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Fantasy Those That Are Hunted



Ice Queen
Amelie Glass
A loud howl could be heard echoing through the city, or at least that's what it sounded like to Amelie. It found her. A smirk form on her red lips as she took off running in the direction her wolf. Amelie was told to come to the due to spottings of some gifted. What Amelie didn't expect was to actually recognize one of them. As she ran people immediately moved out of her way as the air around her had dropped enough to cause people to notice what she was. Since she was an Agent, a high ranking one at that, she didn't have to hide her gifts, which was extremely helpful in a situation like this. Her ice wolf did stand out quite a lot.
Turning the corner Amelie slide to a stop. She was having trouble keeping up with her wolf who was currently chasing down the culprit. All she had to was stay within a mile of her wolf. As she stopped to catch her breath she felt her wolf disappear, meaning something destroyed it. Screaming in frustration, ice flared out from beneath her feet and shot up the wall of the building next to her. The citizens around her cowered away.

Amelie took a deep breath in through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. As her anger subsided the ice that had shot out before began to melt away in the heat. Amelie pressed a button on her watch and a small hologram of messages and a small keyboard opened up. Amelie was supposed to be meeting up with another agent to work on this assignment and she was in the middle of waiting for the woman when she spotted the blonde hair woman on the street. She had recognized her from a previous assignment and didn't want to let her get away a second time.
Amelie typed a message to the woman, Diana she believed her name was, setting a meeting place at a cafe nearby to discuss how to go about finding the woman and the other suspected gifted.

SilverSentinal SilverSentinal
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Rosalyn Frey
Never did Rosalyn think she was going to meet that woman again, especially in this large city. I better warn Rozzy when I get the chance. Normally Rosalyn isn't the one to go out into the field, especially outside her country but there were rumors about a weapon being built here and they needed to check to see if it was true or not.
Rosalyn was regretting wearing her pant suit on this mission for running in one was no easy task. For one it was hot and two the jacket was a little constricting for movement. She was just barely staying out of range of the ice wolf. Making sharp turns and staying in crowded areas she was hopping to lose the wolf. Unfortunately for her the wolf didn't lose track of her or her scent for that matter. It was unnerving that the user had a tracking ability like this. When fighting the agent for the first time she was surprised to say the least when the wolf showed up and fought by her side. Rosalyn miscalculated in thinking that it was just used for combat.
After turning one more corner she stopped running and hide behind a large trash bin. She did know the wolf had one weakness due to her last fight with it, the matter was being able to reach it.
Quickly scanning her surroundings she noticed a large metal rod by the dumpster. Picking it up she tested the weight in her hand before hiding behind the dumpster again.
Closing her eyes, she focused on the thoughts of the citizens passing the ally. She may not be able to read the wolfs mind but the freaked out citizens would tell her when it would be here. She raised up the metal rod when she knew it was getting closer. Her eyes opened and the thoughts of others stopped. She felt the temperature drop a little and hear the sound of its paws hitting the ground. As it walked by the dumpster she slammed the rod down on its neck. The wolf started to crack all over before shattering.
Rosalyn took a moment to collect her self before pulling out her phone to send Rozzy a message.
Meet at the rendezvous. We have a problem. Be careful at least one Agent in the city. With that she pushed her hair out of her face before cautiously out of the ally going in the opposite direction she came from.

Thrushwing Thrushwing
Bi 2.jpg

Magnolia "Maggie"
Open for Interactions!
Energy seeped through the slim female's fingertips, the itch to heal every sick person along the streets just out of her reach. This was her biggest weakness: wanting to heal everyone in sight. It irritated the female greatly due to the fact of having to hide her abilities when she could be helping others. Trying desperately to push away these darker thoughts, Mag breathed in slowly and quickened her pace towards the plant vendor who seemed to be getting little business. The older woman looked up and met Maggie's gentle gaze, to which a bright smile lit her thin lips that were sitting in a thin line beforehand.

"Hello there, young lady!" The old woman greeted and scuffled forward, lifting a hand to showcase her wide array of plants. "Are you looking for anything special? Maybe flowers for a loved one!" She excitedly scooped up a pot of small lillies and offered them to the younger female. Mag was a bit taken aback by the sudden warmth and welcoming attitude by the vendor, but gingerly accepted the pot of flowers and smiled the same bright-eyed smile.
"Ah! I'm simply looking, though this is a wonderful batch of lillies you have here," Mag replied before carefully setting the pot down and overlooking the kinds of plants the woman carried. Roses, Verbena, Lavender, Lilac! So many of her favorite flowers at her fingertips. Oh boy, was she excited!

