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Futuristic [ARCHIVED / 2022 / REGISTRATION]

Valorous Order: Insignius Blade
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Reverence In Stars


Code by Serobliss / Made for Valorous Order
I do not own any of the images presented in this code.

[/comment][border=0; padding: 0;

———— 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡 𝙋𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙡;
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———— Your character's code

1. Go to the website above.
2. Input your character's code name and generate the numbers.
3. Copy+paste the numbers next to ECD-
4. Remove the spaces.
5. Profit

; padding: 0; font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1; margin-left: 6px; margin-top: -1px; box-sizing: border-box; width: 80%][font=Jost]ECD-211420920125 [/font][border=0; padding: 0; font-size: 5px; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1; margin-top: 1px][font=Jost]Valorous Order[/font][/border][/border][border=0; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 5px; height: 5px; right: 4px; top: 4px; background: rgba(218 221 225)][/border][border=0; padding: 0; position: absolute; right: 4px; bottom: 9px; color: #fff; font-size: 5px; font-family: 'Jost', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase]Aeyukarus Empyria[/border][border=0; padding: 0; position: absolute; right: 4px; bottom: 3px; color: #fff; font-size: 5px; font-family: 'Jost', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase]Sui Generis[/border][/border][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 420px; background: var(--character); box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0 0 0 / 80%) inset; position: relative; border-bottom: 3px solid #891028][border=0; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: 50%; background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(0,0,0,1) 17%, rgba(134,7,48,0) 100%)][/border][border=0; padding: 0; position: absolute; bottom: 3.35%; left: 0; right: 0; margin: 0 auto; width: 80%][border=0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; justify-content: center][border=0; padding: 0; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 1px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 5px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 1px #000); position: relative; z-index: 6][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: var(--0); clip-path: var(--star); background: #fff; width: 30px; height: 30px; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; transform: rotate(13deg)][/border][/border][border=0; padding: 0; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 1px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 5px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 1px #000); margin-left: -8px; position: relative; z-index: 5][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: var(--0); clip-path: var(--star); background: #fff; width: 30px; height: 30px; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; transform: rotate(13deg)][/border][/border][border=0; padding: 0; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 1px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 5px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 1px #000); margin-left: -8px; position: relative; z-index: 4][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: var(--0); clip-path: var(--star); background: #fff; width: 30px; height: 30px; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; transform: rotate(13deg)][/border][/border][border=0; padding: 0; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 1px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 5px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 1px #000); margin-left: -8px; position: relative; z-index: 3][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: var(--0); clip-path: var(--star); background: #fff; width: 30px; height: 30px; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; transform: rotate(13deg)][/border][/border][border=0; padding: 0; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 1px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 5px #000) drop-shadow(0 0 1px #000); margin-left: -8px; position: relative; z-index: 2][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: var(--0); clip-path: var(--star); background: #fff; width: 30px; height: 30px; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; transform: rotate(13deg)][/border][/border][/border][/border][/border][/border][border=0; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 800px)][border=0; padding: 0; height: 8px; box-sizing: border-box; background: #891028; clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 4.6% 100%, 4.6% 0, 4% 0, 4% 100%, 0 100%); margin-bottom: 4px][/border][border=0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; font: normal 700 9px Jost; line-height: 1; color: #2d3c86; text-transform: uppercase; text-transform: uppercase;

———— Reference
][border=0; padding: 3px 6px; width: fit-content; width: -moz-fit-content; background: #891028; margin: 0 0 4px 0px; color: black]Reference: Original[/border][border=0;

———————— Your Username
; padding: 3px 6px; width: fit-content; width: -moz-fit-content; background: #891028; margin: 0 0 4px 4px; color: black]Character Owner: Your RPN User[/border][border=0; padding: 3px 6px; width: fit-content; width: -moz-fit-content; background: #891028; margin: 0 0 4px 4px; color: black]Aeyukarus Vondera Empyria[/border][/border][border=0;

———————— Code Name
; padding: 0 0 3px 12px; border-left: 8px solid #891028; font-size: calc(4.5vh + 13px); text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1; background: rgba(0 0 0 / 60%); color: rgba(224 228 233)][font=Jost]Felbryndr[/font][/border][border=0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1; font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; margin-top: 5px; font-weight: 700;

———————— Identity (Real Name, Age, and Gender)
][border=0; padding: 3px 0 3px 7px; font-size: 12px; background: rgba(137 16 40 / 85%); color: rgba(224 228 233); box-sizing: border-box; width: 90px][font=Inter]Identity[/font][/border][border=0; padding: 3px 0 3px 5px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1; background: rgba(255 255 255 / 84%); color: rgba(224 228 233); box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: 6px; color: black; flex: 1][font=Roboto Condensed]Real Name / Age / Gender[/font][/border][/border][border=0;

