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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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My Interest Check
This thread is open to new people as long as we aren't far into a plot!

Thank you for sticking around during the process of getting this RP started! Just remember a few things:

  • Try not to one shot kill anything unless it's something that would be one shot killed in real life! (This doesn't really count if we are in a situation in which you would die if your character isn't a little op. Hopefully that won't happen though :) )
  • Wounds should be semi-realistic. Though you don't need to kill someone off if the wound could potentially be fatal, keep in mind that it's still there and your character will probably have a hard time adjusting to the pain.
  • Have fun!

Anyone can start off, this RP won't have a specific order unless it seems like it needs one further down the line. :D
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Snow melted between his jacket, hands creating indents in the once smooth icy surface. How was he supposed to know there was some sort of root sticking out of the ground?! It was covered in snow! Pushing himself up off the cold floor he patted himself off from the fall, snow flinging off of him like fur does on a shedding Chihuahua.

Jesse leaned over to pick up the bucket he dropped who's contents were spilled in the snow. Water was hard to get, he was starting to wonder if it was even worth the trip for a single bucket. He couldn't come home empty handed, so despite his irritated attitude he started to walk back to where he came from. Specifically an area of flat land that held at least 4 feet of snow. It was the cleanest source of water he could find, the snow wasn't as thick where he lived and often times was filled with dirt and old blood. Why was he doing this anyway? He had another bucket back home propped outside his window to collected snow and provide clean water. That was enough for him.

Jesse had to remind himself he was doing this for a reason. It was about time he left the town to find a safe haven that was rumored to be nearby (nearby as in it would take a week or two to get there instead of months.) He needed all the water he could carry, and a few cups of clean water that was collected outside his window wasn't enough to get him anywhere.

As Jesse grew closer to his destination, trees loomed over him like frosty skyscrapers. He always felt small when he entered the forest. He hated going there. There's always the chance he would run into something dangerous, something he couldn't see through the trees blocking his sight. The trees started to thin out, telling him he was going the right direction. As he approached he carefully found a safe spot to lean over the thick snow, dipping his bucket into the untouched ice and slowly melting it down with a water bottle he heated before coming out. It wasn't exactly hot anymore, but it was still warm.

It took some time to melt enough snow to fill the bucket with water. Slush remained floating at the top but he couldn't do much better. Once again he lifted the bucket by it's handle, starting to make his way back toward the town. It didn't take long for him to exit the trees, but he still had a long walk ahead of him the get to the place he called home.
"W-What happened?" Haewon muttered, her head throbbing, her vision blurred. All she could see was white stained red, and Minnie sat in the dirty snow. The last thing she remembered... they were on the way to one of those military safe havens, their backpacks stocked up as full as they could get them. She tried to blink her eyes clear, slowly pushing herself upright. She winced, holding her forehead.

Her vision finally cleared as her eyes fixed on her little sister, her chest rapidly rising and falling as she hyperventilated. Minnie was definitely easy to scare, but something felt... off. The weight of the situation seemed to sink in as her face went ghost-white. They were surrounded by corpses.

"Minnie-- What happened?" Haewon asked once more in a much sterner tone. There's no way she could have done this, right? There was certainly no way Minnie could have done this. These were grown men, grown men who were armed. Whatever had massacred these men was dangerous. Haewon knew they had to get out of there. She scrambled to her feet, going to grab Minnie by the hand, only for her to shuffle backwards in retreat, terror in her eyes. She winced, clutching at her chest. Had that thing hurt Minnie, too?
"Come on, we need to get moving," She told her.


Minnie laid on Haewon's back, out cold with her arms wrapped around her shoulders. Haewon hooked her hands under Minnie's knees as she trudged through the snow, leaving a long line of uneven tracks. She knew her little sister must be uncomfortable, her chest bandaged tight and constricting her breathing, but the lacerations were deep, she had to stop the bleeding somehow. Her own legs had begun to ache, too... Minnie was light, but with two backpacks piled on top of her weight, as well as the deep snow engulfing her legs, it was becoming hard work.

With the landscape now a uniform shade of white, Haewon wasn't even sure where they were anymore. They had taken a detour on their journey to the closest military safe haven, it seemed too far for Minnie to safely travel. They needed somewhere closer to stay, somewhere to regain their strength before they continued again. As long as it had some sort of shelter, that was enough for Haewon.

