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Fandom Transformers: Age of Redemption (Main)



Follower of the Vanished Sun
Roleplay Availability
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The Autobot leader Cerberus Prime was standing at the front of the Ark, the Autobot ship. He was talking to one of the pilots, telling them to set the coordinates to the nearby planet Earth. There, they would settle and find new alternate forms. He headed out to the main hull where everyone was working frantically for their arrival to earth. Prime looked at everyone as they worked: Snoop, Pyro, Loudmouth, Metigate, Dynamite, Wreckdive and Frostguard. It was a small group, but he knew that well. He nodded to himself and called for everyone's attention. "As you all well know, we are headed to unknown territory. Once we arrive, we will all split up into two groups of two to find new forms to replace our Cybertronian bodies. Once that is complete, we will regroup here to begin scouting for Browbeater and his Decepticons. Then, we defend this planet and its inhabitants." He told them, his look that of determination and authority. "The groups will go as follows: Snoop and Pyro, Loudmouth and Metigate, Dynamite and Wreckdive, and Myself and Frostguard." Prime said, looking at each pair as he listed.
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location: earth, unspecified coordinates
Browbeater stared at the monitor that one of his underlings had directed him toward. His mechanical, well, brows, beetled at the sight. Apparently, the base's air/space sonar sensors had picked up an anomaly, something that was different from the usual rubble and scrap metal that floated around this planet's orbit. An anomaly that was distinctly Cybertronian.
He recognized the shape of the object that the sonar was picking up. A Vanguard-class cruiser. One of a number.
The Ark.
Behind his faceplate, Browbeater smirked darkly. So the Autobots had not given up when they had been dealt that crushing defeat at the Battle of Simanzi. That Cerberus Prime had continued his manhunt for him, Browbeater, the manhunt that he had been on for however many years now. Possibly. But it was best to be prepared for whatever situation would arise.
"What should we do, sir?" the underling asked.
In reply, Browbeater laid a hand on the bot's shoulder. "We will do nothing," he said. "For now. Keep watch on the Autobot's approach, and when they breach the atmosphere, tell me immediately, that we may begin preparing a... welcoming party for them."
"Yes sir," said the underling.
"That's a good fellow," said Browbeater. He left the bots in the monitor room to resume their work, and began to make his way to the laboratory deep within the base's bowels. He needed a word with Screwloose...
Screwloose was sitting in his lab, the Deception as always spent most of his time experimenting with recycled Autobot parts, and he may not look it but Screwloose was like a kid in a candy store among so many new parts to work with. The only melancholy was he had yet to find any parts that were easily compatible and to his liking. He stood over a desk messing with an arm that was close to his own size. He smiled in twisted enjoyment as he fixed the final attachments to the disembodied arm, then he grabbed a nearby screwdriver and began to stab himself in the arm in certain places before carefully removing his left arm before ever so gently tearing it off. He laid his newly disembodied appendage on the table, he grasped the other arm he pressed it into his own recently severed stump. He mashed in a few attachments and the arm joined onto his systems just as practiced. He clenched a fist with the alien hand once, and then twice. He smiled another success. He liked the new hand but it lacked...perfection. A small blade came out from above the hand, he blinked once. This could do for self defense a direct improvement over his old arm. He’d keep it, until he eventually found an improvement over this hand. The search would continue.

Pyro had spent a lot of the ride through space mixing chemicals to have plenty of ammunition to use against any threat that may come against the autobots. Creating fuel for the flamethrower as well as explosives to use at range. Of course he helped on maintenance whenever called, but most of his time was devoted to the making of his passionate borderline addiction of creating things that caused large scale destruction. He looked up at his commander and tested the trigger on his flamethrower nodding slightly. He looked around for the bot who’d been assigned as his partner. Ready to get the job done and just maybe blow something up in the process.

