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Futuristic Valorous Order: Iscariots of Solarian | Characters



Reverence In Stars
An archive of characters for Iscariots of Solarian.
Possible NPCs and antagonists will be posted here soon.
You may post unfinished character sheets here.
Code: https://pastebin.pl/view/f574db82

The Diamondback
AGE & BIRTH: Unknown ( Assumed to be 26 - 42 )
GENDER: Male ( Confirmed )

AFFILIATION: Anarcharon Syndicate
OCCUPATION: Syndicate Mastermind
CITIZENSHIP: Valerian Passport

BOUNTY TIER: 30,000,000 Empyrian Crowns / 10,000,000,000 Valerian Credit
THREAT LEVEL: Tier 5 - Serpent

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: All information regarding the Diamondback is considered not authentic. However, without question, the individual known as the Diamondback is the mastermind of the Anarcharon Syndicate, and is presumed to have the ability to control modified beasts at will.
Siegfried Ouroboros
LEGAL NAME: Siegfried Karleim Ouroboros
AGE & BIRTH: 927 ( January 01 )
GENDER: Female

AFFILIATION: Cardinal Caliburn Order ( Symbol of Valor )
OCCUPATION: Order of Eden's Lord Commander
CITIZENSHIP: Empyrian Passport

IMPERIAL RANK: Sovereign General of the Imperial Army
COMMAND LEVEL: Unconstrained

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: As a member of the Empyrian triumvirate known as the Cardinal Caliburn Order, Siegfried is the Symbol of Valor representing Empyria's Imperial Army, and the Lord Commander of the Order of Eden, a paramilitary organization specializing in covert operations and intelligence collecting. She has the highest authority in the Imperial Army and was the one who placed a bounty on the Anarcharon Syndicate, for unknown reasons.
Raidriar Asher
LEGAL NAME: Raidriar Koraris Asher
AGE & BIRTH: 29 ( March 09, 680 EC )
GENDER: Female

AFFILIATION: Order of Eden - Blitzkrieg Deathclaws Division
CITIZENSHIP: Empyrian Passport

IMPERIAL RANK: Sergeant First Class

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Ace pilot/operator for the Order of Eden's notorious division known as the Blitzkrieg Deathclaws. She is currently aiding the Valerian forces in holding the monsters from puncturing through the Iron Frontier with her Imperator Ascalon, Satan. She has a rough history with Kalista Volkov and prefers not to help the Iscariots, viewing them as unlawful sellswords.
Lauren Keller
LEGAL NAME: Lauren H. Keller
AGE & BIRTH: 24 ( March 09, 685 EC / 2240 VC )
GENDER: Female

AFFILIATION: Euclidian Guidance ( Central Investigation Agency )
OCCUPATION: Professional Navigator / Federal Agent
CITIZENSHIP: Valerian Passport


GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Lauren serves as the Iscariots' navigator, by the orders of the Euclidian council. She is a federal agent for Valeria's central intelligence agency and a former soldier. She seems to be friendly with nearly everyone in the group, and participates in their investigation while reporting their progress to the Euclidian council.
Lamorak Salvorath
LEGAL NAME: Lamorak Salvorath
AGE & BIRTH: 31 ( December 04, 679 EC )

AFFILIATION: Iscariots of Solarian ( Senior Operator )
CITIZENSHIP: Empyrian Passport


GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Lamorak serves as the Iscariot's MAW mechanic. As the older brother of Tristan, he was formerly known as The Star, before retiring from the battlefield to become a mechanic. Due to his medical conditions that he had received during one of his missions, he cannot pilot an Ascalon and instead supports the team with customizations and weapon installments.
AGE & BIRTH: Unknown
GENDER: Female

AFFILIATION: Unknown ( Presumed to be working for the Diamondback )

THREAT LEVEL: Tier 3 - Kingslayer

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Novacaeli is a presumed assassin that works for Anarcharon Syndicate, according to the Valeria CIA. She was associated with multiple assassinations of important Valerian officials, and had since been identified as a tier 3 threat. Her affiliations and motives are largely left unknown. Her codename is on the Order of Eden's most wanted list.
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    Tristan Hels Salvorath
    25 (November 29, 684 EC)
    6'1" (185 cm)
    179 lbs. (81 kg)
    MD-39 Titanslayer – Hades
    4th Generation
    Vanguard (Assault Unit)
    Tristan is known for his nonchalant, carefree personality that is often compared with his older brother who used to behave similarly. Like Lamorak, the red-haired hellion prefers to save his energy for the actual mission over being hyperactive like some of his associates, viewing their demeanor as nothing more than tiring. Although he tends to get along with his fellow squadron, there are a few who views Tristian as a slacker, such as the leader of the Iscariots, Vritra Servetro who would've had discharged his membership if it wasn't for his brother's influence.

    Before becoming an Iscariot under his brother's recommendation, he was an Ascalon pilot serving the imperial army's mechanized walker division, often deployed at Sector Seven to help with the Edenguard's efforts in reclaiming the sector from the demonic infestation. Majority of his experience comes from slaying monsters and following orders in the frontline, and so his inauguration into the Iscariots was a given. Tristan pilots a 4th generation Ascalon called the Hades, owned by the Kurian Enterprise and contracted by the same corporation, who had given him access to the mecha in return for consistent combat data for 25 years.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis nunc nec neque faucibus, at congue turpis luctus. Donec venenatis aliquet odio sed euismod. Praesent dignissim nibh sed tortor tristique, nec placerat quam eleifend. Nunc euismod odio sit amet leo cursus, at pharetra felis sagittis. Vivamus odio nisi, facilisis a sem eu, venenatis molestie massa. Cras non magna lorem. Nunc eu ante pulvinar, efficitur quam et, hendrerit orci. Ut in accumsan nisl. Nullam vel ante posuere, faucibus nibh eu, consequat dui.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis nunc nec neque faucibus, at congue turpis luctus. Donec venenatis aliquet odio sed euismod. Praesent dignissim nibh sed tortor tristique, nec placerat quam eleifend. Nunc euismod odio sit amet leo cursus, at pharetra felis sagittis. Vivamus odio nisi, facilisis a sem eu, venenatis molestie massa. Cras non magna lorem. Nunc eu ante pulvinar, efficitur quam et, hendrerit orci. Ut in accumsan nisl. Nullam vel ante posuere, faucibus nibh eu, consequat dui.

    Donec ultrices ex a dolor rhoncus, sit amet imperdiet metus aliquet. Nam volutpat eleifend suscipit. Ut porttitor arcu quis massa dapibus, quis fermentum est mattis. Vivamus pretium metus ac cursus semper. Donec ipsum lacus, pellentesque sit amet magna ut, ullamcorper varius mi. Pellentesque id sapien vitae eros laoreet molestie. Suspendisse lobortis mi et nibh vulputate interdum.

    Nullam tincidunt metus elit, congue condimentum elit pharetra in. Cras finibus scelerisque fermentum. Duis nec augue lobortis justo sollicitudin tempus quis id justo. Fusce dictum nibh quis quam convallis ullamcorper. Integer eu tincidunt justo. Mauris quam est, rutrum eu nibh vitae, bibendum convallis erat. Fusce faucibus lorem vel turpis maximus, at rhoncus lacus egestas. Mauris laoreet purus et purus maximus efficitur. Vestibulum massa sem, fermentum et orci sit amet, iaculis vehicula dui.
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    Novelia est Aureum
    25 (October 30, 684 EC)
    5'6" (167.6 cm)
    142 lbs (64.4 kg)
    LVG-09 Lux – Hestia
    2nd generation
    Skirmish (Light Unit)
    The ex-scout of the Pleiades Intergalactic Exploration Division often wears a slight smile on her face, for she fears that attempting to express any other expression would lead to scaring others away, intimidating them, or causing them to look back at her with disdain. In other words, her awkwardly and unnaturally exaggerated faces usually tend to leave a negative notion of her character.

    Novelia's acute eyesight, granted by her Nyxian blood, allows for her to spot subjects from a distance farther than the average being is capable of seeing, and to capture scenery in great detail.
    Similarly to her front-framing highlights and piercing gold eyes, Novelia's moments of jubilance are quite scarce in contrast to her more greyscale disposition, although they can be rather captivating to watch when caught sight of. To say that she is cold and ill-disposed is untrue, however, yet her shy and withdrawn nature are easily mistaken as such, giving a false impression of aloofness.

    Even as quiet and reserved as she may be, Novelia's curiosity knows no bounds. When she is not testing the limits and boundaries of the unknown, she observes carefully their movements and actions, or lack thereof. With people, she performs the latter, analyzing and taking mental notes of others' body language and mannerisms from a short distance away. Novelia finds no interest in provoking friends or does alike, becoming rather perturbed at the idea. She wishes instead to form a close bond with her comrades if possible, yet does not vocalize this, for she would want to gain their trust and hospitality through natural means.

    A majority of people believe Novelia to be difficult to read with her placid expression, wondering what goes on in her mind as her eyes bounce between objects, trying to compute and memorize the information in front of her before formulating a plan with her collected data. Others tend not to bother figuring her out, treating her as a social outcast. As a result, Novelia tends to let people make assumptions of her as she continues to work on her own business, no longer finding it much of a problem if she becomes dismissed by society.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis nunc nec neque faucibus, at congue turpis luctus. Donec venenatis aliquet odio sed euismod. Praesent dignissim nibh sed tortor tristique, nec placerat quam eleifend. Nunc euismod odio sit amet leo cursus, at pharetra felis sagittis. Vivamus odio nisi, facilisis a sem eu, venenatis molestie massa. Cras non magna lorem. Nunc eu ante pulvinar, efficitur quam et, hendrerit orci. Ut in accumsan nisl. Nullam vel ante posuere, faucibus nibh eu, consequat dui.

    Donec ultrices ex a dolor rhoncus, sit amet imperdiet metus aliquet. Nam volutpat eleifend suscipit. Ut porttitor arcu quis massa dapibus, quis fermentum est mattis. Vivamus pretium metus ac cursus semper. Donec ipsum lacus, pellentesque sit amet magna ut, ullamcorper varius mi. Pellentesque id sapien vitae eros laoreet molestie. Suspendisse lobortis mi et nibh vulputate interdum.

    Nullam tincidunt metus elit, congue condimentum elit pharetra in. Cras finibus scelerisque fermentum. Duis nec augue lobortis justo sollicitudin tempus quis id justo. Fusce dictum nibh quis quam convallis ullamcorper. Integer eu tincidunt justo. Mauris quam est, rutrum eu nibh vitae, bibendum convallis erat. Fusce faucibus lorem vel turpis maximus, at rhoncus lacus egestas. Mauris laoreet purus et purus maximus efficitur. Vestibulum massa sem, fermentum et orci sit amet, iaculis vehicula dui.

    In et volutpat nulla, eget mollis dolor. Donec eget consequat velit. Aenean condimentum blandit lorem, sed euismod magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec placerat lacus ligula, vitae aliquam orci vestibulum sed. Cras pulvinar mattis tempus. Nullam facilisis luctus ex id volutpat. Suspendisse finibus tincidunt odio eget ornare. Curabitur nunc mauris, sodales vitae metus et, faucibus ullamcorper metus. Phasellus id tincidunt justo.

    Suspendisse vitae nulla suscipit, pellentesque lectus non, consectetur lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Integer sit amet tellus sed metus euismod auctor eu id odio. Maecenas egestas ex turpis. Nam maximus purus maximus ex blandit sollicitudin. Donec interdum nisi a rutrum suscipit. Mauris at varius quam. Aenean at porta leo, eu ultrices augue.