———————— Hierarchy (Noble Status (Nobility or Commoner), House (Valor, Revelation, or Divinity), Position (Head or Member))
; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1; font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; margin-top: 5px; font-weight: 700][border=0; padding: 3px 0 3px 7px; font-size: 12px; background: rgba(137 16 40 / 85%); color: rgba(224 228 233); box-sizing: border-box; width: 90px][font=Inter]Hierarchy[/font][/border][border=0; padding: 3px 0 3px 5px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1; background: rgba(255 255 255 / 84%); color: rgba(224 228 233); box-sizing: border-box; width: 250px; margin-left: 6px; color: black; flex: 1][font=Roboto Condensed]Noble Status / House / Position[/font][/border][/border][border=0;

———————— Affiliation (Organization, their position in the faction)
; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1; font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; margin-top: 5px; font-weight: 700][border=0; padding: 3px 0 3px 7px; font-size: 12px; background: rgba(137 16 40 / 85%); color: rgba(224 228 233); box-sizing: border-box; width: 90px][font=Inter]Affiliation[/font][/border][border=0; padding: 3px 0 3px 5px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1; background: rgba(255 255 255 / 84%); color: rgba(224 228 233); box-sizing: border-box; width: 250px; margin-left: 6px; color: black; flex: 1][font=Roboto Condensed]Organization / Position[/font][/border][/border][border=0;

———————— General Description of your character
; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; line-height: 1.53; font-family: 'Anek Latin', sans-serif; margin-top: 5px; font-weight: 300; text-align: justify][border=0; padding: 3px 0 3px 7px; font-size: 12px; background: rgba(137 16 40 / 85%); color: rgba(224 228 233); box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1; font-weight: 700][font=Inter]General Description[/font][/border][border=0; padding: 1px 6px; font-size: 14px; color: rgba(245 245 250); box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; margin-top: 5px; text-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(0 0 0 / 70%), 0 0 1px #000][font=Anek Latin]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque mi dui, aliquet at porta at, faucibus vel nulla. Duis vitae orci sit amet velit luctus hendrerit eget eu quam. Quisque vel semper orci. Integer blandit nulla vel mauris ornare, quis tempor justo pretium. Pellentesque tempor varius congue. Nulla ac erat sit amet urna sagittis pellentesque. Nunc eu finibus nisi. Sed bibendum purus maximus convallis volutpat. Suspendisse auctor, mauris sit amet tempus tincidunt, arcu nisi aliquam ligula, sit amet iaculis neque leo vel tortor. Nulla in est vel lacus fringilla elementum ac a nisl.

Nulla molestie mi quis leo euismod placerat. Fusce volutpat lobortis dolor, eget pharetra orci ultrices non. Sed nec nisi pretium, mattis sem vitae, hendrerit libero. Quisque ultrices hendrerit finibus. Morbi tincidunt ex nec dolor auctor, eu varius metus consectetur. Proin venenatis libero eget dapibus euismod. Ut et ipsum enim. Sed iaculis, justo sit amet sollicitudin pellentesque, massa enim aliquet elit, vel scelerisque erat purus vel elit. In molestie tempus dui eget sollicitudin. Quisque eget vehicula odio. Nullam aliquet justo in eleifend hendrerit. Proin venenatis libero eget dapibus euismod. Ut et ipsum enim. Suspendisse auctor, mauris sit amet tempus tincidunt, arcu nisi aliquam ligula, sit amet iaculis neque leo vel tortor.[/font][/border][/border][/border][/border][/border][border=0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(50 50 50); padding: 0; padding-top: 5px; padding-right: 7px; line-height: 1; box-sizing: border-box; height: 20px; background: #000; text-align: right; font-size: 8px; color: rgba(230 240 250); text-transform: uppercase]Valorous Order | Code by Serobliss[/border][/border]
Last edited:
Valorous Order
Aeyukarus Empyria
Sui Generis
Reference: Original
Character Owner: Your RPN User
Aeyukarus Vondera Empyria
Real Name / Age / Gender
Noble Status / House / Position
Organization / Position
General Description
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque mi dui, aliquet at porta at, faucibus vel nulla. Duis vitae orci sit amet velit luctus hendrerit eget eu quam. Quisque vel semper orci. Integer blandit nulla vel mauris ornare, quis tempor justo pretium. Pellentesque tempor varius congue. Nulla ac erat sit amet urna sagittis pellentesque. Nunc eu finibus nisi. Sed bibendum purus maximus convallis volutpat. Suspendisse auctor, mauris sit amet tempus tincidunt, arcu nisi aliquam ligula, sit amet iaculis neque leo vel tortor. Nulla in est vel lacus fringilla elementum ac a nisl.

