The Person Above Rolled a 1

The corner of your clothes gets stuck in the car door when you sit in it. As you turn on the engine it malfunctions but neither of you notices it and as the car passes a body of water the engine malfunction makes the car hurl into water. The water pressure against the door stops you from opening it to free the clothing.

I try to pick a rose from a bush but roll a one.
You try to read the bible but it contradicts itself too much for your brain so in blind rage you set it on fire.
(nothing against the religion)

try to do a cartwheel but roll 1
You try to read the bible but it contradicts itself too much for your brain so in blind rage you set it on fire.
(nothing against the religion)

try to do a cartwheel but roll 1
You end up somersaulting out the door, into a wormhole, which sends you back to ancient greece, where they mistake you for a cartwheel, and end up attaching you to their cart

I try to buy cat toys but roll a 1
You succeed, he doesn't love you, but you love him instead and now you must live with the knowledge that you've trapped yourself in unrequited love.

I try to clear my web browser tabs but roll a 1.
You broadcast the entirety of your browser history to your parents. Oops.

I try to finish my story, but I have (darn it), rolled a one.
Turns out the dice are filled with helium. They float back up, hit you in the face, and then disappear into the sky to never be seen again.

I try to come up with a catchy slogan for my club, but I roll a 1.
You break it as you open it and try to spin it to a 360 degree turn, ending with it once again closed but now broken.

I try to finish a reply but roll a 1.
Right as you're finishing, your word processor malfunctions and automatically shuts down. You never saved the document.

I try to design a terrifying monster, but I roll a 1.
You complete the task in such a way that its spectacularness makes the news. You receive several awards, along with worldwide praise and recognition. You are forever remembered as The Person Who Won.

I try to catch snow on my tongue, but I roll a 1.
You get elected president of Corsica.

I tried to sneak around, but I roll a 1.
You throw the gun onto the ground so violently that it discharges and shoots you in the heel instead.

I try to flirt with the barkeep to get my party a cheaper night's stay, but I roll a 1.
You throw the gun onto the ground so violently that it discharges and shoots you in the heel instead.

I try to flirt with the barkeep to get my party a cheaper night's stay, but I roll a 1.
The barkeep is very perverted, kidnaps you and makes you his pet

I try to convince my bf that he's sexy, but I rolled a 1.

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