are willing to let you make the call, you can have one of you throw the match, or you can duke it out fairly. Which do you choose? I’ll duke it out, it wouldn’t be fair to my friend if I let him sacrifice himself for my ambition or for him to bear the guilt for sacrificing me.

8.You roll a six-sided die. Which are you hoping to roll? (the context is null and void for this question. You're pretty much just throwing the dice for the sake of it)
A) 6, the biggest number
B) You're content nomatter what number falls
C) You really just want it to get struct in the cracks, that sounds real exciting (AKA stopping without landing on any one face)
D) Whatever number you think the side may be skewed towards
E) 1, the lowest number

A 6. Since most games have 6 as the best number. I want to win.

9.Following a hacking to the government of your country, random people received piles of documents containing highly classified information which could come to expose nefarious secrets kept under lock and key up until that point. It also will contain a variety of other information of course, and though you suspect it is mostly mundane, there is a chance crucial information is being kept there which could provide information to even worse groups. You are one of the people who receive such documents and quickly find you can't open them to check, but only have two available options: "Share", which will expose all the documents to the public, or "Delete" which will delete those documents.

Which button do you click

Alright, obviously the Hacker is testing me. Jokes on them I’m not doing anything, I refuse to play their game.

10.What is your stance on freedom VS safety? Freedom. Our choices are what make us Human.

11.Society has fallen into chaos as an evil god was released from their seal and began tearing havoc. However, they offer you a special choice, a chance to make it stop: If humanity hosts an event like the hunger games every year, they will spare humanity for that year. He has yet another offer: You can personally torture and murder a young child instead of hosting that hunger games-like event, and the evil god will still spare humanity for that year. Which option do you take? Neither, I’ll try and kill that god or die trying. Besides, I have no reason to believe he’d keep his word.

12. What is your stance on group needs VS individual needs? A group that chooses to ignore the individual is foolish. If the group constantly put itself over the individual will always dissolve.

13.After arriving at Hitler's crib having travelled back in time (and ignoring the ramifications of that and all), you are about to pull the trigger when your friend who travelled with you proposes a different solution: taking baby Hitler and moving them to a different family, so that they might be raised differently. What are your thoughts on this proposal? It’s a good plan, but what if isn’t the raising that made him into that person? What if it just makes it worse? While I’m not happy to kill a person for his future, but over 6 million lives are on the line. I can’t risk that. I’ll pull the trigger.

14.What is your stance on nature VS nurture? It’s a case by case basis. Some people are more effected by Nature, some by Nurture.

15.Someone very dear to you has just been declared a traitor and a murderer, and is currently on the run. As you come home that day, you find them hiding in your house, and they tell you they didn't do any of what they are accused of, and beg you to hide them until they can gather proof of their innocence. They don't know how long it will take or how difficult it will be, but something tells you they are telling the truth, or at least so you think. What do you do? I fake their death get them out of the country. Even if they gained that evidence, who’s to say that they aren’t being Scapegoated and that evidence would be tossed out if presented. It far less risky for both of us if they leave the country and start a new identity.

16.Do you tend to follow your heart or follow your brain more? Brain. I tend to prefer logic most of the time.

17.You and a coworker each put in the same amount of effort in your jobs this month. However, your coworker is just more naturally skilled at the job than you are, thus making them far more productive. Your boss wants to reward him for that, but he is also quite the greedy boss, and thus you have a strong suspicion he is going to take your coworker's raise right out of your paycheck. However, your boss has yet to find the truth and you happen to run into a chance to manipulate the data to make it look like YOU produced more. Do you do it? No, it’s too easy for the deception to be found out. It better to wait and see if he does it and file a complaint.

18.Which is more important, learning to appreciate what you have, or ceising the opportunities that appear before you? Ceising, life will continue to change regardless, so why not take initiative?

19.As it happens, you were right there when the Notre Dame caught fire. You weren't in time to stop it, but on a whim you find yourself going inside in an attempt to save something. Which of the following are you more likely to save?
A)Whatever looks like it'll sell for the most
B)Nothing, I just leave back again. What a stupid idea throwing myself to the flames for some trinkets or what have you...
C)A symbol of great religious importance
D)People. The objects, the church itself are pretty much doomed anyway, I'd only be searching for people.