Nulla molestie mi quis leo euismod placerat. Fusce volutpat lobortis dolor, eget pharetra orci ultrices non. Sed nec nisi pretium, mattis sem vitae, hendrerit libero. Quisque ultrices hendrerit finibus. Morbi tincidunt ex nec dolor auctor, eu varius metus consectetur. Proin venenatis libero eget dapibus euismod. Ut et ipsum enim. Sed iaculis, justo sit amet sollicitudin pellentesque, massa enim aliquet elit, vel scelerisque erat purus vel elit. In molestie tempus dui eget sollicitudin. Quisque eget vehicula odio. Nullam aliquet justo in eleifend hendrerit. Proin venenatis libero eget dapibus euismod. Ut et ipsum enim. Suspendisse auctor, mauris sit amet tempus tincidunt, arcu nisi aliquam ligula, sit amet iaculis neque leo vel tortor.
Valorous Order | Code by Serobliss
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CREDIT: ㅎ @ksk535
21 (11/20/687)
166 CM (5'6)
Once, House Caen was a prestigious house, adorned with honors from the Second Great War and bejeweled with riches from the family's business in the opulent sections of Aucteraden. Born out of the raging fires of war and forged in soft gold, it was never meant to last, and it was this fragility that caused its own downfall.

Isolde does not remember her parents. She was told that they were murdered in their sleep, and as the last of their line with only a baby heir her house fell, and she with it, into the depths of Aucteraden's less than savory undercity in the care of an orphanage that did not particularly care of the origins of its children. She was told that it was because her parents made deals they could not keep, or that her parents had been the target of a larger house's indirect wrath, or worse, that her mother was not of noble blood. She was told a great many things. But since she never knew her parents, and certainly never knew their love, it hardly mattered to the quiet, stoic girl in the corner who observed every rule of the orphanage without question and never spoke without being spoken to first.

The only break in decorum was when the same quiet girl, at age thirteen, learned of a severely limited, heavily reduced inheritance she'd been left, something the old orphanage mother had kept from her. And just as quietly, she vanished into the night, the inheritance along with her, and most inexplicably the orphanage mother as well.

Isolde is a new agent of the Imperial Security Directorate, a place she believes holds the truest power amongst the organizations she researched. And power she certainly wishes to be close to, for she dreams of one day becoming a Collbrande of Ophelia, a goal so high she must always look forwards to so that she will never look back. But ambition begets ambition, and she has even had thoughts of even loftier heights, though she makes absolutely sure to keep such treasonous thoughts to herself, behind the façade of someone who appears to be quiet, vulnerable, and sometimes even happy.
  • First, please forgive me if I overstepped any bounds or lore. I know this is supposed to be somewhat of a rough draft, but I did my best to make it as complete as possible.
  • When I set out the other day to look for an RP to join, I was primarily looking for one that had some political or court intrigue. I'm hoping this will scratch that itch?
  • Let's start with my goal. I'm mostly interested to see how far I can take a character in terms of (political? power? despotism?) growth with not too much to start with. By that token, she won't have any particular skills in combat, she will have an exousiarch but it'll be at phase 1 with her having a bit of a mental block in terms of progressing it, and she obviously won't really have the name of a respected house. Just her words.
  • Words. On that note, I'm also always looking to practice my dialogue and just writing descriptively and more importantly interestingly, so excuse any excessively flowery lines. XD Please additionally be totally open with me and let me know of what you think of my writing or the way I piece together ideas/hold them consistently.
  • Since I do wish for her to start from the ground up, I'd be eternally grateful if some crux of fate occurs in the story to give her some kind of great opportunity to advance her position in life. I suppose that would be the action I'm looking for primarily.
  • I am a HUUUUUUGE lore buff. Provided something interests me, I will keep reading until my eyes start bleeding. And the only reason I've come this far is because I am most certainly interested in this world. I've been a huge fan of sci-fi fantasy for a long time, but I've never really RP'd the setting before. EXCITE
  • The goals of my character are pretty long term, so I'd say by proxy I'm hoping to stay with you guys until the very end. I do really want to see where this goes.
  • Random side note, my keyboard is like lowkey breaking down, so please ignore any oddly placcced duplicate letters you see in my writing. :D I will likely notice it at some point and edit.
  • Also, this BBCode is amazing. It always blows my tiny mind what some people can do with it.
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valorous order
Aeyukarus Empyria
Sui Generis
Reference: Deathverse
Character Owner: TerrorKitty
Aeyukarus Vondera Empyria
Alba Vex Von Wolfstein / 25 / Female / Exhelian | Cyborg
High Nobility / House Wolfenstein
Vanguards of Imperius / Commander
General Description
Alba Vex Von Wolfenstein has always known a life of lavish parties and exquisite balls; to her they're no more unfamiliar than war torn battlefields or the tense stillness of stalking an enemy ship through the silent sea.

