West Blue Arc: The Hallows

Jasper Pharos and Rena Hartwood



Jasper straightened his tie and cleared his throat in a slightly uncomfortable manner. He was not used to speaking about himself. Rather, he usually spoke on his Lady's behalf as she oft found it unneeded to explain her reasoning. Or her reasoning was.... lacking. Not that he had issues with that. Mistress Burgess had her own share of social difficulties he had to work around for her, so he was used to it.


After quickly pushing up his glasses, he made direct eye contact with Rena. "Ah. Being direct and to the point I see. Well, as Lady Scarlet chose you for her crew and I am her humble servant I will willingly share my story. Though I will only share this one time. I expect you will relay it to the crew and whoever beyond that with the utmost clarity."


"So I am to assume, if this is the only time I am to tell it, that this will be the whole truth and nothing but?" Rena said with a smirk knowing full well the answer. The conversation was taken indoors as the rain and wind picked up. She though momentarily to delay the interview due to them being on a boat and in a storm, but she knew that opportunities don't come in abundance and she ignored the swaying of the ship. "Answer as you please, but I would hope you remember that I am a journalist - my pursuit of the truth is relentless - as is my publishing of it."


"Well then, let's start: You are very close to Scarlet; loyal and unwavering in your support of her. Such dedication usually comes with a story. Why do you wish to see Scarlet as the Pirate Queen?"


Jasper nodded. "Nothing but the truth." He reflected for a moment on the question. "Well, to answer that will take a lengthy bit of storytelling." He began tying down boxes and such while he thought on where to begin. "I suppose simply going back as far as I remember is best. I will assume a bit of extra exposition will be fine."


Rena' eye's lit up as if it were a parent asking their child if they wanted dessert for dinner. "Well, if you insist" she smiled coyly.


Jasper finished tying down the foodstuffs and then leaned against a box as he prepared to tell his story. "To begin with I grew up on an island of I do not remember the name of. I have no memovies prior to maybe six years of age. I do not know if I was born there or who my parents were. All i know is I grew up on the streets of a rather violent island. Stealing what I could to live as most of the homeless did there."


"Only the quick, strong, and intelligent survived due to the population of Marines and mercenaries. Not to mention the others looking to survive who would gladly kill you. I survived alone, unlike many who stayed in groups. I believe many considered me odd. At the time I believed my hair was the issue, but as it turns out I simply put off an air of aggression and.... insanity I suppose."


"Anyways, one day I tried to rob the wrong group of Marines and got caught. They took me to their commanding officer. A Rear Admiral turned Cipher Pol. Selene Burgess was her name. I attempted to kill her, but as one might expect an eight year old stood no chance. However she liked my spirit and offered me a position as her servant and apprentice. I discovered that day how much I enjoyed fighting and beating my enemies and gladly accepted to gain skill and power. As well as get off the streets."


"I became a Marine. I became a butler. I became a finely tempered monster. I was taught to control my more.... feral side I tended to dip into in the midst of combat. I learned language and culture and formed the personality you see now. I grew stronger and battled many opponents, only rarely reverting to what I once was. Mainly if someone Mistress Burgess commanded it."


He looked anywhere but at Rena for a time. "Having someone to serve is the way I know how to live. It is how I reign in that half of myself most of the time. That is the glint you often see." He quieted on the last words. "However one day, many years later Mistress Burgess was, presumably, killed in battle against a crew of pirates and their pet sea serpent in the Grand Line. I was stricken by hatred and grief and abandoned the Marines to hunt them down."


He grit his teeth as an expression of anger crossed his features. He measured his breaths and returned to speaking after a few moments. "I found nothing following leads to the blues. So I began searching for another to serve. A woman just seemed right, but I had difficulty finding someine worthy. Until I followed a lead to one of the Yonko, the captain of the Spades pirates. Who was oddly in the blues for a time."


"I asked if he could point me in the direction of someone I could serve. He pointed me to Lady Scarlet. I may have had my doubts at first, but trusted the Yonko's judgement. Over time I found she has many underlying qualities that even she seems to not know. I follow her gladly. One day she will be Pirate Queen, and along the way thone pirates I am hunting. Well, the hunt will end."


Rena's hand wrote at blinding speed, flipping page after page in almost an instant, her face reacting subtly to everything Jasper said and her mind formulating questions as he spoke. It was 2 seconds of Rena still writing before she looked up at Jasper and exhaled. 


"Wow. Scarlet is Yonko approved? Pardon my cynicism but...I mean she's lovely... Charismatic; but her demeanor is very....unique for a pirate." Rena said and then thought back to any shred of evidence about Scarlet that would make the story believable. She managed to get a crew and escape the marines. "Now, I want this interview to be about you but I will table one more question about Scarlet; Have you seen anything that confirms what the Yonko said? Have you seen anything that makes her a candidate for the most powerful pirate in the world?"


Jasper let out a short laugh. A resonant sound not many hear the genuine version of. "Unique is definitely a way to put it. As for what I have seen. Well, first off her charismatic, nearly magnetic personality. Just think of how many people she has on her crew. That was one island she stopped on, one time and she drew this many people willing to ally themselves with her. While the Pirate King is often seen as the most powerful pirate, many would find that the prior Pirate King relied very much on his crew and allies. All the strength in the world only helps so much. Charisma, intelligence, talent and skill. It may not initially appear as such, but she has an innate ability with many things." He smiled a bit wolfishly. "Now if only I could get her to let me teach her swordsmanship."


"OK so going back to you; Your goal is partially, I assume,  for revenge and partially to serve Scarlet. I can't but help pick up on the word...." she flicked through her notes, "presumably"


"I take it that Mistress Burgess's death was not confirmed? What would you do, hypothetically, if you were to dicover she was alive?"


Jasper seemed to withdraw into himself for a moment or two. "Alive?" He bit his lip. "Honestly, I do not know what I would do. I simply know that I would feel both happy and conflicted. Happy she was alive, and unsure about what I should do from there. But that is simply going off my current state. I could not say how I might change in thought or feeling by that point."


"Fair enough." Rena said clicking her pen twice and going on to the next question, "Recently we saw a great tragedy at the hands of the marines. As a former marine yourself, could you give any insight as to what they were thinking? Were they justified in killing that many people?"


It had been a few days since the event but she still woke up at night by her memory recaling the massive explosion. If she were honest, the question would be much more loaded with words like atrocity, heartless and perhaps even evil. But her professionalism kept her in check. She stared at him though, more intently than she had previously.


Jasper noted Rena's more intense focus. Seems that had affected her more than most on the ship. "The explosion. I presume is your meaning. That.... there was no justification. Sure, a part of me adores violence. Killing. But generally that0 is in combat. Everyone has a fighting chance. In fact, a living opponent who has been beaten is often better. They tend to garner strength and come back for a bigger, better fight. But that.... mess."


"Well there is no pleasure, sanity, or sense in killing a city full of innocent or defenseless people. Children, elderly, the sick and poor. However, I must say it seems.... outhe of character. Not for Marines in general, as quite a lot let power and rule to let them believe they choose who lives and dies. No, it felt out of character for whoever was ordering the attack."


"It was clean, organized, and clearly planned ahead. They were in several places visibly saving civilians from pirates. They were driving the pirates towards their blockade where they could kill them in a relatively safe and assured manner. The explosion.... well it just made no sense to me personally.  My guess is whoever was in charge was not responsible. "


Rena put down her pen and her eyes narrowed. "Pleasure? In killing?" her voice wavered. "What possible pleasure could there be in killing? You are not just ending a life, but an entirely different perspective on the world. You are not just ending a life, but an entirely different perspective on the world. You are taking away all the bonds they had built up over the years." She stood up and took a step towards Jasper, but only a step.


"I understand, in a kill or be killed situation, but those situations....you can still avoid outright murder." The argument was much like the one she had with Ferra. "What's with you people and the disregard of human life? How can you be so cold! Were you always like this?! After your first kill? When did it just become routine for you?!" 


There was a sneer in her voice, but she took a breath and closed her eyes. "Apologies....that was unprofessional." her voice was a little colder and the half smile was gone from her lips. She sat down and crossed her legs, taking up her pen and writing, word for word what she had said. If the truth was to come out then she would expose herself as being partial to the situation as she was questioning. It was only fair. 


Jasper simply raised an eyebrow and took what Rena had to say in. To be quite honest he was not surprised, this was not the first time he had received such comments. "Unprofessional, sure. Uncalled for? Matter of opinion. Yes. I have always been like this, or at least part of me has. A part of me I work to suppress, every moment of every day. Should a situation result in my devolving into said state I tend to be.... regretful for a bit. Normally at least."


"In a kill or be killed situation as you put it, it is not always so easy to not kill and live. That is why they are so named. And, as I am sure you have written down, I did say even in violent confrontation I prefer people live. I like combat Miss Rena, the more intense and enjoyable the better. A living rival gives far more than a dead enemy. I do not, as you say coldly kill and disregard life. If I end someone it is for one of three reasons. I have been ordered to do so, I am keeping someone else alive, or there was no alternative. I was simply noting that part of me enjoys the kill when it comes down to it. There were in fact plenty of warriors I killed who died smiling. On the seas you will find many who see death by battle as the only honorable method of dying."


Jasper gave her a moment to write all of that down while he absentmindedly wiped his glasses off. "Unless you have further inquiries I presume this is as good as any a time to end this interview, yes? I believe the ship is properly anchored and equipment tied down to weather the storm on this beach. Though I am betting some denizens of the island are watching the ship. So perhaps we should at least remain semi close just in case."


Rena gave an audible huff. She did not understand what he was talking about. People that enjoyed the prospect of getting killed? She wrote down his words and would research on it done more; certainly there was the thrill of the hunt, but usually that was a one sided affair. So, it was intense competition then; a grand test that was the result of years of  and the passing grade was your life. Thus far however her experience of human death was nothing like that. A brutal beat down and  mass murder. 


Rena stood up and offered her hand for Jasper to shake it. "I was rude and let my feelings get the better of me. No hard feelings I hope? I'm very grateful for you taking the time to tell me about yourself, and for me to judge you like I did without really knowing you is something I do not take lightly. My aim is to be the world's best journalist and it's clear that I have to experience what you are describing, in terms of mortal combat, before I truly am able to document this."


She pulled out her knife, it seemed heavier than usual. "Perhaps when we have down time and steadier waters  you can train me a little? But we can take that until later. I will follow your lead as to what to do next. If we are being watched then I'm not surprised; my island was always suspicious of new ships coming to dock." 


Rena put her knife away and awaited Jaspers instructions.


Jasper accepted Rena's hand when she offered it. "Think nothing of it. You are not the first, and I doubt you will be the last to say such things. Many think little of me due to my less.... tame parts. I am in agreement. I would be glad to train you later, though I am a bit unsure if swordmanship will transfer well to knife wielding. Though it never hurts to try."


Jasper thought of what to do next. There was no way he could bring the ship to a safer location with the crew gone. There are also not likely many who would try and loot the ship in this storm. Those that did would fail to get far. There was a small forested area not far from shore. It overlooked the sea and ship now that he thought about it.... 


