Spooky Writing Contest 2017 The Skinwalker


Four Thousand Club

The locals called it 'Ojo Amarillo' or 'Skinwalker' Canyon. I called it bullshit. It was a desolate, barren patch of desert out in New Mexico in the Navajo reservation. The area was apparently notorious for it's Skinwalker sightings and encounters. Honestly, I wasn't buying it. I had lived in the area, just on the outskirts of the reservation, and was constantly warned about these 'Skinwalkers'. After three years of them go on and on and on, I was fucking done with it. I was determined to show those idiots that there was no such thing as a 'Skinwalker'. I cleared some time in my schedule for a one-night camp-out right in the canyon. What surprised me the most was when my friends tried to tell me not to. Were they going crazy too? How could they believe in such a ridiculous thing? My six-year-old daughter could have come up with something more realistic. Ignoring warnings from both the Navajo and my friends, I set out on my camping trip.

The drive took roughly an hour, and I eventually found myself at an entrance to the canyon. It was enclosed with a fence and a dirt barrier blocking the path. I slammed my hands against the steering wheel in anger. It was at that moment that I realized I'll be walking in there. I stepped out of my truck, head shaking as I readied my stuff. I looked back down the road I arrived on to see a few people, presumably tribe members coming to watch my death. Well sucks to be them, because that isn't gonna happen. I was going to walk in there, pitch my tent, and spend the night where no one dared to. I gave them a friendly wave as I slung the bag holding my tent over my shoulder and walked over the barrier and into the canyon, Skinwalker Canyon.

I followed a path for some time, thinking it'd be my best bet on a way out tomorrow. It brought me to a decent area near a cave. The cave itself was one that I'd heard many stories of. How I recognized it you may ask. Well, some brave soul gave me a picture and said "Avoid it at all costs". They said it was a prime place where witches went to summon the Skinwalkers. As I pulled the picture out of my pocket, I let out a chuckle. "Bull-fucking-shit" I exclaimed as I stuffed it back in my pocket and put down my bag along with a few other things I brought with me. The sun was beating down on me like a school bully. The heat was nearly unbearable, but thankfully, nighttime was approaching as the sun neared the horizon slowly. I continued to hum a tune as I set up my tent and belongings.

Shortly before night was upon me, I decided to eat. It was a simple box of granola bars with a couple bottles of water. A small, but filling meal. I wouldn't need much anyway, once the sun rose tomorrow I'd be back on the path and out of the canyon with a smile on my face. As I sat there eating, I looked towards the cave. It was some distance away, but as I squinted my eyes I could see something. I looked to be a person standing by it's opening, looking in my direction. It made me feel a little uneasy. Not because I thought it was one of those 'Skinwalkers', no, it was because there were others out here with me. I couldn't help but wonder what they were doing as I finished off my final granola bar. I had no idea the hell of a night I was in for.

I had fallen asleep shortly after nightfall. It had a somewhat difficult time due to wondering what that person was doing, but in the end I managed to shut my eyes. I was awoken by the sound of an animal near my tent, followed by an unbearable stench. I smelled of rotting flesh. The was when I began to doubt my beliefs. I was told by some of the Navajo people that one way you know they're close is by the stench they give off. They said the Skinwalker will smell of rot. I simply brushed it off, deciding that it was just an animal with some hunt in it's mouth. That was until I turned my head. My stomach dropped as I saw the outline of a humanoid figure cast by the moonlight standing above my tent. I felt a chill go up my spine as I stared right were the head appeared to be. My heart was beating faster and faster. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't scream, no one was nearby and this thing would probably kill me. I couldn't run, it'd take too long to get up. All I could do was pray.

Here I was, mere feet from what I called make-belief. I was trapped in a staring contest with my inevitable death. What could I do? I had no options except lie there and pray. Just as I thought the thing was going to strike, to my relief, it began to walk away. Once it's faint footsteps were lost to the slight desert breeze, I scrambled to my feet and out of my tent. Now was my chance, because I wasn't waiting for this thing to come back. I started sprinting down the trail. I couldn't have been far from the truck anyway. Just as I began running however, I looked over my shoulder to see if the creature was still walking away. Nope, it was coming right for me. My eyes widened as it's speed had me in awe and fear. It was gaining fast, and I was an all-star track sprinter. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." I continued to repeat as I ran, the rotting stench becoming more and more present as it got closer.

It was only a matter of time until it caught up, and I found out in a rather violent way. The thing had tackled me to the ground and pinned me by my shoulders. I looked into the creatures bright yellow eyes, my heart nearly beating out of my chest and my mind racing through what was about to happen next. The Skinwalker had me pinned to the ground, there was no chance I was surviving. I knew it was over. I knew I'd never make it out of this canyon alive. I'd never see my family again. Just as I was about to accept my fate, I remembered something. My camp knife! I always had it on me, no matter the trip. My hand shot to where the holster for it usually sat, and there I found. Quickly, I popped the clips off and took out the knife. Just as the creature was about to strike, I jabbed the knife into it's side. As expected, the thing screamed out in pain as it clutched its side and rolled off of me.

I found my feet in a heartbeat and was off again. I needed to put as much distance as possible between me and it as possible. I could hear it's screams of pain as I ran down the dimly lit trail. It wasn't long before I spotted the shine of moonlight off the roof of my truck. A sensation of relief came over me as I saw it. I was free, I was going to live. That sensation however, soon faded as I looked back again to see a silhouette rise in the distance. The beast wasn't dead, and it was now even more pissed off. My head whipped forward again as I pushed myself to run even faster. I was closing in on my truck, and the Skinwalker was closing in on me. I could hear it's angered screeches as it closed the gap between itself and me. I was so close, I was not going to die tonight, not tonight.

As I approached to dirt barrier, I swore I damn near hurdled the damn thing as I slid to a halt at my truck door. I threw open the door and climbed inside, slamming it shut. As I started the engine and the lights flashed on, I saw the thing just come over the mound and slam into my windshield. I shifted the truck into reverse and slammed down on the pedal. The Skinwalker, recovering from the impact of the rough landing, slid off of the hood. That was when I quickly shifted the vehicle into drive and floored it. The truck bumped upwards as it rolled over the beast. I was free, I was alive, but above all, I may have pissed my pants.

I didn't, but I was scared shitless. I sped out of that canyon and down the road, getting as far away from that thing as possible. I was so lost in my scrambled thoughts, I didn't even realize I was low on gas. The bright orange warning light snapped me out of my discombobulation. I pulled into a gas station and stepped inside. I didn't want to talk about what just happened, but the cashier had to ask, "You look like shit. What the hell happened?". I shook my head as placed my hands on the counter. "Let me tell you first, that I believe now" is said softly. I then continued to tell him about what had happened only minutes before. Needless to say, I could see why they warned me about those things. I had to be the luckiest man alive at this moment to still be breathing, and meant it when I said it,

I believe.

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