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Fantasy The Underground: Age of Wars

Shion had a great deal of inexperience on his back. He knew to not expect anything, yet still expected this to be an easy fight. Which it definitely wasn’t. How was Connor keeping up? How was he anticipating Shion’s own moves so well? His human side was retaining the composure he needed, but the beast was getting impatient. For now, it wouldn’t interfere.

A wild sweep of the arm just caught the side of his head and Shion was quick to drop, feeling the clenched knuckle drag against his cheek. He had to defend more than he wanted, unable to make any ground on the Order member; even his added electricity didn’t seem to have much effect. Each time his energized fist came into contact with a block from Connor, the inner savage wanted him to send thousands of volts through the flesh body. Killing him was the best answer right? But Shion persevered, landing hits and dodging some attacks thrown at him. It was like a painful stand-still.

One of them had to bend eventually... However Connor wasn’t the one that had to worry about companions.

Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Axeykins Axeykins Aridis Aridis
I’m digging down I think. Though what would’ve been the conclusion between Shion/Atlas and Connor/Anton?
Hmm. Well shion and Atlas and sisceal could be back at the palace now and Anton and Conner licking their wounds at their base?
You can decide where Shion got shot, if at all, with the marksman pistol and I'll have Connor worrying about the numerous electrical burns and bruises he got from the electric wolf.
Atlas had managed to free the human and had disappeared back into the Shadows with the injured priest in tow; and completely ignored the man's words for the time being. Though it had been years ago, the wraith remembered that it had been difficult for Sisceal to breath inside of the Shadows, and thus was quick about getting far enough away from the battle that they could escape without the use of them. The process took only a couple of seconds, as he was antsy about staying inside of his haven for too long on the human's part. Carrying Sisceal in his arms, the fae popped back into the overworld roughly a block away from their previous position. But even then, Atlas continued to create as much distance between them and the Order as possible and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

Though they were still in the process of escaping, the wraith figured that it was as good a time as any to finally speak up. "Oh look, we're getting away from them. I'm not an idiot, Sisceal. It might be a couple of days until I can sneak you into the Underground... But at the very least I'm getting you away from those sociopaths. Besides, a lot has changed... I'm not the only one trying to help you." Was it too soon to mention that Atlas basically had an entire army of fairies at his disposal now? Just for the purpose of saving Sisceal? It was probably too early to mention that. The poor guy needed some rest first.

Axeykins Axeykins ( Hoki Hoki Soviet Panda Soviet Panda )

Vytas had managed to slip away from his sister for the time being. He only had a couple of minutes before he looked (and felt) like a horrible big brother, but he was guessing that a few minutes was all that was needed. After all, when being a little shit, it was wise to perform actions quickly. And he knew that Austere was planning on stooping to his level.

This was gonna be fun.

The brunet stood in front of the throne room. His seasoned acting skills allowed him to go unsuspected every time a servant or guard walked past. If any of them questioned him, he would just use the excuse that he was waiting for Rai to show up; since she had just gotten back and he wanted to give her something before dinner to celebrate her coming home. To completely sell the story, Vytas had a small, empty box in his possession; one that he had even gone to the trouble of wrapping messily.

Yeah...When he told a lie he made sure that he was prepared.

Axeykins Axeykins
The priest had forgotten exactly what the wraith's shadowy portals were like. As soon as they popped out of the quick burst of one he'd created he gasped for air painfully. "A...A warning...would have....helped." He huffed. Looking up at Atlas with tired eyes. "Couple of days? Lost your edge in these few years? He teased, a sad attempt at bringing some light back to his situation. Now that he was feeling safe in familiar arms.
The mention of help piqued his interest. "Oh? And...wh-who may that be? It'd be nice to know who my other guardian angel is out there. Need to apologize to them too for being so much of a headache." The man managed a weak smile as his eyelids grew heavier by the minute.

