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My Interest Check

A new day arrived and not a regular one on top of that. The start of the new university year went in, a lot of new faces walking around the campus leisurely. Some came because they really wanted to succeed in their respective course, others wanted to try it out and see if it fit their mindset and others… well, they just went because they had nothing better to do or didn’t feel like working yet. The sun broke through the clouds today, making the temperatures rise. It wasn’t that hot yet but it was starting to feel good finally. Only needing a cardigan or something now to put around to walk around in. It was not the time yet for cherry blossom viewing but it was coming close. An excellent day trip to go watch them when one had time. Also, one of the more popular tourist periods as crowds would form at the more known spaces such as Shinjuku Gyoen.

Yoichi and Toma made their way into the direction of Tokyo Uni where they would be working together for another year. It was a nice place to work at after all, the pay was pretty good too. What was there to hate about. The students? Well, sometimes… Everybody could have a bad day. Yoichi was full on talking while Toma just responded with the occasional hum or short words. It went like this most of the time as Toma didn’t deal well with early mornings. Not really needing to walk for since they both lived about fifteen minutes away by foot. The perfect location as how they would describe it.

Upon arriving, the two of them parted ways as Toma had a meeting with the other professors because of the new schoolyear. They needed to do some preparations for the upcoming days or at least discuss about what they were going to do. Most would just start with their introduction lesson, letting the students become comfortable with the subject or regret their choices at that exact moment. Yoichi however didn’t need to do that, instead he wandered around the campus and helped out with sticking posters to the walls for optional “clubs” the students could join. The most popular one was the rugby team so it seemed.

Trying to juggle the flyers on one arm and stapling with the other. It was going fine but he definitely was having some trouble with it, hoping that no strong breeze would set up or everything could go flying at once. Meaning that he would need to scramble and pick every one of them up again. Talk about a serious chore… Meanwhile Toma arrived in the teacher’s lounge where they could assemble to talk about things. Everything was still fairly relaxed, not all of them had arrived yet so they could eat their breakfast now they still could. Going for a coffee to wake him up for what was about to come. He didn’t exactly want to fall asleep on the spot which had already occurred in the past. It wasn’t a pretty sight as the principal wasn’t too happy with it.

Hiro: Chapter 1: First Day in
Here he was, the first day of freshman year at the prestigious Tokyo University. As Hiro drove down in his silver Toyota S Class, he parked in the student parking lot and exited the car, taking out the keys and his cup of black coffee. The boy came from a tea family, but seeing how he would need the energy to get through the study sessions and classes, he recently started experimenting with coffee. There was a certain thing about black coffee that enticed him. As bitter as it was, the substance still tasted well on his mouth, and he found creamers and milk ruined the essence.

Taking his school supplies from the backseat, Hiro made his way into the campus building, admiring the hallways and taking notice to any staff or students who walked by...

[Open to Interaction]
Norman’s morning was anything but stress free. The only thing that started his day right was his coffee and a light morning exercise. Unlike other faculty members of the University Norman and the rest of the maintenance department started their day off way earlier. So at 5:00am he and his coworkers got to work with ensuring that the campus was up to snuff for the first day in the new semester. First thing on the list was grounds and trash.

Going around to every trash can on campus and ensuring that they were all empty, and of course picking up any wayward piece of trash one happened to find along the way. Everyone helped out with grounds in the morning, but once 7:00 am rolled and the professors and students began to roll in it was time to work on maintenance orders. The biggest and most annoying issue that Norman was being faced with were the clocks. It seemed like most of them weren’t working so Norman was running around with a pocket full of batteries in his light green uniform with his thick work boots and keys making as much noise as possible.