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    Kalista Octavina Volkov
    26 (August 2, 683 EC)
    5'2" (157.5cm)
    112 lbs (50.8 kg)
    VT-28 Xiphos – Artemis
    4th generation
    Vanguard (Assault Unit)
    Formerly an operator in the Blitzkrieg Deathclaw Assault Division of the Order of Eden, Kalista is a professional most renowned for her strategic wit and her will to act. (WIP)
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis nunc nec neque faucibus, at congue turpis luctus. Donec venenatis aliquet odio sed euismod. Praesent dignissim nibh sed tortor tristique, nec placerat quam eleifend. Nunc euismod odio sit amet leo cursus, at pharetra felis sagittis. Vivamus odio nisi, facilisis a sem eu, venenatis molestie massa. Cras non magna lorem. Nunc eu ante pulvinar, efficitur quam et, hendrerit orci. Ut in accumsan nisl. Nullam vel ante posuere, faucibus nibh eu, consequat dui.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis nunc nec neque faucibus, at congue turpis luctus. Donec venenatis aliquet odio sed euismod. Praesent dignissim nibh sed tortor tristique, nec placerat quam eleifend. Nunc euismod odio sit amet leo cursus, at pharetra felis sagittis. Vivamus odio nisi, facilisis a sem eu, venenatis molestie massa. Cras non magna lorem. Nunc eu ante pulvinar, efficitur quam et, hendrerit orci. Ut in accumsan nisl. Nullam vel ante posuere, faucibus nibh eu, consequat dui.

    Donec ultrices ex a dolor rhoncus, sit amet imperdiet metus aliquet. Nam volutpat eleifend suscipit. Ut porttitor arcu quis massa dapibus, quis fermentum est mattis. Vivamus pretium metus ac cursus semper. Donec ipsum lacus, pellentesque sit amet magna ut, ullamcorper varius mi. Pellentesque id sapien vitae eros laoreet molestie. Suspendisse lobortis mi et nibh vulputate interdum.

    Nullam tincidunt metus elit, congue condimentum elit pharetra in. Cras finibus scelerisque fermentum. Duis nec augue lobortis justo sollicitudin tempus quis id justo. Fusce dictum nibh quis quam convallis ullamcorper. Integer eu tincidunt justo. Mauris quam est, rutrum eu nibh vitae, bibendum convallis erat. Fusce faucibus lorem vel turpis maximus, at rhoncus lacus egestas. Mauris laoreet purus et purus maximus efficitur. Vestibulum massa sem, fermentum et orci sit amet, iaculis vehicula dui.

    In et volutpat nulla, eget mollis dolor. Donec eget consequat velit. Aenean condimentum blandit lorem, sed euismod magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec placerat lacus ligula, vitae aliquam orci vestibulum sed. Cras pulvinar mattis tempus. Nullam facilisis luctus ex id volutpat. Suspendisse finibus tincidunt odio eget ornare. Curabitur nunc mauris, sodales vitae metus et, faucibus ullamcorper metus. Phasellus id tincidunt justo.

    Suspendisse vitae nulla suscipit, pellentesque lectus non, consectetur lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Integer sit amet tellus sed metus euismod auctor eu id odio. Maecenas egestas ex turpis. Nam maximus purus maximus ex blandit sollicitudin. Donec interdum nisi a rutrum suscipit. Mauris at varius quam. Aenean at porta leo, eu ultrices augue.

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    Jaiden Thalforn
    23 (March 4, 686EC)
    Hyzurian (Lion)
    5'8" (172.72 cm)
    151lbs (68.5 kg)
    RI-62 Monolith – Minerva
    2nd Generation
    Artillery (Hunter Unit)
    A young woman with light platinum blonde hair and blue eyes, whose youthful face rarely holds a smile. It is clear that some effort has been made to follow dress codes (if any even exist), but Jaiden isn't someone overly concerned with making sure every belt is fastened, or if all her buttons are done up. Favoring safety and practicality over all else, with collars and sleeves precisely folded, boots strapped securely, and hair tucked neatly into a high ponytail, it lends her the illusion of being an upstanding model citizen despite many of her shortcomings. Her lion ears and tail, the obvious telltale of her Hyzurian bloodline, are typically tucked under her hat and long coat. In addition to being blessed with incredible physical strength, which mostly translates to a unnatural sprinting speed and leaping distance, her eyesight is far superior than most in the dark.

    Having been raised by military parents, she intended to follow in their footsteps, but was informed that her poor exam score disqualified her enlistment to Empyria's military. Having not been in contact with them since her late teenage years, she joined the professional mercenary group in hopes of being able to reunite with her guardians once again.
    Jaiden is a woman who seldom thinks beyond her station. She does not allow thoughts that demand her to consider the future, the well-being of the world, or how history will look upon her actions to linger in her mind for long. When she is asked to undertake tasks, she will rarely question her superiors, and their intentions - whether this is because she was raised by military parents, or because she simply lacks the desire to care is unclear. Thankfully, over the years she has shared with her comrades, her loyalty and care have been shown to exist, and the simple truth to Jaiden Thalforn is that she does not favor the world as much as she favors those who will remember her.

    Unburdened by the desire of knowing, or understanding, things beyond her reach, Jaiden is someone who easily, and almost listlessly, comes off as a tranquil and calm individual. Approachable, level-headed, and strangely obedient, she is a woman who quietly does as told for the sake of those she does not wish to disappoint. She has a soft voice but is a playful and expressive enough individual who rarely raises her voice, although she does aggressively guards her food and possessions. When she has found something that she desires to accomplish, she will not rest or give in until she has seen it through, in spirit and in letter - and it is perhaps the most energetic, attentive, and alert, you will ever find her, but sadly there are very few things in this universe that Jaiden wants.
    690EC - Adopted by Alice and Dale Thalforn
    Jaiden was adopted by a Hyzurian pair, Alice and Dale Thalforn, at the age of four. Born in the province of Dosidicus, it was not a stretch of the imagination to assume that she had been an unexpected surprise, and abandoned before she even had the ability to form memories. The two did not disclose much throughout her childhood, especially about their occupations, but Jaiden knew from the whispers and occasional letter that reached their place of residence that Alice and Dale served the Empryia military in some way.​

    The truth that had been kept from her was that Alice was part of the Order of Eden, serving on the front-lines with the Edenguard (Demonic Offensive Division), and only returning to Dosidicus for personal reasons while on temporary leave. Adopting the girl who bore an uncanny resemblance to the recently deceased squadron leader, Alice would extend her leave for a few years, but inevitably return to the front-lines. Dale Thalforn was an engineer attached Alice's squadron, although the two had known each other since childhood. Having foreseen the consequences of Alice's admirable, perhaps, but ultimately shortsighted and selfish decision, she remained with the other woman to help raise the girl.

    704EC - Failed to Enlist
    Dosidicus was not a province that provided people with enviable futures. Alice and Dale made certain that Jaiden was physically capable, responsible, and well disciplined before they left, however, the decision, and desire, to leave was something they had left to Jaiden alone to nurture. They underestimated the attachment that Jaiden had to them both though - and especially to Alice - as Jaiden had came to expect that she would follow in their footsteps and join the Empyria military early in her childhood. Unfortunately, her enlistment was rejected on account of her poor exam scores.​

    705-706EC - Iscariots of Solarian
    Using what skill and knowledge she had learned from Dale, Jaiden spent a few months performing maintenance on MAWs and modifying personal vehicles on request. Eventually, she sought out better employment opportunities, feeling nostalgic and contrite on the week that would commemorate her first meeting with her two guardians. Coming across information on the Isacriots of Solarian, a sleeping beast was stirred and determined to join as a Ascalon pilot. As a mercenary, she would have the opportunity to travel to many places and battlefields, places where Alice and Dale would surely be. And if she still couldn't find them, then she simply had to ensure that her achievements became legendary so that it would reach them somehow. Even if mercenary work was probably not what they envisioned for her future - although she honestly had no idea what they had in mind for her when they plucked her from the orphanage - she was sure that their reunion would be a joyous one.​

    709EC - Present
    It has been more than 5 years since she has received any word from Alice and Dale. On occasion, she returns to Dosidicus to see if they have returned, though she is disappointed every time. The people she has met in her line of work rarely ever give her good leads; she has begun to suspect if Alice and Dale were more than simple soldiers or engineers, but has been kept too busy to investigate any possibilities. In the long term, she plans to visit Sector Zero to start her search anew, but is somewhat apprehensive about approaching the imperial military headquarters, and not to mention the possibility of unearthing any unnecessary trauma she's never considered as an abandoned, twice now perhaps, child. Hopefully, this next stint out to Valeria will provide some answers so she won't have to make the trip out and find out for herself.​
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    Akari Jung
    26 (June 9, 683 EC)
    5'10" (177.8 cm)
    154 lbs. (69.8 kg)
    XS-05 Abysshunter – Blue Fog
    Generation 2
    Skirmisher (Assault)
    A stoic, enigmatic mercenary, rarely seen without a lit cigarette in her hand, and always accompanied by the faint, sweet scent of vanilla-flavored tobacco smoke.

    Her sharp features, dark hair and piercing stare speak of her Mansouran bloodline, but her green eyes, and tall, lithe, battle-hardened build are unmistakably those of a Saygien.

    She can usually be found wearing her combat fatigues both on and off the field, her pilot jacket haphazardly left open, her back-length hair tied back in a loose ponytail, and a trusty combat knife always strapped to her boot.
    Her old army dog tags are always worn tightly around her neck, far too heavy with the weight of history for her to ever remove, the name that had once engraved them scratched away into obscurity.

    She speaks plainly, responding when spoken to, and speaking up when something needs to be said, usually with little regard for the mincing of words.
    One topic she will refuse to ever speak of is her own past, either dodging any such questions, or simply refusing to answer them.
    Only the Iscariot commander knows her true origins, and as per the agreements of their contract, is just as unwilling to divulge any answers as she is.
    According to her, she's "just another mercenary, same as all the others," but the way she always seems to know a little more than she lets on, how she expertly handles threats both inside and outside of her ascalon, and the deep, agonizing pain lurking deep within her seemingly blank stare, hints of someone who has experienced far, far more.

    Unlike many other Saygiens, Kagero was born with very few emotional quirks, many of which have since been ironed out through a constant regime of strict self-disipline, which initially came about as a result of her exhelian mother's upbringing. During her stint in the militia, her ability to keep her tumultuous emotions in check became a vital boon in the heat of battle, saving her life many a time, and as a mercenary, it became a necessity to allow her the ability to blend in to her surroundings.
    This constant self-policing, along with her history of trauma, has not had a positive effect on her mental health, however.
    Beneath her hard, stoic shell, she is truly a tortured soul, haunted by the faces of the friends she couldn't save, promises she couldn't keep, words left forever unsaid.
    She has grown emotionally numb, consumed with a deep nihilism, and holding on to whatever small fragments she can keep of the past, such as the scent of vanilla cigarettes that her squad commander once so enjoyed.
    Her heart, already on the verge of breaking, can't handle the strain of losing yet another loved one, and so, as a defense mechanism, she hides herself away, keeping as much emotional distance as she can between herself and her fellow iscariots.

    Despite her best efforts, however, her comrades, and their individual quirks and antics, have found some small holes in her defenses to worm into, each day burrowing ever deeper into her heart.
    At times, after a successful mission, or when she's flying with them side by side in their ascalons in the heat of battle, or even when she's simply sitting alone in her room, she may sit back, puff out a ring of smoke, and smile to herself, silently cherishing the memories they've made.

