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Creator of my own little Universe
Sunday, 20 december, normally a day for most to sleep in, but not today. Today was gonna be a busy day at Valendor, even with just so little people around. As for this morning, for the very first time, humans would enter the Valendor grounds. Only a mere 24 hours after a storm laid Dolgas Academy to ruins, though luckily most students had been spared and gotten away with minor wounds and injuries, before the old building fully collapsed later that Saturday. The students had spend the remaining day and following night at the hospital, until word came from no one less then Headmistress Blackmore. The students were allowed to say with her own, at the dorms of Valendor. Some may say it was an act of kindness, others may say there was a more selfish motive at play. No matter who was right or wrong, at 6:30 in the morning the drivers were sent out to pick up the students and the belongings they had been able to save and take before the collapse of the building. Dropping off the students at Valendor would be the last task for the staff, before they too were send on a well-deserved winter break.

Valendor students had been urged to be present in the dining room at 8:45, around the same time as the open court was slowly taken up by the six black Mercedesses that had been sent out to collect the humans. A mundane, but luxurious, breakfast was set up in the dining room. The weather was rather nice, despite the thick overcast and the threat of light snow in the late afternoon. It was even a bit warmer than usual around this time. All together it promised to be an interesting day already.
Date: 20 December, between 8:45 - 9:00.
Weather: Overcast with a light wind going 5mph (8kph). There will most likely be light snow in the afternoon.
Temperature: around 39°F (3°C), which will drop to 28°F (-3°C) after 15:00.
Objective: Gathering in the dining room for breakfast and welcome speech.


Tehuri Blackmore
The Ancient Vampire Queen

A soft sigh could be heard followed by the dull thud of a book being closed. Some strands of raven black hair danced over the naked shoulder as the female it belonged to gracefully got up from the leather chair. Her heels clicked over the wooden floor as she moved to gently push the book between the others, back to the place where it belonged on the shelves surrounding her. The library expanding below and above her. Her pride, along with Valendor as a whole, even if Valendor itself had not been her choice. Not in the slightest. Yet it had grown on her and now she prided herself with creating a safe haven for whom ever needs it for the past few centuries. The heels continued ticking, up the stairs and another flight of stairs. All the way to the top floor, before leaving the library behind and going to her personal quarters, which were not that often used for sleeping. Not because she had a busy life, but vampires hardly ever needed sleep. The high heels were kicked off as the lady of the palace quickly disappeared into the bathroom, only briefly though. No matter how much she loved the mini dress she had previously been wearing, she had opted for a little more professional look today. After all today was a special occassion. She was slightly giddy about it, the arrival of the humans. And that was not just for the selfish reasons most accused her off.

Her heels, a different pair now, clicked against the stones as she took the stairs down, while listening to the various sounds that went through the castle. Some students still waking up, others already up for hours, and some never having slept, like her. The smell of breakfast reached her, and even though she did not eat, she did enjoy the smells. She could eat as well, but it had no nutritional value to her, so she didn't see the reason to. She stopped at the foyer as she looked out over the court where the human students had started arriving and took in their reactions for a little while. A friendly smile gracing her features, before she moved on to the dining room where she had told her students to be. As always chosing her place at the head of the table, while she waited for each and every student to come in. Once all, or most, seats were taken, she pushed her chair back and stood up in order to gain the attention. It helped that at least her own students knew who she was and thus knew to shut up. She took a deep breath. "Welcome to Valendor," she spoke. Her voice gentle, but strong in order to captivate the attention of the last few.

"For those that don't know, I am Lady Blackmore, headmistress of Valendor," she continued as one hand found its resting place on her hip. The other holding a rolled up piece of paper, that had their name writted down in beautiful handwriting. "Don't worry, I will keep this welcome speech short, since I am pretty sure all of you have much better things to do, than listening to me talk," Tehuri spoke with a light chuckle, "however basic introductions are necessary. After this, I promise, you are free to explorer the grounds, get to know each other and enjoy the breakfast, if you so wish." Her emerald gaze sliding along the table, taking in each human, before she held out the paper to the first student on her left. "Rooms will be shared. On that paper, you will see what room is yours and who your roommate will be for the winter break. It is all based on nothing in particular and switching rooms is not possible." Her eyes now traveled to some of her own students, that were known to enjoy their privacy and loneliness. "Other than that, I am sure my students will help all of you to get settled as quickly as possible and inform you about the rules and regulations of Valendor." Mostly so she didn't have to hold an extermely boring monologue that no one was really listening to as she would drone on about what rules were in place and what was expected from the students. "So please, enjoy yourselves!"

With those words, the lady moved to sit down again. Her legs crossing over each other, before she suddenly straightened a bit more again. "Oh and please don't forget about the annual Winter Ball coming up!" she said, "it is just eleven days from now. As always, Valendor will provide whatever you want or need. Don't be afraid to come by and ask, so we can look into the possibilities." Her eyes traveled over towards Selena for a moment. "Which reminds me, Selena, that the fabrics you ordered came in. I had them brought up to the studio." She gave the other vampire a small smile, always admiring her creations, even if it was not something she'd wear herself or would want to be found dead in. So to speak, at least.
Location: Dining Room
Interaction: General
Mention: Everyone, specifically Selena thorspuddingcup thorspuddingcup
Outfit: Outfit and Heels


Aleksi Valdir
Beta of the Eryna pack

His breath was coming out in little huffs as he jogged up the last bit from the forest edge towards the sports area. His hands quickly went through his hair to get the last few leaves and little twigs out the messy strands. His fingers played through them once again, which didn't help with the messy state of his hair. There was a wide grin on his face, though that was not really unusually for him. He was very curious and very excited to meet the humans, and thus possible new friends. So excited, he had not been able to contain his energy and decided to go for a morning run. He had been able to find his pants back where he had left them in the hollow tree, but his shirt? He had no idea where that piece of clothing had gone. Luckily the cold didn't bother him much. For as far as these temperatures could be named cold. These were summer temperatures where he came from.

It seemed like the lycan was just in time, as some black vehicles had lined up on the court of the palace. "Ah! No, please, let me help!" the young male spoke quickly. He walked up to the small blonde lady. He picked up her bags as if they weighted nothing, which might not all be that untrue for him. "Oi! Bran, don't be lazy!" he shouted out, when he spotted his best friend. Though he knew th eother was most likely just finished with the morning work out. He gave the lady another big smile as he carried the luggage effortlessly towards the palace where they were supposed to gather. "My name is Aleksi, by the way," he introduced himself towards the lovely young lady. Not at all thinking about how strange it was for a half naked man to just grab and carry your bags like that. He didn't even listen if there was any protest as he was already checking out the other humans that had arrived.

Despite his size and mostly rough handling of things, Aleksi made sure to be careful with the bags of the lady. He put them down in the foyer, where the scent of breakfast and the rumbling of his stomach was catching all of his attention now. Food was always a nice thing for a lycan, definitely after a long run and full transformation. And thus without another word, he simply followed his nose to the dining room. His eyes sparkling with all the food that was on display, and he grabbed the first thing within his reach and stuffed the waffle into his mouth, before realizing he had lost his company. He quickly turned around towards the blonde lady whose bags he had carried in. "Oh, I am sorry," he said with a bit sheepish expression on his face now. He put the last part of the waffle into his mouth and swallowed, before speaking agian. "I completely missed your name."

He pulled on of the chairs back to offer it to the girl, if she still wished to stay around. He took the one next to it, coincidental close to the chicken breast sandwiches. And it took all but two seconds before he was munching down on one of those as well. Right as their headmistress stood and called for their attention, cutting all chatter around the table short. He seemed to perk a bit up at the mention of shared rooms, which was a rather usual thing at Valendor, and for a moment the other half of the sandwich was forgotten. His eyes followed the paper as it traveled on the other side of the table now. He was curious to see who his roommate would be, and he hoped it would be someone fun. He would make them fun if he had too!
Location: Dining Room
Interaction: Haven kath1515 kath1515
Mention: Bran Veil Walker Veil Walker
Outfit: Just pants


Young Prince of Nilmehona

Unlike most of the others, Azuris was not happy at all with the humans coming. More people that would crowd the hallways, more people he would have to avoid. And humans in general... ugh. Yes, he was not happy with this decision from their headmistress at all, but there was little he could do about it. Except sulking as he was doing right now at the bottom of the salt water pool. His tail lazely moved a bit from left to right to keep him in motion. Perhaps it would not be that bad... He scoffed. Who was he kidding? More people around was never good news, and as much as he wanted to avoid it all, he knew that would not solve the problem. He pushed himself off from the bottom of the pool and let himself float up towards the surface.

