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Realistic or Modern [ the people of crystal lake - cs ]


New Member

welcome to crystal lake

  • overview

    crystal lake is a small town in the state of maine. it is a place known to all humans for its lush green forests, cold weather, and a large lake with unnaturally blue water that is said to house the entrance to caves filled with crystals. while the caves have been explored, nobody has ever gotten far enough to actually find these crystals. some say that it's because after a certain point, the sound of a loud roar, like a family of bears, scares people off. others say that after a certain point, they just feel compelled to turn around.

    but all the supernaturals of the world know that something much more sinister resides there. something that could cause trouble at any given time, but has yet to show signs of any kind of malicious intent. for the most part, whatever it is stays underground, feeding off of woodland creatures. and while nobody else has seen it, the presence of this creature acts like a beacon to other supernaturals. nobody knows why, but the small town, with its small population, houses various supernatural beings that are trying to adjust to living normal lives.

    however, with the arrival of supernatural creatures, also comes the arrival of hunters. people who devote their lives to tracking down and eliminating members of any supernatural species. people who have this job passed down to them with each passing generation. some hunters are ruthless, wanting to take care of any creature that even dares to cross their paths. other hunters prefer to wait till something goes wrong before taking any action.

    until now, there has been an unspoken truce in crystal lake, between the hunters that reside there, and the supernatural creatures that are trying to lead normal lives. but now, with sudden disappearances in the town, the truce is slowly breaking. supernaturals are going missing, and the rest blame the hunters. but hunters are also going missing, with the rest of them blaming other supernaturals. neither side knows the truth to the disappearances and the incidents are bringing hunters and supernaturals from all over the country to this small town, either for their own curiosity, or to back up the groups they are loyal to.

    it all comes down to whether these two groups will stand together to try and solve the mysteries of crystal lake, or whether they'll slowly tear each other apart.
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betas | stephen green [ played by apolla apolla ] ; raphael akela [ played by Shadow Shadow ] ; tba [ played by lanabanana lanabanana ]
omegas | celestine auger [ played by deer deer ]

tba [ played by dsddyhunter ]

kaori winterbourne [ played by deer deer ]

rivers family | available: 1M (enigmatic1, ??) / anastasia rivers [ played by lanabanana lanabanana ]
lone hunters | available: 0M (ethersilvers) / seraphine harmon [ played by apolla apolla ]

anastasia rivers [ played by lanabanana lanabanana ]

juniper kavanagh [ played by Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ]

normal humans
daniel carlson [ played by Cosmo Cosmo ] / 1F available

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    ▸ anastasia marie rivers
    ▸ aah - nuhs - taa - zhee - ah | muh - ree | rih - vurs

    ▸ ana || most common and what she prefers to go by.
    ▸ sharpshooter || not because she likes to kill things but because she's got incredible aim.
    ▸ shortcake || considering her tiny size, this, among various other height related cracks, are very commonly heard.