She felt her sister stir on her shoulders, her grip momentarily tightening as she shifted her weight. Her eyes fluttered open, though she couldn't help but squint as the sun reflected from the snow, burning her eyes.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Haewon asked softly, but to Minnie, her voice pierced her eyes. She tried to cover her ears without falling from Haewon's shoulders, though hesitated. Behind Haewon's voice were... others. People laughing, yelling, working. Lots of them, too. She couldn't see them, they were in an open field, there was no way they were close enough for Minnie to hear. Was she going mad?
"G-Go that way, there's people..." Minnie told her, pointing across the field towards a wooded area.
"What? I don't see anyone--" Haewon muttered, but Minnie hadn't spoken much since the incident, anything was a blessing at this point.
"I-- Alright," She muttered. She didn't exactly have much of a plan, anyhow. Maybe the forest was hiding something.
~ Violet ~
annoyed, hungry


town outskirts

A stark white blanket of snow covered the landscape, the trees around her stretched towards the sky with sparkling limbs. Despite the cold, there were little beads of sweat on Violet's forehead as she trudged through the woods. She was completely unsure how long she had been walking, she was only focused on putting more distance between herself and her home town, the memory of her sister haunting her and pushing her forward. With a heavy sigh, she wrapped her fingers around the straps of her backpack and pulled down, adjusting the weight on her back and shoulders to a more comfortable position. The snow felt heavy on her feet but she knew she needed to keep moving while there was still light.

Violet's stomach growled loudly and she groaned, regretting not looking a little harder for some sort of food at her last stop. The growling made her move quicker as she hated the feeling of being hungry and she definitely needed all of her strength. She knew there was another town very close and she needed any supplies she could get. She only hoped it wasn't already ransacked or worse, filled with those creatures. The thought made Violet's eyes dart from side to side, taking in her surroundings quickly to make sure she wasn't being followed. A quick glance behind her shoulder revealed only her own footprints trailing behind, but she quickened her steps anyway. Her stomach growled again and she gripped her backpack straps tighter, willing her mind and body to focus on moving each foot forward.

Violet moved in silence for a few more minutes before she reached the first building on the edge of town. Quickly, she drew the rifle she was carrying. She held out the hope that she wouldn't have to use it but better safe than sorry. The place looked abandoned from what she could see through the window, so she made her way in through the back door of the dwelling. It was unlocked, thankfully, but it stuck so she had to push to get in. Once inside, she ransacked the dusty kitchen for any rations she could find. There wasn't much left, but she was able to get a can of beans and a can of tuna. Hastily, she cracked open the beans and set it on the counter before digging out the spoon she had stashed in her backpack. She scarfed down half of the can before she remembered to breathe. The beans felt heavy on her empty stomach but she was thankful for the meal. After finishing the can, she put the can of tuna in her bag and moved to pick her way through the rest of the house.

coded by reveriee.
Trevor was crouched inside the small, dimly lit, grimy janitorial closet of a thoroughly scavenged convenience store. He had been traveling to find food, supplies, or just somewhere with a sign of human life for about two weeks now, as his old group was raided by a larger group. He wondered if any of the others survived the attack. At least one of them must've if he was able to get away, but he feels a bit of guilt for not doing anything to help defend them. He would have just died along with them if he tried. He ran like always.

Anyways, he was glad to have found this town. He had seen a few other survivors around when he was scoping it out. There didn't seem to be any really big groups or threats. The store he found himself in didn't have any traffic for some days, likely because it was almost completely empty. The broken windows and rotting smell that lingered in and around the building must have helped too. He had been using it as a base recently, going there to eat and rest. He had set up many simple and subtle noise traps around the store so he couldn't be snuck up on. It was a completely unnecessary amount, considering he would probably notice someone coming without them. He spent the rest of his time scavenging around town for supplies. Recently, he had been trying to prepare for another long trip. He didn't see this set up working out much longer, and he was beginning to run low on food. Staying in a base this defenseless was unwise.

