

The Z's are silent



In this tab you can catch up with a quick summary of the story so far. 
Answering a job offer that was received in various forms, Rosalyn Gallowmere, Nu Rho, Artemisia, Larassa Sovna, Glo'cer Maltune, and Hunter Cael, arrived on the planet of Raq'tak and made their way to the local cantina designated as the meet up.

Unbeknownst to the group, they had been tricked into arriving at an ambush constructed by Admiral Luther Gru'ha of the Dorogan Empire. As the trap was sprung, each was arrested and knocked unconscious before taken to the Empire's flagship, The Brazen. 

Once aboard The Brazen, the group comes face to face with the Admiral himself. After disabling the camera's and sabotaging the door, Gru'ha explains that he personally gathered each person within the group for a specific mission he wants them to undertake. He goes on to tell them about the recent events that took place in the outer rim of the empire, and the search for the fabled planet of Avalon that he wishes for them to find.He tells them that due to the rebellion and spies within his ranks, he can not trust his own men, so asks that hey take on the task of locating Avalon. After his proposition of recovery, for full pardons and more money than they can possibly imagine, each member agrees to undertake the task, though some more reluctantly than others. 

Once they are freed from their prison, the group makes their way to Hunter Cael's ship, The Odyssey, that was taken from Raq'tak in order for them to escape.  During their escape, Cael breaks the promise to Gru'ha and kills several soldiers with an explosion of plasma fuel. This allows the group to reach The Odyssey just as The Barzen is about to jump to lightspeed. 

Having escaped The Empire for now, Cael takes inventory aboard the ship and finds it completely wiped of supplies. The only option for repair parts and supplies, is to head for a planet called Cardeleon. There, Cael reaches out to a friend named Glak, and Omniplight who sold Cael The Odyssey years back and knows the ship better than Cael himself. As the reach the planet, Nu finds a small box located in one of the smuggling compartments on The Odyssey. The strange box hums with life within Nu's hands, but instead of bringing it to Cael and the others attention, Nu hides the box under her bed. 

As the group arrives on Cardeleon, they disembark to gather both personal and group supplies for the trip. Cael is approached by a  Gehennian named TIberius Dahl. He was in pursuit of The Odysseys former owners to exact revenge on the family that was taken from him on his home planet. When it is revealed that the former crew was destroyed prior to Glaks ownership, Tiberius leaves and runs into Artemis among the shops in the market place. Unbeknownst to them, they are being watched from the shadows. 

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As Cael and Glak gather supplies for the looming trip beyond the outer rim, the group heads into the market place to look for items that might be needed. Artemis acquires a small pouch of gems that belonged to Gwathian's that had been lost. The shop keep, unknowingly very close to being killed, reluctantly handed over the gems and Artemis and Tibirius returned to the ship. Roslyn found a supplier for departing ships and ordered supplies need for the long trip, while Larassa began searching for components to build a green house within The Odyssey on a bet with Cael. Glo'cer took the tracking chips that Glak had removed from The Odyssey and repurposed them to function with a tablet as a way to track the others movement without their knowing. Finally, Nu found her way to a Kryx vendor selling oddities from her home world. After purchasing a flask of liquid, she too returned to the Odyssey to await departure.

With final preparations made to The odyssey and its crew, the group returned to the ship for departure from Cardeleon. Glak deposited to Cael one final gift, a small box of expensive com links that he had "obtained" from a previous client. Cael took the box and the supplies, and the Odyssey left Cardeleon behind. Once off planet, Cael set the ship for a light speed jump to Mag'leuos to investigate the ship that had crashed on the planet from the alleged Avalon. During the flight Cael begins to notice something wrong with the engines. As he goes to inspect them, he is stopped as a strange blue pattern begins to envelope the ship from the inside out. He continues to the engines and finds them surrounded in blue energy and releasing that energy into the room. Before Cael can return to the cockpit to shut the engines down, The Odyssey is hurled through space fast than light speed into uncharted space.

As the crew begin to awaken from the surge of energy that was used to propel The Odyssey into uncharted space, the ship floats dead in space after having used all the engines fuel. Cael makes his way to the cockpit to shut off the engines and conserve what fuel is left. Nu approaches Cael and reveals that she has been keeping the strange box from him and the others. As she leads the way to the box, Cael is stopped in the lounge as he notices that Tiberius has stowed away on The Odyssey. Cael, rushing to conclusions, pins him to the wall blaming him for what happened to the ship. While the others try and reason with what to do with the stow away, Nu returns and presents the box to Cael and the others. It is identified as a Dorogan Infinity lock box, and is only able to be unlocked by Gl'ocer. After some tinkering, Glo'cer opens the box and it is revealed to be a small trapezoid looking device. Out of seemingly no where, the device leaves the box and attaches itself to Nu's neck. It clasps itself around like a choker, sending shock and panic into the group as Nu vanished from sight.