    683-698 EC.
    Born to Mansouran engineer, Mina Harime, and Saygien pharmacologist, Karlyle Jung, Akari Jung enjoyed a nice, peaceful childhood, proud of both her Mansouran heritage, and her saygien homeland.
    Her life was forever changed, however, with the advent of the War on Raignork in 697, her father being one of many Saygiens to be conscripted into serving under the Empyrian ranks as a field medic.
    Like many others, he would never return home, being killed in battle whilst providing aid to Empyrian soldiers.
    The news of her father's death was devastating to young Akari, leaving within her, a seed of resentment towards the powers that fractured her family, which would only continue to fester and grow with the passing of time.
    700 EC, June 15.
    In the wake of the end of the Second Great War, civil unrest began to brew in Saygien, many still bereaved from the loss of their loved ones, the devastation done to their population, and Empyria's perceived callous and paltry attempts at recompense.
    Things came to a head on June 15, when a group of Saygien militants stormed the Empyrian embassy. A rallying cry for independence resounded across the disenfranchised populace, war with Emyprians was imminent.
    Akari, like many other Saygien youths, was sympathetic to the call to arms, enlisting in the developing Saygien militia at the young age of eighteen.
    After a grueling month of training, Akari was assigned to the FAUST Brigade, as field technician and tertiary ascalon pilot, serving alongside Commander and ascalon pilot, Sigmund Douterive, second-in-command and secondary pilot, Id Harvey, communication officer, Heinrich Ego, and his twin sister, field medic, Subaru Ego.
    The squad was assigned with the defense of Port Reave, located in the Din Isle; a dockyard vital to the supply and distribution of Saygien forces.
    Early attempts by Empyrian forces to claim the Port were rebuked by the plucky, young squadron, who's knowledge of the land, and clever use of guerrilla warfare allowed them to win several small and large-scale skirmishes. Their greatest asset, however, was their teamwork, and shared sense of comradery, each member having shared stories of those close to them, lost to the Empyrian war machine.
    700 EC, August 18.
    Seeing that violence would only escalate between their forces, and the local militia, Empyria calls upon the Order of Eden to assist in subduing the Saygien rebels.
    On July 20, Empyrian forces, lead by a Blitzkrieg Deathclaw operative, stage a surprise raid on Cape Wroth, a vital point of defense for Port Reave.
    Saygien forces, along with the FAUST squadron are able to repel the attack, but at a great loss to their forces, including Id Harvey, who was fatally shot down in battle.
    700 EC, September 12
    Sensing blood in the waters, Empyrian attacks on the port grow far more numerous, and far more violent, sometimes coming within the span of only a few hours, all led by the Blitzkrieg Deathclaw.
    The ceaseless barrage on their defenses quickly wears down the Saygien's resources, until eventually, Empyrian forces win a decisive victory at Bargainer's Bluff, punching a massive hole in the militia's frontline, and giving them direct access to the port.
    In the ensuing attack, nearly all of the Saygien's militia are either captured or killed, and Empyria finally manages to take claim of the dockyard. Among the dead is Subaru Ego, who was slain in the chaos, her brother left critically injured, and fighting for his life.
    Akari and Sigmund are able to gather what little resources they have left, and rescue Heinrich before he could be captured, before abandoning the port, fleeing further inland.
    700 EC, October 4
    Cut off from any resources, and still being pursued by Empyrians, the last remaining FAUST members come to a giant gaping chasm, known locally as the Yawning Depression.
    Sigmund orders Akari to continue her retreat, take Heinrich to the southern Motherwill space station, and use the radio equipment within to call for emergency evacuation.
    Then, in a last act of defiance, the commander, activates his ascalon's self-destruct sequence, and charges headlong into the approaching enemy line.
    In the resulting explosion, both Sigmund, and the Deathclaw operator are killed, and the land bridge spanning across the canyon is destroyed, temporarily preventing the Empyrians from pursuing any further.
    700 EC, November 19
    Having ran out of fuel, Akari abandons her ascalon, taking a detour to park it far away from her trail to throw off any lingering pursuers, and making the rest of the journey on foot, a dying Heinrich slung across her back.
    Akari finally arrives at the Motherwill, a space station and research center abandoned some time during the Second Great War, after several weeks of grueling hiking.
    Every waking moment she spends not shakily pointing a loaded rifle at the center's main entrance, is spent tending to Heinrich's deteriorating condition, setting or resetting the traps she'd placed around the perimeter, attempting to call for aid over the station's radio with no success, or attempting to repair the last remaining personal space shuttle left at the station.
    700 EC, December 14
    Akari intercepts a radio broadcast from the Saygien Faction announcing their formal surrender.
    Mere moments later, Heinrich dies, finally succumbing to his wounds.
    700 EC, December 22
    Empyrian sanctions for Sector Nine begin. The rebellious Saygien government is deposed, and any militia members or sympathizers are ordered to be placed under arrest.
    Tracking a series of radio signals, along with signs of an unidentifiable craft being launched, Empyrian officers travel to the Motherwill space station.
    The only evidence they find of anyone having been there, is a solitary grave dug in the center's central garden, and a working terminal, displaying that the station's last remaining spacecraft, the Acceptance, had recently been launched.
    ??? EC-Present day
    A mysterious woman by the name of Kagero Azuki appears in Mansoura, claiming to be a mercenary in search of work.
    In short order, she develops a reputation for her easy to work with, if not intimidating attitude, her impressive ability to get results, and her elusiveness; sometimes arriving within a city in the dead of night, and being gone by morning.
    Word of her exploits soon reach the Iscariots of Solarian, who, after finally managing to track her down, offer her a lucrative contract.
    Kagero accepts, with the stipulations that she always requests; that she be given the means to do her job, a roof over her head, and that no questions be asked about her past.

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    The Hierophant
    Camilo K. Devon
    24 (September 18, 685 EC)
    Mixed race
    6' (182cm)
    168 (76kg)
    Cyclops SS-01, Ver 1.04 — Behemoth
    1st Generation

    Camilo is a soft-faced, blue-eyed, broad-shouldered man with prematurely white hair and tanned brown skin. He starts each day cleanly shaven and usually applies generous amounts of facial products on his skin. He can either look deep in concentration or completely content with two main expressions and never really in-between. But despite appearances, the brooding suit bound Camilo is the type of guy who won't stop treating others like his child. No matter how many times he's reminded, or how big the age gap is he likes to father people. But in his defense, he was raised by 5 doting mothers.

    Being part feline Hyzurian, Camilo can only see the color red. But even so, you can tell from the details on his otherwise monochrome designer suits that his favorite color is blue. He keeps his outward appearance pristine and neat never leaving a single loose string or crooked tie. There's natural professionalism to him like he understands what he's doing. He knows what he wants to accomplish, even if he doesn't say it outright.

    Outwardly, Camilo is particularly modest and squared off. Prone to not smile, at least not naturally and quiet to the point of seeming extremely shy. People will see his face, and they'll think that he's some sort of, a hardened, cold-blooded loner. But you can tell that around his companions, it takes no time at all for a wide grin to take over and his shoulders to ease.

    Besides his depleted attitude, he is the type of guy who'd make a full meal for a completely capable, and healthy friend if they asked him nicely enough. Growing up in a house full of people who worked for him, he never really lifted a finger. And while luxurious, the lack of any obligation made Camilo long for responsibility. That evolved into a love of chores. In adulthood cleaning, cooking, and attending to others became part of few things that joyed him. For the most part, he's a pacifist, but once you get to know him it's you'll learn that the other part of his thrills come from sparring and wrestling. He's been in a few bar fights too, though he won't drink or go partying.

    The early experiences he's had with his late father hold some of his strongest memories. Though he has inherited some, odder qualities from him. Like his terrible sense in comedy or his bad timing, no trait he learned was ever bad, just not ideal for a healthy social life. And he's no comedian that's for sure. It may even come off as obnoxious that he enjoys sprinkling jokes around, cause trying to mess with him is like talking to a brick wall. He'll often take bantering word-for-word and is just clueless when it comes to those sorts of things. But for better or worse the antisocial hermit of a father taught his son a good philosophy. The idea that every situation, whether good or bad, carries a chance to learn something.

    It's established that he'll spring to attention at the mention of lending a hand, but at the same time, Camilo isn't a fool. He'll make that apparent if need be.

    Though they were honest people, Camilo's parents couldn't pay much attention to him during his first 6 years. In their financial instability, even time relaxing seemed like indulging to them. The pair was always working, while with no ill intentions, they found they took minimal care of their boy. To do something about it, they arranged for Camilo to rotate houses each week. One day he's with his aunt, the next an older cousin, maybe a grandparent in the summer. It didn't matter who told him what, whatever was tried to distract him from the truth, Camilo knew he wasn't home. His father called in every last favor so that Camilo could be taken care of. His mother would pray he'd be safe. They both felt selfish for putting him through all that. Ultimately, they decided that in the best interest of Camilo, they'd put him up for adoption, to find a better home. At least for as long as it took them to sort their own lives.

    Camilo would spend the next 4 years in the system before he decided on a final home. Taken in not by a parent, but by an entity, who'd bring him up in an old wooden house. The description, reminiscent of some deceitful billboard ad, bought by a shady company, with a mask on. Funny enough, this old house, was built in 652 EC. A mysterious, "yet charitable" character gave it up, for free, under the condition that a few randos could have a private meeting in the dining room once a month.

    But once the last paper was signed, 6-year-old Camilo got wished away into the large Eldrichon estate. It stood at the end of a long dirt road in a clearing of green grass. If you talked to its walls, an AI would respond with knock-knock jokes. It housed a staff of 11, including one bagboy and one chauffeur. But Camilo was brought home by the 5 middle-aged cousins who owned the estate. They'd be his guardians, who would continue supporting him for the next 13 years.

    At first, the experience was odd, cause the Eldrichon people weren't just peculiar, they were outright weird. They didn't let him clean or cook, or do anything alone, even if he was completely capable. He'd be dressed and expected to dress, in a suit and tie. But he grew a strong bond with the house and the people in it anyways.

    On off days, weekends, and holidays the Eldrichon Cousins, would go on monthly escapades. Weeks later they'd come back, to bring presents and treasures and exotic spreads to pamper their boy with. Eldrichon Cousins were like mothers to him, his face would brighten every time they'd come back home. This lasted until he was nearing 19 years when the house received a letter. It informed them that Camilo would soon be conscripted to army training. There weren't any wars going on, so he wasn't worried too much about dying.

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    Marcel Shokitsu
    Legal Name
    Marcel Dei Shokitsu
    Age & Birth
    36 (February 1st)
    145lbs (65kg)
    Ascalon Unit
    WK-13 Marauder - Deadeye
    Gen Model
    Gen 2
    A by-the-book man with an authoratitive demeanor, Marcel would be considered hard to approach if he didn't possess a certain softness in his eyes. Accompanying these eyes are a matter-of-fact expression that seldom changes - a half-smile could be considered a national treasure, if it's coming from Marcel. With short black hair and brown eyes, just below his nose rests the faintest stubble of a mustache. Despite his age, he still holds a bit of youth within his appeareance, even if it only masks a few years of experience. His usual choice of outfit has proven to be his signature orange bomber jacket, left open to reveal the white undershirt that lays beneath. Fastened by a belt around his waist, his trousers are tucked into a pair of dark boots. The cherry on top are his circle rimmed glasses, which have practically became a part of his natural physicality. He wouldn't give them up, even if he didn't need them anymore.

    Marcel's intentions are surprisingly noble and straightforward, in Marcel's own words: "I only hope the make the world a better place, no matter how minimal my efforts may be." He does not intend to become a historical symbol or start a grandiose movement, he simply wants to help whoever he can during his blip of existence.
    Patience is one of Marcel's key virtues, which is complemented by his composed nature. No matter the mistakes he or others may end up making, usually the best option is to move on - best not to dwell on things out of your control. With that said, his composure can be broken through by those who *refuse* to improve. If, given chance after chance, one were to continue making poor choices, they'd eventually squeeze some anger out of him. In situations of emergency wherein others may panic, Marcel makes it a point to stay as calm as possible. Logical and straightforward, keeping yourself emotionally subdued is a necessity when it comes to muddling through disadvantageous situations. Think things through, then act. Even as an apparent practitioner of stoicism, Marcel's patience is tied in directly with his kindness and selflessness that he shows towards others, as subtle as it may be. His goal, in the grand scheme, is to help others. His mother's attitude towards life and how to treat others was burned into his personality, it's something he can't help. Marcel views it as an obligation, more or less.

