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Fantasy The Merge of Realities


Baby Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
The red lights on the wall flashed at a steady yet urgent pace, engulfing the metal corridors in an eerie red glow, along with the lights, an intrusive siren blares at a deafening volume, alerting all that there was a serious problem. The siren quietened for a moment as a voice appeared on the comms system. "The Xenocs have the device, we must get it back at all costs!"

Jason landed in the Xenoc ship, he leaped out of his small fighter, a rifle at the ready. He silently darted through the corridors. A humanoid creature covered in what appeared to be some sort of black metal armour, Jason aimed at the creature and fired 6 shots, each shot his the creature in the head and the creature fell lifelessly to the floor. Jason placed his hand to his ear and spoke. "I'm on the enemy ship and in pursuit of the device!" He said, hearing a reply in his ear moments later. "Good job Agent Mathews, best of luck to you!"

The captain of the human ship looked to his crew as he finished speaking with Jason. "Sir, are you sure he can do this?" One of the crew asked him. The captain looked at the girl who'd asked the question. "Honesty, I don't know..." He said with a solemn tone, "But he's the best we've got, so if anyone can then it's him!" He added with a sense of optimism. "But sir, what is that device?" The woman asked. "I guess I can't keep it from you anymore..." The captain replied hesitantly, the red lights still flashing in the room around them.

Jason took down another Xenoc, he checked a small device which had been in his pocket which showed the location of the device he was searching for. He was getting close. He dashed down corridors and darted through doors until he came to the door leading into the room containing the device. He stopped, making sure his weapon was fully loaded and ready for anything that could be waiting for him inside the room with the device.

The captain looked at the woman who'd asked the question, and then looked at each other crew member who was present in the room at that time. "That device is a contraption created by the best scientist we have, Dr Mckenzie. It's designed to assemble a group of heroes to a specific location when activated, like a mass teleported but much faster and without as much hassle. It was designed with the purpose of assembling troops such as Agent Mathews at a moments notice should there be need of their services in the war." Everyone listened to the captain intently. "So why is it bad that they have it? Surely if they use it it would just make things harder for them?" The woman asked. The captain sighed. "If only it was that simple..." The captain commented. "As I said the device is currently experimental and is incomplete. Dr Mckenzie ordered us not to activate it yet for numerous reasons. Firstly, no one's been associated with it yet, so it could end up transporting anyone to it's location, which puts innocent people at risk. Secondly, it's coordinates haven't been calibrated yet so those people could be sent anywhere, and lastly it's power source is highly unstable so there is a chance that it may explode."

Jason looked to the keypad next to the door, this one was locked so he couldn't just slip through this one as easily as the ones before it. He pulled the device out of his pocket again, placing at against the keypad, the device made quiet noises and moments later the door slid open. Jason put the device away, readied his weapon and quietly slipped into the room. Inside the room was engulfed in darkness, he pulled out a small torch and flicked it on, lighting up the room. He spotted the device and walked towards it. As he neared it, a Xenoc appeared. He fired at it but his gun failed to do anything other than make strained clicking noises. Jason tossed his gun aside, pulling out a sword he charged at the Xenoc, running his blade through the creature. As he did, the device flickered into life. Jason grabbed it, and looked for a way to turn it off, but a moment later it erupted into an explosion of flames killing Jason instantly.

The captain turned as a night glow caught his eye, the Xenoc ship was engulfed with flames. "Activate the shield gen-" He yelled, but was cut off at the Xenoc ship exploded as they were caught in the explosion the human's ship was also obliterated in the blast. Both the human and Xenoc ships, caught in the nearest planet's gravity, drifted to the surface as fiery wrecks, there were no survivors. The device had been destroyed, but rather than stopping it from working, it just meant that there wasn't any way to stop it...


This RP takes place in a sector of space thousands of light years away from earth, there are a few solar systems in this sector and the technology is far in advance of modern day earth. There is currently a war between the Humans as well as some other species who live in this sector and the Xenocs, a merciless species who will stop at nothing to 'cleanse' the sector of any other life.

Due to the fact that the device was incomplete it malfunctioned upon activation, however rather than just failing, it's effects were far more random and unpredictable than could have ever been imagined. The device had fed off the desires of both people present in the room. Jason's desire was for more fighters for the cause to stop the Xenocs and save humanity as well as the other species' fighting against the Xenocs, the desire of the Xenoc in the room was to eliminate all of humanity as well as everyone who opposed them. So the device stretched across galaxies, universes and timelines, plucking heroes from their own timeline and bringing them to help in the war, however it also bought all the villains and anti heroes.


In this RP you play as one of the heroes / villains that were summoned by the device. You can be anyone from any universe such as overwatch, super smash bros, Marvel, you can also be a character of your own creation. Despite your alignment you won't be immediately assigned to either cause, you will just find yourself in this strange place having been snatched from your timeline. Due to the unpredictability of the device you will just be placed somewhere in the middle of the events that are going on and will; have no idea of where you are or how you got there, how you proceed from that point is entirely up to you.

I understand that this is rather confusing so you can use my first post as an example, hopefully that will help clear everything up, if it doesn't, please feel free to ask me any questions you have!

A few days before making this thread I finished making a video to go with it, I apologise as it's awful, but thought I'd add it anyway! I hope you don't completely hate it!