Webbed fingers reached for the edge of the pool and quickly and gracefully, he pushed himself up. With his upper body no longer surrounded by the salt water, the tail split and it took just mere seconds to adjust them to legs. He crawled out, already missing the water as he took a towel and quickly dried himself, though it was not that necessary. His skin seemed to soak up the water like a sponge and those that flattened down hair bounced up to its curly state, a progress that would take up to fifteen minutes without the help of a towel. He moved the fabric around his head as he walked towards the changing rooms, stark naked, though no private parts were on display as those azure blue scales still kept him decent. They disappeared as soon as he got dressed though. Simple dark blue jeans and a light blue turtleneck on top. Perfect for the weather and to hide himself in. He also liked the design of it as he stroke his fingers over it, the webbing between them completely done now. He looked at himself in the mirror and dried his hair for a moment longer, but he could no longer idle around.

Another deep sigh followed and he left the pool room. He pulled the turtle neck up a bit higher, covering the lower part of his face as he made his way over the court. He ignored each and everyone of them, super natural and humans alike. Most of his fellow students were used to it by now and left him alone, and the humans better go used to it quickly as well. He wasn't here to socialize and make friends, especially not with humans. Quick steps took him through the side entrance into the dining room that he usually would avoid, especially with how crowded it was being now. His eyes scouted through the room as he took a seat as close as possible to the door, that way he could escape as soon as possible. He sunk a bit further into his chair, pulling the sleeves of his sweater over his hands in an attempt to hide himself more and more from the world. He was so not interested in being here, at all...
Location: Dining Room
Interaction: No one
Mention: No one
Outfit: Turtleneck
Hannicus Greencoast: Ex Oblivione

He was on his knees in the circle of incense and bloodflowers and moonstones, the room lit by the a single flickering candle he held in his palms. The sky outside the room was still pitch black but for the distant pinpricks of light and fire in the symphonic halls of the Outer Gods. The man, dressed in satin felt robes and a crimson hood, shivered wildly in a trance.

From his mouth came a thousand tongues and none, a soundless and deafening chant. His shut eyes looked to a great many things for a response, to within his heart and to the great beyond. He called to the Great Pharaoh for wisdom, to the Beyond-One for strength, and to the Primal Chaos for peace- as he always did in the blackest hours of the morning. But today was special, obviously. So he hoped for the long arms of Nyarlathotep would deign to bless him with its touch today, to fill his spirit with great awe and horror.

But there was only silence.

The candle died in Hannicus Greencoast's hand, and with it the moonstones dulled once more to lifelessness. His eyes flashed open, and he once more became aware of himself and his surroundings. He was drenched in sweat, and he could make out the faint vestiges of blue webs between his fingers. He felt his neck, brushing the hint of feathery gills with his fingers. Those should fade once I have calmed myself, he figured as he headed to the bathroom to get himself cleaned up. Big day today- he washed up, brushed his teeth, got himself into some more...socially acceptable garb than his religious attire. After that was done, Hannicus reached down and grabbed a rolled up banner. On it wrote-

"Welcome Students of Dolgas! Join the Pastafarian Society! We have cookies!"

-alongside some crudely drawn smilies and- Yog-Sothoth forgive me- impressions of various Old Ones. Well, he wasn't much of an artist and the Pastafarian Society didn't exactly have a blossoming membership.

Hannicus strolled down to the dining hall- the air was close to freezing outside, making him regret not bringing a jacket. He helped himself to some scrambled eggs and half a baguette. The hall was conspiciously absent of the typical magical and monstrous revelry- most od Valendor's students had the sense to keep that on the down-low. On Hannicus' part, he had little that could physically distinguish him from their new friends at Dolgas, so he wouldn't even have to try. Which was just as well, given the raven-haired man's...disposition.

He overheard some chatter about how young their gallant headmistress Blackmore was and laughed richly and loudly- probably too loudly. A large, messy-haired man with a nose-piercing muttered a sarcastic remark about Professor Goblintooth- that half-ogre who had taught him religious literature and also failed him for it- and his rather larger-than-average bald noggin. "Oh yeah, unfortunate really. He got it from an STD- we all call him the Bobbler.", Hannicus spoke well within earshot of his former lecturer with deliberate eye contact. The glare Goblintooth gave him in return looked fit to kill.

The Dolgas student with the nose piercing shot him a sharp look- Hannicus couldn't quite make out whether it was annoyance or interest. "Hey, name's Hannicus- you can call me Han. Mind if I sit here?"

Location: Dining Hall
Interactions: Nicolas Thompson ( Kio.exe Kio.exe )
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Finnley Walker
Dining Room / Interactions: Esmerelda Tores ( DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein )
Finn had wanted to stay awake for the entire ride to Valendor. They had attempted to make smalltalk with the driver when they first gotten into the Mercedes, but they found quickly that he was not nearly as interested in chit-chat as Finn was. And, lacking entertainment from his reluctant company, Finn resigned himself to staring out the window for the rest of the ride.
The view he was met with sent a slight grimace across his face. They hadn't gotten the chance to evaluate their appearance in the first moments of chaos at the hospital, nor had it occurred to them in the following sleepless hours as he came down from his adrenaline high (having a building collapse on you tends to be a bit... for lack of a better word, exciting). In fact, this was the first time Finnley had really gotten a good look at their reflection since the collapse.
A tired but broad grin rested on his features (although, any happiness it communicated was slightly dampened by the recently scabbed-over split on his bottom lip). A blue-purple bruise clouded the left side of their jaw, which explained why dull sparks of pain shot into their head every time something so much as brushed the area. One vaguely circular scrape hovered on his forehead, and Finn slowly tugged a lock of hair over it.
Even as they analyzed their appearance in the window, their eyes slowly unfocused as pine trees flew hypnotically past. He tried to stay awake, he really did, and yet.... Their breathing slowed, their head drooped into their hand, and -snuggling into the warm, red pullover hoodie that he had struggled to get on over his wrist brace this morning- Finn fell asleep.
It felt like he had merely blinked, but when the car's sudden halting jolted him awake, Finn found himself with a slight soreness in his neck that suggested that he had been leaning on the car door for quite a bit longer than it felt. Suppressing a yawn, they meandered out of the vehicle (after giving a nod and wave to their driver, of course) and around to the trunk. He hadn't really salvaged much from the wreckage. All of Finn's belongings fit into a single, slate blue and grey backpack, which he threw (with some struggle due to the brace wrapped around his left wrist) onto his back.
Glancing across the line of black Mercedes, he spotted a few of his friends. They spotted Esmee exiting her car and flashed her a thumbs up. He was about to head over to her when a strange sight caught his eye: A shirtless man (a student at Valendor?) carrying bags into the main building, where- Wow that was a big building. Beautifully designed doorways with intricate etchings swirling up and along it's majestic arches. And within the terrifically high ceilings that Finn had to crane his neck to see... Before they had even registered it, they had wandered their way to the dining room. He plopped into a seat (which seemed very expensive) next to the guy he had spotted in the first place and settled down to listen to the announcement (though, he hardly heard the what the headmaster was saying, he was too busy marveling at the architecture).
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Haven Mitchelson

location: Dining Room

interactions: Bran ( DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein )
Finn ( BittyBobcat BittyBobcat )

outfit: outfit

After Dolgas had collapsed, Haven and the rest of the Dolgas students ended up staying the night in the hospital. Thankfully there weren’t too many of them and no one seemed too hurt. Haven had made it out with only a few scrapes herself. They’d gotten a message later that night that cars would be sent the following morning to take all the stranded students to Valendor (where they would spend the rest of the break), which was relieving because Haven didn’t exactly have any sort of housing back-up plan.

