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Fandom Wagon of Memories (Crystal Chronicles)


Boopmaster General
Centuries ago, this land was at peace. Neither the monsters nor the miasma that plague the world today were present, and people lived united without fear. Not much is known of this time, but the people of all the tribes in the land agree that this was a paradise. Alas, all that used to be was destroyed when the Meteor struck the planet, bringing with it the miasma and decades of fear and death. Now the monsters, with their immunity to the toxic miasma, rule this world as civilization clings to existence in what few pockets of safety remain. It is only thanks to the Crystals that survival is possible, each one surrounded by a barrier which keeps the miasma and the monsters at bay. Over the years, the four tribes settled around these Crystals, and now live in relative peace.
Maintaining this peace, however, is no easy task. At around the same time every year, the Crystals' power begins to wane. At this time, a team of brave adventurers called the Crystal Caravans are given a piece of the crystal for protection and sent out into the hostile world to gather Myrrh, a mystical substance that can recharge the crystal in sufficient quantities. Their failure for a single year would spell doom for their respective towns.

Miya Bon
With a deep breath, Miya Bon plunged herself out of the Crystal's sphere of influence. Immediately, her body started to ache as though she had been training all day, and within a second she was coughing her lungs out. Stumbling backwards, she landed on her behind back in Tipa and grimaced. "The miasma is getting stronger..." she remarked between coughs. "Someone's gotta drive it back... and it seems like that someone's gotta be me." Miya Bon picked up the new lance she had crafted just that morning and took one more glance into the wild before heading off to meet her new team. The four of them were to become Tipa's Crystal Caravan, something which she felt should be exciting... but the excitement wouldn't come. Neither would the fear- fear was unbecoming of any self respecting Lilty. Instead, all she could feel was determination, her hand gripped tightly around the lance as she marched toward the town gate.

Dah Maat
"Wake up, wake up, wake up! You're so lazy, brother! L-A-Z-Y LAZY!" A high-pitched voice screeched. Opening his eyes, Dah Maat saw the blurry figure of his younger sister, Momo Phi. "Mom said you have to get up early or you won't get any breakfast before you leave! She made fish, you know!" Dah Maat sat up and put his face in his hands, wiping his eyes clear. "Oh yeah, because I definitely don't get enough fish around here." He rolled his eyes at the little girl before smirking and giving her a pat on the head. "Tell mom I'll be ready in a minute... and leave the room so I can get dressed, will ya?" Momo Phi nodded and ran out of the room, giving Dah Maat ample time to get ready. He took his time putting on his unfashionable yet durable fur clothes before holstering the brand new wooden racket on his back. Once ready, Dah Maat headed out for breakfast and made sure to take some fish to go before joining up with the rest of the caravan at the main gate. He was, as expected, the last to arrive.

Enn Ayy Arr Ayy Enn Ayy Arr Ayy

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