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The Wayward Wagon


Kaerri's Man. =)
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(NOTE: If you're looking for the Wayward Wagon, it's two posts down! =) This information was taken, I believe, from RP Nation's last system, the one before XenForo, and it translated into a crazy mismatch of BBC code. However, most of the text is still intact, and so I'll keep this as it is and make the Wayward Wagon in a Reply two posts down from this one. In short, I'll salvage what I can from this thread for the expansion on the next. =) A creator's work is never done! )

EDIT: I scrapped the bad BBC code. =)
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One excellent map of the Wanderers Wagon as provided by our Wolf Rawrrr!

Note that these rooms are not to scale. Each room is therefore as described (as usual, the more interest you provide, the more detail I will happily provide). =)



(Image credit: Wolf Rawrrr, cool guy and fine RPer extraordinaire)
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The Wayward Wagon (thanks to Kaerri-darlin' for coining the name on 25 Aug 2020!)

Note: I reedited this information in Jan 2021 and like this setup much better.

Wagon dimensions: 40 feet long, 40 feet high, 25 feet wide (imagine something slightly larger than a modern motor coach or full-sized school bus).
Wheels: 6 large wheels (2 in front, 4 in back).
Hardness: DR 10/- (the wagon has been crafted with Ironwood throughout).
Hit Points: 160/160.
Speed: Ground (or just above it), 40 feet/Round. Air, 100 feet/Round (Maneuverability E). See below.

This shape and coloring but with a more regal appearance (smoother wood, cleaner lines). There is no window in the front or anywhere on it.
Adrian Campos Fantasy Wagon.jpg
(Image credit: Adrian Campos)

The Wayward Wagon is pulled by a marvelous set of four Figurines of Wondrous Power (Highwindian Jade Hippogriffs).

Just as lifelike as this but stronger-looking and made entirely out of highly-detailed jade stone. Their names are: Burpy (big puffy cheeks as if about to belch), Chirpy (beak slightly open as if about to chirp, chirps cutely on command), Derpy (eyes are off-center; sometimes they rotate), and Slurpy (goofy-looking grin with a removable red wooden straw in its mouth).
Hippogriff at Amino Apps.jpg
(Image credit: Aminoapps.com)

The Jade Hippogriffs are Highwind-exclusive magical items and function as top-tier Figurines of Wondrous Power. Each of these figurines appears as a painstakingly-crafted and painted jade hippogriff statuette with bright emeralds for eyes. Each figurine is the size of a hobbit's hand until summoned. Unlike other Figurines of Wondrous Power, once summoned, Jade Hippogriffs do not transform into their flesh-born namesakes, but instead into Stone Golems with hippogriff traits. They are made of solid jade stone of exceptional quality. Each weighs 2,000 pounds. They can act as combatants, beasts of burden, or as mounts to travel upon. They understand the Common tongue but cannot speak and are not intelligent, despite their very lifelike habits and movements. The Jade Hippogriffs almost seem intelligent, but in truth, they are simple automatons. They can follow simple commands made in Averlundian Common (two words at most like "Stay there," "Fly up," and "Destroy that."). Otherwise, they act in most ways as golems (see PF 1.0 Bestiary, page 158).

They can be summoned with the proper command words ("Fly forth, <name>!") for a total of 8 hours in a 24 hour period (these hours need not be consecutive). They can travel along the ground, always in unison, never disturbing the gait of the wagon. They may also travel slightly above the ground (about 1 foot) similar to an Air Walk spell.

While fast, they are only average flyers, lacking maneuverability. Note that the Wayward Wagon needs but two of the four in order to fly, but then the wagon travels at half-speed. Canny adventurers who need be airborne for the greater part of a day can switch them out including during flight if they pass a Handle Animal check (DC 17). On the ground, only two of the four are required to pull the wagon and can do so up to the allotted time per day.

