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Jacen let out a breath. He turned to Sil. "Yes that's exactly what we agreed to." He said with a lot of sarcasm in his voice. "Enjoy your vacation. They won't be bothering the crew." He said.

He needed a cigar badly.

AnonyMouse AnonyMouse
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Ezro jumped down from the ship as well, though like Al, he wasn’t dressed to swim. His head was pounding and his face was all too readable with annoyance.

“Alright then smartass. Cut the sarcasm and tell me exactly what the fuck is going on. How the hell did they manage to get a tracker planted on my ship, without anyone noticing?”
Jagson Jagson
They must've Id me somehow." He said. He thought about the other six. He knew each of their faces. None of them could shape shift. "They must've got a DNA sample off of me some how."

He then looked at the ship. "Alpha trackers can be fired onto a ship. They usually have a small enough density that they pass right threw shields." He let out a breath.

"You should relax. In three days they'll stop hounding the crew. One way or the other."

Siren77 Siren77
“Relax, Corr?! I think not! I don’t care if it’s only
you they’re after, the fact that the lives of every damn person on my ship is at risk now because of those bastards makes it all too impossible to relax!”

Ezro began rubbing his eyes with his right hand before letting it stretched down and circle to his chin.

“What’s more is that I made the same promise to you of protection and security as a part of my crew. I’ll not be made a liar, simply because the monsters of your past have found you again. I’m going to ensure that I’m here to help, alongside any others that wish to aid you. But first I need to know exactly what they want from you.”
Jagson Jagson
Jacen leaned against the Titan. "Pakarus nu Necron." He said. "Duel to Death." He let out a breath. " In three days I'll be fighting one of the Alphas in a one on one fight." He said. "If I win then they'll leave us alone. At least until they are sent by vice admiral Setika. If I lose they'll leave you guys alone. Win win in my opinion
“It’s not a win win to me.” Ezro soluted Jacen with the standard fist over the chest. “You’re a Pirate now, a member of my crew that I will honor and defend until my last breath. Don’t you dare think your life less than anyone else’s simply because of the baggage that comes with it. We all have our fucked up issues that get drug into this life we’ve chosen, but it doesn’t make us worth less than others.”
Jagson Jagson
"Statistically speaking, one life is worth less than the lives of the entire crew. The helmsman has a point," Sil said, after rolling her eyes at Ezro's heroic words. She stood quietly by while the two men debated the situation, but couldn't keep silent any longer. Another word of his boundless optimism might make her literally vomit.

"If Jac- I mean 'Jaden,' is all they want, i say we give him to them... but that doesn't mean he has to fight fair." She turned her full attention to Ezro. "We came here to relax and that is exactly what I intend to do. I am going to go out into that ocean and when I come back I will have a very large fish or cephalopod or maybe a dead Alpha and there had better be a bonfire going," she said, jabbing a finger at Ezro. "You two can stand here wasting what little time he has left or you can make yourselves useful by getting some damn firewood. We will continue this discussion over dinner."

Yes, she was giving her captain an order. No, she didn't care if it pissed him off.

Jagson Jagson Siren77 Siren77 GolemGuy GolemGuy
Jacen looked at Sil before yelling. "It's still Jacen to you Fish Girl." He shouted at her. He looked at Ezro. "Alright. I'm going to go threw with this." He gently placed his hand on Ezro's shoulder. "When you're up to it I could use a sparing partner." He said before stepping away. He lifted his hand "Over here Al."

AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Siren77 Siren77 GolemGuy GolemGuy
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Alejandras strode over towards Jacen. He chuckled. "Seem's you made the fish angry. Ain't there a human saying about being plenty of fish in the sea? Seem's like you're provoked all their wrath." He exhaled sharply from his nostrils. "You two have gotten pretty close, haven't you?"

Jagson Jagson Siren77 Siren77
"I wouldn't say close." Jacen said. He thought over everything. "We're just two souls that happen to be sharing this part of the story together." He said letting out a breath. "I'm pretty sure she'll turn on me if given the chance." He shook his head trying to make sense of that irritating woman, and why he found her interesting. "Anyway man how are you feeling?"