"He's been found! the wraith has him!" Tiny voices chattered excitedly to each other. "Quick, to the queen. we must tell her to prepare for his return! He is hurt so badly, she will need to know immediately." They spoke quickly as they buzzed off to alert lady Una and even King Gareth himself. The dragon may want to know of a human soon gracing his glorious palace.
Aridis Aridis ( Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Hoki Hoki )

Austere snuck up ever so quietly behind his brother, grabbed his arm and dragged him back into the tall set of decorative plants adorning the outside of the throne room. "Shhhh. Just me Vy." He glanced around nervously. Letting out a puff of smoke with magic adhered to it to hide their position and muffle their voices more. He had slipped away while Lily had been taken to be dressed up specially for dinner. It didn't give them much time to talk but it did add a touch more secrecy to the scheme.

"I need your help with some highly top secret plans that require the utmost sneakery." He dropped the volume of his voice even more. "Vy, I need you to help me get some stuff. Plans and military records from in there that I can't....Father said I'm not allowed to touch them or else so..., I won't touch them, but rather I shall follow you in. You can make sure I don't accidentally touch said records. Perhaps only take a glance and take down notes to be safe...er. and of course make sure you don't get into any trouble in there as well. Right? I mean, we are free to roam in there and I'd hate to disobey Father or break anything precious in there." A rare, dastardly grin crossed the eldest Prince's face. "Understand my thinking Vy?"
Aridis Aridis
( Soviet Panda Soviet Panda )
( Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe , since we're setting up the dinner scene her you could probably interact with Gareth! or whichever open character/s you need to. They should definitely be far more open at this moment.)
Perhaps he had a moment before dinner started, Gareth thought as a servant informed him that the cooks had been delayed by several regrettable accidents. Perhaps the tension was even getting to them. He wouldn't blame them, the taught strings he had tied around him occasionally snapped with violent force. The strain simply being to much, and just putting more on the remaining strings.

He needed to change the thoughts that chased each other round and round his head. Sadly, the only thing that could do that right now were his reports. He thought he had left them in the throne room, not the best place to put them but he trusted no one who wasn't supposed to see them would. But saying that, he didn't expect to see Austere and Vytas outside of the grand doors. "You know what your mother would've said if she saw you two rough housing here." Gareth said, making an attempt to not instantly jump to conclusions. "Dinner's going to be a while, the cooks have had a few troubles of their own." Opening the door to the throne room, he turns his antlered head and raises a questioning eyebrow. "Shall we?" he asked before entering the room and heading to the reports that still laid scattered on a table off to one side of the throne. "I knew I left them here." he muttered to himself as he began to cross the room to reach them.
(( Axeykins Axeykins Aridis Aridis ))
Connor sat at base with his handler, tending to his wounds. He had missed his shot, and that fact was pissing him off. And on top of that, he had numerous electrical burns throughout his body that he now had to tend to. At least he didn't lose to that Shade like his handler had. Bet if one of his arms wasn't still recovering from being broken (though it was all but healed by now), Connor would have killed the two of them right then and there. But now they had lost their only lead. "What plan do you have now, oh glorious leader." he said sarcastically.
(( Axeykins Axeykins ))
He moved quickly, following the scent of his friend through the shadows while remaining a short distance behind him. As it stood now, his priority was making sure Atlas and his human friend could escape. Neither of the Order members had pursued them so they were safe in that regard, but for how long? Shion then saw Atlas appear from the shadows with Sisceal in his arms, deciding to slow himself down with a wary test of the air. It was still just them, so for now he could hold off. The electricity that finely coursed over his form dissipated into short sparks as his pacing dropped. He leapt from the rooftops he had set his path over and came to the ground just a yard before the wraith. For good reason, it seemed Atlas didn't have any real intention of stopping his escape, so he waited for him to catch up before following his example. Sisceal didn't look too well; he had gone through such a great ordeal that, quite frankly, Shion had a respect for the man's resilience.

However, now that he had slowed down and taken the time to think, a red hot searing pain shot through his left shoulder. Because he wore so much black and heavy material, it was difficult to see the stain that spread through his jacket, down his arm. He had gloves, but a few crimson droplets slipped down his wrist and pittered against the asphalt. There was a blatant tear through the top of the shoulder, and the smell of blood made him a bit woozy due to his heightened senses. but he ignored it for now, gripping the injury with his right hand.

