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“Indeed, let’s show this ugly fucker a good time.”

Just as Al plunged his fist into Little Child’s side, Ezro was quick to followed up and slash at the bastard with his pulse saber.
GolemGuy GolemGuy Jagson Jagson
"Silmaris. Roschanna SIlmaris," Sil said as she lowered her weapon. She briefly considered helping him move the body, but decided to just follow along, keeping an eye out for trouble. The others were still fighting. Ezro had left Big Brother and joined Al in the fight against the shapeshifting jerk they had met on the beach three days ago. Alice and Kal were holding their own against the other Little one.

"You were talking to him a moment ago," Sil said to Uncle, with a nod to Jacen. "Is he awake?"

Jagson Jagson
Little child hissed as the cut wounds started healing themselves. Little child sank his fangs into Al's neck. . He used his snake tail to strike at Ezro.

"Roschana." Jacen muttered as he lifted his eyes to look at her. "That's a beautiful name " He said.

"Yes " Uncle said. "I'm trying to keep him awake so he doesn't cross over." He said as he walked close to the Titan. He stopped when he saw fifteen dead ITF. A note was on the closest one. "That enough blood for you royal fish."

GolemGuy GolemGuy Siren77 Siren77 AnonyMouse AnonyMouse
Al for a moment was caught off guard, as the fangs dug into his skin, but they'd only meet contact with the sleuths of blubber underneath. Alejandras dragged his forearm across the beast's throat, and could feel the resistance of skin and muscle as he tore beneath the mane.

Jagson Jagson
The snake that struck out at Ezro was promptly struck by his saber, such that it’s head was decapitated off of the rest of the Chimera body. The Captain than rammed his Solar Blade forward and drove it toward the side of Little Child.
Jagson Jagson
"Shush," Sil said when Jacen praised her name. She was too preoccupied with the current situation to put up with him right now. She kept her attention on their surroundings as they stepped through the bodies littering the area. Sil was looking all around, to make sure no one ambushed them.

Cheeky little bitch, she thought as she plucked Siri's note off, tore it up, and let the wind carry away the scraps. Solar blades are for cheaters.

She reached the Titan's ramp and turned to Uncle, gesturing for him to haul Jacen inside while she guarded the entrance with her rifle. "Where did these people come from?" she remarked, referring to the dead ITF soldiers as she followed him into the Titan. "This changes things. A lot. If they have this many reinforcements planetside, we need to leave immediately. The plan was to fight a handful of Alphas, not a dropship's worth of faceless fodder."

Jagson Jagson
Little Child chocked before they quickly turned into a bird. 'better to run and fight again.' they thought as they flew away from the two of them.

Uncle placed Jacen in the med bay as the doctor started to quickly work on him. He walked back to the door. "I don't know. Maybe it was just a planetary patrol." He said

GolemGuy GolemGuy Siren77 Siren77 AnonyMouse AnonyMouse
Little Child may have been quick to try and fly away, but Ezro gave chase once he saw the little freaks transformation into a bird. With a lunge up into the air, he managed to grab a whole fistful of feathers before yanking the sorry bastard straight back down to the earth.

“Don’t think you’re getting away so easily you little shit. Why don’t you stop hiding behind your disguises and look at me with your own two eyes, so you can watch as I tear you limb from limb.”
Jagson Jagson
The bird smiled as the golden slime poured out of him until a ten foot blob of the slime was left. A small bit of it peeled off and went deep into the dirt. The blob fired an arm of slime around Ezro
Ezro wasn’t sure what the bastard was thinking, turning into something as destructible as a slime monster. But frankly he didn’t care. Hell he wasn’t even certain if this wasn’t his true form, as it very well could be. Ripped free of the slime cast around his body, he quickly unclipped his Hellfire from his back before cocking the shotgun morphed weapon and blasting the Slime creature over and over again.
Jagson Jagson
The slime beast took the hits. it's slime went back into it regenerating. It fired another sliing of slime wrapping around the weapon and pulling it away. " You wanted my true form." Little child said as it's voice boomed all around the surrounding area. "Try to tear me to limb from limb meat bag." It said as it fired another arm at him.
Alejandras ran towards little child, but then stopped in his tracks, as Ezro was repeatedly firing slugs into the thing. And then it talked. Alejandras evaluated the situation.