GolemGuy GolemGuy
Alejandras laughed. "Ah I'm just fine, got the arm all fixed up, but it's just a temporary solution. Gonna get us a proper 3-Dimensional scanner when I get the chance, the one on board is very low-poly." He took a brief moment to collect himself. "It's inevitable that you're gonna have to duel with those 'Alphas', but we're pirates, and nothing about pirates says we gotta fight fair. Tell ya what buddy, if you need any help in your fight, I got your back covered." Alejandras smirked.

Jagson Jagson
He smiled before putting his hand on Al. "I'll have to fight honorable. This time at least." He said. He looked at the Whalru and smiled. He had to admit he didn't realize how much these people cared. "For now I'm going to need help training. I haven't had much need for close quarters combat these last few years."

Siri Valar laid on the beach enjoying her much needed break. She looked up towards the sky. She always wondered why Jadie went AWHAL. "He shouldn't have been assigned the Nimeria mission." She mumbled.
She knew full well she and the other Alphas were monsters. There was no denying it,but what they did was for the greater good. Sure now they're revered as killers to the public,but when true peace emerged they would be seen as much more than that. At least she hoped that would happen
Her mind trailed off like it usually does during times of calmness. She was back at Nimeria. It was the third day of the mission. Those blasted terrorists where held up in the hills shooting down anyone who tried to advance. She lost two squads of soliders to them and who knows how many were injured.
Little Brother returned to the base camp having recently destroyed a cell near the base of the mountain. Though his face was hidden she knew something was wrong with him. She knew now that she should've talked to him. Maybe things would've been different if she had.
Instead she had to deal with a deserter who tried to flee during the March. She was a cute blonde at least Little Brother's age.

The girl was stripped of her rank as she was forced on her knees in front Of Big Sister.
"What's your name?" Big Sister asked. Her voice was modified as it came out of her helmet.
"Tahiri Corr." The blonde said. She was quivering.

Big Sister took out her solar blade . It's purple glow illuminated her helmet. She pressed a button as the blade turned into a whip. She started to whip the girl until she wasn't breathing. She looked over at Little Brother and felt pain coming from him.

She moved over wanting to talk but little brother turned away from her.
"It's still Jacen to you Fish Girl," Jaden shouted as she walked away.

Sil's only reply was to raise her middle finger and briefly flash it in his direction. She had been taught that this was an archaic, but effective, form of insult in human culture. Her own culture had numerous hand signs for underwater communication, but she doubted he knew any of those, so this one would have to suffice. Actually, in her culture, a middle finger could be used to express affection... but, again, he didn't know that... did he?

Sil removed the bathrobe she had been wearing and laid it on a rock when she reached the water's edge. She kicked off her sandals in the ankle-deep water and set them aside as well. Lastly, she glanced over her shoulder to make sure those stupid boys weren't watching and took off her bikini bottom. It would get in the way when her fishtail began to form and she wore a skirt to maintain some modesty. She set her undergarments on the rock and continued to walk further out to sea.

Sil checked her rifle one last time and affixed her knife to it like a bayonet. The water was comfortably warm, the tide strong. She had never swam this planet's waters before and was going into this completely blind, without even a little research. But her people were apex predators on her homeworld. Surely, this 'vacation planet' couldn't have anything more dangerous than Tymar's seas.

When she was up to her waist, Sil dove under and took her first breath. Her senses came alive. She felt like she could feel everything, as if the sea itself was speaking to her. She exhaled the last of the air in her lungs and began to swim forward, her body undulating like an eel. Even though her legs hadn't fused yet, she was already swimming like a mermaid, hugging the seafloor as she raced toward the deeper waters. Tiny fish darted around her. She spotted a turtle nearly camouflaged against a cluster of rocks, but she swam past it, in search of larger prey.

Jagson Jagson GolemGuy GolemGuy Siren77 Siren77
Alejandras scoffed at Jacen. "I think if we were to put up our fisticuffs, I'd end up breaking something that we couldn't fix." He smirked with a cocky look in his eyes. "Anyways, I've read about the wonders of Malalikia. I'd be in my best interests to enjoy it while it lasts." Alejandras strode back over by the beaches shore, and took in the visual. The powder white sands, the crystal clear teal water, and the extravagant azure skies, with silver wispy clouds painting the canvas. He breathed in the tropical salty air. It was refreshing, and that was the simplest way to put it.

