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Realistic or Modern Weight of the World

JD frowned some and made his way upstairs taking a deep breath before he got to their room "Babe?" He said quietly before he pulled her close taking a deep breath as Jojo whined trying to nuzzle against her

Max rolled her eyes a bit at the thought of the three of them together. Even if it was about business they always some how ended up in a bit of trouble. She sat down with Dex and frowned looking at her phone seeing a few messages from an unsaved number
Carmen frowned some, not saying anything, just turning towards him a little and held onto him tightly, burying her face against his shoulder for the rest of the night and skipping dinner, telling JD that she was feeling sick again but she ended up spending the next few days like that, in bed or on the couch just staring at walls or sleeping and she knew that Jorge was getting worried but she just couldn’t bring herself to get up yet. Until the morning she woke up to the note that he was back at work and he’d see her in a month, having completely forgotten that he was going back out on assignment already so she pulled herself up and made her first mission the most important, going to pick up a test after she’d now skipped her period on top of all the other symptoms she’d experienced.

Jon got home late into the afternoon, covered in blood but shook his head and took her hands gently when she came running looking worried. “Not mine beautiful.... not mine. Your brother took me out with his crew for a Job.... I got in the way when the guy got shot.”He explained.
JD had been with her the whole time through her grieving. He had tried to get her up and going but she wasn't having it. He sighed heavily knowing he would need to leave for the day and he didn't want to wake her up. He left her a long nite before he left trying to get his mind centered on his job and not try to worry about her too much.

Max walked out of the restroom as Jon came back in and went wide eyed seekng him covered in blood. She rushed over and looked him over some "What happened?! Are you okay?" She asked worriedly whimpering quietly as he took her hands in his relaxing some when he said it wasn't his "Are you back to work now?"
She gathered up the energy and forced herself out of the house with Jojo on his leash, texting JD that she would be up for a phone call whenever he had time because she had no appointments today and she felt bad that their last week at hone had been so awful.

He shook his head, undoing his buttons and smiled. “Not yet. Your brother was my ride though. I couldn’t exactly demand he chauffeur me around could i?” He pointed out and kissed her cheek, going to throw the shirt away and get changed, going back to her in comfy clothes and pulling her in close.
JD glanced at his phone giving a small smile when he saw Carmen's name pop up. He sighed heavily as he sat in the bar waiting for his mark to show up like he always did. He wasn't thrilled to be back at work so soon after they had gotten back but he had to do what he needed to do.

Max gave a nod and shrugged some "Yeah I guess you have a point." she murmured holding him close as well "What do you want for dinner?" she asked softly as she swayed with him a bit just enjoying her time with him.
She smiled tiredly when he called her straight away. "Hey, I didn't realise you were back at work today.... I just wanted to say sorry that I've been uh... less than good company the past few days." She told him. "When will you be home next?" She asked him curiously, crossing the street and heading up to the CVS nearby, leaving Jojo tied outside for a couple minutes.

He shrugged some and kissed her head "Not really all that hungry." He told her quietly. "I'm gonna go see Sarah and Jack tomorrow, first day of actual school." He told her "So I'll be gone when you get up but home after breakfast." He promised, yawning a little and watching out their kitchen window.
JD smiled softly and called her immediately "Its okay babe, I know its been a rough week." he murmured sipping at his soda quietly still trying to keep an eye out for his mark "I'll be home within the next few weeks, depends on how this goes." he explained giving a heavy sigh "I'm hoping this will be a quick one."

Max nodded some and smiled a bit "Make sure to take some photos of him." she said happily giving him a kiss sighing softly "Do you ever want more children?" she asked quietly biting her lip gently
She nodded some and yawned a little. "Alright, you gotta call me whenever you can alright? Be safe, look after yourself, I love you okay? More than anything, get home safe to me alright?" She asked him, chatting with him a little longer until she got outside again and started taking Jojo home, ending the call and going to take the three pregnancy tests that she had picked up.

He smiled and nodded "With you I would... Children were never a big one for me... But then Jack came along and he's my world, ours would be too." He explained quietly, stumbling a little as he was starting to get a little dizzy from all the energy he'd used up that day.
JD chatted with her happily for the first time in a few days just making sure to listen to everything she said "I promise you I will dear don't worry okay? You stay safe too alright? Make sure to give Jojo my love." he murmured before he finally hung up with her right as his mark had made his way into the small bar

Max smiled softly and gave a small nod "I'm glad to hear that." she murmured pecking his lips again but frowned as he started to get dizzy "Come sit down babe okay?" she murmured before she led him to the couch "I know we have a long way to go before this happens but I would like to be there for Jack too if I ever can. I don't want you to think I don't welcome him." she explained
"It's not me you have to convince." He pointed out, "It's Sarah." He murmured, kissing her cheek, letting her help him to the couch, laying back and closing his eyes a little, keeping her extra close. "Mmm... I love you." He told her quietly, pulling his shirt off when he started feeling like he was overheating, laying there quietly and just trying to settle himself "I think... I think I overdid it today." He told her quietly.