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Hana was sitting cross-legged on a swivelly office style chair, she was in a dark room, illuminated only by the flickering of a screen. Next to her sat Lucio dos Santos, the legendary Brazillian musician! Though he had his own seat and was sitting on the chair more 'properly'. The two of them had transformed one of the more unused rooms at an Overwatch watchpoint in Gibraltar, into a temporary gaming facility. They had plugged an old PS6 into one of the older computer monitors, they had a coffee table in front of them which was loaded with drinks like Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew, Fanta and the such as well as snacks including Doritos, Chocolate and other sweets / crisps. The whole event had been a bit of a dream come true for the both of them. Hana had always loved Lucio's music, she'd bought his new album the second it had been released, and it seemed that he'd been following her through her tournaments as well! They were both clutching a controller in their hands and the screen had their undecided attention. The game was one of the games in the 'Super Smash Bros' Series, despite the fact that Smash was generally made for Nintendo consoles, but they could only find a Playstation so with a bit of help from Overwatch's AI computer, they'd managed to put a digital copy of the game onto the Playstation. The game came to an end and Hana threw her hands into the air in celebration. "Yeah!" She cried out as the game's announcer pronounced her the winner. Lucio looked at her with a smile, I will beat you one day!" He promised. "You're welcome to try!" Hana challenged. The screen flickered to an image of a letter A, and a feminine voice spoke through the speakers. "Lucio, D.Va, I am here to inform you that it's currently 3:21am, I suggest you both try and get some sleep soon." Hana looked at Lucio, he'd been put in charge as he was the oldest of them both, and there were some who still considered Hana a child, which she wasn't hugely overjoyed about. Lucio returned her gaze and smiled. "Ok, Athena, we'll just have one more game!" He said. The A vanished from the screen, returning to the game. They chose their characters and got ready for another game.

Half way through their fight, the game paused and the A reappeared on the screen. Both Hana and Lucio were a little frustrated but before they could say anything, Athena spoke. "Intruders detected." She said, as her voice disappeared the building's security alarms sprung into life. "The intruders are suspected to be working for Talon." Both Hana and Lucio immediately put down their controllers and picked up their weapons. As they turned to leave the room, Athena spoke again. "Missile incoming." The screen showed a map of the watchpoint with a small dot marking the missile. Before either of them could even react, there was an earsplitting explosion and one of the walls of the room they were in crumbled into a pile of rubble. The blast knocked both Lucio and Hana to the floor. They both sprung to their feet and started rushing through the building's corridors. They ran into a room which was filled with screens and empty peanut butter jars. A large gorilla adorned in armour stood in the room. "I'm glad you're both ok!" He said with relief as the two entered the room. "What's the plan, Winston?" Lucio asked the Gorilla. "We need to defend Athena!" Winston explained. "Talon tried this before, a few months back, they're trying to hack Athena's database, they failed last time, but seem to be better prepared this time! Lucio, you come with me, we'll try and stop them getting into the facility, D.Va, you go to Athena's Servers, should we fail you need to protect her!" Lucio and Hana nodded. Then Winston and Lucio headed out of the room, Hana followed them before splitting away from them and heading towards Athena's hard drives.

Hana stayed on high alert, her gun at the ready, for ages nothing happened, but after a while, a black smoky form entered the room, it blended in well enough for Hana to not notice it. The smoke manifested into the form of a man right behind Hana. The man laughed, a dark and eerie laugh. Which cause Hana to turn to face him. She raised her gun and fired at him, but the shots seemed to go straight through him, without harming him at all. He raised two guns, pointing them towards Hana's face and fired, Hana squeezed her eyes shut, fearing the worst.

After a while, Hana opened her eyes again, she was slightly confused, why hadn't any of the shots hit her? As she opened her eyes, she found herself in a brightly lit room. The room was mostly empty and was very white. She looked around curiously, where was she? She made her way over to a small window, which happened to be the only window in the entire room. As she looked out, Hana saw a planet, slowly turning below her. She stepped back in surprise. She was really confused now. She tuned around in search for a door and noticed her mech standing in the corner of the room. A voice filled the room, coming from some kind of speaker system. "Hello traveller, welcome to station X-76, we have been expecting you. Please step through the door to your right." The voice disappeared and a door slid open. Hana cautiously stepped through the door, which lead into a room similar to the first, but this one had screens attached to the walls and a man stood before them. He turned to face her as she walked in. "Hello, I'm professor Navarro, I'm sure you must be a little confused, so let me explain..."
"And it's the final lap!"

The silvery moon was high above the horizon, in a blanket of black, as the streets of Mute City were bare to all things. Nothing stirred beneath the towering skyscrapers and the flashy billboards. There were no cars on the hyperways, no pedestrians on the sidewalks, not even a common thug in the street corner. The only sounds to travel with the midnight breeze were the distant sounds of engines and cheering - all coming from Mute Stadium. Beams of bright light danced across the sky for all to see, and for all to know of the thrilling conclusion to take place. For tonight, the seats of the Stadium were packed to see the final race of the Sun Cup - the latest cup to be won by the most skilled of F-Zero races. Normally, most wouldn't bother to turn up and just watch it on their televisions, but this one was exciting for one simple reason. All the other races, all the trials and tribulations, had lead up to a solid lead between two bitter rivals - Captain Falcon, the fan favourite, and Samurai Goroh, infamous crook and wanted man.