In a nondescript quiet desert night a mangy coyote was on the prowl, the scrawny animal sniffed the dirt on a search for some scrap that would keep it going. Loud audible sniffing could be heard as the canine dig into the dirt and its claws scraped metal, it yelled and jumped back as the earth shook and the head of a massive transformer burst its way out of the dirt. Grabbing at the earth the huge dinobot took its first steps in who knew how many years. It looked right once, then left. Then down at the coyote, it gave a metallic rumble and scared the animal away before stomping across the desert in a direction of random choice. Scourge was back.
Location: The Ark
A new planet, while the concept wasn’t​
anything new it still amazed Metigate with its possibilities. Though the pessimistic, and often correct, thoughts continuously occupying the front of his head hoped this planet wouldn’t also come to ruin. Yet here he was, beating his feelings out by repeatedly hitting the old Teletran processor with a hammer. It was supposed to try and remove some of the built up coolant that had hardened during their journey, but he doubted a hammer would do any more good than bad.

With a final hit, the error messages on​
the nearby monitor disappeared and Metigate released an atypical sigh of relief. He honestly didn’t think that was going to work. Closing the hatch and wiping off some of the residue on his hammer, Metigate walked back into the bridge to make sure all the systems were working correctly again. With his fingers jumping across the different keys on the display board he paused slightly when Cerberus Prime began speaking to the bots. Metigate was severely inclined to make a remark about not exactly being a part of this little crew they created, but held his pipes shut despite how his left hand began to twitch as a resultant. A small group of two couldn’t hurt, right?... Right?
Location:: Hopper (her ship)

Sitting alone in the small hull of her her personal ship, the freelance transformer couldn’t help but feel like something was missing.
Looking through her list of offers from different Transformers across the universe, she couldn’t find one she felt called to accept. Giving up, she walked away from the holographic screen, leaning against the wall and staring out the window of her craft into the vacuum of space.
“I need a break.” Deciding suddenly, she turned toward the cockpit and walked through the rest of her ship. Reaching the familiar area she might call her second home, Sid hopped into the pilot seat of her ship.
“TO! Bring up a list of nearby planets.” She spoke to the AI in her ship, which responded immediately. A small holographic scene appeared before her and she looke down the list.
“Earth? Hm... sounds interesting.”​
Warrior // Autobot // Tagged: Nobody // Location: The Ark
Wreckdrive had been sitting by himself in the dark corner of the ship ever since they boarded it.
He wasn't fond of the other bots that were excited to go someplace new, not shutting up for one second to get some peace and quiet.
He was more than happy when they started heading to Earth, excited to kick some Decepticons' asses to scrap.

His excitement however turned into pure annoyance as Cerberus told them they'd split up into pairs of two, pairing him with Dynamite.
"You've got to be kidding...", he mumbled, rolling his eyes upon meeting Dynamite's gaze.
She was young and inexperienced in battle, especially considering some of the other bots. She was ambitious, yes, but also annoying because she talked too much.
The black and yellow bot just decided to shut up for now, not wanting to start a fight with Cerberus while they were confined in such a small space.
He'd just go solo once they'd land on Earth.
...Is it over?
... can I get off this Primus forsaken SHIP?

Her internal monologue continued endlessly throughout the entire trip, making her slowly lose her mind as her processor just chewed ceaselessly on and on.

To be honest, Loudmouth didn’t really have too many ship-based skills. She wasn’t an engineer, nor a mechanic. She could do some bare-bones computing, but most of her skill set was tuned to stealth, infiltration and... screaming at people. Not very helpful on an interstellar space craft.

Still, she tried to help where she could, but most of the time she was just sitting in some room twiddling her thumbs waiting for SOMETHING to do. Anything, please!

But she was only getting in the way, so there she sat. For days. Cycles and cycles of space travel. Sitting on her rear doing essentially nothing. She was about to screech from boredom.

So when she heard they were heading for a new planet, she shot to her feet. Finally! Action! Adventure! Not the inside of a tin can flying through the infinite vacuum of space!