"Alright. We are going to head off the ship and see if there is anything of note in the forested area nearby. Perhaps we net free foid, perhaps we meet locals. Either way we will be doing something and be near enough to the ship to reach it in case of emergency. Shae should come too. It would be rude to leave him all alone here."


@vergil@DaughterofAthena@Pequeno Burraidh

Cletus T. Bass


Cletus followed Scarlet into the inn and took a moment to take in the sights. Judging from the lobby, the inn looked cozy. It didn't looked too packed either, just a few patrons in the lobby and some men smoking in the corner of the room near the bar, playing poker. In his peripheral vision, Cletus saw Captain Scarlet make her way toward the bar. With not a lot going on right now, a drink sounded good. Cletus moseyed over to the bat, unlit cigarette still clenched between his teeth, and ordered, "A bottle of whiskey, the good stuff."

Cletus put some Beli on the bar and started to think about the Charydbis as he waited for his drink. He figured the ship was in good hands, but with his luck there would probably be something for him to fix. He began to list all of the things that could break on a ship, as a shipwright he couldn't help it; at least a drink and a smoke would help him relax. Cletus picked up his whiskey bottle and made his way over to the poker game. He placed the alcoholic beverage on the table beside the only empty seat, sat down, and lit his cigarette while the men already at the table looked at him like a stranger (and understandably so).

Cletus tossed a one hundred Beli bill onto the money pot. "Deal me in," he said gruffly, exhaling smoke. The dealer slid Cletus some cards, beginning Cletus' conservative approach to playing poker.


If you entered the inn: @TheForgottenDoll @Felix @CelticHero37 @QuirkyAngel
Limstella and Cygnus

Cygnus analyzed the welcoming commitee. He didn't trust them fully. The cheer of the leader did not feel genuine and the man was clearly prying for their intentions. The whole 'group to meet a group' thing was also suspicious, not that they came with many, but more in the fact that they looked like soldiers. These men were prepared for trouble. At least that part made sense. They did not know whether they would meet enemies or friends. He noticed that Limstella was looking around skittishly. Apparently she did not really trust it either. He approached her while they were walking towards the village. "So, what do you think about these people?" He asked her.

"I see them just regular people worried about their own safety" Limstella said in a small voice. She didn't want them to hear what she said, since it might or might not trigger something. "To be honest I do honest seeing a random ship, landing by, and then docking might seem suspicious" She glanced at the leader, and his companions of some sort. She caught the leader's eyes on her leader's answer. "He's being suspicious Scarlet intentions, for no reason with those eyes" She said finally as she looked at Dale.

"Of course they are suspicious. They have every right to be. I am just saying that we should be too. For all we know these people are criminals. Or worse, allied to the World Government. I want to explore the village to get a better understanding of them. Without any supervision from these soldiers. Would you like to help me?"

Limstella rose a eyebrow on what Cygnus said. For god knows what they were only acquaintances. The only the she wanted to know a person better on this ship. "Sure..." Limstella said as she drawled on. Even though she didn't want to assosciate herself with the ship, it couldn't hurt to go walking around the village. To what he said earlier she had to give him a point on that one. She gave Cygnus a side ways glance, before looking forwards. Her chances of running from him were high, and he barely had anything to catch her with. "The question is how do we escape their attention, they know we're with Scarlet, and I doubt they would let us walk by" Limstella said as they walked into the village. They were busy talking that they arrived with the others.

Cygnus knew she was right. Especially now that they had arrived in the village. He was pondering over ways to escape when the solution came walking by. Noone was paying attention to Cygnus and Limstella while the leader talked with the two ladies. Cygnus grabbed Limstella and pulled her behind a corner. "Let's go," he whispered. "Before they notice that two people are missing." He started walking further down the street, dragging Limstella behind him with his one arm. Suddenly he felt a hard tug from his arm and then he remembered that he was still holding her. He looked back and found Limstella on the ground. The tug must have been her stumbling.He let go. "oh ... ehm ... right. Sorry about that. My sincere appologies for letting you fall over."

Limstella groaned as she got up. Luckily she didn't get many scratches from Cygnus dragging her across the street. She dusted herself off, and searched herself then glared at Cygnus. "Well I'll accept the apology but that's no way to handle a lady" She said sighing. She gave him a sideways glare, but stopped to look around, then back at Cygnus. "It still annoys me that instead of letting follow, you just drag me as if I was just a toy, but changing the subject I guess we should look around. Shall we?" She walked towards the only window inside the house, and glanced inside. She then stared down at a notebook that was on the table nearby the window. "Well I'm curious what's in that book" She said to herself, as she examined the house for a way in. She knew using the front door was locked, for privacy, she could destroy the window, and jump in but that would raise suspicion. Walking around the house, there wasn't a good opening to go in without causing a mess. "Cygnus are you here?" Limstella said as she looked around to see where her temporary acquaintance was.

Cygnus was not really intend on breaking in. They had to give the people of this town no reason to hate them. On the other hand he wanted to help this Limstella girl. She seemed to be one of the most distant crewmembers. A bit like Cygnus. He forced himself to believe that they would just go in for a quick peak and get out without taking anything with them. He really hoped he was right. He made sure Limstella was out of sight as he raised his wing. "Room! Shambles" And just like that he found himself inside the single room house. He heard Limstella call his name from outside. He walked towards the frontdoor and opened it. "I-I'm here" He called. "The inhabitant must have fo-for ... left the door open. We can have a quick look. W-we should get out soon though, I have no idea how long it will take before the owner returns." He hoped Limstella believed his somewhat plausible lie.

Limstella was somewhat surprised to see Cygnus open the front door of the house. There was no way an adult would just leave their house unopen unless they were that careless. Even so how did he even get in the house without her noticing. Well matters not they had to get in, and get out quickly. "Right" Limstella said in feign normacy, as she went inside the house. She looked around her surroundings, but didn't find anything special except for the notebook. She reached in, and grabbed it. "Let's go I will read the notebook later, but for now we need to get out of here" Limstella said as she exited out the house, and waited for Cygnus to come out as well.

"W-wait for me!" Cygnus quickly walked through the front door. "I know you're a pirate and all, but I-I think we shouldn't take that book. For all we know it is just someones d-d-diary. In that case I don't think we should risk being caught stealing. These people are already on edge with us. If we commit this crime it might just tip them over it." His voice became more anxious with each word. "What will happen then? Maybe they will show that they are actually monsters. Maybe we are already cursed for taking that small book. Maybe we can never get out of here now. Maybe we can still mend it by putting it back. Please put it back!" He looked desperate now. What in the world had they gotten themselves into?

Limstella sighed as she turned around to look at Cygnus. "Fine let me take a peak in this notebook." She then begun to flip the pages in her notebook, and the writings were... a little off hand, but mainly religious stuff. "They have very bad handwriting, but I managed to read through it" Limstella said, as she walked back in to the house, and put the notebook back. She immediately ran out, and then took his hand, and dragged him out, so they could get back to the Inn. She hoped they hadn't noticed they were gone.

@DaughterofAthena @Felix 
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In the City of The Hallows

Although there were no monsters around them and nothing available for them to see, the wind would seem to envelope Limstella and Cygnus as they left the home in an ominous manner. Not only that, but the sheer force of the wind was enough to slam the door of the house closed. Whether they knew it or not, signs of their intrusion remained. The door was unlocked - probably the most prominent note - and although it had been put back, the notebook could not possibly be in the same spot it had been left behind.

For now, their traveling could be considered unnoticed because no one around them happened to see it. However, chances were and by logic’s dictation, it would not remain that way for long. That was for them to find out later, though. The people around them continued about their tasks.

Houses were being boarded up. People who lived closer to the shores were being moved inland. Everything happening was logical for a town that regularly dealt with disasters and knew how to handle them. One particular individual walked up and noticed the two of them. “I can tell you’re not from here,” he began, “but that doesn’t matter. Current suggestions are to take shelter. I suggest you make haste to wherever you’re heading.” This particular man was escorting an older woman along with a dog and as soon as he’d passed the warning on to Cygnus and Limstella, he continued on his way with his “escorts” in tow.

@TheForgottenDoll @Felix

Scarlet Johanna Indigrid

About an hour passed before the storm really hit. By that time, Scarlet already had a few drinks in her and the alcohol was beginning to settle which was definitely a good thing. If for some reason or another that hadn’t been the case, she would’ve been a panicking wreck.

Within the inn, no one seemed to mind that it was pouring rain or blasting thunder outside. In fact, everyone was having a jolly ole’ time. People were drinking, card games were playing out, music was sounding and the drunk ones were singing along with the music. The workers were running around with food, dropping it off at tables for people who hadn’t eaten dinner yet and also for people who were too drunk to realize they had already eaten and probably didn’t need to ingest any more salt. It only continued the cycle of their drinking and brought in more money overall. That was the point even in the storm, after all.

Eventually, Scarlet made her way over to wherever a majority of her crew happened to find themselves. “I’m going to head in for the night,” she told them briefly, holding her head at the slight headache that was beginning to cloud her thoughts. They’d been assigned to a few rooms up on the second floor and it was likely that each and every one of them would find a place to sprawl eventually. All that remained was what they would do until that time.

True to her word, the Red Ribbon Pirate Captain headed upstairs and crashed. Meanwhile, the events of the main level went late into the night.

@shadowdude505 @CelticHero37 @QuirkyAngel


Outside of Charybdis, the individuals who had been sent to observe found that they couldn’t stay for too long at all. The coming storm came with violent winds that would no doubt leave its mark - even if not terribly so - on the vessel they were watching and it was a wind that would’ve also left them with their own injuries to deal with if they stuck around. Violent waves rocked the boat even as it rested on the shore and tides rose higher upon the island. Though they would never reach far enough for flooding concerns, the rain made sure everything was wet regardless. Anything left sitting around on deck certainly wasn’t going to be there come morning.

Realizing the danger that was posed, they meandered off almost as soon as the rain started to pour down. They knew that it would get worse before it got better. This left Charybdis and the few on board to mind their own selves throughout the evening.

How much trouble could they get into, after all?

@vergil @AllHailDago @Pequeno Burraidh

The Following Morning in The Hallows

It wasn’t until morning arrived that the storm could be fully labeled as something that was concluded. Debris was everywhere and there was a lot of work that had been created as far as cleaning up was concerned. Like everything else though, it was clear even in the early hours that the little town called The Hallows was well prepared for it as well. It seemed that storms such as that one weren’t entirely uncommon and they’d long ago developed an effective system to deal with them. Even with all that mess, though, there was still room for people to venture outside and still plenty of opportunity available to start cleaning up. As the sun rose, that was what people in the town had started to do.

That was what Elana and Seer Jada returned to, after having been trapped in the temple through the storm.

“Thank you for letting me see something so crucial to your home,” Elana uttered to the seer. “It really does wonders to see that it’s true.” The woman smiled as she said it and the seer nodded in reply.

“Thank you,” the seer replied. “It’s always nice to meet someone who knows the histories.”

The two of them split paths and headed in separate directions. What the seer then failed to notice was that Elana didn’t head towards the inn where she was meant to be staying. Jada was more concerned with and eager to get back to her own home and to collect a few things before she went and checked in with the others who had waited out the storm in other places. However, for Jada, things would start going wrong before she even made it to the larger masses.