This was it - should Captain Falcon win, he wins the Cup and the prize money. Should Samurai Goroh win, another crook escapes into the night with a pocket filled with cash. The stakes were high, but none more than Captain Falcon. He has already let Goroh escape too many times, and he has done too many crimes. One way or another, he needed to be brought in. The bounty wasn't to be sniffed at, either. Enough to finally finish the Neo Blue Falcon, Captain Falcon estimates. As the commentator exclaims the positions of the two lead cars, the Blue Falcon and the Fire Stingray, the crowds almost deafen each other with the sounds of cheering.

Unbeknownst to the fans, however, Samurai Goroh had a plan to win. Just a kilometre away from the finish line, he cackles menacingly into the comms and slams his vehicle into the Blue Falcon causing it to veer drastically off course towards a large drop into the city. Captain Falcon mutters a curse under his breath, and grits his teeth as he presses the button he didn't think he'd need to press this close to the line - the boost button. Luckily for him, he had the foresight to drive over the purple, flashing boost pads instead of the obvious speed boosters, allowing him to use the excess energy in his machine to do something he should've done before - Maximum Power. As he lines up the spinning machine with the track, he presses a button causing a loud sonic boom to reverberate throughout the city, causing several office windows to smash and explode, as he rockets forward past Goroh, whose jaw had dropped, and across the line. Several red flashing lights and a blaring alarm later, Captain Falcon emerges victoriously from his machine and strides confidently, waving at the cameras and smiling at the reporters, towards Goroh who had just steeped out of his machine.

Without warning, however, a loud 'crack' resonates across the stadium, hushing everyone with nothing more than an 'Oooo' as Captain Falcon slams his powerful fist into Goroh's ribcage - he was going to need at least a week in the regenerative chamber for that one. As Captain Falcon binds the now unconscious Goroh and hands him over to the Internova Police Force, he takes his rightful place at his stand in front of the cameras and adoring fans. He soon notices that the camera lights were far too bright and soon envelop his vision, causing him to place an arm over his eyes to shield them.

When he removes them, however, he is struck with an unfamiliar, and surprising, sight. He wasn't in Mute Stadium, as he should be, but in some sort of metal room...perhaps a space station of some sort? Was he above Port Town, for some reason? As he ponders the question, he hears a strange voice on the intercoms and decides to follow it's commands for the time being. Upon entering the room, he quickly spots several screens and a man, and a young looking girl near the entrance. "Er...hello?", he says, his deep voice booming across the room, "Where am I?"

Geozaki Geozaki (whew. dont expect all my posts to be this long XD)
Professor Navarro was about to explain when a man in a rather 'flashy' outfit walked into the room. "Welcome!" Professor Navarro said with a smile. "I am Professor Navarro and I would like to welcome you aboard Station -76." As the professor spoke, Hana turned around to see who had entered. Upon seeing the newcomer her face lit up as she became highly over excited. "Oh. My. God!" she said excitedly. She rushed over to the man. "You're Captain Falcon!" she exclaimed. At first glance, she'd assumed that it was just a cosplay, but it was so realistic, in fact, it was too realistic. "Can I have a selfie with you? Oh! and can I get your autograph!" she asked excitedly, she spoke very quickly before suddenly stopping. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "I think I know what's happened now!" she announced. "Athena must have saved me, she uploaded me into super smash bros to keep me safe! And if we're all still here then that means that Winston and Lucio must have managed to stop Talon!" She trailed off, "wait, does that mean I have to fight Captain Falcon?" she asked, adjusting her grip on her pistol nervously. "I mean, I've beat you loads before but, fighting you for real is a little different... Still, if that's what I must do, then I'll just have to make sure I beat you here too!"

Navarro watched Hana's outburst with concern and with confusion. "You have a serious over active imagination, don't you..." he commented. "But I'm afraid that this is far more serious than whatever this 'Super Smash thing is. We had a device that was essentially designed as a teleportation device if sorts, but upon activation, it malfunctioned, and rather than working as it should, it appears to be dragging people from their own timelines and their own universes and bringing them to this universe. You have both unwillingly been dragged into a war, I won't sugar coat it, but as of yet, I don't know how to return you to your timelines and while you're here, you are very much in danger. Having said that, we need your help! There is currently a war being waged, between us, living creatures, and this race known as the Xenocs, who want to destroy anyone and anything who isn't the same as them. As you are here you must both be heroes of some sort in your world, so would you both be willing to help?" The Professor stopped, waiting for an answer from either if them.

(That's fine, same here actually!)
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
As Captain Falcon walks into the room, looking at his surroundings, he is almost surprised by the sudden outburst from the girl as she runs up to him, causing him to instinctively pull his hands back into a defensive stance. However, as he gets a better read on the situation by looking at her excited face, he relaxes and can't help but smile at her. 'Another fan', he thinks to himself, 'I guess she must've seen the latest race'. As he finishes his thoughts, however, the girl started talking...weird and even somewhat hostile. He didn't know what 'Super Smash Bros' was, but this girl had a pistol and seemed to want to 'beat him' for some reason. As she grips her gun, he finds his own hand grip his - the familiar feel of the gun comfortably sitting in his palm.

However, he retrieves his hand once he hears what the man had to say. It seemed nonsensical at first, he admitted, but he had experienced a similar thing before when he defeated The Creator in that alternate dimension they trapped him in. Despite this however he still thought it a bit over the top. Still, if people are in trouble he has to help. After all, he is the 'hero in his world', as this man puts it. "Fine", he says with his arms folded, "I suppose we have little choice."