They had been picked up at 6:30 the next morning, which Haven held was way too early to be doing anything. A group of black Mercedes cars had been waiting outside the hospital doors for the group of students traveling to Valendor. The ride had been fairly long, which Haven was kind of grateful for as it gave her a chance to nap (a building collapse takes a lot out of a girl). Finally, about 10 or so minutes after she woke up, fully rested now thankfully, the car came to a stop in the middle of Valendor’s open court. She said a quick thank you to the driver, before popping her car door open and stepping out. Taking a second to look at the scenery, she knew she’d been right, it was gorgeous here and going to make for some amazing pictures. She turned back to her luggage, what was left of her belongings post-building collapse, but before she could start making the attempt to lug them inside, they were swooped up by some Valendor student.

“Oh, thank you”, she said, before trying to get a better look at the guy holding her luggage. He was at least a foot taller than her and for some reason not wearing a shirt. God, wasn’t he cold? She was wearing a heavy jacket and still felt like she might have been freezing to death. The boy, who had introduced himself as Aleksi, seemed to have no problem with the weather or her luggage, which he seemed to be carrying without any effort at all. So, she let the whole shirt thing drop, and instead focused on the fact that he would totally be an amazing model for photos. Not that she was going to ask him that right now, she’d learned from experience that asking someone you’re just meeting for the first time to pose for pictures really isn’t the best way to go about things. (She did it once, it was a long time ago, she learned her lesson).

Haven followed Aleksi inside the building and into the lobby, where he deposited her bags. She continued trailing behind him as he made a beeline for the dining room, glancing behind her shoulder at her luggage. She guessed it was fine to just leave it there for now. Aleksi seemed to know what he was doing. Once in the dining room, Haven stood a little awkwardly behind Aleksi as he began shoveling waffles into his mouth. He seemed to realize she was still there after a moment and asked for her name. “Oh, I’m Haven”, she said, “Thanks again for helping me move my luggage in.” After she finished introducing herself, she began to sit down in the chair the boy had pulled out for her (he was now shoveling chicken sandwiches into his mouth).

Haven had only just sat down when the Headmistress began welcoming all the Dolgas students to Valendor. They were gonna have roommates, the Headmistress said. Haven didn’t have any problem with that, I sounded fun to her, she just hoped whoever it was she got along with, the Headmistress did say that they weren’t allowed to switch roommates at all. And a Winter’s Ball. That was exciting. Eleven days though wasn’t a lot of time to prepare, where was she going to find a dress? It wasn’t like she had one on-hand. And a date. Where was she going to find a date? She wouldn’t really mind going alone though, or she could probably get Finn to go with her as friends. Deciding to save thoughts of the ball for later, Haven began eating while she waited for the paper with roommate assignments to reach her.

Taking the sheet from the person on her left, Haven scanned the paper, looking for her roommate's name. Cynderic Mayfield. Not from Dolgas. She passed the paper to Aleksi and waited until he’d found his roommate on the list before she asked him a question. “Hey, Aleksi,” she said, nudging him a bit with her elbow to try and get his attention, “So, I’m rooming with, uh, Cynderic Mayfield. Do you know who that is?" Haven then glanced back at the rest of the dining room and noticed Finn had taken a seat on Aleksi's other side. She leaned forward in her chair to talk to him and said, "Hey Finn! I haven't seen you since the collapse. Are you doing okay, did you get your stuff in okay?"

coded by weldherwings.
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Cynderic Mayfield

The cat unfurled from his resting spot on his bed before jumping off landing on human feet. He grumbled a little in protest, he had planned to sleep in today. With a stretch he crossed the room and started his usual morning routine of touching up his face with some light makeup and making sure his hair was just right. Cynder rummaged his closet for todays outfit, having a hard time picking which jacket would be appropriate for todays weather.

While internally debating of what todays activities might include he remembered the arrival of the Dolgas students and the reason for his early awakening. A wave of excitement went through him and he did a little shimmy. New people means possibly new friends. He was about to leave his room when he remembered to take a picture of his outfit for today. Cynder stood back in front of the mirror and snapped a photo with his phone. Click. Pausing a second to stare at the screen. Furrowed his brow in disappointment, blurry. Click. Better. He left the room with his eyes still down at the screen as he typed some cutesy tagline and posted it to his page.

Once at the bottom of the stairs he watched everyone filing into the dinning hall. He turned to look towards the foyer as the Dolgas students arrived. He was excited to get to introduce himself but his stomach grumbled reminding him there were other things to do first. He entered the dinning hall and plopped himself into a seat picking up a small bowl of fruit and beginning to chow on it. He stopped only when Headmistress Blackmore began her announcements. He became jittery with excitement at the announcement of roommates. He drummed his hands on the table as he waited the paper to pass him and glanced at the name with his. Haven Mitchelson. What a nice name. His eyes darted around the table wondering who they were.
Location: Dinning Hall
Mentions: Haven Mitchelson ( kath1515 kath1515 )
Outfit: Jacket, Outfit,

Isaac Lynch

Cynderic Mayfield
Headmistress Blackmore, Cynderic Mayfield, Wilhelmina Day
ClownPope ClownPope

Dining Hall
outfit here

The huff and puff coming from the room would lead people, within earshot, to believe someone in the room was doing a heavy workout or something more..... well that wasn't true. Isaac jumped on the balls of his feet as his hands punched out in front of him. The boy continued to air box while admiring himself in the mirror. Wearing only his boxer briefs, Isaac's toned body was on full show. Although vain, it was in his nature to train and why not enjoy the outcome of it? Today was an interesting day what with the human students arriving. Isaac had mixed feelings over it all. He believed Blackmore just wanted easy food, smart on her behalf. Isaac didn't much like his headmistress, he didn't really like authority as a whole but he put up with it. Blackmore's only redeeming trait in Isaac's opinion was her looks. Isaac finally topped flexing in the mirror and decided to get changed. He was late for the introduction of the humans.

A quick shower and a change of clothes later, Isaac was ready. He assumed the Headmistress had already finished whatever it was she doing with the students and humans meaning Isaac had missed a part of the introduction Oh well. Before leaving, he slung his sword over his back. This particular sword was Isaac's most prized possession and followed him wherever he went. Passed down through generations of the Lynch family, this sword was inscribed with their family motto, coat of arms and a Celtic cross. The blade had also been spelled upon its creation to be unbreakable. Isaac left the room, twirling a smaller knife between his hands, keeping himself busy. As he reached the stairs he could hear some chatter from the dining room, Isaac made it to the bottom of the stairs and rounded the corner to the dining room.

His electric blue eyes took in the scene. The Headmistress was standing and had just announced shared rooms. Isaac sighed and leaned up against the doorway, the knife effortlessly moving across his hands - he was very clearly skilled. He scanned the room, studying all the faces of the newcomers and sizing them up. Interesting. Isaac decided then and there that he wasn't going to let Blackmore use these humans as her own personal blood bags because without a doubt that's what he believed. Or maybe she wasn't? Maybe taking in these humans was a legitimate act of good? Isaac would get to the bottom of it, at least he hoped so. As she sat down, he decided to do so as well.

The boy walked over to the table, eyeing up the sheet of paper that Cynderic was holding. He tucked the small knife into his jacket pockets and sat down beside Cynderic. "Alright fur ball?" Isaac greeted them, snatching the piece of paper from Cynderic's hands, "Bit weird don't ya think? All this roomie shit." Isaac looked down at the paper while his free hand went wandering for food. Finding his own name he seen that he would be rooming with Wilhelmina. Isaac sighed. He was hoping for a human, easier to protect them if they were close. He didn't even know this Wilhelmina well, maybe talked to her once or twice. He passed the sheet on to the next person.


♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡
Bran had been up very early this morning. These days, his body didn't give him much rest, the fires in his blood flaring into life at four am. Hearing a whine from the foot of his bed, Bran figured Pierogi, his bear cub, needed a walk. Stretching gingerly, Bran threw on some clothes and headed out for his morning run. Bran did a run every day and he honestly hated it. He hated the way he got pinpricks of heat along his neck and back. Hated the way his body felt like it was waddling along, even at full speed. He much preferred to lift in the gym, but running seemed to be the only thing aside from fighting that would calm the restless energy in his blood. So it was a sweaty and slightly out of breath Bran that approached the new arrivals. To the newcomers, he was a large intimidating figure, who seemed almost as broad as he was tall. An uncharitable person would call him overweight, his love of beer giving him a paunchy belly. Still, his arms showed the power of his body, barely contained by his thin cotton sweater. Spotting his oldest friend, Bran headed over, his trademark huge grin plastered upon his face.

