• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Vices and Virtues



Not made of lies and deceit
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

  • intro


    sub urban


    he sun rose high and bright the morning of the summer solstice. People were already out and about, setting up stalls and decorations and rides. Grills were firing up, the smell of cooking food already starting to permeate the air as the sun finished breaking the horizon, turning the gentle sea into glistening waves of reds and golds.

    Somewhere animal control patrolled, keeping an eye out for anything that might disturb the first day of the summer festival. Somewhere a group of locals whispered, discussing the feel of something imminent in the air. Somewhere a stranger woke up, still new to this town and its habits. And somewhere, the cliff Blueridge was named for could be seen radiating a blue glow, as another stranger was pulled into town by some force they couldn't explain.

    The day wound up to its peak, the sun high and blazing down on the crowds of people who'd gathered, both locals and tourists alike. It was looking to be a beautiful day, the sky so blue and clear that it was nearly impossible to tell where it met the sea. People laughed and shouted and ate and played. They gathered on the beach to swim, though the ocean was still chilly from Spring. The town was full of warmth and cheer, vibrant and alive, unaware that fourteen strangers were about to shake it to its core.



love your

vices and




21st june, 2022





♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:

feed your lust...

The low roar of a motorcycle was an uncommon sound in such a peaceful town, so the deep red crotch rocket drew a not small amount of attention as it pulled into town, navigating the gathered crowds with ease until it pulled to a stop in front of a quaint bed and breakfast. The place was absolutely surrounded by bushes with dusty pink roses in full bloom. The smell of roses permeated the air, the perfume almost dizzying if one were to spend too much time in it. The figure on the back of the bike pulled off her helmet, whipping her head side to side gently to shake out her long red curls. Despite their imprisonment in the helmet for the long ride to Blueridge, they showed no sign of flattening, laying out nicely around her shoulders as she finger combed it with gloved fingers.

A phone was retrieved from her backpack, and she spent a moment checking her makeup in it before starting to record.
"Hello my darlings, Luxuria here! I've finally arrived at the Blueridge summer solstive festival, and this town is beautiful. Time to check into my room and then go exploring!"
She ended the recording with a wink and a blown kiss, and then after a little editing, posted it to her instagram story. Her head tilted back as she took a moment to enjoy the moment, breathing in air permeated with roses and sea water. Something about this place felt right, like she was supposed to be here. She couldn't have put her finger on why, if asked, but to be honest she found the why less important to worry about. If she stopped to question why about every weird thing in her life, she'd never get anything done.

It didn't take long for her to check into her room and drop off her stuff. The man running the bed and breakfast was warm and welcoming, and she was greeted at the door by the largest house cat she'd ever seen, a fluffy grey maine coon that gave off the vibe of being more intelligent than the average pet. That done, she was ready to explore for a bit. The festival was why she was here after all, and she was determined to enjoy every moment of it. She'd eat food that was terrible for her but delicious, go on rides that looked like they were held together by duct tape and force of will, and the best part, splash around in the ocean. It didn't even bother her that the water wouldn't be particularly warm this early in the year. She was excited. And if the feeling that everything was about to change had settled deep in her gut, she didn't have to acknowledge that. Not yet at least.


♡coded by uxie♡



  • mood

    Excited, Having fun

Klaus had honestly been looking forward to the summer festival for quite some time now. Blueridge was famous for its summer festival. He had only been living in the town for a few months so this would count as his first summer festival. Though, he did have the spend majority of his morning contacting a client about his case. It was a relatively simple case— his client was innocent by all means. By the next court hearing, Klaus was confident they could close this case.

"That would be correct, sir. The next court hearing is..."
He paused as he opened the calendar on his computer.
"July 15. I do hope that you can free up your time on that day. We should be able to win this case by that point."

His client was happy about it. Considering he had a travel restriction for a false accusation, he was more than glad to be able to get out into the world again. Such an avid traveler. After a few more words and clarifications, the client had finally gotten off the phone and that would end Klaus's work for the day. Most of his cases had already closed and no one had contacted him for a new one lately. Fine by him. With the summer rolling around, he was pretty sure it was going to get a lot more clientele soon enough.