It started when the door to her home was unlocked. Everything about her instantly became more cautious as she walked into her own home. ‘This is not right,’ she realized. Glancing in a few different directions, she decided against investigating too much. Instead, she snatched her journal off the table and left her home, triple checking to make sure the door was locked behind her because it most definitely hadn’t been locked when she got in.

Footsteps carried her quickly to the inn where she’d left a few things before departing the evening prior and it was then that she saw the stones.

Remember the stones that were on the table when Seer Jada left? There was a little boy that grabbed one thinking that it was a piece of candy which means one piece was removed from the puzzle before she fully got to read the telling. Now the message would be different than it was before and now it may not be correct. She didn’t know that, though. No one would know that and no one would even think that it was wrong considering everything that they had been through. And as she walked in, her eyes fell on the layout that remained. One word followed.


Dale walked in behind her. He walked in behind her and he heard her mutterings. “Who?” he asked her.

“The visitors who came yesterday,” she answered simply. She had no reason to doubt herself.

His eyes flickered upstairs and he knew he would have to go talk to them. He’d already been planning on checking in to see how long they would be staying. Now he knew he would have more to say. “I’ll send watchers and soldiers back to their ship. To make sure nothing they take escapes.” He assured her of that and then he made his way back outside for a moment, finding two watchers and two soldiers to send to the ship on which the larger group of travelers had come. Then he returned with two soldiers who would wait in the main room while he headed up the stairs.

Knocking on the door, he wasn’t exactly sure who was inside, but he knew it was a room that had been assigned to the larger group of visitors. Though it was quite possible some of them had gotten up and left for their own wanderings, he imagined someone would still be around. “Good morning!” he called in. “I have a few questions if you’ve time!”
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Cletus T. Bass


Cletus bided his time during the storm by playing poker for a couple hours. During that time he finished off his bottle of the good stuff and didn't touch another alcoholic beverage after that. Since he was raised as a shipwright, he prided himself on always doing his strongest work. One mistake when building a ship could lead to the crew's death. Cletus had never gotten into the habit of drinking until he was drunk. If he could make one mistake sober, he could easily make ten or more drunk.

Cletus took his moderate poker winnings and turned in for the night. The following morning, Cletus awoke and started to get ready to leave the inn. He wanted to check on the Charybdis now that the storm was over. He put on a pair of jeans, a white T-shirt, his boots, and ball cap. He had just finished slipping on his orange work suit when he heard a knock at the door. He let out a grumpy sounding growl after he heard a man's voice mention questions. That couldn't be good.

Cletus took a moment to collect his wallet and put on his holstered weapons before opening the door. He saw the man that had escorted them into town. No soldiers were with him this time, but they could be nearby. The grizzled cowboy quickly lit a cigarette and started to smoke before talking to the island's leader. "If you're wonderin' when we're leavin', once we restock and if ship repairs are mild, we'll be out of your hair today," Cletus said, hoping that his answer would suffice; though he doubted he was living in the best case scenario. "If you'll excuse me, I have a job to do," he added gruffly, before he started to head downstairs.

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Dale Vroegan and Scarlet Johanna Indigrid

As smoke was blown in his face when Cletus lit a cigarette - something Dale was obviously not accustomed to being around - the man started coughing and turned his face away. After taking a moment to breathe in clean air, his attention turned back to the shipwright and to the room that was now more open to him. “I was wondering that,” he answered Cletus’s implication, “among other things.” In his words, it became apparent that the man still had a few more questions to ask.

Despite the fact that he still had more to ask, though, Dale did nothing to stop the man from walking past him and making his way down the stairs and out of the inn. He was wise enough to know that the ship would not leave without all of its members and he was well aware that there were others still in the room. One man doing “his job” would not pose too much of a problem to the investigation. Additionally, he had already sent some people to watch the ship so it was a moot point. There was no need for all out conflict currently.

Another reason why there was no need to follow the man was because Dale happened to see that Scarlet was up and moving in the room and had taken note of his presence. She was looking in a mirror and tying a red ribbon in her hair. The bow was intricate and nearly perfect. Once that was tied, she turned to look at him and she asked, “Among other things? What else can we help you with?” Her voice was friendly. The man had given them shelter in a storm and that was something she felt it was reasonable to be grateful for. She highly doubted her crew would disagree with that.

“We’ve had some… well, some rather disturbing news, I’m afraid. Our seer has said that she’s had a sign that the storm would bring with it a thief. That that thief would try to take something from our people. Until we’ve had time to clean up the storm and to assure that we haven’t lost anything, we’re not going to be letting anyone leave the island.” The man clearly tried to word things as calmly as possible and as logically as possible. His expression remained even and at the end he even added, “You were not the only ship to arrive, but we have no knowledge of which it was so we’re going to be holding off everyone until we figure this out.”

At that point, Scarlet wasn’t quite sure what to think of the situation. She remembered him saying that there had been another traveler yesterday and she also felt as though there was more to the situation than what he was saying.

Finally, she asked evenly, “And how long are we to possibly be suck here?” Scarlet knew one thing for sure and that was that she really didn’t want to be stuck on this island.

“I will keep you updated. For now we request that your ship remain where it is. You’re more than welcome to assist in the clean-up of the island; that would speed up our investigation.” And it would give his watchers a chance to keep an eye on them. He didn’t say that, though. Neither did he say that their ship was already under watch. Those weren’t necessary details.

@shadowdude505 @Felix @TheForgottenDoll @CelticHero37 @QuirkyAngel 

Cletus T. Bass


Cletus managed to hear Dale's "Among other things," as the shipwright made his way out of the hotel. His paranoid mind didn't like the sound of that. Maybe the islanders have figured out that the Red Ribbons were pirates; the new crew wanted posters must have arrived. Cletus took a drag on his cigarette as he walked. No, that couldn't be it. The poster delivery would have been slowed down by the storm. Maybe they found out some other way, unless Scarlet or a few others on the crew already had bounties.

Cletus let out a grumble. It didn't matter how trouble was brewing, either way a shipshape Charybdis would be beneficial for a quick getaway. Cletus walked onto the deck and started to survey the ship. The Charybdis was lucky. Much like the island's beach, it was littered with tree branches. The deck also looked like it had been soaked at some point during the night. The shipwright was thankful for an easy fix. He started to pick up the branches and tossed them off the side into the ocean.

After a couple minutes of working, he suddenly stopped when he realized that he hadn't seen any crewmates yet. Maybe they were sleeping in after staying up all night during the storm; a boat wouldn't have been a fun place to wait it out anyhow. Or maybe they left the ship for the night. If that was the cause, he was lucky that the Charybdis was in such a good shape. A storm like the one last night could have done more damage. Or possibly they were kidnapped.

"Anyone here? Jasper?....Rena.....Doc?" he called out gruffly. As he waited for a response, Cletus' hand lingered near his pistol. If the crew had been kidnapped, he wasn't going to let the islanders get the jump on him.

@DaughterofAthena @Anyone who goes to the ship

Mentioned: @AllHailDago @vergil @Pequeno Burraidh
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Limstella silently cursed to herself, as the man walked in. 'What did they think we steal?' Limstella silently thought to herself as she looked out the window as Scarlet talked to Dale. She tried to remember any of the events that involved stealing from the small shack. Maybe it was Felix? No not Felix he couldn't have done it since he was more or so likely too paranoid to do anything like that, or risk it anyway. "Is there anything to eat anyway?" To be honest Limstella was quite hungry, and it could change the subject about the thievery.

Back to memories of the shack what could of been of value there? A bookshelf, a few marbles, a notebook with bad handwriting, a small garden, and more. None of the above was worth taking, but maybe except the notebook, yea the notebook might be of value. The writing was really weird saying some prophet this, and that about stones, who would believe that. She looked left to right to see if anyone still had the same facial expression after she announced she was hungry.

Cygnus was half asleep when the man knocked on their door. The entire night he had not been able to shut his eyes because of the storm and now he was exhausted. It took quite some time to process what the Dale had said. There were thieves on the island. Thieves! Cygnus panicked, maybe they had taken his stuff. He had to check if his mantle was stille next to his bed side. He touched where he knew he left it and felt the comforting ragged cloth. He almost relaxed a bit, but then he shot upright. Thieves! They knew! He was immediately fully awake. He shot Limstella a look that was both frightened and questioning. His mind was racing over all the possibilities. They had been careful to not break anything upon entering. Had Limstella taken something that wasn't hers? Did she lie about putting it back? Or was this seer so powerful that she could follow their every step? How scary! Then the truth dawned on him: they forgot to close the door behind them. Anyone who came home to an open door would have been alerted. When they would find that some things, say a notebook, were not exactly in the right place, they could do the math. That did not mean that Limstella was cleared of suspicion, though. She could still be the thief.

The question that was still on his mind was what to do with this information. He did not want to confront her. He didn't even want to talk to her about it. What if the scary seer could see that and think he was her accomplice? She would curse them both. The stress of the night in combination with the early morning made something snap in Cygnus brain. It changed it's gear: Story Mode. What would the hero do when he was falsely accused of theft? He would try to regain their trust while trying to find out who was the real thief. And then he would disclose the real culprit and give some hefty speech about his deduction. Yes that was what detective Albireo would do. He probably had to start building a relationship with these people and try to get more information about this seer. The misguided accuser character had already offered a way for them to prove their goodwill. There was only one slight problem ... a single armed problem. He got up and walked to the door. "Good sir, thank you for not arresting us with lack of better evidence. It proves you are a righteous man." detective Albireo threw all his charm into it. "We will do whatever we can to help you find this thief. However, I do not think a restricted man like myself," He showed the loose sleeve to Dale. ", Can do much cleaning. I could keep up everyone's spirit by singing a song or telling a story, but I think I can contribute more if you allow me to join your investigation team. I want to help you find this culprit as soon as possible, so we can be on our way." He hoped it wasn't too much to ask for. He anxiously waited for an answer.


@TheForgottenDoll @CelticHero37 @QuirkyAngel

Dale Vroegan and Scarlet Johanna Indigrid

Dale’s eyes continued to regard Scarlet cautiously although the caution was well hidden behind some sort of professionalism that was difficult to quantify to anyone who contemplated his gaze. It was an interesting thing. However, the object of his focus would not force him not to notice when others of her party decided to join in on the conversations at hand and neither would it inhibit him from considering their offerings.

Since he heard Limstella’s question first, it was only logical that he answered it first. “I do believe the innkeeper usually prepares breakfast for guests,” he replied in an even tone. It wouldn’t be very hospitable if they didn’t offer food and neither would it be considered a good way to take care of guests. One of the things The Hallows aimed for was to remain under the radar of the World Government and to do so, they had to keep their services at a reasonable quality without allowing them to dip too low or soar too high. Either extreme would draw more attention than the little island ever desired, and could therefore post interesting consequences for them. “If you go downstairs and let them know you’re a traveller, they should have something to offer.” His eyes glanced over everyone present as he added, “That applies to all of you. We like to make sure our guests are taken care of.”

Then his eyes regarded Cygnus as the man spoke, offering what services he could. Then he nodded briefly.