    03 SPECIES
    ▸ seer

    ▸ august 18th
    ▸ twenty

    ▸ female
    ▸ heterosexual

    ▸ full time hunter
    ▸ part time ballet instructor

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[div class=Container][div class=profilepic][/div][div class=contentContainer]
Albert vampire
[div class=tabBox][div class="Tabs tabone"]
[div class="Tabs tabtwo"]
[div class="Tabs tabthree"][/div][div class="Tabs tabfour"][/div][div class="Tabs tabfive"][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=miniBox][div class="miniText mini1"] [div class=bar][div class=title]full name[/div][div class=barText]Albert Nymandus Sternhell[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]pronunciation[/div][div class=barText][ˈalbɛɐ̯t ny'mandʊs 'ʃtɛʁnhɛl][/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]age[/div][div class=barText]329 (Embraced at age 28)[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]gender[/div][div class=barText]Male[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]sexuality[/div][div class=barText]Pansexual[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]birthday[/div][div class=barText]1689-09-14[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini2"] [div class=bar][div class=title]height[/div][div class=barText]6'3" (190 cm)[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]weight[/div][div class=barText]175 lbs (79.4 kg)[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]hair color[/div][div class=barText]Brown[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]eye color[/div][div class=barText]Blue[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]skin[/div][div class=barText]Pale[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]face claim[/div][div class=barText]Francis Cadieux[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini3"] [div class=bar][div class=title]alignment[/div][div class=barText]Chaotic Neutral[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]like[/div][div class=barText]Hunting, baroque music,[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]like[/div][div class=barText]Delicious mortals, starry nights[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]dislike[/div][div class=barText]Loud noises, strong smells, [/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]dislike[/div][div class=barText]Animal's blood, uncleanliness[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]fear[/div][div class=barText]Fire + The Sun[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini4"] [div class=bar][div class=title]ability[/div][div class=barText]Blood Magic[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]role[/div][div class=barText]Drifter, beatnik[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]strength[/div][div class=barText]Sly, Erudite[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]strength[/div][div class=barText]Perspective, Open-minded[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]weakness[/div][div class=barText]Bloodthirsty, detached[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]weakness[/div][div class=barText]Prideful, ambitious[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini5"] [div class=bar][div class=title]hobbies[/div][div class=barText]Calligraphy, Sketching[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]habit[/div][div class=barText]"dah~ling"[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]food[/div][div class=barText]Blood[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]color[/div][div class=barText]Red[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]season[/div][div class=barText]Winter[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]song[/div][div class=barText]Favorite Songs Playlist[/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=bigBox][div class=bigScroll] [div class="textbox big1"][div class=title]personality[/div] Albert does his best to display a countenance of poise to the world, albeit with a gregarious twist. Inwardly, however, he is a man ruled by emotion and ambition. Quick to anger and slow to forgive, he is one to hold a grudge and act upon it, should doing so not hinder his goals or relationships with others. When enacted, his revenge is often petty and subversive—a quiet attempt to sabotage rather than an overt declaration of war, though he has done both in his time. He can still be a caring person, often opting to aid rather than hinder those around him. Of course, as with all things pertaining to the coven, this comes with the caveat that In aiding others, his own advancements, goals, or values are not jeopardized. At face value, he is talkative, inquisitive, and courteous. He would like to seem the type of man who keeps no secrets while being a man who keeps many. A concerted effort is made to seem as if there is little mystery that surrounds him, though his success in accomplishing such varies from instance to instance. [/div] [div class="textbox big2"][div class=title]description[/div] Albert makes certain to keep his brown hair short and manageable, is at times unruly in its growth depending on his mood. His eyes are a pale blue, his face comely and angular. As is the case with many vampires, there is an ageless look about him. Young-seeming, yet at the same time not. Smooth-skinned, but with expressions too mature for youth, eyes that have seen too much. His gait is that of a practiced hunter's, each movement done with careful confidence. Lean and agile, he moves with the measured loping stride of a jaguar, or the kind of cat that plays with its quarry before it closes in for the kill. [/div] [div class="textbox big3"][div class=title]backstory[/div] Childhood was nothing special to Albert. As the scion of a wealthy Franconian merchant family, his earliest memories consisted of leather-bound tomes holding knowledge of history, rhetoric, and other matters of statecraft, but they were not relished for what they were, but for what they could do for him. They were stepping stones, weaving a path that he wished to walk upon. What he had always wanted that path to finally lead to wealth and knowledge, more than what his family's holdings could offer him. Though he was a polite and courteous child, there was always a small part of him that craved power. It was why he became so enthralled with chess at such a young age. At least there he could control everything to his whim. He was the king, and he could move the pawns, the bishops, the knights, the rooks, and the queen at any time he desired and in any way he desired. It was a fantasy made real, if but for a time. For that early part of his life, Albert lived as he was taught to be: frivolous, calculated . . . ignorant.

At this point in his life, Albert had never left his home country. All his life, he'd been told of how fine an example of nobility he was, but if that was the case, surely he was letting his true potential go to waste by wallowing away at some dusty old manor, right? Truth be told, he had become bored; it was not the boredom of a spoiled brat, but the absolute absence of goals and challenges. The longing to not simply gaze at the horizon, but to journey towards it. But being the sole inheritor of his family's wealth, his parents made certain to keep him close and protected. So if Albert were not allowed to experience the joys of the world beyond, he had to bring the world to him. He fell in with a group of intellectuals centered around the philosophers of the time, Locke, Spinoza, Voltaire, among others. His dedication to scholarly pursuits, however, lead him to uncover the occult.

Albert summoned demons -- elder vampires -- one of the most dangerous games in existence, but he thought knew what he was dealing with. So they conversed, drank wine, played chess. Converse with demons, and one could learn of the secrets behind creation. Drink with them, and one could see visions of worlds immeasurable. Play chess with them, and one knew that one wrong move meant certain death. Albert's mind rejoiced. As for his body, he had taken to bedding a certain succubus, with whom he had spent nights beyond human understanding.

Yet one night, the succubus that had been his lover turned to him, fangs exposed, but Albert could see from the glint in her eyes that she was not going to bed him that night. There was no light in that glint. Only the darkness of the Void, the wet darkness of spilt blood. Her fangs went for his neck, quick as a lunging serpent, and when Albert awoke, he found himself dead: imparted with the Gift of Night. [/div] [div class="textbox big4"][div class=title]ability description[/div] Blood magic is a twisted, parasitic cousin to Druid's magic. Druidic magic invokes the power of old nature gods like the Aes Sídhe in order to use and recycle available life force from around the caster to make magical effects happen. Blood magic steals the life force from mortal bodies, then sacrifices it to draw upon a much greater power from a dark dimension of sorts -- a hell if you wish -- which then it uses to create much stronger effects. At low levels, the two are almost indistinguishable, but the trained eye can spot the difference. As a vampire performs their art, the blood they've consumed begins to dissipate from their bodies. Doing this releases small amounts of spiritual power and allows the vampire's spirit to directly influence the physical world.

Blood magic at a low level means a faster and more efficient metabolism. Going up in power, we get to unnaturally fast healing, enhanced strength, speed and senses, then to physically controlling blood itself ("bloodbending"), to the ability to perform unholy sacrifices and rituals using complex runic notations and formulas. Of course, having blood disappear from one's veins can have some pretty nasty side effects, even if you are by all means dead. Vampires frequently suffer from light-headedness, dizziness, and weakness during their art. In extreme cases, loss of consciousness can happen, and it can even induce comas.

