The New World - Overview


Seven Thousand Club


So, you're interested in joining the RP, huh? That's good man.

That's real good.

Oh, YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED A FIRE EMBLEM AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS? That's totally fine man. If you're looking for a high fantasy and easy to play dice game, you're in the right place. I designed the story to be independent of the games so that anyone can play without any prior knowledge of the lore of the games. The dice mechanics are basically just a streamlined version of the game mechanics for simplicity.

You see what this tab's called? That's right.

This is the overview. I'm gonna go over the plotline reeeeeal quick, but more importantly, I'm gonna go over the rules. I'mma warn you now though. In order to play you're gonna need to read all of the tabs. And I do mean all of them.

Stick with me, this is gonna take a little bit of fuckin effort on your part, because you'll have to learn how to play, and familiarize yourself with the plot. Ooh, plot! That's as good a place to start as any.



Neth and Satrella. Two continents that have only been aware of each other's existence for three years. And since the day they met, tensions have been high on both landmasses. Were these new and unfamiliar nations a threat to each others' way of life? Could the Satrellians want absolute access to the Nethites' resources and vice versa?

Yes, the answer is fucking yes.

In an overly optimistic move, Neth sent three of their young lords to represent the three nations of their land to Satrella in hopes of smoothing over their relations with the new world. Hopefully they'd also be able to form some kind of trading agreement while earning the allegiance and friendship of these new nations. This group is called The Assembly of Neth, or just "The Assembly" for short.

But the military Empire Taros had nefarious plans. In the past three years of first contact, Taros waged war on its own continent to unite all four nations of Satrella while planning a large scale invasion of Neth. Plotting to use their newly acquired power to crush the Nethites and make Neth a part of the Tarosian Empire, the Tarosian military deceitfully agreed to form a peace treaty.

When the Assembly arrived in the Port City Juno of Taros, they were met with a small military force sent to capture the Assembly! Tarosian forces burned their vessel, The Blue Rose, along with most of their crew, and attempted to corner our young lords and the surviving members of their party.

Luckily, our heroes made a narrow escape. Now they're trapped in a hostile, foreign land with an inept Explorer as their only guide. The team must find passage home to warn their kingdoms of the coming war before they're captured and used as leverage for the Tarosian Empire's pending attack on Neth...



This RP will attempt to successfully blend character development and a dice based battle system. In my opinion, too many stats and numbers muddy things up and make things way too mathy, and they distract from the quality of character interaction. I've done everything possible to streamline the dice mechanics and still keep them fair and easy. There is no honor system anymore lol. Also, there's less reliance on the GM. This change is happening primarily because of the work of @Wavebird! Wave's map and sprite program has made everything a lot more concrete, so there's less reliance on me to decide what is fair, and what isn't fair. Of course, we'll still be experimenting with the bonuses of each class to see if they're over or under powered. We'll probably have many discussions about this concept.

This is new territory for me, but I think I can make this work. If you're going to join us on this experimental journey, I'm going to need your help to make tweaks to the system. Together, we can create a fun, interactive story and game, but communication and activity will be key. I've run a few tests and I think I've made a fair game, but as we're playing I may change some of the dice values for certain skills and bonuses granted by classes. There's no way I could test them all, so every time a new class shows up on the field, we'll effectively be experimenting with the dice values I've given it.

Alright, if you're down for that, lets get into some basic rules. By the way, I'll be putting some fun little Easter Eggs in a lot of these tabs to make sure you read them. I'll try to make each tab as brief and clear as possible. Let me know if you don't understand something.



- I'm gonna be honest with y'all, I'm a pretty chill guy. I don't trip about foul language or crude humor, drug usage, etc. etc. HOWEVER. We still gotta abide by the rules of RPN. This applies primarily to sexy times. Fade to black. As soon as clothes start coming off, just fade to black.

- Activity is so crucial man. I have a very strict activity rule. Here's the whole song and dance.

You need to post at least once every seven days, but preferably more. If you've gone five days without posting, I'll pm you and warn you that you have exactly two days to post. If you don't post within those two days, you'll get a warning that the next time you miss a week, you'll be dropped from the RP.