Klaus changed to more casual clothing that was more fitting for the season. Though he did like to dress sharp, he doubted that something more formal would have him melting under the heat of both the sun and the crowd. He paused before leaving the office, taking a deep breath. All of his belongings were where they should be. Good. Excellent. When he had first discovered this power, alongside the other one, it had been a little jarring but he took it in stride. It was useful, after all, and not a single one of his belongings had been stolen or remained stolen because of it. Klaus grabbed his keys and left the office.

The festival had already been in full swing by the time he had gotten there. He greeted a few of the friends he had made in the town and began to go down the stalls to grab some street food. The kindly old lady that made the meanest baked goods also had a stall there and it was packed. It took a few minutes to get an order of the mini donuts people seemed to rave about. Once he had obtained the goods, he continued down the stalls, wondering if there were anything interesting to try out. More importantly, he kept an eye out for newcomers who seemed interesting.

Something about this day felt foreboding though. Felt as though there was a change that was coming to the town that would affect even himself. Klaus wasn't much for superstition, but he did know that trusting one's guts often led to the right thing. Maybe he should be extra careful this time around. He didn't want his stay in Blueridge spoiled so soon after moving.

If he were to hazard a guess, however, it was probably Judas. Again.

Clair de Lune

Claude Debussy

♡coded by uxie♡
Entry #391

I’ve decided to try writing in my diary again. What an odd thing to write, now that I am doing so - but no matter. Eight years ago, my therapist suggested using this very journal to catalogue all my thoughts and emotions, to keep them from bubbling outward. I wonder why he came up with such a method for me, but none of it matters now. He’s gone, but I’m still here. Funny how that works out?

Anyway, I gave up on this quickly, and then promised myself to only pick it up again if something truly worthwhile happened to me; a promise I never intended to keep.

Recently, something like that has happened.

I’ve met a girl my age - Eloise, I’m nearly certain - and she seems… good. I have nothing else to say. Goodbye and see you tomorrow. Or never.


bangtan boys v GIF


Ame woke up clammy and sweaty as always, his bed making creaks and groans as he tossed from side to side in discomfort. His bloodshot and bagged eyes flickered open to envision his bedroom as it had always been. The floor was matted and slathered with clogged plaid fuzz, cuffs of matted hair and indiscrete boxes of takeout food and still unpacked cardboard packages scattered about in a haphazard formation. Besides the debris, the room contained three lone items of note : the aforementioned bed that was in reality more of a sad, half-deflated mattress, the tiny wooden desk and chair near the windowsill still shuttered closed by the blinds, and the comparatively towering mass of disorganized clothes that lingered off the side of the bed. The sickly pale yellow wallpaper surrounding it all made the room feel even darker and smaller than it otherwise would.

In other words, this was home.

Ame turned around in his bed one more time, considering his course of actions for the rest of the day, not that he even knew what time it was at this point. He never did.

He took out his phone, one of the last personal possessions he had left with him that weren’t clothes or the house itself (though the house was barely even his to begin with). He stared at himself against the blacked out screen of the device, his reflection staring right back. His greasy black hair was obvious, but what really stood out to him was his neck. There were bites all over it.


He sighed and sat upward, his back slouched and his long hair flowing against his face, giving off a ghostly visage. He muttered to himself, oddly out of breath with a slight wheeze that could almost be considered a giggle, “I really am a mess, huh?

Then he heard a noise outside his bedroom. There was only one suspect : Eloise.
"Ame!" Eloise opened the door without knocking, tiptoed through the mess on the floor without a second look and bounced onto the bed. "You need to get up, it's midday." She waited a moment, then added: "You promised you'd come with. Or at least you didn't say no and that's basically a yes. Come oooon!"

They hadn't been friends for long, but Eloise had rarely felt so relaxed around anyone. There was nothing to calm about Ame, if anything, he needed a push from time to time. That first night at the beach, he'd seemed gloomy. She had just arrived in Blueridge and was looking for a friend, maybe a place to crash. The little money that she had brought would barely last to the end of the week and who knows if that café at the seaside would pay enough. Getting work as a seasonal helper was something at least, but from her experience, pay could vary wildly. The little coastal town seemed safe enough, but she still preferred having a proper bed.