[div class=title]skills[/div]
[div class=title]01[/div] Languages: (from best to worst)
  • High German (native + literate)
  • English (fluent + literate)
  • French (fluent + literate)
  • Italian (conversationally fluent with passable fluency in higher-level topics; reads and writes competently)
  • Latin (can read well enough to intuit meaning and context in a given text, but as with any dead language, his speaking skills are limited)
  • Spanish (functional, if accented)
  • Russian + Polish (basic + beginner's literacy)
  • Mandarin Chinese + Arabic (barely; knows enough to follow conversation and make himself understood, but aside from reading basic signs and menus, he is functionally illiterate)

[div class=title]02[/div]Magical theory
[div class=title]03[/div]Art
[div class=title]04[/div]Chess [/div] [div class="textbox big5"][div class=title]relationships[/div]
name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec nunc nisl. Aliquam tristique gravida enim in facilisis.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec nunc nisl. Aliquam tristique gravida enim in facilisis.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec nunc nisl. Aliquam tristique gravida enim in facilisis.
name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec nunc nisl. Aliquam tristique gravida enim in facilisis.
name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec nunc nisl. Aliquam tristique gravida enim in facilisis.
name here
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec nunc nisl. Aliquam tristique gravida enim in facilisis.
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warning: hidden scrolls
  • w1oGu38.gif
    rather be slapped with the truth than be comforted by a lie.

    elijah brankovich wip
    you never know
    how strong you are
    until being strong
    is the only choice you have.

    -bob marley
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Daniel Carlson

Dan, Danny, Sheriff






Height & Weight
6'2 | 187 lbs

Hair & Eyes
Brown | Blue-Grey

Body & Skin
Mesomorph | Farmers Tan

Scars & Markings
A few nicks and scars from a rambunctious youth. Has a scar from an old bullet wound on his left hip.

Piercings & Tattoos
Thorny veins circle up his left and right arms, the thorns 'piercing' his flesh as they wound up and around his shoulders, meeting and intertwining at his back where two roses meet.


Chace Crawford

Daniel is an interesting man. He is proud, stubborn, kind, observant and very sociable having no issues talking to anyone that comes by and makes it a point to visit Tammy's Diner every morning for a cup of coffee and to check the 'pulse' of his town, so to speak. He is the beloved son of Crystal Lake who left for the big city and is back where he belongs, but things have changed and people know it. Daniel isn't the man he used to be. He is a shadow of what he once wars, his smiles are forced and when not 'on the clock' he hides away in his home, locking himself away in liquor and memories because he is a man possessed. Possessed with the need to find the man who took his family from him, the reason he came back to his home town in the first place. That need drives him, keeps him going, keeps the thoughts of ending it all away from his mind. His work and his need to find the truth and punish the ones responsible keep him moving, things like being properly groomed have fallen to the wayside in his personal quest, but his work.. his work he still keeps up. It is the last claim to normalcy he has.

Coffee, Forest, Long Drives, Sunrises, Snow, Cold Weather, Tammy's Diner,
Netflix, Historical Romance Novels, Whiskey, His Work, Animals

Cowards, Thieves, Rapist, Murderers, Litter, Gardening, Heat, Noodles,
Celery, Onions, Gossip/Gossips, Small Town Drama

Strong Willed, Inquisitive, Observant

Losing his job to alcoholism, failing to solve certain cases, never finding out who took his wife and unborn child away, dying alone and broken as a washed up small town sheriff with no one.

A good shot and can brew a mean cup of joe.

Karen Carlson, Mother | Alive, 59
Derek Carlson, Father | Alive, 64
Sharon Carlson, Wife| Deceased
Samantha Tonning, Sister | Alive, 23
Lindsey Tonning, Niece | Alive, 2

Other Relationships
Has seven deputies [Will name them if desired]


Brief Bio
Daniel was born and raised in Crystal Lake. His father was the sheriff and his father's father was the one before that. A long legacy of law enforcement, so for Daniel, his future was already set. But he wasn't quit happy with it, Daniel had ambition. He wanted more. So, after graduating high school and marrying his high school sweat heart, they moved to Chicago where Daniel joined the force. He worked there for nearly ten years where he was a homicide investigator. A job he was damn good at, but it was also a job he obsessed over. It was ruining his marriage and there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't not do everything he could. How could he tell a mother he couldn't solve her daughter's murder because he was busy? Or tell a brother he tried his best but had prior arrangements? He couldn't. Sometimes he wanted to, but he just couldn't step away. At first, Sharon understood that, but as the years went on, their relationship became more and more strained until she told him she was pregnant. It didn't help matters, it only made them worse as the pressure of his coming child, his failing marriage and stress from work was only beating him down further and eventually something would break.

But it wasn't given the chance to. His wife was murdered on her way home. Intrusions were made into her throat as if by some wannabe vampire punk. Someone had taken his wife and unborn child, a child he wouldn't know and would never get to hold, away from him. He wasn't allowed to work her case, conflict of interest, but it didn't stop him. Nothing about the case made sense, the murder, how it was done, the lack of evidence. As the stress and obsession tore at his mind, he found solace in drink. He never showed up to work drunk, but he was slipping and everyone knew it. His captain reached out to his parents and told them what had happened. With their support and urging, Daniel returned home to work with his father.