This in an amorphous blob of who knows what, and it seems to be fully immune to the impact force of bullets...

"Ezro! Use your solar balde! The heat generated from it should at least evaporate the internal water!" Shouted Alejandras right before he saw the arm launch at Ezro.

Siren77 Siren77 Jagson Jagson
The Hellfire was temporarily disarmed from Ezro, which prompted him to growl before dashing in once he heard Alejandras advice to him. Whipping out his Solar Blade once more, he cut into the giant Slime creature over and over again.

While he worked, he quickly plunged in the handful of grenades he had on hand into the Slimes bowls with their clips all undone.

“I suggest we get some space Al! Get back!”

Ezro then retreated backwards as he awaited the inevitable explosion.
Jagson Jagson
Sil left the severed hand in Everett's care. She paused for a moment, as if considering saying something to Jacen, but then turned and left without uttering a word. They could finish this over dinner, after he was stable and everyone was safe. The mission wasn't complete yet and she couldn't afford to lose focus now. She joined Uncle in the hall.

"That would be quite the coincidence. And I don't believe in coincidences," Sil said in response to his statement that the soldiers may have just been a regular patrol. "I need to warn the others and-"

She stopped when she noticed someone watching them from the end of the hall. It was a little blond-headed girl from engineering. Sil couldn't even remember her name, but her presence there served as a reminder that there were other people on this ship --other lives to protect-- than just Ezro's inner circle. She was staring, wide-eyed at them, probably wondering who this man was, why Jacen was missing hand, why a strange woman with a solar blade had just dismembered fifteen ITF soldiers on their doorstep. The questions were written on her face.

"Don't you have work to do?" Sil said a little too harshly and the girl adjusted her glasses and bumbled away, nearly bumping into a wall as she fled the scene. Sil sighed and turned to Uncle once more. "Keeping the rest of the crew in the dark isn't going to fly much longer." She opened her datapod and shot Ezro a message: "Cook to Captain. I have isolated my target and secured the helmsman. Status report, please."

Siren77 Siren77 Jagson Jagson
Little child was obliterated leaving only a couple droplets left that sunk deep into the ground.

Little Brother looked at the two of them thinking of which of them to take out. He looked at Alice figuring she was the weaker of the two. He charged at her though slower than usual from the injury the other one caused.

Uncle pulled out his pistol and watched the ground outside of the ship. "Well I'll stay onguard just incase." He said. He kept his eyes centered with the aiming mechanism. "So there is more to this crew than just the six of you." He said as he kept his eyes peeled.

Siren77 Siren77 GolemGuy GolemGuy animegirl20 animegirl20 Bard Bard Bard Bard AnonyMouse AnonyMouse
“Yeah, maybe.” Ezro grunted as he stood from the ground and surveyed the slime dispersed everywhere. “But I have a feeling it won’t be the last we see of the bastard.” Whipping out a small canister for samples, Ezro managed to fill it full of the slime before it could all fully disappear into the ground.

“Take this and head back to the ship, I’ll stay and ensure Alice and Kal get through their battle okay.”

With that said, the captain scooped up his weapons and jogged toward the battle against Little Brother.
GolemGuy GolemGuy animegirl20 animegirl20 Bard Bard Bard Bard
Alejandras grasped the canister and began to jog back to the ship. Some blood from his previous encounter smeared over it.

Al came upon the clearing where the ship was, and was astounded to find a myriad of dead corpses blanketing the expanse. "Holy shit, what the fuck..." Al's voice trailed off in astonishment at the sheer amount of dead bodies. 'Who or what is capable of this?' he thought as he stepped into the ship, and then remembered Siri. "Oh, that explains it."

He came upon Silmaris, Jacen, and an old man.

Unphased, Alejandras spoke. "I'll be right back, gotta give this to Cyril, he's got a degree in interstellar biology. Eve may be a doctor, but she ain't a biologist" Alejandras strode over to the engineering bay and handed the canister to a fit, brown-haired man in an exoskeleton. Alejandras told him what to do before coming back down the corridor.