As he was running around doing this very tedious task Norman noticed a professor struggling with some fliers and decided he couldn’t just watch the car crash in slow motion and stopped to help. Without a word Norman approached the Professor, his keys jingling as he approached, and tapped him on the shoulder before taking a majority of the fliers from him without saying a word. All the faculty and most senior students knew that Norman’s hearing was all but nonexistent and as such he communicated through sign language, rarely ever speaking. While Norman’s hearing was severely damaged because of his hobbies of hunting and range shooting he was mostly playing his hard of hearing as he was quite anti-social.
Clouds Clouds
Already sitting inside the teacher's lounge, a certain culinary arts professor gingerly held onto a piping hot cup as though it was his lifeline. Contrary to popular belief, however, what he had in his hands was not coffee, but tea. He rarely ever drank the iconic caffeinated beverage since it tended to dull his sense of taste—the exact opposite of what you'd want to happen if you were pursuing a career in cuisine. Upon noticing the arrival of his fellow educator and good friend, Toma, he tilted his head over to another mug on the table. A double shot espresso, perfect for a hectic day of teaching at a university.

Leonel gently blew on his drink before taking a sip. It was during early mornings like this, when his energy had yet to properly kick in, that the rumored cauldron witch was incredibly docile and compliant. By the time his first class of the day starts, however, you'd think that this version of him was a hallucination that your mind conjured up.

Absentmindedly staring off into space, he idly wondered what he should have his new students do for the upcoming days. Perhaps... tell them a little white lie to give them a scare? (Read as: maliciously deceive them to make them regret every single decision they made up to that moment.) He'd done the same thing to the previous batch, after all. It would be fun to mess with the freshmen this year as well.

Yeah, that sounded like a good idea, he thought to himself with a small nod.

Another gulp of his drink, and he let out a satisfied sigh. Butter tea was a godsend to people like him. It was a wonder that he'd managed to live so long without it, and he knew that he would hardly manage if it ever came to that.

Clouds Clouds
1582732073463.png Warm rays of sunshine poured through Midori's window while she was getting ready for her first day back at Uni. Seeing as it was a fairly nice day out, Midori only donned a plain t-shirt and comfy sweater with jeans. She was excited to get back to work on her drawing skills seeing as her summer job had kept her pretty busy. She was going to miss her work friends but she knew she'd soon be too busy to worry about them. Besides, maybe there'd be new people to talk to in class. Maybe I should join a club this year, she thought absently as she slipped on her shoes and ran out the door. Quickly, she hopped on her bike and started towards school. Last year she had stayed at home with her parents so had to commute farther, but over the summer she moved closer so she could have some privacy and be closer to school.

Warm wind whipped through Midori's short locks as she made her way towards Uni. She relished the feeling, it made her feel free. Her smile brightened as Tokyo University came into her view and she swung her leg over the side of her bike as she approached the bike stand. Locking her bike up was a quick and easy task then she happily made her way into school, the hallways calming and familiar to her. It's good to be back, she thought as she listened to the sound of her footsteps echo off the walls. There was nothing more exciting than working on her craft and she was ready to get down to it. Nothing was going to stand in Midori's way of being a great artist.

Her stomach growled faintly so the snowy-haired girl made her way to the cafeteria to pick up a carton of her favorite strawberry milk and a quick snack. The room was still pretty empty seeing being that it was a bit early still, so Midori plopped down at an empty table and pulled out her sketchbook. Her violet eyes were alive with glee as she sipped on the sweet beverage and made little drawings on the blank paper. Absently, she drew stills of the apple she had snagged for a snack. taking time to shade some while others were just rough sketches. It had been a while since she picked up a pencil but it was like second nature to her now, and it only made her more excited to get the school year started.
Hinata Akamine

Hinata nervously made his way through the campus grounds, habitually clenching and unclenching his hands around his phone. He wasn't late by any means, but the 'What ifs' still plagued his mine. It had been awhile since he was in an environment such as this, and he was finding that he hadn't been missing the experience at all. He didn't let his inward anxieties show on the outside however, as he smiled and waved at everyone who caught his eye. In fact, a fellow student had even come up and asked him for directions, as though this wasn't his first time on the campus either. He supposed that the air he exuded was one of an upperclassman, the type one would go to for help. He didn't really know how he exuded such an air with his short stature, but he was by no means complaining. Nevertheless, he had told them that he was just as lost as they were, and he couldn't help but feel as though he'd failed them as they walked away.