    A pillar of authority, Marcel will knowingly exert an overwhelmingly assertive presence upon others if he deems it necessary. Even if he doesn't necessarily have *power* over who he tries to influence, he's usually able to break through and make them believe the opposite. This is surprising, given his height and build. Luckily, intimdation and excercising power isn't not solely decided by physical attributes - the mental pressure one can exert upon another through subtleties is astoudning.
    Considering the family Marcel was born into, his ambition to serve in the military came as no surprise. His mother and father, Charlotte and Jean, brought Marcel into a *somewhat* stable, well-functioning household. They did not necessarily live in poverty, but they got by with what they could. As an only child, both of his parents could dedicate all of their attention towards Marcel - that was the plan, after all. His father had retired from the military by the time Marcel was born, but he wholly intended to hand to torch off to his son when he came of age. As soon as Marcel could walk, his father did everything he could to mold Marcel into perfection. Disciplined, reserved, logical - he wanted his son to follow orders without question. This approach led Marcel to harbor negative feelings towards his father, as he didn't see him as neither a parent nor a friend. To Marcel, his father seemed to only care about using him for his own agenda. Of course, his father's teachings ended up working against him - Marcel's composure was a like a brick wall, it would not be broken. There was only one person he confided in - his mother.

    Marcel's father never worked, staying home and ensuring that Marcel's education was up to his standards. This meant that Marcel's mother was never home, always working in order to keep food on the table for the family. The guise of stability was broken, as Jean grew increasingly distant from Charlotte whenever she wasn't out working. He ignoted her. Jean prioritized the son who resented him. The primary source of Marcel's dislike from his father didn't stem from *what* his father taught him, rather, he hated how his father only saw him as a tool. As for Charlotte, the empathy she showed towards Marcel was what influenced him the most. Not the hours upon hours of training his father forced upon him, but the motherly love that Charlotte shared out of the kindness in her heart.

    Marcel wasn't able to say any goodbyes to his mother as he was sent of to a military academy, as she had been working. The last thing he saw from his family was his father's icy glare. It screamed at Marcel: "Don't mess this up." Of course, Marcel had already decided he wasn't doing this for his father. At 13 he was still a child, yet his maturity had already reached that of an adult. The guidance his father provided served Marcel well in the academy, as he had been properly conditioned beforehand. He knew how to suck up to his instructors. He didn't complain about any of the conditions, no matter how much he wanted to. Through every step of the way, Marcel's mother was in his mind. His biggest regret would be failing to say goodbye.

    With the chaos of his childhood in the past, he could finally move on to his comparably stable adulthood. After finishing his time at the military academy, Marcel was granted a brief window of time before service where he could see his family. Much to Marcel's anguish, his mother had passed away during his time at the academy. Over the time Marcel had been away, his father never got reemployed - his mother ended up passing due to a combination of being overworked and an illness. Needless to say, Marcel believed that the burden of his mother's death fell upon Jean. Their meeting was brief, back at the place of residence Marcel previously called "home." All Jean was met with, while stuck in a drunken stuper, was an intense glare of resentment from his son. "I never want to see you again." The words flowed from Marcel's lips like a tsunami of hatred. Since then, they've never made contact with one another. His father meant nothing to him. Now, the military served as a vessel for Marcel to reciprocate the love his mother showed him. Any positive influence on the *universe* would be enough, no matter how minute.

    Needless to say, Marcel had no intentions of every becoming a pencil-pusher. He wanted to be out in the field, doing what he could. Single-shot weaponry was his speciality, even with his less-than-ideal eyesight. He was precise, efficient, and rarely missed a shot. After serving loyally to the military for a number of years, the Imperial Ascalon Division eventually caught his eye. The Ascalons could make a bigger impact than the common foot soldier, it felt like a natural progression to him. He served until he was 30, only having been discharged due an injury he had incurred while out on the field. Finding his own tiny place to call his own in one of the outer cities of Agartha, he was able to dedicate time to himself - time to think. After being in the military for so long, one's vision can end up tunneling. Living among civilians, you hear things you otherwise wouldn't. It was hard not to question the ethics of the Imperial Army, especially when considering the actions of special operations units such as the Order of Eden. Marcel's inaction caused him to grow weary, but the thought of serving the Imperial Army once more clashed with his ideals. Marcel sought out a more independent method: the life of a mercenary. With his Ascalon experience, joining up with the Iscariots of Solarion seemed to be an obvious decision. Throughout his years Marcel had gone through only a few Ascalons, primarily switching due to upgrades or preference. 2nd Generation models held a special place in Marcel's heart, as the offensive capabilities alongside the versatile customization allowed him to be specific about his choice. After losing his previous one during his discharge, it was time for Marcel to experience an entirely new mecha to call his own.
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    The Chariot
    Ciada Mrevm
    Ciada Septori Mrevm
    28 (April 19, 681EC)
    5' 6" (167.64 cm)
    139 Ibs (63 kg)
    MR-7A Falcon — Jupiter
    2nd Gen
    Vanguard (Assault)
    Ciada is a pale husk of a man, having spent his youngest years toiling away in factories. His long hair is a light platinum-blonde color, and he's never really bothered to style it in any way. His wardrobe is an assortment of different white and black clothes, from sweatshirts to suits, and while Ciada dresses neatly, he doesn't care about his appearance much. His bright yellow eyes with white pupils are generally the most active part of his body, darting around to absorb details and to avoid eye contact.

    Boundless energy and willpower are counteracted by a lack of direction and a tendency to stray from the rules. Ciada is just a natural rioter, opposed to any kind of restrictions and just content to have the freedom to do whatever he wants to. His youngest years sucked away his sense of purpose, dealing with repercussions from the Second Great War. Disillusioned with battle but still seeking the rush of adrenaline as one of the only things that make him feel alive, Ciada has trained to become a slightly unhinged, slightly unstable mercenary. The money from his successful hunts goes straight back into his profession, and while Ciada's always just on the line of bankruptcy, he couldn't care in the slightest.
    Ciada seeks near-death experiences or anything else that gives him a surge of the adrenaline that gives him something to look forward. Most of his emotions have become dulled and lifeless due to the constant work he had to do for a decade. Things that used to make him overjoyed now make him mildly pleased, and things that used to make him cry in sorrow make him slightly regretful. Positive and negative emotions alike, they give him nothing. His life's goal constantly shifts, and even though, every single time, Ciada puts in the effort to reach it, the happiness expected from fulfilling the goal is nowhere to be found, and he keeps pushing for the next meaningless milestone. Battles with metal slugs and energy weapons are the closest thing that gives Ciada the adrenaline rush, but recently it hasn't been enough.

    On the outside, Ciada is witty, sharp, and isn't afraid to talk back. He is rebellious to the point of intentionally breaking rules for no reason, but he doesn't complain about much of anything. In his worldview, everything is something that can be taken or exploited, and nothing will hold Ciada back from doing so. Despite all the negatives, though, when someone he respects tells him to do something, he'll do it, and when it comes to bounty-hunting, there is no hesitation when following orders. He treats those who are in terrible situations with pity and kindness but does not care much for people in more fortunate situations.
    681 EC - Born in the province of Dosidicus on Agartha, Ciada grew up forced to work, day after day, night after night, both due to increased demand from the war and the relative poverty of his parents. He realized that he wanted his future to be something more than toiling away in the factories for the rest of his life, and so Ciada worked the same machines and created the same things over and over, saving until he could make it to Volcrest. His energy was always replenished every single day, driven by the single goal to live in Elesrith. If he could just make it there, all his problems would be solved. . .

    697 EC - Ciada and his parents saved enough for him to make it to Novarion, where he promptly took up a job and began working. Work and work and work. He knew that his employers were exploiting him, but he didn't care. His resolve was only strengthened by the constant work. After all, if he had to work for so much, the reward was surely worth it.

    703 EC - With tons of savings, Ciada could comfortably live in a Elesrith city for a while, and in that time he found a job. He rented a tiny apartment and found work as a mechanical engineer. His factory skills helped him greatly in this regard. Life was absolute bliss for the first two months, but after that, his happiness gradually faded away, replaced with a sense of disillusionment. Ciada now had time and luxury, but he still felt the need to work. He tried out some new hobbies, and while Ciada did like drone racing, it, too, soon lost its novelty. Eventually, he realized that it was for naught. Ciada's laboring for so many years had only resulted in more work. It was much more pleasurable, sure, but the monotony was still there. Day after day after day.

    705 EC - A week after his last call to his parents, he called once more to find that they had passed away. They had been hit by a factory vehicle on their way to their workstations. Finally, he had enough. Work had wasted years of his life and his parents. Yet Ciada didn't know what to do anyways; nothing seemed to pull him out of his funk. This changed when he got mugged in an alleyway late one night. An adrenaline surge like he had never felt let him fight back. He was invincible. Ciada got his forearm sliced a little, but the mugger had received a concussion and a dislocated shoulder. It was incredible. It was the best Ciada had felt in a very long time, and he wanted more of it. So he searched for opportunities for similar events and, using much of his savings to buy a mech, landed himself a place in the Iscariots of Solarion, training rigorously to establish himself among them.
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    Esdras Del'Taban
    Eitan Ourea Parnassus
    26 [July 5, 684 EC]
    C7-1X Angel - Themis
    4th Generation
    All-Rounder (Assault Unit)
    Esdras is a relatively handsome young man with dark brown hair and bright white eyes. His hair has grown significantly from his time expelled from the army, it's gotten to the point to where he sometimes ties it up in situations that would require decent peripheral vision. Esdras typically wears more formal clothing if possible. Suits; ties; dress shoes; whatever it takes to present himself as almost noble.

    An experienced soldier, Esdras has braved many wars in his family's name. A crafty, resourceful, and dangerously intelligent man, who is capable of surviving even in the most hostile of environments. Esdras's worldview has been shaped by the one major traumatic event of his past. The loss of his family at the hands of the Empyrian governments. A former noble, Esdras remembers the life of luxury quite well despite never experiencing it firsthand. He was sent into war more than once in the name of claiming his family's glory and allowing their continued nobility. As a result, he's known nothing but war and bloodshed. He never learned the delicacies of eating silently at a large dinner table, instead, he learned how to fashion a knife out of a few rocks in case of emergencies.
    Esdras is a sophisticated and complicated man. His views on the world and people, in general, have been influenced and formed by two traumatic events that occurred in his past. The loss of his family's status and life by the Empyrian government. That single event has made him develop an idiosyncratic obsession with history and symbols; especially relating to how individuals can impact the former and eventually become the latter. He longs to see the faction that crippled him and his family fall. To see both their ideals and campaigns fail. His obsession with history has caused Esdras to develop an odd commitment to justice, order, and fair play. Feeling a need to protect those who are incapable of doing so for themselves. He fears being forgotten and for his actions to be for nothing. The death of others weighs heavy on his heart and no matter the circumstance, he blames himself for whatever ill falls upon those who did not deserve it.

    Despite the motivations that make up most of his character, Esdras is of a straightforward and serious personality. That persona can break down when he encounters scenes that draw upon his nostalgia. He hides this weakness through anger and bitterness, easily becoming fractious and hostile. He can be notoriously inflexible and is easily disgusted by those who disturb the peace of his world. Esdras' dogged pursuit for justice and fairness has upset many of those in power who hire him. His willingness to disobey orders that seem inhumane and his willingness to confront those who he believes are corrupt cause his employment to be rather sparse. Though his situation as a mercenary can be considered in the more gray areas of morality, he's considered by many who know him to be someone who does the right thing.