Siren77 Siren77 Jagson Jagson Anonymous Anonymous
Little Brother moved behind Alice before stopping. He stood still for a few seconds before his head slid off his shoulders. He continued to stand for a minute before the body fell to the ground and got hit twice more by Kal.
animegirl20 animegirl20 Bard Bard Bard Bard
"Of course. This isn't exactly a small ship. We couldn't run it alone," Sil replied when Uncle said something about there being more to the crew than just the six of them. She kept her rifle ready while she waited for a reply from Ezro. She looked Uncle up and down and was about to ask him something when Al came lumbering by with a canister of something he needed to give to Cyril. Sil let him through before returning her atteniton to Uncle.

"For someone who appears out of nowhere exactly when we need him, you seem to have more questions than answers," she said. Her tone was more conversational than confrontational. "Who do you work for? What's your stake in all of this? And don't tell me you're just looking out for an old friend. He ain't that likable. Nobody's that likable."

Jagson Jagson GolemGuy GolemGuy
Uncle rested his hip against the side of the wall before looking at her. " Friend... No he isn't some friend." He shook his head. "Though we do share blood, but that's a story for another time." he let out a breath. " I work for the betterment of all the system. Though if you want me to be specific we don't have an official name yet." He looked her dead in the eyes. "My stake is a simple one to atone for my actions as an alpha as well as my family's actions forty some years ago and finally to make up for the genocide of my people that I personally was responsible for." He said he then chuckled. " As smart as my resources are we aren't omniscient yet. So we usually have more questions than answers. Does that awnser all of your questions?"

Satikiah looked at the med read out. All five of them were shown as flat lining. " How the hell did this happen." He said in his home tongue.
"It's quite simple really." A voice said. Satikiah turned around and saw a green skinned humanoid with violet colored hair. His eyes were completly yellow and had ears like a feline. was walking into the room. The green skin had the rank of a fleet admiral. Around him was a man in his late fifties and four guards men that surrounded them. " How may i help you." Satikah said.

The Green Skin gave Satikiah a data pod. Satikiah read it and he went pale for a mogwa. " Seeing as how this mission failed and you lost over half of the Alphas I am here to replace you." Green skin said.
" The hell you are. I worked to long to get to this place." satikiah said in a fit of rage. " I will not be usurped by...." Satikiah stood still as a dark red stain started to cover his uniform. " You were saying." Green Skin said. Satikiah slumped to the ground making a farting noise. A grey skinned cat like species stood behind Satikiah. It pulled it's knife out of the Mogwa.

Green Skin looked at the older man. "Commander Valar please recall the remaining to Alphas back to base." He said

AnonyMouse AnonyMouse
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"No, but it's a start," Sil said. She peered down the loading ramp toward where the fighting was taking place. She couldn't see them from the ship, but hoped everyone was okay. When she and Uncle had left, only two Alphas remained. Since Al had arrived at the ship shortly after, she assumed he had killed his target as well. That meant only one loyal Alpha remained and was probably being triple-teamed by Ezro, Alice, and Kal. As long as Siri and Wanabu didn't turn back to the darkside, the Titan crew might actually get out alive.

Not bad for a day's work, Sil thought, but she couldn't rest easy yet.

"'I work for the betterment of the system' sounds like something the ITF would preach," Sil said. "To successfully lead a resistance, you need a more specific platform than that. And a name, something the people can rally behind." She shrugged. "Sorry. I didn't mean to critique your approach, I've just... seen this all before. I used to hunt down 'resistance leaders.' Most of them were just rebels without a cause, like angry manchildren pissing in the wind. A poorly-executed resistance can be worse than doing nothing at all. A proper resistance must be kept pure, in its ideology, as well as its methodology."

She muttered a curse under her breath. "Whatever you do, don't tell Ezro. He's only interested in protecting this crew, not changing the world. Sometimes... sometimes I kind of agree with that line of thinking. It's nice to have someplace to call our own, even while the world burns." She shook her head. "I don't know why I'm telling you any of this, stranger, but here we are."

Jagson Jagson

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