He gathered his accumulated cans of food, various containers filled with semi-clean water, and other supplies out of their hiding places under the tiles and into his well-worn, yet sturdy backpack. He stepped carefully out of the closet and over the various traps he had set up. He made his way around the town, going for a final hunt for supplies before he left for good.
It seems like a lifetime ago, since life was considered normal. Back when all Raine had to worry about was taking care of her siblings, work, and finish school. It was hell back then but compared to life as it is now… she would give anything just to go back.
The brunette was standing in front of an old dirty mirror, braiding her hair into French braids to keep her hair out of the way while she went on a supply run. There were dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep. Nightmares kept her awake most nights, if not all. Her eyes were dead. Completely devoid of emotions.
She sighed as she finished up the braids, shaking her tired arms out and grabbing her holster strapping it around her hips and thighs, as well as putting on the scabbard on her back which contained her sword. It’s heavy weight was comforting.
She left the house she was taking shelter in, eyes scanning her immediate surroundings. The snow was a few feet deep. The white was mostly covered in a reddish brown color and slightly mixed with yellow. The buildings stood like skeletons. An overwhelming silence surrounding the town.
To think this place was once surrounded with life…
Once she was positive the coast was clear, she left the shelter and headed towards the forest where she hunted what was left of wild animals.
Keito sat perched in a leafless maple, snow covering his back as he watched silently for signs of life. His goggles filtered out the extra light, keeping him safe from snow blindness and sunburnt eyes while making the world a pleasant shade of blue. He was running out of "food" and needed to catch something... Animals were becoming scarce and food he did find he couldn't eat. The Fall had left him like a vampire, restricted to water and blood. Coconut water was an alternative that worked just as well as blood, but that would only be around for so long.

His eyes snapped to focus on the snow-white rabbit hopping slowly through the thick snow. Drawing a blade, Keito watched and waited. And waited... And waited. Finally, he jumped from his perch, pinning the animal by it's neck and driving the knife through the skull. Making sure the animal doesn't have time to thrash and panic makes the meat taste better, not that he would ever get to taste it. He tied the rabbit to his backpack, satisfied with the catch, sheathed the knife after wiping it off on his pants, and continued on.

He had been traveling for a while and had seen signs indicating a city was nearby. Or at least a town. Keito hoped he would find at least something he could use..
As Jesse approached buildings withered with age and broken lights that used to flash like fireflies in the night to attract those nearby, he slowed his pace and moved out of the center of the street, keeping his body as close to the walls of buildings as possible.

The town square.

The square was one of the most dangerous places. It seemed to attract people despite every building having been raided and stripped of its value. Only a week or so ago he saw a large gang that call themselves The Red, which are composed of-you guessed it- the Red. He was invited once, but he realized they were the type of people who would murder children for a candy cane, So he refused and they tried to kill him. Luckily he got out alive with a large gash in his side and a concussion he somehow managed to sleep off... Well, maybe he slept it off... It was entirely possible he was just slowly dying and hadn't noticed yet.

He stopped thinking about it. The Red obviously wasn't here since they weren't making excess amounts of noise to intimidate any survivors that were in a 10 mile radius.

As Jesse left the square he relaxed a bit, walking to the end of a street that used to be named but he couldn't remember what. He turned toward a small yet nice motel that was composed of around four rooms and was crammed into a tight space between a hair salon and a cafe that used to have terrible food. He walked up the creaky stairs and made his way to the top floor, entering the 3rd room and locking the door behind him.

His home, it was small but nice. It had a small couch, a twin sized bed (which he never used because there was a human size hole in the middle of it), a broken and powered off TV, a bathroom, and a small closet which he kept sealed because he could swear he saw something crawling out if it one night.

He set his bucket down and looked at his supplies. He had calculated what he would need for the journey ahead, it would be a long one and he could never know when he wouldn't have a place to find food or water. He made a list of what he was bringing.
  • 2 2 litre bottles of blood.
  • Multiple flasks and bottles collected over a period of time that contained at most a gallon of water.
  • A warm blanket and wood he could make a fire with.
  • All the other stuff in his backpack.... Lasagna....
He quickly realized he couldn't possibly take all this on his own, but he needed it all. He was going on a trip that would last for a long time.

After a moment of thinking he decided it would be best to find more people who want to go to the safe haven... It wasn't safe, but neither was going out unprepared... He knew others were around. He just never talked to them.