Picking up various potted plants and bags of seeds, it was obvious her joy growing. The old lady seemed to notice and carefully bent over, digging through items beneath her and pulled out a hand held trowel. She hobbled her way around the table and was about to lift her hand to give it to Mag but ended up dropping it. The item was about to hit the ground, but with quick reflexes that Mag would soon regret, a vine ripped and snaked out from the ground beneath her. Right before the trowel was able to hit the ground, the green tendril caught and curled around the tool tightly. The green vine lifted the object to the woman, who stood there completely dumbfounded and in shock. At that moment, Mag realized what she'd done and quickly cut off her energy to the vine, causing it to shrivel and drop to the dusty sidewalk with a loud thump followed by the clank of the metal trowel.

"Y-You aren't an Agent!"
The old lady croaked out and with terrified eyes, began wailing. "Rebel! REBEL! Over here! She tried to hurt me!"

"W-Wait, be quiet!"
Mag tried desperately to quiet the woman who continued wailing and backing away. Looking around with large, frantic eyes, the female quickly turned and ran, making her escape quickly. Her chocolate eyes flickered around as she came to a three way street; she didn't have much time, she could already hear the shouting of someone behind her. Darting down the most left road, she kicked it into high-gear and sprinted through crowds of people.

"Stop right there, ma'am!"


Diana Grace Aniroth

Diana slowly moved around the polished floor as she practiced her "dancing" , the way she moves with her scythe during battle has lead to the death of many . The room she was in was part of a manor that the agency promised her . The manor is large and isn't far from the the agency hq. This place was abandoned and was falling into disrepair so of course the agency would give it to her when she asked . She took the wealth she earned and turned the place around . At day , a relaxation resort to which normal people as well as agents come to relax.......but at night , the place turns into a brothel , this isn't really diana's taste and one would think how the agency could allow this . Truth be told , diana herself taught the girls and guys that work as he prostitutes how to extract info from people ....just in case. The agency allows this because Diana's little night scheme have brought such useful info to the agency and she has caught quite a lot of non gifted and gifted agents committing treachery in the agency. So the agency really has no problem with her running this kind of operation from her renewed manor.

She continued until the ring she wore sounded off an annoying beeping sound . She stopped and leaned against her scythe as she tapped the ring , a hologram popping up . She read the message before she sighed and replied " On my way" she replied and stood upright as she tampered with a few small things on her scythe and it folded up "Never a dull moment in this wonderful little agency......ah well......at least the agency does their best to keep one busy " she said as she placed the scythe on her back and marched towards the door , grabbing a pair of keys and locking the manor . She place one of her 4 custom signs on the door "Closed : Urgent Agency Business" . Walking down the steps , she turned the ring on and and opened a sort of GPS before getting onto hr personalized motorcycle , helmet on and as soon as the GPS displayed the coordinates , she was off " Now on to business " she said as she made her way to town.
Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
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Along with the commotion generated by the agents chasing down that one rebel there was another thing barreling down the cities streets, the creature seemed to be a oversized metal panther on its tail where bags of something, these appearances of the thing wasn’t uncommon the agency had records of these construct showing up but not s clue where or how they showed up, they had come to be know. As strikers affectionately by many although many where incredibly shocked by its sudden appearance, it darted through the streets and allyways a unknown intelligence guiding the construct forward pushing its way through the crowd street only run head first into someone running the opposite way. With its momentum gone the stalker got back up it’s long metal tail still carry the bags it had somehow collected. It shook its head looking at the girl seemingly unsure of what it would do next

interaction: Sweet Mortality Sweet Mortality
Bi 3.jpg

Magnolia "Maggie"
Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

The heavy footsteps behind her was practically washed out by the overwhelming sound of blood pounding in her ears, her breath becoming heavier with exhaustion. Maggie's muscles began feeling fatigue after such a long run yet she just kept on through the heavily crowded streets until coming to another pair of streets. Making a quick decision, she cut a right through a narrow road that soon turned into an alleyway or at least it seemed like one. Thankfully, the footsteps behind her became lighter with the farther she sprinted down the tiny winding alley. Mag quickly glanced over her shoulder to find nobody, which allowed her to relax a bit. She was about to slow down but quickly found loud clanking of metal against metal coming from in front of her. Whipping her gaze around to find a large metallic cat barreling towards her, she desperately tried to get out of the way, to somehow scramble to the side but the street was so narrow. Her smaller body smacked into the metal being and was flung back a few feet, her small frame hitting the ground with a sickening thump. Pain blossomed from her limbs and quickly spread throughout her body.

"What was that sound?!" A woman's voice sounded from the direction she'd come from. Panic rose within Maggie's chest once more and she quickly lifted herself up, finding her body lurking to the left due to a horrendous pain in her right ankle. She winced before lifting her eyes to the metallic cat that was now staring at her unsure. This was definitely something she'd never seen before; a metal..cat? Swallowing thickly, she snapped herself out of her confusion and shock.

