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Fantasy TT&WW Lore

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The World


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[div class=header]The World

"You ever wonder where the Island of No Tales actually is?"[/div][div class=txt][div class=lmh]Tune[/div]
The world of Tune is one of mystery and adventure. A unique world where strange relics and ruins of a lost civilization with technology far beyond the understand of the current inhabitants of the world. It is home to a wide variety of flora, fauna, and sentient races; some peaceful but many deadly. It is a world at war with the current governments fighting on sea, land, and even air.

It is a Golden Age for pirates who profit from the chaos of the world. Sacking unprotected cities, taking on heavily damaged naval vessels, and hunting for rare relics.

[div class=lmh]Island of No Tales[/div]
This mythical island is said to be a place where all who have lost their lives to the ocean have their souls wander to. While it is said that Rhett 'Reaper' River - the pirate captain of The Lusty Maid - managed to find the island and escape, most believe it to be a tall tale, even for a pirate.

[div class=lmh]Countries of Tune[/div]
[div class=map]Click for World Map[/div][div class=world]

There are seven expansive countries in Tune; Eshye (Purple), Theace (Green), Driele (Yellow), Maerin (Teal), Thye (Red), Ethium (Gold), Flyria (Orange). Every country is involved in a war, either due to an alliance which calls for their involvement or being directly involved in the war.

[div class=smh]Maerin[/div]
Capital: Nourland
Largest Citie(s): Lundr, Liheim, Jaenvale, Port Moon, Port Sun
Alliance(s): Eshye
At War/Enemies: Thye
Government: Stratocracy

Maerin is a military focused country, though it is not a dictatorship. The monarchy system ended over 500 years ago with a rebellion against the King by the military as the King had nearly destroyed the country with debts trying to invade both Eshye and Thye. When the King ordered the military to carry out attacks on their own citizens who were refusing to pay more taxes, they planned a coup which was successful and resulted in the military taking power and over the next 500 years spent their time rebuilding their country.

They forged an alliance with Eshye by surrendering the former King's corrupt council along with helping Eshye when Thye tried to take advantage of the chaos and invade Eshye's territory. Now Maerin has one of the strongest military forces. All citizens of Maerin must serve at minimum five years in the military, this also means that any citizen may rise to the top levels of the government should that be of their interest, though it is not an easy path.

[div class=smh]Eshye[/div]
Capital: Elben
Largest Citie(s): Efferark, Ebonly, Mythmore
Alliance(s): Maerin
At War/Enemies: Thye
Government: Absolute Monarchy

Eshye is a kingdom with a dynasty running back for over 1,000 years; the Zadiris Dynasty. They joined forces with Thye when Maerin's King tried to expand his territory by military force. It was a strained alliance as both kingdoms had disputed over the border. When Maerin deposed their King and the chaos of the coup was at its highest, Thye tried to covertly invade Eshye which shattered their alliance with Thye and forge a new alliance with the newly military run Maerin.

[div class=smh]Thye[/div]
Capital: Draghagan
Largest Citie(s): Nevervein, Hyden, Ravenfell
Alliance(s): Driele
At War/Enemies: Maerin, Eshye
Government: Absolute Monarchy

Thye is a large Kingdom which has been at war with Eshye for 500 years and Maerin for even longer. It was 500 years ago that Thye's King wanted to become an empire and sought to take over both Eshye and Maerin during the confusion and chaos as the Maerin government fell. However their plan to attack a barely manned border fort in southern Eshye was met with failure as Eshye had built up fortifications for just a scenario.

The betrayal from Thye resulted in a union between Eshye and Maerin and while there is now a lull in the war, Thye has not yet given up and has gained a new ally in Driele. How much longer this alliance will last is unknown, though many suspect it will end sooner rather than later.

[div class=smh]Theace[/div]
Capital: Chathe
Largest Citie(s): Freymere, Yber, Wevlyn
Alliance(s): "Neutral"
At War/Enemies: "None"
Government: Theocracy

Theace is a strongly religious theocracy and has been since it's split with Driele (which when they were one country was called Weskyel) over 2,000 years ago. A large religious sect grew which over time led to a religious war and then a split of the country resulting in Theace becoming its own governmental power. It is ruled by the Prophet, a highly powerful religious figure believed to be able to use ancient relics left behind by the 'Gods' who created the world.

Since Theace's separation the Vidonian religion has since spread more widely throughout the world and has the most believers over all other religions that currently exist. They claim they are neutral to the disputes of the world, though that is not entirely true. Due to their religious power, they can use it to influence those who believe in powerful positions.