“We-We’re getting off this ship? When is it soon? Pleeeeease, Prime, tell me it’s soon! My processor can’t take being cooped up anymore!” She exclaimed, doing her best to keep her voice down. Primus knows if she didn’t, the decibels would increase exponentially, and that was not good in this enclosed space.

“I’ve been losing my mind this entire time! If I stay in this can any longer I think I’m gonna claw out my optics!” She groaned, pressing her fingers to her face below her optics and miming pulling down, just to make a point.
Cerberus Prime
Prime simply looked at Loudmouth. "We're breaching the atmosphere as we speak." He said, walking back into the cockpit area of the Ark. Soon after, the ship landed near a mountain and the back hatch hissed open. Cerberus stepped outside and looked over the surrounding. Once he found it clear, he looked towards the Teletran AI. "Teletran, scan the area for Cons." He told it. Once complete, he looked it over and then back towards everyone else. "Get with your pairs and find new bodies." He said.
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Location: Earth, unspecified co-ordinates.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The screams of the captured Decepticon echoed throughout the makeshift laboratory.
The Decepticon had unfortunately strayed too far from his comrades and ended up being captured by Venimax. He lay restrained vertically upon a metal bed as Venimax proceeded with his organic integration experiments. After several days of experiments, the Cybertronian could hardly be called that at all. In his place lay a horrifying patchwork of biology and technology.
The screams ceased suddenly as the Decepticon erupted into uncontrollable and violent spasms. They continued for several seconds until the body went still. Venimax released the restraints and the body slumped to the floor with a loud clank. The scorpion jumped back at the sound but Venimax willed it forward. He inspected the body carefully but turned as one of the monitors hummed into life.
The Decepticons had apparently detected an anomaly in Earth's orbit. His quasi-organic beast modes were invisible to Cybertronian sensors so Venimax had managed to infiltrate the Decepticon base and bug some of their equipment.

"Autobots" Venimax said to himself. A sneer crossed his face. The scorpion let out an approving hiss.
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Pyro ready to get out of the ship looked around for Snoop. Pyromaniac couldn’t say he was thrilled to be partners with the other Autobot, mostly because of Snoop’s doom and gloom that he was always spouting but Pyro wasn’t one to disobey orders. He looked around without moving before stretching upwards to locate his partner. He sighed unable to locate Snoop. He reached backwards and fiddled with one of his explosives. Some other boy may believe playing with a bomb was irresponsible, and dangerous. But Pyromaniac knew his way around a bomb better than space knew about stars and planets.

Scourge trudged along, each step he took filled the desert air with a loud sound of clanking metal. The dinobot’s red visor glowed ever brighter as it moved, it handled a spiked flail as if ready to crush something to paste on a moment’s notice. Scourge let out a guttural growl, he was fed up with the quiet. He swung the flail forward and smashed it into a rock formation cracking it and giving a loud booming drawl to the sandy wasteland that he absolutely relished. Scourge grunted, the sound only did so much. Soon he was back on his goalless journey to absolutely nowhere.
location: the ark, freshly arrived on earth
Well, here they were. Earth. From what intel he had gathered on the place, it was a greasy little mudball of a backwater world, covered almost entirely in water; and what was't covered in water was covered in plant matter.
Two things Snoop hated.
The third thing he hated was working with Pyro. Pyro was much too reckless and confident for Snoop's liking, too eager to get into trouble. And Snoop had had enough trouble to last him the rest of his operational lifespan. Going out with Pyro was a surefire way to get into mischief that could easily be avoided.
Nevertheless, orders from Prime were orders from Prime. The little data miner prepped his internal surveillance systems, grabbed a blaster that was much too big for his hands, and dropped down from the upper deck of the bridge to join Pyro. "All right, lets get this over with," he grumped.
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Location: Bridge of the Ark​

Frostguard had spent the last deca-cycle aboard the Ark trying to learn how all the systems worked. The blue Autobot had decided that in lieu of battle education should be his priority. His many enquiries to the various crew members had not endeared him to them, in fact they were quite sick of the bot who they said had a pipe stuck up his aft. It did not help that Frostguard was frequently telling them how they should do their jobs. His recital of various Autobot work regulations had become a reoccurring joke among the occupants of the Ark. Frostguard was too oblivious to notice it.