Suddenly, his stomach clenched and rumbled quite audibly, to the point where he glanced around with a small blush. Thinking about it now, he had skipped breakfast, and also dinner the night before. He had been too nervous, and he had been preoccupied what with his mom giving him one final lecture for the road. He quickly glanced down at his phone and looked at the map that lit up his screen, finding that he wasn't as lost as he thought. "The cafeteria's not too far from here it seems..." He mumbled to himself, following the mental trail he created to where he hoped the cafeteria was. Five minutes later with only one missed turn (seriously though, this map was way too hard to read. Who created it anyways?), and Hinata found himself in the cafeteria. Despite it being early, he found that it was more lively than he thought it would be, and supposed that like him, many others had forgotten completely about breakfast.

He quickly grabbed a chocolate muffin, a banana, and some coffee with quite a bit of creamer and sugar before scouting for a place to sit. Now, there were many tables that were empty, and he could have sat at any one of them. However, he found one of the best ways to establish a good connection with someone else was over a good meal. Thus, he searched for a table that only had one or two people, and his legs were moving towards his destination less than a minute later. He approached a girl who sat by herself, and while he wouldn't describe her as looking lonely, it definitely didn't look like she'd be opposed to company. Then again, he'd been wrong many times before, and it wouldn't have been his first time being turned away unkindly. He smiled down at her as he stood a chair away, wanting to give her some personal space. "Those drawing look quite nice. Mind if I sit here?" He asked, not putting his tray down in case the silver haired girl wanted him to leave.

KittOnyx KittOnyx
Taji noticed Hiro walking by and he approached him to introduce himself as he is new to the university. "Oh, hello. Are you a new student? If you are then I am too." He said happily.

"I heard that the weather is going to be nice today." He said.

holyman1998 holyman1998
Taji noticed Hiro walking by and he approached him to introduce himself as he is new to the university. "Oh, hello. Are you a new student? If you are then I am too." He said happily.

"I heard that the weather is going to be nice today." He said.

"Yes, I am a new student. I'm going for my history degree. What's going to be your major?" Hiro asked Taji. Looking back outside, he smirked and said. "The weather is going to be nice today."
"Indeed, it is. My major is creative writing. The reason for that is I am planning to become a screenwriter one day to write scripts for the film company in Korea which is where my family is from. I'm Taji by the way." He said.

"Are you fluent in Korean?" He asked.

holyman1998 holyman1998
"Indeed, it is. My major is creative writing. The reason for that is I am planning to become a screenwriter one day to write scripts for the film company in Korea which is where my family is from. I'm Taji by the way." He said.

"Are you fluent in Korean?" He asked.

"Can't say I am. I'm planning to be a history professor. Say, when's freshman orientation? I need some time to find and move into my dorm."

As some of the flyers was taken from Yoichi, he stared in confusion towards the other. Tilting his head to the side which made his blonde locks sway with the motion. Chuckling as the guy seemed to be rather silent, a little too silent if one would ask him. Wondering if it was just the personality or the fact that the person didn’t know what to say to him. Biting his lip as he wondered on what to do in this kind of situation but he couldn’t leave the help he received like that. It wouldn’t be like him. Hell, it’d be rude to just accept and say nothing in return. He turned on the back of his heels towards the black-haired male, smiling gently in his direction. “Thank you for helping me out, I’ve been in a serious pinch because they dumped the work onto me without any help…” He started blabbering.

“I haven’t seen you around though, are you new or have I just not noticed you before? If for the second, I’m really sorry about that. But since I’m a nurse and am probably in the infirmary most of the time, it’s not that weird… Hah, I should go out more during work breaks.” There it was the no-end blabbering of everything that popped into his mind. It became his trademark at some point. Some students found it hilarious as Yoichi sometimes kept on talking to a colleague, making the other late for his own class. Juggling the flyers became easier in the meantime though due to the weight having lessened. Though as he didn’t get much of an answer, he wondered why that was so. Was he being annoying or was it something else? “Do you hear me?” He waved with his hand which was holding a stapler.

