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- Ebony Oasis -

Vashur the brown patched nose one, and Qa'zhid the all black one, both immediately froze and looked at Isa, gauging if he truly was an ally. They looked at each other warily, a paw on their weapons. "What do you want?" said Qa'zhid.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

“A deal and information gathering.” Isa replied, stopping in front of the brothers with the same annoying grin on his sun kissed face.

“I wanna know what ya know and I’ll let ya what I know. The deal is separate and need to be discussed about with my friends~”

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- Ebony Oasis -

"You have to be more specific with what you want, friend." said Vashur, moving casually behind Isa. "We don't want any trouble or hassle. What information do you want to know, and what deal do you want to strike? My brother and I, we have more important things to do than work for strangers."

Qa'zhid looked at Isa's staff, his clothes, glanced at the caravan, and his demeanor eased up in a way familiar to Isa when someone was eyeing somebody rich. "Wait, brother, let's be patient. Come, sit, stranger, and let us talk peacefully." he moved his paw away from his blade, and sat down.

Vashur was looking annoyed that this was his brother's priority.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

”I don’t want trouble either~” Isa grinned, observing the two. He shook his head. “Nah, I’m used to standing. So it’s all good. Besides, your brother has a point. The type of deal I wanna make is related to thing that invaded your heads and of your friends’ rescue. Same with information. I will trade information if you trade what you know about what ya know.”

”The deal part...well, I would like to discuss that more in safety. Along with my friends. If you are willing, of course. If not, that’s okay too.” He said at the end, giving the brothers a moment to think. “If ya are interested, come to the caravan after the coming of age ceremony. We’ll talk more.“

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- Ebony Oasis -

Vashur looked at his brother with hope. Qa'zhid sighed. "Very well. We will think about this. I am Qa'zhid, this is my brother Vashur, but you already know that, Isa---"

Vashur eyed his brother warily.

"Ah, I mean . . . hmm . . . I heard your friend calling your name, Isa, isn't it?"

Vashur glanced at Isa's staff, towards L, and where Moss was moments ago before he left. "Just tell him, we don't want trouble."

Qa'zhid looked at his brother, thinking, then at Isa again. "Truth is, we recognized you. You are a wanted man in The Dust. There are foreigners in Barad Eithel and they have put a huge bounty on your head, but, " and he held his paws up, "we are not interested --- well, maybe a little we were, but we don't trust the foreigners. And you know what they say, if you are their enemy maybe you are not so bad. Maybe you are a friend."

"Maybe you can help us." said Vashur. "You seem to be travelling eastwards, but I am getting ahead of myself. We will talk later." he nodded at Isa.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

Isa stared at Qa‘zhid, deadpanning. Moss called out both him and L. So how did they know who he was exactly? He was going to ask that until Vashur convinced his brother to tell the truth. The redhead nodded, accepting the answer to the silent question. “Thanks for letting me know.” His grin softened, relaxed towards the brothers. Listening to their reasons and nodded.

”I do want to help because your goal is similar to our goal.” He hinted to Vashur. “But yeah, we’ll talk more after the coming of age ceremony.” With that, Isa walked away. His grin stretched into a playful smile as he jogged over to the kids to teach them something cool.

”Okay! I teach now!” He said and the kids cheered. Isa taught them how to hold a small fire ball without burning their hands.

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- Ebony Oasis -

That lunch time, lutes, harps, drums and lyres cheerfully resounded in the oasis, and Jzargo and the elders invited everyone to the celebration. All around their camp were painted stuffed, headless animal skins, of desert birds and goats, tied by the tail to poles, decorated with cactus buds and smelling of the familiar incense merchants on the road always seem to have. There were faint wisps of smoke swirling out of them, and Isa could swear that they formed runes as they rose.

They had a large nomad tent under the cool shadow of the rocky arch, and within was a spread of embroidered rugs surrounding a wicker mat laden with a steaming feast. There was a slow-cooked stew of goat meat, potatoes, beans and barley, minced liver mixed with hard boiled fire salamander eggs, onions, and spices, pickled chopped radish with beets, a stack of flat bread with jars full of sauce beside it, and a strong smell of spices all around.

The tattooed youths were sitting at the head of the assembly, shy and smiling, some with chests puffed out proudly, their families looking on with pride. Jzargo recounted the stories of their ancestors, how they have roamed the desert for decades under the light of the Ankh, his people's most sacred treasure, that have allowed them upon death to be reborn into a new infant, over and over, until they have lived out nine lives. This coming of age ceremony called: Consecution, was when memories of the children's past lives started to resurface, and they started to remember who they were before. To most of the kids, they were already on their second and third lives, with Jzargo's daughter on her second Consecution. After the feasting, they were to meditate and sleep alone in the desert to help bring back their memories, and become their true selves.

Vidya looked like she had been in many of these ceremonies and helped Isa and L with what to say and how to respond just like the rest of the Purrsians. For the youths the ceremony was quick for them. Immediately after they had eaten, they rose to the sound of song and music, as the families gave them their blessings. They were to head out to the desert for the rest of the afternoon, while the rest of the clans stayed behind celebrating.

It was at this time, as the young Purrsians left the tent, that Jazargo called Isa up for his blessing.

"Friends, we have among us another gift . . ."

Isa suddenly noticed something peculiar. Though he was still, a very small tremor caused the cold water in his cup to ripple. It was very slight, unnoticed by others.