After a year, everyone thought he had improvement, but it wasn't really improvement, he just got better at hiding it all. He drank in the solace of his home, his bedroom wall covered in photos of his wife's murder, lines of string crisscrossing to any possible clues and objects of paranoia.. Nothing had changed. Even when his father announced his retirement and Daniel was elected as his replacement, the world was the same for the new sheriff. Because, in truth, the Daniel everyone knew died in that same dark alley as his wife.

the druid;

[class=tabs] color: grey; line-height: 1; margin-top: -5px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: auto; text-align: center; min-width: 350px; width: 20%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 15%; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} ⚘) (show tabsContentVee) if (eq ${currentTab} ❀) (show tabsContentFinally) if (eq ${currentTab} ❁) (show tabsContentDoes) if (eq ${currentTab} ❋) (show tabsContentTabs) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style=" margin: auto"]
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about her:
[div class=p]name. kaori annora winterbourne
[div class=p]pronuncation. kah-ow-ree ||
ah-nor-rah || win-ter-born
[div class=p]nickname(s). little moo-moo ( by her grandmother ) , kao ( acquaintances and friends ) , greensayer | green thumbs ( by those of the supernatural community )[/div] [div class=p]age. twenty-three[/div] [div class=p]birthday. december 21st[/div] [div class=p]place of birth. crystal lake, maine[/div] [div class=p]gender. female[/div] [div class=p]sexuality. heterosexual[/div] [div class=p]occupation. part-time bookstore clerk, full-time veterinarian technician, side herbalist[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=p]hair color. brown
[div class=p]eye color. hazel-green
[div class=p]height. 5'3 [ 160cm][/div] [div class=p]weight. 115lbs [ 52kg ][/div] [div class=p]body type. athletic[/div] [div class=p]skin. neutral undertone and warm[/div] [div class=p]distinguishing features. natural brows and small, heart-shaped lips - always retains its moisture[/div] [div class=p]piercings | tattoos. she has an ear piercing and a small tattoos[/div] [div class=p]scars | markings. a jagged scar on her cheeks that she places concealer on ( kaori isn't ashamed of her scar but it does bring a lot of stares )[/div] [div class=p]faceclaim. sofi bevan[/div][/div][/div]
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentFinally" style="display: none;"]
[div class=p]personality. an overachiever, overworker, and perhaps, determined soul, kaori isn't one to back down from challenges that are headed her way. she is resilient and quite efficient when it comes to her task. as someone who's always ready to tackle the day, waking up at the crack of dawn, until working 'til late at night, there are those who wonder when she does sleep. fun fact: she doesn't, or rather, her mind runs a mile a minute thinking of the next thought that pops into her mind.

[div class=p]as someone who lives life constantly going, there are times in which she forgets to stop and smell the flowers, always going from one appointment to the next. however, that doesn't mean she doesn't have time to take a walk through the woods and enjoy what nature has to offer. kaori tends to schedule down her days to the last second: even sometimes having to pencil in when to eat. but, if one were to look close enough, some may think it's suspicious that such a young woman as kaori would work herself to the bone, but, if anyone knew her, kaori loved the adrenaline rush. she likes being needed and being useful. rarely does she like to sit still in one place, going like the whirlwind.

[div class=p]from a young age, kaori was always told it was a "dog eat, dog world", but, she believed in the betterment of others. although she knows the world isn't all black and white - not just thanks to the supernatural, kaori believes looking on the bright side of things would make a happier lifestyle rather than dwell on the dread and gloom. although kaori has a positive aura and quite energetic vibe about her, kaori may come off as shy or even reserved to new people she doesn't know. she finds new folks intriguing but tends to feel out of her element when she doesn't know much of their temperament. that being said, despite kaori's work ethic of being a bookstore clerk, helping her at her father's hospital from time to time, and at her mother's animal clinic, the only time kaori interacts with others her age, young or old, is during her free-time which is usually set aside for the weekends as she's a busy bee during the weekdays.

[div class=p]virtues. book-smart, charming and brilliant, optimistic, empathetic, hard-working, motivated, sincere and generous, adventurous, open-minded

[div class=p]vices. reserved, shy, untrusting, resilient and stubborn, perfectionist, emotional and sensitive, self-critical, escapist, worrywart, inquisitive[/div]
[div class=p]likes. keeping busy, caffeine such as coffee and tea, animals, reading books, listening to music, enjoying nature and everything around her, dawn and dusk, flowers, keeping the environment clean, advocating for plant and animal life [/div]
[div class=p]dislikes. modern medicine ( despite her family's legacy and generations of being the local veterinarian or doctor of the town, like her grandmother, kaori tends to like the life of a quiet herbalist more - spending time where the natural ingredients lay and learning more on the history of other creatures she may eventually have to help heal ), nightmares, one-side stories, strangers, people getting injured especially her loved ones, her loved ones and those around her losing faith and hope[/div]
[div class=p]strengths. horticulture ( plantology, herbology, knowledge of flora and fauna ), modern medicine and chemistry, anatomy and physiology of both humans and animals, different rituals and healing of supernatural creatures[/div]
[div class=p]fears. re-living her attack over and over again ( what most non-supernatural folks don't know is that kaori wasn't attacked by just a "bear" as was told in the newspaper, perhaps this is one of the main reason kaori continues to drive herself constantly without stopping - not wanting to remember )[/div]
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentDoes" style="display: none;"]
[div class=p]brief bio. born into a legacy filled with many powerful druids from one generations to the next, kaori's ancestry travels from miles on end. her grandmother warned her mother of the impending danger getting involved in the slippery business of being an emissary of a pack but she rarely heeded her words. her mother ended up leaving the woods, joining in a wolf pack and becoming their healer. the days grew, months passed, and years continued to come and go. before kaori's mother knew it, she fell inlove with another druid, though they were on opposing packs. it took years before the two revealed their love for each other before deciding to leave the pack to go on their own. there were a lot of opposition between both packs, but thankfully, after awhile, the two were free to leave with a deal in mind that the alpha of both packs could still seek them out if they needed their counsel. of course, her parents agreed as long as they didn't bring any new dangers to couple.