Toma nodded upon seeing Leonel already being in the teacher’s lounge. He hadn’t noticed the other before taking a sup of his coffee. He could already feel the caffeine pumping through him. It was well needed after the rambling of Yoichi this early in the morning. At least he wasn’t bothered as much when they were on a break as Yoichi loved to sleep in when he had the chance. Toma plopped down on a chair and tried his hardest to keep his eyes open and not nod off. “So, are you going to make them crap their pants again this year?” He eventually asked Leonel in a rather monotonous voice. His friend made quite the reputation the previous year. “What are you drinking?” He motioned towards the tea the latter was holding.

St. Boethius St. Boethius Ineptitude Ineptitude
1582810899303.pngMidori hadn't even noticed more students pouring into the cafeteria as she was so consumed in her sketchbook. Her mind was very preoccupied with filling in the blank space that was her sketchbook. She had moved on from sketching her apple to her milk carton, as it now sat empty in front of her. Absently, she picked up her apple and gave it a bite, the juice sprayed onto her paper and she scoffed. As she set her apple down she could see in her peripheral someone approaching but paid them no mind, as she assumed they were just passing by.

It was hard not to be shocked when the dark haired boy spoke to her, though. Midori stared blankly up at him for a moment before she registered that he had asked her a question. "Oh, thank you. I don't mind if you sit," she responded, a faint smile crossing her lips. She was surprised he wanted to sit with her, she didn't think she gave off very talkative vibes, seeing as she had her head buried in a sketchbook, but she was happy for the company none the less. She did want to make new friends seeing as she no longer had her coworkers to talk with and this boy seemed nice enough for now. Briefly, she glanced around the room seeing all the other students who had started arriving at the University, some for the first time, and sighed a little. It was only her second year but she felt at home in Tokyo U's halls.

Midori returned her attention to the boy who was now sitting with her as she sketched. He had peculiar eyes and she may have stared a little too long to be polite so shifted nervously in her seat. "So, is this your first year?" She asked of the boy as she returned to sketching her milk carton. Silvery hair fell into her eyes as she peered up at him through her bangs and she idly blew at them.

u k i y o u k i y o
Leonel blinked up at Toma upon hearing his voice. He stared, squinting his pale pink eyes as though struggling to understand what had been asked of him. One could almost pinpoint the exact moment that the question finally registered properly in his sleep-addled brain. He alternated his gaze between his tea and his friend, before humming an unfamiliar tune softly underneath his breath. He took another sip of the piping hot beverage, craddling the cup in his slender hands.

"Am I...?" He wondered to himself for a second or two, and gave a small shrug of his shoulders. "I guess I am... It'll be fun to watch... And you?"

He remembered last year's first class as being particularly entertaining. Watching them flounder and struggle to meet his demands was a memory he'd treasure for a long, long time. Of course, that's leaving out the fact that that lesson was notorious for whittling down the number of culinary arts students by nearly half of what it was originally. And if by the end of the year, only a third of them remained? Well, the freshmen didn't need to know of that, now did they? His lips curled into a gentle smile at the thought.

Another question was asked, and his head tilted to the side as it gradually clicked in his mind. "Oh, it's butter tea... A blend of green, pu-erh, and yerba mate tea with butter... I use it as a substitute for coffee since I can't drink it."

Clouds Clouds
"Me too. I don't know where my dorm is actually. Do you know someone who can help me find my dorm?" Taji asked as he is having trouble finding his dorm.

holyman1998 holyman1998
"I think I have the map right here..." Hiro shuffled through his school bag. After a good minute, he found the map, looking it over. Starting by determining their location, he then located the dorms and calculated the best route to get there.

"Thank goodness I bought a map. Now follow me..." He got his things and started walking, briefly checking the map at every turn.

