Western Empire

Historical Storyteller

Four Thousand Club

Western Empire

This is going to be the list of characters that I've made for Marx. It'll keep him busy for a while and he won't get lonely abroad. Besides, this roleplay has become slow recently so this might speed things up a little.

List of Characters

Batch 1: Kingdom of Mercia


Character #1: The Ally Killer (Earl Hamlin)


CHARACTER ONE: The Ally Killer (Hamlin)


Appearance: "Oh lookie me, I've become the Grim Reaper of demons."




Name: "What's it to ya, bitch?"


Earl Hamlin.


Age: "37, bitch."


Race: "I belong to the only race that should be in this planet, bitch!"




Gender: "I have so many dicks that I can throw my own sausage party.


Class: "I'm your knight-in-shining-armor, bitch."


Alignment: "Just another bad guy, bitch."


Chaotic Evil.


Personality: "Ok, besides calling everybody a bitch, I love collecting the skulls and chipped teeth of my enemies. I also love gardening, I have demon plants that require blood to survive. You can get that anywhere! Usually, I use the blood of my slaves to feed these little pumpkins of mine. But sometimes, when my subordinate fails me I'll use his blood instead. I always believe I'm right. My opinion is right all the time, and fuck everyone."


History: "Before the apocalypse, I killed a lot of people. After the apocalypse, I still killed a lot of people. The only difference is that there are more demons around to kill."


Weapons: "Believe it or not, I managed to get holy knight's armor after I killed a knight blessed by heaven. Guess the gods weren't on his side after all. Other than that, I've got his heavenly blade, heavenly lance, and oh, damn, I killed his horse. But I've got a warhorse of my own!"


Skills: Military training. Veteran soldier. Swordsmaster. Horsemanship. "Yeah, I've got more skills than the average knight."


Magic: "I'm a knight, bitch, I'm no fucking magician!"


Abilities: "I've got bloodlust. I gain more energy in battle just by killing people."


Extra: "I've got my own army. Besides having an army of 1000 men-at-arms and an elite core of 50 knights, I've got 32 demonic plants that can consume anything alive."


Well, well, Marx, it looks like you've got your first boss.


I mean, idk if this heavenly stuff is actually allowed, but screw it. I'm not gonna turn down a fight. XD 

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