He took off the cliche sunglasses, straw hat, and tropical shirt, resting them on a short spire of basalt that bordered the shoreline. He inhaled deeply, and smiled warmly, his expression that of joy, and remembrance of better days. He took a seat on a column of beige rock, and took in the view. He thought he saw Sil for a second, but was too euphoric to acknowledge it. He peered around a bit more. He though he saw clothing on a rock. He laughed. "Silmaris..." He closed his eyes and chuckled, then grinned widely, a sense of comfort overcoming him. He reclined, resting his head on his arms, his elbows spread to the side.

Jagson Jagson AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Siren77 Siren77
Jacen strode back to the ship. Though he would like to enjoy himself he knew that would be impossible. He made a quick detour to his room to pick up his Bind Staff. Afterwards he walked into the training room.
After taking his shirt off he activated the bind staff. Both ends were lit with purple electricity. Jacen let out a breath as he started swinging the staff in percise movements.
“I’ll never understand that bitch sometimes.” Ezro said with a chuckle before raising a bird of his own at Silmaris as she walked off. Turning back to Jacen, he lightly jabbed the Helmsman’s shoulder. “I’ll be more than happy to help you out train, but let postpone that for later. Right now I’d rather get us all set up on our little bungalow.”

His words would be quite confusing given that there was nothing in sight except for sand, jungle, and warm watered ocean. However, after the Captain pulled out his data pod and typed in a few things, a hazy figure began assembling on the edge of the jungle that spanned almost to the shoreline. After a second longer, the cloak was off and a rather impressive hand made bungalow stood on the once barren beach.

“Go ahead and make yourselves at home, but as much as I hate to agree with Silmaris we do need a bonfire. So I’ll be collecting some wood while the rest of you go on and have some fun.”

Jagson Jagson GolemGuy GolemGuy AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Bard Bard Bard Bard animegirl20 animegirl20
The water became darker and darker as Sil swam out to sea. She stayed close to the sea floor the entire way, but the water above her became deeper, blocking out the sun. Not that she needed to see anyway. She didn't rely on her vision much while swimming. The tentacles on a Tymari's head are sensory organs for detecting movement while under water. She was aware of anything larger than a goldfish. Anything smaller than that wasn't worth catching.

She sensed something large and slow moving at about three o'clock, but a few meters lower than her current position. But she was already hugging the rocky seafloor, so whatever it was must be down in a trench or cave. She also sensed no other movement around it, which suggested the other underwater lifeforms were aware of it and knew to avoid it.

Must be a predator, Sil thought as she slowed down and focused on her surroundings.

Her legs felt like jelly, which was a good sign. They had become extremely flexible, yet strong, as if the bones had become soft. Looking down, she saw the fusion was nearly complete. A thin, translucent membrane had formed over her legs and the beginnings of fins were starting to grow out at the tip. She decided to wait here and let her fishtail fully develop before going any further. Whatever was up ahead, she didn't want to face it half-assed.

Sil lowered herself onto the reef beneath her and laid prone, staring through her rifle's sight like a sniper while she waited for her prey to make the first move. On land, the XG-55 made for a lousy sniper, but when configured to fire harpoon-like steel spikes, it could be surprisingly accurate down here.

Jagson Jagson Siren77 Siren77 GolemGuy GolemGuy Bard Bard Bard Bard animegirl20 animegirl20
Kal Rezd nodded to Jacen as she exited the ship. She wore a frock coat, as per usual, though this one was a deep coffee in hue, as opposed to black. It was also shorter in length and left undone so as to let the fronts of the coat flap loosely at her sides. Underneath this coat she wore nothing; delrothi—as the reptiles they are—are absent of mammaries, a female's chest being as flat as a man's. Her low-slung trousers were a carob shade, baggy and rolled up a few inches above her raised ankles. Lastly, and perhaps most notably, she also wore a tricorn, a tapering crimson feather adorning its side.

Kal had no intention of swimming; delrothi are native to a desert world, and full-body submersion in water is not something they are accustomed to, nor comfortable with. Nonetheless, the heated climate of the tropical world—Malalalerica*—was a welcome, pleasant change from the comparatively chilled interior of the Titan. She looked about her, and decided to wander over to where Alejandras was seated on a rock.