House Wolfenstein was small in lineage due to many losses in past conflicts despite it's esteemed status even amongst other nobility. However, there was a turning point when the few remaining survivors began experimenting with more ambitious biotechnologies; using mechanical augmentation and A.I convergence to work alongside them both in and out of combat. Currently House Wolfenstein has reclaimed it's lost pride and prestige despite still being relatively low in number; the House is one of leading innovators of bio-hextech and aims to blur the lines between incarce and technology into a seamless extension of the other. All living members of the house have cybernetic augments, some more than others.

Alba, or by her middle name: Vex, as she often goes by, is no exception to the family tradition with numerous implants and integrations throughout her body, some well known by any who know her, some much more private, and some she'd never reveal to anyone. Many often joke and or question just how much of her is flesh and blood; a question often ignored.

Alba herself was a prodigy since birth, partly due to how compatible she was with experimental tech, and because of the ease of which she adjusted to using them. As a result she's at times held in nearly higher regards than even her Mother; head of Wolfenstein House, by interested parties and organizations. Although the attention doesn't bother her it's not what she seeks. The girl only wanting to prove herself and to fight valiantly for the good of everyone who counted on her, be it facing down the enemy, as daughter, a comrade, as a nobless, or even just as a friend.

⦿ I have absolutely no idea what the Vanguard even is but it seemed cool, and I wanted to pick something unique that wasn't I.S.D
⦿ There's so many things I don't know yet even after reading xD so it was hard to think of how to make something to fit without knowing what it was fitting but I think I did a good job
⦿ I would have written more but I'd spent all day working on this (totally not mostly pfp searching & being way extra with the code)
⦿ I'm really curious about... Well everything, this world is so well built and engaging, I love it so much <3
⦿ I wasn't sure if I could just make up a high standing house but I thought I'd try anyway. There's so much more I have to add to Alba and that I got locked in my brain I want to share
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Valorous Order
Aeyukarus Empyria
Sui Generis
Reference: Oda Nobunaga - Twitter @ddlcclia
Character Owner: voided
Aeyukarus Vondera Empyria
Hikaru Fukui / 21 / Female
Nobility / House Fukui
General Description

House Fukui has two children. One being the golden child of the family, who is roped into being the next heir, and then there's the black sheep. Hikaru Fukui, is the latter. She strongly dislikes nobility, and yet she enjoys whatever benefits she gains from it.

Hikaru is a hypocritical woman. She is strongly driven by her own desires and is rarely concerned with the feelings of others, to the point she deliberately teases others just to invoke a reaction for her own satisfaction. However, she heavily dislikes it when she is treated the same way, insinuating that she is too good to be treated like this. She tends to not show what she's feeling and hides it behind her signature, crooked grin, but her words are always laced with annoyance.

Additionally, she is the definition of having all bark but no bite. When confrontations don't seem to be going her way, Hikaru finds ways to back out, commonly making excuses or simply turning around and walking away. This can also be seen in more combative settings where Hikaru decides to handle things in a stealthy manner or simply lets others get their hands dirty while she barks orders around.

Hikaru also shows a high level of narcissism, to the point that it may be suspected that she has a god-complex. In addition to her apathy in regards to how people feel, Hikaru refuses to see the error in her own ways. If someone goes wrong, she is bound to blame someone else or some factor that might have had an effect.

To add on to her god-complex, Hikaru is assertive, purely driven by anger and pettiness when dealing with people she dislikes, constantly demeaning them. It's not surprising to hear her spew threats and wave her knife around in hopes for the other person to leave her be.

Furthermore, she's quite dogmatic when it comes to her views, whether it be on people, concepts or the history of her surroundings. For example, if she isn't a fan of someone, she strongly believes that they aren't a good person and the people she is close to should stay away from them.

However, she does have a slightly immature side when it comes to debating things, commonly saying the opposing view just to get a reaction out of people, even if she doesn't believe it herself. One of her favourite topics to "debate" or simply to rile someone up with is "is water wet".

All in all, Hikaru is a person who wants to be admired by others. Most of her narcissistic actions stem from self-loathing, low self-esteem and the desire to be a better person than she actually is. She wants to appear as someone stronger, so she acts like so, albeit in a theatrical manner.

