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r. hiraoka


𝘪 𝘢𝘮 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘪 𝘢𝘮 𝘧𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨
Roleplay Type(s)


Meiko Nakahara

The Tinkerer




Rina Hiraoka


NaNa, Clank


33 years old


nonbinary; she/they




April 1st


The Tinkerer




Cut short, Rina's hair is poorly bleached; tendrils of rust strewn about messily, but often worn under hats for more control. The hair is often worn under low-maintenance styles as well, to keep her eyes safe from the burden of staring back at light strands. Practicality is important, to have the hair out of the way. As she works, Rina opts for headbands to keep the strays in place.


Her eyes are brown and nothing close to extraordinary--aside from the light that bounces against the dullness in the midst of a thought. Eyes are the windows of the soul, as some may admit, and theirs are just as giving; it is apparent that emotions are fully readable through them. They are almond shaped, double eye lidded, and slightly hooded accompanied by dark circles (she has genetics and coffee to thank for this). The eyes, however, are often protected by goggles and reading glasses; less than pristine eyesight is something they have learned to live with.


The skin is pale and slightly blemished, a few scars scattered throughout, the imprints of memories that are not often treaded lightly. Across her face are light freckles, barely visible to the eye unless you look close enough. Self care is not a thing in these times, with them often neglecting a routine that most had before the world went to shit; slightly dehydrated with a combination of dry and oily spots in the skin.


Standing at 5'7", Rina isn't one of the shorter bunch. Their build, however, isn't as sturdy as their stance; a lithe, only slightly muscular figure, they aren't as strong as others. But this is often made up for in their quick wit and dexterity.

Distinguishing Features

Bunny teeth, a scar that runs along the length of their right forearm, and a few tattoos here and there.


Rinko Kikuchi in The Brothers Bloom



Pathological Liar
and damn good at it too, so good in fact that most wouldn't even bat an eye. In some cases, Rina seems to be the most trustworthy person in a sea of liars, but that is far from the case.
, Rina showcases how truly good they are at getting others to believe in their lies, but is smart enough to not believe in her own. It's a good thing she keeps tabs on the things she says, keeps it consistent so that if someone ever asked her about it, it slips right off the tongue. It almost feels right, setting up who you never were, but want to be. But it isn't all bad, there is loyalty in the hands of this fraud; while, yes, Rina might be a serial fabricator, once they like, admire, and trust you, it's smooth sailing from here.

Rina is
, a bit
, but somewhat magnetic. Their
nature is what keeps others as ease. Well, that and the fact that they cannot take themselves seriously. In trying times like this, Rina can either be a breath of fresh air or a thorn in your side.

Don't let the attitude fool you. Rina is and will always be
enough to assess situations and act in ways that they see fit. To them, it's easier to fake it when you're so disconnected from other people.

The world is a dangerous place, something that Rina has learned from a young age, maybe a bit too young. But they've taken this life lesson and molded it, their
unparalleled; some would say it's like turning water into wine, but in Rina's case? It's like turning an old toaster into a new death trap. And maybe they're a bit too enthusiastic when they show off their latest creations, patting themselves on the back, sharing it with others, wanting to test them and bringing someone else along with them. Almost freakishly so.


Uncouth, Egotistic, Overzealous, Sarcastic, Detached, Spacey, Impatient, Deceptive


Dauntless, Intelligent, Empathetic, Charismatic, Innovative, Humorous, Eccentric


Has a pocket teddy bear for good luck.
Often goes out to do test runs for devices.
Has unintentionally made something work when it shouldn't have worked.
Needs coffee 24/7.
Smokes a lot.
Likes risky business, but wouldn't put other people at risk.
Doesn't like to sleep with their back to the front of their tent. Too risky.
Drinks a lot, maybe a bit too much.
Some days hangs out with others, other days would rather stick to building shit alone.
Usually covered in scrapes and cuts, tiny burns from working.


Resourceful, Detail Oriented, Knowledgeable, Independent, Intuitive, Versatile, Creative, Analytical


Risk-taker, Competitive, Disorganized (when it comes to their workspace), not much of a fighter


confined spaces, deep waters, maggots, centipedes, loss of bodily autonomy


insomnia, hasn't gone to therapy--still needs to figure it out, weak eyesight



TW: illness, death.

Some families are fortunate enough to never experience the truth of tragedy; the Hiraokas were never quite the fortunate bunch. They were prone to Chronic Tragedy, one after the other, with burdens that often followed one another. First there was the family cat, that thing had practically raised Rina, stuck by her side since it was a kitten up until Rina was 10. They still remember finding the body stuck in the hollow of an oak tree, peacefully at rest, after days of looking for it. Rina found it first, screamed, cried, shouted, and her parents had the response she didn’t expect: they didn’t mourn like she did, only wrapped it in a blanket and buried it, but their grief could have been shadowed by the fact that they didn’t want Rina staring back at it.