Geozaki Geozaki (welp, im off to bed)
"Why haven't you felled it with your stupid freakin' magic yet?"
Wilson dodged another attack from the beast.
"That's not how it works!"
Maxwell replied while he flipped through a book.
"Then how does it?"
"It's about making a stinking pact with a shadow monster, is that right?"
Wilson asked as he dashed in and swiped the Deerclops with his makeshift sword.
"Yes, actually."
Maxwell's shadow duplicates swiftly axed the creature to death.
They vanished, being pulled back into the Codex Umbra.
"Monster kebabs for dinner?"
"What about a spit roasted Deerclops for once?"


Wilson slowly twirled his meat. It had been a long day. Maxwell had gone exploring and Wilson had gathered some materials, and then a deer clops attacked the camp. That was the fourth stampede. They were migrating. "Why are we using some grass tufts as fuel again?" Maxwell asked.
"It has the highest fuel level at a pretty low cost."
"Bloody science."
"Whatever. Didn't we staple a hat to a rabbit so you could do your 'magic'?"
"Yes, we did! And it worked, right?"


The following morning, they awoke on a very white floor.
"Huh. MAXWELL, WHAT DID YOU DO?" Wilson yelled.
Maxwell sat up.
"I went to sleep!"
"ugh ok."
"This is YOUR FAULT!"
"How? I thought you wanted out of that place!"
"Yes, but not without my research!"
"Hey, don't you still have that weird science six-shooter you made?"
"Yeah. I can't get bullets, though, so it's pretty much freakin' useless!"
"Shouldn't we explore, not fight?"
"I hate it when you're right."

There was a window, showing the stars and a planet. Not earth.
"Hello traveller, welcome to station X-76, we have been expecting you. Please step through the door to your right."
"Let's totally not do what the creepy voice asks." Wilson said.
"What else should we do? Break the window?"
"That would let all the air out and we'd die!"
Wilson stormed out of the room and Maxwell followed.

"Allo!" Maxwell cried.
"What the heck?"
Navarro nodded to the captain. "Thankyou sir, I am forever in your debt." As he finished speaking, two more people walked into the room, people were arriving far faster than he had anticipated. "Ah! Welcome my friends!" He said greeting them warmly also explaining to them where they are and how they got here. Hana remained silent for a short while, she was worried about the Talon attack back at the watchpoint. She was starting to fear the worst, she had been Athena's last line of defence and she'd failed. Then, an idea popped into her head, she quickly darted back into the room that they all seemed to be arriving in. Standing in the corner was her Mech. Winston had made some modifications to it a while ago which had allowed Athena to access it, which in turn gave Hana access to Athena through it.

Hana walked up to the mech and powered it up. A soft 'Bleep' could be heard, confirming that the mech was online. Hana took a deep breath and spoke to the machine. "Athena, are you there?" She asked worriedly. There was no reply, "Athena?" Hana repeated she was properly starting to worry now... "Hello, Miss Song." Athena chimed from within the mecha. Hana sighed with relief. "It's good to hear your voice again Athena!" She said. "Does this mean that Winston and Lucio managed to fend off Talon?" She asked. "I'm afraid I am unable to establish a connection with Watchpoint: Gibraltar." Athena announced. "I guess that makes sense." Hana replied, "I'm just glad you're ok!"

Hana returned to the room where everyone was gathering. She wasn't exactly happy with how she'd been torn from her home and she was really worried about Winston and Lucio, but she was trying not to focus on that too much right now. She did, however know that if there was a way in which she could help, that's what she was going to do. She looked at Navarro, who seemed to have finished explaining to the two new arrivals. "Count me in!" She told him. He seemed to understand what she meant and smiled. "Thank you." He said

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald KAmber KAmber
As Hana powers up what appears to be a mech suit of some kind, Captain Falcon seems to take deep notice in her actions. Her suit appeared incredibly advanced, most likely alongside her universe, but the mech suit still seemed somewhat outdated to Captain Falcon. In his universe, much more advanced technologies have been made other than his racer - advanced hypersleep, roads that lead into space through warp gates and all sorts of wondrous inventions. As he observes her communicate to what he presumes to be an AI of some sort, he gets closer to it to have a better look without getting in the way.

He is suddenly reminded that his own machine hasn't came through ...this broken teleportation device?.. with him, and he feels somewhat worried about it. Pressing a button on his yellow synthetic glove, a similar material to his body armour, pulls up a static screen. Disheartened, he was about to shut off his comms when, suddenly, his frequency sparks to life showing a metallic face looking back. "Captain!", the robot says with euphoria as it presses multiple consoles at once, "my circuits are overjoyed to see you well! What is going on?" Captain Falcon smiles as he explains the situation, now moving to a corner of the room to talk more privately, though he doesn't seem all to bothered about keeping everything a secret.

After a brief rundown of the situation, the robot seems to calm down. "I understand, Captain. For your own knowledge, the Falcon Flyer was transported along with us, and for some reason the Blue Falcon is in the cargo fully charged." After hearing this, Captain Falcon smiles in relief satisfied that his machines hadn't been lost to him. "I appear to be in some sort of dock, Captain. Your orders?" Captain Falcon hesitates as he thinks about what to do. "Wait there. I'll come find you in due time. In the meantime, make sure that the Blue Falcon and the Falcon Flyer are fully operational for my return." With that, he shuts off comms now much more relieved than before, but one final question still lingers with him.

To solve this, he approaches the girl with the mech suit. "One thing I don't understand is how you know my name even if we are from different realities? How exactly do you know me?"