In the last few cycles Frostguard had taken to learning the ship’s astro-navigation systems. He had learnt enough to know that currently they were in the middle of nowhere, a solar system of seemingly no consequence. As Frostguard looked over the star maps for what nearby planet the Decepticons could be hiding on, Cerberus Prime entered the room, telling the pilot to set a course for Earth. Frostguard had never heard of this planet, but he trusted that the Prime knew what he was doing. The blue Autobot pulled up the file on Earth at his computer terminal. There was little information of interest, the inhabitants were carbon based biologicals, they had very primitive space travel, and they were destroying the environment of their planet. It would make sense for the Decepticons to be here, a primitive culture that no one cares about, one that they could easily enslave.

As Frostguard closed the small file on Earth, Cerberus Prime gathered the other Autobots. They were to split into pairs to investigate the planet, also finding a new alternate mode to blend in with. As the Prime was announcing the assigned teams, Frostguard was surprised to be paired with the Commander himself.

“I-it would be an h-honour sir,” Frostguard stuttered, speaking a bit too quietly for the others to hear.

Although Frostguard was stationed aboard the Ark with the Autobot Commander, he had never actually worked with the bot himself on a mission. Like most Autobots Frostguard had heard of the legendary exploits of Cerberus Prime, unknowingly placing him on a pedestal in his mind.

The blue Autobot was snapped back to reality as the Ark shook as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere. Even with a skilled pilot planetary re-entry always had a little turbulence. When the Ark landed Frostguard got up from his terminal. The back hatch of the ship opened with a hiss of steam, Frostguard approaching the Autobot Commander. The blue bot stepped in front of the Prime, immediately snapping into a salute.

“Frostguard reporting in for the mission.”
location: earth, unspecified coordinates
At last, the Decepticon leader arrived at the door to Screwloose's laboratory. If the state of the door was any indication, then the lab was sure to be ill-kept on the inside, too. He hesitated; he did not particularly want to get his digits dirty by knocking on the door.
Browbeater did not usually go to his mad scientist's workspaces; normally, he would have the scientist come to him. But he was free for the moment, and this was a matter that would best be spoken about in relative secrecy.
He hesitated a little longer, then knocked on the door before opening it. "Screwloose?" he asked. "Have you got a minute to talk?"
A small alarm chirped on his radio. He was being summoned; it would have to wait until his business here was finished.
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Cerberus Prime

Prime motioned for him to follow as he headed off to an old and unused Military base. He looked at one of the humvees and grinned, scanning it over and transforming into an armed humvee. He then transformed back into his robotic form, glancing towards Frostguard. "Let's go, yea?" He said, chuckling.
“Great! GREAT. This is wonderful, amazing! LETS GO, Metigate!” She rushed over, grabbed the young bot and practically dragged him out of the ship, immediately rushing off with him to find a new alt mode.

“Oh, thank PRIMUS we’re off that ship, I was about to start screaming of boredom! And everybody knows that I should not start screaming at any point in time. And definitely not on the airtight ship!”

Loudmouth has begun to ramble in her incessant need to just speak, letting out all her energy in a massive, motormouth outburst.

“We’re looking for cons right? I’m pretty sure they still think I’m one of them, I should just wander off and finds them on my own, fade back into the ranks and start my job again, I wonder if any of the guys are still around. Did any of the usual crew make it out of orbit, or... I’m talking a lot, aren’t I?”