"Aleksi, my friend! Did you lose your shirt again? Funny how that always seems to happen when pretty people show up. Lazy? Have you ever known me not to pull my weight, old friend?" So saying, Bran scooped up as much luggage as he could, easily coping with the weight of the belongings. Pierogi came following behind, letting out a whiny yawn.
"Yes, Pierogi. We shall get you some food shortly." Bran entered the school, and with a soft grunt gently deposited the luggage with the other bags. Sitting in one of the chairs, and helping Pierogi into his lap, Bran munched on the provided food, slipping Pierogi bites of ham and bacon now and again as he listened quietly to the Headmistress was speaking. He couldn't contain his excitement, however, at the mention of roommates.

"Roommates? This is good, ja?" Bran accepted the list from Isaac after giving the other boy a wary look. It felt like Isaac had been trying to provoke him into a fight ever since their first meeting, and Bran didn't like it. Scanning the list quickly, Bran saw his name as well as the name of his new roomie.
"Which one of you is Dexter? It looks like we're roomies!" Bran could hardly contain his excitement as he scanned the room for the person who would soon become his new friend.


LOCATION: dining hall
OUTFIT: here
MENTIONS: open .
She had been expecting another typical term at Valendor and all the dull things that came with it, but with a little chaos thrown in the loop by herself. But to think that everything was shaken up by a little storm and now Valendor would open its gate to some random
humans. Really she didn’t know what the headmistress had been thinking. Absinthe wasn’t complaining though since she didn’t really feel one way or another about the mortals. Things were going to get a lot more interesting with them around to say the least, if they managed to survive that is. Valendor was full of all types of monsters and she knew for a fact that some of them had a taste for humans, be it blood, flesh, or whatever else they had to offer. For a brief moment she wondered if any of their life-force would be worth snacking on even though she had a preference for other supernaturals.

And speaking of other supernaturals, Absinthe wasn’t sure if she would be able to stay in her dorm without cursing her roommate. Whoever had gotten the idea to change things up would feel her wrath if she ever found out who it was. Silencing spells would probably be a daily thing for her if she didn’t plan on taking a chunk out of her roommate or hexing him in some way. She highly doubted that she would be able to put up with his rituals if he planned on doing them every morning. Absinthe’s lip curled at the thought, revealing a hint of razor sharp teeth.

Absinthe was pulled from her thoughts but Headmistress Blackmore’s voice. Of course she would have been the one to decide that the rooms needed to be changed. The halfbreed rolled her eyes in annoyance. When she mentioned something about showing the humans around, she couldn’t help but chuckle. Absinthe knew that she was the last person who should be telling anyone about the rules of Valendor and she had better things to do than to play tour guide for the mortals. Absinthe pushed up her classes a little and leaned back in her seat, her mind thinking of the possible trouble she could get into now that the speech was over.

code by low fidelity.

She had been expecting another typical term at Valendor and all the dull things that came with it, but with a little chaos thrown in the loop by herself. But to think that everything was shaken up by a little storm and now Valendor would open its gate to some random
humans. Really she didn’t know what the headmistress had been thinking. Absinthe wasn’t complaining though since she didn’t really feel one way or another about the mortals. Things were going to get a lot more interesting with them around to say the least, if they managed to survive that is. Valendor was full of all types of monsters and she knew for a fact that some of them had a taste for humans, be it blood, flesh, or whatever else they had to offer. For a brief moment she wondered if any of their life-force would be worth snacking on even though she had a preference for other supernaturals.

And speaking of other supernaturals, Absinthe wasn’t sure if she would be able to stay in her dorm without cursing her roommate. Whoever had gotten the idea to change things up would feel her wrath if she ever found out who it was. Silencing spells would probably be a daily thing for her if she didn’t plan on taking a chunk out of her roommate or hexing him in some way. She highly doubted that she would be able to put up with his rituals if he planned on doing them every morning. Absinthe’s lip curled at the thought, revealing a hint of razor sharp teeth.

Absinthe was pulled from her thoughts but Headmistress Blackmore’s voice. Of course she would have been the one to decide that the rooms needed to be changed. The halfbreed rolled her eyes in annoyance. When she mentioned something about showing the humans around, she couldn’t help but chuckle. Absinthe knew that she was the last person who should be telling anyone about the rules of Valendor and she had better things to do than to play tour guide for the mortals. Absinthe pushed up her classes a little and leaned back in her seat, her mind thinking of the possible trouble she could get into now that the speech was over.
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The blankets were soooo warm. Selena bunched the quilted pink covers up in her fists and pulled them tighter around herself. She knew she had to get up, Mistress Blackmore had instructed them to. But the bed was sooooo comfy, she didn't want to leave. With a yawn, she reluctantly threw the covers back and shivered in the morning air. Going into the bathroom Selena quickly washed the sleep from her face, wishing she could see herself in the built in mirror hanging upon the wall above the sink. She touched her finger tips to the surface and frowned.

The December morning was cold, and Selena threw on one her her warmer dresses and coat along with her boots in case it had snowed while she was asleep. Looking out the window, Selena spied a convey of black Mercedes pulling up towards the school. She had no idea who was inside, or why they would be here. Was there a visit from investors? Potential future students? Seemed like an odd time considering Christmas was only a few days away.

Checking her hair and face usingthe camera of her phone, Selena deemed herself worthy of being seen by others and grabbed a parasol from its stand next to the door. The delicate cream lace did nothing against rain, but it did protect her from the harsh rays of the sun. Oh, how she longed to feel the touch of sunshine upon her skin without burning to death.

The dining hall was warm and filled with the smells of rich foods. Selena prepared herself a heaping plate of french toast smothered in sticky syrup and sprinkled with a dusting of powdered sugar. The taste was sickeningly sweet, and absolutely perfect. She bid a good morning to her fellow peers as they ate their morning meal, watching as Bran fed his adorable bear cub scraps under the table. The people Selena had watched exit the cars joined them, and immediately Selena recognized them as humans.

Humans?! Here? Was there some sort of memo or email Selena had missed? Some of the human's looked rather beaten up and shaken. Oh no, they hadnt been brought here for bloodsport had they? Were they cattle to be fed upon? Selena gagged and pushed her french toast to the side, sipping lightly on her tea to quell her nausea. Oh how she hated seeing humans treated as a lesser beings. Selena loved humans. Their culture and zest for life was fascinating, and Selena greatly enjoyed their fashion and television shows.

Selena snapped out of her thoughts as Blackmore addressed the humans, and had to keep herself from spitting tea from her mouth and onto her classmates. Humans would be staying here?! Selena felt overjoyed at the prospect. Finally, a chance to interact with humans without the prying eyes of her predatory vampiric family judging her. Looking over the list of newly assigned roommates, Selena was happy to see that a human by the name of Esmeralda would be rooming with her. Selena hoped she was a kind and fun person to be around. She couldnt wait to live side by side with a real human! Ahhhh, the thrill!

The only downside being the small fridge Selena kept in her dorm. It was filled with a small supply of blood for feeding. Selena was going to have to hide that ASAP. Perhaps one of her other supernatural friends who weren't rooming with a human would be willing to house it within their dorms?

Selena was snapped out of her thoughts once again by Mistress Blackmore. "Oh they are? Fantastic!" Selena clapped her hands together in delight. She couldn't wait to get started on her next project. "Thank you Mistress, I shall collect them after breakfast and take them to the workshop immediately!"

Location: Dining Hall
Interactions/Mentions: Veil Walker Veil Walker , DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein
Top, Shoes
Wilhelmina Day

Soft humming drifted through the greenhouse as Wilma stood in front of a table which on top rested a large pot containing tall purple flowers. Monkshood or Wolfsbane. She was an early riser and had already been awake a few hours tending to the plant. It was one of her projects, to cultivate a Wolfsbane plant that was no longer poisonous to other creatures. It was a long process that took up most of her time when she wasn't reading in the library or in classes. She pulled off her gloves and scrawled some noted down in a notebook beside the table. Unfortunately this one was still deadly.