Carmen spent the next month just working herself silly so she wasn't worrying about JD 24/7 but she was getting more and more concerned. Every phone call they had he was sounding more and more paranoid and he was starting to sound more like the man she had first met. Her worry was that he wasn't fit to do the job right now and needed another break but after everything that had happened she knew it was likely they wouldn't accept it this time. She had a meeting with his captain anyway for another officer she was having sessions with and once she was sat down in front of himshe kept the files back "Before this.... I'm worried about Jorge.... He's not well Tyler." She told him frowning
Max held him close giving a small smile "I love you too babe." she said softly frowning some when he started to get warm. She turned on the fan and gave a small nod popping out the recliner so he could relax some more "Just relax babe okay?" she murmured smiling as Dex jumped up to cuddle into him "Oh Dex! You stealing my spot again?"

Tyler frowned some looking over at Carmen as she sat down across from his desk "Carmen I have been keeping tabs on him. He will be okay, he comes home in a few days." he explained sighing heavily as he looked through a few files on his desk sighing again "Are you here to only talk about Jorge?"
She frowned shaking her head. “I’m telling you Steve he’s not right. He can’t work like this and if it was anyone under my care I was updating let them come back to work in his state... he’s gonna be a father in less than eight months and my god if he’s broken again by then, there’s gonna be hell to pay. That’s all I’m saying on that point.... here’s the files for Harvey and Jason. They’re cleared to come back.” She told him before standing and leaving, just feeling frustrated.

Jon smiled tiredly at her and gently moved so she had space to lay with him and the dog had a spot too. “Mmm... I don’t think I’m gonna have dinner tonight, I’m just gonna go to bed in a bit.” He murmured kissing her head and turned the TV on to a random channel for background noise.
JD frowned some as he sat in the bar taking deep breaths trying to keep his face hidden. He heard his phone go off quickly answering it when he saw Steve's alias pop up on the screen "Hello?" He asked quietly

Max gave a nod and cuddled into him just liking this relaxation time with him. She knew it would be over soon and he would be back at work.
Steve sighed heavily, "Jorge... I need that report on my desk three hours ago, where is it?" He questioned him, going through the files that Carmen had dropped off for him. "Carmen dropped by this afternoon, congratulations on the baby by the way, but she said she's worried that you need to be pulled from the job. You're not psyching out on me are you? You know I need my best men on this one and that includes you. A lot of pressure from the AG to wrap this up as soon as possible and then you can go home... Just get that report on my desk asap. We'll talk tomorrow." He told him quickly and hung up.

Dex was laying with his head pressed up on Jon's chest, whimpering quietly at him after he'd fallen asleep, not even letting Max pull him away for dinner, even resorting to growling at her a little when she tried to pick him up and making sure he stayed right there until he woke up to his phone going off, fumbling around to find it and groaned a little when he was finally able to answer it, "Hello? Oh hey buddy, you heading to bed?" He asked after hearing Jack's voice on the other end though he was trying his best to hide his own breathlessness from him.
JD took deep breaths trying to get some kind of word in to his boss but he wasn't letting him. When Steve hung up he quickly called Carmen knowing he needed to get out of this just as much as she did "Carmen? Tell Danny Wendigo, just tell him that okay? If you don't see me again I love you more than anything." He whispered before he quickly hung up and left the bar

Max came out of the kitchen after she had finished eating a quick dinner and frowned when she heard how breathless he sounded talking to Jack. As he hung up as she sat next to him rubbing his chest gently "Babe are you okay? You're breathing kind of heavy there."
Carmen had been woken up to her phone ringing, answering while still half asleep and feeling confused. “Jay... what are you talking about? ... Jorge.... Shit.” She muttered, waking up then and got out of bed, chucking clothes on and rushing out the front door, to get down to the station, shaking a little as she got in her car and muttering under her breath.