Then it was their sister, younger than her, full of life that was cut too short—dimmed by a pesky illness they thought was gone forever. Until she was the one gone. Or maybe their mother had lied to them, the fact that having to lie to Rina only showed how disconnected they were from one another. Rina was only 13, a teen who only wanted a shot at the world, chasing the stars like no tomorrow; and in the blink of an eye, that ambition had almost dwindled. Almost.

Of course, this didn’t stop Rina in the tracks of brilliance to come. It only fueled them, made them fight harder—not only for the approval of their parents, who often seemed unimpressed by the scholastic achievements, but for the underlying thought that maybe, just maybe, her sister was watching over her. Rina’s achievements were not only hers, it was their sister’s too.

But with the accomplishments came the paranoia—the thought that things would go awry, and so they have. No, it wasn’t the type of tragedy to mess her up for years to come, but it was the type that she’d come to terms with. Their mother and father never got along, some would even say that their relationship was more transactional than anything; Rina’s mother cooks, cleans, stays out of the way, a bit too quiet—and their father provided, paid the bills, talked over their mother. He even came home late at night, mother not saying a word, accepting defeat in a place where fighting for something was supposed to be the expectation. The only thing that had glued them together was the thought of raising Rina into having the life that they wanted for themselves; to be monumentally successful in places they were not. And so they hovered over her like hungry vultures, and one could imagine how mentally taxing that was.

Acting out was the only thing they could do to grasp onto the only control they had in their life. The grades stayed up, not because of fear, but because Rina’s mind couldn’t handle the thought of a grade lower than a B; call them an overachiever or what will you, but that’s how they kept a grip on reality.

And it paid off.

She had to stop looking at the world through the eyes of her mother; a dreary place with little opportunity—though, there was truth in that. Rina’s intelligence had only gotten them so far, a few contracts, flipped through jobs, all of which had ended with Rina’s demise. Career wise, that was. But there was a big break. Eventually, that was. Big companies often looked for engineers to further their production and tech, something that Rina was admittedly good at. The engineering degree paid off, unlike the pile of student loans that very well could have towered over her.

Early mornings were spent with phone calls from mom and dad, a light breakfast, even a run—then it was off to the same building. Concrete walls, cold stone, linoleum and carpet, a few conference rooms and a break room that obviously lacked funding. To say that it was bleak was an understatement, and after a while, Rina had begun to prefer living back in her small studio apartment.

The childhood paranoia bled into adulthood. Brilliant minds are often haunted by something, Rina was the same but never knew why. Maybe they hadn’t followed their true calling, didn’t work a job that they loved. It didn’t take long for them to quit that office job and, certainly, her parents were more than disappointed. Phone calls stopped, mom and dad cared less and less.

They often sat in their empty apartment, wall covered in fluorescent pink eviction notices, with schematics shoddily taped onto the wall beside them. They were in work, then out of work, back in, back out. The paranoia was right to stay, and even with the change of course, from one degree to another, a new life and job in a city where they thought they were invisible—Rina was not impenetrable. Isolation caused them to dwell further into their thoughts, wondering about the stray ant that walked across their apartment—thought about how it must have been confused as to why it was alone. Or maybe it was enjoying its freedom.

That’s how they knew they needed a change of pace.

Suddenly Rina was on their way to a different city, thought about changing their name, and in the middle of packing the little clothes they had, there was the fateful phone call. It must have been important, knowing how her parents hadn’t exactly been in the best communication. The other line sounded off with a quiver, a sigh of despair, and the following words that made Rina crumble.

“Your mother is sick.”

Sure, Rina wasn’t close with them in any capacity—maybe even held disdain for her mother, thought of her weak when the woman never spoke up in defiance to her father. But this was devastating. They didn’t speak, cupping their hand against their mouth with tearful eyes before dropping the clothing that was piled in their arms. And that was it: Rina, instead of following the path of life they wanted, fell back into the arms of her parents. Their home was just the same as it were when she was little, only, medical equipment was sprawled around every corner, and her mother was sat in a wheelchair.

They hadn’t seen each other for months and her mother was nowhere near happy to see her. There were mornings where she’d yell and scream until her throat went raw, weakly kicked at Rina—something often dodged, but it still hurt nonetheless.

“Why did you leave? Why did you quit? You had so much going for you and you blew it.”