Geozaki Geozaki KAmber KAmber
Hana realised that she was still holding her pistol so she quickly holstered it. This whole scenario was certainly going to take a bit of getting used to. She turned to see Captain Falcon approaching her. She looked up at him and he asked her what would usually come across as a pretty simple question, how did she know him? In any other circumstances, Hana would have immediately answered but she hesitated for a moment, she wasn't sure how he would take her answer. She thought about how she'd feel if she discovered that she was from a game. Initially, she'd probably find the concept rather exciting but she had the feeling that the novelty would soon wear off. Saying that, he seemed to be real enough, and maybe he's just from a reality that is similar to the games. She took a deep breath, averting her gaze from him. "I know you because... back home you're a protagonist in quite a few... uh... video games. She looked back up at him, trying to judge how he'd taken the news.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald KAmber KAmber
Captain Falcon seems somewhat...confused by this. Sure, there's an infinite amount of possibilities and an infinite amount of outcomes should some science theories be believed, but surely there must be a point where it just becomes too coincidental to be true? He steps back, quite unsure of this. "Wait, what? In your reality, I star as a video game character? What are these 'games' I feature in?". Falcon himself doesn't personally fuss himself over the latest games like the ever popular class based first person shooters, but he has seen advertisements for them dotted around the F-Zero tracks and such. After all, he gets his thrill from the F-Zero Grands Prix and doesn't need some virtual device to do it for him. After a few trains of thought, however, he stops Hana before she could possibly answer. Falcon doesn't think he wants to know about anything like that - the implications of such things might break his whole world for him, changing who he is. "Wait - I'm not sure I want to know."

Geozaki Geozaki KAmber KAmber
"Arrisiaa-Lang-Aqua-Si, we have received a transmission, if you would attend?", the soft voice of one of Athena's colleagues lilted quietly across the white and pristine lab. Athena looked up and smiled softly, carefully placing the long pipette down on the table with a metallic clang as the clear, plastic looking pipette touched the marble looking table.
She stood, and slid her high chair under the table, the hovering ends gliding smoothly and locking into place under the table. She unbuttoned her floor length lab coat as she walked over gracefully, revealing her stylish human outfit underneath, she took off her safety goggles as well, and put them in her lab pocket as she walked, replacing them with her golden glasses.
She reached her colleague, and smiled at the blue, lizard like woman as she took the clear, see through tablet from the table with a smile and an odd movement of her fingers - which was a sign to indicate thanks in her colleagues species' culture.
Facing the middle of the room, she swiped up on the tablet, and listened to the transmission, already having an idea of the topic.

An hour later, Athena sat in the co-pilot seat of a jet that was travelling much faster than anything the humans had. Athena finished zipping up her black jumpsuit, her trusty black backpack on her back.
"5 minutes...", Athena nodded as the slit purple eyes looked at her kindly. She stood, tying her hair back in a bun and moved to the space behind the seats, picking up what looked like a red ring of metal, and she pulled it over her head, clicking it in place around her neck and pressing a button on the inside.
"2 minutes, Athena.", her colleague used her human name as she looked back with one eye.
"Thank you. I shall make my own way back, don't worry about coming to get me.", she smiled, speaking next in her beloved Russian accent, "After all, I will have more fun that way.".
Athena walked to the sliding doors, and opened them easily, a rippling force field stopped the air from rushing into the jet. She stood her feet right on the edge, back facing the drop, her black army boots griping it easily as she teetered there, the only thing keeping her on the jet were the balls of her feet.
"10 seconds... Good luck, Athena. Now!", Athena pushed off the edge with her feet, and she jumped in an arc out of the plane, a jump that was quite similar to those professional divers performed. She was holding the straps of her bag, bracing herself for the immense air pressure, which hit her just as she curled into a ball, sending her spinning through the air, her head was protected by the force field helmet she wore - as she was experiencing more g-force than any human could manage. But of course, she wasn't human.
After she had slowed down a bit, she unfolded her limbs, and fell in a diving stance towards the Earth, keeping herself as fast as possible.
After a little while, she flapped her arms twice, and her suit extended into a wingsuit, as she decelerated and angled herself. A city was becoming clearer below her as she spiralled downwards, grinning as she did. Athena loved being in the field, just as she loved inventing and researching.
Suddenly, she felt an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach, and her eyes widened. Something was wrong... Her intuition didn't lie. She noticed what was wrong, her vision was going hazy, white and silver spots dancing across her vision.
"No... Stop!", she cried in fear. She knew exactly what was happening, and if she didn't slow down or think of some way to brace her fall, and fast, she was likely to become a puddle wearing a suit.
Just before everything went white, she managed to press the button of her helmet 3 times, and squeezed her eyes shut.

