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One x One --{ Warriors; Castaway. Reference Page}


New Member
For moons, two island Clans have been at their peaks engaged in war, and at their troughs gravely hostile to each other. Clashing values, tactics, and appearances have led to a 'them' and 'us' mentality that has thrived off years of passed down prejudices. Most cats of each Clan accept the stereotypes and labels they place on another, and recently tension has been high, with some fearing that something big could break out soon if the leaders don't agree to a peaceful truce.
On a rainy day, two border patrols clash at the sea front along the rocky terrain of the beach, both including apprentices that are soon to be appointed as warriors. Snarky remarks are passed, and one apprentice boldly taunts the other to the point of attack. They scrap on the unsteady surface, losing their footing and falling into the rough sea.
Both find themselves waking up washed away on another side of the island. With little experience outside of Clan life and guidance from their elders, they must find their way back home, facing challenging terrains, unfamiliar environments, and their own internal prejudices towards one another.
Tucked away in the confines of the island forest lives a Clan of cautious and strategious cats, who hold the virtue of patience and prudence highly in their ethos. Their defining characteristics are their sleek fur, good eyesight, and muscular builds, which are useful for navigating through the thick foliage. Cunning and sly, they use their trickery and manipulative thinking well to achieve the best outcomes, often being able to conduct well thought out plans and methods in day to day life, such as when hunting skittish wildlife that is hard to coax out. However, they are certainly not without morals. This Clan pride themselves on their virtues, and place great emphasis on living in a thriving community rather than being an individualistic culture.

Fierce, fast, and wild as an ocean breeze, the cats of SandClan are a formidable force that live within a cave on the shore line, hidden in part by a clump of dunes. They are reckless and bold, claiming courage as their most redeeming attribute. Their wiry yet strong bodies and short coats have come about as a defense against the harsh weather conditions that can batter the coast, along with an enduring and hardy temperament. Scraps and infighting are not uncommon, but loyalty still runs strongly through this clan of tough fighters, and to oppose one of their number is to oppose them all.
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Aleks' OC's;

Name: Thistlepaw
Age: 11 Moons
Gender: Male
Clan: BrambleClan
Personality: Sarcastic, intelligent, and sharp tongued, Thistlepaw has always had a spark for debate and conflict. He'd like to believe that there is a hierarchy in life, and whilst he's not quite at the top yet, there are certainly some below him. Efficient and hard working, he prefers things done his way, as of course to him, they are the best way. However, that doesn't mean he's not open to new experiences, he just has to agree with the practicality and implementation of it first. Thistlepaw thrives on the company of his fellow Clanmates, and can be described as quite an extrovert. Whilst he has some rather selfish tendencies, he does try to keep those around him happy too, and does care deeply for those close to him. However, it wouldn't be uncommon to find an ulterior motive behind his actions.
Bethbubbles' OC's

Name: Driftpaw
Age: 11 Moons
Gender: Female
Clan: SandClan
Personality: Feisty, fiery and ferocious, there are very few challenges Driftpaw doesn't fly at claws first. She loves nothing more than a good fight, verbal or otherwise, for nothing more than the thrill of it. Her sharp tongue has landed her in trouble more than a few times, but her elders agree she has learned when to be respectful and when it's okay to hiss insults at a companion. She's not ambitious, preferring to go with the flow than take the lead, but does feel that if a more efficient or better solution is available, she needs to point it out. That being said, there is a tendency to act without much thought from this energetic tabby, though what she lacks in common sense she makes up for in enthusiasm and guts.

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