Jesse headed back outside and started his search for people.
Keito trudged through the snow, glancing around whenever he heard a noise that wasn't from him. He may be mutated, but the monsters didn't seem to discriminate between the mutated and the not. Perhaps this city would have people in it instead of the monsters. It was funny how he called the creatures "monsters" even though his origin was questionable at best. Still, they were monsters, killers that wouldn't hesitate to get under your skin with a far too accurate copy of someone you love.

Keito saw the city in the distance, the buildings crumbling and covered in plant life. Nature was taking back what was rightfully hers and perhaps she was behind the fall, wanting to get rid of the parasites called humans. He shrugged, having a mixed opinion of people was confusing at times. He was quick to be kind and trusting and yet, he could kill faster than someone could flick a light switch. That 180 had kept him alive, and his knack for seeing differences had helped him sniff out plenty of fakes.

The city. He hoped it would bring promise and something to eat.
Archimedes stepped through the shattered glass door narrowly avoiding the shards. He glanced around the grocery store and slowly drew his machete. Quietly, he started down an aisle scanning for food. The shelves were baren except for a handful of rotten fruits and meats. As, he was weighing whether he could survive eating a package of moldy beef he noticed something shinny under the shelves ahead. He bent down and fished out an old can of soup. The can was missing a label and covered in a layer of dust but looked a lot more appetizing than the beef. He shoved the can in his backpack and made his way out of the store.
He trudged through the snow back to his camp. It was a long-abandoned house in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. He had just arrived in town the other night and figured it would be best if he remained undetected until he could find out more about the people living here. He stuck his arm through the broken window and unlocked the door. He set his bag down and started a small fire in the middle of the living room. Digging through his bag he pulled out the mystery can and pried it open. He gagged as the stench of the can leaked out but, placed the can over the fire to let it cook.
After Trevor finished his search for supplies, which was majorly unsuccessful, he decided to try and ask around for directions. He had absolutely no idea where to go next, but he had heard about some kind of safe haven before. He hoped to find someone who knew where it was. He tried to find someone alone, so they would be less inclined to attack him, or at least easier to defend against.

He carefully made his way around the town as he scanned for lone survivors.

While wandering around town, he found someone who he thought seemed somewhat unlikely to attack without warning. He was hesitant to approach this stranger, but he knew he had to ask someone for help at some point. He had seen this guy around town and he hadn't seemed particularly hostile, so he thought he would be a good candidate to ask for help.

"Uh.. hey!" He said as he awkwardly walked over to him, while making sure his hands were visible so he would be seen as less of a threat. "Don't worry, just here to ask for directions," he said as he stopped at a safe distance from the beanie wearing stranger. "Have you heard anything about a 'safe haven'?"

TheSpeck TheSpeck
Jesse was walking down a sidewalk, preoccupied with adjusting his backpack when a strange voice piped up near him. He was startled, and turned to look at at the stranger so fast he nearly lost his balance. He stared at them for a brief moment, a little bewildered at the sudden appearance of a person, trying to comprehend what they said after the sudden scare.

"Safe haven...? Oh ... Oh yeah! I came out here to look for people who can go there with me! Can you-" he cut himself off before he got too excited about human interaction. He just met this person, he wasn't even sure if they were trustworthy... Although he had seen them in the general area before and they've never bothered him.

Jesse continued, slower this time, "I was looking for people to come with me to the safe haven cause I have a lot of supplies but no room to carry it... I figured there was a larger chance to get there in a big group, so... I don't know you but I can show you where the safe haven is! Unless you don't want to come.... Then I guess I'll just.... Tell you where it is?" Jesse said, in a much less excited and more serious tone.

He technically could use the directions as leverage for the person to come with him, but it wasn't ideal to have someone forced to come along, so he figured he may as well tell them even if they didn't want to come with him.

crow. crow.
Keito trudged on, using far more energy than he would like to move forward. He used to love snow, but now, it's an inconvenience at best.

As the male entered the city, he drew his knife, sticking to the shadows. Sure, he had the upper hand in almost and situation, but he was weighed down by his pack and all this DAMN SNOW! He huffed, rolled his eyes, and pushed forward. Soon, voices came through the broken city. A safe haven? He had heard of it, but there was no way it was truly safe. Or was it?