" . . . a blessing from an Ancient, one who protects the living with his veils of illusion and guides the unrest back to sleep. Who helps even the demons that we fear rest in peace. He is Ancient Loki, and our new friend is here to share his blessing." he gestured at him to come closer.

Suddenly, there it was again, Isa noticed the water in the jugs ripple, and some of the Purrsians were looking at the ground confused.

"This is Isa."

All around the Purssians greeted Isa with a warm, " M'jhera, Isa!" in Purrsian. And Jzargo encouraged Isa to take it from here.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -
“Coming of ages”

Isa was thankful that Vidya was there to teach both L and him on what not to do during this ceremony or he might have accidentally offended someone. He was delighted by the purrXian’s decorations, picking up the hints of their pasts and myths from the embroidered tapestries, and the incense smoke. That caught him off guard, seeing hints of tunes coming off it but that could just be him reading in too much. Still, being able to see this with his own eyes definitely excited the history nerd as he couldn’t help but ask if there was a meaning with their decorations.

The food was delicious and he wished Moss was there with them to try some. He wondered if it would be alright to save some for the merman and had ask if he could take some. If not, he respectfully nodded and continued to eat. Even tried to guess what the food’s seasonings was. Speaking of Moss, he was talking with him a couple of times, letting him to be careful once the merman told him of his quest for orange wild berries. Isa had told him, L, and Vidya of his recent chat with the Anubis brothers and when L asked why he did that, Isa answered: “I thought making a deal with them and have them release the people in the cart would be better than cause attention towards us from them. Best to have allies who have similar grounds, ya know. Haven’t said the deal yet though, so we will talk more with them later on.”

So after smiling as he listened to Jzargo of his people’s myths and stories, Isa noticed an odd thing. He felt a slight tremor. He didn’t believe it at first, so he stared at the water .... and saw it ripple. He heard Jzargo about to introduce Loki’s blessing, so he lightly tapped L’s shoulder and gestured the cup. Watching the water inside ripple again. “Something’s coming. Get ready.” He whispered to L before standing up and walking to where Jzargo gestured, next to him. He gently smiled at the warm greeting and did his best to pronounce it back. Of course, he sounded strange as he didn’t speak purrsian but he still sounded like he was purring, smooth, and calming.

”M’jhera~” Isa slightly bowed towards the tattooed teenagers and their families, paying respects. “Congratulations on your way to adulthood. The blessings I bring from Ancient Loki is one that my people in the South give to growing youths such as yourselves. We listen to the streaming lights above as our guides of life, and in those lights are spirits of the past. May these spirits bring ya guidance and prosperity.” The redheaded human knelt down and muttered under an unknown language, smooth and cooling to the ears. He held his hands in a cupping gesture, the ceiling changed from a tarp to a night sky with the Southern lights shining down on everyone. Colors melding together harmoniously as the stream waved around beautifully. A quiet moment and-

Suddenly, everyone can hear a soothing twinkling like a bell was giggling. The sandy ground became a field of grass and flowers. Even the tent‘s poles and covers were growing them as if it became a ruin. Then ashen tree roots grew out from the ground, twisting a turning as it formed into a woman with soft features. She smiled like a loving mother, her ’hair’ were leaves that constantly changes colors from green to yellow to red, to brown and falling off only to grow more green leaves. Her skin had bark markings, and her legs- well she didn’t have legs. It was more like the roots, moss, and grass was a dress that swirled around. She grew from the ground, reaching out to the tattooed teens and with the same twinkling voice, said her words; somehow everyone can understand her words clearly. Flowers grew on each tattooed teen. The girls had flower crowns and dresses while the boys had capes with leaves growing from their backs like they were knighted. There was a golden shine to them and they felt like nature was giving them a warm hug.Be steady like the roots of the ashen trees. Have your branches strong as they reach high into the big blue skies. Worry not, for nature shall always nurture your lives.’

Then winds started to gently billow the grass and flowers away, the nature spirit had danced with it and behind a fluttering leaf; she disappeared. The flower dresses and capes bursts into a golden dust that sparkled and it made them feel loved. The dandelions swirled around the teens playfully along with the winds, some even landed on their furs. A laugh emerged from within the space as a tiny winged figure formed itself within the swirling air that lightly tugs the clothing of the teens, making some of them gently spin around and causing them to laugh too. Her pastel wide eyes glimmered in joy and curiosity. Green feathered wings flapped like a hummingbird’s, energetic and nonstop. She flew around the teens, weaving around. Some tried to catch her but she laughed and flew up at the top of the tent with a huge bright smile. It was like having an older sister playing with them. Her voice is chipper and loud. Never stop moving like the currents of the wind! For you will always find fun and laughter when you do! Never stop being curious and follow what makes you happy! Be random and creative! The air that surrounds you will always be clear and free just like your spirits!’

