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The highwayman had broken rank finally, the three remaining fleeing like rats, into the bushes wherein Cass dwelled, perfect for a repeat performance.
For a moments contemplation he hesitated. The fight was over. They'll be long gone before these bandits went for revenge if they even could or wanted to. It was over. It was one thing to shoot back, another to shoot someone in the back. He'd been on the other side before, ra-regrouped just like these- 'No, I was nothing like them. ' Cass chided to himself, age must've made him an fool. Their crimes were more obscene, lowly and cowardly unless of course in the unlikely scenario they were the first to come across and their wordless were gutless, another crime in self. They were without 'grace' one could say, the differences between a scoundrel and a crook another may say in more flowery terms. One was told tales about, the other feared. It was simple. Justifiable enough to fire on.
Cass drew his gun up without a second thought, held it out and aimed. Sights supplanted on the three visible targets ahead of him before tracing the placement of the angle, movement between the positions, the soft deviations of the in-between's. A process he'd thought better than him repeated now for a few moments until he was confident. Before finally drawing onto the first target with steady hands. Stood up straight, aim straight.
Then fired thrice.
Two shot to kill, one to maim the Highly rude leader as non-lethally as a shot to the leg would do, though Cass doubted their life expectancy under whatever justice Faan would undertake, either way it would be poetic enough for him.
His smoking gun put before his mouth and blowing the smoke dramatically, a slight whistling noise coming out as well. Then he dropped back to its holster, Cass chuckling all the while. "God damn I'm good." said to himself, the companion near Cass half-forgotten for a while as Cass actually watched whether his shots hit before turning to the only one witness to the full motion.
"If anyone asks. I did that in one fell motion- no aiming, no hesitation, no nothing. " Cass shrugged casually. "It's a matter of pride y'see."
If all went well he'd head to the hopefully downed leader to drag them before the Faan and let them do whatever they thought was just, they were after all the one most slighted out the bunch; however Cass would be lying if the Irony of the act didn't at all compel him.
1-Aim at the 3 remaining Highwayman
2-Split-shot at the remaining Highwayman & leader
-Attempt to incapacitate the Highwayman leader
3- Walk to Highwayman leader to retreive em
- Split-shot E [1 post cool-down] - Magic Range F [30ft], Magic Targets F [up to 5 targets simultaneously], Magic E - A instinctual quick-draw and release of five shots into five targets. Bullets of magic. Guided like clockwork.