Ame was nice, if a little shy, but he had a house. A house! If she took the edge of his dark mood, he might invite her over sometimes - it had been worth a try. And that's where she started a taking a real interest in him, because for the first time in her life, it hadn't worked. They'd been sitting and chatting for a while, mainly her talking at him, if she was honest, but more and more time passed and he didn't cheer up. That was a first. Maybe it was just that her life story was a little depressing, maybe it was that he already was depressed, but she had never met someone whose bad mood hadn't improved around her.

There was something different about Ame that she couldn't quite put her finger on. The longer they talked, the more it seemed to her that he was trying to get away, as if he was afraid of something. Then - was it something she'd said? - he looked at her strangely and finally, opened up a little. Like he was suddenly less afraid? Eloise didn't quite understand it. Maybe she had imagined it? After he had first invited her over, she'd come by nearly daily to hang out, grab a shower, some free food... he always ordered nice food when she was there. He had never once asked her to pay for anything.

Eloise tugged at his sleeve.
"Come on now, we'll miss all the excitement! You can hide out here any day, but not today!" His place was a pigsty, but at least there were no syringes around, no spoons, nothing. At least he didn't use. Eloise doubted he'd have the energy to hide it if he did. She started pulling him up. "Now, we're going."





god? it’s me, margaret


giving designer peasant ; X


the summer festival





To some people, fighting felt like second nature. A choice between living and surviving. But to Judas Merck, it felt like less of a choice, and more of a technicality.

It was difficult to place what brought Judas to Blueridge, other than the obvious; he needed Klaus’s help. Again. Legal trouble was a kick in the dick, but this time he promised to be on his best behavior. . . then again, he never said he was any good at keeping promises.

If he was being honest, the real reason he was here was still a mystery, even to himself. He had overheard the rumors of the type of people who lived here, although not entirely by choice. He had a bad habit of picking up on conversations that weren’t his own.

One too many drinks and an uncountable amount of bad decisions later, he came to in an alley. Days like these bled into each other, memories fuzzy, pointed with flashes of anger and episodes of pitch black. Mornings became evenings, and the cycle repeats itself. Little towns like Blueridge were nothing but a stepping stone to Judas, on a path to God knows where. Blah. Blah. Blah. At the end of the day, did it all really matter? . . . Judas didn’t like getting philosophical.

The metallic taste of blood was a familiar one. A feverish haze of a hangover hung on his breath, bated and shallow as his lungs wheezed, starved for oxygen. Every muscle in his body ached, and had it not been for the brick wall supporting him, he likely would have crumpled to the ground entirely. A laugh bubbled in his throat, bursting with irony and bitterly optimistic.

It didn’t take a shrink for Judas to know what’d he’d gotten himself into last night. He could feel it. Literally. See it, too. He wondered if the blood on his sleeves was his own, or if he had dabbled in a bit of asskickery. Of course, if the torn knuckles on his hands and the bruised spleen were any indication, he was the one who received the brunt of the action.

Still got all my teeth, though.

With a hard swallow, the blonde peeled himself from the side of the building, running his tongue over his teeth as he unthinkingly wandered through the alley, assessing the damage. Aside from the blood on his collar and sleeves, and what he suspected was a clean right hand swing to the jaw, he looked fine, decent even. Good enough for him to walk through town and get back to his apartment with nothing more than a few stares. The last thing he needed was to be known as the town pariah.

In a perfect world, Judas would be home right now, accompanied by a bottle of liquor and Golden Girls on DVR. Instead, he was faced with what was probably his worst challenge yet; socializing. He found himself secretly hoping for an earthquake to strike as he swallowed his pride and fell in with a group of half-drunk college kids, all headed in the direction of the Blueridge summer solstice festival and unfortunately for Judas, in the direction of his apartment complex. It wasn’t that he couldn’t socialize, at one point in his life he might have even been considered the life of the party, it’s just that he didn’t want to. In fact, the idea of it made him sick to his stomach.

At least, that’s what he tried to tell himself as he meandered through the entrance to the festival, fists shoved into his pockets and an unmissable glare that bore into anyone who gave him an eyeful as he walked past. He tried to tell himself the feeling in his stomach was social anxiety, that the dread carving at his ribcage was only wishless thinking, it would go away soon.

After all, nothing happens in little towns like Blueridge.

♡coded by uxie♡


Things go Wonderfully Right (Or Horribly Wrong)
Local Disaster gets dragged into a very social event.
(click for full story)


June 21st, 2022. Tourist day. And man, did he hate people.