The air became slightly hot instead of the normal cool they have been feeling under the safety of the tent’s roof. Everyone can hear clear hooves clomping on stone but that’s not possible since they are in the desert. The little fairy-like creature laughed behind her wings and swooped around the kids once more before bursting into a puff of dandelion fluff that twirls. Bringing the teens to feel joy from within, a happy memory that they loved. A dog-like creature stepped forth from the darker shadows of the rocky arch, neon green fire trailed behind her rather heavy yet graceful footsteps as it burned the flowers and grass around this creature. She was huge, as big as Okami, with fur as dark as the night and somehow her presence even darkened inside the tent. Her twisted white ram horns sprouted from her skull and on the middle of her forehead is a patch of white. Her neon green eyes sternly stared at the teens. Seemingly scary at first but when she opened her jaws, breathing out hot air, her voice sounded surprisingly sincere and earnest. A little growly too, but the teens felt like she was a guardian of sorts. Protective, silent, and honest. Give comfort. Stay warm blooded and savor kindness. Wait until the time is right for you to reveal your fangs...and fight. Defend those that you love and of yourselves. Do not let your resolves waver like the fires of the sun above us. Be fierce and surround each other with warmth for the flames shall always bring you light in your darkest of times.‘

You’re always intense.’

The teens held back their smiles.

’. . . Like that. The light shall come to you.’ She repeated in a low growl that doesn’t seem as scary anymore. The space around them became cooler than before. The large hellhound sweetly nuzzled each teen with her muzzle before turning around and with a flair of green fire, she was gone. She gave the teens courage to face their futures. The leftover flowers and grass started to wave gently as if they were underwater. The sunlight from outside that came in the tent bounced around the walls, twisting and turning into the reflections of seawater; like the formation of sea foam‘s shadows but it’s light instead of shadow. A loud yet soothing noise echoed within, vibrating everyone’s souls. A whale‘s singing voice. A large body suddenly splashed upwards from the ground, light acting like water droplets as it fell back down. Some of the light even splashed at the kids and teens, causing them to feel like they really got sprayed by water. The dorudon flipped backwards and swam gently around the teens. Her ancient black eyes shined like a proud mom. There was no words from this magical creature of the sea, however, the teens could hear the whispers of the waters. Coming and going. Be at peace within yourselves. For you have potential like the waters of this realm and the next. Learn from mistakes and continue to flow like the streams and rivers. Adapt and you will see that the ocean is not your limitation. It is your ally.’ The waters said.

With another jump, she disappeared within the light waters. Golden orbs and bubbles hovered over the tattooed teens, popping when it made contact and it brought forth a calming sensation. Like it brought the teens to feel more confident about themselves. The entire field bursts into golden fluttering dust that gently sparkled, slowly fading away as it touched the ground. The ground was sand once more and everyone can feel the leftover warmth from Loki’s blessing; each adult and child felt like they were being hugged by a blanket, comforted, and secured. Isa smiled, a bit of a daze himself, and nodded towards the teens.

”Loki will always watch over you with his veils.“

Zer0 Zer0
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- Ebony Oasis -

One of the Purrsian kids Isa played with who spoke better common was happy to tell Isa that the decoration was called an 'Imuit'. They were symbols of protection and transition. The animals were headless to help what is inside come out, and the incense called "Kyphi", helped one recall lost memories.

Liliana overheard this, and asked if the kid's family had some spare kyphi for trade, muttering something about helping Wild.

The elderly lady Purrsians were happy Isa enjoyed the food and nodded, encouraging him to take as much as he needed. They too also wondered where his companion was. Speaking of leh Moss, he told Isa that the wild orange berries were sweet and tasted mildly of strawberries, though he found out the hard way that the skin had little thorns. He reckoned that if he gathered enough he can make a nice jam out of them, hence him being later than what he promised.

When Isa told him, L, and Vidya about his talk with the Anubis brothers, the little gnome was looking at him like he was the nicest person in the world and whispered secretly that she had been planning to bust the prisoners out that night, but that this deal was a much better, peaceful way to go about helping them; Vidya immediately became interested when she learned they were from Barad Eithel. When Isa told her earlier that at least her family was safe, she had shook her head in disagreement, saying that if they were safe, then there was no reason why they weren't replying to her messages. "I can't wait until this feasting is over. I'm going to sit near them and talk to them."

Once again it was just Isa and Liliana, and the little gnome, realizing this once again became quieter in a shy way and turned to the other Purrsians beside her to strike up a conversation. She jumped, startled, when Isa tapped her shoulder. "Huh? What do you mean, where?" she stared at the water, something clicked in her brain, her shyness disappeared and she immediately whispered, "I'm going to check outside." And excused herself from the feasting, her messy blond hair disappearing between a sea of cat legs and colorful dyed garments.

When Isa performed his ritual, the kids he had been playing with were even more amazed and he could hear them whispering to each other if he could teach them that too later. From everyone's reaction, Isa can tell that they don't see this display of magic often, and stared at the ground and their surroundings as the illusions shifted and changed. At the end the tattooed youths were dazed themselves, as the illusions disappeared and the surrounding was desert sand and rock once more. Everyone burst out clapping. As one the youths gratefully said, "Toda raba, Isa!"

"Thank you, friend Isa." said Jzargo. He turned to the youths. "Now go, and may you find your true selves!"

With excited chatter, the tattooed youths ran off and their families watched them race each other through a gap in the cliffs towards the direction Moss went exploring.

"Ahhh, they grow up so fast." Jzargo said to Isa, fondly waving at his daughter who was just a silhouette now in the distance. The rest of the Purrsians went back inside the tent celebrating and talking about their own consecutions; Vidya was still talking to the Anubis brothers and, spotting Isa, gave him the thumbs up, then gestured at him to come join them.