[div class=smh]Driele[/div]
Capital: Irelens
Largest Citie(s): Fyre, Rydue, Stonbrie
Alliance(s): Thye
At War/Enemies: None (Yet)
Government: Plutocracy

Driele is run by the power of money. After a war broke out which split the country of Weskyel into two separate entities Driele was rebuilt by the wealthy who then rose to power. They are the wealthiest country in the world but also have the worst conditions for the poor resulting in numerous slums, high crime rates, and deaths from diseases. They permit human trafficking for slavery, allowing the poor to sell themselves in order to give money to help their families. They also have no issues buying or selling people who were taken as prizes from war, selling them to the highest bidder at slave auctions.

They are currently in an alliance with Thye, but this is mostly due to Thye paying them large sums of money in exchange for slaves and being Driele's 'best customer' though that alliance is now under tension as Thye has started taking large loans from Driele.

[div class=smh]Ethium[/div]
Capital: Citchester
Largest Citie(s): Emberdenn, Stormshore, Maple Willow
Alliance(s): None
At War/Enemies: Flyria
Government: Absolute Monarchy

The Empire of Ethium is the longest surviving dynasty of the world going back 5,000 years. However over the past few centuries Flyria has chipped away at their territory and each decade Ethium grows a bit smaller. While they've recently managed to hold their own against Flyria in their latest attempts to take Maple Hollow, Ethium's Emperor has begun to seek out allies to help protect their country and sovereignty.

Ethium has started to build a wall at its current borders in hopes of protecting what territory they have left. The increased taxes have upset the population and increased pressure on the government who has begun to look into selling their criminals as slaves to Driele to get more funding for the border wall.

[div class=smh]Flyria[/div]
Capital: Rivenstead
Largest Citie(s): Emberbarrow, Ehlerton, Zey, Clearcoast, Dauling
Alliance(s): None
At War/Enemies: Ethium
Government: Absolute Monarchy

Flyria was a much smaller empire 300 years ago, but with the Khekan Dynasty fell and the Detish Dynasty rose the new emperor began a campaign against their neighboring Ethium Empire under the message to their citizens that they would rebuild them to their former greatness that many millennia was lost when a war lord rose to power and expanded the Ethium Empire resulting in Flyria shrinking.

It has been a strong and successful effort with Flyria increasing its territory by 15% since it started and now the goal is to take over the entire continent to create a unified and powerful country under Flyria's rule.

[div class=lmh]Vidoni[/div]
The Vidoni religion is the most popular religion of the current time with most of the world's populace having some form of belief regarding the religion, this gives Theace a powerful authority over other countries; more than most realize. The core belief of the Vidonian religion is that the ancient ruins and relics that scatter the world and that are beyond their understanding were created by the Gods who created the world and all that exist within it.

It was once a small cult that was laughed off until 3,000 years ago when the First Prophet, holding an ancient relic, managed to actually use it. The device hummed to life and seemed to play a mysterious message that none could understand; except for the First Prophet who 'translated' the words of the Gods to those who willingly listened;

"Your lack of faith has led us to abandon our ungrateful creation."

The First Prophet went on to explain that the only way to regain their creators' favor was to believe in them once again, that the energy of their faith would summon the Gods back to their world once again and finish what they had started. The written scriptures - which are ever changing - believe that the Gods left the world unfinished due to the betrayal of their own creations resulting in the imperfection that exists today.
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Ancient Ruins
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[div class=header]Ancient Ruins

"No one knows who built those decaying ruins or even what they were for."[/div][div class=txt][div class=lmh]Mysterious Marvels[/div]
The world is littered with ruins and relics of a lost civilization. The Vidonian religion believes the ruins were left by the Gods who left the world unfinished. Most have some opinion on the ruins and who they were built by and what their purpose could have been. It is a highly debated topic to those who spend their lives studying what was left behind.

Most of these ancient things are inactive, though it is known that they can create random anomalies in the world which are a common occurrence. Anomalies vary and are mostly unpredictable, though some research into detection has started showing fruition. For now though, when an anomaly occurs it is best to avoid it if possible. They can disrupt the magic of an entire area, affect the weather, cause natural disasters, and much more.

Even though no one of the current world can understand the language or what even the ruins are, many will still raid the ruins for relics to sell for a high price. Governments of all countries desire these relics in hopes of somehow attaining whatever mysterious power they have in hopes of controlling the anomalies for their own gain. The Vidonian Oligarchy are usually the highest bidders and they even have an branch focused solely on obtaining and researching the ruins and relics.