Sadly, Amadeus was a terribly light sleeper, any sound was sure to wake him up in a panic, or anger. And you better bet they woke up pissed off by the sounds of cheering, celebrating, and, god forbid, happiness. And he wasn't the only one all hissy, Snappy, his beloved ferret, had also woken up from his slumber, angry that it was interrupted, as any animal would be.

All cranky, and with a hair messier than his life, he sluggishly rolled out of his bed, the chilly floor being enough of a wake-up call for his body, taking time to stretch and just serenely stand up for a while, as if his whole system was booting up. He took some slow steps over to the bathroom, to wash his face with borderline ice-cold water and give a brush to his teeth, nothing out of the ordinary, outside of the overbearing sound of people having a better social life than him outside.

Yeah, unfortunately, Amadeus lived rather close to the event, so they had to bear with the people noises. Curse the people noises, it gave him such a headache he wanted to head back to sleep, even if he knew he would be unable to due to the sounds. Whatever. Whatever. What. Ever. If he continued to complain it'll only get worse. And they need everything but things getting worse.

Sleepy and frustrated beyond belief, Hawksley limped his way to the kitchen, groaning and mumbling every step of the way. It was pretty obvious that Amadeus was exhausted and irritated, he couldn't sleep an hour yesterday and he had to work all day. There were still mountains of customer service to reply to and items to send. If they didn't get their shit together they would probably crack open. They should probably start thinking about hiring people. Turns out that even your passion can burn you out.

Talking about cracking things open, eggs. They were in the kitchen, so might as well make breakfast while they were still alive and kicking. They opened their fridge to check if they even still had eggs, and to their surprise, they did. A sigh of relief flew out of his mouth as he reached out for 2 eggs and serenely washed them. Amadeus always had this habit of washing any food he could, he had this extreme phobia of parasites and infections, even if the food seemed clean. Eggs come out of chicken's asses, God knows what happens in there.

He set the pan on the griddle and turned it on, waiting for it to heat up so he could pour oil and crack the eggs open. Snappy stood aside from him, patiently waiting as well. Amadeus took the oil out of the cabinet and dropped a... Significant... amount of oil into the pan, and cracked them eggs. He always loved the sound of the sizzle they made, it felt relaxing.

He began setting up some plates, and from the fridge took out an entire, half-finished liter of SunnyD. He wasn't going to finish it all... Maybe... He was too lazy to pour anything into a vase. Amadeus slid the eggs into the plate carefully, but he wasn't sitting down to eat just yet.

They took some canned ferret kibble, opened it, and set it on the other side of the table. Snappy sprinted over and hopped onto his chair, which was the same as Amadeus', but with two pillows on top of it so he could reach the table to feast. The ferret quickly began chowing down on his food as Amadeus sat down to eat his with a fork. No knife, sunny-side-up eggs with no knife.

Just before he could finish having breakfast with his creature, his phone began ringing. Great. It was a whole room away, and poor him felt just so obligated to answer it. He stood up from his chair and gave some pets to his ferret.

"Love ya, Snappers." He baby-talked to the animal as if it was his own child, his gruff, husky voice turned into a honeyed, sweet tone. Complete 180.

He rushed over to his bedroom, snatching his phone to check who was disturbing his peace.

Oh, damn! It was Miles. Which equals 2 hours of talking by phone, and 5 in person. That reminded him of when he accompanied his mother for groceries, and she just happened to bump into a friend, and they spent two hours talking meanwhile Amadeus was dying inside.

He'd rather not think of his mother right now.

"Hey, man, what's up?" Amadeus questioned, going back into the kitchen to take a big ol' gulp of SunnyD.

"Nothin' much, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Summer thingamajig with me?"

"And hang around a bunch of weirdos and tourists? No thanks"

"Oh yeah, and you're the most local here out of everyone."

"Come on, you know most of the people here give off the worst vibes. Bet the whole event is chock-full of merchants"

"You can always find something for your weird-looking cat."

"Snappy. His name is Snappy."

"Yeah yeah, sorry. You just need to breathe fresh air, you haven't gone outside in 2 weeks."

"Still a no, I've got work to do."

"Dude, just take a day off, I'm sure your clients will understand."