Taking note of the time she closed her notebook and cleaned up her small work area. After dusting her hands off on the smock she was wearing she hung it up near the door and switched it out for her jacket before stepping out of the greenhouse and hurrying to the main palace. She paused a moment to watch the cars roll in but continued on her way.

She entered the dinning hall and took a seat. Grabbing whatever was closest to eat without having to reach over anyone. She silently listened to the Headmistress glancing between everyone with a small pang of anxiety, but kept a cheerful expression. Although she wasn't thrilled about the human students joining them it would be rude to not at least try to be friendly. When the name sheet passed her she tried not to groan in disapproval. Isaac. She didn't have anything against him personally. To be honest she didn't really know him except in passing. But she gauged him as the jockish meathead type. She shot him a quick look then continued with her breakfast.

Location: Dinning Hall
Mentions: Isaac Lynch ( Physiicz Physiicz )
Outfit: Outfit

Sam Miller

God damn it.


Sam was pissed. Pissed at the world, at the headmistress, at the stupid humans that were lining up down stairs, the sweat drenched smell of them filling the school. The others were excited, happy to make new friends, but Sam was...worried. He couldn’t exactly hide his wings, or shadows, which were now zipping around what was his room. His elongated canines and golden eyes were another indication that he wasn’t in fact human. And yet he was expected to live with them until winter break was over. Sam rolled his eyes as he rolled out of his bed, before taking one last moment to survey his living space. There would be humans here, in his room, and he was expected to share a room with that pompous merman, Azuris. Not to mention that Sam couldn’t swim, so the man’s room was a veritable death trap.

Sighing, Sam reigned his shadows in, close to his body before closing the door behind him, ready to make an appearance. The humans would see him at some point regardless. He might as well get it out of the way. Arms crossed, Sam made his way down the stairs, his shadows hissing louder and louder in excitement the closer he got to the lobby. Humans and supernatural alike milled about, and instantly Sam wanted to return upstairs, to hide in his room and never come out. Sam wasn’t scared, in any way, he just didn’t wish to be bothered. His wings fluttered behind him, taking up much of the available room in the small space.

He was starving, and so he filled a plate with cheesy eggs, bread and bacon, before unceremoniously shoving it into his mouth, while slouching down in his chair. He studied everyone warily, hoping he could deter them by glaring.

Interactions/Tags: No one Mood: Here Location: Lobby Outift: Here
Aiden Rosewood
Assertive Teddy Bear
The blaring of his phone alarm was the most unwelcome sound he had heard when it went off at 0630. Waking up in the hospital bed he was assigned to in order to recover prior to being moved to the sister school, Aiden smacked his hand over the phone screen to shut off the annoying jingle. With a groan and stretch of his arms above his head, he sat up and instantly winced in pain while grabbing his left side. It was nothing serious, just internal bruising from taking a wooden pillar to the side as he was carrying someone out of the collapsing building he had been in. The integrity of the doorway was damaged and he took a hard blow but thankfully was able to get one of his classmates out of harm's way. His reward for his selfless act he barely thought about prior to conducting it? Staying at the famous Valendor during winter break. Aiden has been hearing stories about the sister school that seemingly persist through the ages and he was more than ready to embrace the new lifestyle if what he heard was indeed true. Being ushered into one of the black vehicles in the caravan with what few belongings he still had, Aiden took the chance to catch up on the sleep he missed.

Waking up to the slow stop of the car, Aiden held his breath as he shimmied out and grabbed his backpack full of the remains of his possessions. Letting out his breath as he took in the glorious sight of the front of campus, Aiden couldn't help but let a grin rest on his face while he started taking his first few steps into, what he assumed would be, a whole new world. The architecture alone was enough of a sign that the stories he has hearing might be true. Glancing to either side of him revealed that there were a few other familiar faces that were brought to Valendor from Dolgas. Being sure to nurse his left side with his hand and keep his backpack on his right shoulder, he followed the flow of the student body to where he assumed he was supposed to be. Evidently Haven had already attracted a shirtless male who dropped her luggage just as quickly as he had picked it up. Not far behind them were Finnley and Esmeralda. Ahead of him and already seated were Dexter and Kathryne. Admittedly the Dolgas students stuck out like sore thumbs from their injuries. Waiting his turn in line to grab some food, he only took some scrambled eggs and some toast. Thankfully water was already available at the random seat a few spots down from the head of the table.

Trying his best to keep quietly to himself as he took in the atmosphere him, Aiden was ready to throw the rumors he had believed in so strongly out the window. There was no way there were supernatural creatures here. Everyone seemed too normal. Yeah, definitely a little weird but that's easily attributed to culture differences. Like... maybe it was totally normal for people to arrive to breakfast shirtless and not be reamed out for it. Aiden might even take advantage of that capability while here, who knows? Aiden had been speaking to one of the Valendor students who approached him and they were talking about what happened to Dolgas when the other male's head snapped toward the head of the table at the sound of a chair moving. Standing in front of that chair was, without a doubt in his mind, the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon. Her entire image was burned into his brain as he stared at her dumbstruck for a moment before she started speaking. Her aura demanded attention and respect so he was ready to give her everything she deserved and wanted. Pathetic. Chill out. Get a hold of yourself. You may be recovering bu- his ears perked up and his mouth went agape when the woman announced that she was headmistress of Valendor. Lady Blackmore. She... I... from what I think I know I don't care. I- His thoughts were frantic as he tried to accept that this woman of his dreams was the headmistress yet his emotions were reeling in every direction with options and possibilities.

Listening attentively to her short speech, Aiden's gaze fell upon the hand she rested on her own hip and he must have been easily noticed as the male he had been speaking to nudged his left side, causing Aiden to attempt to silence his whimper of pain. “Dude why are you making googley eyes at the headmistress?” He paused, clearly thinking about how to vocalize his concern. “She is way too old for you and totally out of your league.” Aiden tried to hide his embarrassment with his hand as he grinned. “I'm going to at least try. There's no way I could live with myself if I didn't shoot my shot. Thanks though.” He nodded toward the other male. “Whatever guy. Your funeral.” The two listened to the rest of the speech and Aiden could swear she had looked into his soul at one point. Once she sat down and the roommate assignment was being passed around, Aiden wanted to take the opening immediately. He barely was able to see that his roommate was someone named Nicolas Thompson. He would have to find the person later since he had other priorities at this time. Winter Ball? That's the best coincidence I could have asked for. Moving to sit up straight, he went to speak when Lady Blackmore addressed a student who goes by Selena. The girl responded gleefully and Aiden took that as a good sign that the headmistress was good on her word. Clearing his throat, he attempted to get her attention. “Headmist- Lady Blackmore.” He could not bring himself to call her 'headmistress' without his thoughts going wild and this was neither the time nor place. “Madam. I wanted to say thanks you allowing us to stay here and taking care of us. I admit, I feel guilty asking for more but if you happen to have free time for me I do have a few things I'd like to ask for . I would even work for things if need be.” Being able to be alone with her would be the best thing to happen in my life. He did have legitimate requests, however. Clothes, books and studies, maybe a personal tour? In his mind he was only taking her up on her generous offer. What's the worst that could happen? She say no?
Excitement -> Bow Chicka Bow Wow| Hospital -> Valendor Dining Hall| Outfit | Interaction: Tehuri DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein Mention: Esmeralda, Finn BittyBobcat BittyBobcat , Haven kath1515 kath1515 Nicolas Kio.exe Kio.exe

coded by weldherwings.
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Dexter Wayans
Fantasy Fanatic
Dexter had barely slept after being given the news that he would be allowed to stay at Valendor for winter break. New people, new friends, the opportunity to expand his knowledge even more than he feels he already has. As someone who looks for inspiration for stories and creative outlets, this was a welcome experience where he would be thrown into a life only those of the highest caliber have been capable of experiencing. It was early morning and Dexter was already waiting outside when the cars had pulled up to the front of the hospital. He was also the first one into one of the black mercedes. The adrenaline of his excitement would eventually have to wear off and he would feel the sore pain in the right side of his temple from the gash and accompanying bruise. That was a problem for future Dexter though because present Dexter was busy taking in the imagery from the trip and mentally storing it for descriptive use for a later time.

