Spooky Writing Contest 2017 Tick Tock


Royal Milk Tea
It’s been a year since she stopped talking, a year since she last smiled…it’s been a whole year since Alice was no longer the little girl that I knew. Alice was the sweetest little girl that I have laid my eyes on. She was technically my little sister, but not really. She was adopted by my parents about five years ago. How long that must sound like…yet ironically, this year has been the longest in my entire twenty years of living here on earth.

It all happened on a Friday night, don’t laugh as I tell you this, but it was coincidentally Halloween. After hearing the story of what happened to my sister, everyone always told me it’s a curse that a witch gave her, but really? So what if it was on Halloween night that she was suddenly whisked away for an hour or even less! But that was all it took for my little Alice to break.

The once cheerful and smiling Alice was no longer to be seen as she was found sitting in a park in the middle of the night, her usual stuffed bunny lying innocently next to her. My parents and I were panic stricken at the time and took no notice of her not speaking a word. It was only until three days later that my mother took notice of Alice’s change in personality. Usually Alice would be boisterous and causing trouble here and there…yet there she was sitting silently by the living room window, just staring outside while clutching onto her plush bunny.

My mother shook it off as Alice just being shaken for getting lost on Halloween night, but this odd habit continued on for days until finally she took Alice to see a psychiatrist. The doctor simply told my mother that it was probably shock and it would eventually go away, but it didn’t. Yet the doctors would only tell my mother the same answer every time. Eventually my mother gave up and accepted this new change. It was odd, but our family accepted it over time. I think my father took it the worst. He always did adore Alice.

It was that time of year again, Halloween, a holiday that became a rather taboo sort of subject to my parents. Neither was willing to let Alice go trick or treating, then again Alice didn’t even want to. She would just sit by the window all day long, staring at who knows what. Sometimes we’ll try and speak to her, but she ignores us as if she can’t hear our voices. That evening went by rather slow. Fortunately nothing happened and it was now time for bed. After having tucked Alice in her bed, I retired to my own room for the night, relieved that nothing happened this time around.

Or that’s what I thought. It was past midnight when I heard a rather loud sound coming from downstairs. Waking up in a panic, I hurried out of my room and went to check on Alice first thing. I noticed her door was opened and seeing no one inside, I hurried my way down the stairs and into the living room. Where I stopped suddenly as I saw Alice standing there, looking out the window like always.

Except this time there was chaos all around her. The couches have been torn and flipped; the pictures and frames were broken with glass all around. The room was a mess and most importantly…there was a strong scent of…blood. “Alice?” I choked out trying not to gag from the strong scent of iron wafting up my nose and throat. Where did all this blood come from?

As I was looking around for an answer, Alice turned to face me. Her eyes never changing as she held onto her headless bunny. Where was the head…? Why was there blood on it? “He’s here…it’s time…” she finally spoke! Yet who was she talking about? “Alice what are you talking abo-!” as I took a step inside the living room, I felt something soft underneath my foot. I slowly looked down and held back the bile from leaving my throat as I saw it to be an eyeball. The blue eye was gazing right up at me as I stepped away until my back hit the wall. That peculiar blue shade…it couldn’t be. As I looked around, it became all too clear to me as to why there was so much blood. For there lay on the floor the lifeless and mangled bodies of my parents.

The tears stinging my cheeks, I choked out a sob as I turned to Alice, “w-what? A-alice…why?” She stood there unblinkingly as she stared me down. She simply lifted her finger and gave me a sweet smile, “tick-toc brother…it is time.” My sobbing ceased as I stared at her in mild fascination until it turned into that of horror. Alice’s smile was still in place as I ran forward to catch her falling body. As I cradled her in my arms, I noticed her red dress was not actually red, but it was her blood drenching her once white dress. As I held her closer to my body, I glared out the window, wondering who would dare murder my family.

I shakily called the police and simply sat there in the living room, waiting for help to arrive…although it was a bit too late for that. I barely heard the sirens nor the stomping of feet as the police entered my house. All I thought about was the last words that Alice has spoken to me. Who was coming? What did she mean by time?

“Put your hands where I can see and put the girl down!” I froze at hearing the police yell. Who was he yelling at? It couldn’t possibly be me…right? The light of the living room turned on and now everything was laid bare for all to witness. It seems like a couple of the officers couldn’t handle it as I could hear the distinct sounds of puking. I look over at the mirror and saw the state that I was in, there I was holding sweet little Alice close to my chest while my entire clothes was smeared in blood…but the part that made me scared was the smile that was on my face and was that a knife lying beside me?

“Officer you got it wrong, it wasn’t me, I didn’t-“

“Put your hands where I can see them!” The officer merely roared out as several came over to where I stayed seated. They grabbed me by my arms and hauled me away from Alice, away from my family. I struggled and yelled, “it wasn’t me!” yet no one listened to me. Who will believe me?

As I was being led to the police car, I looked back at my house, back at the living room where my blood ran cold at the sight before my very eyes. I stopped moving as I stared. There standing in the living room was Alice along with a man in all black. I could hear Alice’s words as her lips moved slowly, “tick tock brother…it is time.”

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