There is a fierce competition for the relics and many accidents and conflicts have arisen from the desire for them by the world's major powers.
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Pirate Ports
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[div class=header]Pirate Ports

"So, how do people find Rumblood? I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you."[/div][div class=txt][div class=lmh]Rumblood Isle[/div]
Rumblood Isle is the infamous pirate berth that is nearly impossible to locate as it actually moves. Some perhaps are lucky and stumble upon Rumblood Isle when they least expect because it is actually upon the back of an Aspidochelone; a sea turtle whose shell is the island itself. Special docks trail behind the giant sea turtle to allow ships access to its port.

Tribute to the sea turtle is expected, though it's more of a payment of food to keep the creature from submerging itself to feed itself, sinking the entire island under the water and destroying centuries of hard pirate work in 'taming' the beast. So, every pirate who visits Rumblood must pay their dues, either bringing food or offering gold to send someone else to gather it.

Rumblood is the best place to get intel regarding treasure, naval and armada movements, and pretty much anything of interest. It's also got some great gossip.

This is also where the Pirate King themself 'resides'. Whenever any Pirate Lords need to meet they gather here along with the Pirate King to discuss matters.

[div class=smh]Locating Rumblood Isle[/div]
Since Rumblood is nearly always on the move only pirates granted permission may have access which is done through a ritual which creates a magical dowsing pendulum which only the captain of the ship may use.

[div class=smh]The Polite Jester[/div]
The Polite Jester is the tavern located on Rumblood Isle. The tavern name tends to change frequently enough, depending on who owns it at the time since the Pirate King ultimately is the one who technically owns it. Best watch out for Old Man Henderson though. The old man has a habit of raving mad about someone stealing his booty though no one believes he's left Rumblood for decades. He can be spotted chatting with his stuffed parrot Rupert.

He's almost like the tavern mascot at this point.

[div class=lmh]Netherstand Haunt[/div]
Netherstand Haunt is an old colony that was abandoned after a plague wiped out the colonists, leaving it to nature and pirates to claim it. What became a ghost colony was taken over by pirates nearly twenty years after the plague hit, even going as far as to give any found remains a proper burial. The graveyard is a bit abnormal though, instead of gravestones a small replicate colony was built as a place for any lost souls to find their way back to some sort of home. The inhabitants and visitors are heavily discouraged from entering the graveyard; all accept the grave keeper.

[div class=smh]The Silent Mistress[/div]
The Silent Mistress is the tavern located on Netherstand Haunt. It was named after the original owner's mute mistress. He and his mistress were captured by pirates while trying to flee their spouses and ended up accepting to take on the work of running the tavern when the crew docked at the formerly abandoned colony. He and his woman have been dead for some time, but their children continue to run the tavern and all have high positions within the port.

[div class=lmh]Booty Bay[/div]
If there is one thing to be said about the pirate founder of Booty Bay it would be this; his mind was the deepest gutter. The port is now run by the current Madame and features what is the highest class brothel a pirate could dream of, because only the most successful pirates can pay her fees. She's also a woman you do not want to get on the bad side of, there are rumors that the prostitutes are more than meets the eye and you might find yourself with something unexpected; but those are just rumors after all.

[div class=smh]The Seven Drunken Knights[/div]
The Seven Drunken Knights is the tavern located on Booty Bay. The story goes that the founder of Booty Bay had been captured by seven Knights and was scheduled to be executed by hanging. He proposed that he and the Knights who were responsible for transporting him to prison play a drinking game called 'Never Have I Ever.' You can only imagine how well this went for the Knights. They never had a chance and ended up all passing out drunk leaving Vigo Verdestrom to steal the keys and commandeer a skiff.

[div class=smh]The Madam[/div]
The Madam
Verena Prue

[div class=lmh]High Tide Cove[/div]
High Tide Cove is what you would call a fortress. Only during certain times of the day - low tide - can you actually enter the protected cove which has a rocky island to protect it. Once the tide comes in there is no way in or out of the cove and any assault would be blocked by the islands tall, natural mountainous structures. While there have been attempts to swim into the cove those attacks have always failed and thus far Hide Tide Cove has yet to be successfully raided.

[div class=smh]The World's End[/div]
The World's End is the tavern located on High Tide Cove. The Pirate Lord who founded Hide Tide Cove named the tavern as such because she believed that should the pirate's world end that they would be the last man standing. The current bar tender is not what you would expect as she seems a bit young and dainty; don't be fooled. Her name may be Rose but she is far from sweet.