Dexter was practically jittery as the line of cars pulled up to the front of the mystical landscape he understood to be Valendor exclusively due to the identifying sign that was presented so majestically. If he had not known better, Dexter would liken this place to one of the fantasy castle cities from one of his many ttrpgs. Probably the podcast he had been listening to because the descriptions fit the scenery precisely. Not paying too much attention to the world around him, Dexter pulled out his now slightly cracked phone to take pictures of the buildings and open areas that filled his vision. It didn't bother him that the screen was slightly cracked since he could tell it was just the screen protector and not the phone itself. It wasn't until he was being met with a crowd of people walking in the opposite direction that he was walking that he snapped back into reality. Being jostled from the many bodies would do that to anyone and he was thankful for the unintentional wake up call because he could smell food. A gurgle was audible from his stomach the moment his nose picked up the addictive scents of deliciousness. With a small smile to himself, he joked internally. Sustenance! What every healing body needs!

It was practically poetic how his face finally started to hurt him when he entered the dining hall. There were still not too many people around but enough for the lines to start behind him. Being quick, he grabbed a plate and filled it with a large chocolate chip waffle, syrup, and some whipped cream. This was a day of celebration in his eyes and he was going to treat himself with delectable sustenance. He had a simple plan. Sit down in the center of the table so he could meet as many people as possible as quickly as possible. It didn't seem to work well at first but after a few minutes he was wrapped up in conversation and felt like he was famous since so many people were asking about the collapse and storm all while he was eating a chocolate chip waffle. Glorious on all fronts.

After some time a woman with the most important air about her silenced the chaos with only a few words. Obviously she is in charge. The woman proceeded to explain the expectations of each of the students and the newly assigned roommates. As he waited for her to finish her introduction, Dexter couldn't help but respect her immensely. Did he fear her? Slightly, for sure and without any doubt. But he also knew that was only because she was clearly more than capable of her position. Surprisingly the paper didn't need to reach his hands as his apparent roommate called out for him. Play it cool. First impressions are- “I'm Dexter, friend!” Dexter raised his hand enthusiastically. Curse my eagerness. There goes the cool image. Though he knew he would not have been able to hold that long. “Can we start with a trip to the abode and then a tour with rule explanation? What do you suggest?”
Complete Excitement| Hospital -> Campus -> Dining hall| Outfit | Interaction: Bran Veil Walker Veil Walker

coded by weldherwings.
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Kathryne DeVille
Ignorant Demoness
Kathryne was one of the lucky few Dolgas students to not be inside during the storm. Though she's not sure if she considers herself lucky. Watching the students pour out of the building she had called home for such a short period of time was on the edge of traumatic. If there were more injuries then maybe it would have had more of an effect on her but as it stood she was more thankful that she didn't suffer any visible scratches or bruises. Her efforts during the storm were focused solely on helping direct students to safety and bolstering the heroes, student and professional alike, who decided put themselves at risk to save others. She would never recognize her constant compliments as innocent flirting because she genuinely believed she was helping keep up morale and nothing more. Whatever interpretation the people had would be of their own accord. She has had to deal with people thinking more of her words and catching feelings time and time again through life so this would be no different. She's mostly become accustomed to tuning it out and playing it off unless it is brought up to her directly.

The morning came and Kat was early to the cars not because of excitement but because she wanted to be available for anyone if they seemed to need a buddy. She was slightly shocked to know that each person was to be driven in their own vehicle. At least, that's what she was told for whatever reason. She didn't mind as the driver was kind enough to help her with her duffel bag and have minimal conversation with her during the longer ride. It helped make time pass faster and she learned a lot about the school. Headmistress Blackmore was held in the highest regard by her staff and students alike. She allegedly made efforts to make everyone as comfortable and welcome as possible. She also taught class! The concepts were so new to the freshman that they felt extraordinary and she understood why Valendor was as high end as everyone made it out to be.

There was a kind woman standing outside of her car when it stopped. It didn't seem like there was anyone ready at another car but Kat paid little attention to that fact. She was absorbed in the smile of the person in front of her who had entirely captivating eyes. Kat giggled ever so slightly as the woman held her gaze, seemingly trying to read into the small freshman girl. To disperse the awkwardness, Kata decided to speak up. “Did I get lucky with the draw of a personal tour guide as cute as yourself or am I going to have to ask around to find you again?” The woman seemed shocked with a realization upon hearing Kat speak but she ultimately beckoned the girl to follow her, keeping her thoughts to herself. “Smooth words. I was told to bring you to breakfast and no more. Though, if you try hard enough, maybe you'll actually have more power over me than you just tried impose.” The woman spoke harshly but with a flair of playfulness. Like she was trying to indulge in the succubus' unknown natural desires.

Entering the dining hall with her new friend, they quickly parted ways as they each decided to pick up breakfast. Kat simply grabbed some fresh fruit and yogurt. She really wasn't too hungry after yesterday's events and all meals were light for her. Nothing ever truly satiated her cravings but she's grown to assume everyone experiences that. Who really finds the food that hits them just right? After silently watching as people entered the dining hall and sat down, Kat recognized a few faces from her old school. There were more injuries than she had seen prior and it was additionally concerning to her when she noticed the facial cuts and bruises on Finnley Walker's face. Finn was known for his participation in almost all things. People seem to know Finn for being a jack of all trade and master of a few. Kat has yet to interact with Finn too much but maybe being at Valendor together will hold new chances of friendship. Time ticked by slowly as Kat's concerns and thoughts started overwhelming her mind. It wasn't just her own emotions but it felt like the numerous emotions of those around her were flooding into her brain. With practiced skill, she spun the ring on her finger as she tried to calm herself down. It helped her focus once the woman at the head of the table started speaking. Lady Blackmore, the woman she already held in high regard as a result of the driver from earlier. Kat listened attentively as she waited for the assignment to come her way. “Magnolia Fields? That name is essentially perfect.” Kat had unintentionally let her thoughts slip out of her mouth and she blushed. Passing the paper along, she looked around. “Does anyone know Magnolia Fields? I'd love to meet my new roommate and see if they are as astounding as I already envision them.” The headmistress then mentioned the upcoming ball and Kat's excitement and nerves collapsed on her all at once. Hopefully we'll get along so we can get ready to go to the ball together!
Concern -> Excitement| Hospital ->Dining Hall| Outfit | Interaction: Hopefully Magnolia Kio.exe Kio.exe

coded by weldherwings.


Esmeralda Torres
The friendly cook

Esmeralda had been lucky when it came to her wounds and injuries. At the moment of the collapse, she had been in one of the underground pantries, which were extra fortified, from back in the days. So her injuries were very minor, just a bruised left knee and some temporarily respiratory problems due to the amount of dust she had breathed in. However she had been stuck there for quite a few hours. Honestly, she had been stuck there until four or five hours ago. So, right now, she was working more on auto pilot then anything else, due to the lack of rest. She had been able to wash herself at the hospital and take a little power nap, so that was at least something. That didn't mean she was even the slightest bit happy with their next adventure... Valendor. New people. Strangers. She didn't do well with them. Plus all the stories that went around about them... She wasn't looking forward to it. Still she gave a small smile back towards Finnley when he flashed her a thumbs up, she didn't want to make him worried. However he seemed rather quickly distracted, just like about everyone else that she did know.

Her soft blue gaze moved towards the impressive building that was gonna be their residence the upcoming two weeks. It was big, old, and hopefully would give her some nice space to be alone. She hoped the kitchen would be a lot more modern than the building, if they would be even allowed to cook themselves. "Careful-" Those are my knives! The sentence she wanted to speak was swallowed when she noticed exactly how big the male was that picked up her bags. He had not seemed to hear her in the first place and meekly she followed him. She would be eternally grateful for the person who had managed to get her kitchen gear to safety, and she assumed it had been one of the teachers. She didn't care that much about the clothes she had lost, most of them ruined by the rumble. Yet she had managed to safe one other outfit than the one she was currently wearing. She hoped she would be able to find some other 'hand me downs' clothes for little money, for she knew her father was not gonna be happy about lending her any more money. And she had not been able to make much money herself yet. All her money when into her study to fullfill her life long dreams of becoming a professional chef and even having her own restaurant. At some point. To not be depending on anyone else anymore.