“Anything is more than welcome if you’re willing,” he said in regard to singing a song or telling a story. While he did find it to be a bit odd, he wasn’t going to refuse. “As for joining the investigation, you’re more than welcome to look around and let us know if you find anything, but my teams are not used to working with strangers. They’ve spent their whole lives learning to work together, though.”

It was an honest answer, but there was more than that running through his head. There were things of value on the island that most did not know of when they stumbled upon The Hallows and he generally preferred to keep it that way.

Turning his attention back to Scarlet, Dale tried to keep his tone even so as to not arouse suspicion of his thoughts. “Our disaster coordinator has set up station not too far from the inn and he’s arranging for everyone who wants work to have it. If you’d like to help, you can speak to him. He will be informed that the offer has been extended to you.”

Scarlet nodded swiftly in understanding while her mind still tried to process the whole situation. “Is there any way we could meet the other travelers on the island?” she asked.

After promptly shaking his head, Dale replied, “I do not think that would be wise. We don’t need you accusing each other of being thieves when we’re capable of figuring it out for ourselves.”

Sighing, he continued, “I apologize, but I have more matters to discuss with others as well. I’ll be around and checking in.” Then Dale turned and took his leave of the room in the inn, considering various options that he now had at his disposal. There was one thing that his morals demanded and that was proof so he couldn’t take any drastic actions yet.

Instead, when he got outside, he assembled a team of searchers to go meet with the watchers and investigate the ship. Then he sent a team of watchers to keep an eye on the second ship - the one on the other side of the island - as he was forced to honestly consider that the girl could have done something as well.

Meanwhile, Scarlet was addressing her crew after Dale had left the room. “I don’t like what’s going on here,” she commented, not really containing her volume. “We’re supposed to be hunting the One Piece, not cleaning up after a storm. I wanna know who these other people on the island are.” The captain’s frustration was apparent in both her tone and her expression.

More than wanting what she said, Scarlet also wanted what she couldn’t say. She wanted to check in with the crew who had been left on Charybdis. It was odd that all these things were happening now and she didn’t like the thought of the crew being split up so oddly. Then again, splitting up only seemed to be a good idea now just as it had been before and it troubled her. Finally, though, she knew she had to start plotting. While she wasn’t the best at it, she had some thoughts in mind. “Cygnus, Limstella, you two should stay in town. Look around, see if you can find out anything about these other guests on the island. Don’t get into too much trouble, though.” Her eyes watched the two of them, hoping that wouldn’t be difficult.

“Wasabi, we’re going to go check in with Jasper. I’m guessing that’s where Cletus went and I want to make sure everyone knows what’s going on.”

@CelticHero37 @Felix @TheForgottenDoll

Dale Vroegan and Seer Jada

As he departed from the inn, many people in town had been avidly waiting to see what state he would come out in. A few sighs left the onlookers when they saw that nothing had gone wrong from all appearances. The leader would make his way over to a table that had been set up, a table where one man seemed to be handing out supplies to people who had lined up to help. There were already those, too, who had started to aid in clean-up and raking up leaves and excess debris was Seer Jada among others.

“Any luck?” she asked to Dale as soon as he got close enough to hear what she had to say.

“We’ll need to do more investigating if we’re to find out for certain,” Dale replied promptly. “Where’s the girl you were with yesterday?”

“Oh, she was so sweet, you know. She knew the histories well,” Jada remarked. “I’m not quite sure where she headed off to, though, when we got back this morning.”

“Well, keep an eye out for her,” Dale commented.

The seer could only nod in reply. It would seem to anyone who managed to hear that one of the guests on the island had managed to disappear for the time being. Then again, the vision had never explicitly mentioned recent guests, either. How long would it be before they started suspecting those who had only been there for a few weeks? That was something for people to wonder about.

Meanwhile, the very girl in question - Elisa Pentana - had spun herself around and was heading back to the place she had spent her evening while locked up because of the storm. For the moment, she remained completely unaware of the fact that people were looking for her, and that was the way it seemed bound to remain.

@Wicked Jester @Stormborn Targaryen 

The Watcher and the Soldiers

Back near Charybdis, there was no sense of being alone anymore; that was an easy feeling to explain, though. Cletus had returned and of course, that meant those on the ship weren’t alone anymore. There was more to it than that, though. Moving ahead of Cletus was one watcher and three soldiers from The Hallows; however, they managed to say out of the way of the shipwright by stepping off to the side before they were revealed to any eyes watching the shore - at least so far as any eyes on the ship could see.

However, the moment they saw that Cletus got onto the ship, they knew that they couldn’t actually stay in hiding. Having no idea what he intended, they had to approach in order to ensure that he wasn’t intending on leaving the island. And so four individuals stepped out of the forest’s surrounding shelter and approached the ship, stopping just short of walking onto the deck of Charybdis.

“Permission to come aboard?” One voice called out.

Then another voice added in, “We’re here to inform you that no vessel is permitted to leave the island at the present time.”

@AllHailDago @vergil @Pequeno Burraidh @shadowdude505

Jasper Pharos


Jasper sat peacefully in on a stool in the boats galley, sipping from a mug of freshly brewed tea. Steam wafted comfortably over his nose and lips as he enjoyed the light peach flavor. His glasses fogging up and clearing whenever he brought the mug to his lips. As far as he knew Rena was still asleep, but in case she was ready to wake up there sat a second mug and the tea pot on the counter near him, along with a plate of toast. She may not have a high opinion of him after their conversation last night, but he was not offended by that fact. He normally expected that sort of reaction to be quite honest. Being fine with and enjoying killing or bloodshed was a barbaric train of thought for the majority of the worlds peaceable sorts. But regardless if he enjoyed it or not, he was not a monster. Just because someone disagreed with his mannerisms or life choices did not mean he would harm them.

He bit into his toast as he thought over his plan for the morning. After the feeling of being watched disappeared last night he had been quite a bit more at ease. Though he was sure someone new would come watch them now that the storm had passed. He should probably leave a note for Rena if she did not wake before he decided to leave. Following that he would need to find Lady Scarlet and inquire about the next course of action to prepare for their journey to the Grand Line. Jasper swallowed the last bit of his toast with a grimace as he tried thinking of a way to convince her to accept his offer to train her in swordsmanship. Of all the things they needed to survive on the Grand Line, a living, breathing Captain was pretty high on that list. Heavens knew he could not be there to protect her at all times, and in those cases she needed to be capable of protecting herself. 

Jasper heard a call from topside and recognized the voice as Cletus'. Jasper finished the last few warm swallows of his tea and made his way upstairs. As he came out onto the deck he found Cletus, his hand wavering near his gun, looking rather doubtful as he called for them. Jasper wondered what could have cause such caution in the older man. His hands settled behind his back, readied to grab either sword should he need it. "Good morning, Mister Cletus. Back alone it seems." Though not a moment after Jasper spoke a shout came from the side of the boat to request to come aboard. "Or not." Jasper walked to the side of the boat and looked over at the group gathered. "Apologies gentlemen, but our Captain is not here presently. So I am afraid boarding is out of the question. Worry not, without her we would not be leaving the island any time soon. Though one wonders why it is we would not be allowed to leave. Care to inform me?" Jasper gave them an inquisitive glance and pondered on whether or not they were the ones watching the ship last night. If nothing else, their timing of approach and what they had to say implied they had been watching it this morning. How curious. 

Interacted With: @shadowdude505 @DaughterofAthena

Mentioned: @vergil
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Cletus T. Bass


Cletus stopped reaching for his gun as Jasper emerged from below deck. At least someone was still on the Charybdis. The smoking gunman noticed Jasper put his hand behind his back, probably a cautionary move similar to Cletus reaching for his gun. While the older man appreciated the cation, weapons didn't seem to be necessary...yet. "I'm sure the Captain and the others aren't too far behind," he said to Jasper before the arrival of the locals. Cletus quickly realized that he hadn't heard a lot of footsteps, meaning the local soldiers must have been nearby already. It was possible that they were helping clean up, but if that was the case surely they'd have a wheel barrel or something to carry the debris in. Something smelled fishy to the paranoid shipwright and it wasn't the dead fish on the beach.

Since Jasper was the first mate, Cletus just continued to smoke as his crewmate shot down the boarding request. "As if we'd leave without our crew...," he grumpily chimed in after Jasper mentioned that they wouldn't be leaving without their Captain. He took another drag on his cigarette before he began to think. He also wanted to know why the locals were acting paranoid. As newcomers to the island, the islanders clearly wanted to blame the Red Ribbon Pirates for something but didn't have the prove yet. Was someone's property destroyed? If that was the case it could be easily blamed on the storm. Even if the islanders know how the storms work around here, human slip ups were still possible.

Mentally going down the list of what can piss off locals, Cletus deduced that theft was most likely the correct reason behind the islanders' antsy behavior. But what would be worth stealing on this island? Would stolen family treasures be enough to put this island on edge? Cletus waited for the soldiers to reply to Jasper's question. He wasn't sure what he'd be more surprised to hear, what item was worth stealing or a straight answer.

@AllHailDago @DaughterofAthena

The Watcher and the Soldiers

The individuals gathered in front of Charybdis made eye contact both with Jasper and with Cletus as each of them answered the questions that had been posed to them. For a moment, the four waiting in front of the ship seemed to form a little huddle of sorts, as though they were discussing what they should do next about the whole situation that was being presented to them. Whispers could be heard although the content of those whispers was near impossible to make out. Every once in a while, there would be a person who didn’t know how to whisper properly, but none in the group sent from The Hallows could be counted in that group of people. That was the way it would seem, anyway.

Their little huddle didn’t last entirely long and when the broke from it, one individual seemed to stand in front of the other three as a leader of sorts. He was the watcher among them. “Apologies for our brief meeting. I have realized we may have been a bit impolite in our questions and that was not our intent. Of course we would not expect you to leave without your captain. We were just hoping you might be able to pass the message along in the case that our Leader has not been able to speak with them yet.”

The three behind him shifted hesitantly as though they weren’t quite sure of themselves. They were soldiers, after all, and soldiers were meant to fight although this situation didn’t quite seem to call for their presence just yet. It left the with little to do.

Although he had very clearly been able to hear the question as to why they were not being allowed to leave the island, the watcher didn’t actually address that question. He honestly wasn’t used to situations in his profession where he had to do much speaking on the behalf of a team, but soldiers were more violent prone and a watcher could at least say what they saw. It was only logical for him to do the talking. Even he seemed to feel out of place, though.

@AllHailDago @shadowdude505 @Pequeno Burraidh @vergil
Shannon had spent much of his time after the storm had passed out amongst the wooded areas around the ship. While he largely intended on keeping the vessel in view, his goal had been to gather as many ingredients for medicines that he could find. The wonderful thing about the storm was that the winds had loosened many flowers he'd needed, and the rain had caused the blossoming of one particularly rare flower whose seeds, when ground into a paste and mixed with a couple minerals, formed quite the effective wound sealant and also had the unique effect of cauterising the wound. The revelation that some of these existed here easily led the young lad away from the Charbydis and deeper into the woods. Thankfully he knew well enough to mark a path and once a suitable amount of ingredients was found he began making his way back, intent on not being missed when kind miss Scarlet finally returned.

