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the empress.

  • filler

Gundam-kun Gundam-kun

Ophelia had always been a sweet child since birth, her mother had always reminded her of that. She was the second youngest in a family of five and because of that she blended right in with the wallpaper. Quiet, sweet, simple, little Ophelia her mother had always said, never caused trouble or picked up a fuss. Her mother had always called her older brother her karma for the way she acted in her youth. Divine intervention, she said. Ophelia had begun to ponder over how many events that had affected her and her mothers lives were divine intervention? And if so, the universe or divine were cruel.

It all began on a humid Tuesday afternoon. The sweet summer heat had rolled over the mountains and farmland out to sea, clashing with the cold winds that had blown in on the northern gale. Ophelia had watched from her post in the hat-shop she worked in as the clouds had rolled in from the ocean, showering down upon the seaside town. She never really knew what drove her to step outside and enjoy the feeling of rain on her face, maybe it was divine intervention or fate itself weaving Ophelia into her spiralling webs. Regardless, Ophelias life changed from that point onwards. As she stood, watching the clouds above her head she made a mistake. What was that mistake? Well, Ophelia was never sure how she had managed it, what about her was so captivating or what compelled her to look. She make the mistake of looking down and matching the gaze of a pair of eyes that watched her from a darkened alleyway. Round and yellow, unmoving. Just watching. Ophelia had felt dread in the pit of her stomach, she didn't know exactly why but an almost primal feeling of fear kicked in her bones. It told her to run, it told her that this ancient force behind those yellow eyes was not friendly, nor was it a good thing she had caught such a creatures attention.

Ophelia had stood frozen, and maybe if she had stayed that way the creatures interest would've adverted somewhere else, or to someone else. Instead, young Ophelia moved, a wobbly step backwards as her lips parted in horror. The cat-like eyes watched, and then it's slits for pupils narrows. A witch. Ophelia had stumbled upon a witch, searching for it's new victim. One corrupted by her greed for power, knowledge and fortune to the point where no humanity was left. Just a husk of what she once was, looking to find victims to use her magic upon, for if a witch held onto that power for too long they might have gone even more mad. Magic and power was a finicky thing, too much power in a mortal body could destroy such a mortal from the inside out. As such, Ophelia was just another victim to the desperate witch that leapt upon her.

Ophelia had gone over the story and history of her fate many times, how she had ended up here. Never could she find a reason why, why was she being punished? It would've been easy if were just the simple things, dropping her needle or pricking her finger. Hell, even the pots smashing every time she walked by or her employer accidentally falling over a wet patch caused by her clumsiness. No, this clumsy curse had grown into a beast with it's own mind. Her family had suffered because of it. Her family had died because of it.

When she first got to the wastelands, home to the wizards and witches all she could do was weep. There was no home for her here, no salvation for her fate. She had stared down at her hands and arms, raw with blisters and burn marks from the fire. The rain had crashed down and threatened to drown her even as she stood on perfectly solid land, yet she could still taste the smoke and feel the burn of the flames. Even as she shook from being drenched and cold, crawling through the mud and glass she could still feel that fire. And she had screamed until her throat was raw, asking the universe why. Why her? And then she had screamed for help, and no one had come. That was, until she saw something past the flat mud and grass of the wastes. A shack, a small rundown shack. Salvation.

Shaking, drenched and covered in mud she had crawled to that shack. She didn't bother to knock, no one lived out this far unless they had magic. If this happened to be the house of another witch, she had accepted death. With trembling hands she tried the doorknob, which to her relief turned. She pulled herself into the house, pushing shut the door behind her. After a few moments of lying shell-shocked on the floor, she finally mustered the strength to move further into the house. It was much nicer inside, lived in obviously. She didn't spare time to look at the details, she was exhausted. Instead she pulled off her soaking cloak and sat quivering by the fireplace. If this were to be her death, so be it.


the cursed

♡coded by uxie♡

Ophelia had always been a sweet child since birth, her mother had always reminded her of that. She was the second youngest in a family of five and because of that she blended right in with the wallpaper. Quiet, sweet, simple, little Ophelia her mother had always said, never caused trouble or picked up a fuss. Her mother had always called her older brother her karma for the way she acted in her youth. Divine intervention, she said. Ophelia had begun to ponder over how many events that had affected her and her mothers lives were divine intervention? And if so, the universe or divine were cruel.