And Rina wondered at night: “why the fuck did I come back?”

It was at their lowest point, when they stared back at the things they’ve made, the devices they built, listening to the sound of their mother screaming and crying yet again. Being sick could drive you mad, but what made it worse was the fact that Rina had no idea that the world seemed like it was going to end. Death painted the streets before they even knew it.

As selfish as it might have been, as fucked up as it was, Rina left her parents behind. All of the neglect, the anger, frustration, left behind in a cloud of dust. Survival was the most important thing. So they brought their knowledge with them, almost took this as a sign of a new beginning even if it was the end.

They traveled enough, figured out the mechanics, survived off of traps and canned food. Rina became the solution to many things, sinned on the same path, but the thing about atonement was that it didn't have to be immediate. At some point, they'd make up for it, save a baby or something. Coming across other people left them wary, knowing how fucked up the human population could be even in trying times. They’re still wary now, even if they were provided a home, Rina still couldn’t trust it. Sanctuary was too good to be true.

Of course, they weren’t against being in it. Creating things, fending off creatures, putting together the most heinous shit without being completely judged; it was a breath of fresh air. Rina here wasn’t the same as Rina then, matter of fact, Rina here was cooler; backstory cooler, the truth is never something treaded upon and that was for certain. They only knew the things they told them, the lies, the half-truths, and the (dangerously) useful gadgets.


Lying is easier. Whoever said that the truth would set you free is a goddamn liar. Rina felt freer that way, embellishing truths, saying whatever she could to to make her story sound less tragic than it really was. In this world? Rina came from a good family, smart ones who brought them up reading Tolstoy and mused about Quantum Electrodynamics. Her sister was still alive. Somewhere. That family cat? Lived up until the ripe age of 20; yeah, that made sense.

They were raised in a nice house, not a mansion, but they weren’t struggling to make ends meet. And Rina had more freedom to do as they pleased when they were younger, not cooped up in their room going through textbooks and staying up all night to study with the watchful eyes of parents that were only in it for the future financial gain. Middle school wasn’t as rough as it was, matter of fact it was saccharine, so much so that they had friends, were in school clubs, and the same went for High School where they were fortunate enough to go to a school for the gifted. That wasn’t much of a lie, Rina did go to one of those schools, aced it, too; but she certainly wasn’t the top of her class.

In this world? Rina went to a good university on scholarship, no debts, no worries, even took up a few internships along the way that eventually landed them in a good spot. One far better than the one they’ve lived. And they’ve lived many lives, traveled to countries, experienced cultures far from her own, flew on business. Hell, they even had a good relationship with their parents. When the world ended, Rina joined a few people before this: a crew that turned their back on her, in some aspects this is true. Only, the crew was her parents, and she certainly wasn't devastated about it.

There is one thing, however, that Rina will never lie about: the fact that creating things brings life back into her eyes.



♡coded by uxie♡
a. yang


# portal creation

# kim tae-ri

♡coded by uxie♡



asa yang



full name

asa yang



25 years old



panromantic, demisexual



April 17



Heartbeat City

  • the unmended.

    Scars are the paler pain of survival received unwillingly and displayed in the language of injury.

♡coded by uxie♡
k. na chiangmai
placeholder for ze world.

kiko na chiangmai a.k.a J1NX

# the world

# kitty chicha amatayakul

♡coded by uxie♡

kiko na chiangmai

the world

tell me, father, which to ask forgiveness for: what i am, or what i'm not?

  • requisite.

    full name

    Kiko Na Chiangmai


    29 years old




    Panromantic Demisexual








    Standing at 5'7", Kiko is just above average height; nothing extraordinary, however, her preference for platform boots give her an extra boost.


    Kept a plain dark brown, Kiko is one to opt for low maintenance hairstyles; lacking skill, time, and patience, it’s no surprise she’s made this decision upon herself. However, when the thick tendrils are styled, they’re often in low ponytails, soft, yet messy and effortless curls, or tucked under hats.


    Pits of deep brown, nearly black, the color is significantly brighter as the light hits -- resembling pools of honey. Accompanied by dark circles, it's obvious Kiko isn't much of a sleeper -- long coffee-filled nights with the endless typing of a keyboard. Staring at a screen has its downfalls, a frequent wearer of contacts, never one to favor glasses. Thick, straight, black eyelashes that can barely hold a curl, Kiko doesn't bother to try and spruce them up.


    Inspired by punk, grunge, and goth culture, Kiko's closet consists of heavy duty boots, distressed clothing, and dark color palettes. She isn't one to stray away from experimentation, one look could be vastly different from the day prior. Other days, she may only opt for her pajamas, comfort over style a frequent mentality. i. ii. iii.