Pyro nodded and began to walk out of the base. “Couldn’t of said it better myself mate” he said. Going off to find some form of alternative form that met his liking. He moved along until he met a long winding place of asphalt must be some sort of transportation route he stood back in hiding until quite an aesthetically pleasing vehicle drove by. (It was no wonder Pyro took a liking to it because of its paint job. Blazing fires painted on the hood). He scanned it, and took its form. Revving the engine a bit before going back into his robot form. Still disappointed at not being able to blow anything up but that would come in time. Now he just needed to wait for Snoop to find his alternative form, fun.

Screwloose seemed almost surprised. Browbeater never came into his lab, of course the list of bots with the bravery to enter his lab that was more often then not littered with unused parts was quite short. Though Screwloose’s behavior gave off nothing but a pleasant demeanor. He waved at the Deception commander, his left hand was now openly sticking out with its different red color scheme. “What do I owe this surprise visit” he said. Putting away a few of his now stained tools, as well as his newly discarded arm as if to make more room on his desk which had many a spot carried quite a questionable color.
location: earth, close by the ark
As he trotted along as fast as he could behind Pyro, trying to keep up with the larger bot's long strides while dragging his still-too-large blaster behind him, Snoop took the opportunity to scan the environment. His optics, the left one with a video recorder and the right one with a camera, took in every detail and stored it in his many built-in storage drives, for later review. An avian creature stared at him as he passed by, seemingly unperturbed. Disgusting.
Their journey led them to a large strip of asphalt surrounded by very tall grass. Snoop's small stature made it easier for him to hide in it than Pyro. Peeking through the grass, Snoop peered at the vehicles that passed rapidly by, trying to find one that would be incongruous to this planet's inhabitants, and fitting for him. Between vehicles, Pyro had picked and flexed his new alt-mode, but after a while, Snoop still hadn't found one for him.
And he was getting grumpier by the minute.

location: earth, unspecified coordinates
Closing the door behind him, Browbeater waited for Screwloose to finish putting his tools away before continuing. "I'm here, doctor, to talk of your... project. Our sonar sensors have picked up the Ark approaching this world's airspace, which means Autobots. Is that bio-weapon of yours ready for beta testing? I figured our enemies would be suitable test subjects for it, once they arrive."
His radio chirped louder in his audials.
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Location: The Ark, Somewhere on Earth
That landing definitely could have
been a bit smoother. Maybe if the cufflinks were set to.... Metigate rubbed the back of his neck in slight agitation; they already landed, it was a bit late to try and adjust things. Quickly grabbing some of his tools Metigate walked to the back ramp where this new planet, Earth, awaited them. The blinding sunlight was the first thing he noticed, it was brighter than Perceptor. Not to mention quite a bit warmer. Metigate was probably never going to admit this to anyone, but walking out into the open felt like becoming one with the well of allsparks. The heat and the light, it was astounding and caused him to feel something he couldn’t exactly explain.

Pulling himself out of the trance after a
few seconds, Metigate leaned against one of the ramp’s support hydraulics before pulling out a data pad to check on a recent diagnostic of the ship. He never was one to shy away from the challenge of making sure old tech continued to work. Hearing footsteps Metigate’s head snapped up as he watched Frostgaurd salute Cerberus. He tried very hard not to laugh at the autobot, though a sardonic smirk slipped through his attempts. Metigate had nearly forgotten about the pairs Cerberus put them all into, he wasn’t exactly eager to follow orders. But honestly he just hoped that once Loudmouth gets off the ship she’ll relax a bit, mostly because he’s pretty sure one of his gaskets might blow involuntarily if there’s never a moment of silence.

Though the arm that grabbed him
immediately shut down the majority of his hopes. Metigate could never have imagined the amount of energy that Loudmouth had held up in the ship. He kept in pace with the other bot the majority of the time, though he won’t deny the few times he almost fell on his face. His audio sensors may have also nearly overloaded just from sheer input each time before he stumbled.