"U-Um..you need to get out of here. There's agents coming this way,"
Mag warned the large cat automaton, pain laced within her strained voice. Footsteps began growing closer and fear slowly rose within her once more, her eyes quickly flickering around to find shelter or just a temporary hiding place. "I can't run like this.." She whispered and carefully limped over to the wall that encased the narrow road. Her only options were to try and flee with her injury, give herself up, or..ask this metal cat thing for help. Who even knew if it would understand her? It was worth a try right? Swallowing thickly, the female hobbled towards the cat that stared at her, unsure what to do.

I'm very sorry for running into you, but could you possibly help me get away from them? I-I can make it up to you; name the price and I'll see what I can get my hands on."
Magnolia pleaded, her head whipping around to find two figures racing down the narrow street, shouting at the two beings.

"Get down and put your er..arms up!"
Yelled a man with an object with his hands, which looked like a large electrocuting staff.

Interaction: Sweet Mortality Sweet Mortality
The metallic creature looked at the girl the expression on its face changing as she apologise then pleaded for its help, she was is no shape to get out of here along as whatever intelligence controlled the automaton it stared into the girls eyes letting out a metallic growing sound as the two other people approached them it’s tail shifting towards the injuried girl a small set of pincers flicking out grabbing onto the girls waist picking her up with ease and setting her on its back it continued to hold her in place as it bolted at there two people blocking the knocking them over as it kept running, wherever it was going it lost any one tracking them it kept going for almost a hour finally stopping at a wearhouse on the outside of the city it slow stalked into the dark almost abandoned place. “Soo... hopefully your ok? Now...let’s see what we can do about those injuries” it was a voice eminenting from a dark corner of the place.. as a boy walked out form the shadows.
Amelie Glass
It didn't take long for Amelie's partner to show up. She watched as the woman pulled up on her motorcycle. Amelie was higher up in the agency than most gifted Agents so she knew of Diana and the gift she wielded. It was a force at night but during the day not so much. Walking towards Diana, Amelie couldn't help but think about how this partnership could turn out. She knew Diana liked to work alone and Amelie didn't like working with loners. They tended to have their own set of rules. Plus Amelie liked being the one in charge and hates it when others don't listen to her and loners tended to do just that.
Hello Diana. I assume you know why we are here. There have bee gifted spotted around town. One sitting is of a metal panther that runs around town. No one has been able to find the gifted associated to it. A possible gifted was spotted today. Gift is unconfirmed but she had been seen around other gifted sightings." Amelie continued to give an explanation of the woman she had seen earlier that day. The woman had avoided being captured twice already and Amelie wanted to know how. It was then that Amelie's watch beeped at the same time as Diana's, signalling they had a message. Tapping it a hologram popped up showing the message. Two gifted spotted. Currently in pursuit by-non gifted agents. New assignment: Help agents capture them. Coordinates were attached to the message.
Well that makes it easy. Amelie thought. Her excitement started to rise at the thought of the chase. When Amelie first started as an Agent it was her least favorite thing but now....well now it was one of her favorite. "I'm assuming you too got the message. Shall we head off?"

SilverSentinal SilverSentinal

Diana Grace Aniroth

Diana stopped next to the coordinates that her rings GPS had imputed that her fellow agent sent her way. She looked over to her fellow agent " Agency reinforcements have arrived , how my I be of assistance to you Amelie " she said with a slight smile after taking off her helmet . Given her skill in info gathering , not even the files of Amelie was safe from Diana's eyes , another trait from her that the agency hushes up so that it can't get out , just so that they can use it as a card up their sleeves . This is how Diana stays ahead of her foes and her fellow gifted and none-gifted agents . She listened to what amelie had to say before her slight smile grew a bit " Ok so to most that would seem to be a problem but to me that seems like christmas morning , it almost brings a tear to my eye ...so then Amelie shall....." she was cut off by her ring popping open a messaged at the same time as Amelie activated her watch

Diana sighed as she listened to the message , tapping her head against her helmet before looking at Amelie "i hate working with these non gifted agents , they are just to annoying and frustrating " she said as she closed the ring and placed her helmet on her head. Diana nodded as she lifted up the back seat and took out a helmet before closing it again " Put on , hop on and then we can join this pursuit , personally when i get a job at night i love to be as quite as possible" she said before turning on her bike " But we are in daylight now so i am prepared to chase down these gifted while celebrating , i couldn't care less " she said as she sped down the road , following her GPS coordinates "By the way i am driving now , we will most likely cut them off " she said as she controlled her ring with her thumb and sent the planned route to Amelie's watch that showed where they would be able to cut them off " unless you have a better plan in mind Amelie , now would be a great time to tell me because i ain't exactly going slow " sh said as she continued
Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
James Roscoe
location: streets -> shabby church
Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28