Looking up into the wild blue sky as flocks of sky sheep wafted by, the Mink found himself smiling broadly under his hood and behind his scarf. It was truly a wonderful day and he always loved being able to look up at the sky when it was this beautiful. Somewhere in his mind he couldn't help but imagine being free like one of the birds in the sky, able to go wherever they liked whenever they liked. Sadly, this brought his thoughts to the collar he knew was still wrapped around his neck. Raising a hand to feel it under his scarf, the Mink heaved a sigh and began organising the herbs in his satchel, using his peripheries to follow the trail back as he largely focused on the satchel alone. It was this action that was still being continued as Shannon eventually waltzed right into the backs of a quartet of men.

Scrambling to not drop any of his belongings, Shannon was quick to realise that none of these men were of his crew. Unsure of how to handle the situation, the cowled Mink pulled back and kept his head down, hoping for the best. Preferably for Scarlet or Jasper to arrive to take care of things. They were good at taking care of things.

@DaughterofAthena @AllHailDago

Cletus T. Bass


Cletus let out a low, irritated growl after the islanders replied to Jasper's question, or at least tried too. It was a very roundabout answer, making it not an answer at all as far as clearing things up was concerned. Cletus wanted answers, but he'd have to do it tactfully, otherwise he'd cause a fight he really didn't want to start. The older man took a long drag to calm his nerves, but that didn't stop him from sounding grumpy as per usual. "You're a bit late for that. Your leader talked to most of the crew at the hotel as I was leavin' this mornin'," Cletus replied. "Though I suppose you've had a small percentage of success with your mission. The three crew members who stayed on the ship probably didn't know until now. With Jasper here, that number goes down to two." That is until Shannon bumped into the men. "Make that one..."

Cletus didn't want the men to interpret the doctor's accidental run in with the soldiers the wrong way; he needed them to stay focused on him. Reaching for his gun would probably be a bad idea. It sure as hell wouldn't send a positive message, so for now he didn't bother trying to reach for it. The soldiers seemed well trained, but they clearly had room to grow as soldiers. They needed to learn how to have a cool, steely head; something only time could train. Cletus was confident that he could deal with trouble if it was aroused.

"We've answered your questions, now it's only courteous if you do the same. Something has gone missing on this island, something valuable, and now you're takin' the easy route by blamin' the newcomers. As if your society is free from thieves." Cletus exhaled smoke. "That's now how human nature works. We all have our flaws, but I can say for certain that thievery ain't one for this crew.... or at least it isn't something my Captain would knowingly allow. Captain Scarlet is an honest young woman."

"A bit too honest," he thought to himself as he continued to smoke. He began to think back to his earlier thievery escapade with Captain Scarlet. She couldn't even play along with his pickpocket-for-a-daughter cover story. Cletus let out a gruff chuckle. It seemed hypocritical to say that there were no thieves among the crew when he had helped Scarlet steal a merchant flag, but that was a life or death situation; they needed that flag to easily escape a Marine fleet. Though that experience did tell him one thing. Scarlet was a terrible liar and equally terrible thief. If his shooting skills hadn't kept the merchants dumbfounded, the Red Ribbon Pirates would have had a harder time escaping.

Cletus turned the attention of his mental facilities back at the soldiers and watcher. He wasn't quite done with his tirade yet. "Now the one thing I can't figure out is what would be worth stealing on a small island like this. You're all being too jumpy for a missin' wedding ring...unless you're just that secluded from the rest of the world for that to be the case. So why don't you stop beatin' around the bush. If you tell me what's missing, then I'd be able to keep an eye out for it," he added bluntly. "I'm a shipwright from Loguetown. As a hardworking man, I've build plenty of sturdy ships in my lifetime. If you don't trust me as a person, at least trust my reputation; after all, that's all a man has out in the Blues."

Cletus gave a steely gaze at the islanders and continued to smoke as he waited for a reply. Deep down he was a little worried though; If he happened to have his face plastered on a wanted poster, and if the islanders knew it, his gruff attempt at persuasion would be for nothing.


Nearby: @AllHailDago @Pequeno Burraidh @vergil(?)
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[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]During the island stay, Wasabi had remained fairly silent. He was not the type to sit and drink every night, partially because the alcohol outside his home area was either weak and pointless or strong and disgusting. Of course an outsider would likely say the same of the alcohol from his homeland.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]When Scarlet began to gather the crew to check on the ship, he decided to join them. He had been observing many things that went on while the crew had been there. One of those things was the obvious uneasiness with which Dale informed them of the theft investigation. After milling about this topic for a moment in silence, Wasabi decided to move up to Scarlet’s side. Though he wasn’t consciously trying to, Wasabi came up behind Scarlet in almost complete silence. As he approached over her right shoulder, he spoke softly, [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Captain, I trust you are aware of the suspicion on our party?”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Very much so,” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Scarlet replied. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“It’s odd isn’t it? We have barely even been here and the only place we’ve been is this inn.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]As far as she’d paid attention, at least, that was the only place anyone had been. Had anyone asked her about it, Scarlet would’ve harshly denied that anyone in her crew had wandered in any other direction at all. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Odd, yes. However, not from their point of view I don’t think. As far as this Dale can tell, a seeming group of pirates entered his village. This is fact. Pirates generally loot and pillage. This is also a fact. Items in his village have been stolen. These three facts are easily linked together for good reason.  Although we are clear of conscience, we are the easiest, most obvious, and most likely answer for Dale,” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]responded Wasabi.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“For now, though, we’re going to deal with it because maybe they can figure it out quickly and then we can be on our way,”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] she added, clearly trying to remain optimistic. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Then maybe we can also do some investigating ourselves too. He didn’t say that we couldn’t look into things. He just said he didn’t want us working with his investigation team.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]And when Dale had made that comment, it had seemed more like they were being denied simply because that particular team already knew how to work together well enough. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Wasabi nodded. Of course Scarlet had thought all of this through as well. She was the captain after all. However, he felt the need to voice one more concern, [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“I understand, but one more thing, Captain. Be prepared for a confrontation. I asked myself why Dale would personally inform us of the phenomenon and the only answer I could find is that he knew we would be involved before the issue was solved. Either he suspects us and was trying to see if he could spook us -- which this move back to the boat might appear to be signaling -- or he feels we’ll help him out in some way, perhaps justice outside the law. So tread carefully.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“We will tread carefully. But I do not want to start a conflict if we do not know that one is necessary. You’ve presented a few possibilities and I think they’re each just as likely as the next. Some wouldn’t require conflict per say and until all options point to conflict, I think we should avoid it. Our primary goal is to get off the island and continue heading for the Grand Line.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Turning her head to look over her shoulder, Scarlet glanced at Wasabi and nodded as though to confirm her own words. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Now, I would like to go check in with the ship and make sure we have everything. If you could be watchful on the way, that would be appreciated. Jasper might have some suggestions for a plan as well.”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] If there was one thing slowly becoming more clear about Scarlet, it was that she put a lot of faith in her first mate; so far, he hadn’t proved to be unworthy of it. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Before she left, Scarlet glanced briefly to Cygnus and Limstella. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Stay out of trouble, but see if you can learn anything. We should be back soon and I imagine we’ll find you.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Then she started walking, leading the way out of the inn and heading along busy streets that were crawling with people, all putting effort into cleaning up debris from the storm. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The path back to their ship wasn’t hard to find or follow. In fact, it was an actual path which might have been surprising. It seemed oddly lucky that they had landed their ship right where the path seemed to lead inwards to the town. However, it wasn’t something anyone was meant to complain about and there didn’t seem to be any complaints along the way. Once they made it to the actual path through trees, there were branches and leaves and puddles everywhere; clearly the clean-up effort didn’t extend this far out. It was work to step through everything, but they made it. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]They made it only to notice that there were four individuals in front of the ship and they seemed to be discussing something with Jasper and Cletus. Shannon was there too, but Scarlet couldn’t quite make out what the mink was doing. Concern sent her scurrying towards the situation and the attention of all three in the back of the huddle turned to her and to Shannon as the snow leopard mink had just run into one of them. All three of them appeared rather jumpy. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Hello? Are you all members of the crew here too?” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]One of the three of them asked.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Wasabi’s eyes narrowed when he noticed the strangers speaking to Jasper and Cletus. Who were these people and why had they come to the ship? They didn’t appear to be dangerous, he wanted to see what they did before he made a judgement. As they addressed the approaching crew, Wasabi took a place at the side of the group and planted his feet. Folding his arms, he simply stood and stared in a rather imposing manner as if to confirm in a rather ominous way that they were the crew.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Scarlet, meanwhile, continued walking right up to them in her own imposing manner and responded, [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Yes. I’m the captain, actually. Captain Scarlet Johanna Indigrid. We know we’re not supposed to leave the island. We know there has been a theft. If that’s all you’re here to tell us, you can go away now. We won’t be leaving without our whole crew and some of them still remain on the island.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Her words were firm and oddly fierce. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The group of three nodded and one of them reached out to grab the watcher who had still been conversing with Jasper and Cletus. He had been saying[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px], “We are not sure what was stolen. That information was not given. We trust our seer and she reported that a theft had happened according to her runes. She’s never been wrong before.” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]It seemed as though he had meant to continue, but he was grabbed by the shoulder and he turned to one of the other three who suggested they retreat for now. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Apologies. It seems we’re going to be getting out of your hair now. We’ll be watching.” [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]As the four of them left, that meant that Scarlet, Jasper, Cletus, Wasabi and Shannon remained with Rena likely still somewhere aboard the ship if Scarlet’s calculations were correct. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Wasabi nodded when the watcher mentioned they would be watching and added, [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“As will I.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Then he turned his attention to Jasper and said, [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“It seems a confrontation of misunderstanding is likely to occur soon. We should make preparations to deal with such a possibility.”[/SIZE]

Collab with: @CelticHero37 

Tags: @Felix @TheForgottenDoll @Pequeno Burraidh @shadowdude505 @AllHailDago

Cletus T. Bass


"There's a first time for everything," Cletus grumbled as the soldiers and watcher left. He personally was skeptical with mystic mumbo jumbo. There was always the possibility that the seers around the world where really conmen, if not a genuine Devil Fruit power. Maybe the seer on this island was legit, but with anything a human involves themselves in, there was always the possibility of human error no matter how skilled the individual was. Maybe the seer only interpreted the runes to say that there was a theft when there really hadn't been one; why else would the islanders not know what was missing. On the other hand it may be too early to tell. The villagers may be too preoccupied with cleaning up instead of counting their possessions.

Cletus would have to worry about the islanders later though. It was like Wasabi said. A fight did seem to be inevitable at some point. Cletus walked down the gangplank toward Captain Scarlet. He tossed his cigarette stub into the sand as he walked toward her. "Welcome back, Captain. The Charybdis is ship shape, she's just a bit cluttered with debris from the storm." After giving his brief report, Cletus looked over at Jasper and Wasabi. "As much as I agree that we should get ready in case a fight breaks out, if we start preparations too early we might end up provokin' a metaphorical hornet's nest. The islanders are already antsy enough and out of their element as is. If anything we should all mentally prepare ourselves to fight. Seein' that we're dealing with islanders and not anyone who wants us dead, when that fight does break out, we should focus on disarming them and anything short of killin'," he said. "Who knows, maybe if we're lucky this'll all blow over," he added, though he didn't sound like he believed it.