"...Ugh, fine. I suppose."

"Great! I'll drag you out of your house at 1."

Miles then hung up, giving Amadeus no time to react. Who quickly checked the time, to find out it was 12:30. 30 Minutes until he gets forced outside by his best friend.

They walked over to his bedroom once more, it seemed to be back-and-forth for today. They picked up their towel and went over to the bathroom, and took the quickest and most efficient shower ever. Coming out a fresh boy. And since he didn't have much time left until going outside became obligatory, he went for a simple tank top, jeans, and short, black boots. Not too over the top. And just in case, he brought a sweater and wrapped it around his waist.

Back to the kitchen, it is.

He took the can away from the table since it was pretty much empty, and threw it in the trash.

"Want to go out, boy?" Amadeus babied Snappy, who was still calmly in his seat being a cute little weird-looking cat. Who nodded as he was carefully picked up by Hawksley and put on his shoulder.

Amadeus put the SunnyD in the fridge after taking a big sip of it again, and the dishes in the sink. And guess who is going back to his room for something, him. He took his hand-crafted, punk-looking shirt made for ferrets with a hook for to, well, hook to a leash. He put it in his pocket, as well as a small-sized leash, just in case Snappy wanted to go for a walk, who knows.

They rushedly put on some rings and men's perfume as Miles knocked on his door. He walked over to the living room, where the door was situated, and opened it.

"Oh hey! You don't look so 'I just woke up' as I thought you would be."

"Oh, shut up, you know I like to look nice once in a while."

"If we're using 'once in a while' sparingly, then yes."

Miles chuckled it off as Amadeus looked completely unamused while he closed and locked the door.

"Anyways, how have you and Snappy been?" Miles made up small talk as they made their way to the elevator, heading down to the reception room, where the exit was.

"Eh, thing's have been sorta rough at work, but we're hanging in there, I guess." He shrugged, tapping his foot on the floor as the elevator went down.

"Glad you're still alive, then." Miles said, jokingly.

It was quiet for a bit, Amadeus always had this fear of elevators, like, what if they just calmly got stuck in there, forever? At least he would die with his only two friends, but still.

Both of them made their way out of the complex, waving goodbye to the reception lady because everybody liked the reception lady. She was a very kind woman.

And after a considerable amount of minutes and walking, they were there. And it was exactly how Amadeus imagined, crowds of people with nothing to do, he was... Unpleased, to say the least. As well as Snappy, who was now in his arms, resting like a baby.

"Your ferret looks dead lmao" "Yeah, he gets like that sometimes, so jealous of his ability to sleep with all this noise." "Same."

"So, what's first on our to-do list?"

"Go home as soon as possible." They grumbled, in a monotone voice.

"Come on man, don't you want to try some of the food? Or, I don't know, the ocean or some shit?" Miles snickered, raising his eyebrow. "Just stop being such a downer today."

"Fine, fine, I'll try. Checking out the food seems decent enough, you've got money on you, right?"

"Of course I do, don't wor-"

Their chat was abruptly interrupted by the violent noises of a motorcycle passing right in front of them, almost running over their toes. The cyclist took off their helmet and just began recording themselves. Showoff much?

Miles, on the other hand, forgetting he was in real life, audibly said:

"White woman spotted."

They both broke into hysterical laughter, allow me to remind you these are living, breathing humans at 27 years of age. Laughing at the words "White woman spotted."

"Holy shit man," He snorted, definitely in a better mood than before "How did we laugh so much at that?"

"Do I look like I know?" "I don't know? You literally just said 'White woman spotted'" They broke out into chuckles once more.

"Alright, alright, let's stop now, or else we'll seem like absolute maniacs" "Aren't we that already?" "Yeah, I guess you're right."

They both began walking to who knows where. Amadeus still has Snappy in his arms, as the caring father he is.

"What type of food do you have in mind?"

"Dunno, something that doesn't make me want to vomit."

"Fair enough"



Having fun, I guess.


Blueridge, Festival thing.


Extras: Sweater on his waist and Ferret on his arms.


None, open.



/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


@ LuciaMetelli LuciaMetelli

Kim Taehyung V GIF by BTS

Sometimes, Ame wonders why he’s still around.