Suddenly a battle horn blared out from afar. It was followed by many, coming closer, and then horns rang around the camp. "Malus!
Tashghilah hu Malus!"

The ground shook. In the distance, shimmering in the heat wave across the sands was the largest giant Isa had ever seen in his life. It was as if the cliffs were moving. Muted booms and the distant roar of avalanches echoed up the ravine. A bull-like goliath, the tips of its hunched back almost touching the clouds was slowly lumbering forward, sending up a cloud of sand and dust.

Jzargo was shouting orders to everyone, and Vidya immediately went to Isa, saying. "They're looking for a place to hide and protect their goats, while the others are going to go over to Malus and try to make him go another direction."

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

Smiling a little wider, Isa stood from his spot, nodding thanks to everyone for the claps. Though bashful, he didn’t show as he kept his impish grin on his face. He watched the youths run off in their excitement, shaking his head a bit as he can understand what they felt a bit. After all he did have a tendency to run off and explore when he was younger. He chuckled at what Jzargo said.

”They grow up fast, but they are still your kids in here.” Isa pointed at his chest, gesturing the purrsian leader at his heart. “I’m sure they’ll be okay. Everyone here raised them well.”

He saw Vidya wave, letting him know to come over and he was about to. Excusing himself, however, they all heard the first battle horn ring. Then a few more with shouts and screams. He ran out of the tent and quickly went to the caravan to grab his grimore and disconnect Smoky from their home. He had already warned Moss about the shakes and to be careful for something big, just in case. Same to L. When Vidya found him, he was about to mount. Listening to her words, Isa nodded. His grin stretched, looking more tense than playful as they felt the ground shake some more.

“Yeah, I was gonna follow them and help them out.“ Isa knew that as much he wanted to teleport everyone to somewhere safe, dimension door was not big enough. He is not a portal relic after all. His illusions won’t cover everyone either and somehow, he doubted that creature will be tricked so easily. So to him, it’s better to deal with the problem directly and fast. Plus...there’s a strange curiosity about Goliaths that Isa wanted to know more of and now is a great time to learn.

“Ask one of the purrsians if they are willing to take our caravan with Okami and Pluplu pulling and we can go over to Malus. Ya can ride with me. If ya want, that is.“

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- Ebony Oasis -

"Huh?! You want me to go face that thing?!" She looked at the menacing silhouette growing bigger in the distance. "Okay, okay, wait." She looked around, spotted L who was floating down the cliffs and waved her over. "Me and Isa will help the others try to make Malus change direction. Will you take care of Pluplu, Okami, and the caravan?"

"Okay, leave it to me!" she saluted. "Be careful, you guys, okay?" And ran off calling Pluplu who was hiding in a hole and Okami who was barking at the oncoming goliath.

Vidya hopped behind Isa, pushed down her magenta sunglasses and yelled, "Ready!"

Katsuya Katsuya
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- Isa Bianchi -

“Well I mean, you’re not alone at least.” Isa half-heartedly joked.

The redhead nodded, sighing in relief. Their home is in good hands. “Thank ya, L and yea, we will! Be good, Okami! Help L watch over the caravan and each other!” As soon Vidya said she was ready, Isa smirked evilly, pulling his goggles down. An excited gleam glowed in his indigo eyes as he revved Smoky.

”Hang on!!” Her engines roared-! Sand was thrown in the air as Smoky spun around and shot off towards the cliffs. To the direction where Malus is. The hot air billowed their clothes and hair wildly. Isa muttered something under his breath and Vidya will see that he put an illusion over them; they are now disguised as the beginning of a sand storm. Just a swirl of sand. Not like the sound matters in this case, considering that Malus’ steps were loud.

“Got any ideas on how to catch Malus’ attention?” Isa yelled out to Vidya, keeping his eyes focused in case for oncoming rocks or shockwaves.

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- Goliath Malus -
"I could stab its toes? Shoot its eyes if we can get high enough somehow?!" yelled Vidya through the roar of Smoky's engines. "I think we need something really strong, like an explosion, to make it look down. Usually, my people send wyvern riders to grab its attention!"

And then Isa had an idea. A really, really, scary, idea that might work. Vidya was gripping the seats tightly with her legs and hugging Isa's waist hard.

"We're gonna do what?!"
- Isa Bianchi -
“Goliath Malus, the bull”

His grin turned devilish, adrenaline pumping blood in his veins as Smoky started to catch up the large Goliath. Oof, it’s large stature just gave Isa chills. Yet still, something within him just curled in his ever growing excitement. A plan. A crazy plan hatched the moment the darkened elf behind him mentioned height.

So he yelled about his plan. Feeling her arms wrapped tightly around his waist and yell back in disbelief. Causing him to cackle. Loudly. Turning the handles, Isa spotted a way up to reach the top of the cliffs and speed his way forward. Following the narrow edged bumpy road like no one’s business and without fear. Just this crazy urge to keep going fast-! Not a care in the world as pebbles and pieces of the cliffs fell off after Smoky’s wheels ran over them.

”We’re gonna jump off the cliffs!” Isa repeated. “Jump off and land on it’s back! Find an opening!”

It was crazy! Insane! Nearly impossible-!

Yet Isa, mad lad that he is, is taking this crazy road.