The benefits to using Figurines of Wondrous Power versus the draft horses are night and day. The figurines can work for 8 hours straight without a break and with their Strength scores of 28, can pull quite a lot. They do exactly as commanded and turn into stunning little bookends when not in use. They are decent, fearless combatants that never need make a morale check. You don't have to clean up after them and they don't talk back to you. You'll only really miss the company of living creatures because I believe nothing, and I mean nothing, can really replace a beautiful horse. =)

Burpy, Chirpy, Derpy, and Slurpy. Jade Hippogriff Figurines of Wondrous Power (Highwind exclusive)

Alignment Neutral
Large construct (similar to Stone Golem and Griffon from Bestiary, pages 163 and 168)
Initiative +2; Senses darkvision 60 feet., low-light vision, scent; Perception +0

AC 26, touch 8, flat-footed 26 (-1 Dex, +18 Natural, -1 size)
Hit Points 107 (14d10+30)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
DR 10/adamantine; Immune construct traits, magic

Speed 40 ft., fly 100 ft (fast but average maneuverability)
Melee bite +22 (2d10+9), claw (2d10+9)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Double-rear kick (2 hooves +7, 2d10+9 to opponents at its rear), Slow

Str 28, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis, 11, Cha 1.
Base Atk +14; CMB +24, CMD 33 (+37 vs trip)
Skills Acrobatics +12
Languages Common (cannot speak)

Special Abilities
Immunity to Magic (ex)
A Jade Hippogriff is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
- A Transmute Rock to Mud spell slows a Jade Hippogriff (as the Slow spell) for 2d6 Rounds, with no Saving Throw, while transmute mud to rock heals all of its lost hit points.
- A Stone to Flesh spell does not actually change the Jade Hippogriff's structure but negates its damage reduction and immunity to magic for 1 Full Round.

Slow (Su) A Jade Hippogriff can use a Slow effect, as the spell, as a Free Action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a range of 10 feet in a burst centered on the Jade Hippogriff and a duration of 7 Rounds requiring a DC 17 Will Saving Throw to negate. The Saving Throw DC is Constitution-based.

Price 125,000 g.p. per pair (DM note : don't ask me what to name the next pair if purchased; I don't know what else rhymes! =) )

But what lies inside the Wayward Wagon?

There are no windows inside or out of the wagon in large part because of the dimensional Transmutation magic used to create the wagon's interiors. At the front is the driver's two-person seat and the coach area. On each side of the coach area is a staircase and rail. The stairs meet behind the seat and lead to the entrance. A wide wooden overhang is a big help in protecting against the elements. Just beyond the wide door leading inside, there are a pair of medium-sized brown metal pots that serve as braziers on either side of the door. Plumes of blue or purple smoke rise lazily from these pots at all times, forming a wall of sorts as one enters, keeping out insects and keeping good scents inside.

All throughout the wagon, hand-carved candles (in the shapes of all manner of monsters and creatures) dance and glow with the power of Continual Flame spells. These can be dimmed or brightened one at a time or en masse by verbal command. Just look at the flame or flames in question and call out "Off," "On," "Dim," or "Brighten" for the desired ambiance.

1. The Grand Pool. ["Pool? Truly the life of an affluent merchant must be replete with ostentatious frippery!" - Otiorin Taletreader as played by Captain Hesperus (Chapter 1, Entry #33)]
The cavernous Grand Pool is just that. This room is larger and "grander" than this photo suggests. At 200 ft. x 200 ft. x 80 ft., there is enough floor-space to have great gatherings in comfort. The acoustics in this great hall are like that of a concert theatre and rebound sounds, especially music, delightfully well. A large and enchanting wall-placed fireplace dominates the left wall as one enters. Small ornate tables and chairs, dozens of wide plush pillows, and a single wood-and-gold throne (where Bilal once sat) decorate the room in a rich and comfortable fashion. This is a very relaxing place, despite its mammoth size, where the wood stands stoically, the water shimmers and reflects from many surfaces, and a cool, inviting atmosphere can be depended upon.

There is a hot tub on the right and yes, that is a water slide on the left. You'll probably find Powerpaw up on the rafters. =)
Log home wwwDotPioneerLogHomesofBCDotCom.jpg
(Image credit: www.pioneerloghomesofbc.com)

There are two doors on the wall opposite the entrance into the Wayward Wagon - each provides entry into the two wings of the wagon called "Right Wing" and "Left Wing" if one is facing the entrance/head of the wagon. In the Right Wing, you enter a carpeted and ornately decorated hallway containing seven doors to seven rooms - the bar and lounge, the kitchen, the dining room, the master bedroom, the steward's quarters, the storeroom, and finally the study. Through the Left Wing are the guest bedrooms (3 on each side of the corridor and 1 at the end of the hall - 7 separate and slightly different bedrooms in all).