It was shameful to admit as the personal guard of Austere, but the demon had been careless. Actually, as a matter of fact, this whole thing had been careless. Connor wasn't going down without a fight, he didn't hesitate like a lot of the others Shion had faced before. It was a deep, messy shot that would no doubt take a great deal of time to heal despite the slightly enhanced regeneration. He would have to apologize to the prince tenfold for leaving, though he could worry about that later. As Atlas and Sisceal came up, his gray-blue eyes softened. "Everything alright?" Shion asked them, sparing a concerned glance at Sisceal.

Aridis Aridis Axeykins Axeykins
Atlas nodded, his own breath growing a bit heavier due to the strain of carrying a full grown man. He had been lucky with the timing of the encounter, he had consumed a soul not three days before. And in his defense, he had been defending himself. It wasn't his fault that the Order had a habit of hiring stubborn idiots who didn't know when to back off.

"I think we're in the clear for now... But I'm going to be taking Sisceal to the safe house right outside of the city until I'm absolutely certain. Unfortunately, Daniel and Seras had skipped town, so I'm gonna have to figure out some way to patch him up." It had been months since the innocent duo had been forced to leave. The young doctor had yet to be arrested for aiding and hiding fae, but he didn't want to risk losing his small dragon companion. And at the time traveling in and out of the Underground was difficult, especially for humans, so they needed to find some other place to hide.

Atlas looked at his friend up and down with a concerned look on his face. "And it looks like you need a couple of bandages yourself... Do you have a few minutes to spare? The safe house should be stocked with supplies..."

Hoki Hoki Axeykins Axeykins

Vytas didn't miss a beat. The second that their father turned his back on them, the young prince lept into action. And 'into action,' I mean he jumped at his brother and shoved him as hard as he could. "It's not my fault you're an idiot!" The teen hissed, his voice steadily getting louder with every insult that he threw at the elder. "Our sister is back and you don't even care! It's all 'Lily, Lily, Lily' with you, isn't it? Every single time she comes to visit, you completely ignore us! You're too busy swooning over your girlfriend and trying not to trip over your stupid big feet to pay attention to your family!" At this point, he was yelling.

"I bet you didn't even know that Rai was back, did you? Idiot!"

Axeykins Axeykins Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
"Don't cop an attitude with me. I wasn't the only one to blame in that debacle." Anton hissed. Giving his compatriot a harsh glare as the doctor tended to his wounds. He hadn't suffered near as bad of injuries as Conner had but enough to put him out of commission for a while. "We'll keep on tracking them. May not have been able to catch them but our device is still buried deep within that priest. So it should be a breeze now. So stop your bitching and start thinking of ways to infiltrate these bastards. We'll get the head of the Order in on this as well. Sure they'll be eager to hear what we've accomplished."
Soviet Panda Soviet Panda

Perfect. As usual Vytas was on the exact same page when it came to their mischief. Austere over exaggerated the shove, flailing backwards and knocking over one of the tall vases they hid behind. Sending it crashing to the ground and shattering all over.
"MAYBE I DIDN'T EVEN CARE TO KNOW!" He snapped back. Getting to his feet quick as a shot and glaring down at his younger brother. "And don't you dare speak of Lily that way. She is my FIANCEE and the only one in this damned world who does care about me anymore." He spat. "That little brat can go to Hell! She's never once given a damn about me so why should I ever return that favor? Same goes to father and even you. I can't wait till you're all gone out of my life once and for all!" He shoved Vytas back. Although at only a fraction of his strength to avoid harming him, hoping that he would take the queue to bring out his best overacting skills.
Aridis Aridis Soviet Panda Soviet Panda

"I just need a few bandages and stitches is all....then I'll be good to go." Sisceal proclaimed. "No need to worry yourselves too much. I'm feeling far better now that I'm away from there." He flopped his arms hopelessly as he adjusted in the wraiths arms. "And....can't you get back to that place quite easily? It should be safer than out here, right?"
Aridis Aridis Hoki Hoki

( Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe Black Forest MLady Black Forest MLady , we need to get yous guys fully in the story asap!)
There were a few reasons as to why he almost - almost - denied the gesture. For one, he didn’t want to be gone from Austere for too long. Another thing was that they’d be better off having a still-able demon to defend the duo while at the safe house, so it’s not like he could’ve properly joined them. However, his wound seared like hell fire, and oozed fresh blood like a stream. He couldn’t return to the castle like this, and it would be easier to watch out for Atlas and Sisceal if he was with them. There was a chance that Atlas would take offense to this idea, so he kept it himself. Shion nodded carefully. “Thank you..”

He spared an extra glance at the injured human, soon offering a timid smile. If nothing else it felt like Sisceal was being sincere. Sure, he had most likely gone through a living hell - Shion was almost completely in the dark about the case of this particular man - yet he played it off with his relief. He was a friend of Atlas, he knew that much, however it was different to see it in person. Not all humans took kindly to the fae, the Order a prime example of such, and when he was younger they had been particularly bad. It was nice seeing his comfort being in the arms of a wraith. If he knew what Shion was, perhaps he'd continue to feel that same comfort. Either way, Sisceal seemed unbothered by his additional presence.

This was a peculiar turn of events, really. The Order was now torturing bona fide humans to, do what? Lure out fae- lure out Atlas specifically? Surely not.. Well, the wraith was always a little too deep in the jobs he took up, was that any reason for the whole organization to target a single one? Perhaps Sisceal himself was far too involved with fae and that's what got him into the mess, but it seemed like a stretch to "punish" him with such cruel treatment.

Shion didn't know what he was supposed to think about this. While getting involved in the first place was a stupid move on his part, it was good that he did. Now two people were safe and escaping properly. It just...struck him as strange that no one was killed; Sisceal was clearly part of a trap, but how come nothing else had happened? Part of him hoped to every god in creation that it had been sheer luck, which couldn't be ruled out.

It was a waste to think about it now. Removing the hand from his shoulder, the Raijuu turned partially towards the two, making a small gesture with his hand at the fleshy weight in Atlas' arms. "Want me to carry him part way," Shion offered, "so you can catch your breath for a second?" Jumping through shadows could be draining, so he figured that his friend was a little worn down, and despite the pain in his shoulder the redhead thought himself to be in better shape to carry another person. At least, not for too long.

Aridis Aridis Axeykins Axeykins

//when you casually fix it cuz the product of writing on your phone during the tail end of your ten minute break doesnt' exactly work out lolol cuz who're we kidding it was crap
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When Vytas left the area a slight chill crept across Rai's skin, coiling across her mind. The tension of the war was thick inside the castle. Something about it threw her mind for a spin and knocked her senses off balance. The guards, servants, and all the others were on edge. The worry began to circle in her mind as she pondered the horrific nature of war. She'd lost her brother too it once, what else was going to be lost before it was over?

Her sigh echoed softly through the empty wing and louder pattern of footsteps heading towards towards the Throne room. There were guards here and there, but no one bothered her this time. Rai lost herself in her mind for a few moments, though she couldn't quite tell what she was thinking. As she grew closer to the Throne Room, the sound of shouts froze her in place as though she'd been glued to the ground. Her first thought was that the enemies had gotten inside, but the shouts weren't like that.

Vytas was... Yelling at Austere? She was a little stunned for a moment as she listened to Austere's counter. Of course he liked Lily better than them. She'd known that, but it stung to be called a brat. The idea that he didn't actually want his siblings in his life was a drop of lemon in that wound. Rai poked her head around the corner to try and look at them and witnessed Austere shove Vytas.