[div class=lmh]Parley Haven[/div]
Parley Haven was actually founded by an old merchant man who had never been a pirate in his life. He was a rich merchant who wanted to colonize the island which was a failed venture since he was an easy target for pirate's who looted all his supplies. However, he was a man of business and cut a deal with the pirates under Parley. He would colonize the island and report it as a legitimate port to the government allowing for merchant's to use the port. This meant the pirates could make those merchants unknowing fences who would buy, sell, and trade goods with pirates who presented themselves as merchants themselves.

[div class=smh]The Virtuous Harlot[/div]
The Virtuous Harlot is the tavern located on Parley Haven. The Pirate Lord named the tavern as a bit of a joking insulting towards the merchant who he found was a cowardly man, at one point compared the merchant to a virtuous harlot and the name stuck. The current bar keep has no relation to either the Pirate Lord or the merchant, but because everyone gets a good chuckle at the name of the tavern its been left since it was built.

[div class=lmh]Black Sand Cay[/div]
Black Sand Cay isn't the most creative name. It's named for the black sand of it's beaches which are the result of underwater volcanoes. Black Sand Cay doesn't have a volcano and out of all the ports is the smallest.

[div class=smh]The White Raven[/div]
The White Raven is the tavern located on Black Sand Cay. The myth for this tavern is a raven had traveled with a ship and ended up being unable to leave Black Sand Cay once the ship had left. When pirates arrived and decided to use the island for a port the raven was found and captured. The raven was caged and it began pouring and by the time the bird has been rushed inside the building that would be the tavern it was revealed that the raven was actually white! It has simply been covered in the dark sand when they had caught it.[/div][/div][/div][div class=bottomimg][/div]
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Infamous Pirates
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[div class=header]Infamous Pirates

"Why is all the rum gone?!"[/div][div class=txt][div class=lmh]Dread Pirate Roberts[/div]
Dread Pirate Roberts is the Captain of The Revenge. He is one of the most feared pirates as he is said to take no prisoners. There are rumors he is secretly an immortal who took up piracy for amusement since he has been a pirate legend for over 100 years.

[div class=lmh]Captain Jack Sparrow[/div]
No one honestly knows the truth of Captain Jack Sparrow. Some say he is the worst pirate they've ever seen and others say he's the best. He is supposedly the Captain of The Black Pearl, a ship believed the be the fastest vessel on water. Other times he's said to be the Captain of The Wicked Wench.

[div class=lmh]Captain Luci 'Leather' Barnes[/div]
Luci 'Leather' Barnes is the Captain of The Misbehavin' Maiden, a crew entirely made up of female pirates who are believed to be women of colorful backgrounds. Some rumors say she's the last of some Amazonian race that was wiped out. Others say she's really a beautiful man who has a harem for a crew. She's the only female Pirate Lord.

[div class=lmh]Captain Knox the Clever[/div]
Captain Knox the Clever is the Captain of The Queen's Pride, named after a rumor began that he had an affair with the Queen of Thye. The King of Thye absolutely despises Captain Knox and has his fleet with orders to 'sink that bastard on sight' and the bring him alive to Thye for punishment. Knox is only amused by this and will sometimes when bored go and find a Thye ship and taunt it into a chase... only to use it to send taunting messages back to the King. He is one of the current Pirate Lords.

[div class=lmh]Captain 'Trickster' Tristan[/div]
Captain 'Trickster' Tristan is the Captain of The Kraken. Yes, he indeed name his ship after the mythical beast feared by those who dare sail on the water. Why did he do this you ask? Why to cause the most amusing chaos, since whenever his ship is identified they would shout "It's the Kraken!" The first thought that would pop into anyone's head at that point would be to think it's the beast and to take advantage of that confusion. Somehow he became one of the current Pirate Lords.

[div class=lmh]Captain Dante the Demon[/div]
Captain Dante the Demon wasn't creatively named, he was a man from some humanoid horned race and was frequently called a demon and so the name stuck. He is the legendary captain of the first pirate airship; The Luminous Cloud. No one knows what happened to him or the The Luminous Cloud, but is a ship that is searched for to this day since it is believed to be the best airship any person could ever dream of.

[div class=lmh]Captain Freya 'Fury' Draegan[/div]
The Fool's Fortune is the current Pirate King's ship; Captain Freya 'Fury' Draegan. She came to become the first female Pirate King after a vote of the Pirate Lords. There are rumors how this happened. Those unhappy with the choice believed she blackmailed the Pirate Lords. The truth is far less interesting. She was simply the best of the best and was also the one who rallied the Pirate Lords against the armada of Maerin and won, despite being greatly outnumbered.
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[div class=header]Merfolk

"Don't be deceived. They have a taste for flesh."[/div][div class=txt][div class=lmh]Bad Reputation[/div]
While not all merfolk are bad, that doesn't mean the bad haven't given the rest a bad reputation. They're known to eat the flesh of any creature unfortunate enough to fall into their grasp, their favorites being the more humanoid. Most merfolk are a kill on sight priority, viewed as barbaric scavengers of the sea. This makes the most superstitious sailors very wary, to the point that should mass hysteria take hold they'll blame the deaths of shipmates on a merfolk hidden amongst the crew.