He had managed to delude himself nearly a year ago that he had finally reached the great and final revelation to redeem himself in his darkest hour. The discovery of his abilities alongside the unwitting torture he had been inflicting on the only few people in the entire world who cared for him had turned the tentative peace - a lie, in reality - on its very head. A rotten egg splatting on the floor, its putrid guts splaying out for all the world to gawk. The choice he made then was not a choice at all: it was the natural result of both being born the monster he was as well as the many, many terrible mistakes that he had made. He resolved on that day, as he briskly forced himself from the pleas and cries that he would never again make himself a burden to others. He knew then that his very existence was a poison that needed to be purged for the betterment of all.

Ame was a coward. He had always understood this, at the very least. If he wasn’t a coward, he wouldn’t have lurked in the basement for years, a miserable parasite to those above. He had hoped, however, that he would’ve mustered up even a tiny morsel of the bravery that his father had tried to foster in him, at least enough to fix the old man’s mistake. He proved a disappointment on even this front. It had been two months since he had last tried, and he had barely even seriously considered trying again since the last time ended so painfully unsatisfactory.

Instead of making things better for himself and everyone else, he now lay in a middle ground, the worst of all possible worlds. Incapable of living and unwilling to die, Ame wondered if he would stay like this forever, or at least until his rapidly shrinking funds depleted completely.

That voice rang again. That sickeningly optimistic, charming voice that threatened to destroy everything he had so poorly constructed. It was only what he deserved, ultimately, for failing so many times until now, when such a quick and simple prospect was a thing of the past. For a few sweet, silver months there was not a single living soul that Ame believed would genuinely have cared if he had disappeared for good. Now, though, yet another chain had been forged, forcing him from passing on from the mortal world despite the full force of his higher will. His greatest and oldest enemy proved as traitorous as ever - the instinctuous, animalistic, callous, lazy, and worthless rot inside him had happily drank up all of the woman’s sweet words like necter.

He had tried to right the course. He continued to try. For nearly six minutes, he tried to force himself to stay put, despite every demon lurking in the cells of his heart and soul clawing at the bars and screaming to be let free.

His humanity had the upper hand. He didn’t even like festivals.

As he was about to let out a terse refusal, an ugly, nasty little image burst out from within the dark annals of his inner : her face, so far hidden from view, recoiling faintly in disappointment, but maddeningly enough not surprise, only a resigned expectation.

This is what you are. What you will always be.

In the end, he didn’t even think about it. He simply opened the door and allowed his dusky eyes to meet her directly. As he opened his mouth to speak, he couldn’t help but notice the gingerly rasp that encoiled his voice.

“I’ve nothing better to do. Let’s go.”
"I've nothing better to do, Let's go." Eloise nodded once in satisfaction and jumped up, all but dragging Ame out of the house. It would do him good to be around people, no matter what he said, she was sure of it. The sounds of the festival filled the summery streets of Blueridge, getting louder and clearer as the duo approached the edges of the crowd. "What do you want to do first? Rides? Grab some food?" Without waiting for an answer, she pulled him onwards. "I think we grab something to eat first. We have to try as much as we can, right?" Eloise seemed excited, looking around with interest, but as much as she tried to let herself be swept up by the buzz around her, as much as she wanted to, she couldn't quite get through that wall inside. It was as if the feelings were there, but just out of reach. Maybe one of those rides will fix it. I've always wanted to try one.

As they walked towards the first cluster of rides, Eloise thought about how much they may cost. Probably not more than she had on her, but she couldn't let Ame pay for all the food again after she made him come here in the first place. I should probably look around and pick one ride, or two... Standing a little to the side of the throng of people moving through, she spotted a girl about her age. The pretty blonde might not have stood out to most, but to Eloise, she telegraphed one thing: Wealth. Her handbag hung lazily on her arm, as if she didn't worry about pickpockets in a place like this. Or maybe she just doesn't care about parting with a few notes. She looks like she could spare them. Without giving it too much though, Eloise elbowed Ame and declared: "Let's ask her, she looks like she'd know what stall sells the best snacks!"