@DaughterofAthena @CelticHero37 @AllHailDago

Nearby: @Pequeno Burraidh
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collaborated with @DaughterofAthena

Cygnus had come to the point where he couldn't avoid it anymore. After breakfast, he tried to dodge it for some time by interrogating the townspeople. ‘Interrogating’ was a big word though, as it was not hostile in the slightest. He had been very careful in approaching them, not wanting them to have an emotional outburst. During his first conversation with an old lady he had found that the woman had no idea that something might have been stolen from them. The second one, a mother with child, thought that the biggest news was that there had been a giant storm. And after that the biggest news was that her sister had a baby a few days ago.

Apparently the villagers hadn’t been notified of the crime. Or they were lying about it. Dale had made it quite clear that he didn’t want Cygnus prying his nose where it actually mattered. He could have instructed the villagers to pretend they didn’t know. What was this town hiding? On the other hand, Dale had only said that there was a potential thief on the island, not that the theft had actually happened already. But if it hadn’t happened yet, why would you start an investigation team instead of a protection team? Or didn’t they have a clue what was about to be stolen? No, that wasn’t it either. Cygnus sensed that Dale knew exactly which object it was about. However, Cygnus had no idea what it was.

And that’s where Cygnus was so anxiously skirting around: he probably had to find out by speaking to seer Jada. And the thought scared him. Detective Albireo had not completely left him, but he too was not that brave. However, deep in his heart Cygnus knew that he wouldn’t get anything out of the villagers and that she was his only link. He actually knew for quite some time now and had slowly to build up the courage to do it. He had also asked what she looked like and where he could find her. The only thing he had to do now was actually talk to her.

She was right in front of him, but she hadn’t noticed him yet as Cygnus was sort of hiding on a small bench. His hands were trembling a bit. “You can do this!” he muttered to himself. No you can’t, his inner voice told him. Fortunately he already knew it would say that and had a plan for it. In a daze he stood up and took two clumsy steps in her direction. “My L-lady! I drop you saw someth- I mean, I saw you drop something.” He looked around for something she could potentially have dropped, but didn’t find anything. How could he get out of this situation? “Oh, now I see. It must have been something that has not happened yet. You can’t understand how often that happens to me, those nasty visions.” He hoped she would buy the whole “I am a seer too” act. Probably not, but hey … at least he had started a conversation.

Her attention quickly turned at the sound of the voice. She had been conversing with someone who was checking in to see if she had any additional information related to a drought that was supposedly going to be coming to the island and setting up preparations for it. Everything she had seen said it was quite a ways off, but there was no harm in being prepared and since everyone was working on clean-up now, it seemed a good time to make sure all the relevant parties were aware of future events. She was good at keeping people up to date like that. However, since it was so far off, there was nothing wrong with her allowing a small distraction, which it seemed this odd young man intended to offer.

"I don't believe I was even carrying anything with me, or I would definitely look for it. Pyrus has an odd way of sending people with warnings like that just as they happen," she remarked in reply. "Although I can't say I've ever heard of someone having such a trivial vision before. Is it something you'd be interested in sharing?" She could tell from looking at him that he was a traveler. Had he clearly been from the island, she would have caught on to the lie right away. Travelers though, she had learned long ago, had interesting things to share even when it might have been through very unique means.

Cygnus was relieved. It seemed like she bought it, for now. He had to play it smart now. He knew that she was expecting a theft. "I saw that you would lose something very important to you. The dropping part was just a metaphor, I think. Are you a follower of Pyrus too?"

"Why yes," Jada commented in a rather surprised tone. "Pyrus blessed this land and everyone on it. Odd. I would think that that would be why another one was brought here. Is that not what brings you to The Hallows?" She seemed honestly puzzled by it.

"At first I thought that it was just a coincidence that I wound up here. I was traveling with a group of pirates to get out of a perilous situation and a random storm led us to this island. However, now that I know this land is under protection of Pyrus I do not believe it was random anymore. What could have been his reason to send me here? Do you need help?"

"Pirates? In The Hallows? I think you should let Dale know right away. I know we had visitors on the island, but I don't think he dared imagine they were pirates. He's a kind leader, never too quick to accuse anyone, but if you say they are pirates, then that actually probably solves the problem in and of itself. We will just catch them before the artifact is stolen." She seemed quite decisive in that and then she turned her head, starting to search for the island's beloved Leader.

Wait, this was not supposed to be how it would go. Cygnus panicked. What if he had doomed the whole crew by this simple mistake? On the other hand, it was quite possible that they would steal it. He barely knew these people after all. They all seemed so kind though. "Now, hold on a second!" He quickly caught up with her. "Like you said, we should draw conclusions carelessly. Pirates do not necessarily plunder and pillage. I think it is better to protect that what is about to be stolen. Do you have any idea what that could be?"

"It is not a careless conclusion of me to make when Pyrus himself brought you to me," Jada replied. "Pyrus does nothing without the intent to be understood. He speaks through me, but I was taught to learn that he speaks through others as well, just as he has spoken through you. And pirates are criminals regardless. Surely you know that? What kind of island would we be if we harbored criminals? That would draw the marines and you of all people should know why we can't have that." She was clearly starting to get more than a little frustrated with Cygnus now and her words were becoming more and more quickened with anxiety.

"It is true, Pyrus speaks through many. But he also told me tales of pirates who saved those who couldn't help themselves. Especially a country like this, away from the influence of the marines need those kind of protectors. You already harbored them, so why don't you try to figure out whether they can be trusted or not? They might even help us protect the object that could be stolen."

Jada's eyes became a sharp focused glare at Cygnus as he spoke those words because something was very wrong with all of the things he now spoke. "Pirates spend their lives sailing in Aquarius's domain and you're telling me Pyrus told you tales of them!?" It was pure and simple blasphemy. Anyone who knew the old tales, anyone who knew the legends, anyone who understood the faith would know that and Cygnus clearly didn't.

Cygnus realised that he had made a huge misstep. Note to self: don't mention Arlen and Nerissa. His mind was racing over all the stories he had heard about this Pyrus. The only story that came to mind was one where the earth was divided among the three gods. None of their names was Pyrus though. He recalled how Nerissa had told them. There was Aqarius of course, the gentle goddess who had been banished to the sea. He did not exactly remember the second name, but he had made war with the third one Halos, god of the land. And then they- Wait Halos, Hallows. Cygnus started to see a link here. Were the stories real after all? Did they even realize their island was named after a god?

Not only was Jada's distress apparent to Cygnus simply because he was right in front of her, but apparently it was also becoming noticeable to others as well. One man walked over to them and put a hand on the seer's shoulder. "Is something bothering you, Seer? I'd love to help. Is there something troubling coming our way?" Usually, when she became distressed, that was what it meant.

However, now was not one of those times. "Blasphemy... he's speaking blasphemy..." she uttered, pointing at Cygnus which turned a sharp glare towards him on the part of the man who'd walked up to her.

"Would you come with me, please, sir?" The man spoke cordially, but there was enforcement in his words. It wasn't meant to be something that could be turned down.

Cygnus pushed all of his charms in his next words. He chose them very carefully. "There must have been a slight misunderstanding here. I am not conspiring with Aquarius in any way. She is the harbinger of all disasters. However, the pirates that travel her domain know exactly how to fight these disasters. In a way they represent the power of the land over the sea."

Jada was already shaking her head. "He lied about Pyrus," she said to the man as she defended her case. "He said Pyrus sent him visions of pirates." It was clear that she was firm in the belief that that would not happen.

"No, no, wait! I never said visions. Tales i meant, t-tales." The situation was becoming worse by the minute. He had to think of a way to get out of here. The mob around them was looking angrily towards the scene. Skittishly Cygnus eyes searched for an escape route. He would even teleport himself out of there if there was no other way.

At this point, the man stepped forward, breaching a small amount of personal space that should have been left between himself and Cygnus. "I think you need to come with me, sir. You're distressing our Seer and her eyes are very important right now." In fact, they were always important.

Eyes focused on him and eyes focused on Cygnus, eager to see the outcome of the dispute.

Cygnus shrieked in panic. His eyes didn't find any way out of the mob and there was no safe space to teleport to either, the villagers could easily see where he would go. Suddenly a piece of memory came back to him, clear as day. He heard Nerissa's voice: "And so, the lord of chaos and the lord of the sky continued their war for dominance over the land." How could he have been so stupid. Halos had nothing to do with the earth other than that he wanted to rule it.

In a short moment Cygnus decided what to do. He grabbed his shirt with one hand and tore it from his body. It was not that difficult as the shirt barely held together on its own. He pulled back his cloak and unfolded his wing with a lot of bravado. It felt good to set it free after a long time of concealing it. It gave him just the little confidence boost he needed for his bluff. "Foolish people of The Hallows!" He shouted in his most dark voice. "Never question an apostle of lord Pyrus! You have failed this test. Dark times will come." He spread his wing and arm wide, not just to add a bit of drama, but also to create a room. It felt good to command his power without those pesky words. The Conductor was alive once more. "Do not expect His help in the upcoming events. You will be on your own until you have regained His trust. Do not anger him any further or he might retract his blessing over this island. You better do what you are told. Hail to the storm!" As he said his last sentence he flipped his wings and disappeared.

Cygnus reappeared a at the outer rim of the spectators and started running. He hoped the last bit wasn't too much. He had a quick look over his shoulders, but saw that the people were still staring at the place where he had stood a moment ago. Sometimes it was a blessing to be a storyteller. It does not outweigh the many burdens. His euphoria ebbed away and dread settled in. He shot in a dark alley. He had to find the pirate crew. He started running in the direction of the ship. They had to leave as soon as possible.
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Jasper Pharos and Scarlet Johanna Indigrid

After asking his question Jasper simply observed the gathered strangers as they convened to figure out how to answer him. The men really did seem to be offput by the situation at hand. Likely diplomacy was not their bread and butter, and that they would be happier fighting Jasper. Though he had to say that this was a safer option for them where he was involved. He could not quite grasp what could have been stolen to have upset them or whoever was their superior in such a manner.

Jasper simply allowed the elder marksman take care of the remaining conversation while he observed. He had to admit, while gruff and a bit brash, Mister Cletus did seem to know how to word things properly to get desired information. Perhaps it is a task many people get simply through age, regardless of their.... uncultured tone. Either way, it seemed as if the soldiers were slighltly more comfortable talking to him than Jasper. The suit must have thrown them off.

Just as they seemed to be getting somewhere with the men Lady Scarlet arrived and ordered them to leave. Which, while he was happy to see her taking charge so forcefully, was unfortunately timed. Be that as it may, he was quite pleased to see she looked completely unharmed after last night's storm. Mister Wasabi, the rather mysterious masked chef of the crew accompanied her.

Jasper lowered and descended the gangplank to the beach, frowning as the wet sand muddied his freshly polished shoes. "Apologies for the state of the ship Lady Scarlet. I was having my morning tea before I began cleaning in preparation for your return. However those soldiers seemed to have finally come to talk to us after watching us for a while, and it got in the way of things."