"James, I've heard word of a new weapon being developed"
"I've heard the rumors Kili. Rumors of some sort of device that can incapacitate a gifted's powers for a time. Please tell me you've found the source of where it could be."
"It's manufactured in an off-limits abandoned factory at the edge of town. Supposedly they trade the items there along with using it in tranquilizer guns"
"Thanks for the heads up. Let me know if you hear anything else. Thank the gods some of the prostitutes have more loyalty to gold than the Agency"

At that moment his cellphone buzzed. Meet at the rendezvous. A heavy breath came from his lips when he saw the next part of the message. "Those damn dogs are at it again." he murmured as he made his way towards the well worn church. It was one of the older buildings in the town and since there was a new church up no one really attended this one. The wooden gate was warped in several parts and splintered in others. Fragments of the stained glass lay about the windowsill. James made his way past the gate which squeaked as it moved. He quickly texted a message to Roselyn.
Found rumors of the new weapon. If there's an agent around there's bound to be gifted. My first thought is we go after the gifted first to ensure their safety but it's your call Rosie.

He headed outside after he confirmed he sent it. Whatever Rosie decided it'd be good to be up in the air and have that vantage point, as long as he remained out of sight. The cloud cover today was ideal since he could hide behind it. Aurea he thought. A whitish-blue almost translucent horse appeared behind him. The air bent around the horse's hooves and it ran through it's mane and tail. "Aurea we have work to do." he whispered as he threw one leg over the horse and clicked his tongue as a command. Aurea moved but it did so with no sense of urgency. It was obvious the horse was slighted over the fact he hadn't called her out for more than a month. Honestly sometimes the horse was more hindrance than helper. Why couldn't he control wind without this stubborn horse?
They slowly ascended the sky as the wind pooled beneath her hooves and carried the man and the beast upwards. The pace made Roscoe nervous and he kept glancing over his shoulder making sure no one saw their journey upwards. When they finally hid behind cloud cover he let out a breath. He had a sniper rifle slung on his back and he grabbed it just in case he needed to incapacitate someone.​
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Magnolia "Maggie"
Abandoned Warehouse

Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

The moments ticked away painfully, each second filled with agonizing thoughts of being caught and whatever dreadful punishments would come along with said capture. Magnolia shifted her weight to her good leg and noticed a change within the metal cat's expression; was that even possible? She shook away the absurd thoughts, noticing the large tail that was whipping around now unsheathed smaller pincers and began snaking towards her. The female felt her heart drop and she was about to put her hands up in surrender when the long snake-like tail wrapped around her waist gently, lifting her small frame atop the metallic feline and disappearing behind it's large body. Relief washed over her and she gratefully leaned forward, wrapping her arms around the large beast, holding onto it before it began bounding away.

Mag felt her body lurk forward with every stride from the powerful automaton, her nails digging into the smooth metal as an attempt for support. Streets filled with people became small in the distance as her newfound companion galloped away from the bustling cities into a darker setting: overgrown shrubs and grass, large towering trees, and a battered down warehouse that seemed to be on its last leg. With her guard rising slowly, Maggie lifted her chin and surveyed the surrounding area that was now enveloped in shadows. Her gaze caught movement from a dark corner, which caused her to tense and she quickly pressed herself down against the metal cat until she heard a soft voice. Her brow furrowed and with ease, she attempted to slide off the metal feline by herself.

"Yeah, I'm okay now, though I think I sprained my ankle and possibly caught a few bruises," Mag replied back quietly to the new face and offered a faint smile. "I can try to heal myself, though it usually only works on others. Still working on building skills.." Seeming quite bashful, the female swung her good leg across the cat's back and summoned a large vine tendril, it carefully emerged from the grassy cracks along the worn concrete and snaked towards her. The green vine wrapped around her small waist and gently hoisted her down before disappearing back to where it came from. "Thank you for saving me; I don't know how to repay you. Is there anything I can do?"
Amelie Glass
Amelie couldn't agree with Diana more. NOn-gifted agents usually got in the way. They had no powers so they had to rely on what was given to them. Despite this obvious weakness the Agency needed them. Non-gifted agents were trusted more by the public (and within the Agency its self) than gifted agents. Amelie took the helmet that was handed to her and put it on before jumping onto the motorcycle. "Yes lets cut them off. We have the element of surprise on our side. They don't know we are here. Remember we want to minimize any damage done to the town and the people." She had to hold onto Diana as the sped through the street. At the speed they were going she wouldn't have been able to stay on otherwise. As they got closer to the coordinates, a layer of ice started to form over her skin. She didn't know what the metal beast was able to do and didn't know what gift the other one had. It was better to have some defense than to be sorry.