    Esdras is firmly committed to the good of the public. To bringing hope to those around him. He goes about this not through being an advocate for protest and civil obstruction but instead through his sheer hatred and anger that he directs towards the major superpower of the cosmos. He was forged by war and catastrophe; it's all he has ever known. He knows nothing yet but battle and that is his greatest detraction. Esdras' battle-hardened shell isn't easily cracked, he carries a melancholic and nostalgic aura around him. Oftentimes this can be seen when he attempts to emulate nobility; an emulation that only brings him more pain and can be seen as nothing more than a facade.
    684 EC - The Birth of Esdras
    Born to a pair of nobility within the grand province of Aucteraden, back then he was Eitan. Eitan was set to become the heir and holder of the family's estate and name. Pre-destined by his parents to become what they needed, a man who could provide and continue their family's nobility within the planet. His father was absent for most of his developmental years, serving in the Blitzkrieg Deathclaw Assault Division. He was an Ascalon Pilot and considered one of the best within that division. Eitan's mother took care of him for the majority of his time with his parents, she was a part of Edenguard Demonic Offensive Division but was on reserve and maternal leave. For what moments Eitan could interact with his father, he was met with a divorced connection and distant looks. His mother was no better, she had seen war and knew that the time she could spend with her son was limited.​

    698 EC - Induction into Military Academy
    Eitan had been almost conditioned to being a soldier. His mother saw fit to that to continue their family's legacy. Upon his finishing of normal education in Agartha, by law, he was required to at any point in his life attend the military or at least get an education in being a weapon of war. Eitan didn't quite like the academy he attended. It didn't feel real to him. Regardless, it didn't matter his opinion on the academy or even whether or not he wanted to be there. His family wouldn't tolerate him talking back or disobeying.​

    705 EC - The Loss of Nobility
    Finishing up his Military education and service, Eitan returned to the estate to find not a warm welcome but disaster. For reasons unknown to him, his family's nobility had been stripped. His parents wouldn't tell him why nor would they show any sort of regret or remorse to the actions that warranted a response like that. In fear of their true nobility being taken from them, they fled and went into hiding. Eitan's mother was discharged from the military after the stripping of their nobility as was his father. Eitan didn't know how to feel about all that transpired within those few days except the emotions he was taught to feel and express: Anger. If anyone else was in his situation, would they not be upset at the ruling party for getting rid of the family's status despite their vigilance in raising future soldiers and protectors for the greater cosmos? In his mind, it was justified and rational for him to despise the Empyrian Government.​

    706 EC - The Loss of Family
    Having fled to the underground areas of the Empyrian, Eitan wanted to return to a somewhat normal life, even more so after the incident at the estate. He wanted to enjoy a normal life. His father made that dream increasingly difficult as time went on, buying all sorts of lavish things in the pursuit to reclaim the feeling of noble normalcy. Eitan had no choice but to follow along, hoping to make his father happy with what things he could offer. He gave him unconditional love and even helped around the house when his mother would be out working. Yet still, his father had an obsession with feeling noble. Eitan could make no sense of it, he was unable to rationalize what made his father so attached to that concept. And he never did get around to figuring it out. On July 19th, 706 EC, the Archangel division of the Order of Eden discovered the family's location and ventured to slay them before they could cause any disturbances. His mother was shot dead while attempting to flee the city with Eitan while his father clashed with the agents head-on. In the end, however, his father was overrun and slain in what Eitan could only describe as "with brutality and a cold indifference". At the behest of his mother before her death, he fled back to his home province and city: Seraphiel, Aucteraden.​
    707 EC - Lasting Effects
    Arriving at Seraphiel, Eitan sought out an old family friend. A scientist by the name of Dr. Ainser Kard. Esdras didn't personally know Dr. Kard but his parents had many words to describe him, both positive and negative. With any luck, Esdras would be able to seek refuge with the scientist while he regains his footing. Dr. Kard allowed Esdras on the conditions that he helped around, whether it be keeping the place tidy or with his present research and experiments, also to keep a low-profile while he figures out what to do with Esdras. Esdras assisted where he could, he didn't know much about science or really anything intellectual. It wasn't his sphere of knowledge. Around this year, Dr. Kard made Esdras aware of his father's Ascalon Unit, whom the scientist took to hold for safe-keeping. The young man was hesitant at first to claim the Ascalon Unit, both for his attempts at keeping a low profile and because he didn't know much about piloting a Generation 4 Ascalon Unit. He held off on claiming it and decided to keep working with Dr. Kard during his stay.​
    708 EC - The Symbol of His Family
    Dr. Kard eventually obtained Eitan a false identity and new life. From thenceforth, he would be somewhat legally known as Esdras Del'Taban. The scientist reserved a small number of funds to the young man so that he may start life anew, moving the orphan to the province of Novarion where he began work as a tobacco farmer. His work with Dr. Kard was discontinued, both for the fear that Esdras would imprint a bad impression of his family had he continue his stay and that he would endanger the doctor. He disliked being a farmer; all work and no play made him a dull man, hardly the life of luxury that he once faintly remembered. In pursuit of a new occupation, one idea did cross his mind. Mercenary work. It wouldn't be any different than serving in the military and would allow him to continue directing his anger towards the Empyrian government without direct involvement in their services. Esdras decided he really had nothing left to lose and joined a mercenary band by the name of Iscariots of Solarion. An odd name for sure but he's seen worse. Joining later than most of his crewmates, he found the Iscariots to be more orientated to Ascalon work. In a hasty decision, Esdras claimed C7-1X Angel from Dr. Kard. "The symbol of his family" as he had called it. He housed the unit within the Iscariot's headquarters and decided to, on a whim, take a shot at piloting a Gen 4 Ascalon Unit.​
    709 EC - Present
    Esdras has been running with the Iscariots of Solarion for the better part of one year. He doesn't know the crew all too well besides surface-level impressions he's gotten from all of them. The Iscariots of Solarion is, for him, a means to an end. He wants to make an impact on the galaxy beyond him and hopefully by extension, make it a better place to live.​
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    Mela Seretskyova
    25 (November 19th, 684EC)
    5'11" (180 cm)
    154lb (70 kg)
    MKG-15 Markov - Ares
    2nd Generation
    Vanguard (Assault Unit)
    A stark woman, Mela's outwards disposition only serves to strengthen her already imposing height and stature. As far as appearances go, Mela Seretskyova is not a woman to be reckoned with: the unnatural pallor of her skin and hair are mirrored in an expression more often stiff and blank than not. She exalts herself to a clinical level of neatness with her dress and hair, both iron-pressed and without a single thread out of place. In fact, the only time her exterior shell of cool emptiness breaks is around her dear companions: and in such a case, smiles and laughter often look stranger on her than a frown.
    Perhaps the most interesting thing about Mela Seretskyova is the contrast that exists between her impressions on others and her outwards demeanor. Its hugely common for Mela to leave a rather bitter taste in the mouths of new acquaintances; whether it be her cold gaze or toothy grin, the answer is one that's evaded her. But there's little truth behind the assumption for those Mela likes. Around her companions, she is an entirely different picture, a pleasant compassion and gentle temperament accentuated by a note of oddness. The entirety of her is somewhat unsolvable, even with dutiful hours alongside the woman—her humour can come off as at best strange and off-beat, and at worst, completely nonsensical. But despite the apparent disconnect between Mela and normalcy, her company isn't entirely unpleasant, and she's rather forgiving when it comes to mistakes and misdeeds.

    However, there is a more notable dichotomy between Mela's actions towards friends versus fiends. The latter is not a mistake of assumptions or impressions, but instead, a strange deviation from what is usually seen within the woman's temperament. When faced with those determined to be a threat or even simply an useless unknown, "openly hostile" would be an accurate description of her behaviors. For that of the battlefield, hostile would be a rather mild word for the breadth of her rage. And, to both Mela and the outside observer, it is simply something she can turn on and off without much effort, and she truthfully sees no issues in the quickly-spinning nature of her morality.
    Mela's life, at least in the beginning, was admittedly boring.

    It didn't take her particularly long to realize the fact, either. Amongst the chaos and frantic din of her 6-child household, Mela had learned early to carve solace in its very antithesis, finding individual threads of peace against a tapestry of disorder. There was a soothing rhythm in raising herself: wake up, most often by the sounds of scrabbling footsteps; sweep the floors, set out into the city to kill time; settle down in her cubby at the end of the day to read whatever she could get her hands on. She had always felt a strong bond towards her siblings, but one that more closely resembled a motherly role than a sisterly one. She found joy, warmth, in running scratches under cool water and taking on extra chores. There was love in the walls of the inner-city apartment, love that she wanted to preserve.

    But Mela was also painfully aware of the vibrancy, the unfamiliar vivacity, that seemed commonplace outside of her home's walls. Everywhere she looked, it seemed there were new accomplishments being lauded, pristinely shining new tech displayed in almost every storefront. She felt out of place amongst it all. Her life—the life of a human—felt ordinary, primitive, free from the polished austerity of recent developments and expansions.

    As she grew, Mela knew there were two paths she could take: she could try with everything she had in her to join this modernity, or simply do nothing.

    ...She chose the latter. Hell, it really was easier just to ignore—after all, there were more things to discover than she could count. If she couldn't be a modern iconoclast, she would just be fun. Current, exciting, interesting. This form of Mela, barely 16, was barely similar to who she would soon become. Her days were spent dodging familial duties, running about the grungiest parts of the city with her sloppily assembled group of friends. In truth, she barely liked any of them, nor the sharp taste under her tongue that adrenaline always brought about. But it was something. And, for her, it served as some sort of education: stolen tech taught her the inner workings of hardware and software, as well as the actual stealing aspect stealth and strength.

    Unlike the majority of her friends, Mela was able to detach herself from the lifestyle before she ever slipped up, choosing to leave the abandoned building they unofficially lived in and return home. She never knew exactly what it was that drew her back in, and whether it be her siblings, the rapid passage of time, or just plain nostalgia, it didn't matter much. She had simply become ambivalent to it, and the same greyness eclipsed her view of her old home. Her time away had seemingly eroded much of the bonds she once held.

    But her actions, however ignored for a time, had not entirely slipped by the gaze of her distracted parents. Their view of her had shifted from disinterested to downright disdainful, and this instance introduced her to another fact: the fickleness, or in her case, perhaps lack of, familial love. With that, she bid her siblings a quick goodbye, taking her belongings and leaving memories behind.

    After her halfhearted exile from the Seretskyova name, Mela used the rest of her illicit savings to rent a small apartment, one already far nicer than that of her clean-cut parents. She hopped from job to job, mostly customer service and waitressing drivel, but found interest in none of it. The idea of the military suited her even less, and for a year, her old skills seemed to stagnate and fade away. But they, as well as her spirit, would find a new revival in the Isacriots of Solarian. Simply put, Mela had no qualms with being a mercenary. In her eyes, there was little definition between it and the many lines she'd already crossed. She slowly fell away from her adopted meanness, though pieces of it still exist in her cold disposition. Disregarding the morality of it all, Mela would find new joy in the small pleasures of sweet-smelling shampoo, unclogged drains, stable electricity, and the likes. Now, she enjoys her time alone in her apartment, sipping tea and living in hedonistic solitude.
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    Serafina Aionias Heraclitus
    24 (November 26, 685 EC)
    5'5 (166cm)
    121 lbs (54.8 kg)
    SG-13C Sieger Custom - Havoc
    2nd Generation
    Vanguard (High Mobility Unit)
    Serafina, who goes mostly by Sera or the Fiend (or Walking-Talking Wrecking Ball, to her collateral victims), is a flamboyant, idiotic young girl who insists that she is in fact not young but ageless. She is often seen wearing the combination of at least four colors of the rainbow, and never have her nails done in less than three, unless it’s monochrome week. She changed hairstyles by the weeks and dislikes all kinds of hats, other than mini top hats and their variants, while her horns are adorned with a varied number of accessories matching their paint job.