“Whatever ya do, Vidya! Hold very tight and don‘t move ever!!!” With a hop in his rush, Smoky landed at the top of the cliffs and luckily for the redhead, there’s a pointy ledge that’s reaching out. It was probably an old rock arch that broke over time’s clock and now it’s a wonderful ramp for Smoky. Malus is passing by it-! Perfect! So he revved his bike and-


Smoky practically flew by on top of the rocky base, not giving Vidya a chance to prepare herself. Isa knew that if they started to slow down they won’t be able to make it, so no hesitation! No preparing! Time to take action and take on the craziest stunt in their lives-!

Going closer and closer to the pointy edge, Isa hunched over, super focused to make this landing-

Smoky flew off the rocky ramp. They felt like they were floating as time slowed down-!

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- Goliath Malus -

Vidya yelled incoherent things, as ---


The bike bounced, skidded, and landed safely atop the stone hard, desert grass covered back of the goliath.

Vidya laughed in relief. She got off the bike, shaking, going on all fours and just hugged the grassy floor.

The back of the goliath was a thing of rock-like bone, reminiscent of the bones of the Ancient of Sanctuary, but it had fused lines, like the lines between metal plates melded together by fire, except the surface of the goliath was definitely some sort of rock-bone and not metal. It was covered in dry browned grass, and Isa could hear within it creaks of metal and the rumble of machinery and something like rushing water. And there was a pulsing, a pulsing similar to the vault key from whatever magic is powering it from within.

Clouds rolled pass overhead, close to touch. It was colder up here, and below, Isa could see the Purrsians on their fire salamanders as small as bugs running alongside the goliath trying to grab its attention with flaming molotovs and make it look down its burning toes, but it was as if the goliath felt nothing.

"I can't believe we made that!" Vidya grinned at Isa, still shaking. "That was some ride, you crazy maniac." She stood up, immediately grabbing a hold on a protruding colossal giant spine, as the rump they were on dip and swayed, and rose, and shook with every step of the giant. There was no way the bike can stay on by itself without any form of rope or one of them holding on to it.

The goliath's hip bone protruded from its back like a crumbling wall engraved with ancient runes. It had giant rib like armor plating across its back, blocking the bike from going any further. But Isa can see something shining pearlescent white on its side. Surrounded by a black scorch mark like from some great blast, there was a crack in the center emanating white light. The cracks were spiraling with magic and glowing white with runes, as though magic was keeping the crack from crumbling. This pearlescent sheen was familiar, Isa's seen it on soul stones --- but the feeling this one gives. It seems to be from soul shards. Thousands, and thousands of soul shards embedded within the hide of the goliath.

Katsuya Katsuya
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- Isa Bianchi -
“Made it-!“​

Smoky stopped moving. Isa immediately prepped her up with his foot firmly on the ground. Then he took a deep breath and whooped loudly, cheering. Not like anybody is going to hear them, laughing in relief and cheering—-they were at the top of Malus-! Where the clouds touched their faces-!

”Ohh, that’s a chill.” He said before bringing his hands close and praying thanks. “Thank you for helping in even our most chaotic times, Ancient Loki.” Hey, he’s just happy that they made it and not fall to their deaths. He looked at leh shaken Vidya who grabbed onto a spike and grinned impishly.

”I hope you enjoyed that ride from the maniac then.” Isa joked back, chuckling as he stood next to Smoky and opened the seat lid. Revealing his gear and bag as he pulled out rope, a tack, and his bag. He started to tie his bike to a spiky as well, using the tack to secure the wheels in place and not move as much. Then he checked what he needed to bring and what he needed to leave behind- oh! The redhead pulled out his camera and the extra two packs of film from his bag; his grin softened to an enamored smile as he stared at the two packs. They can only be from Moss . . . That sweet sea turtle of his~ He must have grabbed them by accident when he was in a hurry inside the caravan. With a sigh, a puff of white air escaped his lips, Isa pocketed one of the packs and placed the other in his bag.

“Vidya, stay there.” He came closer to the dark elf with careful steps and took the photo of her freaking out. Catching the photo before it escaped from the breeze and pocketed. Then he crouched down, holding on to the plating‘s surface as he leaned over the edge a bit. Taking a picture of how high they were and going back to the safety where Vidya and the bike was. That‘s when he noticed something: a shiny thing.

Well more like the armor plating itself. He twisted the lens to have a closer look and- “Oh wow. This thing’s armor is made of soul shards.” He took pictures of the runes, wanting to decipher them later. Maybe these can help Moss somehow? He took a picture of the black scorch marks, his mind whirling as a memory popped in his head. “ . . . Ya know? . . . Wasn’t the shield maidens accused of trying to kill a Goliath long time ago? There’s scorch marks here . . .”

He read about this case somewhere in Gramps’ library studio. The shield maidens were accused of trying to kill a Goliath and the proof was the mark on it’s side. Wild mentioned of how she lost her memory too after she, with Moss and L, came back from talking to Uroburos. From a powerful explosion, she said . . .

- Flashback -

“I’m not exactly mortal.” Wild Flower or rather Ester said to the rest after asked her about her conversation in the vault key. The fire in the fireplace flickered and crackled behind them. “Young Moss, rememberer when I told you that I was still older than you? It’s because I am. I’ve been alive for more than six hundred years. I can still die from anything else but age.”