It all began on a humid Tuesday afternoon. The sweet summer heat had rolled over the mountains and farmland out to sea, clashing with the cold winds that had blown in on the northern gale. Ophelia had watched from her post in the hat-shop she worked in as the clouds had rolled in from the ocean, showering down upon the seaside town. She never really knew what drove her to step outside and enjoy the feeling of rain on her face, maybe it was divine intervention or fate itself weaving Ophelia into her spiralling webs. Regardless, Ophelias life changed from that point onwards. As she stood, watching the clouds above her head she made a mistake. What was that mistake? Well, Ophelia was never sure how she had managed it, what about her was so captivating or what compelled her to look. She make the mistake of looking down and matching the gaze of a pair of eyes that watched her from a darkened alleyway. Round and yellow, unmoving. Just watching. Ophelia had felt dread in the pit of her stomach, she didn't know exactly why but an almost primal feeling of fear kicked in her bones. It told her to run, it told her that this ancient force behind those yellow eyes was not friendly, nor was it a good thing she had caught such a creatures attention.

Ophelia had stood frozen, and maybe if she had stayed that way the creatures interest would've adverted somewhere else, or to someone else. Instead, young Ophelia moved, a wobbly step backwards as her lips parted in horror. The cat-like eyes watched, and then it's slits for pupils narrows. A witch. Ophelia had stumbled upon a witch, searching for it's new victim. One corrupted by her greed for power, knowledge and fortune to the point where no humanity was left. Just a husk of what she once was, looking to find victims to use her magic upon, for if a witch held onto that power for too long they might have gone even more mad. Magic and power was a finicky thing, too much power in a mortal body could destroy such a mortal from the inside out. As such, Ophelia was just another victim to the desperate witch that leapt upon her.

Ophelia had gone over the story and history of her fate many times, how she had ended up here. Never could she find a reason why, why was she being punished? It would've been easy if were just the simple things, dropping her needle or pricking her finger. Hell, even the pots smashing every time she walked by or her employer accidentally falling over a wet patch caused by her clumsiness. No, this clumsy curse had grown into a beast with it's own mind. Her family had suffered because of it. Her family had died because of it.

When she first got to the wastelands, home to the wizards and witches all she could do was weep. There was no home for her here, no salvation for her fate. She had stared down at her hands and arms, raw with blisters and burn marks from the fire. The rain had crashed down and threatened to drown her even as she stood on perfectly solid land, yet she could still taste the smoke and feel the burn of the flames. Even as she shook from being drenched and cold, crawling through the mud and glass she could still feel that fire. And she had screamed until her throat was raw, asking the universe why. Why her? And then she had screamed for help, and no one had come. That was, until she saw something past the flat mud and grass of the wastes. A shack, a small rundown shack. Salvation.

Shaking, drenched and covered in mud she had crawled to that shack. She didn't bother to knock, no one lived out this far unless they had magic. If this happened to be the house of another witch, she had accepted death. With trembling hands she tried the doorknob, which to her relief turned. She pulled herself into the house, pushing shut the door behind her. After a few moments of lying shell-shocked on the floor, she finally mustered the strength to move further into the house. It was much nicer inside, lived in obviously. She didn't spare time to look at the details, she was exhausted. Instead she pulled off her soaking cloak and sat quivering by the fireplace. If this were to be her death, so be it.
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It wasn't much longer after Ophelia had entered the shack, that a Wizard had walked in through the door quietly and keeping his composed nature even though there was an intruder in his home which didn't mind him at all, the Wizard in question wore an outfit made from the finest materials, but sturdy enough for war, yet sleek enough for fashion.

The Wizard however had an odor of gunpowder and bodies, but he looked cleaner than ever thanks to the hep of him not being out directly in combat between the armies, the man was a tall 6'2" with an average body structure, his hair was solid black and draped down past his shoulders, he had minimal facial scarring, his eyes were a cold blue but oftentimes they would shift between blue and yellow.