Keito snuck closer, hoping to hear more from the chatty one. He talked a lot, nervous talking, like Hunter. Keito shook the thought away, trying to keep his focus on the people before him. Unfortunately, his clothing wasn't designed for sneaking, a bright white coat would only hide you so much.
Luckily for Haewon, the forest was a little more sheltered, there was less snow on the ground for her to trudge through. She was beginning to huff, however, her chest tight from having to walk this far... and with her sister on her back.

She hesitated, seeing what looked like a city ahead of her. Wow, Minnie was right! Maybe these abilities weren't all bad, after all.
"Good job," She told Minnie with a smile, looking over her shoulder at her. Minnie grinned with pride before letting her head rest on Haewon's shoulder once more.

She suddenly gasped as she heard more voices, grabbing onto Haewon a little tighter to get her attention.
"What is it?" Haewon asked, but Minnie was focused on the voices, her eyes shut tight.
"They're talking about... a safe place, they want people to go with them..." She responded, but Haewon simply frowned in response.
"The safe haven? We can make it on our own, we don't need--"
"N-No, they have lots of supplies, they want people to go with them," Minnie assured her, pointing in the vague direction she thought it was coming from, "Can we check..? Please?" She asked, to which Haewon sighed and nodded. It's not like they had much else to do... and if they had supplies, maybe she could "borrow" some.
"Fine," Haewon responded, continuing on.
A group?

"Oh, hm..." Trevor scratched the back of his neck as he thought. This was a convenient situation, though a bit suspicious. He could be saying he knows of the safe haven to lure him into some kind of trap, but this situation didn't seem very likely to Trevor. If anything this was a naive idea on the part of the stranger, as it would more likely get him hurt more than anyone who happened to join him. He was a little worried about joining a group again after what happened last time...

Having access to extra supplies would be useful considering his most recent unsuccessful search, and getting to the safe haven was Trevor's goal anyways though, so it he decided it couldn't hurt to join this guys group. He could always leave if it became unbeneficial to him. "Yeah, sure, I'll come with you. I won't be able to carry much, but I have a bit of extra space," Trevor responded. "Have you found anyone else willing to go with you?"
Jesse briefly felt excited despite the logical side of him screaming holy sh#t what are you doing.

"Oh, really?" He honestly didn't expect them to respond so fast, yet alone say yes. "Uh- well I haven't found anyone else yet, youre the first person I've seen.. ."

Jesse paused awkwardly for a moment, thinking if what else to say, "well I guess I'm going to continue looking for people, if you want to come..."

So, Jesse just formed a group, that wasn't always a good thing, he had to be careful. Although he was excited about seeing someone for the first time in a while, he still needed to take precautions to avoid being murdered. As he started walking again, he moved around them in a way that gave him enough space to react if the stranger decided to attack.

"My name is Jesse by the way, what's yours?"
Keito's eyes narrowed. The one named Jesse was hoping for more people to join him. Smart, a larger group would be far more capable than a one or two-man team. But, Keito had to think about his next actions very carefully. Currently, he was hidden away in the shadows, silent as a light gust of wind brushed through. He couldn't risk being seen as an enemy, but he didn't want to be left alone again. It had been far too long...

His mind was made up in a matter of moments.

Keito silently stepped out into the light, scanning both Jesse and the other unknown person for any hostile intentions. When he had taken a few steps forward, he chimed in, "Keito McNamara, overheard you were looking for people to go to the safe haven." He spoke with a friendly, upbeat tone, one he hadn't used in a very long time. To Keito, it almost sounded forced, and in a way it was. Even so, he meant no harm.
Trevor nodded in response to Jesse's answer.

"I'll come along." He said, following Jesse in a bit of an awkward silence.

"Trevor. Nice t-" He startled as he was interrupted by the voice of another person introducing himself. Apparently he had been listening in, which could be bad. He overheard about the safe haven, which means he probably heard about the supplies as well. Hopefully he just wants to join the group, or ask for directions. His tone doesn't seem hostile, but it could be to hide his intentions...

Trevor offered a quick wave to Keito, to signal his good intent. He looked to Jesse to see what he would say, considering he was the one gathering the group and the one who knows the way to the safe haven.
Jesse looked over at the new person, almost pulling out a weapon before he realized they didn't seem to be approaching in a threatening way.