While she'll never find herself admitting it, she doesn't mean most of the things she says. Hikaru merely wants to counteract the feelings of inferiority that was placed on her through her family. She wants to show others that she is worth something based on her own accomplishments rather than her family's status. Especially when it comes to her twin sister. Hikaru wants to show that she is better than her.

When Hikaru isn't donning this tough girl mask, she tends to be a quiet person, partaking in activities such as reading or playing the piano. The reason she pushes people away is due to not trusting others. Once she lets someone in, she's quite the respectful person, helping them out with their stuff. Moreover, Hikaru would like to constantly be around them as she enjoys their company. However, she's not clingy. If anything, she's like a cat. She is perfectly content in being in the same room as someone while doing her own thing.

While it's not far from the truth, Hikaru only says that she wants wealth and power. However, her main goals are ultimately getting her Exousiarch, and—while a far-fetched goal for a new recruit in the I.S.D—perhaps becoming a Collbrande. She knows the latter is a little unrealistic to obtain at the moment, but she isn't one to back down from a challenge.
Valorous Order | Code by Serobliss
Valorous Order
Aeyukarus Empyria
Sui Generis
Reference: Coven Morgana
Character Owner: OverconfidentMagi
Aeyukarus Vondera Empyria
Platinum Maiden
Atteya Navis / 148 / Female
Nobility / House of Revelation / Head
General Description
The Story of Iron Maidens
Atteya Navis is the granddaughter of Aglaea Navis, the Iron Maiden and first Collbrande of Novarion, a demonoid who befriended and supported Eleanor Ophelia herself centuries ago. Even after the woman she'd pledged herself to passed, Aglaea's loyalty would never waver, and during the First Great War she repelled countless Eldrion offenses to protect the empire her friend had created. Atteya's mother, Apega Navis, was the reason for her grandmother's profound loyalty towards Ophelia. A child. The one thing Aglaea desired more than anything, that led her to all manner of deceit and betrayal until she finally found a human who promised to grant her wish. Aglaea's daughter, Apega Navis, was born in the Foundation Era as one of the early attempts to overcome demonoids’ infertility, though she ended up less a genetic offspring and more a direct clone of her mother. From her mother she inherited an eternal gratitude and zealous devotion to Eleanor Ophelia and the empire she held dear as well as an equally strong hatred for what her mother had fled.

Aglaea Navis personally witnessed much of the empire's long history, reigning as the Collbrande of Novarion from the earliest days of the Foundation Era until relatively recently. She, like many of the other superpowers of the time, fell in battle during the darkest days of the Rythen War, the Second Great War. She fought as she always had, alongside Eleanor's children to protect her legacy, but long life and unnatural power does not make one immortal. Though her iron branches dragged countless Rythen ships from their assumed safety among the stars, it was exactly her might that led to her downfall. The Rythen Empire recognized her as a threat and focused its forces on her until she was overwhelmed. She could have protected herself, but she was too adamant about protecting the places Eleanor had once existed, leaving her unable to protect either. The Iron Maiden fell, and Novarion was reduced to a scrapyard of its protector's corpse and the Rythen ships she had brought down with her.

Apega Navis was a carbon copy of her mother in nearly every way. As a clone, she would look like her mother of course, but as demonoids age slowly Apega was soon identical to her mother in appearance as well. Identical in every way but one: Apega lacked her mother's power. She'd been made from Aglaea before Ophelia had shared power with her mother. The nobility that flowed through her mother's veins was nowhere to be found in the same exact blood that flowed through hers. It was believed that she would never possess a Cataract. She devoted herself to learning instead. Statecraft and magic were her powers. She actively ruled Novarion in her mother's place for far longer than either would admit to, their same face proving useful to alternate roles. During the Second Great War, Apega was kept away from the front. She lacked the overwhelming power necessary to sway the battles, and her survival was needed to rebuild in the aftermath. But the war changed too much. Novarion was ruins, Aglaea was dead, and Apega had awakened her Cataract. It was identical in every way to her mother's, as if it had simply passed from one to the other.

With her mother's Cataract and her own practiced magic, Apega somehow managed to hold on to her position as Collbrande of Novarion, for all the weight it held as ruler over ruble. She slowly but surely built back up the place she'd grown up. And during this rebuilding time, Apega made a child. It was a cloned child, just like she was. She could have made a child for herself at any point in her long life, but she'd been afraid to. Afraid that because she possessed no Cataract to prove herself a noble that her child would also be born a false noble as well. Her fear was meaningless now. She possessed a Cataract, so a clone of her would as well. Atteya Navis was the first of her family to awaken her Cataract naturally as she grew up, and as such using it came naturally to her, unlike the practiced way her mother and deceased grandmother treated it like a tool to be picked up and put down. To Atteya it simply was, like walking or breathing. Apega had no doubt that her daughter would easily surpass her, surpass even the legendary Iron Maiden, but she wouldn't live to see that day.