Esmee hugged herself a bit as she followed the huge man, who seemed to be friends with the shirtless guy that was helping Haven. She gave the blonde girl a soft smile as she looked at the animal that seemed to follow the big guy. Was that... a bear? Who the hell had a bear as pet? What kind of school was this? She was liking the place less and less, but it was a better alternative than going home. Any place would be a better alternative than going home. She caught a glance of the kitchen, and almost wandered off, when they were on the way to the what seemed to be the dining room. She was definitely gonna check that kitchen out later on. For the quick glance it seemed to be extremely luxurious. She looked around the table as most of her fellow students had found themselves seat, and the only few seats left were next to some guy that glared at each passing person. Though his enormous wings were what stood out most. Shyly she stepped forward, her lips parting to ask if she could sit next to him, but no sound came over her lips. She still stood there undecided when one on of the females stood up. A beautiful woman that was roughly her age and was the headmistress?! Honestly, this place was weird. With bears as pet, students wearing wings and a headmistress that was close to her in age. This was insane. Though she had quickly sat down, not wanting to be disrespectful and it actually gave her an excuse not to actually having to talk to the scary guy that seemed to feast upon a filling breakfast.

The young cook couldn't help but to note down his preferences, before she reach forward to some croissants and red marmelade herself. A paper was moved around with the names of their roommates. Another thing she was not too happy about, at Dolgas Academy she had managed to keep one of the single rooms. She just hoped for everything she had that she was paired up with a female, definitely since it was not possible to switch. She looked down at the list. Selena. That had to be a female name, right? Though so far she wasn't too sure about anything anymore as the big man happily fed the bear some scraps from his plate. She glanced up when just that moment the headmistress said something about having fabrics for Selena, her roommate. She quickly looked over towards the girl responding and let out a sigh of relief. She seemed sweet and harmless so far, even though she knew looks could be very deceiving. How convient also to be apparently be rooming with someone who made clothes... Though she shouldn't bother the girl right away about that probably. "H-hi" Her voice shook slightly and was still very soft spoken, she doubted anyone would even hear her over the sound of cutlery and the other conversations that went around. She leaned a bit forward, so she could easier look towards the girl dressed in that adorable outfit. "Hello," she said again, with a bit more volume now, but still very shy and timid, "I am Esmeralda Torres, I guess we are roommates now?" She gave a bit akward chuckled. Oh, she wasn't made for these kind of social settings at all. She just wanted to crawl up in that space, they had found her in before her rescue...
Location: Dining Room
Interaction: Attempted with her roommate Selena thorspuddingcup thorspuddingcup
Mention: Big scary guy, Bran, and the bear cub, Pierogi Veil Walker Veil Walker // Scary winged guy, Sam Kio.exe Kio.exe // Headmistress Blackmore DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein
Outfit: Burgundy dress and jacket and Kitchen shoes

Nic Thompson

This is weird.


Nic studied the newcomer, his eyebrow raised. Well, he supposed, he was the newcomer and this guy—Hannicus—was who belonged here. At his question, Nic merely waved a hand to the empty seat besides him, sighing. Everyone here was weird. Especially that guy over in the corner, with the wings. Was he some cosplayer, or something. He also had these creepy black snake tattoos, that looked like they were moving, but that was probably just the light reflecting weirdly. Right?

There had always been rumors surrounding Valendor, the most common being that the students were supernatural beings. It was ridiculous, of course, but looking at them now, he could see why someone would believe that. One of the students had a pet bear for crying out loud. Even if it was kind of cute. And the headmistress was hot. Like seriously hot. Not to mention that she didn’t look any older than them.

God, he was starving, but he didn’t particularly want to walk past the creepy winged guy to get food, so Nic decided that he’d wait until after he’d left. He took a minute to study the others. No one else from Dolgas seemed as concerned as him, and it was frustrating. Couldn’t they see that these people were wackos, every one of them? Shaking his head, he turned back to Hannicus, frowning.

“I’m Nicolas. Nic. Thompson.”

Interactions/Tags: Tenma Tenma

Maggie Fields

Awe! You’re so cute!


Maggie was ecstatic. Humans were coming to Valendor! And she’d get to room with one of them! She flew through her room in a flurry of activity, trying to find the outfit that best suited her. Clothes were strewn everywhere, some of which had been made by Selena, the vampire who lived down the hall from her. After about ten minutes of searching, the Dryad came upon a thick white sweater and black pants, a simple but warm outfit.

She flew down the stairs as fast as she could, skidding to a stop in the lobby in front of the headmistress. “Where are the humans?” She asked breathlessly, her face flushed from excitement. Maggie turned around, and answered her own question as she was met with questioning looks and arched eyebrows. A slow grin spread across her face as she darted to each person and threw her arms around them. “OH! You’re all so cute! I never knew that humans were so adorable!” She shrieked, pausing before the human who had said her name.

“Hi! I’m Maggie! And you are just so lovely! We’re roommates? Oh I couldn’t be happier!” She exclaimed, hugging the girl again. Her powers pushed at her skin, pressure building up in her excitement. Maggie managed to reign them in, however, and simply smiled at everyone again. People were looking warily at Sam, confused by his wings. “Don’t worry about him! That’s Sam! His bark is really worse than his bite, though he does have those sharp teeth, like mine, and those shadows too…” she trailed off as she realized what she had said, clapping a hand over her mouth. At least she hadn’t said anything about his wings, as obvious as they were. Her embarrassment was forgotten soon, however, when she looked out the window.

“Oh it’s snowing,” she exclaimed, her face lighting up. The dryad turned to Bran. “Can we have a snowball fight, Bran, pleasseeee?”

Interactions/Tags: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein iShyShy iShyShy Veil Walker Veil Walker

Finnley Walker
Location: Dining Room / Interactions: Haven ( kath1515 kath1515 ) Aleksi ( DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein )
Finn glanced over the shirtless man's shoulder (What did Haven call him? Aleksi? He was pretty sure it was Aleksi. Probably). Skimming over the rest of the page, they spotted their own name paired with the very man who they were sitting next to (assuming that that was how his name was spelt). They were just about to ask about it when Haven piped up.
Finn jolted a small bit, startled by suddenly being addressed. "Oh! Um, I'm doing good!" He paused for a moment, realizing that (because of his appearance) that likely wouldn't be taken as a truthful answer. In an effort to prevent too much fussing over him, he chose to deflect some attention from his facial injuries. "I got a wrist brace," They said, rubbing the back of their neck a bit sheepishly. "Haven't had one of these since I was... seven? Eight? Something like that. But I'll get it off in a week or so!"
He leaned precariously on the back of his chair and snatched a waffle off the nearby buffet, still talking as he transported his breakfast to his plate (in an equally haphazard way as to when he grabbed it). "I... I did get some of my stuff." Finn shrugged, gesturing vaguely to their backpack. "A lot of my notebooks made it out, which is good cause I have some work in there for that one environmentally friendly pesticide I told you about the other day and I would've hated to lose that." They shoveled a slightly over-large bite of waffle into their mouth, barely stopping to swallow before adding as a rapid afterthought "And there'd be a lot of other notes that I'd hate to lose too, but especially-"
He trailed off, his attention caught by a rather grumpy looking person who had large, feathery wings protruding from his back. Before Finn could make any comment on the man across the room, they were struck by the sudden remembrance that their (probably) roommate was sitting right next to them. "Oh, wait!" They turned back to face him, a broad, toothy grin on their face. "You're Aleksi, right? Room 2.01?" They held out their hand to shake before realizing that it was their injured one and quickly swapping them. "I'm Finn!" He chirped, and then, with a tilt of his head, added, "Well, Finnley, but Finn for short."