Once it appeared as if Loudmouth ran
out of steam for the moment, Metigate chuckled to himself before speaking: “Okay, One: No reason we can’t look for both cons and alt-modes at the same time, so I’ll have my scanner active to help out a bit. Two: I don’t exactly know the usual crew, so apologies, I can’t exactly help there. Three: Quite possibly yes.” Metigate smiled a bit at the last comment, even though he did kind of mean it, he also wanted to play it off as humor. Either way, he turned his scanner on to search for energon readings. As much as the range on it wasn’t for scrap, it was all Metigate had at the moment.

Continuing to walk, or for some reason
running at points, Metigate and Loudmouth came across what looked like a grave yard. It was full of twisted metal, half-melted rubber, and little machines that appeared to be broken. Metigate read in the report that there were beings on this planet, he just hoped he wouldn’t be cannibalized like the majority of the metal scraps that were everywhere . He was tempted to turn around but figured there had to be some form of able concealment they could find.
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“Nah, I wouldn’t expect you to... I suppose I shouldn’t be getting attached to those guys anyway, they are the enemy.“ She seemed to get pensive for a moment, seemingly deep in thought, before shaking her head and looking around this mechanical graveyard, a chill running up her spine.

“Yeesh... this planet is inhabited by intelligent organic lifeforms, right? What kind of purpose does this place serve? ... either way, seems like a good place to start. Let’s have a look around.”

She then wandered off, looking at the piles of scrap parts, scanning for something functional, till she found something with four wheels next to some kind of structure within the walls of this place. Figuring it was a place of dwelling for the lifeforms in this planet, she quickly scanned the four-wheeler and transformed into it, before taking off to find Metigate again.

“Well, I’m good, hows it going?” She asked as she approached in her new alt mode.

Location: Outside the Ark, Somewhere on Earth

Venimax had just arrived at the Ark. He had calculated it's trajectory and had managed to correctly predict its landing site. Unfortunately however time was growing short.
Venimax had hoped to isolate and capture one of the Autobots before they had scanned an alternate mode. He speculated that without an alternate mode, their transformation cog should prove more susceptible to any system wide changes and therefore should be able to more readily integrate organic material into the Cybertronian's systems rather than outright reject it like the majority of his previous subjects.
He could see that the majority of the Autobots had already scanned alternate modes so if he stood any chance of testing his hypothesis he needed to act quickly, even if it meant drawing undue attention to himself.

@Cicada3301, capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS , Yahhah Yahhah , TARDIS06 TARDIS06 , explosiveKitten explosiveKitten , Xale Xale
Screwloose thought on that information Autobots coming to earth could mean new parts to work with. Of course they’d need to be killed first, silly foresight. “I’m not quite sure if it would be ready for testing just yet in the field” he said. Doing a few quick calculations, it was no lie that he’d been preoccupied with other experiments. “Although more data and small testing is needed to know how to use it safely. If only to make sure that it can be aimed effectively” said Screwloose.

Pyro reclined back in the grass, slightly radiating boredom. Tapping at his metal head he debated on what to do with his time stuck around Snoop. He was pretty sure that Prime had put every non combat boy with a warrior for some kind of safe precaution. He messed around with the flamethrower strapped to his back. Still obviously bored. He decided to try a conversation. “So, you see any interesting vehicles yet” he said.

The dinobot had been on the move until it came upon the premonition of something that set it off. As if it had some inkling of how it ended up buried. Loud clanks of metal were heard as it went into its alternate form. A silver ankylosaur with the spiked flail on the end of its tail. It stampeded in the direction of the sense. Little bots.
Location: Abandoned Military Base, Close to the Ark​

Frostguard followed the Autobot Commander, in a disciplined military stride, as they headed away from the Ark. Already the tactical officer could see that this planet, Earth it was called, was very different from Cybertron. As they walked Frostguard noticed the overabundance of biological vegetation, and small animals scurrying away from the pair of large Cybertronians. Even though the file had said that the natives were destroying their environment there was still a lot of diversity left on the planet. Frostguard made a mental note to investigate further when he had the time.