"Yeah we are looking for people... You want to come with?" Jesse asked, not quite as friendly as when he asked Trevor. It wasn't because he didn't like the new person, Jesse was just used to getting hurt when people randomly appear after listening to your conversation.

Although he was a little startled by how many people he was encountering in a short amount of time, he was happy that it wasn't going to take him all day to find allies.... He didn't know there were so many people that survived in this town. Maybe everyone was just used to fending for themselves because of a lack of contact with the outside word due to being far away from cities.
It felt nice to finally speak to real people, how long had he been alone? Keito took quick glances at the two before him, easily sensing the mistrust in the air. While he didn't like it, it would've made him feel worse if that lingering sense wasn't there. Carefully, he pulled the blue-lensed goggles off his face, the unnatural red color shining in the light. Keito blinked in surprise, bringing a hand up to shield from the blinding white around him. He had his goggles on for so long, he had become adjusted to the darkness they provided. After taking a moment to recover, Keito looked back at the men with a more genuine smile.

"Is it really out there? The safe haven, I mean." He kept glancing between the two, unsure who his question should be directed at. "I wasn't sure if that was real or a hoax to trick survivors..." His voice faltered at the end, as did his expression. Perhaps that wasn't a great way to make a first impression.
Jesse took note of the red eyes, he found it interesting, but didn't ask questions. A lot of people got mutations-including himself with his fangs that made him look like a vampire- and some people got offended when he mentioned mutations. He wasn't sure why though.

"Well, I cant say for sure that it's real, but Im confident enough to go off looking for it... Im sure you both know already, but it's going to be a rough journey.... I'm pretty sure we have to go through the city, and last time I was there it didn't end too well for.... Some people.... Anyway, yeah, pretty sure you get the point." Jesse said.

"By the way, If either of you want to leave at any time, I'm not gonna try to murder you or something, if that makes you feel any better." Jesse said, flashing a toothy grin.
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Minnie tapped her sister on the shoulder enthusiastically.
"T-They said they won't be mad if we want to leave," She explained to Haewon, who simply sighed.
"Okay, okay, I'm going," She muttered with a soft chuckle, heading towards the voices. She spotted the group through the alley ahead, now overgrown and hard to traverse. She stepped over the plants as best she could before stepping out into the open, holding one hand up to show she meant no harm, the other guiding her sister to the floor as she slid from her back. She stood beside her, though was hesitant to step out into the open, staying hidden behind her sister.
"Uhhh, hey," She called out to the group, "Were you guys talking about some sort of... safe haven? My sister and I were headed there anyway..."
"Good to know." Trevor responded with a subtle grin. Jesses remark did ease the tension he was feeling a bit.

He was feeling a bit better about his decision to join this group after hearing that they would have to go through the city. He'd never been himself, but he heard only bad things about it, so going with a group would be much safer.

Trevor's head snapped in the direction of the two newcomers as one spoke to them. It seems the whole city has been listening in to this conversation, and he somehow hadn't noticed Keito or the two new people coming. Probably because most of his focus was spent on Jesse, then on Jesse and Keito. This group was certainly coming together quickly. Trevor wasn't complaining though, since that meant they would be on their way quicker. While he still didn't trust these complete strangers, he didn't feel very threatened by them either.

He waved at the newcomers.
Something feral crossed Keito's eyes, though just for a brief moment. He had heard the two coming but decided against focusing on them out of nowhere, waiting for them to come on their own. After all, they might have just been passing by. There was something that Keito had noticed while Jesse was talking; fangs, most likely a mutation. He had never seen a normal human with teeth like that, which told him one thing... There was an incredibly high possibility this man had the same ability Keito did! Keito had gotten both fangs and claws, the latter of which he hides with gloves.

He turned to greet the two standing nearby, sparing a wave and a bright smile. Being around people was bringing his usual self out, something he thought he wouldn't see again.

"We were! What are your names?"
Jesse looked at the newcomers, almost getting nervous at how many people found him instead of him finding them. It was nice that he didn't have to run around the city searching for people though, it made his life a lot easier.

"So you heard about the safe haven too? That's good news, because there's a better chance it's real if multiple people know about it." He said quietly, almost to himself.

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