A century and a half after the Second Great War, Apega Navis was killed in the War on Raignork. Atteya Navis had been taught by her mother to love the empire, just as she'd been taught by her grandmother before, but Atteya was young, by demonoid standards at least, and she hadn't been alive to witness the empire grow up. She'd only witnessed wars and the aftermaths. She'd never seen Novarion before its destruction, didn't know the grand vision her mother had had to return everything to how it had once been. She knew it only as the place she'd grown up in. She held no great goal, she just wanted to protect what was familiar to her. But she recognized she was not strong, nowhere near able to fight to keep her mother's title as Collbrande of Novarion. She willingly gave it up, but she promised - to herself, and only silently - that she'd come back one day. First she needed to become strong.

Atteya is not her mother nor her grandmother. A clone, yes. Identical, yes. But her mind is her own. They both loved the empire deeply. Atteya wishes to understand why. She doesn't know what her grandmother escaped. The empire is all she's ever known. Why is the empire good? What drives outsiders to attack and kill? Atteya is finding it all difficult to understand, but it isn't all her fault. She's currently in the middle of the awkward period when her mind is being forced to shift perspective from the finite lifespan of a mortal Empyrian to the larger view of a pure demonoid. Without proper guidance, she could lose her current perspective entirely and take for granted the things her mother and grandmother loved.
I remember looking into this RP when it was first posted, but the swirling mass of lore that was forming shook me loose at the time. Now that things seem a little bit more solidified I'm hoping to actually dig into it. Everything I did read last time and now is great and managed to stick in my head, so the lore you have is some top-shelf stuff. Seriously just put this setting into a book already. Since Serobliss said the registration character isn't binding I decided to just have fun and go all-out touching all of the lore I could read or remember from last time around. This character's goals are more personal growth driven. She wants knowledge and power, and the knowledge of what to use that power for. Right now she's deep in her angst years and needs something to kickstart character growth. I'm aiming for that sweet spot where a character isn't particularly driven ideologically but also avoids the pitfall of being apathetic. If I get in I'd hope to stick around long term, but of course a single arc would be the test run, and if things don't work out then at the end of the arc I'd take a bow and open a slot to someone else.
Valorous Order | Code by Serobliss
Valorous Order
Aeyukarus Empyria
Sui Generis
Reference: Original
Character Owner: SleepySheepiez
Aeyukarus Vondera Empyria
Elisabet van der Lucht / 22 / Female
Lesser Noble / Divinity / Member
Imperial Security Directorate / Scouting and Air Support
General Description


This was the word that echoed throughout the halls and whispered its way around the courtyards of the grand Van der Lucht Estate near the time young Elisabet was born. An only child, the newest, youngest member of the family couldn't possibly comprehend why her Great-Grandmother was so grateful to see she was a girl and not a boy. Nor could she begin to understand why her father and his father spent so long together in the study, arguing in hushed tones well into the night.
They spoke of forced drafts. Numbered sectors. An empress who didn't care, whether due to distance, or apathy. Between this distant being who was nonetheless their ruler, and the the people of the sector they called home, who did they owe their allegiance to? The holy blood that had given the blessing of Agartha to her trusted noble followers? Or to the people crying out in pain all about them.

It's treason, her father would say.
It's a long time coming, his father would respond.

Elisabet was not a talented child. Her commoner mother, a native of Sector 9, was devout in her near religious loyalism to the Agarthan line, and would shy her daughter away from such topics if ever she found her overhearing them. The girl was instead taught the bread and butter of being the Heiress Van der Lucht, the shining star of the family, and the ease to the eyes and mind when talk of heavier things grew too wearying for the troubled nobles of the house.
The innocence of a child brings hope, after all.

She was taught manners, and words, and all sorts of political knowhow, but it never caught on as quickly as anyone ever hoped.
Matters were made worse by her complete ineptitude in channeling the innate gift of Incarce into magic. As a member of an Exhelian noble family, even if only a minor one all the way out here in the Sectors, there were appearances to uphold after all. Over her many years, with her mother the greatest driving force behind her, Elisabet managed to develop a rudimentary grasp of electromancy, even if her control over it never was as refined as expectations were set. When channeling the magic, she would always find it easy to charge up electrical energy, but always struggle to properly release it.
Older members of the house would shift their gazes politely to the floor when talk of Exousiarchs and Cataracts arose, and blame was quick to be placed on her mother, on the blood of the commoner.