”Wait, so you mean to tell me that you-“

”Yes, there’s a chance that I know about the infamous alchemist as well, but I just can‘t remember. Same with the Shield maidens. I was their squire, someone who took care of the chores while they fought and taught me how to fight as well. Thing is...I can‘t remember after that huge explosion. We were at the tower when that happened and then...I can‘t remember after that. Only a hollow ‘Run away!’ and I followed that order.”

”I’m sorry that I’m not much of help.” Her voice was sad, the image even more pitiful as her ears were folded back and down.


”Do ya think she lost her memory near this Goliath, Vidya?” Isa asked, now looking for a way inside. They were way too high for that explosion to happen near Wild—- let alone make her forget her memory like that. What happened and what was the Shield Maidens doing with Malus? This is strange.

There’s also that issue Moss might have later on, should he try to get a Goliath underwater...Ah but wait....the plated armor.....it’s made of soul shards......

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- Goliath Malus -

"Wait, wait, not like this, Isa." And she tried and failed to straighten her hair one-handed, but in the end grinned with peace fingers with her heart magenta glasses glinting under the sun.

Zooming down below with the camera, some of the Purrsians were yelling, frantically waving torches at Isa, waving towards the north. Ahead of them, less than ten minutes away, the herd of goats was moving west wards, rushed by the fire salamander riders, but at this pace, the goliath's long strides was going to overtake them; way ahead of the herd was the caravan and the Anubis brother's wagon.

Vidya was casting a spell, her eyes flared magenta, and she whistled, as she looked all over the goliath at something Isa couldn't see. "Yes, that's where they shot it. My mom said it was like a path of circular rainbow walls appearing on either side of Malus, and then a white beam of light surrounded by fire shot out of the golden dome in Barad Eithel. She said lightning branched out of it and struck Malus, and his eyes glowed white and all these runes started glowing all over its body. But it only lasted for a moment before the white light died. Whatever the maidens made it sought out the goliaths, because traders from the Scorched Wastes and Menagerie coast also told us that the same thing happened to their goliaths there, though none of them were destroyed . . . I don't think she lost her memory close to Malus, from what she described, it sounded like she was inside the golden dome, while my mom saw Malus outside. That engine blade thing was some weapon, but I think the goliaths are stronger than that, because my mom said Malus looked energized, like he was moving faster than normal when he got struck."

As Isa climbed around, he saw that there was no way inside the goliath. There were rope holds, firm and in good condition wrapped along the back, and close to the head where there was a pictogram of a giant tree and what looked like the Ancient Titan, there was a heavy latched triangular clockwork crystal device pointing at the sky, the metal looked similar to the metal the spider-like mechanical contraptions of the katulus back in Windshear were made of. There was no rust, and the crystal on it looked like the same crystal trapping Vidya's arm. Vidya immediately went to it, and as she approached, the triangular walls opened like a flower bud revealing a floating purple-black stoned burning potion? Device? It was something, something that had what looked like crystals the same as Vidya's melting and forming back to solid inside it, constantly being heated by an ever-burning flame. There wasn't even any glass around the potion-like thing, the volatile liquid was just churning in open space.

There were deep dents like great old humongous giant bruises on the side of Malus' head, and gouge marks as though from giant nails upon its throat. One of its great horns was broken, and there were some cracks on the side of its face. Upon close inspection of the white cracks, the runes flared brighter when Isa came close, and sparked shocking lightning that grew more intense the more he approached. That seemed to be the moment Malus sensed him, because it suddenly stopped moving, and shook its back like a dog. Isa's bike clanged and banged loudly against the stone, and Vidya, who was examining the head device immediately hugged it.

"AHHH!" she cried out in pain, her arms scorched, her crystal arm --- her indestructible crystal arm she had tried to break many times --- melted like wax, only to solidify immediately, sticking to her clothes. The triangular device immediately closed with a snap.

A deep loud rumble like a growling avalanche reverberated from deep within the goliath.

Katsuya Katsuya
Art by Ganibhal
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- Isa Bianchi -

Isa was looking down, watching the purrsians from below signaling him something up north. So he looked through his camera lens. Lips pinched. “Upcoming goats.” He muttered to himself as he listened to Vidya. He looked up again, noticing that she was seeing something? Ah, he guessed she was checking the magic behind the scorch marks.

His brows raised, surprised to hear her answer. That’s odd. Malus looked energetic after being hit....Yeah, that golden dome is definitely the control center for this Goliaths and it didn’t sound like the Shield Maidens were trying to hurt it—not intentional. Still he wanted to research on this topic more. Later. When they are not clinging onto the large moving mechanical thing.

”Okay! Let’s find a way inside!” He replied back, but to his dismay, Isa found out that there’s no way in. However, it struck him odd that there’s a rope ladder on it’s back and an interesting etching of a tree-

“Titan . . . This is Titan’s mark.” Isa took a picture of it, saving the photo in his pocket as Vidya moved forward first. The wind blowing hard as Malus slowly took another step. He took another photo of the odd triangle thingy that looked oddly familiar. Flashbacks of the kutulus popped into his mind and he frowned. Suspicious. Did . . . Theosebia somehow know about the Goliaths’ designs and remodeled that triangle thingy for the kutulus— nah...it couldn’t be.

That’s when he noticed of the runes becoming brighter the closer he got to them; Vidya managed to reach at the front where the clockwork triangle thingy bloomed open- he never knew that he would describe technology as blooming but blooming it was. Lightning was coming out of the runes- he was trying to walk around it, wondering why is it sensing him and not Vidya when they passed through. Then...Malus stopped and started to shake like Okami when his fur was wet.