Her right hand released its grip on Diana and faced outward. Amelie was waiting till they got there to decide what she was going to form, her wolf or her claymore. Claymore was more of close combat while her wolf was meant for distance. When they reached the coordinates, she was not expecting to find downed agents. "
You have go to be kidding me." Amelie said a low growl emitted form her throat. Ice shot out of her palm and a wolf formed. "Track their scent." She ordered and the wolf began sniffing the ground before running off. "Don't think I won't report this. You are Agents act like one." As she spoke you could see her breath for the temperature around them had begun to drop.
Amelie turned back to Diana, still on the bike. "
Follow the wolf. It can track their scent."
SilverSentinal SilverSentinal
Rosalyn Frey
Rosalyn picked up her pace as she picked up thoughts around her trying to find where the Agents had gone. When her pone went off she opened the message. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at his nickname for her. Not many people used that when speaking to her so when they did it usually was met with annoyance or anger but she always let it go with him since they worked with each other enough. Rosalyn was happy to hear that Rozzy had found information on the weapons. Unfortunately they were going to have to get back to that after they dealt with the Agents. He's right. If there are agents that means there are gifted who need us nearby, but where?
It took her a few minutes to get to the old, worn down church. Once behind the iron bars of the entrance, Rosalyn found a spot to hide before rolling up her right sleeve. She could feel Rozzy's thoughts above her in the sky, which is the only reason why she was about to do something stupid. Rosalyn looked down at the silver bracelet on her wrist. She could count on one hand the number of people who knew that it wasn't just an accessory she liked to wear.
Taking a deep breath Rosalyn un-clipped her bracelet. A large wave of energy released from her and everyone's thoughts rushed into her head. Her eyes shut and she had to stop herself from screaming out in pain. It took a moment for her to even control the amount of thoughts going through her head before she could start sorting them out. It what felt like forever for Rosalyn to find the minds she was looking for. She was careful when approaching them for Agents usually had a way of protecting their thoughts from telepaths like her. She could only get glimpses of the scene through the ice girl's eyes before being shut out completely. That wasn't good, it meant she knew Rosalyn was peeking through her thoughts.

The gifted aren't in the city anymore. *panting* I don't know how they made it out but the two gifted Agents know I'm here. The ice one can somehow use her gift to track them. *panting* We need to take her out. Even though she was sending this thought to him it sounded out of breath. Using her gift to do a city wide search always took out a lot of energy from her. Her body slid to the ground and she shakily snapped her bracelet on. All the thoughts slowly stopped flowing in till she was left with just her own and Rozzy's.
Thrushwing Thrushwing

Diana Grace Aniroth

Diana just sighed as she looked at the downed agent before watching an ice wolf form and taking off "Your wish is my command mon capitaine " she said as she pressed a few buttons on her motorcycle and parts of it started to shift . When it was done , one could barley hear the engine or anything " I think now would be a good time for a little silence and surprise " She said as she sped off after the wolf , almost in complete silence as the motorcycle made sufficiently less noise.

As they followed the wolf on motorcycle she lightly leaned on the front " you know , i expect that at tomorrows briefing they will let the rest of the agency in on their plan , a risky but good plan . Since you are my higher up you probably know some of the details . You know , the new weapon being built to block the powers of the gifted for a time . Well our wonderful head of agency made his way to my wonderful home to discuss something . The weapon being complete , he wanted to see how far he can get the testing done on it . Now i sat their and though , now i am going to play test monkey ......how great and peachy but he had another idea that involved my ........nightly establishment . I was to instruct all my prostitutes to have the sam plan. You see top brass as well as me , believe that rebels do come to my nightly extravaganza . I had to feed my prostitutes false information about the weapon , saying it is still in development . This reaches the ears of the rebels and the will of course send their best gifted to reclaim this weapon .......clever plan because when they do that.......they'll face not a still in development weapon , but a fully functional one .......it's a risky but a brilliant trap if i do say so myself , all of us have to act as if this weapon is still in development and they might most likely send us on goose chases to help the scientists and other agent gather important things for the development when we are in actuality just putting up a show ." she said as she continued to follow the wol at a respectable distance
Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
James Roscoe
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Location: above the church -> outside the city, up in the air
mentions: Amelie, Roselyn, ( Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 ) Diana ( SilverSentinal SilverSentinal Ice-wolf)

James put his earpiece which had a microphone embedded in it on. He heard Roselyn's tired out thought reach him in the air. He sent out a quick text on his phone.
Stay safe. Don't overdo it. Here on out I'm using the earpiece.

Thankfully Aureas made the winds quiet down so there was nothing more than a light breeze. Usually it was windy and if one didn't control the winds it would blow out anyone's ear who tried to talk to them, making communication ineffective. The horse's steps were fast and light as they kept above the clouds but peeking through the gaps in the condensation to be able to see. "Alright I need several ground teams.. I need people to spread on the outskirts of the city. I'll be looking from above in the clouds. Out of the city we have an abandoned warehouse and an abandoned factory. Check those out"
He finally noticed a figure on a bike following a wolf along with another gifted one (presumably the one that made the ice wolf) following close behind.
Found them.
Still taking on two agents was risky.