Things were bad enough in sector 9, even for a family with some noble claim.
Having the hope of the Van der Luchts be worthless and giftless was the looming weight that added to the fire in Elisabet's grandfather's eyes.

It was only a matter of time before things broke out ugly.
The Saygien Conflict was a bloody rift torn into the empire just as it tore house Van der Lucht in in pieces.
The older noble members had much more time in their extended Exhelian lifespans to accrue a resentment towards the seemingly heartless empire that only used them, their people, and their sons for hands on triggers.
Some younger members, maintaining their faith and idealism, argued for remaining loyal, but none would ever choose to fight against their own flesh and blood. Elisabet's father, under severe protest from his wife, was dragged into the conflict as well, providing a meager financial role in the war effort, while the able veterans of her Grandfather's generation and above took to more radical means with scars and scores to settle.

To the now ten year old Elisabet, perhaps her late blooming was a gift in disguise.
When the inciting incident of the war erupted in 697 EC, though the child could not be made to fight, nor would her mother and father ever let that come to pass, the rest of the family ensured that a healthy regimen of combat training, weapons, and technology was added to her curriculum. One never knew how long these separatist conflicts could take you know. It would be best if the girl knew how to fend for herself should the time come,

and the time did come.

Time for her grandfather and the rest of his compatriots in house Van der Lucht to be tried and executed for the crime of treason against the great Empyria and it's Empress. One by one, the war these nobles had thrown in their lot with caught up to them in a grisly day of executions. It was a blessing to the child, now fourteen years of age, that her parents had kept her as far from the fighting as they possibly could.

Elisabet's father, thanks to his heartfelt testimony was let off the chopping block and into prison for his financial aid, unsure of when he might be free.

The girl, her mother, and the precious few other relatives who kept their hands clean of the whole thing remained safe. Left with nothing but the weight of the tragedy, the disgrace, and empty beds where revolutionaries once slept.

A lot can change in eight years.

Gone is the clueless child hiding behind her mother's long dress, Elisabet van der Lucht is an idealistic young woman.

Years of mediocrity have forged the girl into the kind of person who can get knocked down over and over again, but will never stay that way for long. She holds within herself, a deep kindness for others, as well as the determination to succeed, to be useful, and to gain the approval of both the ones she loves, and complete strangers. This burgeoning will is something in which her mother has made quite sure to instill a powerful loyalty to Empyria, the fates of the traitors in the family serving as grim monuments to what would happen should she follow in their footsteps.

The young heiress finds herself coming into her own as the various skills that once eluded her younger self suddenly began to feel more... right. A late bloomer they had called her, and were he alive to see it, Elisabet's grandfather would have given her a smile brimming with pride, and a hefty pat on the back with the way she grew in the eight years following the complete and utter dishonor of the Van der Lucht legacy.

It is here, in the year 705 EC, that something remarkable happens.
The girl, with burgeoning skills and minimal experience working for sector 9 law enforcement, finally awakens to her Exousiarch. A blessing no one ever would have thought might occur. Her course in life from here on out is set. Training her newfound gift all the way to it's second phase in the following four years, with the help of her few remaining noble relatives, The heiress now applies for an ambitious position as an operative for the I.S.D, hungry to prove both her house's renewed loyalty to the empress, and that everyone else is wrong about her traitorous family.

Elisabet is still awkward interacting with people, but now its more due to her high energy optimism and eagerness to be liked, rather than shyness.
Elisabet is still hardly competent in refining her electromancy, but thanks to the custom energy-powered gear she wields serving as a conduit and release method for the crackling lightning she energizes her body with, it's not nearly so much of a weakness.
Elisabet might not be the most skilled one on one fighter, but thanks to her magimechanical flight rig, she's learned to serve a useful purpose in airborne scouting and reconnaissance, as well as a bolt of lightning crashing down from the sky should her allies need extra firepower.
Should she die on these dangerous missions, who would mourn the loss of a disgraced noble house such as hers?
should she succeed in bringing glory and prestige back to the Van der Lucht name despite the sins of the past?

Elisabet wishes for nothing more so than this.