"Hi!" The girl seemed almost as surprised as Ame by Eloise's sudden greeting.
"We've come to see the festival. You're a local, right? What food is good around here? Could you give us some directions? There's just so much to try, we can't decide!" She put on her friendliest smile and pointed towards the centre of the festival. Directing attention with her outstretched arm and stepping back a little as if to not obstruct the view, she tried to discreetly snake her other arm behind Ame and into the girl's open handbag.
Nina Simone Rivera

Nina was trying her best to stay positive in this situation she had gotten herself into. The reality was starting to sink in and she was beginning to realize everything she had thrown away in a fit of rage. Her degree and all of that debt amounted to nothing. All those sleepless nights she spent studying or perfecting her thesis and reports because she had to work harder than everyone else around her to get any sort of recognition. She had put in blood, sweat, and tears into proving that the people who were convinced she’d fail were wrong. And she threw it all away over a shitty professor. All of her sufferings weighed on her shoulders and it meant nothing. She didn’t know why things like this always happened to her, everyone just seemed out to make her life hard. Still, it was a universal truth. She always expected it from everyone around her; save one person, of course. Her brother had left for his home a few days ago after helping her unpack, maybe missing him was bringing on her newly formed bad mood.

Nina’s gaze slowly made its way towards her window. Nina hesitated to move for a moment as she pondered on whether to leave her new abode or not. Something was going on in the town, she didn’t know what it was though. Maybe a fair, or a birthday party coming up? Nina figured that if she was going to get to know her new neighbors, this would be the time to do so. She quickly headed into her room and got dressed. Nina let out a small sigh as she looked into her mirror before she headed out of her apartment. Nina found the bustle of Blue Ridges festival to be overwhelming when she first entered the area. She tried not to appear nervous, of course, but a lot was going on. It was hard for Nina to keep up with. Especially when this was already a new environment. It- would’ve been nice if her brother could’ve stayed longer. She could always hide behind him, he was too tall to not be used as her social shield. Nina spotted a random woman and decided she’d try asking her for context to what was going on. Nina slowly approached and waved to get the woman’s attention.

“Hello, sorry- I’m new to the area and I was hoping you could tell me more about what’s going on?” Nina questioned politely, the woman turned to fully face her and Nina immediately recognized her condescending smile as the stranger held up her phone.

“Sorry love, but I’m actually in the middle of a phone call.” Nina watched her with an exhausted gaze. Talking to people was exhausting. She ignored the patronizing tone and turned away without a word. Yeah, she wasn’t going to get help from her. “Tourists are so stupid these days, imagine not researching the place you’re traveling to.” The woman loudly complained as Nina walked away. Nina held back an eye roll, maybe she could find someone around who was less likely to talk to her like she was an idiotic child. The woman did have a point. Nina didn’t look up shit about this place. Nina massaged her brow, she should really stop trying to ask people for help as an excuse to try and befriend them and just use her phone instead.

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feed your lust...

Not about to go explore a festival and walk on the beach in spike heels, Tana changed into a comfortable pair of sandals, and less warm clothing so she didn't overheat. Her curls were pulled back into a French braid, practiced hands moving quickly through her hair, and securing it with a hair tie retrieved seemingly from thin air. A last look in the mirror, making sure nothing was out of place, and she was out the door, snatching up her pink backpack purse on her way.

She waved goodbye to the man behind the counter, who's gaze lingered on her longer than was technically polite, although at this point she was used to it. Stepping outside she was greeted again by the fragrant scent of roses and sharp smell of salt water on the breeze. For a moment her face lifted to the sun, and she allowed herself to exist, to take in the warmth on her skin, tempered by the coolness of the ocean wind. She let out a sigh, lips curling into a smile, and set out finally down the road towards the sounds of the festival.

It wasn't even a block later that her enjoyment was cut into by the sharp words of a stranger as she passed by. She scowled, turning immediately on her heel and upon seeing the exhausted look on the other girl's face, pasted on a bright smile.

"Hey, you're new around here?"
She said, her tone friendly and warm.
"I am too, I actually literally just got here. It's a shame how rude people are to strangers nowadays, isn't it?"
The last was delivered in a louder tone, and she heard the woman behind her scoff.
"It's the summer solstice festival, they have it every year, Blueridge is actually a little famous for it."
The smile on her face didn't change, but there was a sharpness to her eyes as she said, again more loudly than necessary,
"How about we go explore it together? Apparently us stupid tourists need to stick together because we can't ask reasonable questions."
She glanced over her shoulder at the other woman, who was red faced and flustered, though she suspected from anger and not the usual reason she made people flustered.