Cynderic Mayfield

Cynder let out a soft rolled "Brrrrrt?" when Isaac sat down next to him. His eyes widened and hands reflexively twitched to snatch back the paper as it was taken from him but he fought it off. Instead picking up the bowl of fruit he was eating and sitting back more in his chair. "I'm very much alright. In fact I'm rather excited." He popped a grape into his mouth. "Aren't you?"

His foot tapped impatiently but stopped at Isaac's question. He hadn't really thought much about the roommate situation besides being excited to meet someone new. But now that he was thinking it was a bit strange. The entire ordeal was strange. But there had to be reasons that weren't nefarious in nature. Sure Headmistress Blackmore definitely wasn't a saint but that doesn't mean she intends to use these students. I mean it was a pretty big thing for them to be here, if something suddenly happened to them while here it probably wouldn't go unnoticed. "At least it'll be easier to look out for them." He concluded out loud giving a small smile.

Noticing the sigh his smile turned into a smirk. "So who are you stuck with?" He tossed another grape into his mouth before propping an elbow on the table and a hand under his chin.

Location: Dinning Hall
Interaction: Isaac Physiicz Physiicz
Mentions: Tehuri

Isaac Lynch

Cynderic Mayfield, Bran
Cynderic, Wilhelmina, Bran, Haven, Esmeralda
ClownPope ClownPope Veil Walker Veil Walker

Dining Hall
outfit here

Isaac grabbed the nearest item of food, a sausage. He shoved it into his mouth and looked around as Bran took a look at the list. "I wouldn't say good," Isaac scoffed, "or excited but it's going to be interesting." Isaac swallowed the food before unhooking the swords sling from around his back and plopping it on the table. The brown leather sheath was lined with gold designing - it still looked new as if it had been created the day before. Isaac perked up at Cynderic's words. Looking out for them? Maybe they shared the same thoughts on why these humans may be here in Valendor. "Looks like I'm with Wilhelmina Day, what about you?" Isaac asked, looking over at Cynderic. Isaac found the other student interesting enough. In his younger years, Isaac didn't have much exposure to other supernatural creatures but since coming to Valendor he has learned so much and although he would never admit it, without this school Isaac would be lost, not like the superhero he might make himself out to be.

"And yeah it will be easier to look out for them!" Isaac exclaimed, "hopefully Blackmore doesn't decide to sink her teeth into the poor bastards." Isaac sat back in his chair, thinking hard - you could tell by the strained look in his face. His eyes scanned the room once more. "You know what? I'm gonna teach these newbies how to fight," he smiled, his expression lifting, almost as if a light bulb had just appeared above his messy blonde hair. As he looked around he noted two human girls. "Maybe I should start with them," Isaac smirked, his eyes flicking between both Haven and Esmeralda.


♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

Isaac grabbed the nearest item of food, a sausage. He shoved it into his mouth and looked around as Bran took a look at the list. "I wouldn't say good," Isaac scoffed, "or excited but it's going to be interesting." Isaac swallowed the food before unhooking the swords sling from around his back and plopping it on the table. The brown leather sheath was lined with gold designing - it still looked new as if it had been created the day before. Isaac perked up at Cynderic's words. Looking out for them? Maybe they shared the same thoughts on why these humans may be here in Valendor. "Looks like I'm with Wilhelmina Day, what about you?" Isaac asked, looking over at Cynderic. Isaac found the other student interesting enough. In his younger years, Isaac didn't have much exposure to other supernatural creatures but since coming to Valendor he has learned so much and although he would never admit it, without this school Isaac would be lost, not like the superhero he might make himself out to be.

"And yeah it will be easier to look out for them!" Isaac exclaimed, "hopefully Blackmore doesn't decide to sink her teeth into the poor bastards." Isaac sat back in his chair, thinking hard - you could tell by the strained look in his face. His eyes scanned the room once more. "You know what? I'm gonna teach these weak nerds how to fight," he smiled, his expression lifting, almost as if a light bulb had just appeared above his messy blonde hair. As he looked around he noted two human girls. "Maybe I should start with them," Isaac smirked, his eyes flicking between both Haven and Esmeralda.
Bran smiled at the new arrivals, even as some glared back or openly stared at him. He was used to that. People intimidated by his size. It made him sad, but he supposed it was a natural reaction. He could be one of the largest predators in this room if he tried. He tried not to focus on that however. He saw the way one of the new students looked at him. The fact she was shy towards him filled him with sadness. He wished he could fix it immediately, but from the look on her face, sudden moves were not a good idea. Bran looks at his new roommate, hand raised enthusiastically and gave him his biggest smile. He loved the fact that this person had no fear of him, despite him being almost a foot taller. Better yet, he had called him friend. Friends for Bran were few, and he treasured all of them.

"Ah, hello! I am Bran. I look forward to us becoming friends." Bran stuck his arm out, as if for a handshake, though instead of gripping palms he gripped the newcomer's forearm. Bran's hand upon his arm was gentle, but a grip of his arm revealed the steel of his muscles as the two exchanged the embrace.
"I would be more than happy to show you around. As for the rules, we have few of them, so long as like me you are a man of peace." Bran released his hand from the embrace and gently steered his new friend by the shoulder towards the exit of the cafeteria. Recognizing Maggie's voice, Bran blushed deeply, before turning back towards her.
"I shall join you in a moment, dear Magnolia. I need to show our new resident Dexter around. Unless Sir, you would be open to a snowball fight?" This last was directed towards Dexter, as Bran tried furiously to force his blush away. From the moment he had seen her, his thoughts had gravitated towards her, but he knew it couldn't be. Back home, he had been told he was no catch, and had accepted the life of a loner. Magnolia would assuredly be happier without him to embarrass her. If only he could explain that without his words tripping over his tongue. They seemed to lack the desire to express that truth to her.


Aleksi Valdir
Beta of the Eryna pack

So much was happen at once, with those he knew and the new people coming in and flooding the dining room. He greeted some of the fellow supernaturals and observed the humans, all while eating whatever he gotten his hands on. Aleksi could eat anything, anywhere, anytime. The perks of a quick and high metabolism and a body that needed more nutrition that that of a human. He had learned to live with it and it wasn't too drastic if he didn't eat for a while, but he had a hard time not eating when it was standing around, all ready and calling his name. Gluttony was definitely his number one sin...

The little stab into his ribs called his thoughts away from the food as he looked over the paper. Finnley... "Cynder? Oh, you are so lucky," Aleksi said. His eyes quickly going over towards the smaller male across the table. He wouldn't mind rooming up with him at all.. "He is the cutie over there with the pastel holographic outfit." He observed him for a moment longer, before Haven addressed the human next to them with Finn. Poor boy seemed to be pretty bruised up after the collapse of the building, it always surprised him how fragile humans were. It was cute how proud he was of his brace though.

His realisation settled at the same time as it took the human to turn back to him after being distracted by the wings of Samuel. "Never touch those, he will round kick you," he warned right away. He chuckled when the male next to him changed hand and he shook his left hand. "Yes! Oh, perfect!" It was no Cynder, but at least it was a very cute boy. He took him in a bit more, before suddenly a completely different voice pulled on his attention. Maggie, followed up by the deep sound of his best bro, and the promise of a snowball fight. "I AM IN!" He called enthusiastically from across the room. Even if it would most likely end up with him running after the snowballs and trying to catch them. The downsides of having partial canine blood, he liked hunting things down. Especially if he could track things down... Oh boy.

"Haven and Finn are on my team!" Whether they wanted to or not, they were part of this now as well. "You can have Maggie and... that guy..." He made a gesture towards the other human. He seemed nice enough, but he had not caught his name yet. It would come. He of course knew about Brans interest in Magnolia. And well, she was an attractive female, both in looks and personality. Even though he was not attracted to females in general, he could still see that she was a beauty. And Bran deserved all the happiness in the world, even if he did not seem to think he was qualified for that himself. It was sad, but he was sure that one day... One day they both would be happy with a loving partner by their side. And until then he'd root for his friend and Maggie. "We can do a tour afterwards!"
Location: Dining Room
Interaction: Haven kath1515 kath1515 // Finn BittyBobcat BittyBobcat // Bran Veil Walker Veil Walker
Mention: Cynder ClownPope ClownPope // Maggie Kio.exe Kio.exe // Dexter iShyShy iShyShy
Outfit: Just pants

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