(I do hope I've not gone too overboard! The lore is wonderful, and very inspiring when it comes to building a character for. Hopefully this is up to snuff!)
Valorous Order | Code by Serobliss
Last edited:
Valorous Order
Aeyukarus Empyria
Sui Generis
Reference: Byleth
Character Owner: Malphaestus
Aeyukarus Vondera Empyria
Sextus Feuersturm / 26 / Male
Nobility / House Feuersturm / Departed Member
Hand of Agartha / Master-Templar
General Description
A master of the Templar branch of the Hands of Agartha, Sextus Feuersturm, is a combatant with few equals amongst those who find themselves amongst his station, though he does not yet belong amidst the uppermost echelon of those most powerful. Born with uncared-for potential, never having been fostered as a result of Feuersturm's internal culture, he defied fate and powered through for the sake of what may potentially lie beyond the horizon. Now he utilises his strengths to dissuade the treasonous and lay waste to the rebelling, always extending a sometimes unnecessary hand towards those who walk the improper path, seeking perhaps in arrogance, to enlighten the wrongdoers of Empyria. He is a keen proselytiser; his voice carrying a charisma born from the cloth he wears and the armour he inhabits. Guided by the faith in which he supposedly puts his all, never missing a chance to share fates with others, no matter their station, and grant those most unfortunate salvation through something bigger than any thing or entity, affording him self-assurance and reinforced certainties; difficult to sway and harder yet to dissuade. Though holding on to the stereotype of a stellar individual, he is not necessarily a man driven by reason, ruled more often than not by compulsions and momentary wants, to his Grand Masters' circumstantial displeasure.

Even so, though his noble character and exemplary potential denote the epitome of a man who is in control of himself and his ambitions, a joyous character in most aspects of life, what lies beneath his mask is a troubled psyche created under the machinations of evil puppeteers, attempting as best it can to make sense of the reality it has found itself in. Sextus, through the troublesome customs of the Feuersturm House, was incompetent by their conniving standards, resulting in alienation and the further development of a plagued sense that he is never truly ‘himself’ in the present day: that what he feels is never truly what it is supposed to be, and that his wants are never truly his own. Ruined by the political intrigues of the highest nobility, forced to abide by darwinian brute to foster the ultimate successor to the House, he shattered many times over as a result of his unwillingness to abide scheming; left to retrieve the pieces. His attempts to become a real individual are yet in their infancy, resulting in warped and somewhat contradictory beliefs without proper rooting. Whilst he finds no fault in playing the pawn for the Great Spirit’s mortal game, what he truly fears is that powers beyond his knowing are the influence to his actions, and that he lacks the self-agency which all mortal souls should hold. This is because he fled to faith and the temple, away from the evil and the darkness, but was never born into it.

A cynic by heart who seeks to trick himself to be devout; fear born of innate doubt.

He seeks to flee the complexities of reality, taking refuge in his communion with the ephemeral will of the unknowable, unloading his shoulders and reinforcing his armour of faith. To never bend, break, nor shatter lest the will of the Spirit be satisfied with his part in the worldly tale. But it is all false truths, for his subconscious does not trust, nor believe, as he wishes it to: tainted by an incorrigible skepticism so innate as to be invisible to thought, fleeing from it ever further in avoidance of that which is real. For Sextus never had great fondness for realities, his past never gone, and his mind, guided by strange urges and desires which he does not wish for yet cannot overcome. He has improved splendidly by comparison to his prior state during his first admittance with the Temple, but by no means can the severity of his plight ever be discarded. His faith is as much management as it is vaguely honest. But amongst the complexities, he cannot observe the nuances of worldly contexts: a man of simplistic philosophies, seeking a dream.

All because of the wretchedness of the Feuersturm House: a darwinian game played upon the palm of it's game-master, the Patriarch, making nonsense of an otherwise exceptional character. But save for the absolute pinnacle, all else was disgust to the gaze of the Patriarch, and the in-fighting of his family would grow ever-worse as they would age. Amongst that number was Sextus, and amongst those worst affected was him, as well. But he held firm, for a time, by sheer grit and survival instinct: finding purpose where purpose was none to be found, he did what little he could within such an environment to better the life of his sole younger sibling, a sister by the name of Sertoria. A rat scurrying the hallways beyond the sight of all who would seek to abuse him, for no other reason than selfish survivalism guised in the masquerades of genuine kindness. But he was always alone in that family, he just never wished to recognize it. Finding purpose in the smallest things. She could not have known, but she took the role of his dream, and as time passed, it went from necessary utility to wishful aspiration: she did not deserve what the Patriarch had done to them. She could not have known better. She was not in control of herself.

She must be freed. But he was too scared to have accomplished it, fleeing the manor.

Though circumstances led them astray and divided them, his regret has poisoned his thoughts. Over time, his forcefully simplistic mind now wishes deliverance for her, and it is with those false hopes that he drives his path ever-upward, donning the disgraced banner of the Feuersturm House upon his shoulders, and the whispers which it conjures, with estranged pride. Vowing to oppose the evil which weaved itself into being within the mind of his family, and corrupt, and all those most evil who share the same ilk as his Grandfather.

He shall save her. Whether the universe abides his wishes or not, it shall be done. And he would uproot the very fundament if it would one day make dream into reality.
Valorous Order | Code by Serobliss

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