Athena popped into existence near the ceiling of the white room, at the opposite end of the room to the other occupants, plummeting to the floor at the same speed she had been going as she skydived, and hit the ground hard with piercingly loud cracks, bouncing once and hitting the floor again with more cracks, at which point the force-field that had protected her shattered and disintegrated silently, surrounding her still body with a cloud of steam that smelt like ozone, lightning and thunderstorms.
She lay on her stomach, not moving or even twitching. Her bobble had snapped and her red curls were sprawled out around her head, obscuring her face from view.
Geozaki Geozaki The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald KAmber KAmber
((I shouldn't be doing this... But... I couldn't help myself! Uh, just don't expect me to be around much during the day... ;-; ))
"OK what the flip is going on here?" Wilson asked. "We see the first people we've seen in years. We're in space, not even in our solar system. AND NOW WE HAVE A GIRL THAT SPED DOWN AT THE SPEED OF FREAKIN' SOUND! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"
"Wilson, calm down. Also, we need some salve. She's dead or dying. Didn't you have some in your backpack?"
"Yeah, I guess."
Maxwell rummaged through Wilson's backpack, and pulled out a salve in a bowl.
"I'm not doing it. Here you go."
He pulled out his Codex and handed it to a shadow duplicate. The duplicate handed it back to him. They had a brief tug-of-war and then the duplicate reluctantly applied the salves. During that time, Wilson inquired "Hey, do you have any 10millimeter bullets around? I have a pair of six-shooters I made, but couldn't cast bullets."
Hana was about to answer caltain falcon's question when he spoke again, informing her that he'd rather not know about his origins in her reality, which Hana could understand, what she didn't understand is how he could fight his curiousity, if she was in his position, she'd be dying to know how she was portrayed as a video game character.

There was a sudden 'thump' and Hana turned to see what it was, there was someone else in the adjacent room who'd also probably just arrived. Though this time they were lying on the floor. Suddenly one of the two men who'd arrived a short while ago had a bit of an outburst, after which, one of the men seemed to duplicate himself, in a way, and his duplicate started to tend to the woman on the floor. Hana made her way over to them, kneeling beside the woman. "Is she going to be ok?" She asked with concern.

"10 millimetre bullets you say?" Navarro said, "I do g have any to hand, but there is a sector of this station dedicated to weapon design and manufacturing, they'll probably have what you need, and if they don't, I'm sure they could make you some." He explained thoughtfully.

FrostFire FrostFire KAmber KAmber The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Captain Falcon also heard the loud thump in the other room, and rushes in alongside Hana dropping to one knee to feel her neck, to fins out if she was still alive or not. After all, he was a captain in the police force and as a result picked up a few tricks on the job. He had also picked up a taste for helping people as much as he can, which is why he uses his skills as a bounty hunter, hunting down dangerous criminals. He looks, almost glares, at the duplicate as it reminded him of the magic used to create Blood Falcon, but it doesn't seem bad so he decides to leave it be. It appears to be applying some sort of primitive gunk to her, which seemed odd to Captain Falcon. Perhaps the pair came form a primitive world with no advances in the field of medicine. "If you can keep her stable, I can go fetch my medical supplies from my ship. I doubt there's much ...whatever that is...is going to do against blunt force trauma from something like this."

Geozaki Geozaki FrostFire FrostFire KAmber KAmber
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Athena blinked, opening her eyes slowly. There seemed to be people all around her, and she wasn't exactly comfortable with it, nor was she happy about the slimy stuff one of them was putting on her. Her face was still down turned, so no one could see her face. Thankfully she didn't wear her glasses on jumps, so they were in her bag. She made a quick mental assessment of her condition, still not moving at all. Her head was sore, so she must've hit it, but other than that she was fine, the force field protecting her for most of the impact.
She still hadn't moved, but spoke softly to the people. "Please don't put that slime on me. And I'm fine, no thanks to whoever brought me here.", she slowly got onto her hands and knees, going slowly just in case she had any injuries she hadn't initially detected. Her hair still obscured her face from the people, as she stood up she pushed her curls from her face, and straightened, looking at the people in the room. She looked up and down each person, the woman piqued her interest, but she guessed from some of the more... colourful outfits, that what was happening here was what she had initially thought. "Oh dear. It seems you are all in the same situation as I am...", she frowned, and removed her backpack, reaching in her arm, which went much deeper than it should've, and pulled out her golden glasses and a clear, see-through tablet that was very similar to the one she had used earlier.
Pushing the glasses onto her face, she smiled softly at the people in the room, "Thank you for your... Assistance. Now if you'll excuse me...", she went round them, into the next room and faced the man there.
"I assume you are the one who-", she blinked, as information about his species and such came onto her glasses screen. "You're human. This is worse than I thought....", she sighed, and rubbed her head, which was still painful, but didn't seem to need immediate medical attention. "Well, Sir. The technology you have used here is illegal under the Protection of Multiple, Alternate, and Fictional Universes. Please escort me to the device so I can send these people home, before any damage is done.", she sighed.
"And you must also understand that if I hadn't realised what was happening before it was transported, I would certainly have died.", she rose an eyebrow, not impressed, but her voice was still mostly soft and pleasant, and she paused, waiting for a response.
Geozaki Geozaki The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald KAmber KAmber
Hana stepped back as the woman stood and walked past them into the room. Of everyone to arrive so far, despite her dramatic arrival, she was the one who seemed the least affected by her sudden change in environment.

Navarro examined the newest arrival, she didn't seem all that impressed. "And I take it that you're not...?" He asked. "Human I mean." He added hastily. Generally he would have just assumed that she was a human, but there was something about the way she said 'you're human', besides, considering what appeared to be happening, there was no telling what would appear here! "I'm afraid showing you the device will be somewhat difficult..." Navarro explained. "Although I am unaware of what laws you speak, the device was activated unintentionally, at least on our part, and was destroyed in the process. I am also aware that this..." he said gesturing towards everyone who'd arrived in the station, "wasn't the intended function of the device. That, I'm afraid, is all I know, if you want any more information you should probably talk to Dr McKenzie, he is on his way here as we speak, sobyou won't be waiting long if you wish to see him."

