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The Northern Isle - D&D5e (closed)

Orikanyo Orikanyo don't forget that low rolls can be a lot of fun too.

Idea Idea yes and no. I want you to enjoy the story, and the writing prompt helps with that. I'm looking for people who will put a little thought into their character and their backstory, who are willing to bring an idea forward, who will work with the group on making the ideas mesh. People who want to write a story together. If you don't enjoy the prompt, or if your response seems incredibly out of place, this might not be an enjoyable story for you. If you do enjoy the prompt, your response gives me more of an idea what you'd wanna see in this world.

as far as pacing goes, I really only expect an IC post from you once every week or two. That being said, so long as you communicate with the group ahead of time I'm pretty flexible on posting. communication's a lot more important to me. If you disappear for 3 or 4 days without any notice I get worried.

OOC and dice could be on either, I don't really have a preference. I do want IC posts to be here on RPN though.

kevintheradioguy kevintheradioguy the IC is definitely going to be play by post on-site. I don't expect much in the way of a set schedule, don't worry. I am super hyped for your inquisitor. Can we make the concept work with a published background? I know faction agent is a fairly flexible one.

I'm going to go ahead and mark this thread as closed- we're about at my people limit.
true words mon amis true words... where should we do these rolls? here?
I'll make a page for dice rolls. RN I'm trying to figure out how to link multiple threads together
I'll make a page for dice rolls. RN I'm trying to figure out how to link multiple threads together
Good question, I'll sacrifice to the gods for good fortune till then.
Hm. Would you happen to have a suggestion for 'legal authority' like thing you can find in Inquisitor? It just clicks with the bio of my guy perfectly.

Alright, so while there isn't something that lets you straight-up arrest people wherever you go, there are some backgrounds that can help with that. Faction agent, city watch, and urban bounty hunter all provide access to an information network that helps to locate "criminals" and can be reflavored to better fit with an inquisitor theme.

also, bless you for your help
Well, my last resort is military for their ranks, actually.
It's not like the bio means he really goes into criminal underworld... rather used for political game, and given legal authority for it.
you absolutely can. I'll give it a look over. The main thing will be communicating with everyone else, as your characters all know each other and are willing to work together.
Onikmey Onikmey given stats can affect how a character turns out personality wise and by that token, how their background will be too, would it be possible to decide now whether we'll be using a roll system for those or a point buy one, and if so, which one?
I do enjoy rolls, but I'd rather have more control over my characters stats. So overall, I argue for point buy with no starting line (so, all stats start at zero and then we start putting points). That said, if we do end up going with rolls, I vote that we get to at least choose which rolls go for what stat (so I could roll six times, get say 10 15 14 13 12 17 then I would choose which of those numbers went to which stat)

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