Cael, leaving Tiberius for now, calls to search the ship for Nu. The group begins to split up looking for her high and low, but she is no where to be seen. Nu has been transported to the cargo hold that she originally found the box in.
Cael returns to the cockpit to try and figure out where to go with a dead ship, and is finally able to lock onto a planets on the outskirts of his deep space scanners. He returns to looking for Nu after locking onto the planet, and finds that Nu has returned to her spot in the lounge during the search. Recalling stories from his youth about Avalon, Cael determines that the device around Nu's neck allowed her to "blink".

With the excitement of Nu's reappearance dissipating, Cael returns to the cockpit with Glo'cer to make their way to the planet Cael found. It takes a bit of time, and the very last of the fuel, but The Odyssey makes it to the swirling blue planet. Finding a break in the storm clouds that cover the planet, the Odyssey lands on a floating island that sits in the eye of the storm on the planet. The Odyssey touches down and the crew are met by a strange looking race of humanoids called Koiple. These fish like people, who can not be understood initially, offer the group snails that attach themselves to skin and translate what the Koiple say. The are greeted by the chieftain of the Koiple, H'ma, and her two guards. She welcomes the group to the only city on the planet Orcolia, and offers a banquet for their arrival. As the group moves through the floating city, Roslyn begin to hear humming in her head until they are taken to the upper floors for the banquet.

There the group is treated to food and drink and H'ma trys to provide as many answers as possible. She directs them to their Magistrate, with their question about the Koiple deity like obsession with something called "The Tumal". Many wish to learn more, as they device around Nu's neck is linked with the Tumal as some sort of "gift". So H'ma leads the group back to the elevator to take them to the lower levels to the temple. Cael leaves the group to return the ship, along with Artemis. There They discover that the jump not only depleted their fuel in the engine, but all of the reserve as well. The rest of the group meet the Magistrate, U'ldean, an old Koiple male who is very excited to see Nu's choker. He begins explaining how the Tumal were the saviors of the Koiple, and Orcolia was a gift from the Tumal that the Koiple take care of in honor of their deities.
Down in the depths of Orcolia; Larassa, Glo'cer, Roslyn, and Nu continue their discussion with the Magistrate U'ldean about the Tumal and their religious obsession with them. After a fiery outburst from Larassa, U'ldean conceded and began to tell the story of their people and how they came about living on Orcolia. Most of the group continued to question U'ldean, while others were experiencing something strange within their own minds.

While the group questions the Magistrate, Cael and Artemis examine the ship to find it intact and unharmed for the most part. The one thing that is amiss is the fuel on the ship. The lines that had covered the ship during the jump, had reached the fuel tanks and the reserves, draining the ship completely of their fuel. While the pair try and think of what they can do, A Koiple guard approaches the ship and offers a small box of crystals to Cael. Soon, the pair learn from Glo'cer that the Koiple are up to something, and as they look outside the ship, the notice that guards are now posted at the doors, and approaching the ship.

As the questioning comes to a halt down in the temple, U'ldean begins a ceremony of sorts the requires a "tribute". this tribute, is none other than the Gehennian stow away, Tibs. The group is outraged, Nu especially calling the ceremony a "perversion" of her own religious beliefs. U'ldean is outraged by the blasphemy, and initiates the ritual. Tibs vanishes from the machinery he is connected to, sparking outrage from the group who immediately approach the Magistrate in retribution. As tensions rise within the temple, another strange device that is connected tot he alter that Tibs was sacrificed too begin to glow and call out to Roslyn. She heads its calls, and takes the device front he the alter. It immediately attaches itself to her arm in the same fashion Nu's choker had and another sigil appears. The koiple are outraged, but the outrage is the least of their worries as the entire city begins to shake. The temple erupts into fighting, where Roslyn discovers that her device will let her harness energy and fire it much like a blaster from her hand.

Back at the ship, Artemis and Cael decide to split the work between the two. Artemis deals with the Koiple guards, taking two hostage in the end, while Cael attempts to use the koiple crystals to get power to the ship. The crystals in place, Cael fires up the ship and calls for the group to get back to the ship as things have gone south rather quickly.

The group in the temple continues to hold off the koiple guards, while also managing to kill U'ldean with an arrow to the head from Larassa. As the koiple takes his last breath, a cry of sorrow and anger rings out through the city from all the koiple living within the city. The snails that were used for communicating fall dead from the group, except for Glo'cers w who's snail had fallen off minutes before as he tried to leave. With more guards entering the temple, and the koiple closing in, Larassa, Roslyn, Glo'cer and Nu climb to the stage preparing to fight their way out. Before the battle begins however, Nu makes a last ditch effort to escape with her Blink ability, and miraculously transports the entire group to the hangar with the help of Roslyn's energy providing bracelet and a mysterious voice that speaks to both of them just before the jump.
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