KAmber KAmber FrostFire FrostFire The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Captain Falcon also steps back, somewhat amazed, that the woman appeared to have no injuries despite the impact she suffered. Seriously, he was almost impressed by her hardiness. Despite this, however, he wasn't too fused about her apparent rudeness and vagueness as he opens up the comm-link on his wristband once more.

Like before the robot greeted him, but this time the background wasn't the cockpit of what was presumably his Falcon Flyer, but instead looked more like the bowels of the ship, with the walls lined with all sorts of pipes and mechanisms. "Android", Captain Falcon pronounced assertively, "how is the check-up doing?" The robot beeps quietly as it responds, in a dull metallic tone. "Well, Captain, everything seems to be 100% operational. The sensors aren't picking anything up, and my own analysis doesn't seem to indicate anything negative. Your orders, Captain?" Captain Falcon moves to the edge of the room, near the door, as he thinks. Eventually, he answers. "Set the Blue Falcon to acceleration, and switch the G-Diffusers to off-track. I doubt there would be any magnetic tracks nearby to keep it on track, or any officials to complain about it. While you're at it, send me the blueprints of this place and set the trackers on. I'm coming down." As he says this, the robot gives an affirmative salute as it shuts off communications to fulfill its commands.

Captain Falcon seems to do something with his wristband, as he looks to everyone. "I'm off to prep my ship for flight.", he says with authority, "You are welcome to come with, but I get the feeling we'll be needing my ship to get off this rust bucket. If that guy needs me, tell him that I have allowed my comms to accept all frequencies - it shouldn't be hard for him to get in contact."

KAmber KAmber FrostFire FrostFire Geozaki Geozaki
Athena's fingers slid swiftly over the tablet, which made soft humming noises as she did. She didn't answer his first question until he was finished. "Very well, I shall wait for him. And then hopefully we can sort out this mess. But I need the device to send these people back.", she smiled sadly, "You see, in my universe your kind are still only on Earth, it's a quarantine zone - it's 2016. I expected to still be in my own reality, hence my confusion.", she chuckled, deciding it was best not to let her failed mission and being in a strange reality effect her.
"We have this technology in my universe, and more actually... Anyway, it's been illegal for a long time now, after something similar happened...", she sighed, shaking her head. Athena turned away, taking a step before half turning back, and smiling at him over her shoulder, "Appearances can be deceiving, human.", she turned away again, and rejoined the other people.
"My apologies, I merely needed to sort something out... So,", she grinned pleasantly, her wide, bright, vibrant green eyes focusing on each through her delicate glasses, "I'm Athena, it's a pleasure to meet you all!", she lilted softly, her glasses examining each person in the room as she spoke. The girl and thin young looking male were normal humans in the sense she knew them, but the other men seemed to have something else... That the scanner on her glasses wasn't able to explain. She was most interested in the suited male, as he seemed to be the greatest deviation to what she knew as reality. "Fascinating...", she muttered quietly, looked him dead in the eyes for a few seconds, wondering what it was her scans were having trouble with. Blinking, and realising she was probably being rude, and that it was likely neither male would appreciate her questioning, she held her tongue, with great difficulty.
However, she noticed a large metal suit in the corner, that seemed to match the outfit of the young female. It was somewhat similar to some of the things that humans dreamt of, their large killing machines that they so desired. Realising she was staring at this too, she pulled her eyes away, and instead focused them on the young female, smiling at her. She would have to properly sit down with each person and interrogate them later, if she could hold her curiosity for that long, that is.

She had caught the end of what the more... Alternatively dressed male said, and her curiosity flared again. A ship? Ah, he probably hailed from another advanced human universe. "Oh... W-", she stopped herself, remembering that humans weren't as enthusiastic with constant questioning as her people were. "It would be my pleasure.", she said happily, hoping to pick up as much information as she could.
Geozaki Geozaki The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald KAmber KAmber
Because I keep forgetting to add in a reference picture... It looks like this!
Captain Falcon, who was brushing down his blue synthetic body suit and was readying his red helmet to display the blueprints he had yet to receive. As he walked quietly towards the door, he turns around as he hears someone reply to him. Apparently, the somewhat rude woman from before wished to join him. "OK, then. My robot should be finished scanning the area around now, so I guess we can start soon enough." As he says that, he gets a ping on his wrist remote, flashing red to indicate a call coming in. After answering it, he finds that it is a somewhat incomplete map of the near area - still enough for his purposes, though. "Just in time.", he says with a smile, "Let's go."

With that, he continues onward to the dock where he figures his machines to be, his hefty metal combat boots clanking off of the metal floor. Despite the apparent weight of the boots, however, Captain Falcon doesn't seemed fazed by it, and his steps still clearly show his power. That, and his impressive leg muscles. In the meantime (presuming that she follows, of course) he looks backwards to Athena with a comforting smile. "So, what's your story? You seem to know about this universe thing much more than any of us do, which is...odd, to say the least."