Now, if you have something coming up or going on, you need to let me know before that 2 day heads up that you won't be posting this week. You don't have to tell me why, you just have to let me know so I can work around your absence. But that only excuses you for one week, and if you do it a bunch, I will drop you.

The fact is, there's no excuse as to why you can't make one post in a week. We've heard them all before, but I think most of them are bullshit. Seven days is a really long time. If your life can't allow you to make one post in seven days, then you simply don't belong in this RP or maybe on RPN at all.

I find that when RPers take forever to post or can't get motivated to post, that they've lost interest or they're confused. Being confused isn't too big a deal, just don't be afraid to shoot me a PM, I can clear things up for you, and if I can't that means there's something in the RP I need to correct yes? So that would help everyone! It's the losing interest part that I find to be the biggest problem on this site, because a lot of people won't admit when it happens. RPing shouldn't be a chore for anyone. If you've lost interest, don't be afraid to tell me so that we can guide your characters out of the narrative. You can move on with your life, and another player who is more interested in the RP will be able to play and have fun. Really, if you're not having fun, there's no reason for you to be here.

- So far we have seven dedicated players who are comfortable with the dice system and are willing to put up with it changing and helping to tweak it to make it perfect. At this point, it is HIGHLY unlikely that we'll be adding new players to the RP. If you're reading this as a hopeful entrant, don't be discouraged, but be warned, I handle new players a bit differently than most GMs on this site. As opposed to me being the only one to approve of new players, I ask each of the players what they think about potential new players. Most of this is based off of your character sheets, and past experience if any of the current players have any with you. So if you don't know anyone here, or you're new to the site, you should make your sheets as impressive as you possibly can. Ask me questions. Make sure you understand the game. Give your characters details, make sure they aren't to similar to extant characters. If you really put the effort in, there's a chance there may be a spot for you. However, you have to understand that if you do try to get into this RP, there is still a chance you'll be rejected, no matter how much effort you put into your sheets. I don't want to discourage you, nor do I want to encourage you, but I want to leave the option open just in case. You never know.

That being said, you must be okay with playing multiple characters, like three or four at the least. The battles will get harder and harder, bigger and bigger, so we'll need a lot of dudes. So play as many characters as you're comfortable with, whether that's three or twelve doesn't matter to me.

Keep in mind though...more likely than not, characters will die. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

- Put some effort into your post mate. I'm not saying write a fuckin' novel, but don't write a one liner either. Make sure you proofread. The occasional typo is human, but consistent grammatical errors will break immersion. I can't stress this enough, I have no problem with shorter posts. This is more about grammar than it is about length.

- Don't be shy in OOC but don't be a wet anus either. If you're in a pissy mood, don't take it out on us. Be respectful to each other and don't bring any bad vibes with you. This RP is going to require quite a bit of communication and cooperation if we want to keep our characters alive. Activity extends to the OOC as well. It's important to be in there because we tend to talk about character relationships, battle tactics, questions comments and concerns, all that nonsense. Don't be a lurker. If you have some kind of grand dramatic complaint about another player, you can message me about it and we'll go from there. If you have a problem with me, message me about it and we can go from there. If you just need someone to talk to about some serious shit, I'm always willing to lend an my PMs. Point being, PM me for stuff like this.

- You must read all the tabs of this RP to know all of the rules. Because you know. Different aspects of this RP warrant their own rules, I can't bloody well put them all here.

- That's about it bros. Well there is one more thing. If you've read this tab put a song in the Other section of your profile.

Well now that all that nonsense is done, you're probably wondering where you should go next.

It's up to you, bro. If you want more information about the world and lore, go on over to Lore. (Duh).

If you want more information on how the game is played via Dice Mechanics, you oughta head over to the Rules tab and go from there.

It's your choice which order you do them in. If you go the Lore route, you might see some unfamiliar terms and scary percentages, but it's not a big deal. You'll figure it out. The same could be said for the Rules Route, you'll probably see some mad scary unfamiliar terms and shit. Ah well. I'm sure you'll be fine, you so smart and sexy and shit. Happy reading mate.
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