”Woah! Wooooaaaaaaaaaah!“ Isa held on the rope tight, shutting his eyes closed- only to snap his head up at the sound of Vidya screaming. She was clutching onto the triangle thingy for dear life, her arms were smoking- is she being burned by the liquid stuff?! Isa‘s eyes widened as he watched the odd wax-like motion from the very crystal arm Vidya has and it cooled the moment it splashed onto her clothes. He muttered his spell, his body turned to ashes and appeared next to the darken elf, holding onto the clockwork device that held the triangular crystal. He put an arm around her, making sure she’s secured enough to let go of the thing that‘s burning her human arm.

He glared at the triangle that closed itself, trying to find on how to open it again-

Vidya can hear him growling from deep within his chest, agitation ever growing until he shouted from the top of his lungs, a single word that none of them understand. An ancient language yet she got the feeling of what he is shouting from his tone.


It didn’t stop shaking-! Isa took a deep breath and just focused on the triangle. Recognizing some of the runes the more he read them.

Can I roll for charm to convince Malus to stop shaking? Or roll for knowledge for Isa to figure out on how to open Leh thingy?
Zer0 Zer0
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- Goliath Malus -

Vidya leaned against Isa and hissed in pain, dropping to her knees. Red, patched scorch black and bubbling with blisters, pieces of raw flesh were exposed from where her skin had stuck to the strange burning potion. Her once crystallized arm was a hardened melted candle-wax mess, and for the first time the fingers inside were trembling. "Thanks." she gritted her teeth. "I'm fine. It just stings." She breathed deeply.

Malus stopped shaking.

"I'm going over to the rope." She crouched to the rope ladder, cradling her arms, slipped in between the ropes, then firmly wedged herself in between two bony plates. Her eyes were still glowing magenta. "Careful, Isa, there's a mixture of protective destruction and detection enchantments on that thing." She slowly began tearing the sleeves of her jacket.

The runes on the triangular sides formed an ancient channeling pattern that could redirect magic through and into the etched pictogram on the goliath's head. It was surrounded at the base by heavy protective enchantments strong enough to withstand siege. The runes on the apex of the triangle seems contradictory, because it looked like it was designed to detect magic, and even attract magic towards it like a magnet. It was made of a different metal too. The metal looked similar to the burning potion's black and purple one. Along the sides of the traingles where their edges snapped together, there was a complex 'Alarm' runes on it. It not only detected strangers, but oncoming harm, but for some reason it recognized Vidya as not a stranger. The only thing she had in common with the device is her crystal arm.

All around Isa there were solidifed fragments of Vidya's cystal around the base. The bigger parts were just tumbling off, but the smaller ones were slowly dragging towards the device as though it was a weak magnet.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

Malus stopped moving the moment Isa teleported away from the wound. Good.

The redhead nodded, frowning in worry as Vidya slid down. His grip around her softened her fall a bit as he kneeled with her. His indigo eyes steeled over at the large crystal pieces that melted off her arm. He snorted, not believing her one bit as he looked at the blistering red on her arms; he even saw her fingers shaking inside the crystal. “I bet more than just stinging.” He was thinking of using his jacket to tear a piece out again, but he didn’t have his jacket. Then he remembered something. So he pulled his bag forward and pulled out a first aid kit that Moss gave him long ago, passing it to her gently.

“Here. If anything, use the balm inside there and bandages.” Isa softly muttered, narrowing his eyes again when he looked at the triangle thingy. He heard her footsteps fading away as she wedged herself between two bony plates by the rope. He snorted again. “Lovely~ thank you for the warning.”

Isa quickly made use of what he saw; the tiny droplets crawling back up like it was being drawn by a magnet. So the redhead grabbed one of the larger crystals that crumbled off and held it near the triangle, reading the runes, and he figured out where he has seen these runes.

He snarled. Theosebia take the Goliath’s concept of power and used it for the kutulus!! That spider thing she had!! This is- Isa took a deeeeep breath and focused on the task in hand, though growling. The simmering redhead took another deeeeeeeeep breath to calm down and held the melted crystal piece close to the triangle thingy. Not touching yet but close enough for him to feel that same magnetic pull.

“I bet ya opened because of Vidya‘s arm. I have a piece, so ya should open for me now.” Isa muttered.

Zer0 Zer0
- Goliath Malus -

The metal bloomed open.

There inside, Isa could see the intense fire runes shaped like the wings of freedom of Elunore concentrated into a singular point of the purple black rock beneath the volatile potion. Channeling runes glowing with the same ember arcane energy spread out like roots from the bottom of the floating thing and wrapped around its triangular casing, just like the runes Isa has seen running from ragnite powered machines, but it was different in that it was heavy with a lot of protective and manipulating arithmancy to counter unstable arcane forces. It was like looking at a controlled bomb, where the destruction was happening only within the potion.

There were also more magic detecting runes that glowed brighter the closer Isa moved the crystal, and actually made the floating potion tilt in place towards it, with two triangular forks at the top, glowing ember bright, opening like arms. If he moved away, the detection runes glowed dimmer, and the triangular forks closed, cooling back to stone.