a few months passed and finally, her parents decided to settle in a small town of crystal lake, maine. it took another few years before her parents felt comfortable enough to officially stay settled on the land to start a family and once they did, they were blessed with a babygirl. the winterbourne household was filled joyous laughter and smiles as her parents made quite an impression on the locals. since then, the winterbourne were considered one of the most respectable people in town and that many could rely on. as kaori grew up, her parents raised her in their crafts, slowly easing her way into medicine and the anatomy and physiology of animals and humans. instead of just learning the abcs and numbers, kaori was taught further and was homeschooled by her parents. from time-to-time, kaori would spend time with her grandmother and even she would teach her all her scholarly wisdom. not a day would pass in which kaori wasn't learning.

as kaori grew older into her teens, she indulge in studying about the world: from many different cultures to foreign languages. being quite a visual learner, she loved exploring the woods and getting hands-on experience. when she wasn't with her parents at their office or clinic, she was with her grandmother, taking in absolutely everything and anything she needed to know. although kaori knows of the supernatural world and the community, she tends to stray as far away from the world as much as possible. that is, until she got involved in a fight at the wrong place and wrong time. in the end, she survived and was left with a jagged scar across her cheek. her parents and grandmother did as much as they could do heal the wound but it wasn't as small as a flesh wound as they would have thought. regardless, life continued and kaori tried her best to keep her life as normal as possible despite waking up in the middle of the night or never being able to sleep.

with as much courage as she could, kaori continued to strive forward: took online classes and immediately began studying to get her license and degree when the time came. at the age of seventeen, she finished high school and studied until she was twenty, becoming officially licensed as a vet technician. currently, she's aspiring to become a veterinarian but is slowly taking her time, still wanting to become a local herbalist in the future and follow in her grandmother's footsteps.

[div class=p]family.
mother - alive - veterinarian
father - alive - doctor
grandmother - alive - herbalist

[div class=p]other relationships.[/div]
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentTabs" style="display: none;"]
important information:
[div class=p]abilities: as a druid, kaori has an affinity to nature: flora and fauna alike being called the "greenthumb" or "greensayer" of the local town aside from her parents. she has practiced and dabbled in her druid magic like her ancestors, however, she still needs the help of her grandmother’s grimoire and invoke more powerful rituals and spells. kaori can know how an animal or plant is feeling, sometimes by listening to the sound of nature and heeding its call. the young female feels the energy and the aura of earth, confiding in the mystic arts and rituals of the world. she may have small, simple telekinetic powers but it's nothing strong enough that could knock someone out, just simple tricks.

[div class=p]skills: very knowledgeable yet still practicing, kaori is well-versed in many different languages. she knows the parts of the human and animal body to pinpoint the arteries and locations that are most important. she knows cpr, first aid, and can sew together wounds. her knowledge in plant life and herbs can help in producing medicine and other necessities that could be look down upon in modern medicine. if the ailment is those of supernatural creatures, thanks to a grimoire passed down by her ancestors, kaori will be able to use such ingredients to make a potion and help those who look for counsel.

[div class=p]weakness: as someone who's book smart and practices only in medicine, botany, and the likes, kaori has no knowledge of how to use a weapon or even martial arts. she keeps at hand pepper spray, a taser, and a whistle, but other than that, she only knows small self-defense. she is useless in a fight and is only reliable after someone's hurt. . . sadly.[/div]
codedbycrucialstar || click the flowers
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Raphael Akela
name + pronunciation | Raphael Lyell Akela | rah-fay-ell • lie-ell • uh-kel-uh
nicknames | Raph • Wolfie • Kels
species | Werewolf
birthday & age | October 17 • 20
gender | Male
sexuality | Questioning Heterosexual
occupation | Part time musician, part time carpenter

height & weight | 6’1 • 168
hair & eyes | Dark brown • Golden
body & skin | Toned • Pale, but tans easily. Lots of light freckles on his cheeks and nose
scars & markings | Jagged bite scar on his upper left chest, scar on his right shoulder
piercings & tattoos | Small tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon just over his left hipbone
face-claim | Sam Way

personality | Raphael is honestly very lonely, which drives a lot of his personality and mannerisms. He is also very reserved, which clashes with his need to be around people and be liked. He tends to be quiet and stand at the edge of the room, even around people he knows and is comfortable with. He can be very engaging sometimes, often even surprising himself, but it doesn’t usually last more than a day or two at a time. He is very polite to strangers and has an easy smile, but it’s usually obvious that he wouldn’t know what to say if someone approached him out of the blue.
He is very adventerous and loves being around people who walk on the edge, since he feels like less conversation is expected of him when everyone is walking on the edge of a hundred-foot cliff. He doesn’t really have a comfort zone to speak of, but in the few years he’s been in Crystal Lake, he’s started to realize that he doesn’t have to look over his shoulder anymore, so he’s slowly figuring out how to function.
likes | Looking at the moon, music, cold nights, his little ‘cabin in the woods,’ loud engines, working with his hands, wild animals, being useful, having someone he can rely on
dislikes | Reminders of his past, too much attention, waking up to an empty house, fancy things, feeling like the slowest person in the room, his own touchy temper, the smell of rubber
strengths | High pain tolerance, hand-to-hand fights
fears | Losing the life he’s built, that he will betray someone who trusts him, people finding out about his past
abilities | Absorbing someone else’s pain, heightened physical strength

