Wes Hasitomo


Yaoi Master
Club: Drama club (Club leader) (Best at acting.)

Crush: Atsushi (Psychotic Love)

Persona: Evil (Helps Yan-chan out when needed. Exclusive access to help and gloves/mask.) Friendly (Friends with everyone. Can get anyone to do anything for him.) 

Extras: Wes is openly gay. Wes will ask in return for his help, to not kill his crush, and to help set him up with Gei. If Yan-chan kills Gei, he will ether kill her, or try to apprehend her.

(If you have any suggestions, please let me know)

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I thought this character was great... thank you... I did base it a little bit off of me, I like plays....
Yay! Anyway, dose Wes get Gei in the end? Lol, I mean I think it would be cute, music club x drama club!
It may be a little tough, I mean, Suto is a yandere too. He a more pragmatic but he wouldn't mind spilling a few guts.

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