After a couple of minutes, the two found themselves at their dorms. "Here they are. My dorm should be Room #3..." He opened the door...
Taji is surprised at how nice and organized Hiro's room is and he is yet to find his dorm unless that is the dorm that he will be living in which is Hiro's. He took a moment to look around the room to get a better idea to see what it is like to live in a dorm. "This dorm is nice. I think someone who lived here before is organized and less messy." He said.

"But wait, does it mean that I will be living with you for the rest of the year?" He asked.

holyman1998 holyman1998
Taji is surprised at how nice and organized Hiro's room is and he is yet to find his dorm unless that is the dorm that he will be living in which is Hiro's. He took a moment to look around the room to get a better idea to see what it is like to live in a dorm. "This dorm is nice. I think someone who lived here before is organized and less messy." He said.

"But wait, does it mean that I will be living with you for the rest of the year?" He asked.
"That depends, what's your dorm number?" Hiro asked...

Hiro's eyebrows perked up. "You don't say. Make yourself at home, Dorm-mate!"
"Don't worry, I'll get you there." Hiro smiled. He soon got Taji to his room in no time.

"Now, I have to go get some things from my car..." He dropped off his current things and left for the car park. Some minutes later, he came back with a collection of dorm supplies, then making another trip for groceries, and another trip or so for extra furniture. After all was said and done, Hiro was exhausted, drinking a bottled water.

"Now we're all set."
Norman stares blankly at his colleague who was both his exact opposite and the type of person he struggled with the most. The more sound that came out of Professor Yoichi’s mouth the more the ringing in Norman’s ears increased. The Maintenance Tech involuntarily winced for a moment as the pitch increased and focused all of his attention of the professor’s mouth. While he could still hear it helped to see the words to confirm what he was hearing.

After the professor finally paused for a breathed and asked him a question; Norman took a moment just staring at his lips as he processed what was said. He then silently took his employee ID tag that identified him as a maintenance technician for the campus and that he was hearing impaired.He put the ID on top of the flyers so that he could inspect it. Norman tried to give off a friendly smile as they appear to be near the same age and Yoichi didn’t seem like a bad person at all.
Clouds Clouds
Kishi woke up to the blaring noise of her alarm clock. Her eyes still did not want to open as she rolled around in bed groaning , it was her fault for staying up so late even when she knew she was going back to school. Kishi had taken a gap year to work at her uncles business , With the money she made she could afford living on her own. However now she decided she wanted to make her own road and especially leave Tokyo.

Sitting up on the bed Kishi ran her fingers through her hair before looking at the alarm clock in annoyance. Turning it off she begrudgingly got out of bed and got ready , washing her face , brushing her hair , wearing a black long sleeve turtle neck with jeans. Checking her phone to see the time Kishi left her home without breakfast otherwise she would be late.

Getting on the bus it soon set in that Kishi would be entering a different setting with new people , something she wasn't sure if she was ready to deal with. Fiddling with her hands she almost didn't realize that her bus had stopped. Getting off the bus she grabbed her small box of cigarettes , pulling one out and lighting it. A good smoke always calmed her nerves.

Walking around the school itself. She was still too hesitant to go in , maybe someone would come up and talk to her? Regardless Kishi wanted to spend as much time outside as possible before beginning this new chapter , leaning against the wall and taking an elongated smoke break.
"I'm not into video games. I'm more of a person who reads manga very often. In fact, I have one in my bag if you want to see it. Are you a fan of One Piece?" Taji asked while he went into his bag to find a manga that Hiro might be interested in reading.

holyman1998 holyman1998
"I'm not into video games. I'm more of a person who reads manga very often. In fact, I have one in my bag if you want to see it. Are you a fan of One Piece?" Taji asked while he went into his bag to find a manga that Hiro might be interested in reading.

holyman1998 holyman1998
"I'm not really a manga guy. However, I do have a lot of history books." Hiro smirked. He took out his book on shogunate histories and began reading where he left off.

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