Tiberius Dahl


Devil woman
Name: Tiberius Dahl

Alias: Shadow

Age: 27

Race: Gehennian

Gender: Male

Occupation: Vigilante

Home world: Gehenna (meaning: “hell” or “fire that shall never be quenched”)

Radius: nearly 50,000 km

The planet is tidally locked to its star, a red dwarf. What this means is that the planets’ orbital period is the same as its rotational so that the same side is always facing the star.

As it is with most red dwarfs, the star releases so called flares every once in a while, during which it undergoes unpredictable dramatic increases in brightness for a few minutes.

Temperatures of the sun-ward side exceed 100 degrees Celsius, while on the dark side they fall below -100 degrees.

The majority of the water on the sun-ward side evaporates and is carried by the wind to the dark side where it condenses into ice. Water that is left on the hot side is in a vapor form.

There is a circulation of atmosphere thanks to the air on the sun-ward side being constantly heated, expanding and creating a vacuum that sucks in the expanding hot air from the other side, which leads to distributing the heat across the planet, equalizing the temperatures.

In this state, a circular belt between the two sides, a sort of twilight zone, is the only place for life to evolve and flourish. In this dusk band around the planet, the star is permanently hanging very low near the horizon with an ever-colorful red, yellow sky due to scattered light, resembling a never-ending sunset. Time as we know is in this sense nonexistent for the planets’ inhabitants.

There is a constant flow of water from the night side to the day side – a series of rivers, all flowing in the same direction.

A great deal of the water that evaporates on the sun-ward side comes down in the form of rain in this area before reaching the cold side, where it freezes, further contributing to plant growth.

Plant life has adapted to the constant winds that blow unpredictably from both directions of the planet, for example by anchoring securely into the soil, similar to weeds and sprouting long flexible leaves that do not snap. Trees are a big rarity and the prevailing vegetation consist of different types of bushes and grasses.

Animals and Gehennians rely on infrared vision more than on any other sense. The skin of most of them is covered in mostly darkly colored thick scales or layers of dead skin to harvest the needed warmth from the scarce sunlight and to protect themselves from the flares of the star. They give birth or lay eggs to few but rather large young that quickly develop the needed protection. All creatures spend the majority of their lives in huge complex underground cave and tunnel systems, similar to those of ants.

Underwater life too is protected from the fierce winds and flares, and vast blooms of black photosynthetic plankton and algae support the life of fish and amphibians.

Technology and art is far from advanced due to the lack of natural recourses found on the cramped piece of inhabitable land. Gehennians are left to rely mainly on import of the needed metals and tools from extraterrestrial life forms. Craftsmanship in clay, rock, and leather on the other hand is quite advanced, as is clearly seen in the architecture of the cities beneath the surface of the planet or the race’s clothing.

Appearance + Racial Traits: Like all Gehennians, Tiberius’ entire body too is covered in mostly black, grey and occasional brownish red, sharp-tipped scales of different sizes that protect him from the harsh climate on his home planet and also act as a natural armor to an extend. Some of his scales, those around the eyes, nostrils, inner ear, mouth and other sensitive areas, are placoid, while other are so big that they form a sort of mane going down from the top of his head to the tip of his tail, which is used for balance.

The pair of horns don’t serve any real function in this stage of the race’s evolution but because they sometimes can be of a different color than the rest of the body, those rare individuals are found to be more attractive and even more resilient, although this is vaguely believed. Tiberius’ horns don’t differ from his body in color.

His slit yellowish grey pupils allow the iris to contract or expand more dramatically according to the different light conditions. Like most other inhabitants of Gehenna, this race also relies mostly on their infrared vision to orientate above ground. Tiberius however uses contact lenses that allow him to recognize faces of other species better, see ‘normally’ as he likes to say, and that at the same time don’t interfere with his night vision.

Gehennians’ padded hands and feet both have five fingers/toes each and end in curved claws that enable them to easily slice through flesh and climb even the steepest of rocks, of course only if taken good care of.

Personality: Tiberius is charismatic, clever and daring, but has a braveness that borders on recklessness more often than not. Challenging his own limits and beating his own records has become his favorite hobby, which by someone else might be viewed as madness.

He enjoys drama and the thrill of a fight, often being the one causing it with his hasty decisions or impulsive choices of words.

While he is usually determined in what he’s doing, he also has the bad habit of focusing on resolving problems ‘his way’ without hearing others out. This comes mainly from the fact that he has always refused every form of partnership in his line of work, preferring to work alone or not at all.

Aside from that, he is generally kind, outgoing and a generally fun guy to be around. Making friends (or getting needed information through them) comes easy to him once he gets his temper under control.

Equipment: A fairly short, thin, slightly curved blade made of meteoric iron that is held by a grip wrapped in regular, black leather and has just one razor-sharp edge. Aside from that, he uses a semi-automatic plasma pistol and a simple combat dagger.

Special skills: Stealth, Marksmanship, Swordsmanship

Bio: Tiberius spent a majority of his youth in self-teaching, improving his natural traits, rather than learn new skills like his coevals did. For example, because of the claws and scales on his feet scratching the ground, his footsteps were nerve-rackingly loud and lacked the needed ‘elegance’ in his opinion to make silent movement possible. With time and training however, he was able to muffle his steps almost completely, motivated by the desire to remove his flaws, an indication for his success being all the different beasts he could easily sneak up on without startling them… or provoking an attack from such, that would have gladly feasted on him.

He would become one with the environment he was using as cover and use the element of surprise in his attack, so that he would be noticed only when the deed was long fulfilled or it was already too late to react. His dark skinned self would only further aid him. He would not rest until each of those attacks didn’t bring home a meal.

His later years, which we can assume can be called the adolescence or teenage years, were then spent in learning sword fighting and marksmanship, all while already doing a great deal of small jobs consisting mostly in thieving, breaking in, delivery of sensitive goods among others. Tasks such as these, even though illegal, were the only ones he was willing to do. They offered a challenge, brought a rush of adrenaline he longed for, forced him to think quickly in order to escape but not without the bounty.

On one such occasion however, he had simply found himself at the wrong place at the wrong time. Witnessing a group of Dorogans mocking and bullying another younger boy of his race, Tiberius gets in a brawl with them in order for the youngling to get away. Not aware of his capabilities against the Dorogans’ lack of natural physical protection such as his scales, he sliced up the face of one of his opponents down to the bone with a single strong lash, killing him in the process.

With this one simple mistake, Tiberius had suddenly overgrown his current occupations and was forced to flee. Murder was an unforgivable crime, especially since the victim had been one of the Dorogans.

But weeks after the event, in which his mind had been completely devoured by fear of punishment, this fear transformed into guilt. Not guilt for killing the man back then but instead guilt for not haven’t done more. He would make those that hurt others be hurt tenfold. A lonesome path would await him and back then, not even he could imagine it would last for years to come.

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