Jon frowned some and nodded, leaning up against her a little and rest his head against her shoulder. “I think I need... to go lay down.” He mumbled, rubbing at his face some and stood up carefully but still almost fell over, steadying himself before heading to their bedroom to go get into bed.
Danny frowned some when he saw Carmen come in shaking some "Carmen? What are you doing here? Whats wrong?" He asked seeing how scared she looked "Here come sit down." He murmured taking her to his desk to sit down

Max frowned as he started to fall and quickly helped him stand up before getting him to bed "You're going to rest tomorrow okay? No going out with my brother or father."
Carmen frowned, sitting down and wringing her hands a little while he gave her a cup of water "I'm sorry, I know it's really late.. Jorge just called me. He told me to say Wendigo to you? And he said... he said if I don't see him again he loves me... I talked to Steve earlier about pulling him off the job... his paranoia is through the roof... He hung up on me and I didn't know where else to go." She told him crying a little.

He frowned as he lay in bed quietly "I need to go see Jack though.... I can't miss his ... first day... of school." He panted, trying to stay awake, trying to pass it off that he was absolutely fine when it was clear that he wasn't.
Danny listened to her and frowned going a bit wide eyed "Shit thats our word for get me the hell out of here. He is in trouble" he explained before he rushed to the chief to explain everything. He knew this would be the wrong job for JD to do but they hadn't listened to him

Max frowned some and got him to lay down "I'll take you okay? If you're breathing better in the morning I'll take you." She said softly before kissing his forehead gently
He finally gave in and let himself fall asleep after that, figuring that he would wake up feeling refreshed and be ready to go but he woke up at 6:30 as always and he couldn't move. Coughing and spluttering, rolling onto his side only to realise the sheets were soaked through from his sweat and he lay back again groaning some, fumbling for Max's hand to wake her up. Dex had been glued to Jon all night and soon helped by pawing at Max's arm and whimpering at her.

She swallowed a little and just sat there with one hand on her stomach, watching the commotion and worrying about her fiancé, just wanting him home and safe at the very least.
Max groaned softly and soon woke up from a restless nights sleep "Huh? Babe you okay?" She asked softly as she sat up turning on the lamp on her side of the bed frowning as she saw the sweat stains "Shit babe let me get you some medicine and a fan." She said before quickly getting up and grabbing the things she needed.

Danny looked at Steve and glared some shaking his head a bit "Call JD off the job NOW. He is in trouble he needs to be pulled." He said seriously
He groaned a little, just letting her guide him to the bathroom and he sat on the toilet lid, hunched over and breathing heavy. “Why is... why’s our heating on... so high?” He muttered wheezing badly. “I need to ... go see Jack.” He mumbled, seeing her starting to run a bath.

carmen frowned hearing the discusssioon and soon stood up and walked over to them herself. “I told you before that he isn’t well. Please, get him off the job.” She begged but frowned when Steve explained to her that his partner has gone to find him a little earlier and he wasn’t in his hotel room where he should have been. That he’d gone missing. “Then find him!” She cried
Max shook her head as she ran a cold bath for him "Babe the heat isn't on. You're running a high fever get in the bath okay? I'll call Sarah and let her know whats happening." She explained starting to worry more about him

Steve frowned some and shook his head some "We can't send the entire police force out on him! It would get him killed. I've got all I can looking for him right now. Danny take her home and keep a watch on her okay?" He explained
He frowned just about nodding, trying to get stripped off but fell over taking his sweatpants off, just laying on the floor and groaning a little. "I don't... I don't feel good," He wheezed a little, hearing Sarah answering her phone while Max was helping him into the bath, inhaling sharply at the cool water on his skin that quickly sent him into a coughing fit, listening to her explaining he wouldn't be able to get over there that morning.

She frowned gritting her teeth and shook her head as Danny was leading her away "I told you! I told you something was wrong!" She yelled across the room, shaking a little but still let Danny take her back to her place, going to make some tea seeing as there was no way she was getting any sleep, calling Lucia to let her know what was going on
Max frowned some and got him on his side so he could breath a little better. She sighed in relief as Sarah picked up quickly "Hey Sarah its Maxine...look Jon won't be able to make it today. He is really sick right now and I'm trying to get his fever down at the moment." She explained

Danny took her home and sighed heavily as he sat on the couch "He'll be okay Carmen...but listen..I know he was going to talk to you about it when he got back but I want you know now." He explained to her "He is putting in for transfer of departments, get out of undercover shit for the baby. I want you push him to do it okay? Get him as a damn meter maid if need be but please hound him to put in that transfer." He pleaded not wanting to loose his friend

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