The following rooms await on the Right Wing of the Wayward Wagon.

2. The Lounge. ["Young man, I doubt your destiny is at the bottom of that wine bottle..." - Stewart the Steward to Otiorin Taletreader (Chapter 2, #173)]

The Wayward Wagon's lounge is large enough to comfortably seat twelve. Plush leather seats and wide wooden tables make this a wonderful place to relax, converse, read, and pass the time in all manner of ways. There is a small fireplace upon one wall awaiting the flavored woods stored in built-in recesses. This is also the room where Arfy, Barfy, and Snarfy, the ever-protective canine-like Killer Mimics, reside as ornate but otherwise normal-appearing gold and oak-bound chests.

2a. The Bar. [She raises her voice after the fleeing half-elf. "You give a shout if you need me!" Then she turns to Stewart and the Meadowsweets and raises the bottle. "Shall we?" - Kitrin "Killer" Kittenpaw as played by Kaerri (Chapter 3, #47)]

In all the Adventurers' Wagon, this is the best spot to have a drink. There are barrels of quality lager, mead, and beer ("on-tap") to pour a pint and shelves neatly arranged with fine wines from across Summerset and some parts beyond. The bar seats seven and is beautifully kept on both the serving and receiving sides. The furnishings are elegant and sturdy and the air here is always tinged with oak-scent.

The Bar - Ritz Carlton half moon Bay USA.jpg
(Image credit: The absolutely gorgeous PaulWyattDesigns.com)

Bar Wine Racks.jpg
(Image credit: The absolutely gorgeous PaulWyattDesigns.com)

PaulWyattDesignsDotCom - Custom Wine Cellar.jpg
(Image credit: Did I mention The absolutely gorgeous PaulWyattDesigns.com ? =) )

3. The Kitchen. "For the Wandererrrrrrs!" "For Miss Bria's fluffy pancaaaaakes!" "Oh, Bonny-love, do be serious!" "But I am serious, my precious buttercup!" - Bonabin and Whittle Meadowsweet (Chapter 7, #124)

This incredible kitchen contains four large ovens and stoves, six wide sinks, and room enough for ten human-sized people to prepare food with room to spare. Fine cutlery and kitchen tools of all kinds and many in duplicate adorn the fine walls and solid countertops. There are glasses, cups, mugs, and dishes for every occasion and every holiday. Well-marked cubbies, lazy susans, and easy-to-reach- shelves hold just about everything a Summerset chef and her team could ask for. Perhaps best of all, the place is simple to clean and always well-ventilated by magical smoke-pulling shafts in the ceiling. This is the only room in the wagon that is connected to another by way of the large sliding double-door which leads to the dining room.

4. The Dining Room. ["Now that sounds like... some kind of something!" Wolf cries out. "A perfect setup if I've ever heard one. Of course it's one thing to be nodding heads over a dinner table, and entirely another to hold this up in battle. This ranger will do his best. 'Tis is a role to my liking." - Leonard Wolf as played by Wolf Rawrrr (Chapter 4, Entry #308)]

The Wayward Wagon's dining room has terrific acoustics, second only to the Grand Pool, making it a delightful place to enjoy music. The atmosphere is regal and enchanting, meant to invite and impress. The heavy and stout dining table holds a dozen places. Each of the tall-backed chairs are quite comfortable, designed to be lounged in for hours at a time. This is the only room in the wagon that is connected to another by a large sliding double-door leading into the kitchen.

Basically this with a larger room, table, and two large chairs for your Felane party members.
Celtic Castles Dining Room.jpg
(Image credit: CelticCastles)

5. The Master Bedroom. [Powerpaw then strides in, his armor in one paw, his mother's hand in the other. He stretches. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmooooaar! Morning to all da faces!" - Powerpaw (Chapter 6, #7)]

Lavish and kingly, the master bedroom has a giant wall-based fireplace with scented logs keeping it cozy in any season. It is quite large with two walk-in closets, six dressers, and three absolutely beautiful armoires. The atmosphere provides regal comfort and splendor from the tiniest candle to the plush couch to the enormous magical bed, large enough to nearly get lost upon, which warms or cools on command. Just the place for the mistress or master of the wagon to retire in private.