    A scar runs across her throat, carefully masked under a thick layer of concealer, and is something she would rather not talk about.

    In high spirits, she walks in skips and talks in singsong. But when she’s down, she drinks like a sailor, curses like one, then looks for someone in an equally bad mood to bother.
    Serafina’s presence is all over the place. She enjoys watching paint dry as much as she does arm wrestling with her comrades. In all things, she expends her full effort and determination. To her, every amount of youthful energy unspent is as good as wasted. You only have so much of it during your lifetime, and it comes with an expiration date.

    Her temper is short, but also easily calmed, as she’s very easy to please. Though she views excitements as the epitome of living, even mundane events and small delights are worth living. She likes basking under the sun, soaking in the rain, bashing in a skull, feeling the wind blow through her hair, cuddling a small beast, singing offbeat, breaking the speed limit with her hoverbike…

    She is brash, insensitive, and talks more than listens. She cares little for others. Everyone, including herself, is tumbling through life to death all the same, there is little sense in wasting her time for others. That is not to say she does not hold any sympathy for others, but she would never risk her life for someone else unless she feels like it.

    Even so, she likes to be around people, with a preference for soldiers and crude low-class people over the sophisticated and tactful type. A lot of things are better done with others than alone after all, like drinking, brawling, camping, or even fishing.
    Childhood was easy enough. Serafina, or Lena as her biological parents named her, ate the food she was fed, clothed in what she was given, and slept under what shelter her parents could find. During peaceful nights on the road, mixing with cracklings of fire, whispers she heard in the night had little meaning. She never stayed in one place for long, the road, the pilgrimage as they called it, was the only thing that remains in her memories. She knew only that it was long, ever-changing, and the more you walked, the further it seemed to stretch. The adult seemed to never get tired of walking.

    Serafina of the present thinks of those days as little more than the life of a perfect animal, toiling, toiling mindlessly away, walking, walking, to some ever further more. But even back then, she had looked to the sky and wonder as children do: will ever this road lead me to the stars?

    She never cared to unearth the truth of her childhood days, or who those tireless adults were, Only by chance did she come across one of them in the recent years, who, in a poorly lit corner of a back alley pub, told her the bloody tale of the cult known as the Cycle Pilgrims. According to his tiny, dark voice, they were one of the most fanatic cults that existed in Elderion back in the days. And while they walked, they also lurked, as the cult was neither approved nor permitted by the Governments. What they did was simply walking their little pilgrim around the globe, again and again, unceasingly. The man refused to touch on their dogma however, as he'd apparently converted to a new faith, one shinier and much more progressive. Their belief was as good as lost forever, in most parts thanks to the ardent effort of the Elderion enforcers, the same people who had brought the pilgrimage of Sera’s parents to a brutal end.

    Her parents and their fellow cultist had exercised a decent amount of cautiousness, but not enough to stay from the main roads leading through troubled lands. The few who survived, mostly children and women, got to stay with each other for a little while, but soon they were hauled to different freighters, and then to different markets.

    Apparently, Serafina was the only one who knew how to smile, to laugh even, with shackles weighing on her throat. And incidentally too, in his years perusing the slave markets, Sir Aionias Heraclitus had been looking for a child with this rare ability. After a hefty sum and a brief transaction, the girl once named Lena became Serafina Aionias Heraclitus, sole heir of the noble house of Heraclitus.

    From what she gathered during their ten years of cohabitation, Aionias was what you called a playwright, though not a terribly good one. By virtue of being one of the very few wealthy patrons of this ancient art, his plays found their way to every single theatre on Elderion, and in every single one, they were met with valiant resistance from younger and prouder artists. But the elder didn’t mind harsh criticisms, he was content to simply keep on creating while spending most of his later days in a distinct estate just outside of Elderion’s capital, the only company being his muse, his love, his sunshine. This peculiar lifestyle earned him contemptuous remarks from his equals, including several burlesques from his colleagues targeting his career as well as predilection. The stigma however didn’t quite carry to reality – he never once lay hand on his favorite flower, instead limited himself to keeping her in his sight always, gazing and admiring the only symbol of untainted youthfulness in a world that had gotten so so old in his eyes. And not one day went by that he didn’t remind his little girl of this fact, “Youth, darling, is life itself, that death is withering, not what comes after. If the heart allows, and I know it would, for it is pure still in your chest, then for all that is lovely and pure, find your death early. Do not wait for it, Death is an unhurried fellow who always comes later than it should.”

    Serafina spent beautiful summers wandering the estate’s premises. Occasionally she went on escapades with noble friends in the capital, but her taste was much different from her wealthy playmates, and she was more often seen strolling alone from places to places, asking herself if there was something more to this tiny little world, and if one day she would be released from its monotonous confines.

    Came her fifteen birthdays, old Aionias handed her an antique gun. Only two bullets remained, he told her, four already spent on his late wives and children, and that she should do with it what she will. That night one more was released from its ancient chamber.

    The following day marked an entirely new life for the girl, as she disappeared and never to be heard from again, but was reborn as Serafina Pallas. Months later, she found her way to a space station and got acquainted with a group of young private contractors. She worked menial jobs for them at first, but later on, she successfully convinced them to allow her a place in the frontline. She underwent no conventional training but was thrown like many other debt-ridden poor souls into lines of fire as expendable assets. Once, twice, then more than to be considered mere luck, she emerged from battles yet lived. Some said she was a brat with a death wish and devil's luck, but more experienced eyes saw an unusual amount of vigor, a will to live and prevail. Be it with a dagger, a particle gun, barehanded or driving an armored vehicle, the former noble heir fought like she meant it, as if some ultimate desire was always just within her reach. No one could guess what kind of upbringing had influenced (or corrupted) her will in such a way, but she made a good meat shield anyway.

    These days, blood and perils quench her thirst for something more, something exciting, electrifying, all to prove the high of her youth, to let no second unspent and to recompensate for past idle years. This was it, she thought, this was life, this was youth! And by risking her life she intensified her youthfulness. She would live to the fullest the lesson of her late foster father: die young, do not tarry for old ages.

    Then several escalations in scale and perilousness of battlefields later, she found her place among the Razors – a group of mercenaries in possession of a few Ascalons. It was love at the first sight. A sensation she had not known of before, but had suspected of its existence ever since the days of youth. At the tender age of eighteen, she felt for the first time what it’s like to become one with another, and realized at last how lonely she had been for all her life. It was like having an extension of your body you couldn’t live without. Living, at last, became much more than just survival. Even now, she still speaks of that name with a tender affection – R1-Ravager – her very first mecha. Together, they brave many hopeless battles, slain many foes, and sate each other's desire for combat. They were one, and their enemies were but flies. She bawled for days after the 1st Gen Ascalon was wrecked in a needlessly reckless stun.

    Like her first mech, the Razors also met their end not long after in a monster nest, with only one survivor.

    In recent years, Serafina and her current partner, her heavily modified and styled SG-13C Stormsail Custom, had been hopping between mercenary groups, hunting for some new excitement. The average monster-slaying missions couldn’t satisfy her, but she craved for something more, something of epic proportions. Would this Iscarios of Solarion be the place?
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    (SPC) Amalia Maruska Lillegard
    22 (January 9, 688EC)
    FS-14 Pathfinder– Tyche
    4th Generation
    Skirmish (Reconnaissance Unit)
    A focused and stern soldier, Amalia is a younger woman with pale skin, red eyes and a bob of dark black hair, a dead giveaway of her revenant ancestry. A little on the younger side compared to some of her squadmates, she is more often than not seen in her pilot gear, a striking suit of red and black without any additional equipment, constantly ready to leave at a moments notice. Her habitat is either inside her Ascalon running diagnostics, or evaluating battle footage in her own quarters, taking very little down time. She is very self-critical, always looking for flaws in her Ascalon she can repair, issues in her own strategies she can adjust, or strategic weaknesses in her opponents she can take advantage on in future battles.

    She treats everything and everyone with the same respect and professionalism she would expect in return, and becomes quickly irritated at other people's lack of professionalism. She has little respect for mercenaries and those purely motivated by money, and is more "Law and Order" orientated. Outside of work, she struggles to switch off, but does have a love of puzzles and problem solving. What amount of downtime she can be conviced to take usually means working on puzzle boxes and other distractions that keep her mind sharp.
    Amalia is a perfectionist and stern fighter, intent on being useful to her comrades and a bane to her enemies. Often overshadowed by her more successful older brother, she has little sense of self-worth, so has made a habit of keeping her nose down and doing what is expected of her. She doesn't question orders, and follows them to the letter, attempting to build a reputation as a reliable asset and fighter. Her aim is to be eventually recognised for her deeds on a larger scale. Her submissive nature is not to mistake her for a pushover however, as she will fight tooth and claw for what she believes in. She is trying to be more honest with herself and what she wants, be more than just the quiet background figure, but it's a tough act to break.

    While she's mostly a kind and polite person, she can also be very bossy, and is harshly critical of those who don't live up to her expectations and own standards. She also has a ton of repressed anger issues over being compared to her brother often. She doesn't resent him, but the siblings never got on because Amalia often felt she had to work twice as hard to be half as good. Amalia is an excellent analytical thinker and strategist, performing strategic work when required. Her Ascalon assists in this task, and she utilizes it to gather information before suggesting courses of action. Though she cares for her comrades, Amalia struggles socially to talk with them, treating a lot of conversations as a test and being cautious not to say anything that could be used to her detriment later.

    The concept of her living her own life and doing things just for her is difficult to do, and as such, she can come across as standoffish and stuck up. When she does speak however, it comes from a place of analytical and logical thought. Her voice is somewhat husky, and when she speaks it is slow and reserved, each word delicately chosen. You never know whose ears might be listening.
    687EC - Early Life
    Amalia was born to a loving family, with a single older brother. Her parents work as ambassadors in the Sanguinum territory and as such, she travelled a lot in her younger years while they undertook various diplomatic work. The consistent travel left it difficult for her to grow close to anyone her own age, and her brother was a good 12 years older than her. As they travelled, she found it difficult to befriend anyone due to the infrequency of time spent in places, as well as her Revenant apperance. Most of her time she spent alone, being home-schooled or reading about the places they were visiting.​

    701-703EC - Sibling Rivalry
    Growing up with such a large age gap between her and Lapidus meant that Amalia's deeds and work was often overshadowed by that of her brothers blossoming military career. It was difficult to feel good about your own choices when they were consistently compared to that of someone who was seen to be infinitely superior. The issue only grew when she had to live with Lapidus for a few years after their parents were called off world for work in a different sector. They decided that Amalia needed more stability than travelling every few weeks, and she moved in with her brother for a few years. Seeing Lapidus' all the time and his work ethic only made Amalia want to impress him and show that she too was capable of greatness, more concerend with proving it to him and her parents than herself. It was his own attitudes that led her to wanting to follow in his footsteps to join the Imperial Army, to try and gain his respect as an equal rather than as a financial burden to him.​

    704-708EC - Carving Her Own Path
    Figuring that with her own drive and passion she could surpass her brother, Amalia went into basic training for the Imperial Army. A passing knowledge of her brother and his work made it difficult for her to be recognized for her own deeds. While some of her physical tests were somewhat lacking, her mental aptitude and strategy scores earned her the Order Of Eden's attention. While she is smart enough to assume that some of this was down to her revenant heritage, she transferred to the Order's training camp, where she found much more solace in finding her own way in the world instead of simply trying to follow in her brother's footsteps. Her understanding and willingness to utilize "Shock and Awe" tactics in training exercises led to her graduation as a member of the BDAD, though not initially as a mecha pilot, but as a support operator instead.​

    709EC - Present
    Despite having graduated some time ago, Amalia was only cleared for Pilot missions recently. Her small frame and light stature made her an ideal candidate for a recently available Ascalon, that she renamed Tyche. The Ascalon's design required a smaller pilot for it's more agile movements, as well as someone with some resistance to the incredible G-forces it produced. From here she is aware that she is part of the detachment heading to Valeria. She is aware there is more to it than that, but if she needs to know, someone will tell her. At this point, she is too focused on making a good impression on her immediate superiors and proving she has earned the right to pilot Tyche.​
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    (SGT) Hak Se-Yoon
    28 (December 23, 681 EC)
    6'2" (188 cm)
    190 lb (86 kg)
    SD-06 Jackal – Typhon
    4th Generation
    Slayer (Hunter Unit)
    Hak is a tall, slim man with long black hair, which he wears either up or down, that often falls over his left eye. He has small, dark eyes and pierced ears most often affixed with large, circular earrings.