He looks over at the woman who had to enter his home without permission and walks over, "Hello there Madam." he bows slightly and takes off his overcoat, "It seems that you have enter my home, what are you seeking, a love potion? everlasting life?, or wait a minute." he sniffed the air for a moment and nodded, "Cursed...you have been." he nodded as he looks down at the woman and smirks a bit, "What might be your name?" he asked as he takes the sword hilt off of his hip and hangs it on the wall.
Ophelia didn't react as the man walked in. Her mind was moving slow, groggy from the cold and the fight she had put up to get this far. She stared into the fire for a long while, eyes glazed over and unfocused as her mind felt completely empty. Peace, at last. Quiet away from the constant noise in her brain, the constant reminder of what she had caused. What she had become. Ophelia knew deep down that crying and mourning over her failures wouldn't get her far in life, but she couldn't help but dwell on it. Even if she had spent weeks denying her fate she had still ended up in this moment, and well, that made her feel awful.

After a prolonged moment of the young woman forcing herself to focus her eyes, she looked to the man. No, not a man, a wizard. She could tell from the way he dressed, the way her held himself or even just the eyes he watched her with. Ophelia sucked in a sharp breath, catching the scent of gun powder and.... bodies? Had she mistaken the scent of her own family home burning down as the scent that cringed to the man? No, of course not. He was a wizard, she had heard rumours about wizards being recruited for the war. How strange.

Ophelia blinked, as if finally snapping to her senses.
"Oh, apologies, sir. I did not realise anyone was living in this house... until well I was already inside. I just needed some shelter, I can be gone once the rain clears," she stammered. She watched as he took off his coat, taking in his fine clothing and height, then looked to the wall where he hung his sword. A peace offering she supposed, but a wizard without a weapon was still a wizard and magical users were always considered dangerous. But, there was a chill and ache in her bones, she was tired, and she had nothing more to loose other than her life. So she excepted whatever fate threw her way.

"My name is Ophelia, sir. Pleased to make your acquaintance... and yes you are correct, I have been cursed. Do not trouble yourself over it, it is my burden alone to bare," Ophelia said gently, her voice ragged and tired.
The Wizard looks down at the girl and nodded as he rubs his chin, "Well Ms.Ophelia, you will not get very far out there, the war will soon be tracked to this location, you will be shot dead, and no one will find the corpse." he said calmly as he walks to the fireplace and used his powers to build a stone oven around it, he hums as he grabs a pan "Go get that basket of eggs and ham please." he asked as he pointed to the table and smiled.

"I can try my best to break the curse, but it will defiantly cost you," he stated as he looks over and folded his arms as he grabs a wooden spoon, "Let me think about it."
Ophelia turned as the wizard moved, following his movements with her eyes. He seemed trustworthy for the moment, but you could never lay your guard down around a magic user, could you? She was tired and her bones ached, but she willed herself to get to her feet. She straightened her muddy dress and fixed her hair briefly, taking a step back as the wizard used his magic on the fire place. She chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment before responding to his previous statement.

"Oh... well, that's lovely," she uttered under her breath. She knew it hadn't been a threat, but it felt oddly like one. Maybe it was better if she didn't return to her village and nobody found her. It was dark thinking... but, well she knew if she returned home that she would be as good as dead. Not physically of course, no they wouldn't harm her. Their words would though, and their stares. They would pierce through her, accusing tones of what she had caused. They may even accuse her of being a witch, instead of the victim of one.

The young woman cleared her throat, moving to the table to get the ham and eggs as requested. She inspected it for a moment before picking up the basket, checking to see if there was any foul play. If there was, she couldn't tell. Invisible magic maybe? Or just an anxious mind. She visibly shook her head at her own thoughts, retrieving the basket and handing it to the wizard.

"You don't need to break the curse, well it would be lovely if you could. I have no money to give you, you see, my home burnt down with everything inside it." She said, wringing her hands together anxiously as she watched him. "What was your name again, sir? I don't think you said..."
"Ah thank you." he smiled as he laid the ham on the hot skillet and pushed it around with the spoon, he hums for a moment and looks over, "No need, there isn't a whole lot here that will hurt you?, think you can keep this place clean?" he asked as he looks around, to Ophelia it was a one-roomed area, but to the Wizard it was a whole castle that moved.

"My name is Dewey Atreus Pendragon." he looks down at the girl and cracks all the eggs into the pan after they were fully cooked he snapped his fingers and makes a breadknife start to float and slice up some bread, the tea kettle instantly gets up and whistles loudly, he made it pour into two metal cups that had some jasmine tea into them, "Take a seat and we will discuss your new position her..." he plated the food and sat down in his chair and grabs a fork.

"I do apologies for the odor, as you may know, there is a war and the wizards and witches are being pulled into it, it's painful but..." he sighs and shook his head, "Your life must be worse.."

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