Since she hadn't seen the first attack, Rai assumed that Austere was the one being in the wrong. "Austere! What the hell!" The new teen called and sort of jogged over in distress. "Don't touch him!" She demanded and attempted to grab his arm and pull him away from Vytas. At the moment Vytas seemed like her only real companion, so Austere attacking him was not okay by her standards.
Axeykins Axeykins Aridis Aridis Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
In a heart beat, Gareth turned around and magic exploded from his body, wrapping tightly around his two sons. "You will behave yourselves for one night!" He roared, flames escaping from between his lips and his draconian eyes golden eyes glowing. "No fighting, no arguing. We will have a nice dinner, appreciate each other's company, and not worry about this infernal war. For one night." he snapped, his magical grip on the two boys tightening for a brief moment before letting go. That seemed to have taken all of the energy out of the dragon king, for his whole frame sagged. His shoulder's hunched, his arms hung at his side, his antlered head looking as if it were soon to drop as well. "Just one night, that is all I ask." he whispered before his golden gaze swept across the room and to Rai.

His daughter, his princess, had seen that whole outburst. His sagged frame stiffened briefly, before sagging even further, if that were even possible. "I will be in my quarters. Tell the servants to fetch me when dinner is ready. I do not want to be disturbed." With that, he collected his reports, and shuffled off.
(( Aridis Aridis Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Axeykins Axeykins ))

In a shock at her sudden arrival into the conversation Austere backed off. Pulling his arm out her grasp quickly, but gently. This wasn't good.
"Vy we've got to do something, Rai being here wasn't part of the plans!" He quickly sent Dammit!! First Rai interfering and getting the wrong ideas and now this? He had to think quickly. "Fuck off!" He roared. Struggling against the grasp of their father's magic. Thinking quickly of something, anything to say to truly get to him. It would be harsher than usual but he had to. "GO AHEAD! RUN FROM THE PROBLEMS LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO!!" Austere screamed at him as he walked away. Fire escaping from between his teeth. "This is EXACTLY why you let mother die, because you were too much of a coward to do anything to help her. You always have been and always will be nothing but a coward Gareth." He hissed venomously. Quickly glimpsing to Vytas he desperately attempted to send him as secretive of a message as he could muster up in this moment of chaos
"I'll try to draw his attention away. You do whatever you need to to get me a glimpse at those reports.."

Aridis Aridis Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
"Like hell." Atlas joked. "Thanks Shion, but I think I can survive a little bit of cardio. Unlike you... Seriously, do you not know what bloodloss is? Keep pressure on that thing until we get to the safehouse! Then you can carry Sisceal around all you want."

As they continued to walk, and eventually find a cab so that they wouldn't have to walk as far, the Wraith turned his attention back to the wounded human in his arms. "Okay, okay... I believe you about the injuries, but as your assigned chaperone I am legally obligated to check for more. Sorry buddy, I don't make the rules." Drawing in a deep breath, he adjusted his hold on the other. "And as for the Underground... Things have gotten more difficult since you were last there. We're trying to keep travel in and out to a minimum, especially with the entrances that don't move around. Even we fae have issues getting in from time to time, what with the Order lurking in every shadow and corner. You're a human, which makes it even more difficult. You'd have to get special permission from someone royal or really high up on the totem pole, or else you'll be killed the second you step foot in the Underground; and the entrance that you came through would be sealed."

Axeykins Axeykins Hoki Hoki

"Oh give it a break, Austere!" Grabbing his sister's arm, Vytas began to drag her away from the action. She would probably just follow him anyways, so at least this way he was the one pulling the reins. "Come on Rai, let's get away from Emo McASSHOLE!" Without missing a beat, he darted in the direction that their father was headed; running past him entirely and disappearing down the hall and up a flight of stairs, which kind of led toward their bedrooms as well. However, that wasn't where Vytas was headed.

He ducked behind a tapestry hanging on one of the walls, and slipped into a door behind it; officially landing them in the servants' passages. Breathing a little heavily at this point, he turned his attention toward his sister; who was now kind of a part of the crime. "Sorry that you had to see that, Rai. I mean, it was all staged, but I'm still sorry." Drawing in a deep breath, Vytas leaned against one of the walls in the narrow corridor. "If I tell you why it was all staged, do you promise not to snitch to father?"

Axeykins Axeykins Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Soviet Panda Soviet Panda

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