Jagson Jagson AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Siren77 Siren77 GolemGuy GolemGuy
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Jacen let out a long breath. After a quick workout he started to pick up wood prices for the eventual bon fire. He thought about just leaving surly there was some ship that needed an extra helms man. He'll be able to keep the Titan crew safe. He stopped and looked around making sure no one was around before he screamed to the heavens.
The area smelled like Ozone. Jaden walked in the field of Bodies. He was tasked with leading 4th battalion into the base of the Alvester hills.
The hills had been hallowed out for years to allow tunnels that ran down to the Marque Mines from the base of the hills.

Jaden let out a breath. Hopefully they're be able to stop this uprising soon. He heard movement causing Jaden to quickly fire at the movement.

He heard a grunt and a body fall down. Jaden walked slowly to the man raising his gun. As Jaden saw the man his face went ashen. It looked like Jaden was starting up at himself with lifeless emerald eyes.
"Jacen." Jaden said as he fell to the ground. "No..No." He held the body of his dead twin brother. As hot tears ran from his eyes. "Oh God." He tried craddeling him when he felt his helmet be hit with the force of ten men. The force of the punches impacted knocked Jaden a few feet away

"You son of a bitch." A familiar man with short brown hair said. "I'm going to kill you." He had brass knuckles that glowed purple.
“Are we really going to do this?’

“Yes,” Commander Garret Maxxon said as he stepped into an elevator with his first mate at his side. “I’ve slept on it. I’ve thought about it. I’ve made my decision.”

“What about… you-know-who?” the First Mate said as the doors closed and the elevator began to ascend to the bridge. As one of the largest dreadnoughts in the fleet, the AGX42 Valor had nine levels. They were going all the way to the top.

“I was wrong to reach out to her. She told me this is our problem,” the commander said, thinking back on his conversation with the pirate. “I believe her exact words were ‘you created this demon, you deal with it.’ She’s right. The ITF created her, but I will deal with it. I won’t wait for my superiors to give the order. We are in a position to do something and I cannot sit idly by any longer.”

He stood straight and tall, with his chin raised and his chest puffed out. The man was a beacon of honor and integrity. His First Mate felt proud just breathing the same air as him.

“You’re a good man, sir. It’s an honor to serve you,” the First Mate said.

“No, Lieutenant, you don’t serve me,” Maxxon replied. “You serve the people. We serve the people. That is why we must do this. We have to remind them the ITF still stands for something… even if it costs us everything.”

The elevator arrived at the bridge and the doors opened. The commander began to step off, but the First Mate’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“Sir,” the First Mate said, keeping his voice low. “What if… what if it doesn’t have to cost us anything? What if there’s an easier way?”

Maxxon’s eyes narrowed on him. “Don’t, Lieutenant. I already know what you’re about to suggest. We’re bringing her in alive and that’s final.”

“One missile strike, sir. No one has to know. One missile and it’s over. After everything she’s done, all the lives she’s taken-”

“Aliiive,” Maxxon growled through clenched teeth. “Sauphira Aurelia will face justice, not fire. ‘Fire and blood’ is her way. ‘Justice and order’ is ours. Is that clear?”

The First Mate glared at him for a moment, but slowly released him. “Yes, sir,” he said as the two men exited the elevator and stepped onto the bridge. Every crew member there stood and saluted the commander, who returned the gesture with a smile.

But the commander paused for a moment, before continuing.

“Is something the matter?” his First Mate said.

“No,” Maxxon replied and continued to walk forward. “You know that little AI voice, the one that says ‘captain on deck’ every time I step onto the bridge? What happened to it?”

“Hmm… you’re right. I never noticed it was missing until now,” the First Mate said. “I’ll have a word with engineering. They’ll fix it.” He chuckled. “It’s alright. We don’t need some robot voice to tell us who our captain is.”

“I know. Thanks,” Maxxon said, giving the man a hearty clap on the shoulder as they stepped into a dark briefing room where a dozen of his most trusted men were gathered around a table.