Geozaki Geozaki FrostFire FrostFire KAmber KAmber
Athena looked back at the other people, before skipping after the very muscly guy catching up with him as he spoke to her, she slowed down to a half walk, half jog to keep pace with him, her own boots mostly silent as she padded along. Her physical fitness was very good (better than a natural humans), so she had no trouble keeping up.
She smiled, "Well... I suppose so. But it is my job to know.", she looked at the ground, "What I want to know, is what's in you that's... Different.", she held out a perfectly manicured, delicate finger, her gaze innocently inquisitive as she poked his bicep. "Is it your muscles?", she asked curiously, poking it a few more times, "Is it your suit? Your helmet? Your boots? What is it that labels you less human - even though you are? Wh-", she stopped herself.
"Ah, sorry. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.", she smiled apologetically, realising he probably didn't even know himself.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Geozaki Geozaki KAmber KAmber
Captain Falcon just chuckles, as he barely feels the poking through a mixture of his tough, rubber-like body suit and just through sheer muscle mass. Despite his age (although, late 30's would be considered young for him, as medicine has greatly improved life expectancy in his universe) it is clear how much good care he takes when it comes to keeping in shape. Still, there definitely is something there...something not human - or rather, superhuman. As Athena continues to poke him, she would feel, other than the unresponsive stone blocks that are his abs, a heat starting to emanate from him. Captain Falcon, who appears to be starting to get annoyed somewhat, quickly grabs her hand with incredible reflexes and grips it gently, but firmly. "Ahem. You can stop anytime, you know." He says, releasing her hand. "What your sensors might be sensing is my chi - my raw life force that lives within me and gives me my powers." He says, somewhat impressed that her sensors could pick up such a thing.

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Athena was completely unfazed by him grabbing her hand, and waited patiently for him to let go. "Sorry...", she muttered, her eyes widening as she felt the heat. "Oh, fascinating...", she said with a soft exhale.
"Where does it come from? How does it work? Do you will it? Is it dangerous? Can you.... Uh.", she stopped, knowing she was probably being very rude. But she couldn't help it, the implications of such a thing were huge. If such a reality existed, where the laws of reality were so subtly different that they allowed people to have powers... Of course, such things could never exist in her own reality, but for it to exist... She grinned widely, her excited speech coming out quickly. "What else do you have? What is gravity like? What year is it? Do you live on Earth? What is humanity like? Are they as destructive as usual? What is your job? What is history like? What are the continents? Countries? Governments?", she wanted to continue, but thought it best to wait for him.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Hana looked up at the woman as she rejoined the small group that they seemed to have inadvertently formed. She apologized before introducing herself as Athena. Hana immediately glanced at her mecha upon hearing the woman's name, her mind drifted back to home again, but she quickly shook it off. She tore her gaze away from her mech, as she looked back towards the group of people she noticed Athena also seemed fixated on her mecha, however, a moment later, she shifted her gaze to Hana. Athena smiled as she looked at Hana, and Hana smiled back, there was something in Athena's eyes, some sort of desperate curiosity. But moments later, Athena's attention was caught by Captain Falcon, and the two of them left, from what Hana had picked up, they were making their way to a ship of sorts.

Not long after Captain Falcon and Athena left, Professor Navarro was distracted by a small notice on one of the screens in the room. "I'm sorry everyone, there's something to which I must attend." He announced before leaving the room.

KAmber KAmber FrostFire FrostFire The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Captain Falcon isn't quite sure what to say after such a flurry of questions. Somewhat overwhelmed by this, he just keeps silent for a few seconds as he continues onward to his ship. "Well,", he eventually answers, "for me the year is 2560 and yes, I do come from Earth. I don't know what history is like, but I could let you download it, if it's available. As for humans...well, there are plenty of criminals, as there normally is, but I think the introduction of all these alien races have calmed people down, since Earth is now pretty wealthy." He is aware he hasn't answered all of her questions, but he simply doesn't know everything about it - he isn't a historian. After a few minutes of walk, however, they soon reach where he believe the spaceport is - and he was correct. "Ah...,", he says with a smile, "there she is. My Falcon Flyer."

As he walks near it, it is clear to see the technological advances that his world has - the ship was a marvel of science. Shaped in the visage of the golden falcon on his helmet, Captain's Falcon ship was equipped with all sorts of sensor arrays and detectors, yet nothing on the ship itself actually suggests that it does. There are no radar dishes, no aerials or even anything like guns or and entrance. It all falls into the sleek design of the ship, clearly built for speed and maneuverability. At the back of it all, two plasma engines, similar to that of the racer he makes some of his living off of, that seem to be incredibly powerful and dangerous, should anyone go near them.

Captain Falcon walks up to it, and sighs relieved that his ship made the travel through universes with him.

FrostFire FrostFire Geozaki Geozaki KAmber KAmber
A few moments after Captain Falcon and Athena reached the station's spaceport a small ship flew in, landing beside the Falcon Flyer. It was white and had blue lights that trailed across its hull. There didn't appear to be any doors into the ship, however, a short while after landing, a small rectangular area in the wall of the ship seemed to dematerialize. A man stepped out of the ship. He had short, spiky black hair, he was wearing pretty casual clothing, yet somehow still managed to look rather smart, he adjusted his glasses on his face and made his way away from the ship. As he walked a ran to keep up with him, though she kept falling behind because his stride was much larger than hers. The girl was wearing a small white lab coat, though it appeared to be a little big for her as its sleeves completely covered her hands, and it dragged across the floor behind her. The girl was also wearing glasses. She was clutching something tight to her chest but it was impossible to see what it was. The man continued to walk, seeming to be completely oblivious of the girl struggling to keep up with him. As they walked the wall in the side of the ship reappeared as if there's never been an opening there. Professor Navarro walked into the spaceport moments later, walking straight towards the man. "Welcome, Dr McKenzie!" He said warmly.

FrostFire FrostFire The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

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