family | Hailey ~ Mother ~ Alive, Ben ~ Father ~ Deceased
other relationships | Colt Essa~ they have a slightly reluctant (on Raph’s side) bro-ship
Odette Morganstern ~ She is like a (slightly) older sister to him
Ana Rivers ~ they have a blossoming friendship
brief bio | Spawn of a rough neighborhood, Raphael was raised to look over his shoulder and sum up a stranger in one look. Hailey and Ben had grown up there together, with fanciful dreams of getting out and starting a life somewhere safe and far away. Unfortunately, Hailey got pregnant while they were still in highschool and things went downhill from there. Ben dropped out of school to try and make some money; eventually earning enough to afford the rent for an old mobile home on the edge of town. Raphael came along and the young couple fought to make the best lives they could for themselves and their new son. All they wanted was enough money to get out, but Raph’s father slipped up.
One run was all he needed to jumpstart their new lives: that’s what they said. Ben had come across a few of Hailey’s old contacts who offered him a one-time deal if he made a delivery for them. The payoff would be more than enough to set them up nicely and it was a little too hard to refuse. Something went wrong, Hailey would never know quite what. Ben went missing for two weeks before a body was found in the river that skirted the edge of town and suddenly Hailey was an only parent with a year-old son and nowhere to go.
Raphael’s childhood wasn’t terrible. Hailey was drowning in her drug use, but he spent most of his time in the woods behind their house and pretended not to notice how different his mom acted from all the other moms.
He didn’t quite make it through highschool. One year in and he had been recruited by the wrong crowd who convinced him to drop out with them. It would be a lie to say that he didn’t know better, but he was making enough money, so he didn’t care. About the time he would have been going into his senior year, things went about as wrong for him as they had for his father. He messed up. The cops caught him speeding with drugs in his car and convinced him to turn on his ‘friends.’ No sooner had they been arrested than someone was at his door demanding revenge. That was the night he was turned, earning two scars and a secret that would stay with him forever. He was reluctant to leave his mother alone, so he put his saving account towards getting her into a good rehab facility and then walked away. It was pure chance that he found himself in Crystal Lake, and finally a bit of good luck that landed him with the Milton pack.
extras | tba
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[/div] [div class="textbox one"]Name: Celestine Auger // ce-less-teen auh-gur
Nickname(s): Celeste / Luna
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: Psychologist (Currently running her own practice)
[/div] [div class="textbox two"]Appearance: Standing at a slim 5'7 and 126 lbs, Celestine is the definition of 'class.' Despite being only twenty four, her hair is a snow white shade. It still appears healthy however, and her dark brown eyebrows indicate that she dyes her hair this color. With fair skin and golden eyes, she's surely a looker for most men and women alike.
Body modifcations: Though normally not visible, Celestine has a large peony flower tattooed on the back of her left shoulder blade. Her ears are pierced, though she jokingly claims that her naval used to also be pierced. She seems to have no visible scars and/or markings.

Personality: Celestine is an enigma to most, but for all the wrong reasons. Kind and intelligent on the outside, many wonder if there's more underneath the surface. Psychologists often get a bad rep for being creepy, and though Celestine isn't outwardly 'odd' to most, her mannerisms can turn people away. In hopes to help others deal with mental illnesses and trauma, she has pushed away her own emotions. This leaves her feeling fake to many people.

Likes/Dislikes: Novels - Unsweetened Tea - 'Pretty' Insects - Cats - Silence // Loud Noises - Sickly Sweet Food - Ash - Smoking
Strengths: Celestine is able to step back from a situation and evaluate it without her emotions getting involved. She has a high understanding of the human psyche. She's also physically strong, and has a basic understanding of combat.
Fears: Celestine is apparently scared of both the ocean and snakes.
Abilities: Enhanced speed, strength, and healing. She also has the ability to take away the pain of others for a short amount of time. [/div] [div class="textbox three"]Backstory: Since she was a child, Celestine has been fascinated by the human psyche. There was never a dream to become a firefighter or a police officer. She wanted to study psychology, and hopefully open her own clinic. There wasn't any time for sports or clubs in high school. Days upon weeks were spent studying in hopes to get into her dream college. No one questioned her passion-- If she wanted to do good in the world, who were they to stop her? But her endless drive for more knowledge soon turned against her.

There was always something odd about Crystal Lake. Even if she didn't grow up there, Celestine was pulled to the energy of it. By the time she nineteen, she had dug herself into a hole far too deep. Secrets were learned, and people were changed.