    He is perhaps something of an oddity among his peers in the sense that, for all intents and purposes, he is fairly normal, with little-to-nothing separating him from any other ordinary, polite person.
    Hak is at once a perfect gentleman and a bit of a goof, standing in stark contrast to his more dour compatriots.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis nunc nec neque faucibus, at congue turpis luctus. Donec venenatis aliquet odio sed euismod. Praesent dignissim nibh sed tortor tristique, nec placerat quam eleifend. Nunc euismod odio sit amet leo cursus, at pharetra felis sagittis. Vivamus odio nisi, facilisis a sem eu, venenatis molestie massa. Cras non magna lorem. Nunc eu ante pulvinar, efficitur quam et, hendrerit orci. Ut in accumsan nisl. Nullam vel ante posuere, faucibus nibh eu, consequat dui.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis nunc nec neque faucibus, at congue turpis luctus. Donec venenatis aliquet odio sed euismod. Praesent dignissim nibh sed tortor tristique, nec placerat quam eleifend. Nunc euismod odio sit amet leo cursus, at pharetra felis sagittis. Vivamus odio nisi, facilisis a sem eu, venenatis molestie massa. Cras non magna lorem. Nunc eu ante pulvinar, efficitur quam et, hendrerit orci. Ut in accumsan nisl. Nullam vel ante posuere, faucibus nibh eu, consequat dui.

    Donec ultrices ex a dolor rhoncus, sit amet imperdiet metus aliquet. Nam volutpat eleifend suscipit. Ut porttitor arcu quis massa dapibus, quis fermentum est mattis. Vivamus pretium metus ac cursus semper. Donec ipsum lacus, pellentesque sit amet magna ut, ullamcorper varius mi. Pellentesque id sapien vitae eros laoreet molestie. Suspendisse lobortis mi et nibh vulputate interdum.

    Nullam tincidunt metus elit, congue condimentum elit pharetra in. Cras finibus scelerisque fermentum. Duis nec augue lobortis justo sollicitudin tempus quis id justo. Fusce dictum nibh quis quam convallis ullamcorper. Integer eu tincidunt justo. Mauris quam est, rutrum eu nibh vitae, bibendum convallis erat. Fusce faucibus lorem vel turpis maximus, at rhoncus lacus egestas. Mauris laoreet purus et purus maximus efficitur. Vestibulum massa sem, fermentum et orci sit amet, iaculis vehicula dui.
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  • Order of Eden
    (SPC) Victor Xelos
    30 (November 05, 679 EC)
    5'11 (156 cm)
    245 lbs(111 Kg)
    XV-486 Hunter
    4th Generation
    Shock Trooper
    Victor Xelos is a middle age man with pale white skin, hazelnut eyes and black straight hair. Considered to be one of the older members of his squad-mates, often seen dressed in his complete all black pilot gear and rarely seen away from his squad mates as he finds it difficult to interact with anyone outside of his squad-mates. Prefers to stay at the back of his squad mates like a wallflower whenever the squad needs to move around at the base.

    Victor Xelos is not a talkative person nor is he an expressive person and seems to be more of a quiet stoic man that spends more time thinking or day dreaming rather than talking. Victor Xelos is uncomfortable with social interactions and tries to avoid the whole situation if possible.

    Whenever Victor cannot avoid social interaction with someone new, he tries to get to the point and makes it short. Victor tries to keep up with social interactions but misses important social cues which in turn makes him overly self-conscious about the whole situation to a point where he is usually twiddling his thumbs, scratching his arm or shaking his hands during the whole situation.

    Victor disgust of social interaction does not impede him when it requires him to complete the objective. While most would question orders, Victor will say a simple phrase "Don't question orders, Question how much leeway is allowed to complete the order." Victor believes that to accomplish the mission believes the phrase "Do your best and regret nothing less. However the definition of your best is flexible."

    Always silent and deep in thought, Victor is playing out scenarios, playing around in his and day dreaming about piloting his mech which tends to make it look like he has started to fall into the deep end that has taken most of the Blitzkrieg Deathclaw Assault Division. (His day dreams also includes occasional sounds that he makes.)

    Born on November 05, 679 EC at Elesrith into minor noble family with an older brother and sister just a few years apart each other. The Xelos family was so domineering in the way they raised their children that each child was given a role growing up Victors' older brother was going to be a socialite and continue the family name as the new lord while his sister was going to be groomed to enter the government office as for Victor, He is going to be a soldier. As long as their children would help raise the family name, it will be done.

    As his parents work on getting private tutors to ensure that each of their children would live up and lift the family name in the fields that the parents personally chose for the children. Failing to find a willing tutor to Victor to be a solider at such a young age, they went with their next plan Military boarding school all the while Victor was content with just sneaking into his siblings private lessons to learn, reading books in his family library and playing with his imagination with all the free time he was given.

    690-695 EC - Military academy.

    Only eleven years old and sent to a military academy plus with his parents forceful urging to join the military academy after school program: Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps. He was more or less a lackluster soldier never pushing himself to be at a hundred percent and always disappearing whenever the military instructor looks for willing recruits to step forward for a task. However it was during a field trip and seeing an Ascalon for the first time caused a spark to grow. Maybe it was his imagination or maybe it was him romanticizing the situation but Victor could see himself piloting one of those Ascalon. At that moment he did what he could to be a pilot for an Ascalon.

    696-700 EC - Imperial Army training.

    Officially enlisted into the Imperial Army but still following the family plan to becomes a solider in the Imperial Army that is how this situation appeared to the Xelos family but for Victor it was just a chance to ride an Ascalon. Physical and mental scores were passable though some suspect he might have cheated or purposely underperformed as once he entered the training grounds it felt like Victor tricked the instructors even though the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps instructors showed proof that shows Victor is a good cadet. One instructor did however ask Victor about that and Victor replied with I was told to pass.

    From that answer, the instructors had to trick Victor to succeed rather than just pass. All the time dangling the chance to ride an Ascalon as it seems like that is the only motivation that could do anything for Victor otherwise Victor would be left to his own devices. Instructors has attempted to get Victor to do a honorable melee combat spar in an Ascalon while Victor agreed to the spar just to ride an Ascalon, none of what he did would be considered honorable or melee and according to the Instructors it was more Guerrilla warfare than anything else. Tactics seemed similar to tactics commonly used by the Blitzkrieg Deathclaw Assault Division.

    701-708 EC- Assignment to Blitzkrieg Deathclaw Assault Division.

    Assigned to the XV-486-Hunter where he joined the Blitzkrieg Deathclaw Assault Division and participated in [Mission Data Expunged]

    After number of years in the Blitzkrieg Deathclaw Assault Division, Victor started to show key signs to mental complications that previous pilots of the XV-486-Hunter however Imperial Army Doctors cannot determine if these are the first signs or if it was his personality and quirks. Imperial Army Doctors suggest closer observations from squad mates to ensure if a pilot is needed to replace Victor when its time.

    709 EC - Valeria

    Currently on route to Valeria and Victor enjoys every second he is in the XV-486-Hunter. Awaiting the orders from Raidriar Asher that will get him to enjoy more fun and games in the XV-486-Hunter.

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    The One You See Coming!
    Howard Zerstoiten
    (SSG) Howard Zerstoiten
    50 (October 31, 0658)
    5'11 (180cm)
    70kg (154.7 lbs)
    RX-84 Tango - Belobog
    4th Gen
    Duo-list (Hybrid Unit Between CQB and LRC)
    An elderly man of moderate build. Howard Zerstoiten can be best described as a relaxed man who is easy going despite his complexion and cynical outlook. Frequently, he can be seen around his Ascalon, Belobog. Don't let his elderly appearance fool you, he can lay the smack down on you if need be. Devoted to his craft, Howard takes his rank as Staff Sergeant in the Order of Eden very seriously. He enjoys snooker games. His hobby is book collection.

    He visits the graves of his old war buddies and someone else. Lately, he's been in his Ascalon suit a lot although he prefers to be outside of it.
    A cynical yet easy going man, scarred by his experiences; he joined up with the Order only because it was the best thing that he could do and he did not want to go quietly into the rest of his years. He's willing to share a drink with anybody, eager to share his stories—of triumph and defeat. As the staff sargeant, he sees himself as the man who must uphold the prinicples of the Order, to lead by example. He expects perfection from hisself alone, although he is not young enough to beat himself up when he does not meet his own expectations.

    As mentioned, he is not shy of social interactions—even wishing to make a semblance of a connection between his squadmates. Those that have the gall to bleed alongside him, deserve to be called sister or brother in his eyes. He'll even lay down his life if the situation calls for it. This leads him to have no love for people higher than his rank, no matter who they are.

    When Howard was a young man, he was loud... Boisterous too, but he finds it difficult to maintain that level of jubilation these days. In fact, he is quite nostalgic about his youth. Still wearing his wedding ring all these years later. On the side, he collects books on various topics. His preferred reading material is Historical Fiction, Thrillers, and Horror.

    Due to his age, he's gotten around to wearing his pilot suit more often. It itches underneath his armpit. He hates it.

    —658-678: Scholastic Struggles;
    Howard Zerstoiten, born to a working-class family in the aftermath of the Second Great War, struggled greatly in his early life. He did not have much to eat, frequently plagued by an empty stomach, forced to drink water that may have been contaminated. He did not lead an easy life. He was also not gifted like many fabled stories of rags to riches. His school work also diminished as the young lad could just not focus on school work at all. But perseverance saved the Zerstoiten family. At the age of 19, Howard enlisted with the Empyrian Military and started his career.

    —679-689 Hysterical Habitat;
    It was the military that refined Howard's self-imposed discipline, their training methods were nothing short of excruciating for the young man. His aptitude for War was not to be underestimated however, he had managed to impress many of his drill instructors and was shipped to train for an Ascalon unit at the age of twenty-five! You would think that his aptitude for combat would transfer over to his Ascalon skills; except that's not what happened at all! He found it difficult and had to invest much more time than your average person to be proficient at it. He stuck to it, eventually completing the full course. During his time in the military, he also met the woman of his dreams: Eliana McKay.

    —690-691 Interlocked Iridescence;

    This was the year of their marriage. Where Miss McKay became Mrs Zerstoiten. It was the happiest year of Howard's life. He's never felt so alive since.

    —692-696 Tranquil Tremors;
    The Zerstoiten family had their ups and downs. The biggest down had to be the discovery of Zerstoiten's infertility that strained the bond. He had taken to drink, frequenting many bars even drinking while on duty. Eliana also had begun to strike word daggers into his back, whether that was because of his infertility or due to his alcoholism; it cannot be said. This planted the seed for Howard's cynical outlook. Then the Raignork War began.