D) People. Obviously I ran in here for a reason, taking something to sell would just be in bad taste, not to mention I might end up getting fined for doing that. I’m not religious and if I try and take an object, I’m risking burning my hands. So, People.

20.What's the absolute minimum that would make you take a life? If they hurt me or something I care about.

21.What are the ideal vacation spot and activities for you? A bustling historic city and sightseeing. I like exploring, but I’ve always preferred the city, over nature, besides people can be just as interesting as animals.

22.What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion? My skill in analysis. I am my worst critic. I have hesitated and lost so many chances, because of it. I have wasted so much time fixing flaws I found rather than moving on.

23.What is your biggest quality, in your opinion?
My skills in analysis, it is my worst enemy and my greatest talent. I have helped people close to me by advising them on the flaws and best ways to go about things.

BONUS QUESTION: Besides having fun, what's the number 1 thing you seek in a game? Complexity, I’m not looking for a simple game, I like complex games that makes you think.
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The Edgelord here.

1.What is... (to you)

1.1Victory? A gain without sacrificing what is important to you.

1.2Justice? An equality. To punish those who wrong and to protect those who are innocent.

1.3War? Something that blinds others to the lives they have taken for sake of a country that view them as just a number.

1.4Progress? A natural part of life.

1.5Love? A emotion that keeps positive bonds together with many different types of it.

2. What is your favorite animal? Orcas, powerful and clever.

3.What is the most important quality to have in battle? Experience still trumps all.

4.What role would you rather have in a team fight Damage Dealer.

5.A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes? I don’t need wishes. I don’t have a desire that I can’t achieve without it and it wouldn’t be any fun if I achieved my dreams by wishing for it.

6.When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you... Learn and improve in that area and if that’s impossible, then I would confront it in a different area.

7.You and your friend are prepared for a final match, finding one another to be your final opponent. You both have something extremely important on the line, and winning or losing this match will determine who manages to achieve their goal or who loses. There is no middle ground that can be achieved, no way for both of you to get what you came for. There's only the match. Your friend trusts you enough that they are willing to let you make the call, you can have one of you throw the match, or you can duke it out fairly. Which do you choose? I’ll duke it out, it wouldn’t be fair to my friend if I let him sacrifice himself for my ambition or for him to bear the guilt for sacrificing me.

8.You roll a six-sided die. Which are you hoping to roll? (the context is null and void for this question. You're pretty much just throwing the dice for the sake of it)
A) 6, the biggest number
B) You're content nomatter what number falls
C) You really just want it to get struct in the cracks, that sounds real exciting (AKA stopping without landing on any one face)
D) Whatever number you think the side may be skewed towards
E) 1, the lowest number

A 6. Since most games have 6 as the best number. I want to win.

9.Following a hacking to the government of your country, random people received piles of documents containing highly classified information which could come to expose nefarious secrets kept under lock and key up until that point. It also will contain a variety of other information of course, and though you suspect it is mostly mundane, there is a chance crucial information is being kept there which could provide information to even worse groups. You are one of the people who receive such documents and quickly find you can't open them to check, but only have two available options: "Share", which will expose all the documents to the public, or "Delete" which will delete those documents.

Which button do you click

Alright, obviously the Hacker is testing me. Jokes on them I’m not doing anything, I refuse to play their game.

10.What is your stance on freedom VS safety? Freedom. Our choices are what make us Human.

11.Society has fallen into chaos as an evil god was released from their seal and began tearing havoc. However, they offer you a special choice, a chance to make it stop: If humanity hosts an event like the hunger games every year, they will spare humanity for that year. He has yet another offer: You can personally torture and murder a young child instead of hosting that hunger games-like event, and the evil god will still spare humanity for that year. Which option do you take? Neither, I’ll try and kill that god or die trying. Besides, I have no reason to believe he’d keep his word.

12. What is your stance on group needs VS individual needs? A group that chooses to ignore the individual is foolish. If the group constantly put itself over the individual will always dissolve.

13.After arriving at Hitler's crib having travelled back in time (and ignoring the ramifications of that and all), you are about to pull the trigger when your friend who travelled with you proposes a different solution: taking baby Hitler and moving them to a different family, so that they might be raised differently. What are your thoughts on this proposal? It’s a good plan, but what if isn’t the raising that made him into that person? What if it just makes it worse? While I’m not happy to kill a person for his future, but over 6 million lives are on the line. I can’t risk that. I’ll pull the trigger.

