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One x One The Tale of the Willow - OOC

Name: Henry Blackflame
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Role: Lover
Occupation: Blacksmith Apprentice

Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Straight, thin strands, rarely frizzy
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Rough hands, and tough skin from working by the flame. He tans easily in the sunlight and does not often burn.
Body Type: Lithe and thin, but fully muscular from his work as a blacksmith. He is still young but he never quite bulked up like his brothers did with their work.

Personality and History:
Henry is the son of a blacksmith and the smallest of his brothers. Whereas his father is teaching his brothers to weld and blacksmithing techniques unique to the family, Henry is often tasked with collecting wood, sharpening tools, and cleaning the studio. Filled with a pride, much like his older brothers, Henry often comes off across as pompous and overly confident. He wishes to prove himself not only to his family but to himself, and wishes for a family unlike his own. Henry often explores the Fairy Wood, a location said to never be traversed by mortals. He has not delved far into the wood as to never escape, but he uses it as a sign of his courage and power -- proving it to himself more so than others.

George Blackflame - Eldest Brother
Martin Blackflame - Elder Brother
John Blackflame - Father
Elise Blackflame - Mother

All Pictures Used:
Main Profile
Personality and History
NPC and Other
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Name: Erion Dalfin
Nickname(s): Willow Boy/ Mr. Tree/ Weeping Willow/ Rion
Age: 327
Gender: Male
Race: Willow Tree, formerly Human
Role: Lover

As Willow
True Form after The Willow is cut (SPOILER)
Human (Past)
Human Future (1)
Human Future (2)

As human:
Occupation: Used to be a knight
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Wavy/strong
Eye Color: Previously blue, now sea-green
Complexion: Dusky
Body Type: Strong athletic/tall
[div[/URL] class=titleblock]personality and history.[/div][div class=textbox]
Personality and History:

(past) Jovial, modest, earnest and loyal, Erion was a man of his words, until he could speak no more. He would always lend his hand to the needful, to the weak, until he could barely hold the one he wanted to protect. He had a big heart that would beat at the innocent pangs of passion, until he gave it all for that fair maiden’s smile.

(Present) Patient and mature, yet surprisingly passionate.

Erion Dalfin went down in history as the young knight who fought all odds to protect the young prince and bring him back to the castle, when the prince was kidnapped by rogues.

He had crossed the perilous Bewitching Forest that no one dared to enter, and only emerged from its depth after 10 days and 11 nights. He barely managed to return the prince to the royal guards safe and sound, but lost his life in the process.

They still sing of his chivalry, his courage and his handsome face and clear blue eyes.

But there is another song that is sung of him, one that is not of valour but of love. An unconditional love that surpassed time, space and even race.

NPCS and Other:
Most of those from his life as a human are long dead/

All Pictures Used:
Main Profile
Personality and History
NPC and Other
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Name: Ida
Age: 2000 years still young for a nymph
Race: Nymph
Face claim:

(she is looks kind of like that but, has really green eyes and longer hair.)

Short background
A long time ago, when she was grieving for her dead mother, Ida met an human-man. When she chooses to be with her, her family pushed her away. For a while everything was perfect, but, soon they couldn’t ignore the fact that Ida would live way longer than her lover. In order to keep make sure the girl wouldn’t be doomed to be alone for the entirety. The man changed himself into a tree.

Ida is a lonely girl desperate for someone to talk to. Although she is loyal to her willow tree, she misses her family and friends. She is very friendly and polite towards most people and gladly wants to help people in need. She doesn't like it when she is being told what to do and rather not leave her beloved willow-tree.

Her father Eamon
Her brother Cillian
Her mother Saorla

(Sorry, I didn't get the code to work and this gives the information just fine.)

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