"Casper they're near your location. They're going to be near you, sans wolf. I'll do my best to cover you. Any other rebels head there."

He raised his gun and lined up the glistening animal in the cross hairs and fired. The bullet emerged quietly since he had a silencer on the muzzle and made it's way towards the wolf. It didn't connect though. In fact it hadn't even made it midway. This was because James had slowed down the bullet using the wind and he had changed his position so he wasn't in the same location from where he shot the bullet. He was on the opposite side in a different cloud. "Aureus give me some wind." The horse complied but instead of breeze picking up everywhere, James focused on the small area surrounding the bullet he had shot earlier, one he hadn't lost track up. He increased air around the piece of metal like a swirling pattern to give it spin and focused on the pushing the air behind it like faster and faster, like an arrow. It crashed into the animal with a sound like glass breaking, shattering the wolf's skull, and blowing the icey shards of its head everywhere.
If one were to look at the direction of the bullet no one would be there. All they would see is an empty sky.
Still up fairly far away from the location it was shot from, and from the agents, James sat on Aurea, and twined his fingers in her mane.​
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Interaction: Sweet Mortality Sweet Mortality
the boy walked closer to maggie a slight smile on his face not creepy more glad to see she was fine, "well that's...good" he stopped almost frowning seems something she had said had caused him to change demeanor "oh... I see your a gifted... that explains a lot..." he watched the vine it appeared and then disappeared, moments later two huge metallic humanoids they lacked faces, but also seemed to both carry rather large weapons one a huge sword the other something that seemed like a crude gun, they moved in to flank the boy before he spoke up again, "well this might have been a mistake... I'm happy that I helped you...but your a gifted that means they can actually track me down, no need for you to give me anything in return, the least you can do is go hide somewhere once we really have those agents off our tail, then you won't ever see me again got it? can't have anyone knowing where I am... ever" with an unspoken command the lights of the warehouse flicked on, after a few tries. the light was, however rather dim to begin with, some of the leftover content of the warehouse where finally discernable, some sort of fertilizer and a few barrels of deasil fuel a strange combination. "iv got no clue how much time we have... but... consider it took you an hour to get here I would say we have a bit of time before we get out of here, so then girl.. what is your name?"
Amelie Glass
Amelie knew of Diana's little establishment. She didn't particularly approve of it but it was a good way to get information. Her eyes narrowed when Diana mentioned the weapon and that the Chief went to her establishment and talked about testing it out. Amelie didn't like that this women knew about it especially since she is being very chatting. "You know I know of this so there is no need to be telling me to fake not knowing. You should pay attention to the task at hand. I expected you to be a lot less..chatty." Right as she finished that word her wolf shattered. Amelie immediately turned around to find where the threat came from but didn't see anything. Clutching onto Diana with one hand she released the other and pointed her palm out in-front of them, another wolf forming. She was having it continue to run like it knew where it was going to see if she could spot the person who destroyed it previously. "Keep driving. We need to find where that shot came from. Its not easy to destroy my wolf like that.." She was willing to let those others go to find this person. She didn't like the fact that she couldn't see where the shot came from.
SilverSentinal SilverSentinal
Thrushwing Thrushwing
Rosalyn Frey
Rosalyn heard her phone beep and she opened the message. Putting her earpiece in she ran her shaky hand through her hair. She heard Rozzy giving out orders through her earpiece. Rozzy was always a blessing to have in the field. Being able to be in the sky like that allowed him to have vision of everything going on as well as to help whoever needed help. "For those going after the Agents. Be careful. Based on information gathered they are good." Unfortunately Rosalyn was going to be out for the time being. She was going to have to rely on the rest of her crew to deal with this.
Casper Quinlan
mentions: Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 SilverSentinal SilverSentinal

Casper heard the orders over his headset. "Got it." He made his way over towards the heavily forested area nearby and heard the faint humming of an vehicle. A gifted was on a motorcycle although the other one was on the back. The one that was on the back seemed to be controlling the wolf. He glanced up at the clouds. "Damn you Roscoe. You better cover me." Trying to extract a person's fear was always risky business since it affected him in real time. Still... he touched her with his mind and immediately the landscape shifted. He saw his father... dying through various means. He shuddered and he felt his controlled emotions slip. It's just a fear.. those agents are the ones who are killing innocent gifted. He needed to remain focused. The anger needed to be aimed at the agent, not at this obstacle. He grabbed a gun and shot his father straight in the face, ending his life with his own hands. "Sorry Dad." Casper knew it would haunt him later. The scene gradually dissipated and he found the core of the fear in the girl's mind. "Gotcha." He made the fear grow and overwhelm the girl's thoughts so all she could think about was the scenario where she lost her brother. After he made the thought loop he checked his surroundings and grabbed his two fighting knives.​
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Finnley Rowlan
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location: cafe "The gilded cup"