    —697-698 Raignork War;

    This War devastated Howard's fragile psyche. Watching his comrades die one after another broke him. But Fate promised one more sword through his heart. Eliana, his wife, suffered a brain aneurysm, ending her life instantly. His fall into depression coincided with his devotion to the War. He became deadened to all sensations, not even watching his comrades die bothered him anymore. Not even civilians suffering moved his heart. He was glad the War ended in one year, as he reclused back to his home.


    After the War, Zerstoiten retired to his home. Now? There was nothing. Nobody there for him. Despite what she said to him, Howard knew that she didn't mean that. He cried for days. Days, days, days. It took all the will Howard could muster to continue. His saving grace was the invitation to the Order of Eden, a paramilitary organization with the goal of protection. Zerstoiten happily accepted the invitation to testing. Unlike all the other times in his life, there was no struggle with this test. He was prepared to the bone.

    Thanks to his new disposition, Howard was assigned to Blitzkrieg Deathclaw Assault Division.
    Alejandro De Mena
    23 (May 17th, 686 EC)
    6'0" (182 cm)
    208 lbs. (94 kg)
    XI-01 Berserker - Cu Chulainn
    4th Generation
    Heavy Assault (Shock and Awe)
    Alejandro, or Ale as he often uses for the sake of brevity, is a handsome young man with odd blue hair and a cockeyed grin that he wears almost constantly. Although surprising that someone of his vices and background made it into the Order of Eden, Alejandro is an unnatural talent, something he is well aware of and keen on reminding his more well-to-do comrades constantly. Alejandro often wears some style of clothing that shows off his muscular physique as well as the multitude of scars he carries. Because of Cu Chulainn's enormous physical strain on the pilot, Alejandro often wears as little as possible in the cockpit to facilitate faster cooling and to more easily lower his body temp.

    A show off and a braggart, Alejandro enjoys the spotlight as well as attention, being the youngest (and last) of three brothers made him highly competitive as well, trouble is often his most favored method of stealing the spotlight. Alejandro neither looks or acts the part of a soldier, his laziness and general disrespect towards authority has earned him the ire of many a commanding officer as well as by-the-books members of the Order. He especially likes getting under the skin of the extra serious operatives, finding their irritation quite amusing. Whenever he isn't in his Ascalon tweaking and tuning, he's usually in a bar or anywhere that serves alcohol where he can attempt to pick up women in relative peace. Alejandro is actually jealous of the Iscariot's somewhat, the prospect of getting paid more for the same job with less rules is extremely appealing to him, along with not having to deal with the stiffs in the Order. His loner tendencies caused him to develop an interest in music and whenever alone in his Ascalon or home, he could be heard practicing on a guitar and even singing if the mood catches him.
    A relaxed and casual person, Alejandro is the opposite of what many expect from an order of eden operative, he is charming and gives off the air of someone who doesn't let anything bother them. Alejandro has a sharp tongue and doesn't hesitate to use it, even against those of a higher station, which has cost him many hours of NJP as well as demotions. Alejandro also possesses a bit of an inferiority complex, believing that he has to prove that he is indeed one of the best in the blitzkrieg deathclaws, he himself is not averse to taking risks, and his brazen actions on the battlefield have earned him many a commendation that he then subsequently ruins by speaking out of turn usually.

    Alejandro's appearance of sarcastic wit and swagger is a veneer, the trauma he suffered throughout his formative years scarred him, leaving him with incredible amounts of repressed anger, and a crippling degree of trust issues. The loss of his mother and brothers have left a hole in him, and a paradoxical desire for companionship while also wanting to keep others away. He unconsciously uses his inner turmoil as fuel in combat, releasing his rage and becoming the namesake of his Ascalon, an unstoppable but cursed force of destruction to his enemies as well as himself. His disregard for his own safety is extremely alarming, borderline suicidal as commented by previous commanding officers. Despite evidence pointing towards growing instability, if it weren't for Alejandro's aggression, large numbers of lives would have been lost without his decisive action. His personality in the heat of battle changes considerably, becoming driven by anger and descending into an almost animalistic fury as he fights longer and longer, losing reason instead to simply revel in the simplicity of bloodshed. The skeletons in his closet disappear, and for a brief period all he has to think about is ripping and tearing his way through whatever is in front of him.
    686EC - Early Life

    Born into the De Mena family, Alejandro's father left soon after his birth leaving his mother to care for 3 sons, hardship and poverty highlighted his childhood, with his brothers all engaging in crime to supplement his mother's meager income. Alejandro learned early to fake it till you make it, adopting different persona's to acquire what his young self wanted. His penchant for getting into misadventures from a young age set the precedent for his attention seeking actions later in his life.

    696EC to 700EC - Missing in Action

    His brothers became deeply involved in criminal gangs in the Aucteraden region, his mother too occupied in a factory job with punishing hours to keep her boys out of trouble, eventually his older brother Martin simply never came home one day, Alejandro was still too young to understand concepts of death and mortality at this point, his brothers Israel and Enrique would also follow in Martin's footsteps, running drugs and rackets the only difference was that their bodies were eventually found. Alejandro had began to compartmentalize and ignore his own emotions as a defensive mechanism in order to keep control of his already fragile mental state. By this point his mother's health declined to the point of being unable to work, Alejandro then turned to one of the only ways to make decent money in the area.

    700 to 705EC - Sicario

    At age 14 Alejandro joined a large gang that acted as one of the many proxies of the Knightmare Cartel, the gang itself was based in Somnum, the capital of the Aucteraden district, he started with relatively minor jobs such as transporting stolen goods and narcotics and message duty. Over the years of his logical and level headed decisions he would be trusted with more illicit and highly criminal activities such as weapons trafficking and the transport of valuable drugs. Despite his disgust for the nature of the work, his mother required advanced medical care that was extremely expensive, when he was 17 an inter-gang negotiation had gone south quickly, and bullets began flying, Alejandro's swift response led to senior leadership being saved from a hail of bullets, due to his natural talent with a weapon and previous efficiency he was chosen to become a hitman. Over the next 2 years he would be taught the ins and outs of the trade, how to identify targets, how to make the deed Itself clean or messy, and how to send a message. Alejandro's mother died a day after his 19th birthday, an event that affected him to the point of not mentioning her name afterwards.

    705 to 707EC - Hard Time

    After his style of hits became known to authorities he topped wanted lists in the region eventually being apprehended in the process of stalking a high profile target, after being thrown in a cell and left to rot, Alejandro was approached by an imperial army recruiter, who offered to clear his sentence in return for serving on the frontlines. Not wanting to spend the rest of his life in prison and having nothing to lose Alejandro accepted, although he knew he would most likely used as cannon fodder against whatever the imperial army decided to fight, in order to avoid an ignoble death, Alejandro made sure to excel in basic, his scores were high enough to where he could apply for Ascalon piloting, he was then head hunted by the Order of Eden. He was accepted with the caveat of submitting himself to tests involving the effects of prototype technology including and not limited to azazel drives and the use of vicarious energy.

    707 to present - Legend Reborn

    After passing the 18 month training period as well as a multitude of tests meant to experiment with the often negative effects that the ultra powerful drives have on the human mind. Likely due to past trauma and his tolerance towards mental strain, Alejandro was more resistant to the mind altering effects of the azazel technology, leading to his assignment of a rather notorious Ascalon, made infamous by the extremely short lifespan of its previous pilots. Alejandro joined the vanguard of the Blitzkrieg Deathclaws, using his XI-01 as a line breaker and heavy assaulter. He nicknamed his Ascalon after an ancient hero from earth who possessed similar qualities to the highly destructive Ascalon.
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    Cynthe M. Sulubus
    (CPL) Cynthe Magnolia Sulubus
    28 || January 5th, 681 EC
    6'0" || 183 cm
    164 lbs || 74.3 kg
    PST-04-1.5 • TIAMAT
    4th Generation
    Hybrid || Air Defense & Sniper
    Her purple tresses shine either under the ethereal gleam graced by the moon or the scorching land that caresses them with its sunset-like light. Therefore, at any other time, her complexion shall be hidden under a black veil—it’s only appropriate.

    Her blue eyes hold a firm gaze, though it isn't cold. Her body moves like a flame, though she is calm. She is conservative, though she isn't stingy. Cynthe is a woman with a duality, though more on the subtle side. As a nyxian, Cynthe has the ability similar to psychokinetic, though instead of merely solid items, she can affect anything that consists of heat energy—solids, liquids, gasses, except for sentient beings.
    A woman that constantly battles in and out, here and there, day and night. Ranging from physical to mental, Cynthe is always swamped by many tasks. Even so, she loves her jobs, loves what they're for, and ultimately, loves what they bring to her—the crisis of identity and its cure.

    When not serving for Order of Eden, Cynthe works as a "voice" for Marigold "Rigold" Albarus, her half-sister. Dressed in black from head to toe -addressed merely as the shadow and vocal chord of Rigold-, only leaving a bit of a part for her lips, she supplies the next heir -for one of the Albarus' companies-, a voice for each of her thoughts that are meant to be conveyed.

    Cynthe operates her Ascalon with cool-headedness, never again dragged by the heat of the moment. It doesn't boggle her mind so, whenever she finds one that does the opposite, instead, she will be interested in hearing of their reasons. Within the arms of her camaraderie, Cynthe is supportive and reliant on her teammates. Despite knowing that she's older than most (with the exception being Howard), Cynthe never seems to mind nor has she envied those who're in a higher position than her or more successful. She does, however, get angsty whenever someone belittles her and Tiamat's efforts.
    Cynthe was born as the daughter of Almarissa Enid Sulubus, the second wife of Eidon Ligma Albarus. Her first cry, the first sign of her being alive and kicking, was on a cold noon. And yet, she felt nothing but warmth as her mother's arms around her frail body tightened.

    —687 - 697
    Six years old, that is the age Cynthe and other children from other second wives begin to get their proper training as future "voices". They were trained in batches with season names - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Ranging from pitch training to intonation, the children were tutored through it all. When her batch reached the age of 16, one by one, they were self-picked by the children of the first wives. There, Cynthe had officially met her half-sister, Rigold, and get picked to be her "voice".

    —699 - 701
    To make an identity for her, young Cynthe applied for military training for the Imperial Army. Perhaps it was foolish of her since that was her first exposure to this kind of world, and training certainly didn't come in easy for her but disciplinary. Even so, they were all worth it to Cynthe. Because she would finally able to live the little bit of her life out of the Albarus'; out as merely a shadow of Rigold. Though she hadn't yet carved her name out there, she certainly would in BDAD.

    —705 - 707
    But she had concluded that she was wrong—the cries from her preys were prayers for them being granted mercy by Tiamat, not Cynthe; the footprints left after the battle were of Tiamat's, not Cynthe. There was never "Cynthe", only Tiamat. But she couldn't disobey orders, or else everything she had gone through would be of waste. Twenty-four years old and still young, Cynthe's childish behavior prompted an idea that she will merge with Tiamat. A selfish request: for her suit to be installed stimulants so that every pain that Tiamat "feels", Cynthe would feel it, too. She reaped what she sowed; a hiatus for her to rest and to contemplate on her carelessness was given to her.

    —708 - Present
    Cynthe's officially back with a more mature mind. Still, she's driven by her initial goal as she continues her war-filled life as a pilot for Tiamat. On battlefields, though Cynthe will remain anonymous at best, she will make Tiamat an Ascalon feared by the enemies. Maybe no one besides her fellow members of Order of Eden and enemies will know of her, but Cynthe thinks it would be the best-case scenario rather than none. Because if she remains "unknown" in both sides of her life, she is sure she will regret it.
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