Celestine doesn't talk about those years of her life anymore. She's no longer human, but her clients don't need to know that. Her practice is thriving well. All is okay. At least, she tells herself that. Times are changing, and so are people [/div] [div class="textbox four"]Relationships:

Person 01


Person 02


Person 03


Person 04

WIP [/div] [div class="textbox five"]Others: She currently isn't in contact with her family, and has no idea if her mother is alive. Her father died when she was twenty.
Artist: [/div] [/div][/div] [div class=tabwrap]

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code by RI.a

Juniper Kavanagh

Name: Juniper Kavanagh
Pronunciation: Ju-ni-per Kav-an-aww
Nicknames: Juni, Piper
Species: Banshee
Age: 21
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Barista
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Body: Slim
Skin: Pale
Scars & Markings: N/A
Piercings and Tattoos: On her wrist, the letters are the initials of her name and her family

Faceclaim: Asima Sefic
Likes: Books, silence, watching the stars, listening to classical music, coffee, pets
Dislikes: death, nightmares, thundrstorms, loud places, hearing the voices, lies, secrets
Strenghts: Honest, perfectionist, serious, loyal, emotional
Fears: Being alone, her abilities
Abilities: Yells when someone is about to die, can find the dead body of someone even if she wasn't searching for it in the first place, can hear the whispers of the souls in pain, can predict when someone is going to die, premonitions.
Family: Natalie Kavanagh: Mother (Deceased)
Daniel Kavangh: Father (Deceased)
Ethan Kavanagh: Younger brother (Deceased)
Other relationships: TBD
Extra: Theme Song
Juniper used to be a happy girl when she was a kid, she was used to be kind and friendly towards everyone and would make anything to see someone with a smile on her face, but that was before the accident, after the death of her parents and younger brother, Juniper became a quiet and lonely person the smile that she had one time disappeared after she lost her family. She built a wall and push everyone out of her life knowing that her abilities would only bring chaos to everyone that ws close to her and also because being close to someone made her weak. She tends to be really honest and sarcastic and would say what is on her mind without worrying about someone else feelings.
Juniper was born and raised in Crystal Lake, her life was just as simple and happy and she couldn't ask for more, she just needed her family in order to be happy, but since she was just a child she would always have nightmares where people died and she would wake up screaming of fear her parents make her believe that it was just a dream and nothing was really true and that it was all in her head.
Juniper believed in her parents but still, her dreams couldn't feel more real like if she was in the place where someone died even if she even know that person. Even with this she had a pretty normal life where her parents and brother loved her, but it wasn't until she was 13 years that her life completely changed, she can still remember the day her parents and brother died like it was yesterday, she had a dream where her family died in a car accident, she tried to persuade her parents to not go out that day but her parents refused she didn't have another option and hoped that it was just another dream and nothing would happen to them but she was wrong and when the time came she couldn't do anything besides screaming, she was sure her screamed was heard miles away from the place the accident happen but unfortunately she was the only one that made it out alive of her family.
After the accident Juniper was sent to the hospital where she received medical and psychiatric help since everyone thought she had PTSD after the accident and also because of her dreams and the voices she would constantly hear since she was younger, the doctors agree that she delusional and prescribed her pills so it would help with her problems and kept her in a center until she was able to take care of herself.
Juniper spent two years in the center until the doctors decided that she was able to be on her own with regular visits to the psychiatrist and psychologist, the decision was mostly made thanks to advances they saw in Juniper but it was mostly because she learned how to show what the doctors were expecting from her even if the voices were still there and she would have the same visions and nightmares even after all these years.
Even if she was outside and somehow found a way to live on her own she was no stranger to death since she was mostly found in the scenes when someone was murder even before the police found the body, she is just hoping that no one would ever find her because she can't go back to the center knowing that there could not be any other way for her to go out of there.

Code by Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
odette morgenstern


something general


name & pronunciation
→ odette rosabel morgenstern
oh - dett | row - za - bell | mohr - gen - sturn

→ odie || a typical shorter version of her first name and perhaps the only one she will allow.

werewolf ; beta in the milton pack

birthday & age
→ august 15th
→ twenty-four years old

gender & sexuality
→ female
→ heterosexual

→ freelance photographer

about appearances


height & weight
→ 5'3
→ 47 kg

hair & eyes
→ odette has hair that is a dark shade of brown, so dark it almost looks black most of the time. it's gorgeously thick and slightly wavy. she usually leaves it open.
→ odette has warm, hazel coloured eyes, with small green flecks close to her pupil.

body & skin
→ odette has something of a curvy body. she has a narrow frame but slightly wider hips with slender arms and legs.
→ odette has rich, caramel coloured skin due to her complex heritage.

tattoos & piercings
→ odette has her ear pierced three times each.
→ she has three tattoos, all on her right arm

scars & markings
→ a few scars from her time as an omega, like attacks through wolfsbane and silver from hunters but nothing major.

→ courtney eaton

getting personal


→ odette has always been a very cheerful person. up until she was turned, that is. before what she dubs as 'the incident', odette was happy, outgoing, a typical teenage rebel who looked toward the fun things in life and letting loose like all young adults did. she was fun loving and carefree, and kind above all else, always willing to do what she could to help those in need. all that changed since the incident. while she would still be considered kind and caring, she has also become a lot more blunt and aggressive. she has violent mood swings, and her harmless rebellious ways have shifted into becoming reckless endangerment. in many ways, odette is still charismatic and cheerful, but it's all a facade to hide the pain she truly feels. she never wanted to be a werewolf, but she's still slowly adjusting to it, with the help of her pack.

→ winter | photography | nature | being outdoors | night time | horror movies | sports | painting | art | spicy food

→ being alone | rude people | snobs | liars | being forced to do something | discrimination | reading | hunters | silver

→ super small but super fast | very agile and flexible | good with words | skilled artist | good at making quick decisions in high pressure situations

→ mainly she fears fire. additionally, she also is terrified of losing someone close to her. she doesn't think she would handle it well.