[div class=lmh]The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly[/div]
Obviously not all eat the flesh of land-dwellers, but there are some that do. The 'Good' are mostly vegetarian, sticking to a diet of various seaweed, sea grass, and so forth. They'll eat smaller creatures of the sea, but most assuredly they don't eat people.

The 'Bad' eat whatever they want, vegetation, sea creatures, and people. These are the Sirens who are known to lure ships to their doom. They dislike land-dwellers and are not known to take prisoners, not without a motive.

The 'Ugly' are those who only eat the flesh of people, sometimes even the flesh of their fallen. Their outward beauty hides a monstrous creature and it is said they can control the terrifying Kraken.

[div class=lmh]Endangered[/div]
There aren't many merfolk that exist today. They've been hunted to an endangered status with the flesh-eating cannibal merfolk being the largest group left. The reason for their low numbers is a combination of fear, hate, and myth.

It is believe that should someone capture a living merfolk and eat their flesh they would gain longevity, but in order to keep themselves from aging they must keep consuming the flesh. It was claimed to be a 'cure-all' and created a market for merfolk hunting. Nearly every bit of the body would be used for some type of medicinal use and now with their rarity the prices for product have increased where only the most wealthy and powerful can afford it.
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[class=fyuricontain] max-width:1053px; min-height:600px; margin:auto; background:url('https://i.imgur.com/ROvSFjm.jpg'); overflow:hidden; color:#000; [/class] [class=imagecontainer] max-width: 1053px; height: 580px; margin: auto!important; background-size:cover; line-height: 0px; [/class] [class=mainimage] position:relative; z-index:2; height: 100%; width: 100%; pointer-events: none; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/AeLPllQ.png) no-repeat center center; background-size:cover; background-position:left; [/class] [class=header] font-family: 'Trade Winds', cursive; color:rgba(0,0,0, 1.0); font-size:50px; line-height:40px; text-align:center; [/class] [class=txtcontain] position:relative; z-index:1; [/class] [class=txt] padding:25px 30px 0px 30px; text-align:justify; color:#313131; [/class] [class=lmh] display:inline; font-family: 'Trade Winds', cursive; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=smh] display:inline; font-family: 'Trade Winds', cursive; font-size:20px; [/class] [class=bottomimg] max-width:1053px; min-height:174px; margin:auto; background:url('https://i.imgur.com/z8BZsi3.png') no-repeat; [/class] [class=topimg] max-width:1053px; min-height:174px; margin:auto; background:url('https://i.imgur.com/C2YTdWE.png') no-repeat; [/class]
[div class=topimg][/div][div class=fyuricontain][div class=imagecontainer][div class=mainimage][/div][/div][div class=txtcontain]
[div class=header]Demons

"The Prophet probably made them up."[/div][div class=txt][div class=lmh]Slur[/div]
The name 'Demon' started out as a racial slur long ago, though know one knows exactly when. While it may have started off as a slur to a particular race inhabiting Tune, it was Theace who ultimately embraced it for their own purposes. It is not a word thrown about lightly, at least in 'good' company.

[div class=lmh]The Race[/div]
Demons are a race that once existed alongside the others on Tune. They have over time vanished and have become little more than a myth to some and a fearful entity to those of the Vidonia faith thanks to the Prophets propaganda. To those of the Vidionia faith they are a mysterious race set on destroying the world, though no one has actually seen one for ages.

The last recorded 'Demon' was Captain Dante who himself became a myth to Pirates, with a small few opting to try and locate his vessel The Luminous Cloud. There is an old painting of him in the hands of the Pirate King, though its authenticity has been doubted by many.

What has been recorded by the Vidonian researchers are the physical attributes of the race; humanoid creatures with horns and generally feral looking. How much of what has been written down and what information has been spread its hard to glean the truth from the lies.

[div class=lmh]NPC Race[/div]
This race is currently not open for PCs. They are part of the mysterious world lore the PCs must uncover through exploration and battle. Demon-like races can be given a pass, but the use of the term 'demon' along with FCs that could confuse PCs and NPCs they are a 'demon' should be avoided.
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