Finnley sighed as she took a rag to the tables and sneaked a sip of coffee between the spraying and wiping. "Merlin no!" The dog was at it again. She saw him reach up and grab one of the sugar cookies on one of the plates. The dishes were thankfully minimal today since she had been scrubbing them ever since the start of her shift at 8am. Customers blatantly stared at her and her companion and whispered in low voices. Really, it was hard to find a job where she could keep her only companion with her. She tucked the rag in her apron and walked over to the next customers who were trying to catch her eye.
"Yes sir? What can I get for you?"
"I'll have.." his voice trailed off. "I've seen your face somewhere before."
Her muscles tensed. Hadn't she gotten far enough to escape the agents who were still looking for her?
"You must be mistaken.." Finnley gave a breathy laugh before giving a little nod of her head towards him. "It's the end of my shift. My co-worker will take your order." She tried to remain confident as she walked towards the closet in the back and put her apron away hurriedly. As they walked out of she spoke to her merle companion. "Merlin. We have to steal a bit of dinner tonight. Hope you won't mind a bit of flatbread."

She reached a street vendor with quite a crowd around him. The sizzling smell of meat hit her nostrils and her mouth watered. Seemed that Merlin was thinking the same thing as he sat attentively awaiting his command. "Go on Merlin." she patted him and the dog went up to the merchant and wagged his tail. She grabbed one of the food on the stalls and then she felt a hand on her arm.

"Miss. Stealing is not allowed. You'll find we don't treat theft here too kindly."

"S-sir you must be mistaken."

"I assure you I'm not." the vendor gave her a grimace as his nails dug into her skin. "What would happen if I accused you of being one of those folks? I wonder what the agency does to gifted and criminals?"

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Diana Grace Aniroth

Diana saw the wolf shatter and looked in the reflection of her bike parts and mirrors for any sign of the shooter but nothing . She turned her attention back to the wolf that was newly reformed . She followed Amelie's orders and continued following the wolf . As they pass the forest she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eyes before the wolf shattered and Amelie started going on behind her "what the hell is the matter with you ? " she asked as she stopped the bike and looked back at Amelie. She recalls what she saw out of the corner of her eye. [/FONT]

She moved the bike in between two buildings before getting off and placing her helmet down on the bike " Right you live out your little episode , i have something to.....check " she said as she took her folded scythe off of her back and started walking to the forest . Beautiful thing about her scythe is , it's folded up version in for close combat with a single person while the full scythe is meant for groups . Walking through the forest with her usual trademark plain face , all her senses on high alert . "Come on out lad or lass .....it seems that you used some form of horror illusion against my superior , risky move and unfortunately for you , not a move that will work on me. Come on out , lets have a cheeky little chat now to see if we can't.......resolve this in a......peaceful manor " she said not even trying to hide her sarcasm , know that sarcasm ticks people off sometimes
Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
Thrushwing Thrushwing
Amelie Glass
It was weird, as they were driving her mind couldn't help but go to her brother. She wondered where he was at now. She knew he wasn't in the Agency she made sure of that but she also hadn't heard anything about him in a while. She couldn't help but think what if something happened to him? Amelie could feel her heart beat as her blood pressure started to rise as all she could think about was that her brother was dead. An image of someone who looked vaguely like her shooting her brother down repeated through her head. Her wolf shattered again and her ice skin also cracked and fell away for she couldn't concentrate on it. "Pull over!" She ordered but Diana had already beat her to it for she had begun to stop when the wolf shattered a second time.

Amelie threw off the helmet as she got off the bike. Why was she even thinking about this? Her brother hadn't been spotted in years. She would know if someone had found him, hell the whole Agency would probably know. Even with this knowledge all she could see in twas her brother dying by her hand. Ice started forming out from beneath her feet. Shooting outwards in all directions, it would climb up anything that got in the way of its path.
SilverSentinal SilverSentinal Thrushwing Thrushwing
Alec had been watching the girl most of the morning. Sitting in the cafe he sipped on his ice americano and pretended to be on his phone. He was originally just in here to get a drink while he waited for his team. The big boss didn't like him in the field unless necessary so when he did go out he was mostly stuck on the sidelines till needed. What he didn't expect to see was someone like her be here. Her aura, it glowed brighter than those who have never used their gift before but was dimmer than say Rosalyn's who always uses her's. To say Alec was intrigued was an understatement. He had only seen this one other time on a gifted who hadn't figured out his full potential.

When the girl got off work he decided to follow her. He could hear orders being made through his earpiece. When he heard about the ice wolf he knew he was going to have to stay away form the crisis they were dealing with.