Cerberus Prime led him to a group of structures, one that seemed to have been vacant for some time. As they got closer it seemed the Prime had his optics on one vehicle in particular that was sitting there. That suspicion was confirmed when the Commander scanned the vehicle, then transformed into it. Although it looked well armed it was a little bit too bulky for Frostguard’s liking. But as there wasn’t a rule forbidding that kind of alternate mode, Frostguard kept his opinion to himself. Cerberus Prime then transformed back into robot form and suggested they get going.

“I concur. I would…prefer a different style of alternate mode,” Frostguard replied.

Frostguard then started to walk toward a piece of road that he had seen on the way to the base. Crouching behind one of the abandoned buildings, Frostguard focused his optics on the road. For a while he saw no traffic, Frostguard assuming that they had landed far from any native settlement. When a vehicle did finally show up it was a slick blue car. Figuring that it was as good a choice as any, Frostguard quickly scanned it, the holo-laser disappearing before the driver could notice it.

As the car zoomed past, Frostguard took the opportunity to transform into his newly selected alternate form. As he became the blue car he revved the engines. He admitted to himself that it felt good, figuring that if this was the norm for this planet’s designs that they deserved more praise. He was blissfully unaware that the car he had scanned was a very expensive, and definitely not the norm, make of vehicle.

Frostguard transformed back into robot form, turning to Cerberus Prime, “Alternate form selected. What now Commander?”
Cerberus Prime
Location: Road strip

Prime looked at Frostguard and looked back towards where the Ark had landed. He transformed and drove back to it, going back to robot mode and seeing Venimax. Cerberus stared at the bot, his right wrist shifting into an Energon Sword. An Energon Cannon revved up on his left shoulder, moving down to his left wrist, replacing the wrist with the cannon. He aimed it at Venimax, his face similar to that of Optimus Prime. "Who are you and why have you come here?" He asked him.

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain
Location: Outside the Ark, Somewhere on Earth

Venimax had broken cover as he searched when he heard the rumble of an engine fast approaching. He shifted back into his scorpion beast mode. The Autobots would be unfamiliar with this planet so any Autobot that saw him now should mistake him for one of the native species.
The vehicle transformed into its robot mode as it drew closer. Venimax recognised the Autobot as none other than their leader: Cerberus Prime. Prime quickly went on the defensive, with a sword in one hand and a cannon in the other before asking him to identify himself. It was possible that Prime suspected that he may be a Cybertronian in disguise but it was more likely that he believed he had made first contact with a potentially intelligent but possibly hostile species. After all beast modes were uncommon for Cybertronians, and a quasi-organic one like Venimax's would seem like an absolute impossibility.
Venimax let the scorpion's instincts take over and the scorpion met Prime's defence with a display of its own. It kept its distance, opening its pincers and raising its tail, directing the sting towards Prime, whilst moving from side to side. It was Venimax's hope that this display would complete the illusion and Prime would conclude that he was just some wild animal and move on.

(Primarily @Cicada3301 but capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS TARDIS06 TARDIS06 as well (as the only two Autobots without alt modes at the moment by my understanding.))
Looking through the information of the planet, the transformer smiled a bit. “Inhabited, eh? By... What how do you say that? Hu-mans? Interesting. It’ll be a nice break from sitting up here and doing nothing.”
Over the last few months the freelancer had collected over a dozen payments, giving her enough money to relax for a month or so. Having never down so before, she had already spent two weeks just wandering the galaxy in boredom.
“Well this is better then nothing.” Sitting up, she typed something into the holographic screen before it disappeared, then put her hands on the controls. “Let’s get going then!” She smiled as the ship lurched forward, headed to a new destination.

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