→ like all werewolves, odette has enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced senses and rapid healing. she can also take pain away from other humans or supernaturals with a touch, and for a brief period of time. her eyes, like most betas, is a golden yellow when she is in her werewolf form.

her story


brief bio
→ odette was the only child born to two loving parents. they were a small middle class family that led normal lives. more than being academically inclined, odette, like her mother, was more artsy and interested in creative things. she just barely scraped through high school before getting into college on a scholarship, based on her artistic skills. things were going great till she was walking back to her dorm after a party one night with her friend, and she happened to be bitten by something.

from there, things changed. the man -- the werewolf -- that bit her, found her later and explained what had happened and what she would experience during her first full moon after the incident, and while she had been very wary about it all, the moment the night of the full moon arrived, odette realised what he had been talking about. after that, odette believed it was going to be hard to see her parents and lie about what she had become. she visited them less, under the pretence of being busier with school work, and eventually she told them she had to move out of the country for a long project.

odette adjusted to the life of a werewolf after cutting all ties with the man who had turned her -- she wanted nothing to do with someone like that, so odette fled with what little she had, and has been making it by on her own ever since. lone wolves never do well without a pack but for the most part, odette managed to make it work till she found the milton pack in crystal lake at the age of twenty-one and began staying with them ever since.

→ odette is fluent in many languages, considering she has a very complex ancestry. her father is of australian, british and portuguese descent while her mother is of chinese and maori descent. as such, she is fluent in english, portuguese, spanish and maori, while being semi-fluent in mandarin.

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Colt Essa

name + pronunciation § Colt Monty Essa ~ Coal-t Maun-tee Eh-suh
nickname § Monty
species § Human
age § 26 ~ June 26
gender § Male
sexuality § Bisexual
occupation § Hunter ~ Self-employed handyman

height & weight § 6’2 – 198
hair & eyes § Natural blond – Heterochromia, one blue eye, one mostly brown eye
body & skin § Muscular – Lightly tanned
scars & markings § He has a small scar along his temple, near his hairline, another light scar that starts at his left wrist and twists around his forearm
piercings & tattoos § Tattoo on his left ribcage, dagger on his right shoulder blade
face-claim § Dominic Sherwood

personality § Colt is impulsive, charismatic and confident, and always happy to make someone uncomfortable. He can be a lot of fun to hang out with since he’s pretty much always down for anything, while also acting on a whim to do something crazy. For a lot of people, this also makes him unbearable, despite his charisma.
He tends to be both humble and proud at the same time. He is easily the type who would brag about how many pizzas he could eat in one sitting, while refusing to take credit for something of actual consequence.
As a hunter, he is required to have another side; a side that hunt and take things serious, even kill when needed. He doesn’t really have a switch that flips on or off, he just gradually and effortlessly slips between a fun-loving daredevil and a focused hunter. His adventerous nature does help his work as a hunter, but it can make I feel hard for people who don’t know his quirks to try to work with him.
likes § Hot drinks, meet-cutes, playing matchmaker, the thrill of the chase, investigating, most people, big cars, little animals and kids
dislikes § Backing down, waiting in lines, waiting in general, aggressive people
strengths § Courageous, fiercely protective, good big-brother to anyone who looks like they might need it
fears § Losing his family, having to watch anyone being hurt while he’s helpless to protect them
abilities § Good with a dagger or long knife, pretty agile for his size, but strength is his forte.

family § Clark - Father - Alive, Faira - Mother - Alive, Jesse - Brother - Alive, Rosie, Tara - Twin sisters - Alive,
other relationships § Raph Akela - He has a close friendship with Raph
Ana Rivers - They are good friends
Odette Morgenstern - Pretty much just aquaintences, Odette is slightly wary of him
brief bio § Colt had a quiet childhood, blissfully unaware of the monsters and supernatural creatures that walked in the dark. The only world he knew was the one of safe warmth when he walked into his house after a long day at school and smelled dinner, heard the sounds of his sisters playing upstairs. There was always some pressure on him, being the oldest by five years, to set a good example whenever he could. Still, his parents were always encouraging and made him feel like he could do anything, leading to his confident personality. The most exciting and disruptive thing that happened to him as a kid was the arrival of the twins, which turned out to be less terrible than he first expected. In fact, seeing Rosie and Tara growing up inspired him to take on a much more involved big brother role than he had with Jesse. Some parts of that side of him are still evident today. Especially when he comes across someone who reminds him of them.
All-in-all, he had a fairly modest life for a while. He went to school, had friends, endured the awkward age at the start of highschool, came out on the other side as a border-line popular kid, got a car at sixteen, and...crashed it. That crash was what changed his life: and not in the way it normally would have.
Colt had been driving back from a friend’s birthday party after dark. He hadn’t been drinking or anything, but his tendency to get hyper after hanging out with friends meant that he might as well have been. Music turned all the way up, new car smell lingering intoxicatingly despite the open windows, he had leant over to fast forward the song when it happened. The person came out of nowhere, right in front of the car, too close to step on the brakes. Everything blacked out for Colt for an instant, then he opened his eyes to see the impossible indention in his hood and the woman just standing there, bleeding slightly but totally unfazed by it. She had walked around to his door and leaned in, baring her fangs. Then he blacked out again. He woke up in the hospital with the faces of his family surrounding him and he knew he would never be able to explain what had happened.
Luckily, he didn’t have to. His parents told him about their past as hunters and ended up sending him to train with Rivers when he showed an interest in that life.
extras § tba



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