    Body Mods and Markings

    Random stickers of tattoos, both at home and professional; stick-and-poke and machine, these permanent inks have no direct meaning. Often done on impulse, Kiko can barely recall how many she has to be exact -- however, she does know that they exceed 15. A lover of jewelry, the woman has double nose rings, and multiple ear piercings. With an occasional scar, Kiko collects them like trophies -- both from fist fighting and her own, unfortunate, clumsiness. i. ii. iii.


♡coded by uxie♡
c. sayed

the hanged man.






full name

Theo Adamski; Casimir Sayed



27 years old.



demiromantic pansexual



he/him; cis-male




  • XII.

    the adoptive son, child of no one.

♡coded by uxie♡
z. aydin
100% complete

zeki aydin

# virgo

# oktay çubuk

♡coded by uxie♡

Zaman Yok






Zeki Aydin


Sırık (regards his height), aydin, vi, Baykuş


22 years old.

hair c.

Dark brown

eye c.

Dark brown



His world had separated into two things: one of wants and needs; the common desires of his own and the physiological aspects that he cannot control. And like most things, satisfaction is often muted by the suspicion of disaster afoot. It was only natural that he'd become
over the control of things he could control: the way in which his bed is made; the way in which something is cleaned--spotlessly without a single give that any mess was there anyways; the way he sat at his desk organizing, reorganizing, and falling into a hole; and the routine--there was always routine.

It became common for him to be the pillar that upheld these behaviors, a young man that more often than not, would nearly shake towards the contrary; nevermind the lingering fear that if he wasn't in control, situations--even the smallest ones--could go terribly wrong. Zeki is not a fan of unpredictability, thriving in
rather than chaos; chaos often brought on problems that could've been avoided, problems that neither he nor anyone else should face. There is one thing, however: He breaks. And he breaks. And he keeps breaking; instilled in him was a fear of failure, one of which he cannot escape. Failure often snuck its head around sharp corners, an idea out of his control, and a very real one that he cannot help but run into the constant loop of.

Think first, talk later.

Zeki thrives in being low-profile: subtlety over extravagance (when it comes to himself—nevermind the victims), and above all, he is quiet. No, the quiet is not in fear that his ideas will be rejected, there is tenacity that runs in his veins, but the
is a form of meditation. He learns in it, grows,
observes, and uses this to his advantage
in any given moment: the
remains constant as he collects the readings of others--more for the calculation of predictability, never straying from the idea that another's movements, tones, and expressions, often tell more than the words that they speak.

The psychological guard often keeps him from harm's way, contains his anxieties when he is most vulnerable, but the guard is often down when the few he cares about are in the picture; this trust is not easily won, a young man with his own reservations towards the confidence in another—he has no explanation for this other than the fact that he cannot hold faith to the words of another, nor can he in their actions. It is then that the obsession with control continues, fighting with the consuming thoughts that often bombard him with the expressions of more disappointment and anxiety.

He avoids the conversations of his own vulnerability: believing that one’s acknowledgement could become his demise—unable to know if one’s intentions are true or, by human nature, malicious.

There is, however, good in him, one that creeps up every so often despite his actions: he is empathetic, allows for others to confide in him with the promise that their secrets and true thoughts may never come to light. It’s not like he actively waits for this; some find him easy to talk to, this being the product of his silence.


chews the skin of his lip when anxious.​
talks quickly when in distress. gets jittery.​
does not like it when people move things, even if it is slightly off; there is a reason he put something there.​
cannot sleep unless he has exactly 5 pillows and two blankets regardless of how hot or cold it is.​
a healthy eater; this is to preserve his own definition of fitness. a healthy body equals a healthy mind.​
sometimes will pretend he is doing something, but is really eavesdropping.​
workaholic and a major one at that. do not interrupt his practice.​
collects hourglasses; they are all organized by size, and are always--somehow--going at the same rate.​
digs his nail into his thumb as he's thinking; often does not realize this.​
can only make eye contact for a short period of time before his brain tells him to look away; he does not enjoy eyecontact in the slightest.​
his breakfast will always be the same thing: a cup of yogurt, two fried eggs, (1) thinly sliced avocado, two slices of rye bread, one cut cucumber, three cherry tomatoes.​
wakes up early or doesn't sleep at all.​
caffeine addiction: coffee is 3/4 brew, 1/4 almond milk--very little sugar.​
cares more about the wellbeing of his friends than his own.​
insults people in turkish, thrives off of the fact that they most likely wouldn't understand.​
constantly snacking on something: almonds or granola.​
dislikes when people are too touchy with him; personal space is personal space, but there is an exception with a select few.​
must have one light on at night. he cannot explain it.​
does not like being spoken to like he is stupid.​
doesn't style his hair much, thinks there's no need for it.​
starts with a hot shower, then finishes it with cold showers.​
reads often, on his off time will read newspapers or books; does not like bookstore settings and will order online.​
hates grapes.​
frogs are cute; slightly disgusted by toads, but also drawn to them.​
does not drink alcohol often. lightweight.​
was on scholarship.​

