Chitchat this summer


I've already decided that this summer, I'm getting my good body back.

Not that it's bad now, but just on the edge. My arms aren't too big, my legs aren't too jiggly, my stomach isn't too pudgy. You know? Not quite but almost.

I'm still very athletic, I run a couple miles a week and go to the gym every other day when I have time. I eat well but make sure I don't go hungry. Nothing is wrong with me, really.

I blame a lot of it on genetics; my mom is pear-shaped, holds weight around her backside and hips and thighs, as do I. And it's not a bad thing at all, I'd rather hold weight there than anywhere else. It's just inconvenient. Nothing really fits right and I stand out so. much. from the other girls my age who are nothing but leg and chest.

I dunno. I don't really mean to complain, it's just something that I admittedly struggle a lot with.
You can't really do much about where your body stores fat, unfortunately. Your best bet is to do some light weight training to tone your muscles, which will probably help if you're worried about your stomac, hips and thighs look.

Best of luck, and be safe!
I despise running but I need to stay pretty fit for work and I do have an ideal body image I like to maintain. That involves things like no sugar though which makes me pretty sad since all my favorite foods (and most foods) are almost all sugar lol.

Its a constant balance for me, but I do a lot to keep working out fun like spartan races, or rock climbing. The lifestyle helps maintain my body and I can cheat sometimes. If its something you really want just commit to it and try to make it fun.

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