The woman huffed and stormed off, and she offered the other girl another smile, eyes reflecting its warmth this time.
"I'm Tana,"
she said, linking their arms together and steering her in the direction of the sounds of people.
"Sorry, I just hate people like that. My offer was genuine though."


♡coded by uxie♡



  • mood

    Curious, Suspicious

Klaus popped another mini donut into his mouth as he perused the rest of the stalls. He had no interest in the rides. They were exciting, yes, but not fulfilling to him in any way. He slipped through the crowds who suddenly began gripping their purses a little bit tighter and their eyes a little bit more aware of those around them. He wasn't going to lie and say that he didn't know the answer as to why they were doing that when just a few moments prior, they were relaxed and calm. He had learned of the effects of his presence on others.

It was a fascinating study sometimes. When it was only him and another person, they seemed much less suspicious. But when around a crowd, the effects seem to be heightened. Klaus never truly knew why he had these but he hazarded that it was part of the general power set alongside his homing sense on his belongings.

"Pardon, how much for that?"

"Ten dollars."

Klaus thought about it for only a moment before he took out the exact amount and handing it to the vendor.

Now, Klaus was walking around with a decently sized blue teddy bear reminiscent of the care bears series under his left arm and his half eaten box of mini donuts on his other hand. Maybe it was childish of him to buy it for himself, but who would care? It had been his mother's favorite— teddy bears. Perhaps it was reminiscent of a childhood she missed, a childhood that she lost. However, they did have three aged teddy bears which were all bought secondhand in some garage sale or the farmer's market and restored through her own hands.

He was pulled back into reality when he spotted a familiar face in the crowd— looking a little bit worse for wear but that's the usual with him. A bar fight? An alley fight? A general kind of fight that he gets himself into because someone looked at him the wrong way or vice versa? Well, that really didn't matter in Klaus's eyes until Judas gets arrested. Instead of approaching him fearfully or angrily like most people would, Klaus bounded over to him and raised the hand that was holding the mini donuts.

"Fancy seeing you here, Judas. I didn't think you were the festival type."
And he was well aware that Judas was not the type to get into crowded places like these. Not recently at least.
He asked as he showed him the box of bite sized donuts.

Clair de Lune

Claude Debussy

♡coded by uxie♡
Nina Simone Rivera

A friendly voice cut through Nina’s thoughts and she quickly looked in the direction of its origin, her eyes meeting with a pretty girl with a braid. Nina met eyes with her before she began looking around. Surely she was talking to someone else? People just don’t use that kind of tone with Nina. Nina searched the woman’s voice for even an ounce of pity or conceit, her eyebrows widened slightly when she didn’t hear any. Nina only managed to nod along with what she said.

She provided Nina with an answer and was getting frustrated on her behalf? That doesn’t happen. That’s never happened- not once. This… unique stranger continued speaking and even got one last jab targeted towards the woman before she stormed off. Nina was still quite shocked. Her expression was slightly cautious but insanely curious like she had just found some sort of discovery. Nina quickly shifted her manner to a more polite one, smiling at the girl who introduced herself as Tana.

“My name is Nina, thanks for that.” She spoke gratefully, allowing the girl to link arms with her. She let herself be steered in whatever direction Tana wanted, sure, they just met and Tana could be kidnapping her or something. But Tana had also shown Nina more human decency than she had ever received from someone other than her brother.

“I’d love to!” Nina answered eagerly, having found someone kind to her. She would be hesitant to let go. Nina decided to try her very hardest to please this person.

“You said you just got here? Where are you from?” Nina questioned curiously, imagining a montage of girly teen movie friendship shit but with her and Tana. Nina was quick to daydream, that was kind of how she even made it through life. She didn’t have many friends, real friends. People surrounded her, but none of them liked her. They never invited her to things, and only called if they needed money or emotional assistance. So, her younger self would daydream about actually having friends; painting nails, pillow fights, spa days, and going to the mall. That kind of thing.

But Nina wasn’t a child anymore, and she was quick to pull herself out of it. After all, she did meet Tana like– two minutes ago. They were probably going to interact with each other once and then go their separate ways. It was sad, but Nina would remember to write about her in her journal at least.

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