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Other Vestrela Cosmic Hierarchy


The Raven
So the world I’ve been worldbuilding for both D&D 5e and personal writing has undergone quite a few changes and updates recently, specifically the refinement of the pantheons, gods, and overall cosmic hierarchy. So, I figured I would go ahead and at least start my worldbuilding posts with information on the scale of cosmic powers.

  • Archaics
    • These are the elder gods of my world. Entities with power so vast and ancient that mortal minds can not comprehend or gaze upon their true forms without going mad. They don’t really mettle in affairs of mortals, and if a mortal is indeed wielding the power of an elder god, such as a warlock, it’s typically without the elder god really even realizing that said mortal is using that power. Warlock pacts with old ones are made in as random of a circumstance as a sorcerer gaining its innate magic. It just sorta happens, the Archaic never truly making a legitimate deal with the mortal. Literally immortal.
  • Paragons
    • These are the god gods of my world. There are 12 Paragons, each associated with a divine domain and cosmic pantheon. I will detail the domains and pantheons in another post. There is one domain without a Paragon, a mysterious 13th missing Paragon whose identity and existence are shrouded in mystery and whispers. These beings often provide their powers to all sorts of divine magic users whether it be through cleric worship, paladin oaths, or even warlock pacts depending on the Paragon. They cannot physically enter the mortal realm, as part of an ancient, cosmic pact that sealed them within their respective planes. The mortal plane of Vestrela is the only plane on which a Paragon does not reside and rule. Each plane is shaped after the Paragon that resides there, along with the divine domain associated with both. Paragons are usually well known and worshiped/recognized worldwide. Literally immortal to anyone that isn’t another Paragon.
  • Exarchs
    • These are pseudo gods. Realistically, if playing 5e, a PC could obtain enough power to kill one at the absolute highest levels of play, dipping into home brew epic levels, of course. These are the generals of the gods, each Paragon having certain Exarchs in its service. Each cosmic pantheon is made up of 1 Paragon and the Exarchs that serve it. Exarchs are worshiped on a much smaller scale, mostly being racial or regional deities, or the figurehead of a cult/guild. Each Exarch is associated with 2 divine domains, the primary domain matching the Paragon that they serve. Their fields of influence are more specific than things like sun, moon, knowledge, time, etc. Each Exarch has a much more tailored and detailed agenda than the Paragon it serves, though typically the ideals of an Exarchs at least align somewhat with its Paragon. Virtually immortal.
  • Demigods
    • These aren’t necessarily the kin of mortal and divine, but rather, sentient humanoid beings with power rivaling the Exarchs. The most powerful adventurers could fall into this rank during epic levels of play. Mortal, but with the power to keep death at bay as long as possible and to seek out immortality.
  • Titans
    • Powerful magical creatures such as dragons, manticores, chimeras, krakens, etc. Mortality level varies.
  • Mortals
    • Spans everything from a mountain moving adventurer to a small rat.

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