Alec sipped on his ice americano as he followed at a leisurely pace behind her. He paused when as he watched her walk up to a stand. The dog went to distract the owner of the stand and Alec couldn't help but smile. She had done this before that was obvious. When the owner didn't fall for the trick the smile fell from his face. H

Alec took this chance to walk towards the girl when he realized the man wasn't planning on letting her go. "
Babe! There you are. I lost you in the crowd for a second." Alec got up close to the girl. "Sir if you could not accuse my girlfriend and let go of her I would appreciate it." Alec pulled out his wallet and gave the man money for the food. If you looked closely enough at there were bills from different countries in it. "This should be enough. Now let go before I call the police for assault." He forced the bills into the man's hand before grabbing the girls arm to lead her away,hoping for the man to let go. There was no way for him to think they were both gifted for the odds of that were well normally are really slim. Luckily for Alec his gifts weren't something others could see he was sure about her's though. She had a faint teal aura which could mean a multitude of gifts.

Thrushwing Thrushwing

Casper Quinlan
mentions: Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 SilverSentinal SilverSentinal

Shit they're onto me. I can't take two at once.
"Hey Jaime... you better not fucking take your sweet time on retrieving me. The last thing I want to do is to get tortured by these two sadists for eternity. I'll be waiting for you guys to drag me out wherever they take me. Also your ass owes me a new weapon for me getting captured."
His voice was harsh as he growled out his frustration. How could they put him in a situation like this? Still he was used to getting tortured. Not like that pansy ass up in the clouds there. Fuck.
He took out his mic which had a location on it and smashed it underneath his foot. The last thing he needed was for them to find his teammates.
He sighed... well he might as well make this entertaining for them.
Two knives flew out of the forest but instead of hitting the two people who were obviously searching for him they hit the two tires of the motorcycle. They punctured them and the air hissed as it escaped.
The only good thing getting captured was that if I manage to get rescued I'll have information for the rebellion.
"Hey, looking for me? Let's make this quick. I've heard about you."
His eyes flicked over to the girl clad in black.
"And I'd prefer to just be tied up. I mean you definitely look like you're into that kind of fetish. We could fight... I mean I'm pretty sure I'd lose to both of you. Still why don't you take out that scythe? It looks interesting to say the least."
He didn't even bother taking out his knives. It was best to keep one's skillset hidden for the right time (ie prison break). Especially because it didn't look like he was going to win this one.

"Jesus Christ. Let's keep the trees safe shall we? Ice girl the cold is probably bad for your circulation."
It was turning colder and colder as he saw the ice spread out.​
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Finnley Rowlan
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Panic rose in her chest and she blinked quickly trying to maintain her composure. Her mouth was dry. "Please sir- I just.. I have some lucky items I could trade?"
Merlin saw the obvious distress in his owner and his lips curled up as he bared his teeth to the stall owner.
"I don't deal with wild animals." He glared at the grey and white fluffy creature. "And I don't take superstitious crap! Especially not from a thie-"

"Sir if you could not accuse my girlfriend and let go of her I would appreciate it."
The voice of a young man, much younger than that the sun beaten, worn, stall owner interjected. His pretty features didn't match in this environment. Here you didn't usually see single men alone, not where there was mostly families and even people her age were married with young children.

It took a moment for Finnley to process what was happening as the pale man continued talked and pushed some of the currency into the stall owner's hand. He took her arm and pulled her away from the stall owner, whose face mimicked the same shock her face must have had.
What could he want? Am I going to be sold into slavery? Surely this man must need slaves.. Maybe I'm going to be sold into *that* kind of slavery. People don't just save strangers after all.
Was she really going to have to do her mother's business? Her mother wanted a better life for her. She always told her to never sell herself short and yet here she was, probably going to be someone's personal mistress. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat. The thought almost brought tears to her eyes.
When they had made it far enough from the shop for no one to really take notice of them she spoke.
"I'm so sorry." she blurted out and grabbed his hand with both of hers. "Please don't make me into a mistress! I'll even take a servant position. I can be of use!" She immediately reached behind towards the knapsack on her back and hastily shoved one of her hand into one of the sidepockets. The leather knapsack looked looked well loved and obviously taken care of as it shone and there wasn't much dust on it. She fished out some small tags that looked like paper charms. They had messy writing on them.
One said: Fire to see by or even a small fireball
and another said: enough water in case of emergencies. Can make one small wave.
"... I also have a small amount of medicinal paste. It speeds up your recovery time. And if you have lost objects you can find them with this charmed glow stick!"
Her desperation showed in her voice as she kept on frantically speaking. She sent up a silent prayer to heaven that the young man would believe her. Most of the time people didn't believe in charms or anything lucky around here. They simply murmured to their companions and kept their distance. Usually they said it was cursed and that she must be a witch of sorts.
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