observant, trustworthy, dexterity, attentive, reserved, resourceful


judgmental, overthinker, self-critical, secretive, irrationally anxious, obsessive perfectionist


deep waters, small spaces, disorganization, failure, vomiting, kids when they throw tantrums.


Perfection isn't the easiest thing to conquer; one must watch, observe, take note of what works and what doesn't. That's what works so well for Zeki, he molds to another's fears—watches from afar, befriends, will do what he can to lessen the outcomes of failure. He is the shadow of a target, follows them in the dark, watches them for hours, knows their schedule day in and day out.

There is this, however: Zeki will always keep clean—scenes shrink wrapped throughout every crevice and corner; gloves are always on hand, as are goggles, and—as out of place as it seems—a pair of wireless earphones to play music as he "works."

Riddles, clues, puzzles handmade—left behind for others to decipher, thought it may not be easy—he may even leave a quote by an author he'd read that week. Eyes are glued shut, he never liked how the dead seemed to look into his soul even after they've been glazed with ruin.

Some say that their homes are missing something, be it small or big: he collects an item that often goes unnoticed—a trophy? Or is it a way to stay close to humanity, even after its destruction?

Precision is important, but in order to do that the target shouldn't be able to move right? When close enough, a target unable to resist the false charm, he injects them when they least expect it: this will only keep them quiet, paralyze them when he needs it. There's something peaceful about bringing someone some place isolated, quiet, where no one can hear—he's left to his own devices that way, with little interruption, and more time to dig further into what he should do. Almost a form of meditation, the scene is wrapped, covered, clean—their death is symbolic of their wrongdoings sins, thus the weapon of choice differs. There are several common weapons that pop up in his inventory more often than not: a singular boning knife, an assortment of scalpels, a chemical agent that, when injected, will melt the body from within, and a jambiya dagger.

Afterwards their bodies are posed in what he feels is appropriate (this is when he has time—scenes are heavily dependent on the things the target has done.)



Some dreams died in his childhood. At least, that’s what he thinks; it’s hard to tell exactly when it happened, but it did long before his teens. In a quiet room with his ear pressed against his pillow, the sound of his heartbeat lulls him to sleep against the starvation in his stomach. He’d spent the majority of his childhood that way: sometimes he’d stare out the window, looking in between the tall building structures to catch a glimpse of the rest of the skyscrapers—Zeki wanted to reach for them, know what it was like to live in such high places with little worry; the people he saw there, they looked happy, fed, seldom was there a grimace attributed to the thought of missing a dinner or wondering when the electricity would be cut off.

Trust dies here. Despite his parents' promises for a better life, there has always been some sort of slip up. Sure, he understood that life as an immigrant wasn't easy, but their empty promises didn't go unnoticed. As much as they loved him, his mother's love for vanity and his father's love of gambling often got in the way. He loved the both of them more than their interests, tried the best that he could in school to guarantee a better life in the future, one that could provide for not only himself, but the family he cherishes. But he could never trust their word in anything; not the promises of getting better, not the promises of moving to a better place, nothing. Zeki took it upon himself to do this on his own.

So he works, takes on the family burdens, fights to survive to make it easier for them.

Maybe this is why he'd fallen into the treacherous hands of the people his father borrowed from. He shouldn't have taken this, shouldn't have wrapped himself further into their troubles while juggling his education. They depended on him too much now; Zeki, however, couldn't go back on his word.

There are promises written into his skin—promises of a better life; there are promises of paying his father’s debts; there are promises that he will build a better future for himself and the people that he loves. The promises are dates, scars, most from the past, some for the future—oaths carved into the flesh of his back. And the exhaustion of it does not let the wounds heal.

Maybe it’s better off that he cannot remember, despite the (rare but precious) moments spent with family that kept him fighting.



♡coded by uxie♡
c. yang


# molecular combustion

# lee hongnae

♡coded by uxie♡






full name

charlie yang



32 years old






september 5th



  • the insatiable.

    It is hungry, it it immortal. Worse, it knows nothing of whim.

♡coded by uxie♡

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