Katsuya Katsuya
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- Isa Bianchi -

Well that confirmed his theory and there was another he wanted to do. There was a flaw in this design of the floating triangle and it’s a rather simple one Isa was about to exploit. The dangerous runes active when danger happens yet it does nothing to the liquid inside or activate to the melted crystal. Plus the floating thing follows the melted crystal’s direction...so what a better way to mess with this floating thing other than to pour out it’s contents by using the melted crystal?

“Vidya, get to my bike and get ready for a potential free fall! I‘mma do something crazy again!” Isa warned.

Considering that this hardened crystal is similar to the liquid inside of the blooming triangle, it wouldn’t hurt Malus. It would cool down the moment it hits the surface, but it might shut Malus down....or the triangle blooming thingy will explode in his face. It’s one or the other.....Is he really going to- yes, yes he is. So the redhead grabbed another piece of the melted off crystal and plopped it inside the potion inside to see what will happen.

If nothing happen other than the crystal becoming the same potion inside, then the redhead put his other piece near the blooming triangle and made the opening move down. Wanting to pour out the potion inside on Malus in hopes he’d stop moving.

Zer0 Zer0
- Goliath Malus -

The triangle forks hugged the crystal, then seams appeared upon its glowing ember surface as it unfolded, dividing into halves. The floating potion righted itself, as the halves detached and floated up the crystal's sides. Seams appeared on the base of the triangular casing, and its thick interlocking pieces whirred and rotated, revealing momentary gaps large enough for a mouse to go through, where there seemed to be a spacious chamber of meat and stone underneath. The base rearranged itself in a rhythm, reforming the arrangement of magical runes, as the floating pieces of the fork swirled, burning white now, and closed around the crystal with the rhythm, melting its sides off to the same radius as the potion's mouth.

The momentary gaps into the goliath began to be covered by the shifting interlocking base, as the fork pieces slowly floated higher and higher, and the crystal was slowly being pushed inside the potion's mouth. The last gap was closing in three . . . two . . . one . . .

Katsuya Katsuya
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- Isa Bianchi -

Isa watched the odd crystal being carved into halves and seams were created and-

Something caught his eye. The base of the triangle moved, revealing gaps that tended to fluctuate. He leaned in closer to see what was inside and he saw the spacious room of flesh and stone. Perfect~ He didn’t panic when the last gap closed. He instead walked over to where Vidya was, placed a hand on her shoulder, and grinned all friendly-like.

”Vidya, do ya trust me?” He asked. Before she could answer, they were burned into ashes. The pair found themselves inside of the spacious room Isa saw in the gaps. The redhead could only smirk devilishly as indigo flames licked his hair ends and the edges of his clothes.

“Welcome to Malus, the place that no one expected to have a room inside.”

Zer0 Zer0
- Within the Goliath -

Vidya wrapped the last bandage around her arm, gaped at Isa at his announcement, chuckled, nodded, pushing her magenta sunglasses down. Grimacing, she started clambering over the back, when she looked back at Isa's touch. She hesitated. "Ge ---

"---nerally, I!" She stumbled forward in the sudden darkness they were in, steps muffled by something soft then, crunching, the muffled sound of heavy machinery working in the background. "Where are we? Oh! Something huge moved!" Rapid footsteps, then a clang and something went skidding and scratching away along the floor, and thudded against the wall.

The air smelled stale, dusty, and burned. There was a small white crack glowing with white runes like the goliath's wounded side on one wall, it's little fissures radiating out like thin spider webs all around them, and it was pulsing. The floor was steady, though they could hear the rumbling giant footsteps.

Lighting up the chamber, there were three half disintegrated corpses wearing dusty, rusting moldy armor bearing the symbol of a silver tree, skulls gaping, half mummified right in front of the center of the glowing cracks. It was a damaged wall, scorched black, but it was moving. It was a part of a giant brain, encased in a shiny dusty moving glass, like a living bubble that pulsed with it. It was framed by the bone-stone metal, and here and there were whirring bits of machinery, thick tubes with melded seams flowing red, all radiating from a steadily rotating clockwork gear at the side, its center, jutting exposed out of the glass, were made of layers of rings, each with different runes, and carved handles. It was half made of stone-bone and half made of cleaner smith forged steel, again similar to the metal of the machines of the katulus, melded into what seemed to be damaged or missing parts of the clockwork gear.

On the opposite wall that had two giant closed circular spiral windows the same size as Malus's eyes, there was a dais where a shiny black crystal ball sat on a bowl carved with runes. The black scorch marks around this dais was smudged by many footprints, but all from the same shoe, and drag marks. The place was dusty and dank, but the top of the crystal ball was slightly cleaner with the faint imprint of hands disturbing the dust.

There was a perfectly ordinary wooden stool, looking very out of place next to the jutted exposed part of the rotating clockwork gear. It wasn't dusty either, and some parts of the gear, the handholds especially were also free of dust. Next to it was a discarded cigarette butt and some bits of moldy bread.

There was one opening out of this room at the left side of the brain, it's edges were melted , the metal hinges of the door frame warped, and beside it was a clockwork door, all dusty and dented and half melted too. This opening opened up to a long narrow walkway that slanted down deeper into the body, where on the left side it was moving flesh encased in that moving glass, slanted towards the top and supported with arches of giant bone-stone, and to the right the bone stone arch fused into a giant neck spine where thick tubes flowing red ran along side of it, also encased in glass. At the end of the walkway was a closed hatch on the floor.

Katsuya Katsuya

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