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The Project: Champions 6e

Makes sense!

Alright let's see. A grounded tone fitting of the serious situations we will be in, can do. Are the mutants treated in any particular manner?
You are well cared for, and taught from birth to love the United States and follow your orders. You may understand that there are flaws in the system, but the U.S. is the greatest nation on Earth, even with its few speed bumps.
Sort of like the Dog Boys from Rifts, then. Second class citizens, not quite human, but more than a well-treated pet.
I'm starting to get a mental picture of Tigress from Kung-Fu Panda, but able to leap through walls and rip people apart with my claws or shoot them dead with a gun.

I think I would like to go for the dramatic opposite. Blinking to and from places John woo style. Less kung-fu, more gun-fu. I think the disruptive tactics of hyena would go well with its hit and run applications.

That's do-able. Just keep in mind that you cannot pass as a human except in dim lighting conditions, or if you are in a hoodie of some sort.

Btw, what is the importance of disguising ourselves as human, if any? I'd imagine we certainly don't go walking about in cities. But would hiding that they are mutants be something they would need to do during their missions?
I stressed that you can't pass as human because in a old table top game of this that I ran one player kept trying to come up with unusable concepts for the character. Bad memories of that group.
Is there anything unusable you would like us to remember or concepts you would want us to avoid?
Is there anything unusable you would like us to remember or concepts you would want us to avoid?
Some powers are off limits, but for the most part, having a strong skill set and stats, with a theme for your powers will be good. I am talking with Psychie, and we've come up with an idea for not just being able to slip through walls, but have redefined it as Density Control. So with that in mind, she can go from being Desolid and able to have bullets pass through her to being able to crank up the toughness of her skin and get really dense and strong.
Yup! My future goal is to be able to affect the physical world while desolid. Sherwood tells me that is very expensive though.

I'm thinking of this as an NPC, depending on what number of players we can get.
Very cool orca!

And the density thing is also pretty cool! Jinda like a ghost tiger. As for me, I'm not sure how much I can modify teleportation, aside from how quick I can do it in succession it how unnoticeable it is.
You can give yourself extra range, and the ability to carry more weight with you.
Not at this time. Too expensive. But, if you want to save up for it, that is a worthy goal.
What about my teleporting with other people? I take it that would be something for me to save up for to?

What would I be capable of from the start?
Depends. You can start out with being able to carry some extra weight with you, and it wouldn't terribly affect your distance. There are two different kinds of range. In combat, and out of combat, usually the non-combat teleport is x2 the distance of your combat 'port. That range can be bought up, too. If you go strictly for combat distance, at this level, you can probably hit a 30 meter range without any problem.

If I were to write this up, I'd use two different teleports in a Power Framework called a Multipower. A MP gives each power its own 'slot', like Batman's Utility Belt, or Hawkeye's Arrows. One slot would be a max range combat 'port, the second would be a shorter combat one, but more points spent on your non-combat range multiplier.
I am doing something like that for Psychie, since she obviously can't be intangible and super dense (physically, at least!) at the same time.

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