At the center of the table was a hologram of a green-skinned Tymari woman. Her features were stern and proud. The thick tentacles on her head hung like dreadlocks, each with a dagger blade or steel spike grafted onto the tip. Her left arm was tattooed with names, thousands of them in tiny print, from her shoulder all the way down to her wrist, some faded and some fresh. Her right arm was made entirely of metal, but unlike any prosthetic limb he had ever seen. bundles of living wires were coiled together like organic muscles, sheathed in metal plating. The shoulder was engraved with a seven-pointed star, representing the seven houses of Tymar, the seven tribes, the seven seas. There was history behind that symbol. People rallied behind it. People bled for it. People died for it.

But her most notable feature were her eyes, the color of flames. Even in videos and photographs, the intensity of her gaze unnerved him. As Maxxon poured over the footage his spy had taken, it was those eyes that brought him to this decision. A person with eyes like those cannot be bargained with. If left to her own devices, Sauphira Aurelia would kill again. He had to act now.

"Gentlemen, today we capture the devil," Maxxon said as he shut the door and began what would probably be the last briefing of his career.
Jacen finished his scream. He felt clear headed for the first time in a long time. "Alright." He said to himself. "I'll leave. Once I'm gone they won't have any reason to track down the crew."
He started to walk back to the Titan. He stopped when he heard his data pod beep. He took it out and looked. It was from an unknown source.

"Watch now"
Watch Tower.
Jacen clicked on the video.
Big brother walked into Fleet Admiral Sitikah's conference room.
"Farther." Big brother said kneeling to the arachnid like admiral with tenticals comming out of its mouth.

Sitikah started to click before the translator started to translate. "Report."
Big brother pressed a few buttons as six holograms appeared. Each hologram had the face of a member of Titan "We found Tyrell."
For the next few minutes Big Brother told Sitikah all they knew.

Sitikah nodded. "I want you to fight him. After you kill him I want the Alphas to slaughter that crew of pirates. Punish them for opening their ship to that deserter." He then thought. "Also kill his bastard."

Big Brother simply smiled and nodded before walking out.

End of video.
Jacen's blood went cold as he finished watching the video."That Mogwa bastard."
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Kal Rezd looked up at the half-dozing wahlru. She and Al had both been injured by explosions in their last mission, so there they both had something in common.

"Good day, Alejandras tel-Murkuntelli." While the use of full names might sound odd to most, delrothi tended to greet formally, regardless of who they were speaking to.

GolemGuy GolemGuy
Alejandras was slightly shocked by the appearance of his reptilian crew mate, but it quickly washed away.

"Ah, Kal Rezd Akreen, how has your day been?" Alejandras as more chipper and happy than usual, at least for a wahlru.

Bard Bard Bard Bard
Her target began to stir. Sil still didn't have a visual. All she knew was it was big and it was lying in a trench about a hundred yards away and every other creature seemed to be swimming around it, as if afraid. She slapped her fishtail against the rocky sea floor to propel herself upwards and then surged forward, undulating like a eel as she closed in on the target.

in the darkness, she almost couldn't tell what she was looking at. The creature looked like a sea turtle. Its top half appeared to be hardened, like an armored shell and the face reminded her of a turtle as well. Good. Turtles were usually easy prey, as long as she could get at its soft underside. But something didn't feel right. Half of its body was obscured in a cloud of red mist and its body was barely moving, even as she drew closer. Most turtles would have fled by now, or at least looked at her and prepared to fight.

To her horror, Sil suddenly realized what she was looking at. She backpedaled quickly and raised her rifle as the turtle's body turned over, revealing a gaping wound where its underbelly should be and the giant squid that had been feasting on its innards. The squid had been using the turtle's body as a shield and lying underneath it to feed. As the tentacles unfurled, she saw rows of thousands of razor sharp teeth and four beady red eyes staring up at her.

Sil fired a shot, but the squid used the turtle's body to block it. The harpoon ricocheted off and embedded itself in a rock on the sea floor.

Looks like we're having calamari tonight, Sil thought as she surged upward, toward open water, where she had the best chance of evading this thing. Her gun would need a few seconds to manufacture another harpoon. She switched on her knife's chainsaw-like blade as she squid kicked off of the sea floor and closed the distance rapidly.

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