14.What is your stance on nature VS nurture? It’s a case by case basis. Some people are more effected by Nature, some by Nurture.

15.Someone very dear to you has just been declared a traitor and a murderer, and is currently on the run. As you come home that day, you find them hiding in your house, and they tell you they didn't do any of what they are accused of, and beg you to hide them until they can gather proof of their innocence. They don't know how long it will take or how difficult it will be, but something tells you they are telling the truth, or at least so you think. What do you do? I fake their death get them out of the country. Even if they gained that evidence, who’s to say that they aren’t being Scapegoated and that evidence would be tossed out if presented. It far less risky for both of us if they leave the country and start a new identity.

16.Do you tend to follow your heart or follow your brain more? Brain. I tend to prefer logic most of the time.

17.You and a coworker each put in the same amount of effort in your jobs this month. However, your coworker is just more naturally skilled at the job than you are, thus making them far more productive. Your boss wants to reward him for that, but he is also quite the greedy boss, and thus you have a strong suspicion he is going to take your coworker's raise right out of your paycheck. However, your boss has yet to find the truth and you happen to run into a chance to manipulate the data to make it look like YOU produced more. Do you do it? No, it’s too easy for the deception to be found out. It better to wait and see if he does it and file a complaint.

18.Which is more important, learning to appreciate what you have, or ceising the opportunities that appear before you? Ceising, life will continue to change regardless, so why not take initiative?

19.As it happens, you were right there when the Notre Dame caught fire. You weren't in time to stop it, but on a whim you find yourself going inside in an attempt to save something. Which of the following are you more likely to save?
A)Whatever looks like it'll sell for the most
B)Nothing, I just leave back again. What a stupid idea throwing myself to the flames for some trinkets or what have you...
C)A symbol of great religious importance
D)People. The objects, the church itself are pretty much doomed anyway, I'd only be searching for people.

D) People. Obviously I ran in here for a reason, taking something to sell would just be in bad taste, not to mention I might end up getting fined for doing that. I’m not religious and if I try and take an object, I’m risking burning my hands. So, People.

20.What's the absolute minimum that would make you take a life? If they hurt me or something I care about.

21.What are the ideal vacation spot and activities for you? A bustling historic city and sightseeing. I like exploring, but I’ve always preferred the city, over nature, besides people can be just as interesting as animals.

22.What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion? My skill in analysis. I am my worst critic. I have hesitated and lost so many chances, because of it. I have wasted so much time fixing flaws I found rather than moving on.

23.What is your biggest quality, in your opinion?
My skills in analysis, it is my worst enemy and my greatest talent. I have helped people close to me by advising them on the flaws and best ways to go about things.

BONUS QUESTION: Besides having fun, what's the number 1 thing you seek in a game? Complexity, I’m not looking for a simple game, I like complex games that makes you think.

Your result was red and blue, also known as Izzet.

Blue is the color of intellect and red is the color of emotion. In many respects, the colors are opposite, but what they generate is an emotion-generated intellect and intellectual passions. This color combination is known for its creativity and lack of focus, jumping from one "grand idea" to the next without fully exploring the other ones. The color is careful but also quite capable of taking action, yet on the flip side of the coin it is too distant from the consequences, not really going into the issue by taking action directly into it, but also in the patience needed for more careful analysis. It is also a color combination that highly values new experiences and originality more than any other, to the point of going out of its way to be contrarian or devil's advocate. Still, though it focuses on what interests it first and foremost, in what does interest it this color combination is truly passionate and truly relishes learning about it...at least until they get bored and for the next thing they are curious about.

Red/Blue concepts: creativity, experimentation, curiosity, contrarian, "never say never", originality, intuition

RedBlue Izzet.jpg

BONUS ANSWER: Your type seems to be Spike. A Spike's overall motivation in a game is their desire to prove something, often themselves. They are competitive and relish in the challenge that playing that way brings them. They tend to value better and more efficient tools and solutions over the flashy or purely odd ones.

Further Reading (if you're interested): Creative Differences

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