Advice/Help Tips/Help with writing a ghost hunting campaign?


that's conk creat, baby!
[ Apologies if this is incorrectly placed in the forums. ]

I'm writing the basics for a ghost hunting / true crime twist campaign, and I don't have any ideas for what to do next.
I've written down a basic beginning/intro, a few random chance encounters(Enemy, Non-Enemy, and Random.), and a big ol' twist pre-ending, it's just the skeleton that will have m e a t added as
my players traverse through it, but I have NO idea how to properly guide them through it(I have no experience as a DM.)

Any random chance encounter ideas, tips & tricks on how to make the storyline more interesting, or just tips on how to guide them through the campaign in a fun way would be HUGELY appreciated.
(FYI, The way I intend the random chance encounters to be chosen is a random number from 1-80, chosen by an online number roller)
When I was on a paranormal tour with my family one time, my Mom fainted after entering a room that was rumoured to have a very dark presence.

My mom didn't remember anything but the guide said previous guests felt like they were being choked when standing alone in the room.

Interestingly, my mom's Breitilng watch froze at the same time.
One thing I did in a campaign was say that the PCs are running a podcast or youtube series chronicling their ghost hunting. That required them to create a certain amount of content every hunt to publish, including some voiceovers and a talking head bit. That meant that the characters had to do a bit of research on the history of every house, giving me a chance to pad things and slip in some backstory. It also meant that the characters each took a role in the production: cameraman, talking head, researcher, etc. That gave each character a little more definition and gave the whole campaign a bit more structure.

For creepy bits, there are a number of modules that do haunted houses. Dennis Dettwillers's "Music from a Darkened Room" for Delta Green describes some good creepy moments that you can crib, and I believe it's still circulating free if you want to search for it. A bit of searching can also get you historic floor plans and photos to give things some verisimilitude. I've used HABS in adventures before.

The cliche is these kinds of adventures is that it's never simply a haunting. There's something deeper: the house is alive, there's a cult operating in the basement, it's really aliens, or actually an incursion into this reality by the King in Yellow, etc. I'd work out the big picture first and figure out what kind of "haunting" effect it causes.

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