He pulled at the cuffs of his suit and adjusted his cufflinks. "So, they seem to assume we stole whatever it is that was stolen. At least their body language seems to project that though. I agree we should not jump hastily to violence against these villagers, but preparation to defend ourselves and leave if need be is vital. What do you think Lady Scarlet?"

"I'm honestly not sure," was the answer Scarlet gave. [COLOR=firebrick:]"I wasn't sure what shape the ship was in so I wasn't even sure if leaving was an option in the first place, even if the islanders would allow such a thing. Didn't seem right of me to try making plans not knowing the whole situation."[/COLOR] That was part of her uncertainty, but not all of it. The other pieces of her uncertainty existed because of curiosity and she wasn't quite sure how to explain it; rather than try, she didn't mention it there. As she thought through a few more things, another idea came to her. "Do you think they could stop us if we really tried to leave, Jasper?" It seemed to be a good option for her to consider and it was a good question to ask Jasper because he had more experience with ships.

Jasper took off and wiped down his sunglasses while he thought over the question. "Well, considering they sent a small detachment of soldiers to "politely" inform us leaving is not an option that makes me think they may not have the proper ships or seafaring gear to inform us by boat. A boat that would also indicate to us that they could pursue us if we were to leave anyway. So I would assume either they do not have apt sailing vessels, or the storms did far worse a number on them than us. This is all assumptions of course, but I would say we have a highly likely chance of leaving as we please absolutley unscathed." He placed his sunglasses back on the bridge of his nose and pushed them up. "And that is without us fighting."

Regardless of what they decided there, leaving wasn't an option yet. There were still two of their crewmates on the island in the city because Scarlet had left them there. She had thought that gathering information would be a good idea and now that whole plan seemed to have backfired on her. They might have just been able to sail off right there. She had to sigh as she realized her mistake. "Well, we can't leave now. Cygnus and Limstella are still in The Hallows," she mumbled. "Leaving people to gather information about what else might be going on seemed like a good idea at the time." Some might have found it silly that Scarlet as a captain felt the need to defend her actions, but she had always learned to have a reason for things, no matter how silly it might have seemed. The only reason to prove that she did was to say it out loud.

"My first thought is to try to get the whole crew back together, but that might look like a threat to the island and then they might be provoked..." Scarlet mentioned. She really was thinking things through and it seemed they had themselves in a situation that could go bad in several different ways.

Jasper eyed Lady Scarlet with a curious glance. Perhaps it was the sudden growing amount of people coming to rely on her as Captain, but she really seemed to be thinking things through more lately. "Nonsense Lady Scarlet, gathering information would be exactly the right kind of move to make. While it is true we could be gone here and now were they here, we would also need to stop again somewhere for supplies, no? This way perhaps we can help them find the true thief, and in their gratefulness receive supplies at a reduced cost, or dare i say... free? Even if we fail to catch their thief we can simply leave at our leisure anytime if my assumptions are true. It is not as though they will suddenly gain the ability to stop us just because we go back for our crewmates, or stick around to help."

"Alright. So we're going to go back and find Cygnus and Limstella and hopefully try to help. Uhm... we should probably leave a few people at the ship just to make sure nothing prevents us from leaving quickly if we have to, right?"

Jasper looked back at the ship and in towards the island. "This is true. Though I do not believe we need to have too many stay back. One or two at the most should be more than sufficient. Would you prefer if I safeguarded the ship or came inland?"

Scarlet pursed her lips in thought and then she waved her arm as if to gesture for him to come along. Although he was one of the few she trusted with the ship, she also knew how terrible she could be at gathering information and that didn't make her the most confident. Tie that together with her general lack of experience with the rest of the crew and that left her with one person she could trust to be able to figure a thing or two out for them. Of course, she wasn't quite sure who that left in charge of the ship, but that thought hadn't quite breached her mind just yet.

"You should come with. Maybe you'll see something we haven't yet."

Jasper straightened out and nodded deeply to Lady Scarlet. "I will do my best to pick up on anything i can." He straightened out his weapons and put his hands behind his back. "So, do you have anyone in mind to watch the ship since I am coming along? Though I suppose we may not exactly need someone to stay behind."

The captain's eyes turned to regard the rest of her crew - Wasabi, Cletus and Shannon. After considering each of them for a moment, she shrugged and then commented, "I suppose if anyone wants to stay and watch the ship, they're more than welcome to, but if it doesn't seem necessary to you then... well, then I think keeping the group together would be the best idea."

Collabed with: @AllHailDago 

Tagged: @Pequeno Burraidh @shadowdude505 @CelticHero37

Note: @vergil Rena is presumed to be asleep on the ship somewhere. Just in case you aren't sure where your character is... 


Limstella sighed as Scarlet left with the other crew members. Once they were gone, Limstella ripped out a piece of paper from her book, and jotted down some words. "This is so not my day" She said as she pushed it into Cygnus's available hand. If they were to be caught, or assumed they had no chance what so ever. Unfortunately the Captain said that she shouldn't get into trouble, so no more breakfast. She toyed around, and opened up her book. She jotted down the summarized phrases. 

Curiously she read through them a few times, before closing it, and putting away back on her belt. As she remembered on what she wrote to Cygnus. 'Did you still something? Because I definitely did not, also give me back to me so I can throw it away later'. She then took out the bundle of leaves, to examine them. It was wilting of course, but maybe still able to use. She then checked what was inside her sleeves to find Jasper's handkerchief. Frowning at the aspect of having the handkerchief she stowed away back into her sleeve with the bundle of herbs.

[SIZE=14.6667px]All around as Cygnus unveiled his wing, the crowd was flooded with shocked gasps, whispered questions and people backing away or trying to run. No one had ever seen anything like that before and even their own seer hadn’t been able to warn them about it. It had to mean something but no one was willing to venture a guess as to what it was. There was pandemonium brewing and everyone was preparing for panic if this meant their way of life was ruined. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Luckily, the seer was still aware, though, and she stood up. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“Everyone! Everyone! Calm down. He does not speak the truth. We have not enraged our God. Calm down.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Her words were said in an even tone and without any gaps between the words. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“He was trying to spread blasphemy and lies. He was sent by another to try and convince us that everything we believe is wrong. Fear not, though. Pyrus is strong and he remains with us.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] As she spoke, the crowds slowly calmed and she nodded to each and every one of them. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]“What we do know is that there are pirates on the island. Do not engage. Our Leader has prepared for this and we are going to take care of it. Then both the thieves and all other dangers will be gone.” [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]That seemed to do it. The crowd was right again, or, as right as they could be. It was clear that some were still flustered at seeing a winged man and some were afraid of the mention of pirates, but most seemed content to return to their work cleaning up the mess the storm had left them. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Meanwhile, there was one among the crowd who had a very different reaction to the mention of pirates. Chase Andis stood amongst the crowd, and he could not deny the fury that was rising up in him. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]‘[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Pirates. Hmm… this might be some welcome information. Maybe I can find a new lead. Or maybe I can get a nice payday out of it.’[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Buried deeper in his mind, though, was a hidden threat if he found any connection to his true targets.  Chase tried his best to contain that specific fury. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Instinct told him to follow that individual, but instead he started to head towards the inn. Perhaps the innkeeper had seen something, or heard something. A few visitors came in out of The Hollows, and many people had been staying in the inn in the aftermath of the storm. He might even run into some of these alleged pirates, and what better way to get information than to listen in on their conversations? He needed to find out more before he could decide if these were possible targets, or something else entirely. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Chase walked into the inn, making his way to the keeper. As he approached, he looked around. Chase was always careful to be aware of his surroundings. The first floor was set up much like a tavern because it was essentially that. The bar was to the far left as Chase walked in. Walking straight ahead were stairs and just to the left of the stairs, there was another door, likely to a storage room of some kind. There weren’t actually many people in the area at the moment. Most people had either left already - as it was mid-morning - or they were helping with cleanup. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Chase approached the innkeeper, and took a seat at the bar. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“Excuse me. I’d like a coffee please.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The man behind the bar nodded at the request and wandered back to a counter quick, grabbing a mug and pouring a cup. Then he returned, setting it on the table. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“Black or with cream or sugar?”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] he asked. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]“Sugar would be good,”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Chase responded.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Reaching under the counter, the man grabbed two packs of sugar and loosely tossed them to Chase. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“Anything else I can get for you, sir?”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Chase caught the sugar, and put the sugar in his coffee. He stirred it, and then took a drink. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“I’m curious, what kind of guests have you been getting in lately? I’m looking to possibly hire a ship.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]“Ahh. Well, there was one lady in here who kept calling herself Captain while she was drunk last night. Her and her group left a little while ago. I think there were… uhm… four or five of ‘em. One o’ em wore the funniest hat.” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]The man mentioned. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“Leader Dale wasn’t planning on letting them leave the island and the seer was here earlier. She said something was gonna be stolen, but I didn’t catch all of it.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]‘Sounds like I’ve got some time then. ‘ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Chase took another sip of his coffee. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“Sounds intriguing. Does the leader think they could be connected to this?”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The man shrugged. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“Beats me.” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]He truly didn’t have much more to offer than that. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]‘Sounds like something pirates would do.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] ‘ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Chase finished his coffee, and tipped the tender. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“Thanks for the coffee. It was very refreshing. Work has been a bear with the storm and all. It’s nice to catch a good drink. I appreciate it. I’d better get back to work before I’m missed.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Chase got out of the seat, and made for the door.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]“Hey!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] he called out quick. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“You gonna be around later? My wife needs a sweater fixed. Got a hole in the sleeve and she can’t sew to save her life even though she pretends she can.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] He chuckled as he said it. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Chase turned around, and chuckled a bit as he heard the keeper. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“That’s not the first time I’ve heard that. Sure. This storm is stopping a lot of us from going anywhere. Besides, I don’t want to look suspicious and leave when the leader has this kind of problem. I’ll stop back tonight after my work is finished. I’d be more than happy to take a look at it for you,”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Chase responded.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The man nodded his thanks and trusted the man to come back. After all, Chase had been on the island for long enough for most people to be familiar with his work as a tailor. Yes, he was a bit odd and everyone knew he was looking for a way off the island, but he was polite enough and he hadn’t brought harm along with him.[/SIZE]
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Cletus T. Bass


Cletus looked back at the Charybdis. The shipwright side of him wanted to stay and guard her, but his human side wanted to stick with the crew. As much as he hid it under his gruff exterior, he had grown fond of the crew. At first it felt a little strange taking orders from someone old enough to be your daughter, but over the last couple of days he noticed Scarlet's captain-like qualities. Sure she was young and seemed a bit unsure of what to do next from time to time, but who wasn't at that age. Cletus was glad that she had someone like Jasper to talk things over with, but as the oldest member of the crew, maybe it was time that he took Scarlet under his wing a little. He was no captain, but forty years of living has to count for something, right?

"Don't worry about what the islanders think," Cletus said to Scarlet in a softer gruff voice than usual. "If you're worried about the crew and want everyone together, then that's the move we should make. You're the Captain after all. At this point tiptoein' around the islanders is only going to push the conflict into a later time frame. That would give us more time to prepare, but that would also leave more possibilities for something to happen to our crewmates. I doubt these islanders have the guts to kill, but we will be inconvenienced if they managed to capture a couple of our mates."