(Image credit: Decoratorist)

5a. Second section of Master Bedroom. [She (Bria) looks to Bren and gives a tired giggle. "Can we take a weekend off, Mister Leader Lord, sir?" Bren shudders in mock terror. "Please, no! You've no idea how much trouble adventurers get into on their 'time off.' I have no desire to post bail for my party members again!" - Brendoran Sarabina as played by Kaerri (Chapter 6, #10)]

This master bedroom has a carpeted hall that leads to a private bath. The temperature of the water can be adjusted by spoken command. The water bubbles and salts are within easy reach to soothe away the aches and pains of the adventuring life. There are scented soaps and plenty of soft and comfy towels.

6. Steward's Quarters. [Inside the Grand Wagon, Stewart smiles with Otiorin. "My lad, when you put it that way, how can I resist?" - Stewart the Steward (Chapter 2, #176)]

These fine quarters are much like the guest rooms described later except with a bit more furniture and room to place it all in. At the moment, the place littered with books, maps, and scrolls as if the occupier of the room was kept constantly busy. It is tidy... in its own way. Really... =) It has a bathing area much like those in the guest bedrooms described below.

7. The Storeroom. [Mamapaw looks around as if to shyly add a comment. "This enchanted wagon of yours is certainly large enough inside to hold plenty of food. But if it is food you are looking for, look no further! The forest provides me with magic that includes the creation of food. I am a water-tender and a wood-bender besides." - Sabrefang/Mamapaw/Melshaef (Chapter 6, #125)]

The gigantic storeroom holds fresh-kept supplies of all kinds and a cleaning area for housekeeping and horse-care (this latter area has kept its many brushes, blankets, and other items meant for the care of equines even though the Wayward Wagon is no longer pulled by living creatures). It is safely and intelligently organized with a bookstand that keeps the registry always handy. This room is second-only in size to the Grand Pool. It always smells nice and items are easy to find in their many labeled closets.

8. The Study. [Through a series of irritated chirps and tweets, Pecker says, "No! Do not stick me in book with dumb, fish-hating dragon!" Vardadraug pads up beside Pecker and nudges him with his nose. "I think they had something else in mind, Pecker. Something better." - Pecker the Hunting Falcon and Vardadraug the Exalted Wolf (Chapter 6, #197, bold mine)]

This two-story library of sorts holds all of the popular volumes of the day, most of them geographical in nature or having to do with monsters and their many tales (true or otherwise). Like the other rooms, it is easy to pass the time in here. Unlike the bar and lounge, one is likely to come away from here with something besides a hangover. =)

Like this without the modern goodies, of course.
The Study.jpg
(Image credit: Pinterest)

On the right wing of the Wayward Wagon are the guest bedrooms.

9-15. The Guest Bedrooms. [Luna closes the changing room door behind her. "Sparkle, can you believe this wagon? I have never seen the like before! Its amazing!" - Luna Callen as played by Sherwood (Chapter 1, #45)]

9a. Warm, cozy, and wonderful, each of the guest bedrooms basically come in one of two styles. This... [Vardadraug is the first to approach Wolf in his new form. "Oh, you are going to want a mirror!" - Vardadraug the Wolf of Ancient Winters (Chapter 6, #212, bold mine).]

Gothic Bedroom by Ultimate Home Designs.jpg
(Image credit: Ultimate Home Ideas)

9b. And this... ["Mr Stewart, please be careful around the fire." Since he's very careful with fire, Bronze also gathers a silly amount of fire quenchers just in case, then sets up a bellows, and starts the heat. - Bronze as played by Killfire (Chapter 3, #152)]

Guest Room by Ultimate Home Designs.jpg
(Image credit: Ultimate Home Ideas)

Each guest bedroom has a wall fireplace, bath, sink, and toiletries. Just about everything the good guest needs to feel at home.

And that concludes the tour of the Wayward Wagon! Woo!

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
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