Cletus placed a cigarette in his mouth and light it with his lighter. "You wanna know separated Gol D. Roger and the rest of the best from mediocre pirates? Their crews worked really well together. Why? Because they were like a family. If you want to gather the crew it's your call, but don't let the villagers stop you. If anything you could always tell em that we're shopping. We do need supplies after all." 


Nearby: @AllHailDago @CelticHero37 @Pequeno Burraidh
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There was a great list that Shannon had concocted long ago of all the things he hated about himself. Very little actually had to do with his attitude or who he was either, as he had grown to cherish his kind and caring nature and his want to help people. Instead the list was namely just a long list of his features, his race, the fact that without his robes he was very, very conspicuous which had long ago squashed any flickering, far off ideas of escaping his former crew. Despite this, however, he knew that it was because of his race that he was able to save so many. His deft and agile fingers could move surprisingly fast, often able to pull items from wounds or stitch someone faster than any one else could, and his eyes never suffered in low light which meant that day or night, bright or dark he could always be counted on. His sense of smell had saved many from colourless poisons or rotten foods and, though he had no earthly idea on how he'd managed it, he had once even managed to shock a man's heart back into motion when desperate.

Finally there was his hearing. His hearing had picked up much once Scarlet had returned and sent the men off. He was grateful for her timing as well, as he'd feared upsetting the men, but that hadn't stood a chance with the captain returning and speaking to them. There was a need for information and also Scarlet wouldn't leave any of her crew behind. Not being a part of the big group talking, Shannon's eyes shifted back and forth from the ship to the trail, then back to the ship and once more to the trail.

Letting a hand fall to his bag, he knew he had gathered a surplus of herbs and even a few fruits, and doing some trading in town would be useful. And whilst he didn't want to go alone, he also realised that, having just gone through a storm, people may need medical aid. He could provide that and since he didn't talk people had such a habit of rambling to him. Perhaps this would be his chance to prove his worth to Scarlet and Jasper for how nice they had been.

While the group continued debating their options Shannon slipped off the ship and took of down the trail at a fair clip, not running, but definitely walking quickly. A short time later the young, cowled, mink was making his way down the streets, his quill and parchment in hand as he began looking around for any general stores or market places that he may be able to find trade at knowing that if nothing else he would at least be able to make some good trades with some of the more unique, off island items he had tucked away in his bag.

The Hallows: In the City

There were many precautions that Leader Dale put into place in a very brief amount of time. No one was to leave the island and messengers had been sent to every shore possible to ensure that much. Though none had returned yet, he truly didn’t anticipate any difficulties. Furthermore, the one accused of blasphemy was now an open target. Anyone who wanted to arrest him and who was capable of doing so was more than welcome to. His identity was still a mystery, but someone with his particular abilities couldn’t be too hard to learn anything about. He had vanished and reappeared and that was a rather rare gift, after all.

Furthermore, Seer Jada was casting stones now to see what else they could learn and an envoy was preparing to escort her to the temple; that was where she was most connected to Pyrus and it was where they were most likely to get answers. And accompanying her were to be two of The Hallows’ most trained soldiers. One of them was a former marine swordswoman - Aiada Laguz - and the other was the local gunsmith - Tucker Toland. Together, they seemed confident that they could protect her from whatever thieves and pirates had stumbled upon their home. And if they were confident, then Leader Dale believed in them. That was the way faith worked.

“Are you ready, Seer?” Aiada asked with patience in her voice.

“Yes, I believe so. Pyrus has told me that we will get to the temple. We will get there, but that something will surprise us.” There was concern in her voice. A surprise could be deadly and she knew it.

“Nonsense,” Tucker chimed in. “Nothing can surprise us. And if it does, we’ll be able to handle it. Pyrus blesses our path.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Let us depart then. The faster we get there, the less time this surprise has to prepare.”

And so it was that a party of three left from the main city of The Hallows. Leader Dale escorted them to the edge of the city boundary and then he remained behind to oversee the cleanup that continued. His goal was to make sure that those within the town were able to continue on in as normal of a manner as possible.

Captain Scarlet Johanna Indigrid

Scarlet was finding that digging herself out of her current predicament was as simple as a small dose of confidence and she could manage that quite well with her crew around her. She smiled at Cletus’s comments and she nodded in his direction. Then a smirk decorated her expression. “If we’re a family, then does that make you the grandpa of the group!?” It was a fun tease and no one would doubt that Cletus was the eldest of their crew. That much was apparent simply by the look of him.

In their moments of discussion, though, Scarlet had missed one thing. The doctor of their crew managed to sneak away on her and she hadn’t even realized it until she realized that they didn’t have the full group. Just before she could say “Let’s go,” she noticed that Rena and Shannon were missing. “We’re missing people. Hmm…” Given what she knew about them, Scarlet really didn’t think Shannon would have snuck into town; if anything, Scarlet imagined he would have went into the ship to stay behind. He just didn’t seem like an adventuring type to her. Scarlet wasn’t necessarily the best judge of character, though. And Rena… well, she thought Rena was still sleeping.

“Hmm, Shannon and Rena can stay behind, I guess.” She shrugged it off because she was ready to get moving. “Let’s go guys. When we get to town, though, we’re going to split up. Jasper, you will get supplies and see what you can learn about what’s going on. What’s missing and who else is here? See if you can discover that. Cletus, you and I will look for Limstella and Cygnus. Wasabi, you can go across the island. I want to see if we can figure out where these other people on the island are. Don’t get into trouble, but see what you can learn.”

The captain glanced at everyone to make sure they understood their role.

“Then, as the sun starts to set, we’ll all meet back at the inn in the Hallows. Bring anyone from the crew you manage to gather and we’ll reevaluate the situation to see what we can do about leaving this place and getting back on the hunt for the One Piece.” She had to keep that goal in mind. It was her main driver in all things.

As she gave their instructions, they were walking towards the town, and by the end of it, they had arrived. Many eyes settled upon them and every gaze was flooded with suspicion, but no one seemed intent on taking immediate action. All they did was watch and move to avoid them.

“Good luck,” she said to Jasper and to Wasabi. “Cletus, let's see if they’re still at the inn first.”

Elisa Pentana

She had left The Hallows. Now that she had all the information she needed, Elisa had no intentions or need to return to that place. She was actually surprised at how easy her task had been so far and she didn’t think much challenge would arise as she continued to move. Her path had been odd, but it had brought her back to where she wanted to be - the Temple of Pyrus. And her footsteps had brought her inside without hesitation.

It truly had not taken her long to claim what she was seeking.

And then she made her way back out. Her path would be straight. It would take her right back to the ship and then they would leave. However, things couldn’t be that simple. As she moved, she spotted a group of soldiers heading in that direction. “That’s not good,” Elisa mumbled under her breath. She knew that the crew would be fine, but she couldn’t exactly sneak past them when they were clearly heading to the same location that she was. Which meant that for now, she was on hold in the forest.

It was a waiting game and waiting games could quickly become dangerous.

@CelticHero37 @AllHailDago @shadowdude505 @Pequeno Burraidh @TheForgottenDoll @Felix @Stormborn Targaryen @Nenma Takashi 

Note: This post does not necessarily pertain to all of you, but it is important for you to start to be aware of things that are happening because there are important NPCs you could run into depending on which direction you head in. Let me know if you have any questions or are interested in collaborating on anything. 


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Limstella & Tamashi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Tamashi kicked a rock by her foot as she walked she was beyond disappointed. She had come to this island hearing word that the man she was looking for might be here, but nothing not even a mention of anyone fitting his description. She kicked the rock again harder this time sending a good distance away from her letting out a huff of air. She’d now been on the island for a week now the reason she had not yet left? She didn’t have a ship the one that dropped her off had already left and she hasn’t found any other chance to leave the island. “I should found some means of getting off this island. If I have to I might be able to build a raft.” She shook her head at the idea the seas around here were far too rough for any pathetic raft she could make.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Clenching her fist she was at her witts end. “While I’m stuck on this island [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]he’s [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]off doing….something!” She scratched her head as she tried to think of some other way to get off the island. That was when she heard some people talking and decided to check it out. She spotted a young man and woman talking curious as to what she cupped her hand over her ear but only got bits. Something about visions and a god and…..pirates?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Tamashi’s interest was peaked this was what she needed right now. She rubbed her chin thinking about her plan. “If I beat up these pirates and steal their ship, I can get off this island!” She looked back when she heard the man suddenly start yelling seeing he had wings she rubbed her eyes to make sure she was seeing correctly. Then he was just gone again she had to double check to make sure she wasn’t crazy. She shook her head looking around now baffled as to what had just happened. “Where did he go!?” She wondered completely confused she shook her head again as if to shake the confusion from her head.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Limstella exited out to search for Cygnus. She could've sworn he was nearby her, and she did not want the captain to get angry at her or her closest expression for anger. "Cygnus!" Limstella yelled as she ran out. What in the world was he doing? Did he really want the both of them to get killed. She turned around the corner to see Cygnus out with wings.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Okay I must be seeing things" Limstella said as she rubbed her eyes. By the time she stopped it he disappeared. "... I am so telling Scarlet this, but first I need to catch Cygnus" She then darted off around the town to find Cygnus. It was kinda her responsibility to look out for Cygnus, since Scarlet trusted them to do absolutely nothing, and wait for them. Until then she was mentally screwed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She searched around every corner, avoiding getting caught by the town guard, and trying to find Cygnus.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Tamashi turned to go look for this pirate ship. It was now accruing to her she had no idea where to even find this ship. While walking she spotted someone who appeared to be sneaking around. Tamashi was a bit curious as to why so she decided to investigate. She walked up behind the stranger and tapped them on the shoulder. "Looking for something?" She asked in a very matter of fact tone. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Limstella instantly whirled around in a instant. "Yes I'm looking for my friend Cygnus" Limstella said instantly as she looked around. Where could of that idiot go? If only someone was with her to find him. "He had wings, and he's a part of my captain's crew" Why did this go so wrong. "Have you seen him?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Tamashi hit the jackpot a crew meant a ship a ship meant getting off this damn island. No to mention if she helped this girl she might be able to score a free pass onto the ship. "Yeah I did and then well I didn't. But if I help you find him you think you could let me on your ship whenever you leave!?" [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Depends, you are most likely going to get in due to our lucky to go captain" Limstella said rolling her eyes at the lucky to go part, as she looked around. Where in the world did Cygnus go? Was it the legendary devil fruit people were speaking about? "Well I guess we can start searching around" Limstella said as she started to walk around trying to find Cygnus with Tamashi.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The moment the girl turned her back Tamashi clenched her fist glad she scored a spot on the ship. "I'm Tamashi by the way." She didn't give her last name just in case the girl had heard about her. She wasn't a super famous bounty hunter but you could never be too sure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Limstella" is all that she said as she continued to searched for Cygnus. Where did that timid meek white hair guy go anyway. Seeing that it was kinda useless with two people she might as well get Scarlet. "Tamashi we're going to see my cap so she can help us okay"  Limstella said as she pointed towards the direction of the ship. "I don't usually like telling people what to do, but let's walk out of here silently.[/SIZE]
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